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File: Part_1_The_Bear_Necessities_u18chan.jpg - (213.47kb, 1280x790, Part_1_The_Bear_Necessities.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
[Wolfy-Nail] Sherri's Birthday Party (Ongoing) ThatOneAnon 2016/07/31 22:47:54 No.1119618   

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[Wolfy-Nail] Sherri's Birthday Party (Ongoing) ThatOneAnon 2016/07/31 22:47:55 No.1119619
File: Part_2_Doggies_and_Butt_Stuffs_u18chan.jpg - (216.77kb, 1280x790, Part_2_Doggies_and_Butt_Stuffs.jpg)
[Wolfy-Nail] Sherri's Birthday Party (Ongoing) ThatOneAnon 2016/07/31 22:47:56 No.1119620
File: Part_3_Horseplay_u18chan.jpg - (196.15kb, 1280x790, Part_3_Horseplay.jpg)
[Wolfy-Nail] Sherri's Birthday Party (Ongoing) ThatOneAnon 2016/07/31 22:47:57 No.1119621
File: Part_4_Cutting_in_Line_u18chan.jpg - (172.37kb, 1280x790, Part_4_Cutting_in_Line.jpg)
[Wolfy-Nail] Sherri's Birthday Party (Ongoing) ThatOneAnon 2016/07/31 22:47:58 No.1119622
File: Part_5_Why_Cats_Yowl_u18chan.jpg - (223.13kb, 1280x790, Part_5_Why_Cats_Yowl.jpg)
[Wolfy-Nail] Sherri's Birthday Party (Ongoing) ThatOneAnon 2016/07/31 22:48:25 No.1119626
File: Part_6_Threes_Company_u18chan.jpg - (193.8kb, 1280x790, Part_6_Threes_Company.jpg)

[Wolfy-Nail] Sherri's Birthday Party (Ongoing) ThatOneAnon 2016/07/31 22:48:26 No.1119627
File: Part_7_Time_for_Presents_u18chan.jpg - (183.03kb, 1280x790, Part_7_Time_for_Presents.jpg)
Furrynomous 2016/08/01 22:16:19 No.1120741
The stories connected to each picture in the FA gallery, are those just like rp chat logs or some shit? They're written in a way similar to those
Michael Saunders 2016/08/02 00:32:41 No.1120919
I think this belongs in intersex.
Furrynomous 2016/08/02 02:20:54 No.1120949
Its dominantly straight with just one pic that isn't. Let it go. Don't be that guy who feels he has to look out for the rest of us or is offended by one penis where is usually isn't. Just pretend it's a strapon
Furrynomous 2016/08/04 03:40:59 No.1123920
Where do the other two images fall into place the ones featuring Falla and Jiara Jaro?
Furrynomous 2016/08/04 04:04:16 No.1123956
File: 4c752c2870e6d449bc55180d1ab09d44_u18chan.png - (857.87kb, 1280x791, 4c752c2870e6d449bc55180d1ab09d44.png)
You mean these two right? I'm not 100% sure but judging from Sherri's FA Sherri's Birthday Party is only at 7/9. So there are two left now if these two are part of the of the set or not im not sure, since these two image are from Falla and Jiara Jaro respective owners own gallery's. Only time will tell.
Furrynomous 2016/08/04 04:04:17 No.1123957
File: edc8b6e46e42c5686d8f7be7fe961929_u18chan.jpg - (133.97kb, 1280x791, edc8b6e46e42c5686d8f7be7fe961929.jpg)
Furrynomous 2016/08/04 09:27:27 No.1124363
Yeah those are the ones I saw thanks to FA search function by date and the one with Falla was the first in the series before the others followed after.
Furrynomous 2016/08/08 03:31:45 No.1127280
Can someone link the stories and/or log associated with this story? I can't seem to find it myself.
Furrynomous 2016/08/12 01:04:50 No.1129925
one third of the pictures have a herm character in it though. and its a fat ugly elephant.
Furrynomous 2016/08/12 02:44:50 No.1129976
What's your point?
>1/3 herm < 2/3 straight
Putting the herm pics on another board and keeping the straight pics here would be kind of silly and annoying for anyone else wanting to see the whole series.
Putting all of the pics on the other board would be hypocritical.
Logical solution: ignore it.

