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File: 00_u18chan.png - (327.52kb, 600x777, 00.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Crush Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:24:27 No.1097352   
By Jailbird
Expand All Images
Crush Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:25:24 No.1097369
File: 01_0_u18chan.png - (734.68kb, 820x1063, 01.png)

Crush Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:26:10 No.1097376
File: 01b_u18chan.png - (717.24kb, 820x1063, 01b.png)
Alternative page
Crush Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:26:58 No.1097379
File: 02_0_u18chan.png - (641.01kb, 820x1063, 02.png)

Crush Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:27:31 No.1097382
File: 03_0_u18chan.png - (790.48kb, 820x1063, 03.png)

Crush Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:28:03 No.1097387
File: 04_0_u18chan.png - (918.18kb, 820x1063, 04.png)

Crush Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:28:48 No.1097390
File: 05_0_u18chan.png - (836.49kb, 820x1063, 05.png)

Crush Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:30:14 No.1097409
File: 06_0_u18chan.png - (686.78kb, 820x1063, 06.png)

Crush Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:31:17 No.1097421
File: 08_0_u18chan.png - (612.25kb, 820x1063, 08.png)

Crush Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:32:02 No.1097435
File: 09_0_u18chan.png - (698.06kb, 820x1063, 09.png)

Crush Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:33:21 No.1097446
File: 10_5_u18chan.png - (627.59kb, 820x1063, 10.png)

Crush Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:33:44 No.1097448
File: 11_4_u18chan.png - (528.93kb, 820x1063, 11.png)

Crush Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:35:07 No.1097453
File: 12_4_u18chan.png - (587.68kb, 820x1063, 12.png)

Crush Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:35:59 No.1097460
File: 13_4_u18chan.png - (701.76kb, 820x1063, 13.png)

Crush Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:38:01 No.1097479
File: 14_4_u18chan.png - (777.38kb, 820x1063, 14.png)

Crush Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:38:59 No.1097501
File: 14b_u18chan.jpg - (544.51kb, 820x1063, 14b.jpg)
Alternative version
Crush Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:39:33 No.1097505
File: 15_4_u18chan.png - (640.21kb, 820x1063, 15.png)

Crush Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:40:07 No.1097514
File: 16_4_u18chan.png - (517.63kb, 820x1063, 16.png)

Crush Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:41:53 No.1097543
File: 17_5_u18chan.png - (547.96kb, 820x1062, 17.png)

Crush Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:41:55 No.1097544
File: 17b_u18chan.png - (492.53kb, 820x1062, 17b.png)
Crush Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:41:56 No.1097545
File: 17c_u18chan.jpg - (409.2kb, 820x1062, 17c.jpg)
Crush Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:44:16 No.1097564
File: 18_5_u18chan.png - (422.98kb, 820x1063, 18.png)

Crush Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:44:17 No.1097565
File: 18b_u18chan.jpg - (327.76kb, 820x1063, 18b.jpg)
Crush Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:44:18 No.1097566
File: 19_5_u18chan.png - (419.71kb, 820x1062, 19.png)
Crush Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:44:19 No.1097567
File: 20_3_u18chan.png - (542.39kb, 820x1062, 20.png)
Crush Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:44:20 No.1097568
File: 21_4_u18chan.png - (551.13kb, 820x1062, 21.png)
Crush 2 Silvertaild 2016/07/25 04:52:00 No.1101501
File: Crush2_page01_u18chan.png - (699.9kb, 800x1042, Crush2_page01.png)
And to finish it up, the 2 pages of the never completed sequel
Crush 2 Silvertaild 2016/07/25 04:52:01 No.1101502
File: Crush2_page02_u18chan.png - (691.46kb, 800x1042, Crush2_page02.png)
Guildarts 2016/07/26 15:07:49 No.1109887
more pages MOAR
Furrynomous 2016/07/26 16:36:21 No.1110440
>And to finish it up, the 2 pages of the never completed sequel
potential thecooler 2016/09/30 17:04:26 No.1156439
so many things can go wrong and good on this, hope to see a full part 2 of this this comic has potential!.
' Anonymous 2016/09/30 17:20:37 No.1156457
Pretty sure it was dropped years ago.
Furrynomous 2016/09/30 23:21:19 No.1156701
Yea, it was. The creator dropped it because, for some reason, they could only see her becoming pregnant and didn't want the story to go in that direction. Seems like a dumb excuse imo.
' Anonymous 2016/10/01 01:03:11 No.1156838
It was due to the issue of mentioning that the girl was in heat but also on birth control. A lot of confusion followed afterwards with the conflict.
Guildarts 2016/10/08 09:05:05 No.1160518
conflict ?
Furrynomous 2016/10/10 11:17:50 No.1161624
Is page 7 missing?
Guildarts 2016/10/10 13:00:28 No.1161657
uploader surely forget
Furrynomous 2016/10/10 23:03:04 No.1161860
I've had problems where I tried to upload a group of images, they say they are uploaded but one was missing....
Then when I try to upload the missing page, it tells me I already uploaded it and cannot be posted...
Chakat Stripedfur!Rl.UUgFpJE 2016/10/11 03:03:49 No.1161925

