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File: image_18_u18chan.jpeg - (619.19kb, 920x1200, image.jpeg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Share and Share Alike by Kadath Anon_fox 2016/07/24 23:46:23 No.1099409   
Here is the first page, sadly i don't have the others. If anyone has the rest and hopefully the newer pages, please put them here :)
Expand All Images
Share and Share Alike by Kadath Furrynomous 2016/07/25 00:07:04 No.1099577
File: 02_11_u18chan.jpg - (628.57kb, 920x1200, 02.jpg)
I got your back
Share and Share Alike by Kadath Furrynomous 2016/07/25 00:08:55 No.1099596
File: 03_11_u18chan.jpg - (743.2kb, 920x1200, 03.jpg)

Share and Share Alike by Kadath Furrynomous 2016/07/25 00:08:56 No.1099597
File: 04_10_u18chan.jpg - (751.63kb, 920x1200, 04.jpg)
Share and Share Alike by Kadath Furrynomous 2016/07/25 00:08:57 No.1099598
File: 05_11_u18chan.jpg - (769.7kb, 920x1200, 05.jpg)
Share and Share Alike by Kadath Furrynomous 2016/07/25 00:08:59 No.1099599
File: 06_11_u18chan.jpg - (734.91kb, 920x1200, 06.jpg)
Share and Share Alike by Kadath Furrynomous 2016/07/25 00:09:00 No.1099600
File: 07_11_u18chan.jpg - (717.81kb, 920x1200, 07.jpg)
Share and Share Alike by Kadath Furrynomous 2016/07/25 00:10:53 No.1099616
File: 08_11_u18chan.jpg - (725.62kb, 920x1200, 08.jpg)
Last ones
Share and Share Alike by Kadath Furrynomous 2016/07/25 00:10:54 No.1099617
File: 09_11_u18chan.jpg - (635.9kb, 920x1200, 09.jpg)
Anyone got the new pages? Anon 2016/07/26 11:30:05 No.1109160
The comic is a few pages ahead. If anyone has them feel free to post them :3
Share & Share Alike UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/07/26 11:46:15 No.1109250
File: SASA_09_u18chan.jpg - (628.87kb, 920x1200, SASA_09.jpg)
Alternate page 9
Share & Share Alike UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/07/26 11:46:16 No.1109251
File: SASA_10_u18chan.jpg - (831.92kb, 920x1200, SASA_10.jpg)
Share & Share Alike UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/07/26 11:46:18 No.1109252
File: SASA_11_u18chan.jpg - (756.52kb, 920x1200, SASA_11.jpg)
Share & Share Alike UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/07/26 11:46:19 No.1109253
File: SASA_12_u18chan.jpg - (812.4kb, 920x1200, SASA_12.jpg)
Share & Share Alike UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/07/26 11:46:20 No.1109254
File: SASA_13_u18chan.jpg - (754.86kb, 920x1200, SASA_13.jpg)
Share & Share Alike UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/07/26 11:51:27 No.1109262
File: SASA_14_u18chan.jpg - (777.67kb, 920x1200, SASA_14.jpg)
Keeping it up to date. Page 20'll be coming out soon. I'll post the next 3 or 4 pages at the end of the month.
Share & Share Alike UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/07/26 11:51:28 No.1109263
File: SASA_15_u18chan.jpg - (641.09kb, 920x1200, SASA_15.jpg)
Share & Share Alike UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/07/26 11:51:29 No.1109264
File: SASA_16_u18chan.jpg - (797.02kb, 920x1200, SASA_16.jpg)
FurryFan 2016/07/26 12:23:01 No.1109371
They are going to have a threesome?
Furrynomous 2016/07/26 13:01:11 No.1109490
Are you going to post all his patreon stuff?
Guildarts 2016/07/26 14:31:19 No.1109800
want more pics
Give it time UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/07/26 14:35:17 No.1109803
Guys they'll be released when they're realeased. It'll just be another week. Just hang in there.
Trust me. I'll keep you backed.

Edited at 2016/07/26 14:55:52
Furrynomous 2016/07/26 14:58:14 No.1109877
Thanks. Your the best. Did you happen to have a rip of his patreon stuff since June? Yiffparty can't upload them since it's pay upfront now. Then again, it doesn't work like that does it?
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/07/26 15:13:52 No.1109904
It's not as much ripping as much as it is paying for you guys to see for free. I just figured sharing the fun.
Furrynomous 2016/07/26 15:19:42 No.1109944
Thanks a ton, fam!
Thank you so much Anon 2016/07/26 20:05:19 No.1110842
Holy shit you are my hero :D
Furrynomous 2016/07/28 17:14:41 No.1114235
Thanks for updating :>
Furrynomous 2016/07/29 14:34:17 No.1115390
Furrynomous 2016/08/01 21:08:11 No.1120682
File: lazydogplayscatch_u18chan.gif - (1.98mb, 299x320, lazy dog plays catch.gif)
Page one you go for based deliverer.
Furrynomous 2016/08/02 18:56:58 No.1121795
Can't wait for more, hope it gets up soon.
Furrynomous 2016/08/03 13:03:01 No.1122847
Yeah. I wonder what happened?
Furrynomous 2016/08/03 20:43:40 No.1123300
Furrynomous 2016/08/04 16:35:35 No.1124591
What happened to anon?
Furrynomous 2016/08/05 18:01:33 No.1125438

Looks like a case of sudden deexistence syndrome. Sadly all too common among those who make promises on the internet.
Furrynomous 2016/08/06 14:09:57 No.1126085
Bampu again.
Update UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/08/07 00:25:17 No.1126399
File: SASA_17_u18chan.jpg - (751.92kb, 920x1200, SASA_17.jpg)
Next 4 are here
Update UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/08/07 00:25:18 No.1126400
File: SASA_18_u18chan.jpg - (728.58kb, 920x1200, SASA_18.jpg)
Update UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/08/07 00:25:19 No.1126401
File: SASA_19_u18chan.jpg - (740.97kb, 920x1200, SASA_19.jpg)
Update UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/08/07 00:25:20 No.1126402
File: SASA_20_u18chan.jpg - (812.2kb, 920x1200, SASA_20.jpg)
Furrynomous 2016/08/07 00:57:30 No.1126444
Based! Thanks anon! Did you get the pinups too?
Furrynomous 2016/08/07 02:54:58 No.1126482
Furrynomous 2016/08/07 16:10:49 No.1126775
File: incestplz_u18chan.png - (171.98kb, 900x900, incestplz.png)
dont know whats worse, kadaths painful inability to draw a face or the awful faux cockney accent shit he tries.

FurryFan 2016/08/07 17:14:16 No.1126810

When'll she join with them?? Or maybe not.. :(
Furrynomous 2016/08/07 17:46:12 No.1126819
Maybe Sebastian has more then one load in him?
Wait for part 2 UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/08/07 17:51:03 No.1126820
File: image_81_u18chan.png - (261.52kb, 1536x2048, image.png)

Furrynomous 2016/08/07 19:18:41 No.1126873
All is right with the world.
Bisexual doors Furrynomous 2016/08/10 15:03:32 No.1129162
The faces only bother me when Sebs snout gets ED and becomes flatter... But has anyone else noticed the door apparently swings both ways?
Furrynomous 2016/08/10 15:18:04 No.1129164
Not to mention that Pages 15 and 18 are basically identically-drawn panels, only sans pants. That always bothers me for some reason. Change up the camera angle, make it visually different! Don't photocopy those panels, this isn't a 1970s newspaper strip.
Furrynomous 2016/08/10 22:21:03 No.1129323

Kadath cant draw faces that arent mentally retarded, 95% of each face is jaw and chin.

Each face has really close together eyes, misplaced features and the same mongo expression.
Updates? Furrynomous 2016/08/24 10:22:21 No.1137317
Hopefully more pages leak out soon, i believe the comic is up to page 24 now

Edited at 2016/08/24 10:22:44
Furrynomous 2016/09/03 18:33:44 No.1143855
File: 21_85_u18chan.jpg - (191.65kb, 920x1200, 21.jpg)

Furrynomous 2016/09/03 18:34:08 No.1143856
File: 22_81_u18chan.jpg - (191.01kb, 920x1200, 22.jpg)

Furrynomous 2016/09/03 18:34:21 No.1143857
File: 23_78_u18chan.jpg - (174.56kb, 920x1200, 23.jpg)

Furrynomous 2016/09/03 18:34:41 No.1143858
File: 24_77_u18chan.jpg - (224.23kb, 920x1200, 24.jpg)

Furrynomous 2016/09/04 09:09:25 No.1144091
*Two thumbs up*
SASA Part 1 Cover UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/09/04 17:08:19 No.1144225
File: SASA_Part_1_Cover_Clean_u18chan.jpg - (795.31kb, 927x1200, SASA_Part_1_Cover_Clean.jpg)
Clean Version

Edited at 2016/09/04 17:09:16
Furrynomous 2016/09/04 20:26:03 No.1144267
Very nice!
More stuffs UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/09/05 22:17:26 No.1144738
File: SASA_Part_1_Cover_Clean_Textless_u18chan.jpg - (720.43kb, 927x1200, SASA_Part_1_Cover_Clean_Textless.jpg)

More stuffs UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/09/05 22:17:27 No.1144739
File: SASA_Part_1_Cover_Nude_u18chan.jpg - (798.29kb, 927x1200, SASA_Part_1_Cover_Nude.jpg)
More stuffs UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/09/05 22:17:29 No.1144740
File: SASA_Part_1_Cover_Nude_Textless_u18chan.jpg - (717.01kb, 927x1200, SASA_Part_1_Cover_Nude_Textless.jpg)
Furrynomous 2016/09/10 09:47:28 No.1147347
File: NeverFearSimonBelmontishere_u18chan.jpg - (209.71kb, 1024x959, Never Fear Simon Belmont is here.jpg)
>TIS I!!!!
Furrynomous 2016/09/10 12:52:48 No.1147392
"But we're just playing Twister!"
Lovedemfurryies lovedemfurries 2016/10/07 23:41:04 No.1160328
lol idk so nice and sexy
Furrynomous 2016/10/08 21:02:55 No.1160748
I wish Kadath would draw something that didn't involve his boring characters.
Furrynomous 2016/10/30 16:27:55 No.1170359
Anyone got the second part? The first four pages anyway.

