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File: nac1_u18chan_u18chan.jpg - (160.53kb, 675x900, nac1_u18chan.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not A Chance Furrynomous 2016/07/25 18:34:56 No.1104875   

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Not A Chance Furrynomous 2016/07/25 18:34:58 No.1104876
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Not A Chance Furrynomous 2016/07/25 18:34:59 No.1104877
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Not A Chance Furrynomous 2016/07/25 18:35:00 No.1104878
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Not A Chance Furrynomous 2016/07/25 18:35:01 No.1104879
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Furrynomous 2016/07/25 18:35:21 No.1104881
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Furrynomous 2016/07/25 18:35:22 No.1104882
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Furrynomous 2016/07/25 18:35:23 No.1104883
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Furrynomous 2016/07/25 18:35:24 No.1104884
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Furrynomous 2016/07/25 18:35:25 No.1104885
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Furrynomous 2016/07/25 18:35:35 No.1104886
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Furrynomous 2016/07/25 18:35:37 No.1104887
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Furrynomous 2016/07/25 18:49:02 No.1104980
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Sneak Peek Furrynomous 2017/11/04 20:41:15 No.1343923
File: 001_154_u18chan.jpg - (370.09kb, 810x1080, 001.jpg)
To not do a thread of a 3 page mini-comic.
Sneak Peek Furrynomous 2017/11/04 20:41:16 No.1343924
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Sneak Peek Furrynomous 2017/11/04 20:41:18 No.1343925
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Furrynomous 2017/11/04 20:51:55 No.1343928
I'm entertained that this comic was commissioned by an incel
Furrynomous 2017/11/05 18:49:34 No.1344324

Confirmed? I always thought that GothSkunkBoi or whatever the fuck his name is was a huge loser.
Furrynomous 2017/11/05 20:05:50 No.1344359
The Cuck levels in this are off the chart!!!
Furrynomous 2017/11/05 20:12:42 No.1344360
Affliction: Cuckness

Symptoms: Being a cuck

Treatment: So far, only a bullet to the head and hope he reborn actually man. Waiting for results of possible new treatment involving copious amounts of testosterone into the patient's bloodstream and check if that actually makes him grow some balls.
Furrynomous 2017/11/05 22:24:23 No.1344393
File: DFNk4FIXsAAq4Zd_u18chan.jpg - (125.83kb, 1200x902, DFNk4FIXsAAq4Zd.jpg)
I think Goth Skunk is literally another Naylor incarnate character.
Kajex Surnahm 2017/11/05 22:56:18 No.1344399

He's not wrong about GamerGate.

But then again, the idea that these words are original and merit a piece of art with the quoted conclusion being attributed to him, is pretty goddamn pathetic. It only compounds how much of a cuck-in-denial he is.
Claudia Bun!!KnzfwC2Y0g 2017/11/05 23:04:02 No.1344400

I find him to have a 'TINY' amount of insight but yea... is anyone really surprised? I mean he always posts what he thinks is being 'better than another man' for fucks sake. That's kinda like the rapist SJW talking about how much they haet rape all the time.
Furrynomous 2017/11/05 23:32:11 No.1344405

> Gamergate

If you have enough idle time to get your jimmies rustled over video game journalism, your priorities should probably be reassessed.
Furrynomous 2017/11/06 02:47:06 No.1344487

Nah, see, I make games and it's my livelihood. I'm sick of journalists destroying good products and being dipshits because it directly harms my industry.

I am also sick of them providing cover for bad actors in the indie scene because they turn into hiring gatekeepers and HR goons later in their career. Like for example, how the fact that the judges are allowed to go outside their lanes to vote for games they hadn't played at the indie game festival, which is why Fez was able to steal an award despite being a shit compared to something better like spelunkie.

It's a hobby/triviality to you... To many others, it's a job, and it's an industry that makes more money than movies.
Furrynomous 2017/11/06 02:51:34 No.1344488

I'd add onto my post, that if you don't believe the indie scene leads to a bad AAA scene, you haven't been watching what happened to the mass effect and dragon age series, and how the bioware brand is rotting from the inside. Not because of publisher meddling, but because likeability and politics is taking a front seat, pushing talent and culpability to the back.
Furrynomous 2017/11/06 08:27:15 No.1344544
You're the problem with games.