Change the filename, then try again. That's what I do.
The family Freaky Lynx 2016/10/11 05:33:16 No.1161940
Did anyone else get the impression that each family member was going to try and seduce him?
Furrynomous 2016/10/11 06:15:33 No.1161960
I was still learning to upload at the time.
Guildarts 2016/10/20 13:12:35 No.1165765
any update ?
Furrynomous 2016/10/20 13:48:22 No.1165771
On what? The sequel was cancelled.
Furrynomous 2016/10/21 00:32:01 No.1165933
The comic won't be getting updated. Jailbird has 200+ commissions she's currently backlogged and she's supposedly getting serious heat and a potential ban by FA pending some investigation the forums kept hinting at.
Furrynomous 2016/10/21 01:23:01 No.1165941
For what?
Furrynomous 2016/10/21 03:15:24 No.1165975
What do you mean for what? 200+ commissions on backlog isn't enough for you to justify a problem? Check her FA page, every few days she starts drowning in shouts asking where art is ranging all the way up to like four years ago. Not to mention once a week she opens commissions back up.
Furrynomous 2016/10/21 05:20:05 No.1165998
I didn't know if that was exaggeration or not so i wasn't sure if that was the issue.
Furrynomous 2016/10/21 09:00:03 No.1166061
Hah I wish I was kidding, but yeah she's drowning in bullshit right now.
Furrynomous 2016/10/21 12:59:45 No.1166175
yeah a simple look at her page shows shes got a lot of people asking about their commission or their money back. not to mention all her journals are like one to three times a week opening 2 ~ 11 commission slots each time. This is clearly a major issue or scam but either way with their prices thats a lot of money for services that arent happening.
Furrynomous 2016/10/21 15:30:32 No.1166222
That sucks, I really like her art. She definitely needs a figurative slap in the face though.
Furrynomous 2016/10/22 10:19:54 No.1166417

No shit. This isn't a rare behavior among some artists, who just keep piling up more commissions than they can handle. It's even sadder when you get really good artists who have immediate output but barely get any work thrown at them.
Furrynomous 2016/10/23 11:19:02 No.1166865
She is probably in financial trouble in real life.
Guildarts 2016/10/31 04:22:11 No.1170524
hmm thats no good
Furrynomous 2017/01/01 05:10:40 No.1198130
This gonna be continue or not?
Furrynomous 2017/01/04 14:40:42 No.1200216
This more than likely won't continue.
She began to felt guilty and bad because people were comparing this comic to recent real life events at the time.

Other people were picking apart how progressively bad such a relationship is in modern society, so.. she finished this and never picked it up again.

SJW, and all that shit.
SirNonimous 2017/01/06 02:01:52 No.1200804
SJW stopped a furry, porn comic from having a sequel?
... My gut tells me that's bullshit, but I've seen far more stupid, stupid shit happen in the past year. Member when shit made sense?
Q 2017/01/06 02:21:53 No.1200816
File: 320x240_u18chan.jpg - (19.17kb, 320x240, 320x240.jpg)
If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid.
Bubbaclaw 2017/01/06 02:58:27 No.1200823
File: SlapFight_u18chan.gif - (1.6mb, 500x375, Slap Fight.gif)
Two SJWs peacefully discussing something.