Edited at 2016/10/30 16:29:04
Guildarts 2016/11/01 07:11:11 No.1170923
radio silence ...
Furrynomous 2016/11/07 11:49:34 No.1173667
I wish someone would just post all the stuff from Kad's patreon. Guy's got some stuff hidden behind that paywall.
Furrynomous 2016/11/07 17:56:59 No.1173762

As opposed to what, your boring characters?
Furrynomous 2016/11/07 18:46:04 No.1173779

As opposed to non-boring characters.
Furrynomous 2016/11/20 19:32:34 No.1179963
Anything else yet?
Furrynomous 2016/11/21 17:50:27 No.1180420

Let me guess, you nutted before you got to the last page which had the ending of the comic on it which you didnt read...
Furrynomous 2016/11/22 04:52:04 No.1180601
Except it says to be continued, not "The end"

and Kadath has around 2-3 new pages on his Patreon.
SASA Part 2 UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/11/22 13:03:24 No.1180714
File: SASA_25_u18chan.jpg - (662.98kb, 920x1200, SASA_25.jpg)
They've been gradually coming out
SASA Part 2 UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/11/22 13:03:26 No.1180715
File: SASA_26_u18chan.jpg - (803.19kb, 920x1200, SASA_26.jpg)
SASA Part 2 UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/11/22 13:03:27 No.1180716
File: SASA_27_u18chan.jpg - (732.61kb, 920x1200, SASA_27.jpg)
SASA Part 2 UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/11/22 13:03:28 No.1180717
File: SASA_28_u18chan.jpg - (737.96kb, 920x1200, SASA_28.jpg)
SASA Part 2 UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/11/22 13:03:29 No.1180718
File: SASA_29_u18chan.jpg - (828.58kb, 920x1200, SASA_29.jpg)
FurryFan 2016/11/22 13:19:31 No.1180719
Furrynomous 2016/11/22 14:48:39 No.1180733

such a lovable dork ... that's our puz :P
Furrynomous 2016/11/22 15:00:27 No.1180736
Sweet! Thanks a bunch my dude. Could you possibly throw up a Mega of all the sketches and pinups behind the paywall too?
Furrynomous 2016/11/22 17:19:12 No.1180788
>Smoking inside
Top tier degeneracy
Furrynomous 2016/11/22 20:37:55 No.1180887
Thanks for the update
Page 30 UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/11/24 19:40:49 No.1181879
File: SASA_30_u18chan.jpg - (802.53kb, 920x1200, SASA_30.jpg)

Furrynomous 2016/11/24 20:02:00 No.1181887
Thanks again! Do you have the pinups from Kad's patreon too?
Guildarts 2016/11/26 03:52:49 No.1182343
maybe a threeshome with puzzle hmmm
Furrynomous 2016/11/26 09:22:56 No.1182395
It's almost like that's the whole fucking plot.
Furrynomous 2016/11/27 14:05:22 No.1182874
fucking potheads, no different than pedophiles
Page 31 UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/11/27 17:42:28 No.1182977
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Furrynomous 2016/11/27 18:05:57 No.1182981
"I'm gunna have a snack" You were just about to have one before. BUDUMTISH!
Furrynomous 2016/11/27 22:15:22 No.1183080
God this is boring.
FurryFan 2016/11/27 23:28:05 No.1183104
So no threesome? :(
Kajex Surnahm 2016/11/28 00:01:03 No.1183116

Nah, she's probably gonna go play Metal Gear Solid.

And by that, I mean she's gonna touch herself while trying not to be caught watching them. :3
Furrynomous 2016/11/28 13:26:53 No.1183279
>So is this what it's like to have women fight over you?
It's actually the complete opposite though, they're arguing over who gets to leave the room
Page 32 UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/11/30 20:13:06 No.1184564
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Furrynomous 2016/11/30 21:36:52 No.1184587
Puz is thiccccc
Guildarts 2016/12/02 06:07:09 No.1185042
maybe puzzle will fuck hmm
Furrynomous 2016/12/02 07:17:50 No.1185048

Nah. My money's on them having a 12-page-long informed conversation about the merits of legalizing marijuana.
Furrynomous 2016/12/02 13:21:54 No.1185184
File: x4a4lu3_u18chan.png - (51.34kb, 500x268, x4a4lu3.png)
Puzzle's shirt
Furrynomous 2016/12/02 18:08:06 No.1185293

Hey, it'd been foreshadowed and everything.
Furrynomous 2016/12/02 19:09:35 No.1185301

More like 12 pages of "why am I so the awkward when I move my mouth?!"
Sabel 2016/12/02 22:08:59 No.1185339
Maybe she uses Tape?
Furrynomous 2016/12/09 22:59:27 No.1188874
Furrynomous 2016/12/13 21:24:29 No.1190325
C'mooooon people where's the rest :(
Guildarts 2016/12/14 04:48:46 No.1190565
i want more too but lets work artist
Furrynomous 2016/12/14 18:39:14 No.1190804

Watch out we got a badass over here.
Calm those titties UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/12/14 20:27:36 No.1190912
Uh ask Kadath yourself. He hasn't posted anything yet.
Furrynomous 2016/12/16 17:37:57 No.1191686
New page went up today.
Page 33 UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/12/16 18:02:29 No.1191690
File: SASA_33_u18chan.jpg - (831.91kb, 920x1200, SASA_33.jpg)
BUMP BUMP BUMP BUMP BUMP (with an actual page)

Edited at 2016/12/16 18:12:44
Upcoming page UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/12/18 18:30:59 No.1192665
Lineart has begun on it and the good stuff is beginning
Furrynomous 2016/12/18 19:10:13 No.1192688
Did you want to post that in the meantime? Also, do you have the older pinups as well?
Furrynomous 2016/12/19 21:59:31 No.1193279
The page is finally on his Patreon. I am excite.
Page 34 UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/12/20 17:01:45 No.1193534
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Furrynomous 2016/12/20 19:31:39 No.1193575
Next page she notices his huge boner.

Calling it
Furrynomous 2016/12/20 20:17:16 No.1193600
This writing is terrible.
Furrynomous 2016/12/20 22:30:09 No.1193641
What words would you have put in place of what was written to make it better?
Furrynomous 2016/12/20 23:00:18 No.1193654
Writing can be more than just the words, especially in the comics. It can mean a lot about the pacing and direction and story in general, which I can agree that this one is a bit off, especially this part 2
Furrynomous 2016/12/20 23:53:05 No.1193676

just fap to the shit, this isn't poetry
Furrynomous 2016/12/21 09:25:52 No.1193754
I agree that the writing is pretty bad. But you don't look at Kadath's art for the writing. It's always been thinly veiled excuse plots.
Furrynomous 2016/12/21 14:52:47 No.1193812

But you feel the need to defend it, rather than just fap...
Furrynomous 2016/12/21 17:15:12 No.1193853
Just so long as that hung dog gets in on that thiccness I can have a Happy New Year.
Furrynomous 2016/12/21 18:11:51 No.1193859
already came, waiting for next page :^)
Furrynomous 2016/12/21 20:27:06 No.1193901
Being a porn story connoisseur is like being a video game story connoisseur.

Does having a good story improve the overall experience and make it feel more meaningful? Sure. But by overly focusing on it or claiming something is bad by lacking in said department you are literally missing the main point.
Furrynomous 2016/12/21 20:44:48 No.1193907
Except porn is a genre, not a medium.
If you include story, expect it to be criticized as a story. Bad writing is bad writing no matter what genre or medium the story is for.

The main point of a comedy is to make you laugh, the main point of horror is to make you feel fear. If you have to turn off your brain for this to succeed then they have failed.

If the main point of this porn is to see people fuck then why include any sort of story? Just draw people fucking. Why include the hows, the whys, or the whos if nobody is supposed to even give a fuck? Oh right, because the writer wants you to give a fuck.
Furrynomous 2016/12/22 05:12:22 No.1194013
>These characters I primarily only draw porn of are more then just fap fodder- HONEST!

