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File: 9Cloud.us_0000-CharacterIntroduction_u18chan.jpg - (392.84kb, 1200x1031, 9Cloud.us_0000-Character Introduction.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/15 01:36:43 No.1131743   
WIP (fan edit)
Edited at 2016/08/16 16:18:26
Expand All Images
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/15 01:37:49 No.1131744
File: Untitled_9_u18chan.png - (659.37kb, 1371x741, Untitled.png)
' Anonymous 2016/08/15 03:33:57 No.1131788
Couldn't even bother to post this in the existing thread or put in request could you. (-_-+)
Furrynomous 2016/08/15 06:54:55 No.1131867
Rewrite? He's redoing every page? Where is this from?
Furrynomous 2016/08/15 07:22:28 No.1131906

i think this is a fan edit :/

i don't remember him posting about this...
Furrynomous 2016/08/15 07:27:40 No.1131908
Omg, please Zaush keep the gay part this time please D:
Furrynomous 2016/08/15 07:39:03 No.1131910

This isn't Zaush doing it, it's just some asshole using photoshop to change the characters positions around and make it fit the narrative they want.
Furrynomous 2016/08/15 07:44:13 No.1131911

so he is resetting the comic to the original sketches? :/
Furrynomous 2016/08/15 09:43:47 No.1132017

Where'd you see original sketches? Could you post them here? I can't find them on his FA or e621
Furrynomous 2016/08/15 10:25:32 No.1132056

it was here ... before U18chan crashed :/

it was bundled with the hi-res comic (if you bought the comic from Zaush)
Furrynomous 2016/08/15 13:40:06 No.1132132
If it is, then it's not that far removed from the topic considering this comic was about kiddy porn to begin with.
Furrynomous 2016/08/15 14:04:23 No.1132135

maybe the fan edit includes some boob jobs xD
Furrynomous 2016/08/15 15:26:08 No.1132192
File: 1471207446681_u18chan.png - (92.59kb, 500x375, 1471207446681.png)
Already looks 100x better than the original. Who is making the edited version? I want to follow their progress on it
Furrynomous 2016/08/15 16:28:24 No.1132215

it feels like it was Frankensteined using the same comic :O
'Deletion requested Anonymous 2016/08/15 20:15:40 No.1132306
There is no reason to keep this thread here, due to being a copy thread.
Furrynomous 2016/08/15 21:07:44 No.1132318
Why isn't anyone doing that shit on Palcomix?
I considered re-drawing Ashchu's adventures and remove the faggotry.

Just like you guys wanna remove the staight from this (story-wise terrible) comic to drain the last good thing from it.
Kajex Surnahm 2016/08/15 21:34:18 No.1132324

There's very little that Palcmoix shits out capable of being improved by any amount of editing. The few gems they have are decent enough- everything else is shit slurry, the kind you can't polish in any degree.
Little_wolf :P 2016/08/16 03:22:21 No.1132451
File: 9Cloud.us_0029-Sketchpages11Alt_u18chan.png - (577.01kb, 1316x864, 9Cloud.us_0029-Sketchpages 11 Alt.png)
ok ... since when i became an asshole :/

so a re-write is not the same as different comic :P

yup ... to make it look like the original art style.

exactly :3

Edited at 2016/08/16 03:29:21
Furrynomous 2016/08/16 04:24:52 No.1132482
Any word on when more re-write stuff will be done?
Little_wolf :P 2016/08/16 05:08:23 No.1132490

editing the text is a piece of cake ...

reconstructing the new drawings is a nightmare... took me 4 hour to build the image above >>1132451
Little_wolf :P 2016/08/16 10:07:07 No.1132661
File: Untitled_10_u18chan.png - (854.81kb, 1366x728, Untitled.png)
almost there ...
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/16 11:38:26 No.1132676
I support you my dude, keep up the good work!
Furrynomous 2016/08/16 14:29:51 No.1132730
Looking forward to the entire re-write, shit's good
'Copy thread deletion requested Anonymous 2016/08/16 16:34:01 No.1132777
Can you please just post your fan edits in the thread that already exists? It's just redundant to have a separate thread of the same comic.
Furrynomous 2016/08/16 16:49:29 No.1132793
File: 1361858037931_u18chan.jpg - (14.19kb, 176x278, 1361858037931.jpg)
Wow, this is superb work! Keep it up dude.
Like Immortal_Joe 2016/08/16 16:58:31 No.1132802
Great work! I would be glad to help you need any.
Furrynomous 2016/08/16 19:07:10 No.1132923
Ignore this guy, this is a different comic, no need to clutter up the other thread with unrelated shit
Furrynomous 2016/08/16 19:45:43 No.1132955

You REALLY don't see how this makes you an asshole? This is chopping up bits of someone's work and throwing them together for another point or purpose.

Ok, fuck, let me put it this way.

I'm going to just assume you're straight right here, just for example. And based off the board we're in.

Say you drew a comic. It features your character, one you wrote and enjoyed expanding on. The comic features your character and their girlfriend fucking.

Suddenly this guy comes in, edits the comic, and now your girlfriend is flat chested and it says she's under age. Do you NOT see the guy as an asshole?

Like it or not, you're changing the writers intended purpose of the work. Fan fiction is one thing, but that requires the person to put in a vast majority of the work. You're modifying existing panels and parts of them to create something else.

This is butchering someone elses work because you didn't like it, plain and simple.

So yeah, asshole.
Furrynomous 2016/08/16 19:53:37 No.1132960
Yeah, but it's not like he's selling this edited work or claiming to be the creator. Then you would have a point.
Furrynomous 2016/08/16 19:58:45 No.1132964
File: image_237_u18chan.jpeg - (236.43kb, 576x720, image.jpeg)
If you feel you have a valid complaint, please fill in the appropriate form and submit it our review board.

