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File: jn_Brookeincollege1_u18chan.jpg - (122.41kb, 825x1275, jn_Brookeincollege1.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Jay Naylor-Brooke Goes to College Furrynomous 2017/01/11 14:14:10 No.1203466   

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Furrynomous 2017/01/11 14:14:54 No.1203467
File: jn_Brookeincollege2_u18chan.jpg - (318.74kb, 825x1275, jn_Brookeincollege2.jpg)

Furrynomous 2017/01/11 14:15:36 No.1203468
File: jn_Brookeincollege3_u18chan.jpg - (374.04kb, 825x1275, jn_Brookeincollege3.jpg)

Furrynomous 2017/01/11 14:16:06 No.1203470
File: jn_Brookeincollege4_u18chan.jpg - (584.09kb, 1089x1683, jn_Brookeincollege4.jpg)

Furrynomous 2017/01/11 15:41:20 No.1203497
Wait, women are allowed to go to school in Jay's world?
Furrynomous 2017/01/11 15:49:20 No.1203499
Pretty funny. We're going to see all of Naylor's peeves, I suppose.
Furrynomous 2017/01/11 16:58:37 No.1203525
And suddenly, Audrey. I think I know where this is going.
Furrynomous 2017/01/11 22:45:39 No.1203651
Yawn, same ol' ass licking fetish with a dig at over weight women not being attractive, with a little of his political soapboxing to finish the shit sandwich. Seriously, is the urge to fire one off really that in need that people still find this shit worth paying for?
Furrynomous 2017/01/12 02:54:12 No.1203703
I like it. Something different. Brooke is fucking adorable.
Furrynomous 2017/01/12 11:19:20 No.1203815
File: robertdowneyeyeroll_u18chan.jpg - (29.67kb, 499x474, robertdowneyeyeroll.jpg)
So we have the stereotypical fat SJW who should be ashamed for being so disgusting. What a good start. I wonder if Ayn Rand herself will make an appearance with a 5 page monologue on the evils of empathy?
Furrynomous 2017/01/12 11:35:41 No.1203819
Lol, someone is taking it personally it seems.
Furrynomous 2017/01/12 11:54:24 No.1203825
File: 6fa_u18chan.jpg - (30.23kb, 600x314, 6fa.jpg)

You act like it's not reality, or that college is an unlikely place to find them. Ha.
Furrynomous 2017/01/12 13:59:21 No.1203846

Spotted the triggered fatties
Furrynomous 2017/01/12 14:20:56 No.1203850
Apparently any sort of criticism is taking it "personal" to you? I doubt you actually believe that.

Doesn't make the fact that he has to cram politics into his porn constantly any less cringeworthy. I came to jack off, not hear pseudo philosophy.
Furrynomous 2017/01/12 15:15:49 No.1203861
So is that from a real news report of theirs, because if so, how in the hell is that newsworthy?
Furrynomous 2017/01/12 16:46:41 No.1203881
Wait a minute, let me get this:
Naylor already has it's main public restrict to 1)people who still believe he is a good writher and 2) people who are into cuckholding with furries, and now he's narrowing down to 3) people who are fat SJWs? How the fuck is this asshole still getting money?
Furrynomous 2017/01/12 17:19:09 No.1203887
Dedicated fanbase + far-right circle jerkers.
Likes the Colour Purple 2017/01/12 19:32:43 No.1203927
decent - good art, certain kinks, (Cuckolding, pissing, and she-males off the top of my head) and from what I can tell he's always seemed to have a reliable output. I'm as far left wing as they get (minus the SJW political correctness) and I'm not a patron, but I can see why people support the guy. What I wonder if anything is what characters' does he have that aren't right leaning? Though logically no matter what he says or does the mouse guy should always inherently be liberal, as well as Audrey.

It's always fun to distill the entirety of a person's political sense based on their appearence, but I actually have noticed genuine trends. Exceptions exist of course, but here's how it goes. Attractive hot chick? Conservative. Cute? Either or, probably liberal. Punk? Liberal-libertarian. Cute faggy guy? Definitely-fucking-not-Conservative. Well groomed and polished guy? Conservative. Fucks their sister? Conservative. Fat room mate? Liberal.

Bi-curious chick with fat SJW room-mate? Well, that's tough. Probably a liberal that got scared away from the left and is now a con or centrist.