You'd buy a lootbox-laden skinner box with day-one DLC if it had polygon tits and unthreatening women characters with feminine haircuts plastered on it.

Dragon Age only got better with each game and Mass Effect can very easily be blamed on EA and the outsourcing to a new studio. We will make your precious hobby a hell for you. Also, your mom's favorite game is Gone Home.
Furrynomous 2017/11/06 10:09:04 No.1344580
File: Dragon-Age-II_u18chan.jpg - (220.53kb, 600x600, Dragon-Age-II.jpg)

Got better with each game? Are you sure about that? ARE YOU REALLY SURE?

You bitch about that skinnerbox shit and then you praise a series that progressively got more casual and mainstream to the point it became an uninteresting steaming shit of a game. Hell, you can't even give the excuse that DA2 wasn't a money grubbing mess, it's public knowledge admitted by Bioware themselves the game was built in a year using a mix of reused assets and the same copy/pasted assets time.

God damn, if you're going to fucking attack that guy at least say something that makes sense. Dont' bitch about the direction of the modern game industry then praise fucking Dragon Age.
Furrynomous 2017/11/06 10:42:23 No.1344595

It's nobody elses fault that you chose that career path. Do you think it's the only industry disrupted by press meddling and changes in public opinion? You work in consumer products, recreational products. Video games are not a necessity or commodity
Furrynomous 2017/11/06 11:15:29 No.1344601
Whew, man, sure told him. It's refreshing to know that nothing matters if it's not a necessity, amirite guis?
Furrynomous 2017/11/06 11:34:24 No.1344637
>more casual and mainstream

"Casual" means nothing.

For example, they altered the obtuse and unintuitive systems in Pillars of Eternity so people can understand things better.

Is that casual?

Mainstream? You mean be scared of gay characters or non-White characters because the most COMMON characters the mainstream expect are straight and pasty growl-marines from planet Buzzcut?

>Hell, you can't even give the excuse that DA2 wasn't a money grubbing mess,

Guess what faux-expert-gamer, just because you are such a deep afficionado of the "electronic entertainments" that you know who Akira Yamaoka is doesn't mean you know why a game failed. For example, did icky gay characters with haircuts you disapprove of hurt DA2, or did the rapacious demands of EA, the publisher with their hands on the pursestrings?
Furrynomous 2017/11/06 11:37:41 No.1344644
Origins was great and Inquisition is fine though, still one of the better current gen games even. Probably my favorite modern day RPG's after Divinity 2 and Souls series. So calling it a crappy series over one bad sequel is a long shot.

Edited at 2017/11/06 11:38:42
Furrynomous 2017/11/06 15:45:34 No.1344731
You're the problem with games.

Based on what?

You'd buy a lootbox-laden skinner box with day-one DLC if it had polygon tits and unthreatening women characters with feminine haircuts plastered on it.

How would you know? Are you claiming mind-reading powers? Not once did I mention sex appeal. The problems I had with my industry was hiring people unable to do the job and accepting their subpar work because their appearence and politics were marketable. Hello Mass Effect Andromida, you big beautiful waste of money full of horrible animations and dead fish eyes! I'm developer, not a gamergater, but the gamergaters had the real point that stood to help the industry.

Dragon Age only got better with each game

No, it didn't. They took away combat options and made spell stacking trivial. The turn based combat became about is forumalic as final fantasy and chugging potions every 3rd turn. Divinity Original Sin and it's sequal have done a better job of keeping the combat fresh with each new iteration.

Mass Effect can very easily be blamed on EA and the outsourcing to a new studio

Sure, or you could listen to the develeopers that left the team and complained about the office politics. Hiring someone to do the facial animations because their demo reel started with "I hate men" sure was a stroke of brilliance. I'm SURE that quality control was totally because of EA and not at all because you had an underskilled worker with very few games under her belt!

We will make your precious hobby a hell for you.

See, here's the real problem. I want to make good games. You want to win a culture war. You don't even take them that serious, so why the fuck should I care that you hate loot boxs? You're here to watch it burn, not to celebrate the artform be it casual or hardcore.

Also, your mom's favorite game is Gone Home.