I have attached the form you will need.
Furrynomous 2016/08/16 20:05:34 No.1132969
lmao calm down adam wan, your comic was fucking shit. He's just fixing it so it's good.
Furrynomous 2016/08/16 20:54:56 No.1132985
>This is chopping up bits of someone's work and throwing them together for another point or purpose.

Which is exactly what Fair Use is. You know when someone takes clips from a movie and uses them to show and explain you how bad the movie is? Are they not assholes?

Or how about shit like DBZ abridged? They are literally retelling the same story in a shorter format.

Or music artists who sample another's music.
Furrynomous 2016/08/16 21:34:53 No.1133008
>Or how about shit like DBZ abridged? They are literally retelling the same story in a shorter format.
Don't forget the comedy they add to the material...
Furrynomous 2016/08/16 22:17:16 No.1133080
Hmm comedy... Could the editor add googly eyes to all of the characters?
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/17 00:31:40 No.1133169
would it help if i told you i'm only redoing according to the original concept ...

Zaush's vision, before Sawolf made his adjustments.


Edited at 2016/08/17 00:33:43
' Anonymous 2016/08/17 01:35:13 No.1133193
Did you even get the OK to even do this little project of yours from Zaush?
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/17 01:45:34 No.1133198
File: daddyslittlesecrets1_0_u18chan.jpg - (1.57mb, 2817x3690, daddy's little secrets 1.jpg)
first page (minor edit)

do i get point for being self aware? :P

Edited at 2016/08/17 03:37:49
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/17 01:48:41 No.1133201
no ... i don't want senpai to notice me now... but maybe later :P
Furrynomous 2016/08/17 02:53:13 No.1133208
Did you get any artist's permission to view their work here without paying for it first?
No? Shut up and stop being a hypocrite.
Yes? You must be new here. Shut up and quit bitching.
Furrynomous 2016/08/17 03:30:31 No.1133233
"unless your parents is?" Did you mean "unless your parents are?" or maybe "unless one of your parents are?"
Furrynomous 2016/08/17 03:36:40 No.1133235
That guy is just trying to troll the shit out of you. You aren't making a profit off this, it's just a fucking comic edit for fun. Ignore that dumb shit and stop replying to him and he will go away.
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/17 03:40:37 No.1133237

fixed :3
thanks for pointing it out ;)
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/17 03:46:21 No.1133241
File: cool-meme-generator-mad-me-never-b00749_u18chan.jpg - (14.71kb, 510x324, cool-meme-generator-mad-me-never-b00749.jpg)

well he can try ;)
but in the end it's all about salvaging this <3

Edited at 2016/08/17 03:48:15
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/17 03:57:42 No.1133244
File: daddyslittlesecrets2_u18chan.jpg - (1.58mb, 2817x3690, daddy's little secrets 2.jpg)
because i love you guys here is another page <3

page 2 (more dialog edits)
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/17 05:43:30 No.1133259
File: 9Cloud.us_0029-Sketchpages11Alt_0_u18chan.jpg - (1.23mb, 2485x671, 9Cloud.us_0029-Sketchpages 11 Alt.jpg)
there is a discussion thread to monitor my progress with the newly created panels :)


Edited at 2016/08/17 05:44:46
Furrynomous 2016/08/17 06:14:35 No.1133263
So now that you're fixing this, after that near-to-last scene where they're in the hottub and John says to just let the phone buzz, can we have a shot of the house exploding into a fireball with everyone inside and then cut back to John with a knowing smile on his face?

Edited at 2016/08/17 06:14:56
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/17 06:27:46 No.1133264

maybe in a deleted scene >:P
Furrynomous 2016/08/17 09:20:09 No.1133291

Why spare John or cigar-guy... about the only 'good' people in this are the two girls... mother's a cheating whore who doesn't have the decency to wait for the hubby to be gone before calling over the guy's who'll be banging her over the weekend, the dad is blackmailed by the reveal he's the father of both girls and slept with his best friend's wife and literally decided it was better let this stranger fuck his daughter and best friend for silence... and cigar guy showed up and basically said I'm gonna pump both your little girls bareback and if I knock a bitch up - hey, that's your problem.
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/17 09:30:59 No.1133292

that is why most furs hated this comic, and that is why i'm doing the re-write 3:)

and if the next story arc continues like this, i'll re-write it too xD
Furrynomous 2016/08/17 15:20:22 No.1133652
Honestly this comic would've been 100 times better if the dad had just showed up to the hotel and had a fuckfest with the two girls for an entire weekend and that was it. That edgy faggot with the cigar completely ruined it. Though I supposed if the re-write turns him into not such a vapid cunt that ruins all the sex then hey, that could work.
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/17 15:22:30 No.1133654
File: daddyslittlesecrets3_u18chan.jpg - (1.53mb, 2817x3690, daddy's little secrets 3.jpg)
two more pages :)

i'll be AFK for a couple of days.

hopefully i'll be back on Saturday ;)
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/17 15:25:15 No.1133655
File: daddyslittlesecrets4_0_u18chan.jpg - (1.58mb, 2817x3690, daddy's little secrets 4.jpg)

Edited at 2016/08/17 15:40:55
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/17 15:50:39 No.1133693
hey! no spoilers! :P
Furrynomous 2016/08/17 16:15:49 No.1133752
File: Sinttulo_u18chan.jpg - (495.01kb, 1096x1342, Sin título.jpg)
may i make a little suggestion?

Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/17 16:26:16 No.1133758
blame zaush for that xD
Furrynomous 2016/08/17 17:37:47 No.1133799
i said middle finger sorry my bad english

Furrynomous 2016/08/17 19:47:49 No.1133954

At least the "edgy faggot" had a canine dick, that canine dick is literally the only thing he contributed to the comic not sucking.
Furrynomous 2016/08/17 23:22:10 No.1134049
Not even. That edgy faggot ruined the whole thing. Looking forward to the re-write progress
Furrynomous 2016/08/18 16:48:26 No.1134525
Is anyone else still curious how this whole half-nudist world is supposed to work? Why not have them all wear pants but no tops like some tribal cultures. What is with the bottomless way of life?
Furrynomous 2016/08/18 17:40:09 No.1134532
Yeah, they really should be 100% nude: there's generally no point to being bottomless and wearing a top.
Furrynomous 2016/08/18 19:03:12 No.1134548
i think it's related to the combination of nudist communities and how anthropomorphic characters are portrayed in the media (classic mickey and minnie mouse - topless, donald duck bottomless, bugs bunny - nude, ...).

wearing a top is not mandatory but is kinda the norm for the bottomless district, note that the clothing is used here for fashion, and expression of the self (suburban dad's polo shirt, jock's jersey, female teen tops).
Furrynomous 2016/08/18 21:52:40 No.1134579

I'll concede that it might relevant to the old portrayal of the old anthropromorphics. Though I kind of have doubts that's what Zaush was thinking when he made it. But will say for a society it's still an odd ensemble. Guess modesty isn't really a big deal to them. As given the example of the doe on page 04 flashing the large bull while her buck friend looks rather perturbed by her actions. Must make for interesting moments when some are talking and then pop goes erections, or standing in front of their class or walking down the halls.
Furrynomous 2016/08/19 00:26:59 No.1134608

In certain districts, it's allowed, in fact normal, to wear a shirt or less. Here's a group of individuals mingling at their favorite semi-outdoor lounge. (Bottomless District Lounge description - by Zaush)

so the laws against nudity is non-existent, but i would assume there are laws against public display of sexual activity (mating / masterbation) since there most of the images that involves sex in the bottomless district were confined in private areas (locker rooms, hotel room, homes).

i think zaush unintentionally built a lore around the bottomless district :P
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/20 12:16:13 No.1135148
seriously guys? i go AFK for a couple of days and the thread slides off to the third page :P

Edited at 2016/08/20 12:16:44
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/20 12:37:00 No.1135149
File: daddyslittlesecrets5_u18chan.jpg - (1.37mb, 2817x3690, daddy's little secrets 5.jpg)
slight changes ... the next few pages will have a shift in the plot ...
Furrynomous 2016/08/20 13:52:41 No.1135191
File: th_u18chan.jpg - (7.02kb, 269x183, th.jpg)
I know!! It's like leaving your dog at home, and expecting it to NOT get in the garbage can.
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/20 15:07:13 No.1135196
File: gayshit_u18chan.jpg - (1.1mb, 1787x1709, gayshit.jpg)
Dat gay shit :P
Furrynomous 2016/08/20 17:00:54 No.1135213
Oh hell yes. Bi comics are the best.
Furrynomous 2016/08/20 22:29:29 No.1135290
it's that chelsea's head?
Furrynomous 2016/08/21 02:02:57 No.1135349
hue hue gay
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/21 02:23:36 No.1135352

and more will come >:3
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/21 06:37:32 No.1135389
currently getting dat ass >:P
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/21 09:38:55 No.1135410
File: daddyslittlesecrets6_u18chan.jpg - (1.49mb, 2817x3690, daddy's little secrets 6.jpg)
page 6

edits: toning down douchebaggery ... now he is just annoying :P
Furrynomous 2016/08/21 09:43:22 No.1135411
Appreciated. Thank you.
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/21 09:45:45 No.1135412

ey forget about it ;P
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/21 13:47:29 No.1135448
File: daddypounding_u18chan.jpg - (881.44kb, 1325x1637, daddy pounding.jpg)
daddy is getting his ass stretched :P
Furrynomous 2016/08/21 14:21:54 No.1135455
Even better than the original, thank you!
Furrynomous 2016/08/21 17:13:37 No.1135508
Doing great work here, bud. Looking forward to the rest of the comic
Prokura 2016/08/21 20:25:12 No.1135670
Thank you so much you doing a good job.
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/22 01:03:45 No.1135868
File: daddyBJ_u18chan.jpg - (449.6kb, 1381x919, daddy BJ.jpg)
daddy is getting some meat >:3

do you know what this means? ... one panel left to go xD
Furrynomous 2016/08/22 02:42:36 No.1135962
>>1135410 how about you turn off your cunt-tacular attitude about you're 'fixing' the comic? Oh, no, you can't fix your own personality? Shame.
Furrynomous 2016/08/22 02:55:40 No.1135991
soon this thread will be deleted like it was with seth-iowa comics here
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/22 03:02:56 No.1136004

oh? ok :)
can i at least poke fun at it? :P

deleted? i don't think so, probably will be merged with the original when i'm done editing ;3
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/22 06:42:25 No.1136075
File: daddyslittlesecrets7_0_u18chan.jpg - (1.58mb, 2817x3690, daddy's little secrets 7.jpg)
page 7 (fixed)

a little heavy on exposition :/ this page and the next will put context on the whole situation with Sam.

yes in the original he was invited, but i tried easing in his presence because Chelsea planned the whole for a good reason (something to do with her cousin).

also no blackmail undertone :)

your thoughts?