How DID Kadath get so popular? I know he has a few fap-comics under his belt - cuz he drew incest earlier on? His art/writing is very mediocre.
Furrynomous 2016/12/22 09:20:25 No.1194071

imo kadath has some of the hottest/best artwork out there, theres just not enough artists who draw giraffe pussy
Page 35 UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/12/22 16:31:47 No.1194245
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the tauren 2016/12/22 17:41:33 No.1194257
ouch boobs in fire !!! call the 911
Furrynomous 2016/12/22 23:49:10 No.1194393
hold on, is Kad gonna have Puz end up with him? because im totally getting that vibe
Furrynomous 2016/12/23 04:34:19 No.1194546

*shrugs* The way he does faces and the limited scope really deter it from me. Plus he doesn't quite have enough of a grasp on raw eroticism other artists do. Say, CyanCapsule for instance is fantastic at porn.
Anon 2016/12/23 05:27:37 No.1194552
That's some anime BS right there
Furrynomous 2016/12/23 16:23:45 No.1194836
Plus Cyan gets points from me for having a nice collection of straight femboy porn and a chubby pig girl that's actually cute af.
Furrynomous 2016/12/23 22:55:41 No.1194930
"straight femboy porn"??? I'm not sure you know what straight means.
Furrynomous 2016/12/23 23:29:08 No.1194937

Even if a guy cross-dresses and acts feminine as fuck, if he's giving it to a woman it's straight.

Gender =/= sexuality
Furrynomous 2016/12/24 01:56:03 No.1194978
I don't think you know what "straight" or "femboy" means.

A femboy is a MALE with a more effeminate appearance.

Straight is heterosexual, the attraction of opposite sexes, male and female. So since femboy = male that means that it's male on female which means it's straight.

That Double Date comic on the front page with the two waiters fucking the orange dog? That is straight femboy porn.

Femboys aren't a gender, cross-dressers aren't a gender, transvestites aren't a gender.
Furrynomous 2016/12/24 06:17:27 No.1195009
If I paid a flaming queer to bang a chick on camera, he's still a flaming queer, and thus it's still gay. That's why I don't care for the Double Date thing. If you're into effeminate people who aren't females, you're less than fully straight.
Furrynomous 2016/12/24 13:38:07 No.1195085
Holy fuck you can't be that dumb.

Having an effeminate appearance or demeanor doesn't make you gay. The desire to fuck members of your own sex does.

But you're probably the kind of person who thinks pegging is gay.
Furrynomous 2016/12/24 13:56:47 No.1195097
Bingo. If you want to take a fake dick in your ass, that's just as gay to me as wanting a real one. You've still got a dick in your ass instead of YOUR dick in a pussy. Why wouldn't I think that's gay?
Furrynomous 2016/12/24 14:23:07 No.1195102
Because it's NOT a real dick and it's NOT a man you're taking it from.

It's a FAKE penis that a WOMAN is wearing so she can beat the fuck out of your prostate.

"That dude stuck a finger in his butt, that means he wants dudes to finger his butt. What a fag."
A similar line of reasoning.
Furrynomous 2016/12/24 14:34:30 No.1195104
Whatever helps you sleep at night, dude, but by your logic, there's also NOTHING gay about deepthroating the dildo after she plows you with it. I cannot overstate my disagreement with that position.
Furrynomous 2016/12/24 16:21:38 No.1195123
Prostate stimulation can be an entirely heterosexual activity. In fact, by ignorantly branding it as otherwise, you're missing out on one of the most fucking mind-blowing ways for a girl to get you off.

Sounds to me like you're afraid of doing anything that might make someone else think you're gay, which is entirely YOUR problem. Have fun with that.
Furrynomous 2016/12/24 17:18:03 No.1195142
Anal is simply a fetish: it's not inherently gay or straight.
Furrynomous 2016/12/24 17:30:38 No.1195155
I sleep just fine thank you.
I stuck a finger in my butt in the shower before and didn't like it so I'm not even arguing for my sake.
The problem here is that you don't understand what sexuality is (attraction to certain sexes). I don't know why anyone would deepthroat a strap on as it doesn't provide direct stimulation but the act of engaging in sexual activities between a male and female is heterosexual. It doesn't matter if they do role reversal or not.
Another line of reasoning along your "logic": partners who perform consensual sexual roleplay involving rape fantasies are guilty of actual rape.
Furrynomous 2016/12/24 18:12:16 No.1195184
I think it's high time we stop engaging the people who entertain the idea that certain sex acts between opposite genders is somehow gay. They're either trolling for responses or are so deep in their homophobic beliefs that there is no use in arguing. Either way it's a waste of your time to engage these people. Don't feed the trolls, don't engage the dumb.
Furrynomous 2016/12/24 19:56:40 No.1195193
It's not homophobic: there are many gay people who think anal sex = gay sex.
Furrynomous 2016/12/26 01:31:21 No.1195578
>Another line of reasoning along your "logic": partners who perform consensual sexual roleplay involving rape fantasies are guilty of actual rape.
>But you're probably the kind of person who thinks pegging is gay.

Could you stop doing shit like this? This comic doesn't contain pegging, straight femboys, OR rape role-play. None of this is relevant. You just keep opening the door for this stupid argument to take another stupid tangent. This is how threads get ruined.

Edited at 2016/12/26 01:33:44
Furrynomous 2016/12/26 03:58:37 No.1195615
And you're renewing a two day dead conversation.
Next page is underway UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/12/27 20:34:19 No.1196442
That is all (just steering clear of previous conversation)
Furrynomous 2016/12/27 21:41:06 No.1196505
Thanks for the oopdates
Furrynomous 2016/12/29 22:16:27 No.1197235
New page just got finished.
Page 36 UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2016/12/30 19:37:09 No.1197558
File: SASA_36_u18chan.jpg - (724.26kb, 920x1200, SASA_36.jpg)
I thought I posted it already. Why did it fuck up?
Furrynomous 2016/12/30 21:31:24 No.1197602
File: deflatedballoon_u18chan.jpg - (38.92kb, 752x501, deflated balloon.jpg)

Furrynomous 2016/12/30 23:10:44 No.1197627
that actually really hot....thats my fetish, accidental sexual contact


Edited at 2017/01/17 22:08:21
Furrynomous 2016/12/31 02:31:38 No.1197709
fuck the haters this comic is dope so far thanks whoever is posting youre a good man
Furrynomous 2017/01/01 21:39:07 No.1198806
Ferda, bud.
Guildarts 2017/01/07 16:54:11 No.1201315
yay anotrher fuck coming
Furrynomous 2017/01/17 20:16:04 No.1207417
Furrynomous 2017/01/20 18:15:44 No.1208416
Seems the comic is finally updating again on his patreon
Page 37 UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/01/20 19:14:36 No.1208439
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Furrynomous 2017/01/20 19:39:10 No.1208447
Seems like a good way to start a fire
Furrynomous 2017/01/20 21:25:05 No.1208466

Twist ending: It starts a fire, both Puzzle and Seb are burned alive while Diamond dies from smoke inhalation. Patrick spirals into a deep depression after this, goes on a murderous rampage and is gunned down.

The end.
SirNonimous 2017/01/20 22:02:33 No.1208476
.... No.
Furrynomous 2017/01/20 22:49:58 No.1208490
I like how Kadath keeps showing off Sebastian's ass. It is a lovely bum.
Furrynomous 2017/01/21 04:37:15 No.1208581
Damn it. >.<

I really hope kadath updates this very soon, cuz we're finally getting to the good stuff.
Furrynomous 2017/01/21 05:48:45 No.1208593

I don't get why he's being so shy... he casually banged her room mate, who said she brought him over to share, he must know Diamond and Puzzle are an item... it's also possible he knows she fucks her brother, who is with Nightshade.

A demure and chaste giraffe she is not.
Furrynomous 2017/01/21 07:25:05 No.1208607

The incest has been retconned out
Furrynomous 2017/01/21 09:18:59 No.1208651

Prove it.
Furrynomous 2017/01/21 17:04:22 No.1208949

Kaddath has said so many times
Furrynomous 2017/01/21 17:13:30 No.1208954

It's true, he can't make his self insert OC TOO weird so he just put him in a relationship with the black girl instead of his own sister.
Furrynomous 2017/01/22 17:49:47 No.1209358
Does this mean he's going to delete his older works?
Page 38 UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/01/22 17:52:32 No.1209360
File: SASA_38_u18chan.jpg - (714.88kb, 920x1200, SASA_38.jpg)
For the record I'm pretty sure something that has been released throughout the internet may be deleted but it won't be gone.
Anyway here's Page 38.

Edited at 2017/01/22 17:53:54
Furrynomous 2017/01/22 21:08:29 No.1209441
File: DoIT_u18chan.jpg - (10.89kb, 990x500, DoIT.jpg)
Furrynomous 2017/01/22 23:08:30 No.1209513

Furrynomous 2017/01/23 01:01:47 No.1209538
Some people do. takes a minimum of flexibility.
Asmail Rutherford 2017/01/23 01:44:11 No.1209559
Furrynomous 2017/01/23 16:26:39 No.1209855

Here are the next parts:

"Oh my god your cock is SOOO BIG! OH MY GOD"

"So tight.. hnngg.."


