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File: theitch01_u18chan.jpg - (182.86kb, 891x1188, theitch01.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The Itch by Jay Naylor latest jay naylor 2016/09/05 20:30:27 No.1144694   
Mary ann is at it again
Edited at 2016/09/14 06:12:07
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latest jay naylor 2016/09/05 20:30:28 No.1144695
File: theitch02_u18chan.jpg - (168.29kb, 891x1188, theitch02.jpg)
latest jay naylor 2016/09/05 20:30:29 No.1144696
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latest jay naylor 2016/09/05 20:30:30 No.1144697
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latest jay naylor 2016/09/05 20:30:31 No.1144698
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Furrynomous 2016/09/05 20:32:47 No.1144701
File: theitch06_u18chan.jpg - (109.85kb, 891x1188, theitch06.jpg)

Furrynomous 2016/09/05 20:55:21 No.1144716
wtf is with that kid's feet in the bottom left panel?
Furrynomous 2016/09/05 21:12:39 No.1144721

He's part horse. He has hooves, and Naylor apparently doesn't know how to do digitigrade.
Bubbaclaw 2016/09/05 21:12:44 No.1144722
They are hooves, not feet.
Furrynomous 2016/09/05 21:15:03 No.1144723
Naylor's the Rob Liefeld of Furry fandom. He no do feet and hands well.
Furrynomous 2016/09/05 22:59:08 No.1144750
They're MLP-style hooves.
Furrynomous 2016/09/06 02:08:25 No.1144897
So where is the rest of this comic?
Furrynomous 2016/09/06 03:30:43 No.1144905
His feet are hooved.

Apparently. It looks like he only has knees and hips for his legs.
Furrynomous 2016/09/06 08:08:22 No.1144943
Is it even possible for Jay Naylor to write a comic where someone stays faithful? I enjoy his work but man, it seems like if they're in a relationship you know they're gonna grab onto a Jody first chance they get.
Ketaxis 2016/09/06 08:14:19 No.1144944
It used to be: "Honey, I'm home" comic.
Wulfy 2016/09/06 08:43:28 No.1144946
To be fair, she could end up staying faithful. I mean, I get that it's Mary Ann, but we haven't confirmed it yet (even though you're probably right).
Furrynomous 2016/09/06 09:41:24 No.1144955

Oh my sweet summer child.
Furrynomous 2016/09/06 10:42:15 No.1144965
if there was a comic where he never had to draw faces, he'd be set.
Furrynomous 2016/09/06 13:38:46 No.1145016

He doesn't wait to finish comics before releasing them now. He releases the pages as he completes them on Patreon. So, yeah. I would say have patience, but there's really no point, so whatevs.
Furrynomous 2016/09/07 01:14:54 No.1145805

To be fair, Rob grew out of his bad perspective issues and has been a good artist for quite a few years now. Jay on the other hand (according to most) has been devolving in his style over time, so he's growing into a worse artist? Though I do like his human faces now over his long forgotten style.
Furrynomous 2016/09/07 02:27:24 No.1145819
It wouldn't be a Jay Naylor comic without people bitching and arguing for 50+ posts between image updates. Let's get it rolling then eh?
Pubic Hair Satanic Furry 2016/09/07 05:52:45 No.1145872
I've never been one to bash Naylor, mainly as I find his work enjoyable to extent.
I don't have a problem with his faces as they are often better than other artists I follow.
However, what the hell happened to this public hair on this lass? It looks like she cut out some carpet and stuck it to her crotch.
All throughout 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Ann 1/2/3/4' and 'Lenore', the public hair was alright and normal looking. However it just looks extremely rushed on these pieces.
Anyway, we can tell that there is probably going to be adultery and maybe some impregnation in this comic, who else cares to make guess on other present fetishes, beside WS?

Edited at 2016/09/07 19:11:37
Furrynomous 2016/09/07 06:02:54 No.1145873
Who knows, he may just do a perfectly consensual threesome instead. Here's hoping.
Furrynomous 2016/09/07 06:54:11 No.1145902
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Furrynomous 2016/09/08 12:51:32 No.1146587
Translation: Yet another cuckhold story filled with insufferable purple prose because the man is unable to write about anything else.
Furrynomous 2016/09/08 18:00:57 No.1146676

Which is weird, because his old stuff was pretty diverse as far as porn went. He even did a comic where that Asian cat became a trap. But his recent work is the same basic 2 or 3 stories recycled.
Furrynomous 2016/09/08 22:15:05 No.1146759
could it possibly be that this is what sells the best for him?
Furrynomous 2016/09/08 22:24:50 No.1146775
Doubtful. It's probably just a personal preference that he's catering to. There's far more popular fetishes than cheating/cuckolding.
Furrynomous 2016/09/08 22:38:22 No.1146778

Knowing Naylor, it's probably his own.
Furrynomous 2016/09/09 00:08:59 No.1146802
That's what I meant.
Furrynomous 2016/09/09 12:39:47 No.1147070

Or might very had read his fair share of NTR material, which I wouldn't be surprised by.
SloppyDrunkBunny 2016/09/10 20:40:38 No.1147600
If you get into his 12 dollar thing on patreon he post theses videos where he talks and draws for like, 30 -15 minutes. From what I've listened to, most of the stuff in his comics is just based on his preferences and his most recent comic Aron WAS about his beliefs on men and women and relationships.
I can't remember what he said about NTR exactly, but from what I remember I don't think he mentioned liking most of it. I think he called most of it cheap or something. But don't quote me, I just THINK that's what he said.

Edited at 2016/09/10 20:41:59
Lo'man!!KnzfwC2Y0g 2016/09/10 23:34:05 No.1147647
Well I guess it was about time for another naylor, cuck or not to cuck war. Things have been pretty boring lately....
Furrynomous 2016/09/11 10:18:39 No.1147859
Yea i figured it was his personal preference. I just wish he'd spread out more. I have personal preferences too but i still like to explore.

I just wish i didn't suck ass at writing so i could. And also that i didn't care about writing quality because God knows hardly any furry porn comic artists do.
Furrynomous 2016/09/11 23:59:16 No.1148240
File: One_5f9a4d_5352831_u18chan.gif - (434.58kb, 500x209, One_5f9a4d_5352831.gif)
Oh my God...