Edited at 2016/08/22 10:32:39
Anonymous 2016/08/22 08:26:23 No.1136222
Pretty good in my opinion. Also, I wonder how long these trolls can keep trollin'.
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/22 08:46:52 No.1136250

i dunno... but i guess they are not gonna any time soon >:P
Furrynomous 2016/08/22 10:10:48 No.1136310

" being a dick..." -> "'re being a dick..."

"And you'll get to fun" -> "And you'll get to have fun"
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/22 10:34:54 No.1136317

thanks anon for pointing it out, i got it fixed ;)

Edited at 2016/08/22 10:44:48
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/22 13:31:18 No.1136401
File: daddyslittlesecrets8_u18chan.jpg - (1.56mb, 2817x3690, daddy's little secrets 8.jpg)
page 8

the continuation of the exposition of the things Chelsea know about, it's now revealed that Chelsea invited Sam to distract her whorish cousin away from her dad.

she got a little jealous :P

Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/22 13:38:54 No.1136403
BTW i got the idea for that while reading about "Electra complex".

also the last panel is done. ;)
Furrynomous 2016/08/22 14:13:59 No.1136410
Honestly, its a somehow more believable plot.
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/23 03:06:57 No.1136703
File: daddyslittlesecrets9_0_u18chan.jpg - (1.44mb, 2817x3690, daddy's little secrets 9.jpg)
we are getting closer to the end :)

minor edits

fixed missing text

Edited at 2016/08/23 10:48:43
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/23 03:09:40 No.1136704
File: daddyslittlesecrets10_u18chan.jpg - (1.51mb, 2817x3690, daddy's little secrets 10.jpg)
page 10
expressing her love for daddy ;3
Furrynomous 2016/08/23 03:17:49 No.1136707
Wait, so you're only changing the text? not going to rework the sex scenes so there's bi stuff?
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/23 03:55:16 No.1136712
File: daddyslittlesecrets11_u18chan.jpg - (1.36mb, 2817x3690, daddy's little secrets 11.jpg)

lol, patience please i'm not done yet :P
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/23 03:58:10 No.1136713
File: daddyslittlesecrets12_u18chan.jpg - (1.12mb, 2817x3690, daddy's little secrets 12.jpg)
page 12

there was some negative space at the bottom, i had to fill it with something :/
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/23 04:38:46 No.1136715
File: daddyslittlesecrets13_0_u18chan.jpg - (1.47mb, 2817x3690, daddy's little secrets 13.jpg)
page 13! i'm done (9 ^o^)9
Dane got mad... his poor ego ( >_<)

typo fixed ^_^

Edited at 2016/08/23 05:35:49
Furrynomous 2016/08/23 05:02:33 No.1136719

two typos

Second row left side: "Even him has his limits." Him should be he.

Second row right side: "and regretting I," I should be it.

Overall a great edit. Made this comic a hell of a lot more enjoyable.

Edited at 2016/08/23 05:04:39
Furrynomous 2016/08/23 05:38:14 No.1136725
A few typos but definitely better than the original.
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/23 05:41:48 No.1136726
i feel a lot better about it :3
let's hope our boy Zaush doesn't fall into the same trap as before.

we could start an AMA in the discussions if you want to ;)

Edited at 2016/08/23 05:45:37
TheGloriousTachikoma 2016/08/23 08:45:15 No.1136787
I like this version much better, even removing the bisexings its still better. ^_^
'Thread merge requested Anonymous 2016/08/23 09:03:32 No.1136817
The that doesn't make any sense, since one page is bi.
Prokura 2016/08/23 09:22:07 No.1136830
I was more exited about the extra page than your text edit but that was ok too
you just forgot 2 words on the 9th page in the 3rd panal
there is just: "I sure as fuck didn't come here to listen to ....(you talk)"
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/23 10:51:36 No.1136906
just fixed it ;)

i edited the text as a bonus ... the original dialog and plot was discomforting :/
Furrynomous 2016/08/24 05:24:10 No.1137260
Lol so many people are mad ...
I think people will never be satisfied CD

Also I think there is a mole in our ranks :O
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/24 14:29:30 No.1137547

just checked, it's not there
so i guess it got deleted and you know what that means... u18chan has the only copy of the edited version ...
' Anonymous 2016/08/24 17:46:03 No.1137609

Ever bothered to even look much?

Edited at 2016/08/24 17:47:48
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/25 12:56:39 No.1137952
Oh ... My bad sorry >_>
Furrynomous 2016/08/25 13:34:49 No.1137961

the amount of salt in the comments is hilarious
Daddy's Little Secrets (RE-write) Little_wolf :P 2016/08/25 15:05:32 No.1137970
Yeah I noticed ...
Original 4.5 stars rating
Edit 3 stars

Looks like people do enjoy the original xD
Furrynomous 2016/08/25 18:33:38 No.1138032
Yea, some people definitely liked the original but the amount salt over a fan rewrite tremendously stupid.

