>I can't see where you did, or I didn't understand your case correctly.
Your later premise was that there are incels because men are choosing to have standards too high for themselves. I don't really believe that to be the case. The data shows it is a gendered behavior that men are more charitable to the looks of their partners. Single female poly-am groups are far more common than Single male poly-am groups and only single male poly-am groups require the male be wealthier than the other partners.
There is no place in this western world where the stereotype is that women have to be discerning and men are supposed to fuck anything that moves.
>If they take the pussy, then they're not "incel" or "involuntarily celibate", now are they?
Well again, you assume they're given the option. You realize there are about 8,175 people in America right now with an untreated cleft pallet? Something that gives you a horrible upper lip, bad breath, makes you drool and rots your teeth? That's just once facial deformity. You move on to severe vitiligo, rosacea, acne... And now there are literally tens of thousands who cannot get sex. And to make matters worse, paying for sex is illegal. Double worse, these deformities and difficulties cause these people to earn less, so they probably can't even afford to pay for sex.
Is deriding these people and using their issues as an insult really the must humane thing to do? It almost sounds like "They can just pull themselves up by their bootstraps!" logic to blame them for failing to fix it. It's not anime, there isn't a happy ending or a solution for every human being. Specifically because not everyone can improve is why it's off-limits to make fun of it. This is why retard is a slur.
>After all, it's the person's choice to define themselves as such.
Coming to grips with reality is a choice now? I guess people choose the race they're born into, too, right?
These people do not choose to be this way. They're sick, or mentally ill, or disabled, or defective. Who the fuck would choose to be alone, unloved, and waiting for death?