Have anyone realised yet?

I've said a few times that Jay Naylor, king of all cucks, is trapped by what it must be some sort of ancient curse that prevents him from doing any form of porn that is not NTR. Now, as a cuckholding hater and scornful of this shit, i know that it's always about alpha male taking girl from beta male. But here is the thing: In here, we have a female who already has a alpha male but wants another alpha male WHO IS ALSO A HORSE! Now, that says three things: One, naylor see horses as the top alpha males, and you dont need to go much futher to see in what's the human comparasion. Two, it's not unknow that he thinks all woman are whores, but apparently he is not even trying to hide that way of view anymore. And finally, he only have one string to his bow, cuckholding, but spread it so thin it is now hitting a wall, because he doenst have how to cuck he's characthers much further! It got full cycle! And it's so stupid that it's funny.
Furrynomous 2016/09/12 06:05:35 No.1148381
So in short... Naylor hit Peak Cucolding?
Furrynomous 2016/09/12 07:14:23 No.1148392

Your logic sounds like cuck logic.

Did somebody say Cuck Magic? SirNonimous 2016/09/12 07:56:53 No.1148395
No. Well I'm still doing it anyway!
(Proceeds to pull several multicolored handkerchief out of an old guy's ear)
Furrynomous 2016/09/12 16:16:00 No.1148573
Calling it now, she's going to be married to the spanish guy.
Baskerville 2016/09/12 16:45:25 No.1148579

Aren't her kids half horse? I could swear I remember this character hooking up with a horse guy the last time we saw her.
Furrynomous 2016/09/12 17:13:13 No.1148590
Well, they might not be his kids, to be fair. That would be the epitome of cuckoldry.
Furrynomous 2016/09/13 22:31:50 No.1149274

He would literally turn into a cuckoo. Wings would grow, grey feathers would appear, instead drawing porn he would work into a clock and throw all the eggs in the fridge away.
Lo'man!!KnzfwC2Y0g 2016/09/14 08:19:09 No.1149403

I wouldn't be surprised considering his manifesto against cucking and alpha males. Isn't that a 'betaish' thing to do bitch about alphas and alpha problems?
Lo'man!!KnzfwC2Y0g 2016/09/14 08:23:01 No.1149404

One could view this situation that way according to your manifesto yea. I view it like this. Her man is an alpha male, top dog, top gun, and top kek all at the same time. Yet she still wants to fuck around on him. He's done everything that is 'supposed' to maintain a relationship and have a happy life but it still failed to keep her loyal.

Why? Because he doesn't have a place in her heart. He doesn't truly own that place, therefore she can trade his flavor of horse jizz for another younger cherry flavored person without a care. Poor man. He wasted his life getting to this point on the mountain, only to get pushed off by an errant goat.
Furrynomous 2016/09/14 20:53:31 No.1149585

>cherry flavored horse jizz

Underrated post.
Furrynomous 2016/09/14 23:38:45 No.1149624
Have not even seen your comment before. Yeah, you tottaly have a brother, because use the "no, you are" argument is what you expect from that young brother that dont know how to give a good answer. But since you are curious, i know a lot about NTR the same way the inquisition knows a lot about heresy, diference being i can't use a blunt object to put a end to it.

I never bitched about shit. I said "as a cuckholding hater and scornful of this shit, i know that it's always about alpha male taking girl from beta male", because it is the fact this disguting fetish is based on it, it's a fact, a stupid one, but still a fact. I May gave show complete despise for cuckholding, but that's involving the complete shit show of it, not by any point especific.
Or if i said that scat is based about shitting on people or vire being about eating people would mean, by your logic, that i'm bitching about it? And that's somehow means i like it? Yeah, THAT makes tottaly sense. Or maybe you are with all your strenght trying to take my credibiliy so you dont have to face the fact that this fetish is shit.
Furrynomous 2016/09/15 00:01:04 No.1149629
She actually States she is happily married, the reason here is because Naylor thinks all woman are whores and they will cheat you if they stay five minutes without some vitamin D. Seriously, he should just start to do just gay porn, i bet he would do a lot of happy histories.
Furrynomous 2016/09/15 00:59:33 No.1149641
>because Naylor thinks all woman are whores and they will cheat you if they stay five minutes without some vitamin D

Unfortunately, pretty much exactly that. Naylor believes, and has posted on his website's journal, a belief that woman are biologically hardwired to go for successful, 'alpha' males and really, it's not their fault if they cheat on a guy for a 'better' man - it's just nature.
Furrynomous 2016/09/15 13:52:30 No.1149899

It IS nature. The difference is humanity should be able to ignore that nature. It's all odd no matter how you look at it really. Naturally you would want to mate with the strongest specimens you can find to improve the next generation. Human collective morality states you should only have one mate at a time, and should pair with them as long as possible. Doctrines suck, but so does raising offspring without assistance.
Furrynomous 2016/09/15 14:53:48 No.1149913

i dont know about many animals that roost for life, checking another and just walking off. if humans arent inclined to monogamy, i dont see us valuing it so highly as a species in many cultures.

as for naylors philosophy, hes an idiot. humans tend to do that, but for gods sake, the dude is putting adds on fa begging for companionship. you tell me that is the action of an alpha just DROWNING in woman.

no, no, i doubt naylor has had many woman in his life. look it that one debacle for when he broke up a bit ago, all the ranting about her. a alpha who can just move on doesnt sweat the loss of a mate, its too easy to find another. issue is, naylor cant.

he can maybe get a quick fuck on starpower in furry, but that probably doesnt last. not to mention outside furry, hes a freak regardless of money, yeah "success" if thats what he calls himself, mattes. but so does the ability to present it to woman.

"my man draws furs fucking" isnt something she can boast to her girlfriends.

seeing how he speaks and acts, it isnt the act of a cocky alpha. nowhere near it. its the behavior of an insecure man who doesnt shape up to the idealogy he subscribes to, and tries to fit into it with self delusion.

of course, just my opinion.