Actually, it was Monkey Island. She is a REAL woman in tech since 1989. She actually knows who Roberta Williams is because they've met. Thanks though.
Furrynomous 2017/11/06 15:51:33 No.1344732
It's nobody elses fault that you chose that career path.

I didn't blame anyone. Have an actual argument?

Do you think it's the only industry disrupted by press meddling and changes in public opinion?

Never claimed this, but no one jinned up a bunch of bullshit about sexism and woman-hating when people wanted to rally against the iPhone killing the headphone jack. When the product journalists supported apple for it's "brilliance and vision" the consumerbase was not compared to a Klan rally.

You work in consumer products, recreational products. Video games are not a necessity or commodity

Yet people spend more on it than most other industries. Once more, your points are little more than unrelated tangents.
Furrynomous 2017/11/06 15:57:08 No.1344734
Mainstream? You mean be scared of gay characters or non-White characters because the most COMMON characters the mainstream expect are straight and pasty growl-marines from planet Buzzcut?

It's funny that you act like you care about diversity when you really don't. The gaming press that got attacked by gamergate is a huge bunch of racists. Most of the writing stable is cis het white men.

Further, Kotaku and polygon are both very anti-eastern RPG. They shit all over korean and Japanese titles on a regular basis. They utterly ignore major releases. They loathed to talk about Monster Hunter, and have had almost an embargo on anything but the biggest games since 2005. You want more non-white games? Throw out the gaming press and start over.

Current media outlets spent so much time flogging the dolphin to false diversity because they don't want you to notice that out of 18 staffers, they have 1 trans, 2 bisexuals, and 1 poc, vs the other 14 cis white males. It's pedophile preachers man, the one's prothletising are your least diverse.
Furrynomous 2017/11/06 16:04:58 No.1344739
As far as loot boxes go. I think you can blame your gaming press for them too.

When Kotaku, polygon, gamasutra and neoGAF bitched about expansion packs and how much they cost, we stopped making them.

When we tried to come up with a way to fund expanding the games without charging you guys so much, each new idea was shit on. Put advertisements on billboards in city zones? Loading screens? Nope! Lambasted by the gaming press! Offering in game tie-ins like being able to order pizza with a chat command? ((/pizza in everquest 1))

Lambasted again!

Collectors editions? Nope! Those are for "Wailing hyper-consumers!"

Posters? "Wailing hyper-consumers!" again.

The barest minimum of a swag-edition? "Wailing hyper-consumers"

Okay, well, let's try to address the cost issue of expansions. Let's break it down into smaller chunks so you can buy only the ones that interest you. Oh, nope, sorry. Gaming press hates that. Giving consumers flexibility makes us assholes.

The subscription model? Nope! Everything must be free-to-play. "Blizzard is a dinosaur" for having a subscription based game in CURRENT YEAR. Yeah okay, thanks polygon. Thanks Kotaku. Now all our games have to be lootbox supported.

We have lootboxes today because the gaming press never let us, as developers, work out a goddamn model of supporting our games and being able to support our families at the same time by methodically crapping on every single avenue we've tried.

I'd much rather we were back in the day where we could offer a full-blown expansion for 40$ the size of Tribunal, but nah, that was elitist and gatekeeping the hobby to only those who could afford expansion packs, or some other fluffy game journalist bullshit.
Furrynomous 2017/11/06 16:06:35 No.1344740

Sorry to barge in, but what games have you made? I would like to check them out.
Furrynomous 2017/11/06 16:07:26 No.1344741
I mean holy shit. We couldn't even do a Mountain Dew and Doritos sponsorship in the 90s without the press shitting the bed. When televisions and movies do product endorsements all the time, on a free pass.

The gaming community itself took it all in good stride, memeing about the Dorito pope and all... but we had to stop cross promotion because Kotaku whined and think-pieced it to death.
Furrynomous 2017/11/06 16:11:48 No.1344743

I have to be careful that I can't be cross referenced and unmasked by comparing credits of games... but I'll give you three.

Contracted for Shadowbane. Tabula Rasa, and most recently, Crowfall.

