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File: 1439791781.salkitten_cover2_u18chan.png - (1.04mb, 905x1280, 1439791781.salkitten_cover2.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Diving for Pearls Adavi123 2016/08/01 14:15:56 No.1120468   
Diving for Pearls by SalKitten.
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Diving for Pearls Adavi123 2016/08/01 14:15:57 No.1120469
File: 1439834320.salkitten_page_1_u18chan.png - (273.74kb, 905x1280, 1439834320.salkitten_page_1.png)
Diving for Pearls Adavi123 2016/08/01 14:15:59 No.1120470
File: 1441428721.salkitten_page_2_fa_u18chan.png - (917.38kb, 905x1280, 1441428721.salkitten_page_2_fa.png)
Diving for Pearls Adavi123 2016/08/01 14:16:00 No.1120471
File: 1441844563.salkitten_page_3_u18chan.png - (255.45kb, 905x1280, 1441844563.salkitten_page_3.png)
Diving for Pearls Adavi123 2016/08/01 14:16:01 No.1120472
File: 1442283620.salkitten_page_4_u18chan.png - (263.77kb, 905x1280, 1442283620.salkitten_page_4.png)
Diving for Pearls Adavi123 2016/08/01 14:18:23 No.1120473
File: 1464026785.salkitten_page_5_u18chan.png - (302.8kb, 905x1280, 1464026785.salkitten_page_5.png)

Diving for Pearls Adavi123 2016/08/01 14:18:24 No.1120474
File: 1465492283.salkitten_page_6_u18chan.png - (283.99kb, 905x1280, 1465492283.salkitten_page_6.png)
Diving for Pearls Adavi123 2016/08/01 14:18:25 No.1120475
File: 1465493288.salkitten_page_7_u18chan.png - (262.61kb, 905x1280, 1465493288.salkitten_page_7.png)
Diving for Pearls Adavi123 2016/08/01 14:18:26 No.1120476
File: 1465928320.salkitten_page_8_u18chan.png - (277.01kb, 905x1280, 1465928320.salkitten_page_8.png)
Diving for Pearls Adavi123 2016/08/01 14:18:28 No.1120477
File: 1466541199.salkitten_page_9_u18chan.png - (283.92kb, 905x1280, 1466541199.salkitten_page_9.png)
Diving for Pearls Adavi123 2016/08/01 14:20:01 No.1120478
File: 1469557392.salkitten_page_10_u18chan.png - (255.03kb, 905x1280, 1469557392.salkitten_page_10.png)

Diving for Pearls Adavi123 2016/08/01 14:20:02 No.1120479
File: 1470078230.salkitten_page_11_u18chan.png - (262.04kb, 905x1280, 1470078230.salkitten_page_11.png)
Diving for Pearls Furrynomous 2016/08/13 08:15:25 No.1130668
File: 012_2_u18chan.png - (267.98kb, 905x1280, 012.png)

Furrynomous 2016/08/13 11:31:27 No.1130784
Holy shit I love a good story but either fuck or give her cancer already Sal!
Diving for Pearls Adavi123 2016/08/25 13:13:09 No.1137959
File: salkitten_page_13_u18chan.png - (244.53kb, 905x1280, salkitten_page_13.png)

Diving for Pearls Adavi123 2016/09/12 00:52:43 No.1148255
File: salkitten_page_14_u18chan.png - (191.83kb, 905x1280, salkitten_page_14.png)

Furrynomous 2016/09/12 08:34:22 No.1148404
That's actually one thing I don't get. I mean, I understand if the view of homophobia's already a potent on in the friend, but if you have no reason to believe they don't like homosexuals, then... why not simply say to them that you have feelings for them? Best case scenario: They have a little something for you as well and the good times roll, worst case scenario it turns out your friend IS a closeted homophobic, in which case.... y'know... fuck them, and the 98% case scenario is gonna be "Friendzone," thus you've lost and gained nothing. Really, the only potential for loss hinges on weather or not your friend was a terrible person to begin with, and if they were, do you REALLY wanna keep on strong with them, after knowing they're bigots? Seems like there's little to actually lose here to me. Buuuut I'm not gay, so invariably, I have no clue what I'm talking about or whatever, so... meh.


Nice options there, Mr. Faulkner.
Furrynomous 2016/09/12 11:13:49 No.1148478

You do know that homophobia has absolutely nothing to do with this, right? As a matter of fact, homophobia doesn't have anything to do with anything even related to this.

Young love is always embarrassing and difficult to confess, ESPECIALLY when it is genuine.

There is nothing complicated or political about what is going on here.
Furrynomous 2016/09/16 21:35:19 No.1150530
I've never been in love, so I wouldn't know one way or the other. I know homophobia isn't a thing in this comic, but with the one character here acting all nervous and scared about "confessing her feelings" and such, it's easy to see where one might get the idea "Maybe she's afraid her friend isn't into girls?" Especially since we have no context to go off of yet, really.

