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File: 0_4_u18chan.png - (955.31kb, 989x1280, 0.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hot springs bookworm 2016/11/02 16:58:34 No.1171411   
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Hot springs bookworm 2016/11/02 16:58:36 No.1171412
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File: 1_1_u18chan.png - (1.05mb, 989x1280, 1.png)
Hot springs bookworm 2016/11/02 16:58:37 No.1171413
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File: 2_58_u18chan.png - (1.31mb, 989x1280, 2.png)
Hot springs bookworm 2016/11/02 16:58:38 No.1171414
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File: 3_57_u18chan.png - (1.09mb, 989x1280, 3.png)
Hot springs bookworm 2016/11/02 16:58:40 No.1171415
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File: 4_50_u18chan.png - (1.19mb, 989x1280, 4.png)
Hot springs bookworm 2016/11/02 17:05:48 No.1171417
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File: 5_41_u18chan.png - (1.21mb, 989x1280, 5.png)

Hot springs bookworm 2016/11/02 17:06:37 No.1171418
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File: 6_0_u18chan.png - (1.33mb, 989x1280, 6.png)

Hot springs bookworm 2016/11/02 17:06:38 No.1171419
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Hot springs bookworm 2016/11/02 17:07:19 No.1171420
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File: 8_33_u18chan.png - (1.48mb, 989x1280, 8.png)

Hot springs bookworm 2016/11/02 17:07:20 No.1171421
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File: 9_35_u18chan.png - (1.35mb, 989x1280, 9.png)
Hot springs bookworm 2016/11/02 17:08:17 No.1171422
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File: 10_66_u18chan.png - (1.21mb, 989x1280, 10.png)

Hot springs bookworm 2016/11/02 17:08:19 No.1171423
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File: 11_56_u18chan.png - (1.07mb, 989x1280, 11.png)
Hot springs bookworm 2016/11/02 17:08:20 No.1171424
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File: 12_49_u18chan.png - (1.12mb, 989x1280, 12.png)
Hot springs bookworm 2016/11/02 17:09:12 No.1171425
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File: 13_49_u18chan.png - (1.16mb, 989x1280, 13.png)

Hot springs bookworm 2016/11/02 17:09:13 No.1171426
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File: 14_44_u18chan.png - (1.26mb, 989x1280, 14.png)
Hot springs bookworm 2016/11/02 17:09:14 No.1171427
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File: 15_38_u18chan.png - (1.17mb, 989x1280, 15.png)
Hot springs bookworm 2016/11/02 17:10:22 No.1171428
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File: 16_38_u18chan.png - (1.23mb, 989x1280, 16.png)

Hot springs bookworm 2016/11/02 17:10:24 No.1171429
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Hot springs bookworm 2016/11/02 17:10:25 No.1171430
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Hot springs bookworm 2016/11/02 17:10:57 No.1171431
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File: 19_3_u18chan.jpeg - (163.99kb, 640x828, 19.jpeg)

Hot springs bookworm 2016/11/02 17:10:59 No.1171432
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File: 20_5_u18chan.jpeg - (159.19kb, 640x828, 20.jpeg)
Furrynomous 2016/11/03 14:54:21 No.1171931
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Why isn't this in the gay section? it's totally gay. I can't schlick to this at all.
MetroSexual Hipster # MOD # 2016/11/03 15:14:46 No.1171935
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File: Ohdoyounow_9b18f0391db8d7aabcad8ed89275c6d8_u18chan.gif - (225.56kb, 200x200, Oh+do+you+now+_9b18f0391db8d7aabcad8ed89275c6d8.gif)
Don't start.
Furrynomous 2016/11/03 15:21:33 No.1171937
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Even with the dickgirl, this isn't getting moved. Mods are getting too stubborn for that.
MetroSexual Hipster # MOD # 2016/11/03 15:30:32 No.1171941
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im not moving a thread to intersex just because the last page had a dick girl for one frame who didn't even get action