Edited at 2017/01/06 02:59:28
Guildarts 2017/01/07 16:52:59 No.1201314
hmm maybe this one death
Michael Saunders 2017/01/07 19:16:41 No.1201352
Maybe the only way for a sequel to happen is for someone to commission it.
Furrynomous 2017/01/08 00:27:44 No.1201468
That'd probably cost way more than any one person is willing to pay, sadly.
Guildarts 2017/02/12 11:46:37 No.1220210
hmm no good i want more sex in this comic
Furrynomous 2017/02/19 00:13:03 No.1223996
It's dead.
Guildarts 2017/03/03 17:10:06 No.1230427
hmm maybe not
Guildarts 2017/03/09 08:29:01 No.1233063
hmm wait and see
hmm Guildfarts 2017/03/10 05:14:11 No.1233449
hmm hmm hmm
Furrynomous 2017/03/10 06:56:39 No.1233474
I really wish she would have gone ahead with this. It's a shame she got social pressure from a bunch of kill joys that told her she's not allowed to portray a sexually aggressive female in a power dynamic relationship other than mainstream same generation vanilla.

What's hilarious is the SJWs are often the kinkiest, most fucked up people. The fanfiction and fanart I see on tumblr is often some of the most fucked up shit I've ever seen, and it's written by "Progressive" women.

And the one I know in real life, this asian girl that went off to Yale, broke up with her rocker boyfriend because he was "too boring in bed" due to the fact he wouldn't hit her and piss on her. Yet there she was, on a weekly basis, berating us all on facebook about how sexist and gross we were.
Guildarts 2017/03/10 11:37:55 No.1233525
yeah thats will be good
Guildarts 2017/04/13 14:36:24 No.1248033
any news about an update ?
MetroSexual Hipster # MOD # 2017/04/13 14:54:30 No.1248055
the comic is ded
Guildarts 2017/05/02 02:10:43 No.1256115
hmm wait and see
Furrynomous 2017/05/02 02:42:45 No.1256121

Artist confirmed themselves that they wont ever finish it. No point in bumping this comic.
Furrynomous 2017/05/02 04:10:49 No.1256137
No, the person before them did.
Furrynomous 2017/05/02 07:12:14 No.1256167
Interestingly the teacher could get in legal trouble even if the student he slept with was 18. Several states punish K-12 teachers who sleep with students no matter how old they are (In Alabama it's students under 19)
Furrynomous 2017/05/02 07:15:10 No.1256168
BTW in Texas the teacher can be punished if the said student is in the same school district, even if he/she doesn't go to the same school. A 21-year old kindergarten teacher at X Elementary finds a 19-year old who is a high school senior. if the said high school attends Y High School, which is in a separate school district but is only a mile or so away, it's legal. But if he attends X High School (in the same district) even if it's 15 miles away, it's a crime.
Furrynomous 2017/05/02 12:31:51 No.1256258
BTW the line "Some of them look so young, it's hard to believe they're all over eighteen" seems a bit odd: that would only be possible if he was teaching a 12th grade class and it was towards the end of the year. Since he'd be looking at 9th or 10th grade students (unless he was in a Plano, Texas 11-12 "senior high") I think these seniors (especially the girls) would look older to him.

If he was teaching college students in parts of east Asia that line would be more natural - there are college-aged girls who look young and small in American standards!
Furrynomous 2017/05/02 15:21:26 No.1256337
Oh, haha. I didn't realise that that WASN'T the same 'hmm wait and see' that I'd seen on this thread two months ago by the same guy.

Dude phrased it identically.
Jailbird 2018/01/26 17:52:53 No.1381886
M/H/S/ 2018/01/26 19:27:48 No.1381946

Obviously an edit.
Furrynomous 2018/02/18 07:42:49 No.1393420

Edited at 2018/02/18 07:46:04
Furrynomous 2018/02/18 10:29:25 No.1393476
On what? The comic has been over for years and the sequel was canned afaik.
Furrynomous 2018/02/19 18:17:13 No.1394124

Sequel was canned due to two reasons
#1. People kept pointing out this was similar to real life events that had happened close to the time of release.