Again, this is the exact opposite of my ballpark. I'm not gay, not female, never been in a relationship, hell, I'm pretty sure I'm asexual at this point, so I'm just asking what the deal is with this trope, and why it's so common in both fiction and reality.

I just don't get it.

Edited at 2016/09/16 21:35:38
Diving for Pearls Adavi123 2016/09/26 22:59:44 No.1154624
File: salkitten_page_15_u18chan.png - (253.37kb, 905x1280, salkitten_page_15.png)

Furrynomous 2016/09/27 03:10:06 No.1154667
Romantic attraction is a hard thing to confess, especially when the target of your desire is a friend. There's always the lingering fear that exposing your feelings might mess up the existing relationship you have; that even if they aren't explicitly offended by your sexual preference, they might find it too awkward to be around you once you've exposed your desires. No one wants to fuck up a perfectly good friendship.
Furrynomous 2016/09/27 10:12:25 No.1154712
Well there goes nearly all conflict in this comic.
Furrynomous 2016/09/27 19:45:52 No.1154974
Who cares? They're about to fuck.
Furrynomous 2016/09/27 23:56:28 No.1155137
I'm still waiting for them both to get stage 58 terminal cancer and implode. It's the only tool Sal seems to be good at is random cases of deathcancerowchfeels.
Diving for Pearls Adavi123 2016/10/11 13:14:23 No.1162031
File: salkitten_page_16_u18chan.png - (278.33kb, 905x1280, salkitten_page_16.png)

Furrynomous 2016/10/11 16:19:28 No.1162070
File: JUSTFUCKALREADY_u18chan.jpg - (15.41kb, 480x360, JUST FUCK ALREADY.jpg)

Diving for Pearls Adavi123 2016/10/17 23:01:22 No.1164690
File: salkitten_page_17_u18chan.png - (234.54kb, 905x1280, salkitten_page_17.png)

Furrynomous 2016/10/18 02:26:32 No.1164736
Just fucking kiss already
Furrynomous 2016/10/18 07:59:05 No.1164802

Thanks for watching :D
Furrynomous 2016/10/18 16:29:22 No.1164934
Don't toy with me. I will break you
Furrynomous I AM AN UNIMAGINATIVE TWAT 2016/10/19 00:14:02 No.1165145
Furrynomous 2016/10/21 09:07:31 No.1166065
Don't know how to use a youtube to gif converter?
Diving for Pearls Adavi123 2016/10/29 14:03:23 No.1169824
File: 1477752148.salkitten_page_18_u18chan.png - (202.74kb, 905x1280, 1477752148.salkitten_page_18.png)

Furrynomous 2016/10/30 05:26:44 No.1170193
Yesss! This is cute.

Edited at 2016/10/30 05:27:11
Furrynomous 2016/11/01 14:12:18 No.1171028
This whole comic:
Furrynomous 2016/11/02 08:30:55 No.1171260
aaand The End ;)
Furrynomous 2016/11/08 09:54:24 No.1174195
File: salkitten_page_19_u18chan.png - (202.86kb, 905x1280, salkitten_page_19.png)

G-Birkin # MOD # 2016/11/08 16:36:29 No.1174322
File: salkitten_page_20_u18chan.png - (6.56mb, 3500x4949, salkitten_page_20.png)
Newest pages people :D
G-Birkin # MOD # 2016/11/08 16:38:00 No.1174323
File: salkitten_page_21_u18chan.png - (4.39mb, 3500x4949, salkitten_page_21.png)
...and the action is starting

Edited at 2016/11/08 16:38:44
G-Birkin # MOD # 2016/11/08 16:39:44 No.1174325
File: salkitten_page_22_u18chan.png - (5.12mb, 3500x4949, salkitten_page_22.png)

Furrynomous 2016/11/08 16:49:18 No.1174331
I swear if this is another case of the "she was actually asleep and dreaming!" cliche...

well I'll still be happy it got posted but a bit sad that it could have been better. I hope I'm wrong.
Furrynomous 2016/11/08 20:15:29 No.1174557
Yup... this is all gonna be a dream... I see it coming.