Edited at 2016/11/03 15:31:13
Furrynomous 2016/11/03 16:11:59 No.1171955
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Yeah, well, since you won't do your job, I saved everyone a good amount of trouble and just tagged the last page with intersex. That should stifle any future debate (for a while, at least).
G-Birkin # MOD # 2016/11/03 17:22:48 No.1171987
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If this should be moved to somewhere else it should be /scale. But i'm keeping it here
anno nimus 2016/11/03 17:33:22 No.1171995
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File: 37259633_u18chan.jpg - (96.55kb, 500x375, 37259633.jpg)
Furrynomous 2016/11/04 13:03:18 No.1172275
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This comic tricked me into thinking it was going to have some sexy boys in it. Instead they all turned out to be bulldykes.
Furrynomous 2016/11/06 10:23:45 No.1173219
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For those of you newer here, the system works like this:
Furry comics is for what the typical male would enjoy aka straight and lesbian. Gay furry comics is for strictly gay, and of course, lesbian does count as gay, but they're also differentiated in porn categories.

It would be a mildly hilarious, yet insane shit storm to move this to gay.
Furrynomous 2016/11/20 01:24:19 No.1179752
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This comic tricked me into thinking it was going to have good art instead of a bunch of badly-drawn downy-faces.
Furrynomous 2016/11/20 11:25:15 No.1179822
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Spike 2016/11/20 12:39:13 No.1179837
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The keys must be made from Tungsten; The metal which (in melted form) would actually cool down in lava.
Kajex Surnahm 2016/11/22 16:41:06 No.1180770
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It's not difficult to accept.
Furrynomous 2016/11/24 10:19:03 No.1181751
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File: hawkings-lol_u18chan.gif - (494.33kb, 500x284, hawkings-lol.gif)
Shower before entering lava
Michael Saunders 2016/11/24 10:30:09 No.1181756
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File: its-magic-i-aint-gotta-explain-shit2_u18chan.jpg - (78.72kb, 720x479, its-magic-i-aint-gotta-explain-shit2.jpg)

What he/she/other said.


Indeed, I have included a meme to reinforce this.
Furrynomous 2016/11/25 06:15:41 No.1182043
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there's actually a number of materials that have a higher melting point than the average temperature of magma. Most magma pools are anywhere from 1300 to 2400 degrees Fahrenheit. The melting point of Tungsten is three times that, at 6191 degrees Fahrenheit. As of 2015, a compound consisting of a mix of hafnium, nitrogen, and carbon, is estimated to have the highest melting point ever recorded at 7,460 degrees Fahrenheit, about two-thirds the temperature of the sun.

And now you know. And knowing is half the battle.
Furrynomous 2016/11/26 23:31:26 No.1182695
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Who uses Fahrenheit?
Furrynomous 2016/11/27 10:10:00 No.1182828
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All 'muricans
Draekos 2016/11/27 22:45:22 No.1183091
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File: reallyu18guys_u18chan.png - (285.58kb, 545x600, really u18 guys.png)
Of all the comics I've done, we just had to re-upload the super old shit huh?

It's been nearly 4 years guys, there's other comics I've made since then that aren't cripplingly horrible art.

Also, it's dragon girls fucking and yet everyone's freaking out about what mystery metal the key is made of still? Even stainless steel could survive the lower end temperatures of magma, and the fluid shown really doesn't act like even hot magma.

Anyone ever stop to think that say even clouded water with orange lighting could achieve basically the same look? ;p
Adavi123 2016/11/28 00:32:14 No.1183121
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Hey I like this comic! I still think it looks good, you probably think the art looks bad because you made it and your style has changed so much that you can't look at it without seeing mistakes or things you wish you could go back and change. A lot of artists feel like that over their old works but you should still feel proud to have made it cause you put a lot of work and effort into it and a lot of people loved it including me!

As for the reupload, well U18chan suffered a massive system failure and everything got wiped clean. So now we have been slowly trying to get everything back the way it was.

Look at it this way the guy who reupload this Bookworm did so cause he loved it and was hoping to introduce more people to your artwork.

So don't be so hard on yourself and your old work. And some people are just Persnickety and get hung up on stupid details that don't matter, that's just how some people are.
Furrynomous 2016/11/28 05:12:56 No.1183169
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Upload them then mate.
Do you think you need special permission?
That never stopped the bots spamming lesbian kiddy porn on the gay boards.
Furrynomous 2016/11/28 06:48:30 No.1183178
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I want to preface this with that I actually like this comic, the characters and their shared universe.