Crowfall made me sad, we have an amazing art director... then we hired this friend of hers, and his first week there, he was publicly shaming/undermining her art direction choice with the confessor, complaining that she let the character leave pre-production with permanent high heels and a hip wiggle. (( The character is not by any means the only female in the game, and both the male and female confessor are based upon the idea of a sadist/dominatrix/dominant who torture people inquisition style. The art director wanted to use well-recognized ques to send the message of sadism, and here is this guy she tossed a bone, and gave him a job, and he's better-feminist shaming her in front of all 3 teams on the game. ))
Furrynomous 2017/11/06 17:09:28 No.1344759
Isn't Goth skunk some dumbass edgelord?
Furrynomous 2017/11/07 00:48:32 No.1344892

Your beloved image boards are obsessed with demonizing everything from loot boxes to cross-promotion to microtransactions and have a hyper-negative attitude towards game developers and the realities of development.

Places like Kotaku (MUH BOOGEYMAN) are the least of your worries there, you little propagandist.
Furrynomous 2017/11/07 01:25:47 No.1344895

Nah. It's 100% the gaming press. Fans aren't like this at conventions. Fans aren't like this when you let them tour your office. Fans line up to buy swag and attend midnight release parties.

Journalists in the gaming press are generally the washouts who couldn't put their journalism degree to any other use, so they begrudgingly took up video game journalism. Like most losers and bullies, the only way they can feel better about it is to try and kick over sandcastles at the beach, ruin a good time, and tell the other kids they're stupid for liking the games they play.

I have more respect for Boogie, dunky and angry joe than say... a cuck like Ben Kuchera.

Why single out Ben? That asshole runs stealth groups where he literally puts out marching orders to other journalists to sink games. A place where he openly hates on non-western games as a whole.

He took swipes at Chris Mancil (EA) for POSITIVE comments he made about Ben himself. (How dare you compliment me, your company and you are the devil!)

Erik Kain, for writing about emulation of the NES, despite the fact that Ben had written about emulation himself.

He tries to get people fired who work shitty jobs like working at Dick's sporting goods, because hey, you have a non-progressive outlook and dare to share it on twitter.

He fucked with Greg Tito, EIC for Escapist magazine. Because Greg dared to actually write an article that suggested that the journalism side of the industry needs to take it's own power and reach as a responsibility rather than an opportunity to bully.

He attacked the Dragon's Crown developers. Because he's afraid of cartoon tits.

He made up stories about Brad Wardall, and when it came out they were completely false, every other journalist on the website apologized for it, except Ben.

So please, bullshit some more, tell me how journalists aren't poison on par with lawyers.
Furrynomous 2017/11/07 02:29:27 No.1344907
I have an email list at my job. Scared yet?

Also, if you get kicked from a bog-standard anonymous job for your views, you weren't being "non-progressive", you were being openly bigotted or skirting too close to mass-shooting territory.

Or maybe you had a shitty employer and no union. Guess which side wants to destroy unions and empower employers? It's the side screaming about effics in vidyagomm jurbaligm.
Furrynomous 2017/11/07 02:44:02 No.1344909

Huge difference between having an email list at microsoft, or with your venders, for example, and having an email list with the CEO and CFO of Sony, Alphabet, Microsoft, Asus, etc. If you don't get that, you should see the wage fixing lawsuits. I mean, since you're claiming to be about worker's rights.

Also, if you get kicked from a bog-standard anonymous job for your views, you weren't being "non-progressive", you were being openly bigotted or skirting too close to mass-shooting territory.

Really? The google memo guy is backed up by Ph.D holders with 10-15 years of research behind each of them, and more than half of those who were canvased on the topic for the article were women. He got fired for saying "Men are different from women, and for women to succeed, we need to change the climate at google. Particularly to deal with work/life balance and supporting families."

But according to you, science is now suddenly wrong and evil, doctors aren't to be trusted, and James Damore is about to go on a killing spree. What a fucking eyeroller.

IGDA is anti-union, pretends to care about work conditions, but intervenes to prevent the formation of unions... Yet polygon, Kotaku and Gammasutra support them heavily. Gamergate is anti-IGDA for that reason. I am a former IGDA member and speaker, and I left the guild because it is bullshit. Some much for being anti-union conservatives!