"Yeah haha"




they both cum, the weird haired pink zebra thing comes in and then starts licking the long necked bitches cunt and strokes off the 12 inch dog dicked bony dude

there ya go Kadath I WROTE IT FOR YOU YOU QUEEF.
Furrynomous 2017/01/23 19:31:07 No.1209939

I liked the idea of everyone being burned, Pat going into a psychotic episode and getting shot by police.
Furrynomous 2017/01/25 12:01:49 No.1210600
Is Sebastian bi still? I was wondering since Kadath keeps showing off his ass.
Page 39 UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/01/25 15:15:04 No.1210668
File: SASA_39_u18chan.jpg - (724.83kb, 920x1200, SASA_39.jpg)

Furrynomous 2017/01/27 16:04:05 No.1211545
For some reason I thought there was going to be titfucking lateron.
Page 40 UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/01/27 17:10:59 No.1211561
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Furrynomous 2017/01/27 22:08:27 No.1211648
Oh just fuck already. Wanna see the delicious dick pound that sweet pussy.
Furrynomous 2017/01/27 22:08:38 No.1211649
Oh just fuck already. Wanna see the delicious dick pound that sweet pussy.
Furrynomous 2017/01/27 22:45:20 No.1211659

So, why all of a sudden does Seb speak Dutch? Fucking hell, Kadath...
Furrynomous 2017/01/28 10:04:54 No.1211907
Because he is Dutch?
Furrynomous 2017/01/28 10:19:15 No.1211910

I know this may be shocking, but not everyone tends to introduce themselves with an ethnic label.
Furrynomous 2017/01/28 19:58:49 No.1212183

So, do all the characters have goofy accents, or what?
Furrynomous 2017/01/28 20:17:26 No.1212190
He's Dutch, while Puzz and Di are British, I think

Edited at 2017/01/28 20:17:40
Heads-Up UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/01/28 22:05:15 No.1212233
Next page finally starts the action (WIP is underway)
Furrynomous 2017/01/28 22:37:53 No.1212246
What is happening?
Furrynomous 2017/01/28 23:05:34 No.1212252
Kadath is drawing furry porn, that's what's happening
Page 41 UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/01/29 21:31:07 No.1212927
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Page 42 UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/02/01 14:06:47 No.1214717
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Furrynomous 2017/02/01 16:23:55 No.1214856

Puz -does- have the body to be a fertility goddess, for sure. <3
Furrynomous 2017/02/01 23:31:13 No.1215032

Honestly, as many times she's had a load in her, it's amazing she doesn't have a dozen kids. She must have one hell of a bc pill.
Furrynomous 2017/02/01 23:44:58 No.1215040
It's rather sad, she's actually infertile.
Furrynomous 2017/02/02 03:43:49 No.1215116
Oh no. How stupidly tragic, convenient and common among furries.
Furrynomous 2017/02/02 06:00:05 No.1215202

When was this ever stated??
Furrynomous 2017/02/02 06:06:11 No.1215203
I thought the condition was, that only those of the same species could impregnate each other. Everyone else wouldn't create a child, thus the reason most pairs are of different species.
Furrynomous 2017/02/03 07:13:57 No.1215688
If that was so, why did Puzzle never get pregnant despite how much her brother came inside her?
Furrynomous 2017/02/03 08:29:15 No.1215709

Where in the fuck is this comic :|
Your answer UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/02/05 14:57:53 No.1216860

Edited at 2017/02/14 16:03:05
Furrynomous 2017/02/05 16:40:13 No.1216903

Those two comics didn't explain anything about that.
Furrynomous 2017/02/05 18:01:07 No.1216919

This post is sarcasm. Alternate facts. Fake news. Troll bait.
Furrynomous 2017/02/05 18:54:50 No.1216934

I cant find it but theres a post on kadath's furaffinity or patreon that says the first comics with puzzle and patrick are no longer cannon which is why patrick is with nightshade a lot now and puzzle is featured with di.
Furrynomous 2017/02/16 21:49:45 No.1222928
Anyone have the Pg. 43 lineart?
Furrynomous 2017/02/17 11:28:50 No.1223103
Newest Page UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/02/17 14:57:11 No.1223210
File: SASA_43_u18chan.jpg - (751.96kb, 920x1200, SASA_43.jpg)
Screw your bump I know when the next comes out
You may have the lineart but I have the page
Furrynomous 2017/02/17 16:04:29 No.1223252
File: slaptheclap_u18chan.jpg - (10.16kb, 480x360, slaptheclap.jpg)

I wonder if artists know that their sound effects are mostly humorous and don't ever add much to the situation.
Furrynomous 2017/02/17 16:33:26 No.1223259

Speak for yourself. Some artists do absolutely nonsensical noises and it's boner-killingly bad, but Kadath's are just fine for me.
Furrynomous 2017/02/17 20:44:13 No.1223343
File: don-martin-mad-magazine-june-1969_u18chan.jpg - (139.07kb, 700x487, don-martin-mad-magazine-june-1969.jpg)

Oh yeah.
Mad Magazine's legendary Don Martin was noted for the screwy "sound effects" he threw into his comics.
Anonthemouse11 2017/02/18 03:38:25 No.1223490
I read this full comic about half a year ago. Are these just reuploads or what?
Asmail Rutherford 2017/02/18 07:59:04 No.1223565
Probably you've read part I, part II is ongoing right now.
Newest Page UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/02/19 20:14:29 No.1224172
File: SASA_44_u18chan.jpg - (776.5kb, 920x1200, SASA_44.jpg)

FurryFan 2017/02/20 13:56:31 No.1224541
Kadath is planning to make the 3rd Share and Share Alike. And this time: it'll be a threesome! ;) So just you wait.
Furrynomous 2017/02/21 14:29:58 No.1225153

Will it still have the contrived plot and lame dialogue?
FurryFan 2017/02/21 15:29:48 No.1225179

If you don't like the comic, then please fuck off. :P
Furrynomous 2017/02/21 16:05:58 No.1225199
"Look, I'm... I'm sorry, but if this porn comic doesn't have a cohesive plotline or a realistic, believable portrayal of its characters, I just cannot jerk off to it."
Furrynomous 2017/02/21 17:59:49 No.1225215

Don't forget the part about them getting it for free, too.
Furrynomous 2017/02/21 18:44:08 No.1225225
>because you're getting it for free, you aren't allowed to have a negative opinion about said free comic

What's logic?
Furrynomous 2017/02/21 20:07:54 No.1225281

You're not allowed to bitch about it, no.
Furrynomous 2017/02/22 00:44:49 No.1225366
Anyone got the new page?
FurryFan 2017/02/22 12:24:12 No.1225561

I wish :( But we'll wait for somebody else to post the new pages. :)
Furrynomous 2017/02/22 15:13:32 No.1225634

What if the artist is an asshole?
Newst Page UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/02/22 19:13:08 No.1225751
File: SASA_45_u18chan.jpg - (762.83kb, 920x1200, SASA_45.jpg)

Furrynomous 2017/02/23 02:42:43 No.1225934
Babymaking imminent!
Furrynomous 2017/02/23 02:51:14 No.1225935
Yeah nah. Kadath has a massive cream pie fetish. I don't think there's been a single comic of his where the guy has cum anywhere but inside.
Furrynomous 2017/02/23 08:02:07 No.1226011

He cums inside
She yells out loudly in orgasm
Zebra fucks up and dies
Comic ends on a page where zebra is mad at Puzz and everyone has a silly chibi face

Kadath's overused comic logic. Watch me be right.
Furrynomous 2017/02/23 12:15:12 No.1226076

If you're right, then show us the new pages instead of bitchin' about it!

Edited at 2017/02/23 12:15:41
Furrynomous 2017/02/23 18:55:32 No.1226197
To those who hope to see an "impregnation": i don't want to be a spoilsport but in one of the answers of the author he said that puzzle's brother and his girlfriend can't have children because they are not of the same species (she's a jackal) so, for me (who would really like to see a pregnant puzzle) it's really unlikely.

Edited at 2017/02/23 18:59:29
Furrynomous 2017/02/24 14:22:08 No.1226519
File: 6286806504951294186_u18chan.jpg - (161.81kb, 920x1200, 6286806504951294186.jpg)
New page ;)
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/02/24 14:35:59 No.1226522
File: SASA_46_u18chan.jpg - (767.89kb, 920x1200, SASA_46.jpg)
Okay when did I say I was going to stop posting the pages?

Edited at 2017/02/24 14:41:15
Furrynomous 2017/02/24 14:52:15 No.1226524

>clasp is now a sound

For fuck's sake...
Furrynomous 2017/02/24 15:37:19 No.1226536
i know this is just wishful thinking on my part, but wouldnt it be awesome if not only Sebastian FINALLY ended up with Puzzle, but she finally got pregnant? it would break up the monotony thats for sure
Furrynomous 2017/02/24 18:25:25 No.1226600
It would break the monotony for sure. Personally I really like Puzzle staying with Di so, if she really gets pregnant, I would prefer a trio-family like that in the tv series "You, Me, and Her" where each of three loves the others two. In any case, hey! Maybe Kadath could also change his/her mind!
Furrynomous 2017/02/24 21:52:25 No.1226684
Am I the only one who misses when she used to fuck her brother?
Furrynomous 2017/02/24 22:17:47 No.1226725

I miss it too.
Furrynomous 2017/02/24 22:59:05 No.1226731
sometimes the tits are great and sometimes they are just unforgivable.
Furrynomous 2017/02/25 02:00:14 No.1226766
I feel like there was a wasted bj opportunity with these two. Long dick, long neck, seems like an obvious match. Could have worked that into some kind of "O GOD PUZ IV NEVA HAD ME WHOLE WANKA DEEPTHROATED BEFO!"
Furrynomous 2017/02/25 05:16:34 No.1226837

Naah, I miss him too, good old times

incest is wincest I guess, lol
Furrynomous 2017/02/25 05:39:27 No.1226843

I sometimes wonder if more people are into incest than would readily admit it. At least Kadath alludes to the fact that it used to happen even if he no longer directly refers to it- in that way, it's not "non-canon", it's just not something they do anymore.