>fat ugly elephant
Go complain to Wolfy if your personal opinion has been offended.
Furrynomous 2016/08/12 04:20:41 No.1129998
File: 1433882702.wolfy-nail_slide-1-sketch_u18chan.jpg - (330.61kb, 1280x790, 1433882702.wolfy-nail_slide-1-sketch.jpg)
You know what this set needs is a cover page too bad Wolfy Nail didn't make this Sherri's Birthday Party (YCH auction) sketch into a completed piece. Maybe there is a chance he can complete it, that's if he has the time.

But in regards of the character's appearance they are not Wolfy Nails characters, they are other FA users characters, that where able to get a slot in with Sherri.

Edited at 2016/08/12 04:21:24
Furrynomous 2016/08/12 04:30:16 No.1129999
Wait that sketch says 5 slots, which means there would have been just 5 characters in total. Meaning there should have been just 5 images or so. But so far there are 7 images out of 9, with the two other images pending if they are part of the set.
Furrynomous 2016/08/12 04:49:36 No.1130026

IRC from when the YCH sketch was posted this from WN gallery or his scrap section. Slots had came and gone to fast. That WN decided make one or two more slots, since there were users that wanted part take in the set. But this almost a year ago before he had gone into working a job as an artist. So there could have been a number of things that happened after that.

On that not the first image with the Bear is one of Wolfy nails characters.

Edited at 2016/08/12 04:50:57
Furrynomous 2016/08/12 05:01:31 No.1130043
I just got to wonder if this set will have Sherri in a DP or all three filled scene, since we nearing the end. Since we are waiting on the final two to be posted, in due time.
Furrynomous 2016/08/12 08:13:13 No.1130139
I know we live in a world of PC comments, but sigh, nothing like ruining a really good FEMALE character design like throwing a dick on it. This fandom...
Furrynomous 2016/08/12 10:08:29 No.1130172
I don't think this fandom is to blame for the whole, having shemale, dickgirl, futa, herm, intersex. Now before someone goes into the whole thing of all of these being the same they are different especially with the shemale/dickgirl. A shemale is individual that was born as male that identifies themselves as female or just wants to have breasts, while still keeping there manhood. A dickgirl on the other is basically an individual that is born with a female frame that also has a dick but no vagina and develop breasts naturally because of there good hormonal levels. While herms are individuals that can appear to have either male (aka cuntboy just no beast) or female frame and have both functions of the female reproduction system and the male reproduction system.

Plus Japanese hentai use it too, I'm pretty sure if look on hentai foundry you will most likely find these as well. So perhaps the whole concept of rule 34 is to blame, as long as there some people that into it they will most likely keep existing.

In my own opinion I'm OK with the whole thing, at least it's no on a or guy getting involved.
Furrynomous 2016/08/12 12:27:49 No.1130200
You know we are coming up on about 31 days soon since the latest part Sherri's Birthday Party. So the next part may come out in a few days after like a week or two.

Edited at 2016/08/12 12:28:15
Furrynomous 2016/08/12 20:51:46 No.1130421
I can see why people like dick girls and stuff but i just can't get into it. Or even lesbian porn.

I think i just need that analogue for me on some level.
Furrynomous 2016/08/13 00:41:20 No.1130499
See, you lost my attention after the second sentence. I got bored and my mind read blah blah blah and that's the problem When you gotta make a dictionary long explanation, you're doing it wrong.

Dicks don't belong on an otherwise female body. It'd be one thing if "She-males" looked like REAL males with female cosmetics added to them, but they don't They never do. So, why ruin a perfectly nice looking female body with a dick.

I know I know, because there are people out there with a thesaurus long explanation of what they believe themselves to be. That's cool. Do what you want to do. And yeah, I get art is the total fantasy of what people mentally hope they could ideally be, yaddayaddayadda. I just like my males to be and look like males and my females to be and look like females. There's nothing more annoying than clicking on a picture of something you think is one or the other only to get the growing common surprise of being proven wrong.
Furrynomous 2016/08/13 02:52:03 No.1130624
>So, why ruin a perfectly nice looking female body with a dick.

