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File: swingshift01_u18chan.jpg - (468.68kb, 1080x1600, swingshift01.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Swing Shift Furrynomous 2016/09/10 16:06:54 No.1147513   

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Swing Shift Furrynomous 2016/09/10 16:06:56 No.1147514
File: swingshift02_u18chan.jpg - (425.12kb, 1080x1600, swingshift02.jpg)
Swing Shift Furrynomous 2016/09/10 16:06:57 No.1147515
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Swing Shift Furrynomous 2016/09/10 16:06:58 No.1147516
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Swing Shift Furrynomous 2016/09/10 16:06:59 No.1147517
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Furrynomous 2016/09/10 16:08:14 No.1147518
File: swingshift06_u18chan.jpg - (410.66kb, 1080x1600, swingshift06.jpg)

Furrynomous 2016/09/10 16:08:15 No.1147519
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Furrynomous 2016/09/10 16:08:16 No.1147520
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Furrynomous 2016/09/10 16:08:17 No.1147521
File: swingshift09_u18chan.jpg - (388.02kb, 1080x1600, swingshift09.jpg)
Furrynomous 2016/09/10 16:08:18 No.1147522
File: swingshift10_u18chan.jpg - (379.22kb, 1080x1600, swingshift10.jpg)
Furrynomous 2016/09/10 21:08:21 No.1147610
Sigh, another tragic casualty of the death of Club Stripes.
Furrynomous 2016/09/11 00:36:34 No.1147670
What happened to Gnaw?
Furrynomous 2016/09/11 02:01:33 No.1147707

He was at Anthrocon, so I know he's still around and working. I'm guessing his only real outlet was Club Stripes, and with them closed up he's moved on or something. I could ask around but I don't feel like being a creeper.
Furrynomous 2016/09/12 03:58:31 No.1148362

Maybe I just looked at this too late at night, but seriously... furries are SO fucked up with their fetishes it makes me wince sometimes.

Is it REALLY that bad to maybe be loyal to someone for real, and not just until the chance for sex appears?
Furrynomous 2016/09/12 05:56:11 No.1148379
File: youveGOTtobejoking_u18chan.jpg - (36.58kb, 640x515, youve GOT to be joking.jpg)
Banging multiple chicks, a fetish very specific to furries rite?
Furrynomous 2016/09/12 06:56:32 No.1148391

I understand the artists can be complicated, but with the clubstripes closed I believe would understand the question and Gnaw was glad to hear that you ask for him xD
Furrynomous 2016/09/14 21:12:21 No.1149598
Fucking hell; can the comic just not be finished now that clubstripes is gone? Is there some legality as to why gnaw isn't finishing it or what?
' Anonymous 2016/09/14 21:28:33 No.1149602
Technically this part of the series is finished, hence the "to be continued" bit on that last page.

Edited at 2016/09/14 21:29:14
clubstripes activity Furrynomous 2016/10/13 01:53:34 No.1162582
Has clubstripes really closed? I still see the site through a web search and can go to the site.
Furrynomous 2016/10/13 05:46:33 No.1162628
Clubstripes have been in a state, somewhere between life and death for a long time now.

Not quite dead, not quite alive either.

And i'm really not even sure who's running the god awful indigogo thing with Miu's books. Signs the bottom of the update with Midori, and says to go to clubstripes@gmail for support with missing orders ...

not really sure

Edited at 2016/10/13 05:48:33
wolfvader 2016/10/14 05:00:18 No.1163133

So basically if you still can't understand, Clubstripes is in a coma and we don't know when it will come to.

So from this point on Clubstripes is strapped into a machine, it's only a matter of time if gNAW or Miu or ever decides they want to pull the plug on it.