Edited at 2016/09/15 14:55:29
Furrynomous 2016/09/16 13:45:25 No.1150369
the problem is we will never transcend evolution. we are animals in the end we just have technology. that's it.
Furrynomous 2016/09/16 14:52:30 No.1150423
So, according to the last studies, monogamy (for us, remember that evolution works differently between species) evolved as soon as mankind started to settle down in large groups.
At first man used to pick a harem, and that wouldn't be a problem with just 5 or 6 women in your social group.
The group would just stick together and live happily, no harm to no one.
When you get a group of over 30 people, though, simple mathematics can show you how STDs start to bother mainly promiscuous people.
Man is not that dumb, so people started noticing that the few that engaged more frequently in intercourse with many partners where the ones more happily to die because of infections, taking the partners with them eventually.
Since morality usually evolves basing on what's actually good for the society, monogamy became a thing, and STDs where controlled in this way.
So, ethologists claim human is naturally in for having an harem, though human society in larger groups has evolved to promote monogamy.
And you can even see the remains of the ancestral ways, just studying the smaller tribes and their moral codes.
It all comes down to simple mathematics after all.
Furrynomous 2016/09/16 17:25:28 No.1150454
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Furrynomous 2016/09/16 17:33:47 No.1150456

God damn. I know you guys can be rough on artists, but this is the meanest post I've seen on this site. You really put some thought and research into this.
Furrynomous 2016/09/16 17:54:36 No.1150476
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Ender22 2016/09/17 01:55:56 No.1150631
Y'all are hella over-analyzing porn dialog.
Furrynomous 2016/09/17 04:32:38 No.1150647
What do you expect us to do? Fap to this shit without reading the comic?
Wait, that would both be enjoyable AND stop this mass of furries to quarrel over how badly Naylor perceives reality.
Saviour 2016/09/18 10:14:29 No.1151152
File: sillyeface_u18chan.jpg - (91.73kb, 641x634, sillyeface.jpg)
The guy digs the idea of the diverse range of sexual kinks and flexibility of relationships. Is that so wrong, or is your cock hard?
Furrynomous 2016/09/18 12:09:52 No.1151189
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Furrynomous 2016/09/19 12:27:53 No.1151564
That logic only applies to Aron and Beth. Everything else is about cucking, sexual domination and cheating. Though his cheating/cucking boner seems to have toned down a bit.

Edited at 2016/09/19 12:28:21
Furrynomous 2016/09/19 13:00:41 No.1151574

That's exactly what I do for... everything
wltrrtly 2016/09/21 09:43:38 No.1152280
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When next pages???
wltrrtly 2016/09/22 20:32:58 No.1152946
There are pages sent out to Patreon supporters. Expect updates about a week after the 1st of every month. He waits for the payments to clear before emailing.
Furrynomous 2016/09/22 20:33:11 No.1152948
There are pages sent out to Patreon supporters. Expect updates about a week after the 1st of every month. He waits for the payments to clear before emailing.
Furrynomous 2016/09/22 20:45:55 No.1152956
His patreon processes on the 5th of each month, so the pages are released around then. So two more weeks to go.
Furrynomous 2016/09/23 08:52:17 No.1153147
Yhea just by reading sissy problems, twisted sister.

Yhea Jay naylor do not have a fetishism just for the unfidel husband...
Furrynomous 2016/09/24 08:05:24 No.1153518
i don't get it.... Furrynomous 2016/10/02 16:28:29 No.1157544
File: jaynaylorpatreon_u18chan.png - (670.52kb, 1079x738, jay naylor patreon.png)
what i honestly don't get is how artist jay naylor makes almost 10k a month with over 1,500 backers on patreon when artist like Meesh who produce WAY higher quality work only has makes 499$ on patreon with only 72 backers. granted meesh has only had his patreon up for 2 days but i remember people SWARMING in for jaynaylor because they just wanted to see his porn. i don't get how furry fandom works seeing as Meesh produces way better content and quality work than jay naylor does.
i don't get it.... Furrynomous 2016/10/02 16:28:31 No.1157545
File: meeshpatreon_u18chan.png - (666.03kb, 1072x707, meesh patreon.png)
Furrynomous 2016/10/02 16:38:17 No.1157547
There's a lot of cucks with piss fetishes out there apparently
i don't get it.... Furrynomous 2016/10/02 17:32:45 No.1157565
oh god guys PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE support Meesh on patreon, his cheapest support level is 1$ and 6$ a month gets you access to his comics. i know people LOVE to rip jay naylor a new one and break everything he does down and i know people on this site hate to support artist with actual money but Meesh is a really nice guy and deserves WAY MORE support than what he is getting. everyone always complains about the laziness and lack of quality in jay naylors art and meesh is a great alternative if you want GOOD comics and art quality.
Furrynomous 2016/10/02 20:06:29 No.1157668
Hasn't Jay Naylor been in the Fandom since the 1980's? He's been at this for nearly 30 years, that should be enough of a reason I suppose.
i don't get it.... Furrynomous 2016/10/02 20:30:14 No.1157682
i think jay has been in the fandom since the 90's which is a bit unfair seeing as he is older than meesh, neither one of them could control that but meesh has been doing it for about 12 years himself. i think though with all the toxic talk and people surrounding jays art and such id much rather support someone like meesh who does not have any of that.
Furrynomous 2016/10/02 20:42:28 No.1157685
I honestly didn't know he was still active, I haven't seen a new Meesh comic in years
i don't get it.... Furrynomous 2016/10/02 20:56:30 No.1157695
Meesh only advertises on twitter now mostly, same for jay, most artist barely even use sites like FA anymore to post stuff. Meesh released a gay mass effect comic recently that was pretty good.
Furrynomous 2016/10/02 21:12:02 No.1157705
Has meesh put up new material constistenly? I remember him being very active a few years ago and then nearly stopped to a halt. That could explain his lack of support.
i don't get it.... Furrynomous 2016/10/02 21:49:50 No.1157783
he's plan is to get a page out a week, for a while he was releasing who comic projects all out at once which is why there would be months before anyone saw anything from him but i think that was not working out for him so he is doing the whole page a week thing. depending on how much he starts making on patreon i heard he might do more than a page a week but i heard that from someone else not just him.
Akfhu Hiem Summi Hasha 2016/10/02 22:11:45 No.1157823
Wow, I was reading this comic and thought, Jay sounds like soemsoemone who has a deep hatred of women as he seems as someone who isn't an alpha and even with the $10,000 a month he gets he still sounds like someoj not getting any.