#2. The artist had a kid during the time they created this comic.
Furrynomous 2018/05/24 18:31:05 No.1440835
As said on the other thread, anyone else find it funny the artist named her daughter the same name as the feline girl in this comic?

The comic "Crush" was made from April 2012 through Nov 2012, the baby was born in July 2013

Birth update from her husband

Coming home

Baby coming home
Furrynomous 2018/05/24 21:02:14 No.1440876
>People kept pointing out this was similar to real life events that had happened close to the time of release

What event?
Furrynomous 2018/05/25 11:53:28 No.1441157

Odds are she just really likes the name, so named a character it. Then when the chance arose to give a real human person the same name, she took it. Likely no malicious or suspicious reason for it.

The comic "Crush" was made from April 2012 through Nov 2012, the baby was born in July 2013

Birth update from her husband

Coming home

Baby coming home>>1440835
Furrynomous 2018/05/26 15:19:45 No.1441860
I wonder how it's like having a furry porn artist for a mother.
Furrynomous 2018/05/26 21:05:59 No.1441997
The important question
Furrynomous 2018/05/27 11:44:53 No.1442335
Nothing malicious, and I understand liking the name.

The minor issue is the fact they wrote a comic with a character named "Jamie" seducing her teacher, then name their kid Jamie immediately after.

It just seems a little weird is all.

Real Life events of students and teachers having sex.

Stuff like

and the Kathryn Murray case
Guildarts 2018/05/28 14:33:29 No.1443057
I want to read this Lilo 2018/07/14 01:08:37 No.1466078
It’s not working
Guildarts 2018/07/21 13:46:30 No.1469645
Maybe maybe not
Guildarts 2018/08/22 14:59:38 No.1484199
Lets doubt to others
Guildarts 2019/03/17 04:01:04 No.1565064
aanybody got some news ?
Furrynomous 2019/03/17 06:40:10 No.1565085
its fucking dead, stop bumping this shit. jailbird hasn't shown a single ounce of interest in continuing this and necroing the thread isn't going to change that. You're literally better off asking jailbird directly on FA or something, although it was already stated and discussed in this thread that they've confirmed they won't be continuing it so really they're only going to give you the same answer.
Furrynomous 2019/06/01 11:45:56 No.1596858
did anyone else notice these characters are based off those from arrested development
Furrynomous 2019/06/02 06:26:43 No.1597256
How do you figure? Just because Jaime has freckles and has a vague resemblance to Maeby?
Furrynomous 2020/12/22 11:32:57 No.1868793
File: tumblr_mn73f1Kcj41snyyflo1_250_u18chan.gif - (958.79kb, 245x200, tumblr_mn73f1Kcj41snyyflo1_250.gif)
Hadn't realized before, but Michael and Jaime really look like anthro versions of Michael and Maeby from Arrested Development.
Crush Furrynomous 2020/12/22 11:48:23 No.1868802
File: 07_223_u18chan.png - (743.92kb, 820x1063, 07.png)
There you go, buddy.
Guildarts 2020/12/23 07:26:31 No.1869144
An update for this one hmm i'm not sure
Anonymous 2020/12/24 10:40:27 No.1869616
If thats true this will be awesome
Furrynomous 2020/12/24 22:32:02 No.1869845
Unfortunately it's not an update, just a missing page.

Happy holidays.
Furrynomous 2020/12/25 02:20:48 No.1869924
Sadly the artist ended this comic long ago because he felt there was no way to avoid the teenage girl getting pregnant by a middle aged teacher.
Furrynomous 2020/12/25 08:46:06 No.1869990
Well...theres plan b pills she could take...and cumming inside dont mean nor guarantee conception
But the comic could go two ways and have a flame war....either she 'takes care of it' with the pills (abortion argument)
Or she wanted him to knock her up and the whole 'blackmailing young girl' trope kicks in....
Furrynomous 2020/12/25 20:14:46 No.1870228
Honestly she seems like she's in competition with her mother, who quite clearly wanted to fuck him too from the flirting she did. Or secretly the parents wanted her to get with him so they could leach off of his financial stability. Especially with how quickly the father reacted in the spill incident. They might have set up their daughter to fuck him.
Furrynomous 2020/12/26 05:42:02 No.1870361
Jailbird is a she
and the fact that she finds ripping off her commissioners en masse much more lucrative, is probably the real reason why this comic is shelved

livin' up to her name
Guildarts 2020/12/26 10:20:18 No.1870439
Hmm really ?
I'm not sure of that
Furrynomous 2020/12/26 11:01:16 No.1870444

