Besci has admitted to having relations with the "small folk" in the past. It's also implied that some other dragon-ladies also have such relations. Other like Olga have forgone such relations and suffered for it. Now Gustav has the ability to slake their lusts. But it's shown that he has limits, lest the curse go crazy.
So the plan to let word out about Gustav to the dragon population has some faults. What if like Zashy some dragonesses are particularly attached to a "small folk" they've shacked up with? And are not really wanting to ride Gustav's pony, but wish to stay with their chosen. Should they suffer from their not so "filling" relationship because they are loyal. Also if many of the females out there are as "backed up" as Olga was, would they not also go overboard like she did and make Gustav suffer for their actions? Given Gustav's limits he would only be able to satisfy a few dragon-ladies a day. And if many are in need of relief as Besci speaks of I kinda doubt many would be willing to just take a number and wait in line.
So would not the better idea be to instead either find the witch who cursed him or reverse engineer the curse that plagues Gustav? This way they could share this spell with others allowing them to find their own lovers to be happy and satisfied with?
Or is this simply a ploy to allow Gustav to bang as many hot dragon-ladies as the comic can fit in its pages?