Edited at 2017/01/12 19:33:46
Furrynomous 2017/01/12 20:21:42 No.1203942
>Cute faggy guy? Definitely-fucking-not-Conservative.

Someone has never heard of Milo.
Furrynomous 2017/01/12 21:00:28 No.1203953
The only reason they keep him around is so they can be grossly homophobic without the usual backlash.
Furrynomous 2017/01/12 21:00:29 No.1203954
>Trusting a chubby attention-starved con artist when he says he's gay

Cute? Milo looks like he could snuggle a dildo in the pouches under his eyes and his hair looks like if a fluorescent banana raped a corn husk.
Furrynomous 2017/01/12 22:12:14 No.1203965

Says far-right
Ignores it's the only news channel able to complete with entertainment and sports for ratings.

Your definition of far right is definitely warped, and ignoring the median.
Furrynomous 2017/01/12 22:21:32 No.1203967
Why does this stupid thread never stay hidden? I hide it every time I come to this page, but it still pops up every time.
Likes the Colour Purple 2017/01/12 23:06:16 No.1203978

Milo acts faggy but as far as look goes I think I'd sooner put him in groomed and polished to be honest.
Furrynomous 2017/01/12 23:56:43 No.1203987
I know, it's fucking dumb. Then randomly you'll comment or something and it'll be hidden until you refresh again or some shit.
Furrynomous 2017/01/13 00:03:20 No.1203989

Well remember, Naylor doesn't believe Lesbianism is a thing - it's just girls intimidated by real men.
Furrynomous 2017/01/13 00:34:01 No.1204010
I didn't mention any news network, so I'm not sure what you're getting at.
Furrynomous 2017/01/13 01:09:31 No.1204013
what happened to brooke she's not really even a raccoon anymore


why do things have to change

why can't everything stay how i like it
x.x NoBrainer 2017/01/13 02:01:03 No.1204024
File: 6RdeQDt_u18chan.jpg - (112.67kb, 531x471, 6RdeQDt.jpg)

Attractive hot chick? Conservative. Cute? Either or, probably liberal. Punk? Liberal-libertarian. Well groomed and polished guy? Conservative. Fucks their sister? Conservative. Fat room mate? Liberal.
Bi-curious chick with fat SJW room-mate? Well, that's tough. Probably a liberal that got scared away from the left and is now a con or centrist.

<Obviously someone haven't been to Europe. -.- bloody americano

Bi-curious chick with fat SJW room-mate? liberal stuck with a land whale.
Attractive hot chick? Liberal. Cute? Either or, probably liberal. Punk? Liberal-libertarian. Well groomed and polished guy? Conservative-Liberal. Fucks their sister? HALAL. Fat room mate? Progressive. Long beard? conservative as fuck, fucks donkey? conservative as fuck. free explosives give away? conservative as fuck.

Edited at 2017/01/13 02:04:35
Furrynomous 2017/01/13 02:37:05 No.1204034
Yea but then you get people like Alec Baldwin and George Clooney who polish themselves up.

It's just anecdotal observations and doesn't actually have solid representation anyway.
Furrynomous 2017/01/13 06:16:11 No.1204237
as long as it it doesn't resort to pissing im completely fine with this comic. Really like the absent of colors.
Furrynomous 2017/01/13 08:19:39 No.1204254
Let it be known that I have never posted in a JN thread, in all my years of yiffing. I'm not sure why I'm starting now.

I've watched his art style grow over the last decade, and it's pretty disappointing. His ability to draw faces tanked over the last two years, and now all of his female faces look too masculine, similar to the tranny's face in his previous comic.