I get that impression from one of those "ask the cast" where someone asked who was bigger between Patrick and Sebastian, and Sebastian mentions Puzzle can tell the difference between them, and he pointedly wonders how. It suggests that he knows it used to happen between them.
Page 47 UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/02/25 20:41:23 No.1227067
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Furrynomous 2017/02/25 21:36:11 No.1227076

HA, she WON, take THAT.
Furrynomous 2017/02/25 22:19:32 No.1227091
Triple win bitches!
Furrynomous 2017/02/26 03:00:18 No.1227193
> I can't stop cumming
Furrynomous 2017/02/26 09:12:40 No.1227285

Lots of Seb ball/butt shots in this comic. His fans sure got their money's worth.
Furrynomous 2017/02/26 23:17:08 No.1227631
File: 1441027180603_u18chan.jpg - (58.28kb, 508x508, 1441027180603.jpg)

>this dialogue
Furrynomous 2017/02/26 23:56:59 No.1227643
I swear Kadath only has one orgasm dialogue script passage that he has on file and pastes in every time he has to wrap up a sex scene.
Furrynomous 2017/02/27 10:16:55 No.1227899
It'd make a lot more sense Seb was just really into giving creampies instead of every single female demanding the babybatter.
And that's a wrap UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/02/28 09:43:20 No.1228762
File: unnamed_0_u18chan.jpg - (133.42kb, 620x809, unnamed.jpg)

Furrynomous 2017/02/28 12:41:44 No.1228813

Well, that was anticlimactic and predictable.
Asmail Rutherford 2017/02/28 15:00:35 No.1228873
Hi res, pretty please, with a sugar on top?
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/02/28 16:07:15 No.1228913
you kind of don't get those on instant you know
Pt 2 cover UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/02/28 16:07:45 No.1228915
File: SASA_Part_2_Cover_Clean_u18chan.jpg - (818.04kb, 927x1200, SASA_Part_2_Cover_Clean.jpg)
for those interested
Furrynomous 2017/02/28 19:03:42 No.1228986
Looks like a threesome's the next chapter.

I don't know, despite what folks think about Kad's writing and other things, I actually really do enjoy these comics. I'm looking forward to the next one.
Asmail Rutherford 2017/02/28 19:03:45 No.1228987
File: SASA_48_u18chan.jpg - (213.39kb, 920x1200, SASA_48.jpg)
Here ya go
File names don't matter UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/02/28 19:46:24 No.1229001
File: Facepalm_u18chan.jpg - (14.69kb, 500x324, Facepalm.jpg)
You know I'm also a Patreon supporter. I just used my phone to post the picture (from Patreon) since my computer wasn't available at the time. The one I posted is Hi Res.
Now you got a duplicate page genius.

Edited at 2017/02/28 19:47:52
Furrynomous 2017/02/28 20:06:42 No.1229007

>The one I posted is Hi Res.




...come again?
Asmail Rutherford 2017/02/28 20:24:33 No.1229014
Oh. How about that. UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/02/28 20:40:36 No.1229024
Guess that's the last time I use my phone to post.
Furrynomous 2017/02/28 20:44:48 No.1229025
All is forgiven my dude
Asmail Rutherford 2017/03/01 01:19:33 No.1229109
Heh, my post was partly a joke (PF reference), and I wouldn't mind waiting longer if needed. Anyway, well, happens. All fine now.

I think I get the intention, but using my nick is a little confusing. So yeah.

You're not alone.
Part 3 being sidelined UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/03/15 09:51:32 No.1235891
Kadath on Patreon is talking about a new comic he'll be making so it may be a considerable amount of time before this comic and The Pleasure Principle will continue.
Furrynomous 2017/03/15 17:21:16 No.1236094
Is he finally going to do a gay comic with Sebastian?
Furrynomous 2017/03/15 17:51:00 No.1236105
Does he ever actually finish a project?
Furrynomous 2017/03/16 08:54:58 No.1236398
Kadath has, so far, finished all of the comic projects that he's discussed. The only exception was the Londoners and I think he ran out of inspiration to do that at this time.
Furrynomous 2017/03/16 16:50:16 No.1236517
What about Pleasure Principal? That's been unfinished for ages.
Furrynomous 2017/03/16 18:25:42 No.1236548
Kadath said that he will work on Pleasure Principle pt2 during this summer
Furrynomous 2017/03/16 20:58:29 No.1236594

Furrynomous 2017/03/18 17:08:48 No.1237217
The next comic is "dirty talk' with Pat and Night and a new guy called Markus. Did you have the character sheets by any chance?
Asmail Rutherford 2017/03/20 00:51:20 No.1237738
And he posted finished version of first page on his Patreon few hours back.
Asmail Rutherford 2017/03/21 13:38:15 No.1238377
So, anyone about to post Dirty Talk? Or only after there's more pages?
Guildarts 2017/04/13 14:35:14 No.1248032
i dont got any information
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/04/16 08:19:52 No.1249215
You know I had it posted for a while on another thread right?
Guildarts 2017/05/02 02:06:31 No.1256114
yeah but never find
Furrynomous 2017/10/08 16:00:27 No.1331240
We got a part 3!
Furrynomous 2017/10/08 17:17:55 No.1331258
G-Birkin 2017/10/08 17:23:19 No.1331265
File: 1507494482.kadath_sasa3_teaser_1_u18chan.jpg - (286.55kb, 800x441, 1507494482.kadath_sasa3_teaser_1.jpg)

It's on his Patreon. So if you have $5 you can pay him and get... hahaha who am I'm kidding? Must be on already
Furrynomous 2017/10/08 23:37:30 No.1331378
File: sharesharealike0301_u18chan.jpg - (130.4kb, 920x1200, sharesharealike0301.jpg)

Furrynomous 2017/10/09 13:07:33 No.1331661
What is this dog-thing supposed to be? My closest guess would be an Afghan but last time I checked afghans dontt look like tauntauns.
G-Birkin 2017/10/09 13:43:56 No.1331682
File: sebastian-saluki_u18chan.png - (141.82kb, 370x358, sebastian-saluki.png)

According to what he says to Puzzle in the Coffee Meet comic (image) he's actually a Saluki
Furrynomous 2017/10/09 14:04:25 No.1331695
File: download_19_u18chan.jpg - (5.37kb, 225x225, download.jpg)
Furrynomous 2017/10/09 22:09:03 No.1331939

Pretty sure Salukis don't have monster dongs.
Furrynomous 2017/10/10 00:37:06 No.1331995
I'm pretty sure that having human genitalia isn't something that you'd see on a Saluki, but hey it's not like it's an anthropomorphic series for furries or anything.
Furrynomous 2017/10/15 23:09:18 No.1334282
Furrynomous 2017/10/15 23:34:54 No.1334287

At that point it either becomes a stylistic choice or maybe the artist isn't good at drawing anatomically correct genitalia. It could also be both.
Furrynomous 2017/10/16 02:19:07 No.1334320
Horse cock is the only anatomical correct cock I like TBH

So human cock over dog cock is a plus to me
Furrynomous 2017/10/16 10:46:16 No.1334420
Kadath has said that he doesn't like drawing anatomically correct dicks on his characters.
FurryFan 2017/10/16 11:35:00 No.1334442
New page is out.
Furrynomous 2017/10/16 13:25:04 No.1334487
He doesn't like drawing anatomically correct mouths either...throw some teeth in those pie-holes. Gawd, it's gums everywhere. Does this comic take place in an old folks home after everyone lost their dentures? I know some panels have teeth, but some of these scenes have gaping, toothless holes where something should be, imho.

Edited at 2017/10/16 13:31:00
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/10/16 16:16:43 No.1334538
File: SASA_49_Final_u18chan.jpg - (655.34kb, 920x1200, SASA_49_Final.jpg)

UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/10/16 16:16:45 No.1334539
File: SASA_50_Final_u18chan.jpg - (733.57kb, 920x1200, SASA_50_Final.jpg)
FurryFan 2017/11/04 13:52:06 No.1343717
Guildards 2017/11/17 13:58:10 No.1349154
yeah any update there ?
Eric444111 2017/11/19 13:06:08 No.1350669
When's this going to get updated
Eric444111 2017/11/19 13:06:22 No.1350670
When's this going to get updated
Anonymouse 2017/11/19 15:19:43 No.1350733
Pagés 51 And 52 are avaliable
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/11/20 17:37:12 No.1351136
File: SASA_51_Final_u18chan.jpg - (814.5kb, 920x1200, SASA_51_Final.jpg)
Okay ya ungrateful bastards here ya go
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/11/20 17:37:14 No.1351137
File: SASA_52_Final_u18chan.jpg - (807.27kb, 920x1200, SASA_52_Final.jpg)
Furrynomous 2017/11/20 18:35:07 No.1351161
Thank you very much.
Furrynomous 2017/11/20 19:03:16 No.1351185
These comics are more boring than cable porn.
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/11/20 19:24:11 No.1351189
Uh that would be a story arc my friend
Furrynomous 2017/11/20 19:37:19 No.1351196

