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File: aron01_u18chan.jpg - (612.62kb, 891x1188, aron01.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Aron By Jay Naylor Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:37:42 No.1097477   

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Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:38:08 No.1097485
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Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:38:30 No.1097488
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Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:39:06 No.1097503
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Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:39:50 No.1097507
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Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:39:51 No.1097508
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Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:41:47 No.1097537
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Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:41:48 No.1097538
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Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:41:49 No.1097539
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Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:41:50 No.1097540
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Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:41:51 No.1097541
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Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:44:59 No.1097570
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Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:45:00 No.1097571
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Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:45:01 No.1097572
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Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:45:02 No.1097573
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Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:46:00 No.1097575
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Furrynomous 2016/07/24 18:46:02 No.1097576
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Furrynomous 2016/07/24 19:34:36 No.1097985
>complete lack of body awareness
>won't have sex with a trusted friend because she doesn't see him that way
>yet has had flings with one or more random guys at a time in the past

Quietly reworking an established character's personality again, Naylor?

Edited at 2016/07/24 19:35:43
Furrynomous 2016/07/25 19:21:42 No.1105080
Bump since its the current comic Jay is working on and theres a shit ton of his old work pushing it to the back
Furrynomous 2016/07/25 19:23:27 No.1105081
For some reason I thought it had ended with Milly
Furrynomous 2016/07/28 12:37:59 No.1113957
I sort of wonder why he's working slower now.
Furrynomous 2016/07/28 14:25:03 No.1114024

Has he been working slowly or is no one posting up his stuff yet? is a lost cause now, so we're back to the old ways of waiting on stuff.

He hasn't updated Original Life in over a month, admittedly.
Furrynomous 2016/07/30 14:52:23 No.1116564
someone posted alot of his patreon leaks on the furry part of the site but only a few
Grinder 2016/07/30 23:39:33 No.1116973

I'm back. New content will be updating in the first week of the month, you'll get it when I get it. Jay has come down with a sudden case of teh ghey and has been under the weather for a week or two. His work has slowed down dramatically.
Some_Fox 2016/07/31 01:32:11 No.1117043
a sudden case of teh ghey?
Furrynomous 2016/07/31 17:56:08 No.1118576
It only makes this comic worse when you realize that Aron would have to be somewhere in his forties in this comic. and he is Macin on 18 year old girls.
Furrynomous 2016/08/05 12:19:08 No.1125240
So today's the 5th, any new pages out yet?
Furrynomous 2016/08/05 12:50:33 No.1125265
>Aron would have to be somewhere in his forties in this comic

Like the creator? You don't say!
Furrynomous 2016/08/05 14:50:31 No.1125317
Why does Naylor feel the NEED to
a:write as self-insert
b:giving pretentious lessions about true relationship

I don't get it.
Furrynomous 2016/08/05 15:01:13 No.1125324
Cause why the fuck not honestly? Bro is making over 9k a month on Patreon so its not like his backers care. As long as the porn flows.
Grinder 2016/08/06 00:52:20 No.1125765
File: aron18_u18chan.jpg - (476.81kb, 891x1188, aron18.jpg)
Grinder 2016/08/06 00:52:22 No.1125766
File: aron19_u18chan.jpg - (433.12kb, 891x1188, aron19.jpg)
Grinder 2016/08/06 00:52:23 No.1125767
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Grinder 2016/08/06 00:52:24 No.1125768
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Grinder 2016/08/06 00:52:25 No.1125769
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Furrynomous 2016/08/06 01:41:56 No.1125774
Is that Beth? The second one in the second panel?
Furrynomous 2016/08/06 02:47:24 No.1125790
File: lVlPvCB_u18chan.gif - (1.98mb, 400x250, lVlPvCB.gif)
The fact that he wants to dick his college friends daughter.
Furrynomous 2016/08/06 03:08:39 No.1125801
I'm a bit disappointed there is nothing involving Audrey, especially now since he has still drawn her on last page.
' Anonymous 2016/08/06 03:57:29 No.1125813
Yeah that's her.
I'm pretty sure Trixie is the niece or cousin. Not her daughter.
Furrynomous 2016/08/06 12:03:03 No.1125979
Imo, he puts more thought into his female characters than his male characters. All the male characters are practically a repackaging of the same personality.
Ketaxis 2016/08/06 15:42:38 No.1126184
Only a little bit more.