At this point I wonder who made this disgusting comic, Jay Naylor or Elliot Roger. Seriously though

Edited at 2016/10/02 22:12:22
Bobbeh 2016/10/03 09:08:29 No.1158132
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You repeated yourself about Quality.
Really wish people would quit treating every new Naylor thread like a shitpost dump about his stuff.
Furrynomous 2016/10/03 14:36:41 No.1158208

A good chunk of those pledges could be bots that never contribute any actual payments and leak new content. Naylor would be the type to leave them there so others think he is making more than he actually is.

Still yes, he is highly overrated for a subpart mediocre artist. Meesh's art is a bit cringy and I dont enjoy the style but he is far far more talented than Naylor ever will be.
i don't get it.... Furrynomous 2016/10/03 16:31:12 No.1158221
there not bots, patreon has it set up now that if you don't pay your monthly pledge you receive none of the content that comes in whatever tier you pledged too, also jaynaylor has it set up so you pay for your first month up front insuring he gets at least his first month pledge donation from you so even if you cancel he still gets his $$ for the month you signed for him.
Furrynomous 2016/10/03 23:58:03 No.1158592
Art quality is in the art of the beholder. To me Naylor is the best there is and Meesh cant draw to save his life. To each there own my friend.
dat boy PIMP 2016/10/04 01:08:37 No.1158742
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Furrynomous 2016/10/04 02:32:43 No.1158756

There is a preference for aesthetics. Then there's also a difference between being able to paint the Mona Lisa and drawing stick figures. Skill is not in the eye of the beholder, but preferences for style are.

That said, they can both draw more than stick figures and that's good for them.
Derp!6lL0HQNZLE 2016/10/04 10:47:15 No.1158824
>To each there own my friend.

You can't type properly, your argument is invalid. Now get the fuck off my internet.
Furrynomous 2016/10/04 14:26:35 No.1158902
Who gives a fuck about spelling on the internet. I think I will stay awhile since its not up you. Also dont think I will post the new pics tomorrow when I get them with your attitude.
Furrynomous 2016/10/04 15:06:00 No.1158910
File: henry_ford_quote_u18chan.png - (47.39kb, 850x400, henry_ford_quote.png)
Yes, a very broad range of tastes... as long as those tastes involve cuckholding, nymphomania, and watersports.
Furrynomous 2016/10/04 18:05:42 No.1158962
File: af30db2d11701b6517bd233d60da4760_u18chan.png - (878.87kb, 779x939, af30db2d11701b6517bd233d60da4760.png)
> Meesh cant draw to save his life
Nigga, you serious? You can't be serious...
Furrynomous 2016/10/04 19:53:26 No.1158990
File: 493_u18chan.jpg - (76.9kb, 437x400, 493.jpg)
Seriously, everyone didn't get this?
Furrynomous 2016/10/04 21:17:50 No.1159015
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Furrynomous 2016/10/04 21:42:05 No.1159018
File: oops_u18chan.png - (788.71kb, 1183x597, oops.png)
ooh, what's this?
Furrynomous 2016/10/04 22:04:16 No.1159023
Ya it came out tonight. Dont see the point in posting it though since people are in this thread just to bitch out Naylor and praise Meesh. They obviously want his stuff more anyway
Furrynomous 2016/10/04 22:16:29 No.1159026

I'm here to bitch about everyone, since everyone is a shithead.
Furrynomous 2016/10/04 22:32:52 No.1159030
Lmao, still nothing fapworthy. Maybe next month.
Furrynomous 2016/10/04 23:19:36 No.1159042
Plz post. Don't let the whiners make you think they're the only ones here
Furrynomous 2016/10/04 23:39:02 No.1159051
Will in the morning once I'm back around my comp
Furrynomous 2016/10/05 00:55:18 No.1159068
ugh still no bj
Furrynomous 2016/10/05 01:22:17 No.1159071
LOL i find it hilarious that theres a person who screen capped the image of the new pages and is all like "nah I'm not gonna post them you meesh supporters" like that person keeping the new images away actually matters on the long run. The people on this site crack me up.
Furrynomous 2016/10/05 01:45:18 No.1159076
Actually I hate Meesh and wasnt the dude who screen capped that
Furrynomous 2016/10/05 05:07:25 No.1159097
Furrynomous 2016/10/05 11:02:18 No.1159183
I like Naylor's art, too- bad his comic plots haven't been noteworthy for years now.

Meesh on the other hand i can't stand on both fronts.
Furrynomous 2016/10/05 14:21:52 No.1159218
That is where I am coming from
Furrynomous 2016/10/05 16:58:09 No.1159247
She's got a nose like those fish people from Zelda.
The Itch by Jay Naylor Furrynomous 2016/10/05 22:59:38 No.1159438
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The Itch by Jay Naylor Furrynomous 2016/10/05 22:59:39 No.1159439
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The Itch by Jay Naylor Furrynomous 2016/10/05 22:59:40 No.1159440
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The Itch by Jay Naylor Furrynomous 2016/10/05 23:00:19 No.1159441
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The Itch by Jay Naylor Furrynomous 2016/10/05 23:00:20 No.1159442
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The Itch by Jay Naylor Furrynomous 2016/10/05 23:00:21 No.1159443
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Furrynomous 2016/10/06 00:30:39 No.1159465
How many pages will this comic have?
Furrynomous 2016/10/06 01:58:44 No.1159478
on the one hand, way too many. on the other, not nearly enough.
The Itch by Jay Naylor wltrrtly 2016/10/06 09:43:45 No.1159528

Look very sexy Mary Ann's nude a light tanlines.
Scorch 2016/10/06 15:07:18 No.1159630
So I just want to get this straight. What we're led to believe here is that Mary Ann has been with her husband for several years, enough time to have a young child and a baby, and has never had 'the itch' up until now? So she's been faithful all this time and just ONLY NOW finds a handsome colt that she suddenly is now inviting in to have sex with her. I get the title is "The itch" as in The Seven Year Itch, but it really makes no sense if Mary Ann is as horny as she is all the time, that after all these years of being faithful, and it seems there's no thought process going on in her head that her and her husband have had any problems whatsoever, as that's a common theme in many of Jay's comics...