I'm glad that you said all of this, but sorry that it had to be you to say so.

I had considered briefly saying something to this effect but it seemed like spitting in an ocean when people were already having stupid ass shit fits over it being a lesbian comic and 2 seconds of a dick girl at the end.

It's funny that the whole 'the key should melt' is actually like, the least of the comic's worries, if you want to take it completely at face value and apply perfect physics to it. If anything the key not melting is the most realistic thing in the comic, if you want to be super pendantic.

Magma is melted rock and rock is still way more dense than a human body, so there's no way they're going under it without being crushed by heavy rock.

Convection of heat isn't applied: The heat should continue flowing into the rest of the room and probably melt or burn everything that it can, until everything is at a stable temperature, and considering like 20 stairs up is what is presumed to be a human safe temperature, there's no way the heat would stop at the showers.

Hell, even if you consider their outer body is some naturally occuring carbon alloy ceramic tissue that can survive the temperature, then they wouldn't really even be sexually compatible with anything 'human like', and show the things they did in the comic. Their genitals would have to be like, either made of the same material (and thus probably extremely and painfully not sexy to interact with, if you have anything resembling a human penis) or sealed up which is clearly not the case, as they put their 'lava' covered extremities all up in their without problem. Their saliva doesn't even boil. And I'm not even going to get into the eyes and hair problems.

The reason that the comic didn't cover this should be clear: It ruins the comic. Even if you had some plausible explanation there's no gentle way to fucking cover it without sounding like a monsterous tool, because nobody explains common concepts in the middle of a personal exchange for the benefit of an outside viewer. That would be like me right now just turning to the wall to my left and explaning about how the internet works so that it 'makes sense' how I'm having this conversation.

That's why Draekos didn't and why it's sad that he (or she or they w/e) had to personally defend something like that.

You want a reasonable explanation though? One that Paige wouldn't just randomly spout off because it'd be stupid of her to do so, even despite the fact that it's bad storytelling?

It's a marketing thing. It's clearly not really fucking lava. It's clearly not so hot or dense as lava either. The heat doesn't travel upstairs because it is, at best, as hot as a pre-heating cooking oven. Something that is hot enough to be pleasing for Tess and Sherin to bathe in without being so hot that Paige's face catches fire when she opens the wooden door to it, or her hand doesn't caramelize the minute it touches the door handle.

It's the 'Scaled Special'. It's part of the design and charm of the place. It's part of the illusion and experience. The bath towel burns up because it's designed to. It's part of the immersion.

Paige doesn't explain this off hand because that ruins the appeal of visiting the venue. You don't go into a theater and the usher doesn't come up and go "This isn't real, it's a movie you know. A motion picture. We make it by..".

There you go. Thanks for ruining lesbian Christmas.
Draekos 2016/11/28 17:30:48 No.1183416
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I know it's a common thing for artists to dislike their own work. About 6 months after making this comic I had a HUGE spike in quality improvement, so looking back on it now is embarrassing. That being said I was pumping out comic pages every 2 days, it was an ego boost at the time.

So hey, thanks for the kind words and I was unaware of the server failure. Makes sense now.

I guess I just wonder why people care so much about this comic, but not the later (and I feel all around better) ones.
Sure, I'll toss up one of the more recent ones then.

You. You <3. It is so refreshing to read posts like this. I like to try to avoid exposition as a whole, it's part of why I hate the oblivious lead character trope of a lot of anime. I spend a lot of time while in the shower or similar just thinking "okay, how would that WORK though?" for a lot of furry things. Tailors, for example, clearly would be a booming profession in a world with so many different body goals. Sherin's entire wardrobe is loose/open backed shirts because that's what she'd be able to wear. Again, <3 thank you for being someone who actually appreciates being shown and not told.

Also "The reason that the comic didn't cover this should be clear: It ruins the comic." *cough cough a comic about red riding hood that's gone WAY off the rails cough*

Also also, she. I do put my name on every cover, I don't think I've met a dude named Amy.

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