It does not change the original or somehow remove it from canon so I'm not sure why all rage.
Furrynomous 2016/08/25 18:59:14 No.1138039

Because there's already a page for the original !!!!!! >:(((((
Furrynomous 2016/09/01 07:02:55 No.1141931
Nice job, i really like this.
Furrynomous 2016/09/01 08:02:45 No.1141939
Its a comic about someone's pantsless fetish and furries fucking. If you're seriously getting salty about it you should rethink your priorities.
Furrynomous 2016/09/09 03:42:08 No.1146907
File: weskers_adamwangift_u18chan.png - (228.83kb, 1275x1280, weskers_adamwangift.png)

Furrynomous 2016/09/09 13:10:56 No.1147077

sweet :D
Furrynomous 2016/09/09 20:00:19 No.1147195



Aiden Zhichao 2016/09/09 21:44:47 No.1147231
File: reducto_u18chan.jpg - (20.42kb, 401x331, reducto.JPG)
Hee hee

Edited at 2016/09/09 21:45:27
Furrynomous 2016/09/09 21:54:10 No.1147233
This is borderline macro
Furrynomous 2016/09/10 08:37:42 No.1147339
"That is why he is my husband, and you're just a fuck."
I loved this rewrite from the beginning but THAT one line right there makes Lara's antics easier to stomach for me compared to the original. She in the original left me feeling.... eugh.. that's all I can say to describe it, just eugh.. >.<;
Your rewrite makes their relationship at least seem more like the 'open' kind rather than her just actively cucking John the entire time in the original comic. Like instead in this, she don't like Dane like that, he (And everyone else she fucked) is nothing more than just a fling, she's just using him to get her rocks off, but only really loves John. At least that's how I'm seeing it just from reading it. But that is a little more forgivable. (To me atleast, I mean there IS only so much you can 'fix' when doing a rewrite around characters that live in an entire district that's as open about sex as it is. I don't mind characters having open relationships, not at all, it just all depends on how it's done. Zaush didn't write it in such a way where you can't NOT feel rage after reading it, but this edit on the other hand is more bearable)

Also kudos for fixing Sams dialog and making him more annoying than a straight up douchebag of a dick.
Oh, and that extra gay/bi bit from the unfinished extras came out pretty good, I actually couldn't tell a difference in the coloring style unless I really looked a second time.

Sorry if it looks like I'm kissing ass but ey, I DID like this better than the original, even if it's just changing the text, but you gotta give credit where it's due right? Nice work with this.

Edited at 2016/09/10 08:41:56
Little_wolf :P 2016/09/10 17:13:34 No.1147529

thanks :3 to be honest i think Zaush might have wanted it to be this way in the original draft, if you look at how john reacts to dane and his guests ( his facial expressions suggests dislike not hate, and by the number of guests and how casually welcomes their presence ) it shows some kind of arrangement or deal between lara and john.
as for sam's subplot it came to me while reading about the electra complex on wiki ( sam was invited to occupy cynthia who invited herself to john's little party, because chelsea got jealous ).
maybe one day zaush will continue this arc and see some lara gangbang. :P
Furrynomous 2016/10/20 14:24:37 No.1165781
lol you losers identify with a cuckold and are sexually threatened and infuriated by a cartoon dog that reminds you of the bullies at your school lmao
Furrynomous 2016/10/27 21:19:03 No.1168972
A good story is one where you can identify with the characters. Star Wars would just be a huge space fantasy if it didn't have a good protagonist like Luke Skywalker; a down-to-earth guy that most people can identify with.

What you are doing is making fun of people who are immersing themselves in the story through that process exactly. Identify with the protagonist. By making fun of them all you are doing is showing off your ignorance and lack of intelligence when it comes to good storytelling. You probably identify with the super manly jock bully asshole superhero who can smoke cigars while picking hotel room locks and drinking whisky from the bottle like a "real man".

Also who laughs out loud twice in one sentence, really?
you all have no lives Furrynomous 2016/10/28 11:06:20 No.1169180
have any of you idiots thought for once that maybe zaush did not want to tell a good story? maybe he wanted to tell a darker story with the intention that most people won't relate to? not every artist or writer has to tell some good story with relatable characters or some lesson to preach, sometimes they just want to draw what they want to draw regardless if people think its good or not. for fucks sake guys its a furry porn comic with no barring to anyones life here. EVERYONE in this stupid thread needs to get over themselves.
Furrynomous 2016/10/28 12:14:27 No.1169189
Looks like someone's triggered

Simple counter: It's a story. Original story sucked balls and took away the fappability of the material. New writing makes it more palateble and can actually be used for it's intended purpose, ie Fapping to a furry porn comic.

Stop trying to defend an untennable position you sorry excuse for a white knight.
Other stuff JJfuzz 2016/10/28 19:47:12 No.1169280

Can't remember the original much but was the bit that was re-wrote the part that included the bi-sexual aspect
why the fuss ? Little_wolf :P 2016/10/29 05:59:01 No.1169725

uh guys... you are making a big deal out of this :/
i did the edit because the original was unsettling to read, that's it; but not bad (zaush can write whatever he wants)
the one here is fap material, and non-cannon (and wouldn't change anything)
Winters 2016/11/01 08:27:21 No.1170962
Interesting rewrite, well done
Little_wolf :P 2016/11/01 10:27:52 No.1170976
thanks ;3
Furrynomous 2016/11/02 09:51:56 No.1171274
obvious troll is obvious, sheesh, you'd think they'd at least TRY for a little subtlety
Little_wolf :P 2016/11/02 15:47:11 No.1171376
File: 1413495_Zaush_cynthia-stockings2_u18chan.jpg - (67.5kb, 483x1200, 1413495_Zaush_cynthia-stockings2.jpg)
I've been checking on zaush's inkbunny page.

from the looks of things it is most unlikely to do another continuation to the comic (since he got as lot of negative feedback) .
so I propose we make it our own inhouse project.