I prefer the female form but I find that lesbian sex gets boring quick and strap-ons lack the satisfaction of creampies.
Furrynomous 2016/08/13 15:51:46 No.1130825
>"See, you lost my attention after the second sentence."
>Proceeds to write a small manifesto
Look man. Chicks is hot. Dicks is fun. Not complicated.
Furrynomous 2016/08/13 16:58:40 No.1130841
A cock on a woman's body is unnatural! It's almost as unnatural as if she had a tail or fur or a muzzle!
Furrynomous 2016/08/14 09:36:02 No.1131304
Let's just say that herms or any relating term of it, look better in fantasy/fiction then it would in real life.
Furrynomous 2016/08/20 18:52:37 No.1135231
File: sherrisilly_u18chan.png - (173.57kb, 607x656, sherrisilly.png)
... o_o; I have a thread dedicated to me.

Furrynomous 2016/08/20 19:01:27 No.1135232
Nope, just here to fap.
Furrynomous 2016/08/20 19:11:52 No.1135233

I'm pretty sure most people are.
Furrynomous 2016/08/20 20:46:53 No.1135240
Fapping to you, yes. :o
somebluewolfwithacrestmoon 2016/08/21 00:33:53 No.1135341

Sherri, you have quite a good gallery. But i am sourprise you are not mad about this.
Furrynomous 2016/08/21 06:25:48 No.1135384

Why would she be? I mean it's not like the images are behind Patreon, (unless there are Higher resolution versions) she posts them on her FA (as well W-N and anyone who participated in series on their FA) and I believe on e621. So it's not like it isn't free for viewers, and plus not only do viewers get to see NSFW images they also get to read a NSFW story as well. I know that not all of her stories are free their are a few that are behind her patreon (at the moment)

Plus it at least gain's her some more exposure to her, not only of works she commissioned but also her stuff as a writer.

Edited at 2016/08/21 06:27:22
Furrynomous 2016/08/21 08:36:55 No.1135398
File: pleeeeeeease_u18chan.png - (124.89kb, 512x512, pleeeeeeease.png)


I guess I'll go on the record.

Here's how I feel about it.

The pictures are free to view, some of them in the future (A project I'm working on at the moment!) won't be. But that's not going to stop people from making a 'Sherri's Patreon Rip.'

However in all things there are those who want it convenient/immediately. That's what my Patreon is for. If you're willing to toss up 10$ a month you get all my juiciest stuff, you get it in advance, and you get to vote on some of the stuff I commission in the future.

A lot of Patreon Creators use their Patreon as a TipJar or a Paywall for their content.

I use my Patreon as a service. Yeah there's content that's exclusive to Patreon Subscribers, but I also make sure that they get to have input in my work and they get to participate in my creations.

I even have a Custom Story Tier, a Story Series Tier, and a Guest Star Tier, if you like my writing enough that you want to be a part of it. (Unfortunately all spots are filled at the moment!)

That being said, I was homeless for 2 years. I enjoyed my share of site-rips. So I get it. I'm not saying 'OHMYGOD SHUT DOWN ALL THE PICS' Blarhblarhblarh.

But supporting me means that it makes it worth my time to create content, and yeah, some people think my stories are shit. And that's perfectly fine, you're entitled to your opinion, and I don't take it personally. If it ever comes to a point where writing stories for people becomes a shit endeavor that isn't worth my time, I'll probably stop doing it.

But for now it's worth it.

That's all I have to say about that.

Furrynomous 2016/08/21 10:04:44 No.1135414
No. You're being selfish. Everything should be free. Down with paywalls!
Furrynomous 2016/08/21 10:05:22 No.1135415
At least that's how I picture most people who complain about Patreon would react.
Furrynomous 2016/08/21 10:45:36 No.1135420
You know what? Fuck it. I've never felt the desire to pay for any of this... 'cept that one time..., but you've come here with kindness. Moreso, I do enjoy a good detailed 5-page story as well as the other perks on offer, so I'll give you a shot for now.
Furrynomous 2016/08/21 10:59:39 No.1135422
Yeah because some want to be an internet Robin Hood. But as you said it's going to happen eventually, wither it be soon or later it will get posted by someone. It just depends on the person behind work would handle it, some would just say, it happen can't really fight against or get angry about. But of course it's not something that would make them thrilled about it.

Than there are others that are not happy about their work (patreon stuff) being posted to the public, (won't mention names out of respect) would go out of their way to do things to maintain their work from being posted to the public. One common thing I have been noticing (and I don't really understand why) is that certain artist take to a whole new level by completely removing their work from their own gallery (FA, Weasel and Ink Bunny accounts) and other sites like e621. While producing work for their patreon, but won't their work unless it's a commissioned piece then it's the commissioner's choice to post it in their own gallery while still referencing the artist.