Just like what happened to Bunnie Love comics which they were amazing but unfortunately never get finished.
activity or not Furrynomous 2016/10/15 00:22:10 No.1163407
I do hope comics like these still get a chance to get finished. Whether or not they are attached to the site, the artists still should be allowed chances to not let anymore of these site comics with To Be Continued on the last page to just remain in limbo
Guildarts 2016/10/31 04:25:47 No.1170526
we waiting for good fuck
Furrynomous 2016/11/26 09:24:06 No.1182396
granted gnaw doesn't seem to do much work beyond con sketches & a few pieces of paysites.
Furrynomous 2020/02/01 23:48:51 No.1708137
is there anymore pages
Furrynomous 2020/02/02 01:30:06 No.1708170
Holy shit
Furrynomous 2020/02/02 03:26:53 No.1708182
It's tragic that this will never be finished
Furrynomous 2020/02/02 04:20:05 No.1708190
File: 260e6daec67dbec0c84106315e0c89aa_u18chan.jpg - (360.58kb, 1600x1167, 260e6daec67dbec0c84106315e0c89aa.jpg)

Furrynomous 2020/02/02 13:26:58 No.1708341
What happened to Gnaw fby the way? Does anyone know it? I love his drawing style. missed his comics a lot
Furrynomous 2020/02/02 14:36:30 No.1708351
Visited Australia, got eaten by rabid koalas.
Furrynomous 2020/02/02 15:04:40 No.1708354
gNAW seems to have dropped off the Internets after ClubStripes went belly-up. He still attends cons, since Max Blackrabbit often points out when gNAW is attending a con that Max is also attending. And he still produces art (primarily on commission), but he doesn't post new stuff anywhere these days. You can find new gNAW art by running this specific search:

It won't hide all vore content, and it won't filter to gNAW's stuff exclusively, but it gets the job done more often than not.
Furrynomous 2020/02/02 15:17:13 No.1708357
Try with this
@message :icongnaw:
Furrynomous 2020/02/02 18:34:27 No.1708462
Wait, is gNAW doing vore art recently? Or is it just because of his name being what it is?
Furrynomous 2020/02/02 22:06:57 No.1708556

The latter.
Furrynomous 2020/02/02 22:27:01 No.1708575
The latter, yeah. I learned that lesson the hard way.

Doesn't always work, since not everyone uses the icon thingy for gNAW. Besides, searching the word "gnaw" itself usually works better since FA's search goes through descriptions.
Furrynomous 2020/06/13 04:47:13 No.1767371
Is there going to be another comic
Furrynomous 2020/06/13 09:28:39 No.1767454
gNAW disappeared from the Internet after (or maybe a little before?) ClubStripes went dead. I doubt you'll see anything from him again unless you search for commissions and such on FA, e621, and other such sites.

It's a shame, too. His "Blind Love" comic was the best thing ClubStripes ever published. And I'd love to see more of the couple of in that comic. Alas, t'was not meant to be.
Furrynomous 2020/06/13 09:35:33 No.1767455
Actually Gnaw is still around he's just not as active as he's busy doing free lance work and other projects. I spoke with him a week ago and he states he MIGHT be back once he clears up some of his work
Furrynomous 2020/06/13 14:29:14 No.1767552
File: EveryoneLikedThat_u18chan.jpg - (106.43kb, 1279x661, Everyone Liked That.jpg)
>he MIGHT be back once he clears up some of his work
Furrynomous 2020/06/14 21:44:01 No.1768041
Why must you tease us with hope?
Furrynomous 2020/06/15 06:05:06 No.1768113
Man he's gonna come back and his art style gonna be worse isn't it.
Furrynomous 2020/06/15 10:33:30 No.1768148
File: FurAffinityMattytheMouseFirstTimebyGnaw_u18chan.jpg - (276.52kb, 1280x840, (FurAffinity) [MattytheMouse] First Time by Gnaw.jpg)
Judging by some stuff I've seen posted to FA recently by third parties? Nope, not in the slightest.
Furrynomous 2020/06/15 10:34:00 No.1768149
File: FurAffinityStarStormDancingBygNAW_u18chan.jpg - (260.92kb, 985x1280, (FurAffinity) [StarStorm] Dancing (By gNAW).jpg)