Lastly, are you really conflating Gamergaters with Donald Trump? Go try to ask how Pro-Donald Trump gamergate is over at KotakuInAction subreddit. See how much the mods and usual posters swear up and down that they detest the nuclear Cheeto.
Furrynomous 2017/11/07 02:50:13 No.1344911

Also you really failed to address all the hard to argue points. Do you really think a journalist has any business shitting on another journalist, an editor and chief at that, for proposing that journalists behave with some self-respect for the capability they have in their jobs?
Furrynomous 2017/11/07 03:22:59 No.1344916
Damore or whatever the most recent pasty martyr was called thought he could have an open discussion about how maybe a third of his colleagues are just naturally/genetically predisposed to be different and incompatible with the company as it stands. You think I expect myself to get away with that at my workplace?

The fact that he thought that shouldn't have any repercussions ironically exposes just how privileged, myopic and solipsistic White men become when they have favored, homogenous upbringings.

The fact that he immediately ran to committed misogynists like Breitbart to peddle their talking points and nurture their White male victimhood agenda just shows he knew what he did and which people are maniacal enough to defend him.

>Lastly, are you really conflating Gamergaters with Donald Trump?

The only group I associate more with support for Trump are evangelicals, Nazis, Kremlin apparatchiks and White police officers.
Furrynomous 2017/11/07 03:36:48 No.1344921
He failed to address the hard to argue parts because all he doesn't actually have a viewpoint other than "GOOBERGABERS R BAD GUIS." Pretty sad, really.
Furrynomous 2017/11/07 04:18:00 No.1344956

Wow, you're a huge science denier. You're the global warmer conspiracy of gender politics.
Furrynomous 2017/11/07 10:53:24 No.1345055
Science can say whatever it wants. Girls can work at Google too at no detriment to Google's operations and bottom line, and it was deemed that Damore had not sufficiently internalized this fact and was operating in a way that hurt the workplace. He wasn't fired for his beliefs, but for the inartful and frankly corrosive way he sought to disseminate his beliefs.
Perrin 2017/11/07 12:59:16 No.1345090

Anyone saying this hasn't actually READ the memo or listened to the guy actually speak about the background of it. The memo itself was one of the least offensive or controversial things I've ever read. It was actually very PRO-women in the industry, fell all over itself to be politically correct, etc... but it made the cardinal sin of acknowledging the scientific fact that men and women are different, and for that heresy he got fired.

People who slam the memo also don't understand that it wasn't sent out in a vacuum. Google actively encourages its employers to share memos in groups regarding everything from science to ways to make the company better. They actively encourage discussion of this nature, and the memo itself wasn't even controversial for days until a person decided that it was offensive and forwarded it to a 'diversity officer' whose job amounts to 'professional offendee'. Even THEN it wasn't a major problem until it leaked to the press, which systematically ignored the actual text and reported it as though Damore had claimed that women shouldn't be working in tech which the memo absolutely never said or implied. Before saying such monumentally ignorant things, you should read the memo itself and understand the background of the employee culture at google itself and how they encourage such memos.
Furrynomous 2017/11/07 16:25:25 No.1345153
You can spread any propaganda about Damore's Holy Writ that you wish.

But I still automatically win the argument because he got fired, and if you get what you want, you win the argument.
Furrynomous 2017/11/07 17:47:12 No.1345172
Jawohl, mein Fuhrer. Might makes right.

Edited at 2017/11/07 17:48:18
Furrynomous 2017/11/07 18:21:24 No.1345179

No, not at all. You never read the memo. Journalists were even saying that it was so coached and benign that the whole document was a secret coded dog whistle dressed up to look milk-toast. It was literally that inoffensive.


Firing people you disagree with doesn't make you a winner. In fact, the sad thing is you're making gender equality worse.

The real reason google fired him was because the measures he suggested were picking up steam inside google. He had called for the company to change the way it handles crunch time, and offer better support to working mothers and better support to new parents. Google fired him because the things he was calling for to support women at google would have actually hurt the company's bottom line.

It was just so dense, such a meaty piece of writing, that they rely on people having not read it or the measures he advocates, that they were able to judo it around to call him the sexist.