Someone help?
Furrynomous 2016/10/06 15:25:33 No.1159661
Could be the first time the husband is away for so long? Either way she is clearly a ho and hoes arent made for marriage
Furrynomous 2016/10/06 18:23:52 No.1159725
Naylor doesn't know how to write a woman who isn't a nymphomaniac. The very concept short circuits his tiny sexist brain.
Furrynomous 2016/10/06 19:28:41 No.1159752
>that after all these years of being faithful, now she gives in

Jay has the view that women don't really 'do' faithful... woman attach themselves to strong 'alpha' males until abandoned or something stronger comes along... Jay's an objectivist, so love isn't a factor in his mind.
Furrynomous 2016/10/06 21:37:24 No.1159780

Hey, as long as the hubby comes home and then he and Hadrian BOTH fuck her, does all this really matter? :V
Furrynomous 2016/10/06 22:44:21 No.1159794
Furrynomous 2016/10/07 10:32:29 No.1159906
Oh lawd, Mary Ann is going to cheat on her husband. The alpha man who is the fuckin' epitome of cheating.

If Naylor stays true to his characters, Mr Horseman has probably been cheating non-stop since official relationship day one.
Furrynomous 2016/10/07 20:18:16 No.1160134
>Mr Horseman has probably been cheating non-stop since official relationship day one.

Well, he tried once with a young girl, but her mother caught them before the act and threatened him with fucking killing him.
Furrynomous 2016/10/11 02:46:59 No.1161918
>her mother caught them before the act and threatened him with fucking killing him.

She should have just skipped the threat and just killed him.
Furrynomous 2016/10/11 06:13:46 No.1161959
Ehh, Charlotte is not really the murderer type, more like the concerned mother stabbed in the back by who she considered a friend.
Akfhu Hiem Summi Hasha 2016/10/11 13:17:29 No.1162032
So far it seems the same plot as always with this Guy's "stories": making the women out to being unfaithful and a nympho and then cheating with the inferior ones.

Try not to complain, this comic is so cringy and wrong it's funny.
Ketaxis 2016/10/11 16:14:34 No.1162065
From her first comic, Marry Ann was all about fucking men. In the Selfless Love comic her husband was introduced. The ONLY reason she is with him, is because he is a male horse - a male with a big dick. Marry was a fetish fest vessel from the start. And here we see her in another fetish. So, JN is actually consistent about Marry's character.

However, it would have been nice to have Alexander, from The Adventures of Marry Ann ch. 4 and Lenore, to be the one she cheats with. It would have made for a better story, despite being all about the cheating and stuff.

But yeah, JN sucks at stories today. In the past he was decent, but now he is just plain bad. In the past even the cheating somehow felt natural if you followed his web comics. But now, it is all fetish for the sake of fetish.
Furrynomous 2016/10/12 18:26:22 No.1162381
I'm surprised they're the same species.
MetroSexual Hipster # MOD # 2016/10/12 20:24:26 No.1162421
Man how can people even tell what almost any character in the jay naylor universe would and wouldn't do. To me most of them dont even seem to have a personality beyond liking to fuck random people or cheat on their spouse. I cant even begin to remember any of their names because there's nothing memorable about them other than the fact that they just like to screw. The only character who i can remember is fisk because at least he had some actual back story and personality before becoming a cia agent and a dad but even then he sorta just becomes like uninteresting to me after his kids take the spotlight. Is that Jay's changed or maybe he was always like that and I've changed. Is there some comic that idk gives his universe and characters more depth that i haven"t seen?

Edited at 2016/10/12 20:27:38
Furrynomous 2016/10/12 22:52:51 No.1162526
It's Naylor that changed. Look at the relationship between (I think) Portia and that femboy.

He just recently shoehorned hardcore cuckoldry into that one despite the previous comics only going so far as a threesome with an old and dear friend to the guy.

He was never an amazing writer but his characters had a measurable amount of depth. Now the only depth is how far in the cuck/cheat hole they go.

Edited at 2016/10/12 22:53:01
The Antionymous 2016/10/13 02:43:34 No.1162592

This is Jay Naylor we are talking about. Don't deep think into it. . .you will only come out with less brain cells on trying to understand him and his 'world'
Furrynomous 2016/10/13 11:39:02 No.1162774
I liked Aron and Beth, their relationship/affaire felt the most realistic (in my experience).
They also were the only characters who still got featured into straight decent vanilla action. Unfortunately Aron had to go with a dickgirl and Beth went for typical boring "mysterious alpha male".

But the worst thing about Naylor is that it's pretty damn obvious that the guy himself can't seem to get off to vanilla porn anymore, since he has to shoehorn piss/ass/cuckholding/pregnancy/homo erotic domination/ etc, etc into his comics now. Wich is a shame since his old comics remain great imo.
Furrynomous 2016/10/13 16:00:40 No.1162813
Jay's early stuff is much better, precisely because all the fetishistic stuff that dominates his later work is absent.

His best comic overall is probably Amy's Summer Camp; it's a genuinely tender and interesting story about two childhood friends developing a mutual attraction. (Jay can't resist mocking the hypocrisy of the church--it's a religious summer camp--but this is mercifully more implied than stated outright, and is the only real element of his trademark dickishness that makes it into the comic.)

Wicked Affairs 2 is also good, if you like to see Fisk and Elizabeth together. It has its share of problems, from Fisk being his serial-killer asshole self to the appearance of sandworm-dick, and the whole thing is technically a cuckold comic, but it's not nearly as heavy-handed here as it is in later comics, and the fetish stuff is totally absent. Elizabeth acts like an unhappy wife, not a whore looking for an alpha male to worship. She doesn't magically grow a dick. Nobody is pissing in anyone's face or sniffing each other's asses. None of the girls look like they've been dipped in oil, and there's none of the hentai-ish "Unh! Ah!" etc. that clutters up Jay's later comics.