Furrynomous 2020/06/15 10:34:13 No.1768150
File: FurAffinityDreaj1KeninPatriarch-SittingPretty_u18chan.jpg - (253.13kb, 1280x1047, (FurAffinity) [Dreaj1] Ken in Patriarch - Sitting Pretty.jpg)

Furrynomous 2020/06/15 11:05:01 No.1768161
Unusual to see Hazel Weiss doing a guy since she seems to be a hardcore lesbian.
Furrynomous 2020/06/15 14:21:30 No.1768220
She teases guys plenty and I think has engaged in other activities with them in past works. Just not penetration, much as I'd wish to see that
Furrynomous 2020/06/15 15:07:13 No.1768234
Yeah, that's the one thing gNAW has never drawn Hazel doing (that I know of), and I have to assume he's like Max Blackrabbit with Raven Hunt never fully showing all the goods in art he does of her, in that the tease is more the point than the "full monty" (so to speak).

But I would bet money that, like EWS with Sabrina being lewd and MBR with Raven showing off everything, he's done at least one pic for himself with Hazel getting fucked by a guy.
Furrynomous 2020/06/15 15:10:28 No.1768236
There was also some little rabbit dude I remember Hazel liked to sexually torment constantly while he was in the library. Including doing stuff to him in his sleep. Even as a fictional character one would think she's damn lucky to get away with all that.
Furrynomous 2020/06/17 12:15:36 No.1768936
File: gngl104_u18chan.jpg - (210.67kb, 1280x1164, gngl104.jpg)

Furrynomous 2020/11/24 00:06:19 No.1853103
Is there going to be another comic like this
Furrynomous 2020/11/24 09:21:04 No.1853273
From Gnaw? Sadly, it's unlikely. He still does commissions, but you have to search them out since he doesn't post anything on his old profiles anymore.
Furrynomous 2020/11/24 09:54:56 No.1853312
File: 1142021933.gnaw_hazeltine001_0_u18chan.jpg - (191.5kb, 800x802, 1142021933.gnaw_hazeltine001.jpg)
he's a dog not a rabbit
Furrynomous 2020/11/24 09:54:59 No.1853313
File: 1142023121.gnaw_hazelvday001_0_u18chan.jpg - (243.19kb, 703x1000, 1142023121.gnaw_hazelvday001.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/11/24 12:01:21 No.1853411
I wish. This particular comic was turning out to be one of my faves from him. Ahwell. Anycase if you want to sometimes see some of his comm work try searching :icongnaw: and sorting by latest on FA
Furrynomous 2020/11/24 19:22:18 No.1853597
Gnaw and most of his characters fall into the FurAfterDark universe. And characters in there (i.e. ZigZag, Raven Hunt, Hazel, Pussy Noir, etc.) tend to practically get away with anything.
Furrynomous 2020/11/25 02:13:27 No.1853710
While it is a Fur After Dark universe, I feel like there should be some sort of repercussions or something for how Hazel and Raven have sexually torchered Adrian so much. Hazel intentionally poses in front of him out in the open and leads him on just so she can get a rise out of him and then leave him hanging. And Raven will sleep with nearly anybody for any reason. Grades are up, sex as a reward. Grades are down, sex as motivation. Staring at her or fantasizing about her in class, sex as punishment. Parent of a student, sex for the hell of it. Caught looking at porn or masturbating in her general vicinity, sex. Meeting anyone even remotely famous, sex. Meets a sexy female student or fellow staff member, sex. Someone accidentally sees up her skirt, sex. Meets a futa, sex. Goes to a party, sex. Goes to a library, sex. Goes to an elevator, sex. Goes to a vending machine, sex. A holiday, sex. Gets drunk' sex. Then Adrian comes along and she not only does she sexually torment him too by building him up and tearing him down, but actively helps Hazel to do it and got mad at Adrian just for momentarily fantasizing sex with her.