Lips didn't benefit his style, and neither did his decision to stop drawing backgrounds or using color (I know it's only this comic to be fair)
Furrynomous 2017/01/13 20:45:46 No.1204684
For the love of God guys, we're 25 posts in and we've already veered wildly off subject. Naylor does basically the same thing every time, why does everyone complain every time? You think he's going to change? He's done the same thing for over a decade. How about we stick to talking about the comic rather than talking about Milo and SJWs because there happens to be one in the comic? In that vein, allow me to post my complaint about his stuff (not his politics or personality) in the next post.
Furrynomous 2017/01/13 21:27:42 No.1204695
My complaint is the way he treats his characters now. If a character is a porn character, like Mary Ann, I can understand, but some of these are characters he has developed for years. I know a lot of people complain about his old comics, his character development, and his political preaching, but I actually liked his characters. I actually like his art style and the way he draws porn (i know a lot of people hate it, but I like it). As long as he draws cute furries getting creampies I'll keep reading. But now, he's throwing these characters he's previously developed around in twisted fetish comics. He spent dozens of pages building up Audrey and Aron and got them together. What happened to them? Did they break up? What caused it? All we know is that Aron is ass-fucking his way through town like a player (wasn't he a D&D nerd?) and Audrey is about to become a bi-sexual raccoon's butt-bitch. The same goes for Rachel and Beth. He spent hundreds and hundreds of pages telling their story (especially Beth) and now they are burning through random people, fucking them in one comic and then randomly fucking someone else in another. There's no progression, no explanation for these characters that people actually liked through the years (I know, not everyone liked them, but some people had to or he would have stopped writing about them). He's just tossing them around through random fuck-buddies with no progression, no explanation, and then moves them on to the next twisted thing.

I think my consternation mostly comes from Audrey and Aron. I thought they were adorable and he spent a lot of time building them, but then he just tossed it all away. I guess I should just enjoy the porn, but these are characters I liked when I was young, and now they are just fetish-fodder. It bothers me.
Furrynomous 2017/01/14 00:57:42 No.1204737
He doesn't care about any of that shit.
He did the same thing to Persia and her femboy (I believe) husband. Builds them up one way then releases a comic that betrays previous developments.

I would actually respect Naylor if he had any respect for his writing but I have long since given up hope on that happening.

Edited at 2017/01/14 00:58:19
Furrynomous 2017/01/14 02:40:11 No.1204792
Also Flounce's dick is half the size as it was before so Naylor could shove his cucking fetish down our throats.
Furrynomous 2017/01/14 03:21:15 No.1204798
That whole comic was a mess. The whole reason she liked him was because he wasn't a super alpha dick then she goes and fucks super alpha dicks because Naylor doesn't understand restraint and shoves all of his fetishes everywhere he can instead of actually letting his characters be.
Furrynomous 2017/01/14 03:47:28 No.1204805
I understand you but I have read Jay naylro comment on this, as a slice of life author he will answer you that the human fashion to make choice is not always rational and it is sometimes driven by desires.
Furrynomous 2017/01/14 03:48:35 No.1204806
Yess me too but youd know good thing don' last froever, the character might regret that.
Furrynomous 2017/01/14 05:13:22 No.1204815
Jay Nailor's characters might have a round ass, but hell their personality is flat as a board
Furrynomous 2017/01/14 05:45:25 No.1204829
That's just his excuse so he doesn't have to keep any sort of consistency in his characters.

There is a difference between rational, believable, and consistent.

Edited at 2017/01/14 05:46:52
Furrynomous 2017/01/14 09:28:20 No.1205041
I finally figured out what's wrong with this comic. Brooke's missing her facial raccoon mask.
Wulfy 2017/01/14 10:22:03 No.1205050
People are often surprised at how willing college-age people are to give up their rights to free speech in order to prevent others from saying "hurtful" or "mean" things.

It's a legitimate concern regardless of where you sit on the political spectrum. Regardless of if Naylor intended to be just *correct* here or not, it's a well-documented phenomenon that people like the above exist. Are they always fat? No. Are they always on social media; no (though 95%+ is close).

On this one instance, he has a point.
Likes the Colour Purple 2017/01/14 19:56:24 No.1205412

It's politics that are relateable, character-based, and maybe even relevant, so I can agree. It's not exactly on the same level as having a quote about objectivity on the cover of a porn comic.
Furrynomous 2017/01/14 20:32:17 No.1205423

but thats the issue. this character is more relatable, and well, to be honest, sympathetic. i really feel so bad for that fat girl, cause knowing what i do about these people, they are confused, misguided and unhappy because these people, professors, feminists, etc, they are telling her, be happy your unhealthy. in her heart of hearts she knows its not good for her, but all these people are confusing her, the campus culture, people sing her unhappiness to motivate her to political action for their own agendas. he wrote this character to be a strawman to attack, but i , knowing a bit about people, have created this whole backround for this character and it makes me care for the style of character.

brooke is a fucking ugly drawn spoiled unlikable brat-princess, with no character like ALL of naylors fucktoy chars, except he rneed to fuck. no intrests, nothing to spice up her fetish, no character or personality to make me want to see her fuck. its like shes a brain washed object without the hypnosis angle to make it kinky. its so ironic he couldnt make me like a single char i was supposed to by his standards, but i love the ones he hates.
Furrynomous 2017/01/15 00:39:19 No.1205513
Colleges are not meant to be places where you debate Nazis, bigots or climate deniers.

