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File: 1420306887.ritts_expectingcompany01_u18chan.png - (1.19mb, 1529x2000, 1420306887.ritts_expectingcompany01.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Expecting Company Satanic Furry 2016/09/02 11:04:54 No.1142571   

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Expecting Company Satanic Furry 2016/09/02 11:04:55 No.1142572
File: 1421534689.ritts_expectingcompany02_u18chan.png - (1.22mb, 1529x2000, 1421534689.ritts_expectingcompany02.png)
Expecting Company Satanic Furry 2016/09/02 11:04:56 No.1142573
File: 1422749309.ritts_expectingcompany03_u18chan.png - (1.75mb, 1529x2000, 1422749309.ritts_expectingcompany03.png)
Expecting Company Satanic Furry 2016/09/02 11:04:58 No.1142574
File: 1423951978.ritts_expectingcompany04_u18chan.png - (1.13mb, 1529x2000, 1423951978.ritts_expectingcompany04.png)
Expecting Company Satanic Furry 2016/09/02 11:04:59 No.1142575
File: 1425165959.ritts_expectingcompany05_u18chan.png - (1.18mb, 1529x2000, 1425165959.ritts_expectingcompany05.png)
Expecting Company Satanic Furry 2016/09/02 11:16:37 No.1142596
File: 1426367127.ritts_expectingcompany06_0_u18chan.png - (973.6kb, 1529x2000, 1426367127.ritts_expectingcompany06.png)

Expecting Company Satanic Furry 2016/09/02 11:16:39 No.1142597
File: 1427758125.ritts_expectingcompany07_0_u18chan.png - (1004.56kb, 1529x2000, 1427758125.ritts_expectingcompany07.png)
Expecting Company Satanic Furry 2016/09/02 11:16:40 No.1142598
File: 1428964072.ritts_expectingcompany08_0_u18chan.png - (878.67kb, 1529x2000, 1428964072.ritts_expectingcompany08.png)
Expecting Company Satanic Furry 2016/09/02 11:16:41 No.1142599
File: 1430013989.ritts_expectingcompany09_0_u18chan.png - (1.08mb, 1529x2000, 1430013989.ritts_expectingcompany09.png)
Expecting Company Satanic Furry 2016/09/02 11:16:42 No.1142600
File: 1431819472.ritts_expectingcompany10_0_u18chan.png - (1.35mb, 1529x2000, 1431819472.ritts_expectingcompany10.png)
Expecting Company Satanic Furry 2016/09/02 11:18:40 No.1142601
File: 1433640047.ritts_expectingcompany11_0_u18chan.png - (999.57kb, 1529x2000, 1433640047.ritts_expectingcompany11.png)

Expecting Company Satanic Furry 2016/09/02 11:18:41 No.1142602
File: 1434841350.ritts_expectingcompany12_0_u18chan.png - (1.47mb, 1529x2000, 1434841350.ritts_expectingcompany12.png)
Expecting Company Satanic Furry 2016/09/02 11:18:42 No.1142603
File: 1436050687.ritts_expectingcompany13_0_u18chan.png - (1.45mb, 1529x2000, 1436050687.ritts_expectingcompany13.png)
Expecting Company Satanic Furry 2016/09/02 11:18:44 No.1142604
File: 1437260201.ritts_expectingcompany14_0_u18chan.png - (1.15mb, 1529x2000, 1437260201.ritts_expectingcompany14.png)
Expecting Company Satanic Furry 2016/09/02 11:18:45 No.1142605
File: 1438558370.ritts_expectingcompany15_0_u18chan.png - (1.23mb, 1529x2000, 1438558370.ritts_expectingcompany15.png)
Expecting Company Satanic Furry 2016/09/02 11:22:13 No.1142607
File: 1440288728.ritts_expectingcompany16_0_u18chan.png - (1.19mb, 1529x2000, 1440288728.ritts_expectingcompany16.png)

Expecting Company Satanic Furry 2016/09/02 11:22:14 No.1142608
File: 1441493353.ritts_expectingcompany17_0_u18chan.png - (1.1mb, 1529x2000, 1441493353.ritts_expectingcompany17.png)
Expecting Company Satanic Furry 2016/09/02 11:22:15 No.1142609
File: 1443996948.ritts_expectingcompany18_0_u18chan.jpg - (272.89kb, 979x1280, 1443996948.ritts_expectingcompany18.jpg)
Expecting Company Satanic Furry 2016/09/02 11:22:16 No.1142610
File: tumblr_ntsydpdChy1rb0wnjo1_500_0_u18chan.png - (234.76kb, 500x654, tumblr_ntsydpdChy1rb0wnjo1_500.png)
Expecting Company Satanic Furry 2016/09/02 11:22:17 No.1142611
File: tumblr_nvq047XlTO1rb0wnjo1_r1_500_0_u18chan.png - (249.71kb, 500x654, tumblr_nvq047XlTO1rb0wnjo1_r1_500.png)
Expecting Company Satanic Furry 2016/09/02 11:23:45 No.1142614
File: tumblr_nvz5zxNGOT1rb0wnjo1_500_0_u18chan.png - (273.41kb, 500x654, tumblr_nvz5zxNGOT1rb0wnjo1_500.png)

Expecting Company Satanic Furry 2016/09/02 11:23:47 No.1142615
File: tumblr_nwn2lrIqRJ1rb0wnjo1_500_0_u18chan.png - (298.43kb, 500x654, tumblr_nwn2lrIqRJ1rb0wnjo1_500.png)
Expecting Company Satanic Furry 2016/09/02 11:23:48 No.1142616
File: tumblr_nxivliC6fP1rb0wnjo1_500_0_u18chan.png - (231.39kb, 500x654, tumblr_nxivliC6fP1rb0wnjo1_500.png)
Expecting Company Satanic Furry 2016/09/02 11:23:49 No.1142617
File: tumblr_nyaliwfJIU1rb0wnjo1_500_0_u18chan.png - (237.17kb, 500x654, tumblr_nyaliwfJIU1rb0wnjo1_500.png)
Expecting Company Satanic Furry 2016/09/02 11:23:50 No.1142618
File: tumblr_nzcw8kpl4o1rb0wnjo1_500_0_u18chan.png - (267.33kb, 500x654, tumblr_nzcw8kpl4o1rb0wnjo1_500.png)
Kajex Surnahm 2016/09/04 00:18:32 No.1144013

First panel- I gotta say, this guy has a fairly healthy outlook with what's going on.
Furrynomous 2016/11/07 20:00:16 No.1173802
File: 26_74_u18chan.jpg - (295.88kb, 1280x1836, 26.jpg)

Furrynomous 2016/11/07 21:27:59 No.1173817
I don't understand the last comic.
' Anonymous 2016/11/07 22:37:30 No.1173837
Lots of sexercising.
Furrynomous 2016/11/08 00:41:39 No.1174034
File: KILLMEKILLMEKILLME_u18chan.png - (71.77kb, 171x353, KILLMEKILLMEKILLME.png)
Nah. Look closer. That wide-eyed, blank expression, the constant drinking, the forced cheerfulness, earning a chauffeur's salary and expecting triplets from a wife who fucks gigolos in their marriage bed while he jerks off in the corner with a big forced smile... he's gonna keep telling himself "This is fine! This is great!" right up until the day he drives that limo off a cliff

Edited at 2016/11/08 00:46:55
q 2016/11/14 16:25:46 No.1177607
three unrelated mini comics about each of the characters, plus a pinup. came in the print version of the main comic.

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