Yes, a boring story arc.
Furrynomous 2017/11/20 22:54:14 No.1351286
File: oS3Qd2AZZ-620x396_u18chan.png - (363.6kb, 620x396, oS3Qd2AZZ-620x396.png)
As much as I'd like to say, "Who gives a damn about the romantic comedy crap, just get to the fucking!", I find this aspect of Kadath's comics to be quite entertaining. It's more enjoyable to give your characters personality outside of sexy horny anthromorphic animal people. Where's the entertainment in that?
Furrynomous 2017/11/20 22:59:34 No.1351289
If only there was pregnancy risk, (I think the creator of this comic said it wasn’t possible between two different species)
Kajex Surnahm 2017/11/21 10:04:50 No.1351454

Which is why it was better with Puzz/Patrick, rather than Pat being stuck with the jackalslut.
Furrynomous 2017/11/21 15:35:17 No.1351509
Well, then their world is doomed.
Furrynomous 2017/11/21 22:31:29 No.1351595
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/11/30 13:16:48 No.1355081
Uh that would be a story arc my friend
I agree with you fuck their opinion if we want to fap, we'll fap
Furrynomous 2017/12/01 12:36:18 No.1355425
Well I for one, like to see some characterizations.
cc 2017/12/02 02:52:11 No.1355655
why do they all have massive freakish chins
Furrynomous 2017/12/02 08:57:06 No.1355751
'cause it pisses you off.
Furrynomous 2017/12/02 09:56:22 No.1355768
File: 701f2aee128e5707d5806676e7560f86_u18chan.jpg - (127.32kb, 632x800, 701f2aee128e5707d5806676e7560f86.jpg)
Cause at least it's better looking than what he used to put out? Unless, you're fine getting blowjobs from your local zoo animals.
Cc 2017/12/02 15:32:11 No.1355864
It doesn’t tho,

It just makes me sad for this kadath person.
Furrynomous 2017/12/02 22:05:47 No.1356036
i fapped to this pic when i was younger.
Furrynomous 2017/12/08 18:30:52 No.1358769
Stoked this comic is continuing
StrangerAmongstAll 2017/12/08 19:47:47 No.1358788
Yeah, because all the zoo animals have humanoid bodies along with distinctly human tits and vaginas.
mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell 2017/12/08 19:49:48 No.1358789

Every picture you fapped to was when you were younger.
Furrynomous 2017/12/08 20:36:54 No.1358803
File: 1502450876786_u18chan.jpg - (71.51kb, 720x690, 1502450876786.jpg)
mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell 2017/12/09 13:51:45 No.1359098

I used to be alive.

I still am, but I used to be, too.
Furrynomous 2017/12/09 17:36:18 No.1359153
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/12/10 16:20:09 No.1359535
File: SASA_53_Final_u18chan.jpg - (833.53kb, 920x1200, SASA_53_Final.jpg)

Furrynomous 2017/12/10 17:10:40 No.1359550

Oh good, more talking.
Furrynomous 2017/12/10 18:53:38 No.1359578

Oh good, awkward dialogue about sharing and/or poly shit.
Furrynomous 2017/12/10 20:12:09 No.1359604

Yeah, and now they need a threesome to keep it equal for that day/night since both have had him. Just say it Diamond.
Furrynomous 2017/12/11 16:13:52 No.1359916
She did it! She said the thing! We can all go home now!
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/12/17 16:16:32 No.1362441
File: SASA_54_Final_u18chan.jpg - (704.52kb, 920x1200, SASA_54_Final.jpg)

Furrynomous 2017/12/17 16:36:53 No.1362449
They're both going to be bent over for him
FurryFan 2017/12/18 15:39:04 No.1363182

We'll see... either that or another boring talking page?
ELP Jack M 2017/12/24 04:33:42 No.1365540
File: 014CFD3B-2D65-4291-A17B-1E472589F679_u18chan.jpeg - (661.76kb, 1000x773, 014CFD3B-2D65-4291-A17B-1E472589F679.jpeg)
does anyone know if this is part of a series?! If so, what’s the series?
ELP Jack M 2017/12/24 04:34:45 No.1365541
File: 5A37BC72-AC71-45F5-B91E-A8D4A482F392_u18chan.png - (2.15mb, 750x1334, 5A37BC72-AC71-45F5-B91E-A8D4A482F392.png)
does anyone know if this is part of a series?! If so, what’s the series?
Furrynomous 2017/12/24 05:37:41 No.1365567
it's not. Just an art tease.
Furrynomous 2017/12/24 12:48:05 No.1365714
Has anyone else noticed that Sebastian's eye color changed from his early pictures to his current comic?
Furrynomous 2017/12/24 16:02:19 No.1365765
The comics are prequels, set before he becomes a vampire.
Furrynomous 2017/12/24 20:25:45 No.1365855
That explains why his girth went down, by becoming a vampire he got more length XD
Furrynomous 2018/01/07 17:51:41 No.1372696
File: 1515368896.kadath_sasa_teaser_55_u18chan.jpg - (323.12kb, 800x441, 1515368896.kadath_sasa_teaser_55.jpg)
New update is out
Furrynomous 2018/01/08 20:44:13 No.1373299

So stop being a cheap cunt and post it?
Furrynomous 2018/01/08 23:32:19 No.1373348
Please don't post previews & teasers. Just post new pages or beg with text-only posts (so people can hide them). Adding an image just clutters the thread.
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2018/01/10 16:20:21 No.1374196
File: SASA_55_Final_u18chan.jpg - (745.33kb, 920x1200, SASA_55_Final.jpg)
I'm gonna say it even though it was plainly obvious. I knew this was going to basically be a revamp of Too Much To Handle
Furrynomous 2018/01/10 17:41:04 No.1374225

Not that that's a bad thing
Furrynomous 2018/01/10 18:46:35 No.1374250
Im good with it, it’s time
Furrynomous 2018/01/10 18:54:27 No.1374251
Thanks for the update!

By any chance, do you have the newest pages of "The Pleasure Principle"?
Furrynomous 2018/01/10 19:00:49 No.1374253
I agree with you.
Furrynomous 2018/01/10 21:00:05 No.1374309
Oh, so much yes! I have to admit, I'm totally okay with this remake of Too Much to Handle not just because there's no incest, but because seeing Puzzle and D in a 3 way is always so satisfying. Which also makes me wonder if Kadath is gonna use the breaking the bed gag again.
Furrynomous 2018/01/11 09:54:18 No.1374520
Furrynomous 2018/01/14 18:23:10 No.1376177
page 56 is up
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2018/01/14 18:38:39 No.1376189
File: SASA_56_Final_u18chan.jpg - (753.68kb, 920x1200, SASA_56_Final.jpg)

SASA Page 57 [Sketch] Buster D. 2018/02/10 14:23:51 No.1389802
File: SASA_Page_57_Sketch_u18chan.jpg - (160.82kb, 805x1100, SASA_Page_57_Sketch.jpg)
"Sketch for page 57. Slurp slurp!"
Furrynomous 2018/02/11 03:04:43 No.1390071
Finally jeeze. Thanks for posting!
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2018/02/11 14:49:53 No.1390259
File: SASA_57_Final_u18chan.jpg - (296.87kb, 920x1200, SASA_57_Final.jpg)
Next... who the fuck put a sketch up?

Edited at 2018/02/11 14:50:20
Parts 1 and 2 Name Hidden 2018/02/11 23:33:27 No.1390513
I have to admit this comic gave me my proudest fap yet.
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2018/02/18 17:01:16 No.1393627
File: SASA_58_Final_u18chan.jpg - (307.31kb, 920x1200, SASA_58_Final.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/02/18 18:05:17 No.1393675
"As am I"

My sides...
Furrynomous 2018/02/19 19:49:47 No.1394155

Seriously. The fuck is this dialogue?

"I'm gonna show you her quirks"

"She likes it when you play with her nipples"

Oh no shit?
Furrynomous 2018/02/19 20:25:10 No.1394175
It feels.... detached? Almost narrated. A walkthrough maybe.
BBGryphon 2018/02/20 02:24:15 No.1394327

It's almost she's giving him a walkthrough on how to pleasure her long time lover... I'm probably reading too deep into this though. Idk.
Furrynomous 2018/02/20 06:33:11 No.1394371
>"She likes it when you play with her nipples"
And that's bad information how? From the dialog at the beginning, this may be their second time seeing each other, and all women are different. I had an ex that could cum from her nipples alone, and now I have a wife that doesn't feel jack from them.
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2018/03/11 17:18:53 No.1405009
File: SASA_59_Final_u18chan.jpg - (306.72kb, 920x1200, SASA_59_Final.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/03/11 17:23:37 No.1405014

>Puzzle thigh squeeze

Seb's dead, but at least he died a lucky fucker.
Matthias Augustine Burke 2018/03/11 19:42:00 No.1405066
(Russian accent) "This time, Mr Bond, the pleasure will be all mine!"
Furrynomous 2018/03/11 20:02:49 No.1405073
File: 649_1_u18chan.jpg - (47.13kb, 540x325, 649.jpg)
Final words from Sebastian......
Furrynomous 2018/03/11 22:01:06 No.1405114
He just wanted a quiet life.
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2018/03/18 16:09:28 No.1408152
File: SASA_60_Final_u18chan.jpg - (307kb, 920x1200, SASA_60_Final.jpg)