They're meant to be places where you form a mob that can destroy Nazis, bigots and climate deniers.

When a well-meaning intellectual meets a sociopathic cunt debate, the cunt wins every time because sadism, slick lines and abuse of minorities shouted loud enough always beats calmly delivered, sourced, qualified and careful statements.

Completely free speech is very bad. Throwing rocks at bigots and shock jocks is very good.
Ender22 2017/01/15 00:48:39 No.1205516
Y'all bitch a lot about a comic none of you payed for, reading into the silly porn dialog WAY too much.
Furrynomous 2017/01/15 03:01:15 No.1205539
I watch it for the plot.
Furrynomous 2017/01/15 05:44:40 No.1205592
What kind of retarded logic demands that money must be exchanged for someone's opinion to matter? If money has already been exchanged then it doesn't matter what anybody's opinion is, he's already got their money.

I'm not paying what is basically a subscription fee so that I can provide critique for a service I don't use because I believe it to need improvement to an artist who isn't going to fucking listen.
Furrynomous 2017/01/15 07:25:26 No.1205676
File: 189447307641008567_u18chan.jpg - (35kb, 551x800, 189447307641008567.jpg)
>not a raccoon anymore

Fuck are you on about?
Likes the Colour Purple 2017/01/15 07:54:58 No.1205772

Point to me in the comic where she left her mask.

Edited at 2017/01/15 07:55:23
Furrynomous 2017/01/15 09:15:52 No.1206095

She is still a Raccoon, you just cant see the patterns of her fur very well.
Furrynomous 2017/01/15 14:09:43 No.1206246
>"That's what I've been doing to men this whole time"

The hell kind of logic is that?
Sabel 2017/01/15 14:37:02 No.1206262
Yeah... you can't see any pattern at all with his utter lack of fine shading and colouring, I was unfamiliar with the characters species before, but she looked more like a generic catdog to me before that coloured picture...

Edited at 2017/01/15 14:38:14
Furrynomous 2017/01/15 19:51:27 No.1206418
People are often surprised at how willing college-age people are to keep a healthy mouth full of teeth because they realize that speaking like an inconsiderate belligerent asshole may be a freedom, but also comes with consequences that might get them a free ticket to pound town by a person who may not be as well to put up with a shit talker in real life as many people have to online.
Furrynomous 2017/01/15 19:56:31 No.1206420
Yet, fat chick seems to be the one who's A)Polite, greeting her without actually judging her on sight and B) shown to at the least care about something in the world other than fucking.

Naylor always has this weird way of making the characters he doesn't want you to like be more well rounded characters and the one's he wants you to follow paper thin and one note.

I've literally never seen a writer who has this ability to accidentally make background characters more interesting than his main protagonist.
Furrynomous 2017/01/15 20:01:31 No.1206423
Wait...are you saying the female character who's doing the narration in this comic is a raccoon and not a small body dog? She's a raccoon?
Furrynomous 2017/01/15 20:45:34 No.1206439

Polite is ranting and raving while people are trying to 'sleep'?

And having private thoughts is a thought crime now?

Fuck off with that shit.
Furrynomous 2017/01/15 20:46:47 No.1206440

Also, kinda hard to judge people on sight when you're glued to a tumblr screen and snacks. Of course, she is judgemental, hence her late night reaction to the interwebs.
Furrynomous 2017/01/16 10:30:45 No.1206650

The large woman is, at the very least, complex as a character. She is kind in person, but has hobbies that consume her; contrary to her personal demeanor. One could say that she is an expression of the self-destructive duality of our modern culture, and a foil to our main character. An honest ugly woman to a dishonest pretty protagonist.

One might even say that the exact concepts surrounding her nature expresses a rotational velocidensity far exceeding that of the racoon's.