It's vanilla, sure. But the irony is that's probably what makes it Jay's best work.
Wulfy 2016/10/13 21:18:12 No.1163033
I sorta go with this, but it is upsetting. Although I like porn as much as the next guy, I found May Ann' stuff to be sort fun and hot.
And it's almost nice for her to... "outgrow" that rambunctious child. Just a shame for her to fall back into old habits.
Furrynomous 2016/10/17 12:06:23 No.1164331

I agree that Naylor is a schlong swallowing cock goblin, but making that character go from a lean colt to a WWE action figure is even more off putting.
Furrynomous 2016/10/18 11:34:28 No.1164847
As much as I love big throbbing musk-elz on a dude... The horse is drawn that way to show his age more, and that's a point of the story, so... Yah.
KitKat Furrynomous 2016/10/21 06:40:03 No.1166029
Know what... Fuck it- I second this. What the hell is wrong with you people?? It's fucking porn, oh my gods...
Furrynomous 2016/10/30 18:59:51 No.1170389
Okay, sooo... I am not much for politics, but I like how he draws butts taking horse cocks.

Is there an update?
Furrynomous 2016/10/31 05:34:43 No.1170534
Strict character limit?!?! That's the best idea I've heard in a long time. No bullshit.
Furrynomous 2016/10/31 08:12:04 No.1170551
Not yet. He releases the updates on the 5th of each month, so the next one will be out this Saturday. So don't worry, you have to wait too much longer.
Furrynomous 2016/11/05 06:12:47 No.1172704
Well, the next set of pages should release today, hopefully soon.
Furrynomous 2016/11/05 16:34:13 No.1172929
Furrynomous 2016/11/06 03:41:31 No.1173149
File: rm04_u18chan.jpg - (332.59kb, 1080x2023, rm04.jpg)
Hey. I a bit tired of waiting so let's do something more interesting.

I miss his original concept for Rachel (don't really care for the 'updated' version) so I took this page of the BD comics and made it into a "fill the blank".

If you're an artist, know an artist that would like to try, or even just want paste in something stupid, go ahead, it might amusing.

PS. If this is not the right thread to post this, I'm ok with the mods moving it to the proper one
Furrynomous 2016/11/06 03:42:14 No.1173150
File: rm04-1_u18chan.jpg - (288.49kb, 670x1255, rm04-1.jpg)
here's what I did
Furrynomous 2016/11/06 09:00:17 No.1173197
File: theitch13_u18chan.jpg - (392.45kb, 891x1188, theitch13.jpg)

Furrynomous 2016/11/06 09:00:34 No.1173198
File: theitch14_u18chan.jpg - (134.02kb, 891x1188, theitch14.jpg)

Furrynomous 2016/11/06 09:00:48 No.1173199
File: theitch15_u18chan.jpg - (129.34kb, 891x1188, theitch15.jpg)

Furrynomous 2016/11/06 09:01:21 No.1173200
File: theitch16_u18chan.jpg - (430.96kb, 891x1188, theitch16.jpg)

Furrynomous 2016/11/06 09:01:48 No.1173202
File: theitch17_u18chan.jpg - (404.82kb, 891x1188, theitch17.jpg)

Furrynomous 2016/11/06 09:02:23 No.1173203
File: theitch18_u18chan.jpg - (430.67kb, 891x1188, theitch18.jpg)

Furrynomous 2016/11/06 09:56:29 No.1173212
thank you kind anon <3

This is some of the best art I've seen from him, too.
MetroSexual Hipster 2016/11/06 12:39:13 No.1173234
here comes dozens of posts saying how wrong you are :^)
Furrynomous 2016/11/06 13:32:56 No.1173246

Oh God yea he's wrong. Wouldn't want you to be though. <3

Look at her legs and hands when they're crossed behind his back. He ruined her face with a magic, growing nose. Her fingers when she reaches for his dick.

Some of it has improved, but it seems like he took that effort from other aspects. He was never really good at hands or feet but it just doesn't seem like he's even trying anymore. Which is a shame.

Edited at 2016/11/06 13:35:39
Furrynomous 2016/11/06 14:31:06 No.1173270
you are right about the anatomy.

But I really like the coloring, shading and general composition of this.
Furrynomous 2016/11/06 14:51:09 No.1173277
I cant wait for the husband to come back early and axe murder the ever loving shit out of them
Michael Saunders 2016/11/06 14:58:27 No.1173282

Keep dreaming that pipe dream.
Furrynomous 2016/11/06 15:09:36 No.1173287
If only he could make realistic characters with realistic personalities.
Furrynomous 2016/11/06 15:51:23 No.1173305

I want him to come back and eat that horse's load out of her pussy like a good cuckold.

Edited at 2016/11/06 15:52:31
Furrynomous 2016/11/06 17:13:07 No.1173340
thanks for updating!
Furrynomous 2016/11/06 17:58:02 No.1173357
I do agree.

Her breasts on the bottom right panel do look really good.
Furrynomous 2016/11/06 19:17:42 No.1173374
Who won the pool for betting that the wife would give in?
Furrynomous 2016/11/06 21:19:49 No.1173499
So, Jay Naylor has come full circle. The horse who cucked that guy who liked ann is now cucked by other Horse, and with that lost the very point of what his fetish represents, because "If everyone's cucked, no one will be". It's like watching the USA wanting to elect Hilary Clinton so they can at least enter in a real war. It smells at so much desperation that is not even funny.
Furrynomous 2016/11/06 22:01:23 No.1173505
The real question is who lost.
Furrynomous 2016/11/07 05:56:42 No.1173583

Who let you cucks out of your cuckshed?
wltrrtly 2016/11/07 09:40:14 No.1173621

I see there a Mary Ann's breasts with little lactation with milk.
Furrynomous 2016/11/07 11:32:44 No.1173663
Her husband is probably cheating with someone else that very second.
Probably has been doing that all the time.
It would be full circle if the horse cheated on her with the guy whio liked Ann. despite being gross, that would be fucking hilarious. In fact, it would probably be the only time Jay would land a succesfull joke if he did.