From the very start, the memo pointed out that google's method of operation was aimed at a male-centric, male-oriented workplace. That the key to keeping more women on board was less mandatory male shaming seminars and actually offering women the ability to have a family and a career at the same time.
Furrynomous 2017/11/07 19:33:03 No.1345201
I read the memo. Bog-standard forumite argumentation. I also read up on Gjoni's screaming. It was full of lies and self-pity.

You aren't allowed to talk among your colleagues about how one sex is incompatible with the workplace. At least not if you aren't a firefighter or brick-carrier or a person employed to never bleed out of your crotch.

I don't mind living in a world where that is something I am not allowed to do.

But then again, I am not a paranoid weak cracker that needs to hurt and discriminate against others without repercussion to feel normal.
Furrynomous 2017/11/07 20:44:22 No.1345233

It was not at all written like a forum post. You're lying.

It was not asserting that women cannot work tech, it was asserting that the tech workplace needs to change. Tech workplaces today demand that you give all your time to the company, stay overnight for major projects, and ignore your family. Women do not have this option if they're nursing. Women do not have this option if their male partner also has a full time job because the social expectation is that the mother does the sacrificing.

Eliminating crunch and overnight stays would immensely benefit women and their ability to remain in tech. Google does not want to do this, so they painted him as a sexist because they do not want to change their workplace environment to actually grapple with the real systemic issues facing women. I.E. workplaces oriented towards males sacrificing family time for fiscal incentives.
Claudia Bun!!KnzfwC2Y0g 2017/11/07 20:57:54 No.1345242

Furrynomous 2017/11/07 21:15:09 No.1345245

Except if he actually wanted to improve Google and didn't hate women he would have shunned the MRApists and alt-right sisterfuckers that wanted to pet him on the head and make him a martyr killed by the scary PC police.

But he didn't shun them. So he hates women.
Furrynomous 2017/11/07 22:05:03 No.1345254

Your post proves that this is nothing but tribalism to you because you don't care that he was actually advocating for the elevation and equality of women.

100% this is about him being on the wrong side of an imaginary line that makes him the try with a black feathers instead of the tribe with the blue feathers. This is no different than locking up Galileo because he wasn't a good little church boy.

You have literally turned something secular into a religion. I hope that one day you come out of your sickness, your delirium, and your fever breaks. I feel sorry for you, the one who cries myopic but can only see the world through One Singular lens and is blind to all else through all other lenses.
Furrynomous 2017/11/08 02:42:24 No.1345306
And I hope you stop seeing tribalism as something bad. It is only bad when evil uses it.
Furrynomous 2017/11/08 03:55:30 No.1345339

Tribalism is the basis of racism. Also, very few people have ever considered themselves evil while utilizing tribalism.

How are you so sure you're not evil? I mean, you're willing to say "Fuck allies doing beneficial things if they're talking to the wrong people!"

Do you also hate Laci Green now?
Furrynomous 2017/11/08 05:28:56 No.1345353
I didn't vote for the guy that raped his wife over a bad hairplug operation, and I donated to help a trans American beat "Virginia's chief homophobe".

I am basically goodness itself and everyone have to think exactly lile me.
Anon 2017/11/08 17:26:08 No.1345605
File: cringing_u18chan.jpg - (145.82kb, 480x640, cringing.jpg)
Jesus fucking Christ. Does Naylor have to force politics onto all of his characters, and his obsession with piss and assholes into every goddamn comic? No wonder he put out a comic telling everyone he was single, and why he cannot find any woman to fuck him.

Why does the emo, goth, whatever skunk eat out the girl's ass to shove it in her vag? It's like Naylor is allergic to characters eating vagina. You sure you ain't a little bi, Naylor?
Furrynomous 2017/11/08 23:56:54 No.1345722
At this point you should have noticed that all main characters in Naylor's comics are ass( * )

Edited at 2017/11/08 23:57:42
Furrynomous 2017/11/09 00:15:42 No.1345733
This was a commissioned comic by GothicSkunk
Furrynomous 2017/11/10 16:25:27 No.1346389
remove cover and page 1,2, and 12. Comic would be way better
Furrynomous 2017/11/12 16:37:48 No.1347128
exact his comics remain some of the most popular straight furry comics that he's doing something right. He knows how to draw cock, unlike american artists, he knows how to draw pussy, and everyone of his comics are super erotic. yet you flaming homosexuals keep bitching, thats funny.

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