Yet with Adrian they get him sexually worked up, then send him away, walk out on him, or just plain laugh at him. They even sexually tormented him in his sleep and spread the pictures they took around school. They put him in handcuffs and have sex right in front of him. No one else in any of the pictures I've seen have they tormented as much. Nor do they have any reason behind it. After all of that I honestly wonder what their beef is with messing with that poor kid.

I know it's just porn. But the fact that poor guy is tormented so much and never given a break just irks me.

Edited at 2020/11/25 04:03:16
Furrynomous 2020/11/25 04:34:58 No.1853744
Now that you pointed that out, they really do treat him like that. Poor kid. The artist must love tormenting him.
Furrynomous 2020/11/25 07:19:52 No.1853786
dude, lmao, it's furry porn

get a fucking grip on yourself - literally and metaphorically

also: it's "tortured", and the only possible repercussions for their actions in a porn universe is rape, so maybe reconsider how much you stan for a fictional cockteasee
Furrynomous 2020/11/25 08:47:44 No.1853826
I suppose you didn't see the part at the end of my post that acknoledges it's just furry porn. That said, I could honestly care less on your opinion of the matter. And while what they did to him wasn't exactly rape, literal sexual torture is considered just as bad. Real life or anthro comics, they tormented him for years for fun more than anyone else. So pardon me if I felt like it was sad there was no upside for the poor guy in any of it.
Furrynomous 2020/11/25 08:55:02 No.1853831
>pardon me if I felt like it was sad there was no upside for the poor guy in any of it

dude lmao it's furry porn

like, yeah, I'd like to see him fuck Hazel too, but you don't see me crying into my cereal every morning about it

get a fucking grip
Furrynomous 2020/11/25 09:02:00 No.1853834
Crying in my cereal, oh dear! If you haven't noticed you're the one here making this worse. I never said I wanted him to fuck Hazel or Raven. I just said it sucks with the way they treat him and how he was singled out for no reason. If you wanna enjoy that, then fine with me. But don't go trying to make me the jerk for pointing it out.
Furrynomous 2020/11/25 14:26:02 No.1854014
>I just said it sucks with the way they treat him and how he was singled out for no reason

dude, seriously, it's a furry porn joke

what next, you gonna feel bad for fuckin' Chiropterana because she didn't get to fuck the Batman expy

lmao, come back to reality
Furrynomous 2020/11/25 18:33:57 No.1854160
I'm with ya on that. Didn't realized there was another poor soul out there in the FAD universe other then Bobbie Dish.
Furrynomous 2020/11/25 19:33:05 No.1854178
>poor soul

you know they can't hear you right

because they're fictional characters

created to be the butt of jokes

stop simping so hard for cockteasees, you dumbasses
Furrynomous 2020/11/25 19:40:05 No.1854183
If they are so upset over pointing something like sexual torment out, then why are y'all so butthurt that you gotta use the age old line "Dude it's just porn!"? That's it? That's as original as you can be? Honestly those who do care are more interesting than those who don't. At least they aren't afraid to speak their mind.

Edited at 2020/11/25 19:48:02
Furrynomous 2020/11/25 19:48:32 No.1854189
>why are y'all so butthurt that you gotta use the age old line "Dud it's just porn!"

Because they're acting like these characters created specifically to be the butt of sexually charged jokes are deserving of the kind of sympathy one usually reserves for, say, rape victims. They're acting like these characters "deserve" to not be the butt of those jokes as if such desires will somehow change that fate. They're acting like fictional characters meant to be the "victims" of sexual comedy - regardless of whether you think it's funny or offensive or whatever - should be something more *only because they said they want it*.

If they have that much of a fucking problem with how gNAW and EWS treat actual literal gag characters, they should go write their own fucking fanfics or draw their own fucking art where the cockteasers and cockteasees get what these simps believe those characters deserve.

They're fictional characters in porn gags. They don't care if you simp for them. Nobody else does, either.
Furrynomous 2020/11/25 20:22:02 No.1854202
And yet you seem more butthurt explaining that it's just porn than the person who feels sorry for the characters in it. Yeah so what if they feel that way. It's not like they are gonna pop out of your screen and cry at you. All you're doing is making it worse by responding to them. If anybody needs to let it go, it's the people who have to constantly and unoriginally point out "Dude it's just porn".