This whole comic turned out to be an excuse for him to get three new characters and a few fetishes into a single porn comic. The first one is just for some anal sex, the second one is for the JN's favorite fetishes and the third one... uh... I have no idea, really. MILF or larger female fetish? No idea.
Furrynomous 2016/08/06 18:52:15 No.1126214
what a bunch of pretentious bullshit. still he draws nice asses
Furrynomous 2016/08/07 02:57:18 No.1126483
"'s not really about its size. It's about craftsmanship."
Furrynomous 2016/08/07 07:11:39 No.1126535
Let us all agree that Aron died in a boating accident and that this is an entirely different character.

> Haven't read the webcomic.
You do know why i specified a boating accident?

Edited at 2016/08/07 12:05:17
' Anonymous 2016/08/07 09:39:30 No.1126559
Either you're an idiot, or haven't read the webcomic.
Furrynomous 2016/08/07 11:07:12 No.1126582
>Reads the drivel that is the webcomic.
>Calls someone else an idiot.
Pot calling the kettle black much?
Furrynomous 2016/08/08 18:00:49 No.1127786
Agreed. I used to be a fan of Naylor's works, especially back in Better Days series. However, when he got into Original Life, especially around when the kids started acting like super heroes, Naylor's head went straight up his ass.

I like to imagine everything after the time skip is an alternate continuity and just stick to the original comics.
Furrynomous 2017/06/26 06:56:34 No.1281916
I really enjoy Jay's stuff, but what's up with some of his girl names? I'm sorry but Hilde is not a normal name and sounds like a fat girl. In fact he actually used it for a fat chick before. The fat ex of Robert, Jessica's husband. At least don't re-use names for similar looking characters.
Furrynomous 2017/06/26 06:57:57 No.1281917

Idk I kind of liked the comic with the kids. It vaguely reminded me of Calvin and Hobbes.
Furrynomous 2017/06/26 07:37:29 No.1281925
In reading this I have to admit that I get the feeling that Naylor has little experience with Relationships in general and is confusing Lust for Love. While Lust and Love can feel the same they come from two different places and one is much more involved than just sex. Or maybe we are only seeing the comic from limited perspective since the main character has no real depth.
Furrynomous 2017/06/26 11:47:52 No.1281953

Hilde is a fairly common Scandanavian name
Furrynomous 2017/06/26 13:14:11 No.1281981
No, you're right. Naylor has no concept of what a relationship is unless all the benefits are solely directed towards him.
Furrynomous 2017/06/26 20:38:24 No.1282145
I think you might be reading too much into things.
This isn't meant to be a treatise on love. It's meant to be a masturbatory fantasy where a fit young guy has NSA sex with lots of different girls.
Furrynomous 2017/06/26 20:51:36 No.1282154
What the fuck do I say to this? Like, the drawings are great (Other than the gross brown buttholes). But the narration is just so fucking filthy. I feel like I'm looking at the result of a "Pump 'n' Dump Red Piller" deciding to make a porno of his own. The narration makes Aron more than unlikable. Like, how can you be so preachy about thinking with your dick and expect sympathy? "Oh woe is me, I've never had sex with the one girl who I talk to daily but secretly want to." Or at the end where it's like "Oh yeah, I think I actually want this girl as something more. But I refuse to give up my life as a sex fiend." People like Aron are the reason why third wave feminism is a thing.

Another thing, normally I can separate the artist from their work. Even in the case of Zaush's pedocest comic (hesitantly so, but I still was able to do it). But I'm seeing people saying that this is a self insert? Like what the fuck?
Furrynomous 2017/06/26 22:17:07 No.1282182
Furrynomous 2017/06/26 22:19:01 No.1282184
ou seriously haven't learned by now that none of Naylor's characters NONE OF THEM from the oldest adult to the youngest child is EVER LIKABLE once he gives them individual dialogue/Monologues. NEVER. They're all horrible people if you were to meat them in real life, and the only reason the sex scenes ever work is because you know they're horrible people thus deserving one another. There's never any 'love' in a Naylor story, just sex and self gratification on the part of whatever protagonist we happen to be following. Come on man, he's been doing this for going on 2 decades now.
Furrynomous 2017/06/26 23:20:35 No.1282199
I think I can recall one or two comics naylor did that liked. "True love" and the one with Audrey and Aron...until reading this one. Those comics weren't really preachy and aside from the a bit of bullshit dialogue from Aron, they were really good. Don't know what that speaks of more: that naylor has the potential to do romantic or stories not solely based on the superficial OR how far he's plummeted?
Furrynomous 2017/06/27 01:16:42 No.1282254
>True Love