just a random thought :P

Edited at 2016/11/02 15:48:28
MetroSexual Hipster # MOD # 2016/11/02 16:05:07 No.1171381
File: Havethis_29155cd4c4f82cc4052258bbaad9cf47_u18chan.jpg - (25.52kb, 320x325, Have+this+_29155cd4c4f82cc4052258bbaad9cf47.jpg)
>lots of negative feedback
when will artists learn
Furrynomous 2016/11/02 17:02:25 No.1171416
Only time I've ever seen anything like it work is The Witch, The Succubus, And The Cute Apprentice.
End of Evilgelatin 2016/11/03 01:52:59 No.1171763
Little_wolf :P 2016/11/03 07:49:31 No.1171844
i died xD
Furrynomous 2016/11/05 19:56:38 No.1173014

well, the original work sucked ass. and the story sucked, and made little sense. And the characters were clearly under age to begin with by the way.
Furrynomous 2016/11/05 21:22:32 No.1173037

No shit. The story sucked because it's not ABOUT the story, it's wank material and that's the bottom line when it comes to smut. The story was shitty with incest and cuck-holdry and misogyny because that was the whole fucking point of the comic in the first place. These are fetishes, and the point is to either A) cater to those crowds or B) be about what the artist likes and is turned on by. How many porn movies, TV shows, stories, books or rags have you read or seen that DID have good story lines? I can't even name two when I sit and think about it for a decent period of time. It's not about the story, it's about the porn and the fetishes and I can't believe how many of you are bitching and are acting shocked by this that it's not some award-winning William Shakespeare tier landmark novel.

Edited at 2016/11/05 21:23:50
Furrynomous 2016/11/05 22:26:30 No.1173048
There's a difference between lousy storytelling and downright unlikable characters. Though they can go hand-in-hand, the original's issue was the latter.
Furrynomous 2016/11/06 01:20:40 No.1173094
It's no less about the story than a comedy or a drama can be.

Porn is a genre, and like every genre there are poorly written examples and there are well written examples.
Furrynomous 2016/11/07 00:02:53 No.1173532

Have you considered that the characters are *supposed* to be unlikeable?

They are all intentionally meant to be cunts and if the story has left a bad taste in your mouth from their actions, it has succeeded at what it set out to do.
Furrynomous 2016/11/07 00:55:57 No.1173549
Has it? Pretty sure the character was supposed be the cool alpha stud. Not the insufferable cunt.
Furrynomous 2016/11/07 01:34:16 No.1173556

If that was the intention, the mark was missed by such a long shot that the only conclusion I could possibly come to was that it was on purpose.

You're asking me to believe that he shot the gun at a milk jug and the bullet somehow went backwards and hit the cameraman. But if there's a quote somewhere of Zaush or the character owner(s) talking about how they were trying to make it come off, and it indeed matches what you say, I guess I'll modify my theory of how projectiles travel.
Furrynomous 2016/11/07 13:25:34 No.1173688
I don't know, I haven't seen him actually talk about his intent with the comic besides the obviously bullshit "they're not underage" so I wouldn't trust his word anyway.
The character just feels like he was supposed to be an edgy and cool studbro, like a lot of other cringe OCs.
Furrynomous 2017/03/10 15:34:36 No.1233601
I think this is one of the few porn comics that I read that I just can't fap to it, due to the characters being so odiously unlikable
Furrynomous 2017/03/10 19:07:52 No.1233669
The characters and the story in general, this is a very cheap work in the area of effort put in it.
Furrynomous 2017/03/11 02:25:16 No.1233770
That moment people care about the Characters and Story more then the Sex....

Makes me almost shed a tear knowing parts of the Fandom are maturing.
Furrynomous 2017/03/11 06:41:20 No.1233809
I guess. It's not really a fandom thing though.
People have a hard time accepting the idea of trying to make quality stories for porn in general.
Find a popular author or work and give it an honest critique and you're more likely to be met with "it's porn, retard, who cares!?" than anything else.
Furrynomous 2017/03/11 12:13:04 No.1233872
Yeah, but until Rukis and Sayuncle's more recent Comic stuff, all everyone wanted was the porn.

Before nobody really gave a shit about the plot and characters, just as long as they were hot and they got the sex ASAP, now all of a sudden people talk way more about the characters and story then the Sex.

So its literally a Paradigm Shift.

Edited at 2017/03/11 12:14:31
Furrynomous 2017/03/11 14:45:17 No.1233927

Probably because before there was literally no dialogue in his comics and it was just fucking with storyboarding. In-Case has PROVEN you can both write a great fucking story, and have fucking at the same time. Arbuz is another guy who's managed it, plenty have... In the end if you can't write and if everything you type is cringey as fuck, don't have dialogue and people will like it!
little_wolf:P 2017/03/12 06:01:46 No.1234227
you might have a point there, i think he might have ad-ibbed the dialog according to the panels >_>
Furrynomous 2017/03/12 13:38:41 No.1234339
How has this thread not been sent to the cub board yet?
Furrynomous 2017/03/12 13:42:40 No.1234340
You haven't cried hard enough yet.
Furrynomous 2017/03/12 22:57:05 No.1234537
no explosive house ending? man...
little_wolf:P 2017/03/13 00:11:28 No.1234563
File: Futurama-Fry_u18chan.jpg - (16.18kb, 552x414, Futurama-Fry.jpg)
it can be done but why mess with the cannon that far?
Furrynomous 2017/03/13 06:22:48 No.1234668
File: 1426955493398_u18chan.jpg - (38.63kb, 998x720, 1426955493398.jpg)
Yeah guys, the integrity of Zaush's incest comic's canon is at stake here.
Little_wolf :P 2017/03/13 08:00:16 No.1234687
Touché >_>
Little_wolf :P 2017/03/13 15:53:44 No.1234908
File: theend_u18chan.jpg - (4.01mb, 2818x3690, the end.JPG)
good enough?
Furrynomous 2017/03/13 18:19:03 No.1234962
File: wtfamireading_u18chan.png - (1.37mb, 1200x900, wtfamireading.png)
>After reading this crap comic...
Furrynomous 2017/03/13 18:37:19 No.1234967
the tauren 2017/03/13 19:38:56 No.1234990
wait what!!!!