Now I understand that the work posted on e621, are sometimes not posted by the artist or by others without their consent. But since it has a source ( multiple links) link where the work originated from, it would have been great for e621. You know since your sourcing the artist page and gallery. But some thought it was a misrepresentation of their work, and then their is the stuff with role playing thing that got involved with e621.

I do remember that e621 had a lot negative view a couple years back, when they lost hosting or shut down and switched over a new owner. (I don't remember a lot about the specifics)

But you know I'm going to stop at that it's going to start an argument (discussion) about the supposable pay walled content. Plus this ain't the place talk about it.

Man it's a pain using my tablet to type, I'm more use to using a keyboard, when typing.

Edited at 2016/08/21 11:04:07
Mean While On the Internet (Viewpoints) Furrynomous 2016/08/21 11:08:32 No.1135425
File: tZpOs85_u18chan.gif - (5.6mb, 500x281, tZpOs85.gif)
Furrynomous 2016/08/21 11:23:47 No.1135427

I would most definitely support you as well, if I wasn't in similar situation and a morning stage of losing a very close to home family (I considered a friend as well) member. But once or when ever the time of recovery comes, from traveling through, my own dark maze and make it to the light at the end. Ill support you when the day comes.

Edited at 2016/08/21 11:27:52
Sherri 2016/08/21 11:23:49 No.1135428
File: gameonsticker2_u18chan.png - (197.7kb, 512x512, gameonsticker2.png)

Eh, well, sometimes people just want free stuff! Thing is, free tends to lead to other measures to make a profit. It's kind of why we have Freemium Garbage Games that are eating into the Creative Space of Game Design.


Thanks! I really appreciate it! I try to offer good stuff to make people feel like they're getting their money's worth.


Here's my thinking at least regarding that.

1. I don't mind having the art for free up on sites, again there's a project I'm working on (a Comic, a World of Warcraft one for those of you who are interested!) that I'd prefer to not have up and roaming the net for free, namely because it's a large personal and financial investment from my end to try and provide exclusive content to my patreons.

2. I feel like, if I leave most of the pictures up for free, people won't feel the need to rip my stories from the patreon. Especially since it's dirt cheap to get the bulk of them. 5$/mo for 3ish Patreon Exclusive Stories. 10$/mo for 5 Patreon Exclusives, as well as multiple other benefits.

3. That being said, I understand the view of those who rip sites from artists, and I understand the view of the artists. Mainly because I've been on both sides of the fence.

There is not an easy answer for this kind of thing, Patreon or otherwise, there is only the effort on the Artists side to try and be able to make a living creating art and content for people to enjoy, and the hope that 1/5 will step up and pay the bill that 4/5 walk out on.

P.S. ...Pic unrelated, I just like the way it looks.

Edited at 2016/08/21 12:06:21
Sherri 2016/08/21 11:27:17 No.1135430

I totally get you! And that's why I'll still be putting up free content from time to time!

And if you feel like when you get through your hardship, tossing me some cashola to enjoy the premium stuff, then I hope you enjoy what I produce.

I want people to enjoy my writing, and it makes me feel fuzzy inside when they do.

I also want to be able to live in a modest apartment.

I feel it's a fair compromise for both artist and audience to do some free content, but having premium content that can be paid for.

That being said! I hope things get better for you, and I hope you pull through.
Furrynomous 2016/08/21 14:49:44 No.1135459
I wish I had the money to patreon.
bluewolfguymooncrest 2016/08/21 20:45:32 No.1135730

I understand. Patreon is for you want to have the image instantly. But in any case. I am still sourprise X3
Furrynomous 2016/08/22 02:48:34 No.1135976
Legit question. Why does this site throw a MASSIVE fit over shit like the daddy's girl comic where the FICTIONAL CHARACTER is under age, but then laps up this comic, which actually features the character of someone who was banned from F-list for bragging about banging someone under age?

It was a teenager, but it's STILL a fucking double standard.
Furrynomous 2016/08/22 06:21:39 No.1136073

I think you should post that in the thread that it belongs to. You know this isn't the place to talk about that since it isn't related to this thread.
Read the post first (After that then skip to 16:46 about the topic) Furrynomous 2016/08/22 08:46:51 No.1136249
File: Embedded Video

Kinda reminds me to what was said on (YouTube) ShoddyCast Fallout Lore S2 episode 15, season finale about the "secret to success" it more of a concept though, but I do agree with what he said on there about the whole donations. I mean granted what he does is different but more in the realms of machima and of course for youtube, but when thinking on it as a content creator, and catering to an audience that likes what the content creator makes, and veiwers contribute with what little they can offer fuels the content passion to keep continuing. Not exactly how he said it but thats how I interpret it.