The whole point of these threads is that shit gets posted and people speak their mind about them. Sure that causes debates, but debates are what can keep a thread going sometimes. Then there's the "Dude it's just porn" people. So what if it's fiction. Fiction makes the world go round because it's usually better than reality. Why else would people like you be here.
Furrynomous 2020/11/25 23:12:11 No.1854278
>The whole point of these threads is that shit gets posted and people speak their mind about them.

And I'm not allowed to speak their mind about what they say now? I have to shut the fuck up forever about what they say because I'm too ~+negative+~ or too ~+confrontational+~ or whatever?

Fine, fuck it, you get your wish. Congrats, censor. You've silenced someone's voice. Hope you get off to it.
Furrynomous 2020/11/26 01:59:57 No.1854333
AHAHAHAAA! Boy you are good at twisting words, aren't you. I never once told you to censor yourself or shut up. I just pointed out it was unoriginal to keep saying "Dude it's just porn", which wasn't just you but many. It's like a default phrase that's quickly become outdated here.

No matter what side someone speaks on a subject, the doom-sayers, the nay-sayers, the positives, the negatives, the neutrals. Those who feel sorry for characters in a comic, those who don't care because it's just a comic, and those who just watch eating popcorn. It all still causes friction when they butt heads.

What I called you out on is you seem more butthurt speaking that it's just porn rather than saying anything creative. I'm not telling you not to say anything. But you've said nothing original thus far either, positive or negative. You're even copy-pasting my own words to make yourself look better. I honestly pity you.
Furrynomous 2020/11/26 04:44:26 No.1854431
File: ca3e74538f2361eb963f8fb1370dfe66_u18chan.jpg - (280.93kb, 1280x1024, ca3e74538f2361eb963f8fb1370dfe66.jpg)
Maybe this'll put an end to this mess. A pic drawn by another artist shows Adrian did eventually get laid, more or less.
Furrynomous 2020/11/26 15:47:03 No.1854691
For Christ's sake, what is it with you cunts starting flame wars on basically dead threads? I hope this gets cleaned up later.
Furrynomous 2020/11/27 01:32:45 No.1854883
Yeah it got way out of hand. Hopefully it's over now
Furrynomous 2020/11/27 09:34:47 No.1854992
I have 2 commissions I've gotten from him, just not sure where to post them
Furrynomous 2020/11/27 11:40:17 No.1855022
Waste this comic won't be getting a continuation by the looks
Furrynomous 2020/11/27 12:42:24 No.1855050

From what I recall, this comic is over a decade old. It's unlikely a continuation will happen.
Furrynomous 2020/11/27 16:56:04 No.1855160
fuck it, post them in this thread
Furrynomous 2020/11/28 00:23:48 No.1855316
Actually it was released around 2015. Then sometime in either 2015 or 2016, Clubstripes finally died off.
Now that Clubstripes doesn't really exist anymore, any sequel to this comic is very much dead as well.
Not to mention the fact that Gnaw himself has just about fallen off the radar completely.
If it wasn't for the fact some people are still able to get some commission work from the guy, you would have thought the guy had vanished completely off the internet.
From what I can recall, this comic was one of the last things he made for clubstripes not too long before that website went belly up.

Edited at 2020/11/28 00:39:30
Furrynomous 2020/11/28 02:41:54 No.1855362
So the reason why there's so much fan art of Hazel Weiss is because Gnaw barely draws anything anymore?
Furrynomous 2020/11/28 03:19:08 No.1855370
Yes, post the commissions, i wanna see them as well.Hell anyone who has commissions from Gnaw, put them up. :D
Furrynomous 2020/11/28 07:00:22 No.1855400
File: 4B275185-1723-4B28-963B-5DE0F3113E77_u18chan.jpeg - (256.95kb, 931x1280, 4B275185-1723-4B28-963B-5DE0F3113E77.jpeg)
here ya go #2 spoilered cause gay
Furrynomous 2020/11/28 07:00:27 No.1855401
File: F1CE0A52-F829-4F4E-A78D-9A2B6DD9E763_u18chan.png - (6.07mb, 2380x3000, F1CE0A52-F829-4F4E-A78D-9A2B6DD9E763.png)
Furrynomous 2020/11/28 07:43:17 No.1855417
lol this whole forum sucks monkey dicks
Furrynomous 2020/11/28 07:51:50 No.1855420