he kill his wife!!!!! i miss something
Furrynomous 2017/03/13 19:42:12 No.1234997

Furrynomous 2017/03/14 01:32:22 No.1235152
fan edit. People are getting fucking sick of the constant cuck fetish porn coming from this artist
Little_wolf :P 2017/03/14 03:17:07 No.1235196
imagine reading the original xD
Furrynomous 2017/03/14 05:34:23 No.1235222

Now just add the "Daddy's Little Secrets, page x of x, Adam Wanker 2016" in the bottom and start slipping it into every place that has the original.
Furrynomous 2017/03/14 19:44:18 No.1235487
I'm sick of it in general. Especially when it comes to Krystal. No one ever does the revenge side where he leaves her broke and penniless in the gutter or fucks her over in court or anything like that.
Furrynomous 2017/03/14 20:15:48 No.1235497

Only way this could be better is if it had a third panel showing John in the hot tub with a knowing smile getting blown by Chelsea while he says, "Juuuuuust let it buzz."

Edited at 2017/03/14 20:16:25
Furrynomous 2017/03/14 22:08:50 No.1235537
Well no, it's supposed to be the next page after that panel. Why would the 'let it buzz' bit happen twice?
Little_wolf :P 2017/03/15 02:31:28 No.1235630
TBH i wanted to add a sub plot about Sam planting a trigger, Sam and John making a deal that included a threesome with Cynthia's mom.

but then i thought to myself ... why am i making this plot this convoluted.

1- the aggressive dialog is toned down.
2- blackmail removed.
3- bisexual themes added.
4- Lara is more sympathetic.

PS. the explosive ending is just for the lolz, so don't take it seriously :P
Furrynomous 2017/03/15 03:17:40 No.1235640
I kinda want to see the comic end with them skipping ahead 6 months and the wife finding out when both of the kids show up pregnant. *lol* Serve her right.
Furrynomous 2017/03/15 05:32:00 No.1235781
that's good, it's like he'll start new game + now
Furrynomous 2017/03/15 18:30:57 No.1236117
File: zbPmGni_u18chan.jpg - (12.48kb, 907x131, zbPmGni.jpg)
LOL I knew I had saved this. It was nagging at the back of my brain that the house exploding request was already made back before the site crash. Well, lo and behold, here it is.
Comic bleh 2017/03/17 22:28:53 No.1236949
This comic sucked the first time, and it still sucks now.
Furrynomous 2017/03/18 07:26:12 No.1237075
Everything about this comic is crap..why wear shirts if the bottom is bare lmao. The story is crap as well
Furrynomous 2017/04/04 08:13:50 No.1244511
File: C8hmMgJVwAQ-ixb_u18chan.jpg - (102.03kb, 1200x518, C8hmMgJVwAQ-ixb.jpg)

Furrynomous 2017/04/04 08:38:39 No.1244521
MetroSexual Hipster # MOD # 2017/04/04 11:35:37 No.1244564
File: 0a9_u18chan.jpg - (42.49kb, 404x404, 0a9.jpg)
Furrynomous 2017/04/04 12:45:08 No.1244575

It's even better with context.
Asmail Rutherford 2017/04/04 16:15:30 No.1244642
Context being, nobody is innocent here, and Fireflufferz seems bit too enjoying creating drama over and attempting to piss Zaush off recently, instead of for example working on comics the way it meets promised schedule... But yeah, furry drama and flame wars are fun, aren't they?
Furrynomous 2017/04/04 19:12:32 No.1244759

I'm personally enjoying it. Every time Zaush goes off he cries like a bitch. Remember when he deleted his entire gallery cause that one chick broke up with him.

Edited at 2017/04/04 19:12:42
Leo Howler 2017/04/06 01:15:21 No.1245181
Goddamn I love when bad people get fucked up.

Anyone have screenshots of what Zaush said in response? I'm dying to know. :3c
Furrynomous 2017/04/07 14:23:59 No.1245701
My own two cents, Fireflufferz, who i've never even fucking heard of, seems like some two-bit tumblr personification looking to stir up drama with people more successful than him to try and actually get some recognition outside of his small circle-jerking group of fans. I couldn't go through their twitter for more than a minute without rolling my eyes so hard they almost reach escape velocity.
Asmail Rutherford 2017/04/07 17:15:47 No.1245735
That's why I stick to his FA account - for the art, not comment threads below.

Also this whole "Zaush affair" reminds me a bit of how some furries defend the stance that furries have nothing to do with real animals (and thus bestiality), ehm. Even when it concerns images in "human x feral version of my fursona" style.

First of all, I'm not claiming everything that Zaush did and does is right, morally ok and I agree with it. However I'd like to know how does it make him a "bad person", "pedophile" and such. If someone has evidence he's fapping to this stuff, is a criminal or something similar, prove me wrong. But other than that I think these are just labels cheaply misused by people who want to be in the centre of attention by feeding on someone popular, creating loud drama and synthetic controversy, hypocritically targeting only artists like him while ignoring it by the less popular ones even if they know very well about them - talking from my own experience. It's never only or actually about the artists - as long as people will want this kind of content there will always be artists creating it for them, even among the most popular ones. And as long as there's at least one person who doesn't try some illegal things in real life because he's satisfied enough with seeing it in fictional works, I can't but regard it as a good thing. And if being a fan of "bad man Zaush" overall makes me bad too, I'll gladly be bad in the company of other people like Wolfy-Nail, Miles-DF or Ifus, whom I saw on WN's stream talking with Zaush like a very good friends. Rather than being one of the people who have too much of free time and spend it participating in creation of dramas, searching for them or spreading them further.
Furrynomous 2017/04/07 19:35:24 No.1245774

I really have no horse in this race, but I simply am leaving this here because I don't want to bother with reading all of this.