FurryFan 2018/04/01 23:27:04 No.1415552
Can't wait for the next page! :)
Guildarts 2018/04/05 10:58:36 No.1417230
Me too i cant wait
Furrynomous 2018/04/05 22:47:19 No.1417451
You know... sometimes I miss the days then Puzzle’s neck was comedically long. You know, to the point her head was slamming into the ceiling above their bed. Sometimes I wonder why Kadath decided to stop drawing the Giraffes that way.
FurryFan 2018/04/08 13:24:03 No.1418664
Kadath just posted the new page on his patreon account. But!!!.. it's a lineup. So.. we'll wait for the colorful version.
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2018/04/08 15:15:55 No.1418688
File: SASA_61_Final_u18chan.jpg - (275.47kb, 920x1200, SASA_61_Final.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/04/08 17:10:06 No.1418711
Shame about the jpeg artifacts.
Furrynomous 2018/04/08 19:51:51 No.1418747
Hope we see her tits engulfing his cock properly
Furrynomous 2018/04/09 23:39:29 No.1419277
I don't think Kadath quite understands how boobs work
Furrynomous 2018/04/10 00:59:44 No.1419306

Seen this kinda thing in many anthro comics and pictures. But wouldn't that be kinda irritating to the guy's cock? After all they're supposed to be covered with fur not just skin, so she should have a short coat of fur on her breasts that he's rubbing against.
Furrynomous 2018/04/10 08:31:46 No.1419393
If you’re wondering about her shape and size
And other science facts
Then repeat to yourself ‘It’s just a porn,
I should really just relax.'
Furrynomous 2018/04/10 12:26:08 No.1419455
I'm sure chest/breast fur would be pretty soft.
Furrynomous 2018/04/15 17:08:15 No.1421889
Update time.
FurryFan 2018/04/15 23:10:14 No.1421972
Anyone here going to post the new comic page?
FurryFan 2018/04/16 21:56:13 No.1422311
File: tenor_24_u18chan.gif - (266.25kb, 314x426, tenor.gif)
I'm waitttttttttttttinggggggggggg...

Edited at 2018/04/16 21:58:19
Furrynomous 2018/04/17 14:34:48 No.1422585
File: SASA_62_Final_u18chan.jpg - (283.34kb, 920x1200, SASA_62_Final.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/04/18 02:19:28 No.1422800
Furrynomous 2018/04/18 09:46:56 No.1422949
Furrynomous 2018/04/18 10:35:13 No.1422957
If you read it in Morgan Freemans voice, you cannot unhear it.
Furrynomous 2018/04/18 11:03:38 No.1422963
File: DO4TP4ZUEAEUfHf_u18chan.jpg - (35.84kb, 625x743, DO4TP4ZUEAEUfHf.jpg)
This is one of those Naylor-esque artists who seems to have a decent grasp of anatomy but draws animal heads like half beaten paper bags. I swear if these people spent a third of the time they spend on drawing dicks and pussies practicing different animal heads their art wouldn't look like a masturbatory fever dream every time.
Anyway I jerked off to it.
stockportstud 2018/05/06 15:39:59 No.1431648
new update
stockportstud 2018/05/06 15:40:08 No.1431649
new update
Furrynomous 2018/05/06 19:26:44 No.1431707
File: SASA_63_Final_u18chan.jpg - (316.87kb, 920x1200, SASA_63_Final.jpg)

Here. Now give me your lunch money
Furrynomous 2018/05/13 16:34:46 No.1435225
New page out.
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2018/05/13 18:14:11 No.1435251
File: SASA_64_Final_u18chan.jpg - (311.86kb, 920x1200, SASA_64_Final.jpg)
People on this thread are plebs. Always expecting to have been heroes by calling out a new page.

Edited at 2018/05/14 15:04:23
Furrynomous 2018/05/13 19:17:17 No.1435273

Including yourself.
Furrynomous 2018/05/13 19:28:20 No.1435275

Geez Diamond, I hope Seb enjoyed that one minute break you gave him before you told Puzzle to sit that big booty on his crotch.
FurryFan 2018/06/10 16:31:15 No.1449814
New comic update. Still waiting.
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2018/06/11 16:53:33 No.1450311
File: SASA_65_Final_u18chan.jpg - (299.5kb, 920x1200, SASA_65_Final.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/06/11 18:34:38 No.1450366
For some reason I picture her lines being said in a dry monotone.
Furrynomous 2018/06/11 20:43:59 No.1450422
Yeah, the dialogue feels really forced in this page. More so than usual.
Furrynomous 2018/06/11 21:34:18 No.1450427
I don't mind the dialogue

But damn puzzle's ass on that page is looking thick O:
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2018/06/17 20:20:57 No.1453870
File: SASA_66_Final_u18chan.jpg - (322.56kb, 920x1200, SASA_66_Final.jpg)

UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2018/07/08 17:10:06 No.1463884
File: SASA_67_Final_u18chan.jpg - (298.26kb, 920x1200, SASA_67_Final.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/07/08 23:12:25 No.1464113
I wish Diamond would fuck off already and Seb and Puzzle would become a thing.
Furrynomous 2018/07/08 23:23:18 No.1464119
her legs totally switched position
Furrynomous 2018/07/09 04:12:01 No.1464172
Yeah, what's going on with the consistency? In the previous page his legs were anchored behind both of the girls' legs. There's be no way for his legs to be in front of Puzzle's in the last panel of the latest page unless she got off of him almost completely first.
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2018/07/09 20:38:40 No.1464444
File: SASA_67_Final_0_u18chan.jpg - (298.67kb, 920x1200, SASA_67_Final.jpg)
He just figured that one out too.
Furrynomous 2018/07/09 20:55:47 No.1464447
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2018/07/15 15:58:15 No.1466709
File: SASA_68_Final_u18chan.jpg - (308.83kb, 920x1200, SASA_68_Final.jpg)

Edited at 2018/07/15 16:02:32
Furrynomous 2018/07/15 22:40:59 No.1466934
That fucking Pokemon comic, holy shit.
Furrynomous 2018/07/16 03:18:22 No.1467009

Seb's dick is long, but now so is his body in that first panel.
Furrynomous 2018/08/05 03:49:50 No.1475907
Fucking deplorable dialogue. And the porn is barely fappable, christ. I feel bad for whoever's paying for this shite.
Furrynomous 2018/08/06 06:01:29 No.1476371

Can't unsee.
stockportstud 2018/08/06 07:07:55 No.1476394
New page
Guildarts 2018/08/07 08:17:47 No.1476908
Guildarts 2018/08/07 08:45:24 No.1476914
File: d04b0a2d12aad14c6b658bf4811e6a63_u18chan.png - (300.75kb, 592x454, d04b0a2d12aad14c6b658bf4811e6a63.png)
Furrynomous 2018/08/07 22:22:06 No.1477106

FurryFan 2018/08/08 17:24:19 No.1477411
Still waiting!
Furrynomous 2018/08/10 23:23:10 No.1478592
File: SASA_69_Final_u18chan.jpg - (234.92kb, 620x809, SASA_69_Final.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/08/11 00:46:52 No.1478613
"Not quite the end"
God Fucking Dammit!
Furrynomous 2018/08/11 03:35:51 No.1478650
Fucking good. Nice that one of these goes on
Furrynomous 2018/08/11 08:43:40 No.1478754

Puzzle/Diamond/Olivia triple-team on Seb next chapter obviously.
Advarious 2018/08/11 08:58:46 No.1478795
File: images84_u18chan.jpg - (12.41kb, 252x200, images(84).jpg)
Furrynomous 2018/08/11 09:02:01 No.1478798
Hate to be the buzzkill, here, but the one thing Kadath's kept consistent is the "geographical" location(s) of his characters. Unless he writes in the next chapter that Olivia takes a trip to London, no chance of seeing the Oryx.

Sadly enough.
Furrynomous 2018/08/11 09:09:04 No.1478799
Sad indeed. Olivia is the best.
Furrynomous 2018/08/12 14:59:10 No.1479307
File: SASA_70_Final_u18chan.jpg - (456kb, 920x1200, SASA_70_Final.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/08/12 17:35:25 No.1479345

Who knows? Maybe there'll be a couple of storks and baby carriages up next...
Furrynomous 2018/08/12 20:02:38 No.1479402
Unlikely. Kadath has made a point to establish that in the universe he created, mixed-species relationships are incompatible when it comes to breeding and having kids. It's why in that other comic that's on the front page right now, Nightshade is asking for condoms because she, a Canine, is about to fuck another Canine.

It's why he's able to get away with characters not having any kids because they're always fucking members of a different species than they are.

Edited at 2018/08/12 20:03:37
Furrynomous 2018/08/12 22:27:07 No.1479446
Patrick shot quite a few loads into Puzzle.
Furrynomous 2018/08/12 23:07:16 No.1479456
Probably irrelevant, I wouldn't be surprised if Kadath just retconned that entire relationship. It'd go along with everything else decent he had getting thrown out the window.

Edited at 2018/08/12 23:07:42
Furrynomous 2018/08/13 08:58:04 No.1479609
The Puzzle/Patrick relationship is now no longer canon. Probably because he was uncomfortable with doing it after going through a phase of interest.

It's a choice that Kadath made, and it's unlikely he'll ever go back to it.
Furrynomous 2018/08/13 09:11:42 No.1479626
Just pretend Puzz was on the pill and presto.
Furrynomous 2018/08/13 17:30:01 No.1479923
Oh well, at least now I get Naylor Lite: Watersports Free content from ol' Kad now. Woohoo.
Furrynomous 2018/08/13 18:04:29 No.1479939
Kadath has said that he retconned the Puzzle and Patrick incest because people were being creepy towards him about it. Seems like incest fetishists killed it for him, and now complain he doesn't draw it anymore.
Furrynomous 2018/08/18 02:04:41 No.1481907
Oh well, at least now I get Naylor Lite: Watersports Free content from ol' Kad now. Woohoo.