That's not true, this comic caused a checking ton of drama since it was based on a real life story, and people did not like that.
Furrynomous 2020/12/26 11:17:52 No.1870448
that and the house in the third page
Furrynomous 2020/12/26 14:09:14 No.1870550
And Michael looks like Michael.
Furrynomous 2020/12/26 16:08:44 No.1870591
Is the artist for this comic still active?
Furrynomous 2020/12/26 16:57:39 No.1870603

She's still active, but I don't think she's attempted a full comic after this.
Furrynomous 2020/12/26 21:09:23 No.1870729
It wasn't that she would get pregnant. It was that the artist was beginning to go through a social justice awakening of sorts.

Devils advocate of the situation "30 something guy with 18-20 something girl who is a student is a bad power imbalance in that view, regardless of if the older man is taking advantage or not." So basically jailbird backed out because she was already getting concern trolled half way into the comic.
Furrynomous 2020/12/26 22:03:13 No.1870761
Partly that, but more the fact that it came out that this was apparently based on a real life story, like mentioned here:
Furrynomous 2020/12/26 23:24:38 No.1870782
Either way it was an interesting comic with great art. So it's a shame it ended the way it did. If the artist didn't want things to go further, she could have had them agree to stop seeing each other because of the age gap and move on with their lives or something. Instead it was cut off and fans were left wondering what could have been.
Furrynomous 2020/12/27 10:51:27 No.1870965
I wish more comics reflected real life instead of fake bullshit that nobody cares about lol
Furrynomous 2020/12/27 13:33:20 No.1871002
One of the comics I created some years ago got chastised because it had a young couple with a baby on the way doing some less than reputable things for the money they needed.

Edited at 2020/12/27 13:33:43
Furrynomous 2020/12/27 13:36:45 No.1871003
File: MTG-ThreadNecromancer_3198_u18chan.jpg - (28.93kb, 300x428, MTG-ThreadNecromancer_3198.jpg)

Furrynomous 2020/12/27 20:17:36 No.1871124
I'm intrigued, sauce?
Furrynomous 2020/12/30 15:04:50 No.1872514
I pay one black mana and tap my Thread Necromancer.
unrav 2020/12/30 17:31:13 No.1872571
File: voidslime_u18chan.jpg - (204.29kb, 265x370, voidslime.jpg)
I pay one and tap my simic signet, along with an island and counter that with this
Furrynomous 2020/12/30 18:06:55 No.1872615
File: Jamiecard_u18chan.png - (87.13kb, 200x293, Jamie card.png)
Then I play the Jamie card. Which can trap any other card once for good on this thread
unrav 2020/12/30 18:19:48 No.1872623
it'd be more flavourful if you'd had an actual trap on the card,
but considering you've already broken the theme with yugioh I guess it's gone too meta now.
Anonymous 2023/07/22 13:58:44 No.2323419
Hi i'm digging up a skeleton, but does anyone have any information from the artist if the project remains unfinished or if it will be resumed ?
Furrynomous 2023/07/22 15:56:32 No.2323447

Oh man where to start...

Okay so the tl;dr:

Jailbird decided to be a dumb bitch and mass took on comms to like a disgusting level and because of her well known artist status she was able to basically bullshit everyone for several years while still collecting. Eventually one of the staff of FA said "fuck and you" and got involved, she decided to try and rebrand as a shota artist, shitshow were had, and now she's supposedly poofed.

I don't have links to her other nonsense but she's an incredibly well hated artist and if she even looked at Crush again I'd be amazed.

With that this thread is locked to prevent another necro on something that will never be finished.

Edited at 2023/07/23 23:37:27

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