... pun intended.
Furrynomous 2016/11/09 00:23:29 No.1174968
They look plenty awake to me.
Furrynomous 2016/11/09 00:47:45 No.1174980

Dude this is so gonna be some inception crap.
Adavi123 2016/11/09 16:20:42 No.1175090

*Bwooong!* or however the Inception horn goes.
Furrynomous 2016/11/09 19:55:36 No.1175136
Close enough.
Furrynomous 2016/11/10 07:38:27 No.1175371
My money is still spontaneous cancer death. One of them is dreaming while in a coma or some dumb shit like that. Always the tragedy with Salkitten.
G-Birkin # MOD # 2016/11/15 17:22:44 No.1178076
File: salkitten_page_23_u18chan.png - (5.52mb, 3500x4949, salkitten_page_23.png)
Another fresh page for you fams
Furrynomous 2016/11/16 06:03:16 No.1178270
If she's dreaming.... I'm going to be so mad!
Furrynomous 2016/11/16 13:30:40 No.1178347
Probably a dream, but who gives a crap. The porn is here HURRAY
Furrynomous 2016/11/17 11:57:12 No.1178644
I don't want to be that guy to call out the story of a porno comic but I love this comic so much that I keep reading it and it stands out to me so much.

So the purple girl broke up with her bf and didn't tell her best friend even as they were driving to her cancelled wedding until the eve of the wedding when it came up in convosation? What?
Furrynomous 2016/11/17 12:25:34 No.1178650
They both have a mutual friend getting married. It's not the purple girls wedding.
Furrynomous 2016/11/18 15:05:47 No.1179167
File: 73278137_u18chan.jpg - (102.76kb, 463x349, 73278137.jpg)
Furry comics sub in a nutshell.
Furrynomous 2016/11/18 20:44:24 No.1179261
Sub? What does sub mean?
Furrynomous 2016/11/19 01:11:29 No.1179336

It's what people who regular normie forums call "boards"
Furrynomous 2016/11/19 07:11:36 No.1179426
Now it makes sense! Thanks dude
Furrynomous 2016/11/19 10:08:27 No.1179460
Ah, like retarddit. I understand now.
Furrynomous 2016/12/08 09:14:16 No.1188341
Hey guys! They just posted new pages up.
G-Birkin # MOD # 2016/12/08 16:42:17 No.1188438
File: salkitten_page_24_u18chan.png - (5.16mb, 3500x4949, salkitten_page_24.png)
There you go fams
G-Birkin # MOD # 2016/12/08 16:42:19 No.1188439
File: salkitten_page_25_u18chan.png - (5.78mb, 3500x4949, salkitten_page_25.png)
Furrynomous 2016/12/08 16:45:02 No.1188440
Thanks dude.
Kinda cute, but kinda fast-paced two pages.
Furrynomous 2017/01/08 19:43:12 No.1201755
anyone wanna get the next pages for the rest of us?
Furrynomous 2017/01/08 20:30:46 No.1201767
I suppose these pages were okay.
Arigatou, my dude.
>next pages
>they were just posted
Furrynomous 2017/01/08 21:29:02 No.1201786
Those were from last month.
I was talking about any newer ones.
Prokura 2017/01/16 14:40:53 No.1206736

Good news everyone I talked with Sal on picarto and this comic should have 29 pages total and this
is page no.25 without counting the cover page 0 so at least 3 or 4 more to go.

Edited at 2017/01/16 14:43:06
Diving for Pearls Adavi123 2017/01/28 16:22:54 No.1212068
File: 1485639958.salkitten_page_26_u18chan.png - (181.72kb, 905x1280, 1485639958.salkitten_page_26.png)

Furrynomous 2017/01/28 16:26:11 No.1212076
It's back!!!
Diving for Pearls Adavi123 2017/02/12 11:23:54 No.1220204
File: salkitten_page_27_u18chan.png - (246.46kb, 905x1280, salkitten_page_27.png)

Diving for Pearls Adavi123 2017/02/22 18:37:24 No.1225730
File: 1487743548.salkitten_page_28_u18chan.png - (250.44kb, 905x1280, 1487743548.salkitten_page_28.png)

Diving for Pearls Adavi123 2017/02/27 13:13:50 No.1228006
File: salkitten_page_29_u18chan.png - (266.91kb, 905x1280, salkitten_page_29.png)
Last page.

Edited at 2017/02/27 13:14:50
Adavi123 2017/02/27 13:17:02 No.1228008

Oh hey it's Ken from Kiss The Rain! Wasn't expecting to see him as the groom.
Furrynomous 2017/02/27 15:26:17 No.1228160

...fuck you for reminding me of that comic. T__T
Adavi123 2017/02/27 21:46:00 No.1228357
And is that Shou sitting next to purple doggo? What timeline fuckery is this?
Adavi123 2017/02/27 22:59:34 No.1228384

Hey you're not me! Oh what the fuck I was hoping they had fixed this bug by now.

But you're right fake me that does look like Shou! Maybe he got leave from heaven to visit Ken on Earth again like he did in Where the Stars Shine Brightest. Also the girl Ken is marrying here must be the girl he was going steady with in the aforementioned comic.

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