Besides anything else good pron though. Loving how it's straight up vanilla. Let's hope Bojack doesn't piss all over her next page.
Furrynomous 2016/11/07 12:51:40 No.1173684
His "I'm talking to your ass." in that other comic was actually pretty funny.
Furrynomous 2016/11/08 16:24:53 No.1174320
So Mary Ann is a cheating cucky burlap sack. We all saw that coming from a mile away. So she's basically her mom at this point pretty much. This comic was really more about the fetish aspect than anything. Making you 'hold-out' and build up the desire to see them fuck when you know it's coming. Sad to see him turn another female into a cucky degenerate
Furrynomous 2016/11/08 18:49:50 No.1174448
Well this is Naylor we are talking about. Did you honestly expect anything else?
Furrynomous 2016/11/08 19:31:55 No.1174479
So does anybody else think that all of that horsecock she took when she was younger left her so loose that when she went into labor the kid just slipped out after she sneezed?
gundamrx79 2016/11/08 21:03:38 No.1174637
someone give this guy a medal
Furrynomous 2016/11/09 17:25:44 No.1175100

except it wasn't quite done, so she got another horse to slot it right back into place.

Furrynomous 2016/11/09 22:02:45 No.1175214

Vaginas don't get looser the more you use them. As long as it doesn't tear, it won't change shape. Come on guys, people critique the arm size and length between panels in Jay Naylor's comic but we don't know how vaginas work?
Furrynomous 2016/11/09 23:09:17 No.1175233
Calm down my friend, it was just a joke.
Furrynomous 2016/11/10 08:39:35 No.1175382
they do....but not because you use them more... they are "stretched out" if you use a larger item. Have you never heard that the vaginal depth is increased the more aroused the woman is? it does revert back over time as seen with childbirth but it will never be the as shallow as it was before.
Furrynomous 2016/11/10 10:23:17 No.1175394
If that were true, then people using penis pumps would be walking around with Winger-sized dongs.
Ketaxis 2016/11/10 12:01:49 No.1175405
Seriously, why isn't Alexander the pony the male?
Furrynomous 2016/11/10 12:11:31 No.1175408

Simple fact, human skin elasticity wears down as the owner ages. Boobs sag, arms gain "wings", everything. Older women do have looser vaginas (when not clenching obviously) than they did when they were younger. Males are in a similar situation over time, gaining a couple millimetres over the years. The difference is inconsequential unless you really abuse your body's elasticity. A woman who's had five children will have a much looser vagina than before she was pregnant her first time. But it's still not "gaping hole versus straw" different.
Furrynomous 2016/11/11 00:36:34 No.1175648
On vaginas there's a lot of other variables to it as well.

The big one is, on top of losing elasticity, generally older people lose significant amounts of muscle tone. This includes involuntary and semi-involuntary muscles. Hence why a woman who retains her virginity will be measurably looser at 40 than she was at 20.

Second, not all childbirth is equal. A woman giving birth to a relatively normal 6lb kid under hospital care isn't gonna get her vaj wrecked nearly as badly as a woman doing a homeopathic/home-birth of an 8lb porker. Or nearly as bad as a normal 6lb kid delivered at home, because hospital births generally have the woman on muscle relaxers, and any vaginal tearing is treated immediately where it can heal extremely well. And of course Caesarians do minimal damage to vaginal tightness since nothing actually goes in the vaj, and most of the muscle that's damaged is far enough above the pelvic girdle that any loss of strength in the pelvic floor is a cascade effect from the sedentary recovery.

Likewise with sex: A smaller-than-average dude (or toy) can do irreparable damage to the elasticity of a vaj through too-hard/too-fast/too-dry, while King Dong done right causes no damage.

Lifestyle plays a huge role too: Fit is always gonna be tighter than unfit (even if skinny). Smokers will be looser (and easier to injure) than non-smokers due to a whole plethora of secondary effects of inhaling carbon monoxide and tar.
Furrynomous 2016/11/11 21:49:16 No.1175929
File: JN-Hazelsketchpiecedtogether_u18chan.png - (782.37kb, 1013x1252, JN-Hazel sketch pieced together.png)
Got sick of seeing this in pieces. So I put it together.
Furrynomous 2016/11/11 22:54:16 No.1175947
File: keep-calm-and-stop-splitting-hairs_u18chan.png - (37.97kb, 600x700, keep-calm-and-stop-splitting-hairs.png)
Furrynomous 2016/11/11 23:31:44 No.1175963
I wonder wy Jay never scanned it as a whole?
Furrynomous 2016/11/12 03:14:31 No.1176012

Spoken like a true virgin
third God from the left 2016/11/12 10:08:59 No.1176107
you knowing so much about vaginas and speaking like this makes me think you've never been near one

you might be the biggest stud in the world but this still sounds like a rambling of a virgin that won't ever get any pussy but if they did wouldn't have it because it wasn't up to their standard.
Furrynomous 2016/11/13 01:30:18 No.1176653
Jay and Gnaw were probably to lazy to finish it
Furrynomous 2016/11/14 00:16:03 No.1177385
Why is he so obsessed with NTR?

Can I just get the sex scenes with no text?
Furrynomous 2016/11/14 19:00:43 No.1177681
File: 137238741715_u18chan.jpg - (234.65kb, 745x825, 137238741715.jpg)
I don't care much for this but I would pay physical human currency if he would do more art of Dixie.
Furrynomous 2016/11/14 20:38:37 No.1177710
Well then I hope you're willing to put up with cheating/cucking then because there is no chance it won't be one of those.
Furrynomous 2016/11/14 21:06:58 No.1177714
I agree Dixie is super fun. Alas the next comic confirmed is going to be Rachel digivolving into an even more extreme ho who is now the property of a brother and sister poodle couple who run a BDSM ring. Was the second most voted after this current comic.
Furrynomous 2016/11/15 15:21:03 No.1178042
Fine, then somebody else draw Dixie for me. Right now!
Furrynomous 2016/11/15 20:23:47 No.1178113
File: Dixie_Kong_Artwork_-_DK_Jungle_Cimber_u18chan.png - (1.08mb, 1145x1239, Dixie_Kong_Artwork_-_DK_Jungle_Cimber.png)
Not my OC but I did find you some Dixie
Furrynomous 2016/11/16 18:39:18 No.1178454
File: b41656c2aee8390d2f1640ffd7bf48ee_u18chan.jpg - (300.93kb, 802x788, b41656c2aee8390d2f1640ffd7bf48ee.jpg)