Eh, I can deal with his watersports fetish, probably one of the more tamer fetishes. It's just his writing is fucking laughable
Furrynomous 2018/08/18 16:34:13 No.1482361

Oh, I agree about the writing. It's starting to sound like a 13 year old is writing it. The writing used to be better in the pre-retconned comics from years ago.
Furrynomous 2018/08/18 16:47:51 No.1482372
I think he meant Naylor, not Kad's writing.

Imo, Kad's writing is better than his old stuff, which was barebones and the characters were pretty interchangeable. Maybe that's why some people hate it more now, because he's taking time to flesh out the cast more. To each their own.
FurryFan 2018/09/06 14:32:19 No.1490938
Any new pages or is the comic finally done?
Magic Wand MagicWandTaf 2018/09/07 08:13:56 No.1491269
I apologise, but, in my opinion, you are mistaken. I can prove it.
Furrynomous 2018/09/09 17:07:28 No.1492507
Kad's posted one more page.
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2018/09/09 19:47:59 No.1492542
File: SASA_71_Final_u18chan.jpg - (421.91kb, 920x1200, SASA_71_Final.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/09/09 19:55:28 No.1492555

Seb's going to take Puzzle back into the alley and bury himself in those tits again with that outfit she has on.
Furrynomous 2018/09/09 21:36:54 No.1492588
Rather, he take a page from Di’s book, then take Puz out into the alley, push her forward against the wall, lift that skirt up or yank her pants down, and bury himself balls deep in her ass.
Hello AdamDilLar 2018/09/10 04:07:36 No.1492692
Absolutely with you it agree. In it something is also I think, what is it good idea.
FurryFan 2018/09/16 17:49:25 No.1495080
New page is out. And it might be the final page.
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2018/09/17 23:06:33 No.1495476
File: SASA_72_Final_u18chan.jpg - (352.97kb, 920x1200, SASA_72_Final.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/09/18 01:14:32 No.1495495
Liked this one
Furrynomous 2020/01/26 21:02:32 No.1705796
File: SASA_Part_3_Cover_Clean_u18chan.jpg - (813.24kb, 927x1200, SASA_Part_3_Cover_Clean.jpg)
Does anyone have the nude version of Part 3's cover?
Furrynomous 2020/01/26 21:04:20 No.1705798
If i recall correctly, it was part of September 2018's rewards pack. If anyone could upload that zip it would be awesome!
Furrynomous 2020/01/28 14:23:08 No.1706559

Part 3 is posted at e-hentai, here:
Furrynomous 2020/01/29 19:50:31 No.1706940
is there a direct download version like MEGA?
Furrynomous 2020/01/29 21:40:57 No.1706967
File: 1553718887.kadath_boob_job_00_u18chan.jpg - (164.49kb, 613x975, 1553718887.kadath_boob_job_00.jpg)

Ah, the days when Puz used to look like this. I don't really care for the new redesign when compared to her original self.
Furrynomous 2020/01/30 17:43:56 No.1707160
It looks like shit my dude
Furrynomous 2020/01/30 18:26:13 No.1707166

Still better than the chinfaces Kadath does nowadays.
Furrynomous 2020/01/30 22:08:50 No.1707247
Entirely subjective to personal taste and you're just going to have to accept that. I think the newer, modern designs of the characters are way more appealing than they were ten years ago.
Furrynomous 2020/01/30 22:41:27 No.1707255
File: puzzle2005_u18chan.jpg - (22.57kb, 183x325, puzzle2005.jpg)
This is the oldest Kadath picture I have of Puzzle.
Furrynomous 2020/01/30 23:12:51 No.1707268
You have defined the thing of my nightmares. Thank you.
Furrynomous 2020/01/31 08:09:03 No.1707349
File: 4100906_23d86c28ba614c5c493956af10ae47cc_u18chan.jpg - (7.95kb, 209x200, 4100906+_23d86c28ba614c5c493956af10ae47cc.jpg)
>15 years ago

Fucking Wow.
Furrynomous 2020/01/31 08:27:09 No.1707351
File: bgavxfkibvv21_u18chan.png - (968.04kb, 1184x462, bgavxfkibvv21.png)
Furrynomous 2020/02/01 12:12:31 No.1707912
Honestly, you can rag on Kadath all you want, but he's definitely come a long way.
Furrynomous 2020/02/01 13:46:33 No.1707935

shit, his art deteriorated.
Furrynomous 2020/02/01 17:42:19 No.1708013
Are you blind or just stupid?
Furrynomous 2020/02/01 19:50:51 No.1708076
File: giraffe_u18chan.png - (114.32kb, 316x337, giraffe.png)
Furrynomous 2020/02/01 21:45:02 No.1708112
File: pathetic_2_u18chan.png - (513.79kb, 1182x661, pathetic.png)
Eye of the beholder, bitch.
Furrynomous 2020/02/06 11:51:21 No.1710207
Yeah his art is "better", but he is still opted for an easier way to mass produce his work and it shows. Well, what can you expect from the long necked capon.
Sexual Trilogy Namol 2020/04/05 02:49:34 No.1733576
Kadath also released Cover Art for this Sexual Trilogy to be on Sale.
Furrynomous 2020/04/05 03:55:31 No.1733592
File: 7D9ABE95-7219-43DF-A105-00084F77BBE5_u18chan.jpeg - (80.85kb, 866x558, 7D9ABE95-7219-43DF-A105-00084F77BBE5.jpeg)
Di face reminds me of Butthead cause of the nose to eye proportions.

Edited at 2020/04/05 03:55:55
Sexual Trilogy cover Namol 2020/04/12 01:21:55 No.1736580
This is the collection edition
Furrynomous 2020/04/12 23:09:10 No.1736973
any info on the digital like what size and type?
K Namol 2020/04/26 02:59:51 No.1744429
FurryFan 2023/05/18 15:37:22 No.2291994
File: 1684350205.kadath_sic_01_preview_u18chan.jpg - (229.55kb, 800x441, 1684350205.kadath_sic_01_preview.jpg)
There's a new chapter, plus pages. :-)

Edited at 2023/05/18 15:38:21
Furrynomous 2023/05/18 17:43:00 No.2292029
Uh this is already on here
FurryFan 2023/05/18 22:15:01 No.2292100

No.... I was talking about the new chapter. Here's the link:

Edited at 2023/05/18 22:57:49
Furrynomous 2023/05/19 13:08:43 No.2292370
Really there’s actually a chapter 4?
FurryFan 2023/05/19 18:55:35 No.2292507
File: 1684532103.kadath_sic_02_preview_u18chan.jpg - (298.62kb, 800x441, 1684532103.kadath_sic_02_preview.jpg)

Yep. Another chapter. Although, it has a different title called "Sharing is Caring". It's based on Share and Share Alike.

Anyway, bump please. :-)
Furrynomous 2023/05/19 22:10:36 No.2292529
File: SIC_Final_01_u18chan.jpg - (701.02kb, 943x1200, SIC_Final_01.jpg)

Furrynomous 2023/05/19 22:10:41 No.2292530
File: SIC_Final_02_u18chan.jpg - (758.11kb, 943x1200, SIC_Final_02.jpg)
anon_dobe 2023/06/16 16:19:39 No.2307518
New pages are out for "sharing is caring"
thestockportchubby86 2023/06/17 04:00:51 No.2307768
File: SIC_Final_03_u18chan.jpg - (760.64kb, 943x1200, SIC_Final_03.jpg)
you're welcome
thestockportchubby86 2023/06/17 04:00:59 No.2307769
File: SIC_Final_04_u18chan.jpg - (695.12kb, 943x1200, SIC_Final_04.jpg)
Anonymous 2023/07/13 22:41:37 No.2320068
New page is posted
Furrynomous 2023/07/14 16:11:36 No.2320379
File: SIC_Final_05_u18chan.jpg - (748.5kb, 943x1200, SIC_Final_05.jpg)

Furrynomous 2023/07/15 02:11:36 No.2320543
File: SIC_Final_06_u18chan.jpg - (767.22kb, 943x1200, SIC_Final_06.jpg)

Furrynomous 2023/07/16 01:46:31 No.2320890
I liked share and share alike. But this is boring and rushed, almost like he is forcing himself through it for a cash grab.
Furrynomous 2023/07/16 20:14:00 No.2321252
I was subbed to his patreon awhile back.

Ended up cutting my subscription once the only content I cared for was completed: majority of the content he makes are those ask kad pages and that Olivia comic as well some single drawings of his chars. And this sharing is caring mini comic feels like it'd be better having an added twist of it being nightshade getting her turn with rory.
Anonymous 2023/08/16 22:11:55 No.2333819
New page live a week ago
Finish them Name Hidden 2023/08/17 01:28:19 No.2333874
Seb will probably do a double facial.
jinopka 2023/08/17 01:34:53 No.2333876
Shame Kadath stopped the whole puzzle x Patrick
TheSmartHyena 2023/08/17 06:02:06 No.2333960
File: SIC_Final_07_u18chan.jpg - (748.01kb, 943x1200, SIC_Final_07.jpg)
Here it is
Anonymous 2023/08/20 02:48:47 No.2335315
New page

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