Then you go start your own forum with blackjack and hookers.
Furrynomous 2020/11/28 12:34:24 No.1855662
Pretty much I guess. Unless someone is able to commission him to make some Hazel Weiss artwork.
I've checked his Furaffinity account, and the last time he posted anything there was in January 2014.
Though he has added some pics to his favorites gallery this past month, so he is still a little bit active. Since it seems some folks on FA are the ones who able to get some commission work from him.
Gnaw has become another on a list of artist who had been very prominent in the community, but for some reason or another, their presence has shrunk down to just about nothing or have vanished completely without anyone knowing why.
Furrynomous 2020/11/29 02:50:16 No.1855958
Perhaps he simply got tired of dealing with screaming fans asking him when characters would do certain things. I know that'd get tiring to deal with after a few years.
Furrynomous 2020/11/29 05:35:16 No.1856022
Another possibility: He simply got busy with life outside of the fandom.
Furrynomous 2020/11/29 07:58:00 No.1856066
File: JN_HazelComplete_u18chan.png - (775.34kb, 985x1222, JN_HazelComplete.png)
Here's a pic of Hazel and Adrian Jay Naylor did a while back. A friend of mine found the pieces and combined them together
Furrynomous 2020/11/29 10:39:29 No.1856113
Why was that image only released in fragments?
Furrynomous 2020/11/29 14:50:56 No.1856245
Better question: Can we get it inked and possibly colored?
Furrynomous 2020/11/29 16:07:33 No.1856281
File: NaylorHazelWeissQuickColor_u18chan.png - (1.34mb, 975x1213, Naylor Hazel Weiss Quick Color.png)
Fuck it, consider this a "proof of concept" color job. Might finish it another day.
Furrynomous 2020/11/29 17:57:01 No.1856353
Doing godly work, us fans better do the job after all.
Awesome. :D
Furrynomous 2020/11/29 20:37:47 No.1856413
File: NaylorHazelWeissQuickColor2a_u18chan.png - (1.35mb, 975x1213, Naylor Hazel Weiss Quick Color 2a.png)

This is the best I can do with the skills I have; backgrounds and blending colors together are not my bag. If someone wants to take over with this by inking/shading/cleaning up the colors or whatever, feel free to do so.
Furrynomous 2020/11/29 20:39:06 No.1856414
File: NaylorHazelWeissQuickColor2b_u18chan.png - (1.35mb, 975x1213, Naylor Hazel Weiss Quick Color 2b.png)
And for the hell of it, I added a little effect to the mouseguy's reaction. Keep it or don't; no skin off my back either way.
Furrynomous 2020/11/30 10:34:11 No.1856766
Looks great. But isn't Adrian's fur supposed to be black?
Furrynomous 2020/11/30 11:17:14 No.1856812
Adrian ain't a mouse.
Furrynomous 2020/11/30 19:09:42 No.1857060
Fair point. I guess I just always assumed that was Naylor's interpretation of Adrian. I figured his floppy ears were just flaring up
Furrynomous 2020/11/30 20:14:32 No.1857090
>I guess I just always assumed that was Naylor's interpretation of Adrian.
The mouse doesn't look even remotely similar to Adrian in any way.
Furrynomous 2020/12/01 03:32:10 No.1857235
I know. I saw what I wanted to see, I'm admitting that. I just figured it was Adrian because he's the only one Hazel seems to do that to that I know of. Plenty of other guys have seen her naked, but Adrian is the one she seems to target.

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