Now i don't think there's evidence that he's a "pedophile" or "criminal" (again haven't read all of these so I could stand corrected). But from what i have seen, I definitely get an "entitled" vibe.

But that's just what I think.
Furrynomous 2017/04/18 07:44:33 No.1250198

I always thought he was looking at the money like, "He was carrying this in his ass crack..."
Furrynomous 2017/04/19 21:27:10 No.1250765
The fuck is the point of this lmfao
Furrynomous 2017/07/04 04:26:17 No.1285485
File: 1499160096.zaush_family-friendly-web_u18chan.jpg - (419.43kb, 1500x841, 1499160096.zaush_family-friendly-web.jpg)

Furrynomous 2017/07/04 08:52:55 No.1285651
Wait! I don't really follow this artist but doesn't his characters live in a society without pants? Why are they wearing swim shorts?
Kajex Surnahm 2017/07/04 09:37:20 No.1285666

They do -live- in a pants-optional society. But then again, in this pic they might be vacationing in an area where pants are mandatory.
Furrynomous 2017/07/04 13:10:04 No.1285741
Deepest lore.
Furrynomous 2017/07/06 06:26:21 No.1286489
File: 1499329189.zaush_kangal-web_u18chan.jpg - (373.49kb, 1100x1061, 1499329189.zaush_kangal-web.jpg)

Furrynomous 2017/07/06 07:12:29 No.1286507
What the fuck...
Furrynomous 2017/07/06 07:26:25 No.1286522
looks like spam. Just report and don't follow any link.
Leo Howler 2017/07/06 07:43:05 No.1286526
Something about this pic just bothers me... not just that there's some really lazily rendered parts, particularly on the lab who absolutely is going to to be another boring cuck, but that the poses are uninspired and there's no detail here at all. There's no line weight or shading and it doesn't look the characters have any depth because of it. It SUCKS!

And here, in the pic that should actually matters we have almost the exact same problems! Yes, there's actual lines going on but everything is fucking obscured by gross mist or weird lighting. Look at how lazy the background details and the water is! The legs of the red dude in the middle are obviously cut off, and he's just the most obvious example. I'd excuse this if this were an amateur artist, perhaps, but this is a case of not giving a shit. Again, the poses are fucking boring, uninspired standing around.

People are PAYING for this guy to draw artwork and it sucks! Cut that shit out!
Furrynomous 2017/07/07 13:31:34 No.1287132
That's all this shit tier artist does. Cuckhold and incest.
Furrynomous 2017/07/07 14:04:27 No.1287145
File: lel_0_u18chan.jpg - (45.87kb, 600x788, lel.jpg)
Leo Howler 2017/07/08 14:12:55 No.1287511
Listen, if you enjoy it, enjoy it. What makes me upset is how badly drawn his stuff is lately and he's demonstrated repeatedly over the years he can do far better. Now those were individual commissions that tend to be those examples, but the decline is so steep.
Furrynomous 2017/07/10 20:17:26 No.1288684
His art was good enough to turn my (ex)gay friend straight.
Furrynomous 2017/07/10 21:06:07 No.1288708

Yeah but he'll always be a Furry, which is even worse...
Leo Howler 2017/07/11 14:02:51 No.1289017
When you're so edgy you accidentally cut yourself.

Edited at 2017/07/11 14:03:13
Furrynomous 2017/07/11 22:15:23 No.1289211

Don't be a playa hater
Furrynomous 2017/07/19 13:59:27 No.1293259
Can someone please post the extra pages like the sketches and others that never got posted? Someone had to have downloaded them.
Furrynomous 2017/08/01 04:08:00 No.1300246
File: 1501577417.zaush_daddys-girl-web_u18chan.jpg - (387.57kb, 1500x1125, 1501577417.zaush_daddys-girl-web.jpg)
Furrynomous 2018/09/04 03:18:12 No.1490120
Honestly I like this one better as it doesn't make everyone out to be unlikable pieces of garbage.
I can get making characters that are bad people but making absolutely everyone unlikable is not a good thing as there are then no characters for the reader to attach to due to them all being repulsive.
Even then you can make a bad person likable. You can make a character that does awful, awful things and still make them enjoyable as a character. When you make a character a bad person you can make them fun and interesting still, when you make a character unlikable, people just won't like them.
This is kind of like making a cartoon character an annoying character stereotype. They are supposed to be annoying to the people in the show but if they are annoying the audience as well then you have fucked up.

Honestly past that the comics attempts to paint John, someone who tmk has previously been shown to have his whole family screwed around him right behind his back and even just in his face, in a negative light makes it feel more shitty. Not just because even if he did take the daughter and her cousin to do that and everything making it feel more like the actions of someone desperately trying to claw some good feelings back into his life, but it was done by one of the characters that was screwing with them in the first place and who was a grade A jackhole about it.
The wife at least showing some care here is nice honestly as unless her life is dedicated to screwing her husband over I don't even see why they would be together considering he was trying to do this kind of thing to begin with.

While the story really needed for porn a lot of the framework of what goes on in the comic is based around the story so it's kind of hard to separate.

Love the page with the house blowing up though lol
Little_wolf :P 2018/09/04 04:31:36 No.1490137
glad you liked it... oh and the explosion part was just for shits and giggles xD
Furrynomous 2019/10/08 21:41:43 No.1655094
Will there be a secomd comic of this?

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