But if you want to hear it

I'll post the video just skip to 16:46

Edited at 2016/08/22 08:48:15
Furrynomous 2016/08/22 09:01:00 No.1136264

Yeah it's true with what he says about content creators on the Internet, it doesn't really mean youtube only. Since the term content creator can mean many different things that are not limited only to youtube or video for that matter. Even though he talked more about youtube in his video than other things beyond it, like other types of media. But as it sounds like making content on YouTube is his passion.

Edited at 2016/08/22 09:09:37
Furrynomous 2016/08/22 10:47:29 No.1136321
Because the art style in that one makes you uncomfortable because it WANTS you to know they're underage whereas this one isn't as creepy in that regard.
Furrynomous 2016/08/23 11:40:51 No.1136922
Furrynomous 2016/09/21 10:29:51 No.1152294
File: 1472087533.sherrimayim_08_sherri__coltron20_1280_u18chan.jpg - (191.11kb, 1280x790, 1472087533.sherrimayim_08_sherri_+_coltron20_1280.jpg)
Well looks like the last two have been posted so here they are. As to what the previous poster put up these are the same images as the ones from here. But last pic is the only one that is slightly different, from the that is here.


Furrynomous 2016/09/21 10:29:52 No.1152295
File: 1474328099.sherrimayim_09_sherri__fr-95_1280_a__u18chan.jpg - (247.3kb, 1280x790, 1474328099.sherrimayim_09_sherri_+_fr-95_1280_a_.jpg)
Furrynomous 2016/10/15 17:13:36 No.1163587
Honestly I'm tired of seeing her character as the only thing my favorite artists are drawing.
Furrynomous 2017/03/18 17:21:27 No.1237220
I feel you could be doing something far more worthwhile with your time instead of paywalling something with no real world value.
Furrynomous 2017/03/19 00:21:01 No.1237335

Seconded, it was cute the first couple times now it's just fucking grating.
Furrynomous 2017/03/19 00:29:07 No.1237341
175 big ones for a village bicycle, nah.
Furrynomous 2017/03/19 00:37:12 No.1237346
to be fair i think thats true for like any character. the first couple of times you see them drawn its cute/sexy, but after awhile if you ONLY see them, it gets a bit irritating because their EVERYWHERE! heck two names that come to mind are purgy and sponty
Furrynomous 2017/03/19 00:42:52 No.1237355
I'm more pissed about the fact that they have the money to spend on endless commissions.

Stop being more wealthy than I am!
Furrynomous 2017/03/19 08:27:31 No.1237432
They don't. They have to ebeg on patreon to afford all the commissions. Selling some shitty two-page stories for justification.
Furrynomous 2017/03/19 12:04:02 No.1237469
Furrynomous 2017/03/19 14:09:32 No.1237519

I have to agree with this one, she was nice for the first couple of art, and i dont mind seeing same character from time to time but when she is forced into every single pic it just becomes boring and tiresome
Furrynomous 2017/03/19 14:53:56 No.1237531

I used to like her quite abit, but now... Yeah she's... She's getting pretty worn out. Pun intended.
Furrynomous 2017/03/20 02:33:52 No.1237760
You got any proof of that, buddy?
Furrynomous 2017/03/20 09:37:18 No.1237858

Because people specifically hate Adam Wan.
Furrynomous 2017/03/21 03:05:12 No.1238219
How much of an egomaniac do you have to feel like people would want to pay for you to get commissions?

This is a whole new type of delusion
Furrynomous 2017/03/21 08:52:16 No.1238296
Whitekitten does the same thing and people pay out the ass to see his torture porn, disembowlment, and all manner of fucked up shit. It's sad really.
Furrynomous 2017/03/21 12:25:16 No.1238355

Do you own a vagina? Congratulations, you qualify to have desperate guys buy stuff for you (including art).
Claudia Bun!!KnzfwC2Y0g 2017/03/21 19:04:24 No.1238478

Be careful m80, telling the truth tends to get censored around here. >.> <.<
Furrynomous 2017/03/22 02:11:49 No.1238599
Looks like someone got burned.

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