For what it's worth, the two characters featured in that comic (ie. the only two characters Naylor has ever depicted as being in a simple, loving, monogonous relationship) are now part of a cuck threeway with a stud who gets 100% of the sex from the woman while the original man is only allowed to watch and masturbate - complete with "I love you, but you're not good enough to breed with me like he is" type dialogue.
Furrynomous 2017/06/27 09:05:50 No.1282355
Sware to you god, this is exactly how he speaks/posts as well. He is always acting wizened to the ways of relationships and the true nature of men and women. This is one of the cringiest things I've ever read.
Furrynomous 2017/06/27 16:25:24 No.1282474
The fact that you even mentioned jay failure and Calvin and Hobbes in the same sentence, let alone comparing them, makes me wanna throw up.
Furrynomous 2017/06/27 21:41:53 No.1282579
Those characters aren't fully committed to one another by allowing a third to join in, but even by doing so, they both end up still coming off callous to the feelings of the third person.
Furrynomous 2017/06/28 20:05:22 No.1283063
I really wish this fuck would just stop writing dialogue altogther.
Ask Jam by Miu Furrynomous 2017/07/26 05:23:08 No.1297152
File: GCCE2I_u18chan.gif - (1.64mb, 320x240, GCCE2I.gif)
Ladies (of there are few here) and gentlemen, after enjoying a read of this Jay Naylor comic I'd like to present the development of this Aron just based off what I've seen in Jay's sexual works. So, we're introduced to this guy way back in the early years of 2007 with "Puss n Boots" where he plows our well favorite cat lady Beth and reappears as her boyfriend & sexual partner in 2008's "Kitty Sutra". He stays with Beth in 2009 with "Passion" (unless that's just another guy with a similar design) all the way to 2012 with "Beth's O-natomy", but then something fucked up must have happened. I say this because 2 years later, it's 2014 "Hands On" is released and for some reason I see Aron with a new look, athletic body and dropping his dick in some shemale named Audrey which made me think, "Did Jay Naylor just make this guy gay?" Course, people kept telling me he was still into females which made me "okay, he's just swinging both ways now", but then I read this comic from only a year ago and I gotta ask....."Where in the hell did this egoistic asshole come from and why the hell does he deserve a fucking harem?" Don't get me wrong, I got my rocks off to this a few times, but how did this hippie looking scrawny cat man go from a laid back funny guy to the furry equivalent of a damn athlete out of a Sports Illustrated Magazine?!? Jay Naylor's character progression makes no damn sense!
Furrynomous 2017/07/26 05:35:59 No.1297154
It made as much sense as when Persia started cucking her husband...

Edited at 2017/07/26 05:36:20
Furrynomous 2017/07/26 06:48:34 No.1297173
For what it's worth, most of Jay's porn comics fit into the continuity of his regular comic. It 'explained' how Beth and Aron wound up at a nudist colony in Florida or whatever and realised they wanted different things, so they broke up, and Aron stayed at the colony.
Saviour 2017/07/26 07:05:30 No.1297182
File: meltdownautism_u18chan.jpg - (103kb, 300x378, meltdown autism.jpg)
"The characters are changing between comics! It's too overwhelming! Their personality should be set in concrete for eternity! I'm going to flail now!"

Edited at 2017/07/26 07:05:52
Furrynomous 2017/07/26 12:24:15 No.1297266
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Furrynomous 2017/07/26 16:44:01 No.1297331

I'm going to answer that with my favorite quote from this site:

"You're reading a comic, not fucking Dostoevsky. Get the fuck out of here with your literary analysis, you humorless git."
Furrynomous 2017/07/26 20:04:17 No.1297405
This is the perfect response for, like, everything.
Furrynomous 2017/07/26 20:54:55 No.1297420

I kno rite? I got permission from the person who wrote it to use it forever.
Furrynomous 2017/07/26 20:58:22 No.1297422
I know. I saw the post.
Furrynomous 2017/07/26 21:33:22 No.1297488
It's already old. Sorry.
Furrynomous 2017/07/26 21:57:14 No.1297491

It's literally been like twenty years (in-universe) since Beth and Aron first hooked up. Why is it strange for them to now be seeing other people?


What is? The comic? Are you one of those people who don't understand how imageboards and bumping work, so because you saw something on the front page, you assume the whole thread's only just been posted?
Furrynomous 2020/09/16 03:21:20 No.1817574
Looking back at this comic and reading Jay Naylor's newest comic, I'm happy to say that Aron is finally gonna tap Trixie's ass after 4 years of blue balls.

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