Let's stop talking politics and get back to what's really important here: Dixie.
MetroSexual Hipster # MOD # 2016/11/16 19:47:44 No.1178473
File: Untitled_11_u18chan.png - (66.52kb, 798x551, Untitled.png)
I tried
Furrynomous 2016/11/16 20:39:33 No.1178490
File: dixie_kong_for_smash_trans_by_veemon_tamer-d8vzy35_u18chan.png - (1.82mb, 1500x1500, dixie_kong_for_smash_trans_by_veemon_tamer-d8vzy35.png)
You want more dixie? I got ya fam
Furrynomous 2016/11/16 23:04:19 No.1178523
File: Dixie-Cup_u18chan.jpeg - (38.39kb, 397x353, Dixie-Cup.jpeg)
Say no more, fam
Furrynomous 2016/11/17 02:02:33 No.1178578
Furrynomous 2016/11/17 02:36:32 No.1178582
File: Dixie_states_map.svg_0_u18chan.png - (18.61kb, 300x186, Dixie_states_map.svg.png)
Am I too late to the party?
Furrynomous 2016/11/17 09:45:50 No.1178627
File: 927_u18chan.jpg - (30.69kb, 512x512, 927.jpg)
anno nimus 2016/11/17 12:52:28 No.1178655
File: Don_64d367_5297365_u18chan.jpg - (92.08kb, 700x674, Don_64d367_5297365.jpg)
SirNonimous 2016/11/19 10:03:24 No.1179459
'member when we used to look up porn, not for the plot, characters, or art design, but because we had nothing better to do?

I 'member.
Furrynomous 2016/11/19 16:25:35 No.1179555
Someone PLEASE get this "beholder" some glasses..... Or a monocle....
Kai 2016/11/20 12:53:57 No.1179840
File: gentleman_beholder_u18chan.png - (353.33kb, 804x994, gentleman_beholder.png)

Furrynomous 2016/11/20 15:16:47 No.1179880
Yes, some people like anatomy, facial structures staying consistent on a 3D object regardless of angle, variety of body types and some people like Naylor's art.
Furrynomous 2016/11/20 15:30:23 No.1179882
Sounds good man you keep spending your life critiquing every Naylor comic that comes out so you can feel super special about yourself and He will keep making 10k every month not caring what you or others think.
Bubbaclaw 2016/11/21 12:48:00 No.1180304
Furrynomous 2016/12/03 11:09:57 No.1185525
No updates yet?
Furrynomous 2016/12/03 12:09:39 No.1185542
Updates come out on the 5th of each month, so check back on Monday.
Furrynomous 2016/12/06 01:14:22 No.1186735
Naylor has started a new comic called "The Gift", which a thread has already been started for it.
Does that mean he completed "The Itch" comic?
Wouldn't be surprised if he didn't.

Edited at 2016/12/06 01:14:46
Furrynomous 2016/12/06 01:51:14 No.1186768
File: theitch19_u18chan.jpg - (400.91kb, 891x1188, theitch19.jpg)

Furrynomous 2016/12/06 01:51:37 No.1186769
File: theitch20_u18chan.jpg - (135.12kb, 891x1188, theitch20.jpg)

Furrynomous 2016/12/06 01:51:48 No.1186770
File: theitch21_u18chan.jpg - (147.75kb, 891x1188, theitch21.jpg)

Furrynomous 2016/12/06 01:52:36 No.1186771
A bit anti-climactic if you ask me. Now let's all argue about it for the next three weeks. As God intended.
Furrynomous 2016/12/06 02:24:04 No.1186783
Considering that Naylor has already started the next comic, it's not really surprising how rushed this ending feels.
Bad enough that he tries to sound philosophical in his comics, which only end up showing how far his head is up his ass, we may now start to see him no longer giving a crap in his work.
The guy is getting around $10,000 a month in patreon alone, and pretty much only posts there, not really bothering with his accounts on other websites.
Does he even really give a shit anymore, unless his is forced to?
Wow Flash 2016/12/06 09:27:09 No.1187037
Forgive me for sounding so negativity and please do not get this the wrong way, but I pity her. Her husband is so beautiful in my opinion. My mind keeps telling me: Why?

I fell disappointment in she will live her life in guilt depending if she liked IT with Hadrian...

Despite the story, still like Naylor's artwork. he is still one of my favorite artists...
Furrynomous 2016/12/06 16:37:03 No.1187350

Probably because it's Naylor: He got lazy, and his writing sucks.
Furrynomous 2016/12/06 18:21:50 No.1187407
File: 1480977457606_u18chan.png - (99.38kb, 240x240, 1480977457606.png)

>no impregnation/pregnancy ending

I waited a month for this.
Furrynomous 2016/12/07 16:49:42 No.1187906
Oooow, isn't cute when Naylor thinks he is making deep characters and narrative? Is like when a 5 year old thinks it's going to the moon in it's cardboard rocket painted with crayons.
Furrynomous 2016/12/07 20:11:33 No.1187959

You don't say...
Furrynomous 2016/12/07 20:28:07 No.1187979
Her husband's frigging gorgeous. When do we see the comic where he cheats?
Furrynomous 2016/12/07 21:42:33 No.1187996

you know...
I really hope not
But considering that he was not seeing her or his family most of the time increases my suspicion of where he goes most of the time besides working...
Furrynomous 2017/01/11 01:51:21 No.1202775
Whatever happened to that Rachel comic?
Furrynomous 2017/01/11 01:55:58 No.1202777
man with tit's happened
Furrynomous 2017/01/11 22:51:37 No.1203655
Yikes her face in panel one. Fucking horses makes you look like one I guess. A very meh ending.

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