Are you really still reading this?
Furrynomous 2017/01/16 11:03:36 No.1206655

A) getting animated and angry means aperson cannot be polite, as this person clearly WAS in first appearance?k
B) who said private thoughts werent allowed?

come back with a little more thought into how you see things, dipshit
Furrynomous 2017/01/16 11:15:07 No.1206658

well, i guess it really isnt suprising. naylor put alot of thought making this character into something he hates. he doesnt realize, that this is a person hes trying to represent, not just an amalgation of his short sighted judgements. its the minds of the viewers who see the actual tragedy. hes just making something to "laugh at" not to even be thought about, but in turn, hes representing a complex human being created through complex circumstances. he behaves in stereotypical narcissistc ways so unsuprising. he lacks empathy. no wonder hes along, and has to beg on fa for dates.

TL:DR naylor is retarded, he clearly has no human contact or empathy to base his writitng off and i imagine he spends most of his days hdiing in his apartment, and looking out the window and creating wild fantasies of who is virtious by his standards and whos vile on appearance alone. hence all the one dimensional characters. replace every character with naylors head, and youll see who every character is supposed to be.

Edited at 2017/01/16 11:16:14
Furrynomous 2017/01/16 11:23:41 No.1206661

dude, just stop. you know for a fact it isnt just shitty porn dialgue. no one bitches about shitty porn dialogue beyond"dann, this is shitty" you SEE that people say its because hes pushing his politics into it, and stay in denial??it ruins the porn!DUH!!!!

when i see beth i want to see a perky goth girl getting railed and loving it, i dont want her trying to innacurately model reality through a naylor lense.

i mean this is a fucking porn, why is no one in naylor land ever even flirting?!
Furrynomous 2017/01/16 14:14:22 No.1206729
All of you ass anuses can go read these, then come back before you start defending Naylor:
Furrynomous 2017/01/16 15:02:36 No.1206747

It's easy to hate on someone, when someone else does the work for you.
Furrynomous 2017/01/16 16:27:07 No.1206775

im sorry, is this a refutation? a dismissal? an excuse?what is this even mean? your saying"well these people listed why hes a bad person, so your just hating him cause they do?" that is so feeble, i cant even believe someone would throw this up as a valid defense.
Furrynomous 2017/01/16 16:50:54 No.1206787

To be honest, that argument is indeed a very valid and relevant one if you take into account the fact that most of today's society is filled with people who judge other people who they never met based off of rumors or what other people say.

Perhaps instead of accusing the argument of being feeble, perhaps you can formulate a proper rebuttal that expresses your opinion in a fashion less reliant on authority and more on what the two of you have both experienced personally.
Furrynomous 2017/01/16 18:03:57 No.1206805

A)Polite, greeting her without actually judging her on sight

This comment is a condemnation for the fact that the character had a private judgement about her fatty roomie.

There are two kinds of fat women. Obnoxious, and pathetic. Just like the same can be said for fat men. You don't get to walrus size without deep personality flaws.
Furrynomous 2017/01/16 18:42:34 No.1206957
Ignoring the .0001% that actually have gland issues that causes them to retain fat like that.

very minority of course, but they're still there.
Furrynomous 2017/01/16 21:10:23 No.1207085

So essentially, kiss every frog because you've heard that one was a prince?

Hundreds of thousands of people go through life and literally never get in visual range of one of these rare gland issue people. On top of that, most of those gland issues are treatable with medication, so get off it.

The sheer inane nature of pointing out there are exceptions is just staggering pedantry. It'd be like mining gold out of the ocean because every bucket of ocean water contains traces of gold.

The numbers you are talking about are NOT USEFUL or representative of the general population!
Furrynomous 2017/01/16 23:04:30 No.1207108
Fat people are cool with me.

I hope we get more happy fat people.
Likes the Colour Purple 2017/01/17 08:41:15 No.1207201

Now I'm imagining an objectivist Santa Clause in a Naylor comic.
Furrynomous 2017/01/17 18:28:59 No.1207391

I'm beginning to think a fat person once pissed in your cereal bowl or something.
Furrynomous 2017/01/17 22:30:17 No.1207451
I just wanted lesbian porn.
Furrynomous 2017/01/18 01:37:25 No.1207488

Haha, points!
Furrynomous 2017/01/18 10:53:02 No.1207591

Morbid obesity is not something to be 'positive' about. And I'm into piss, so no, that'd not upset me.
NoBrainer 2017/01/18 15:00:24 No.1207651
File: how_about_no_evil_u18chan.jpg - (56.37kb, 600x507, how_about_no_evil.jpg)
A) there are people who cant gain weight.
B) there is 0% who can't lose weight.

this is simple mathematics, calories in, calories out. you may have fast or slow metabolism, but it still dont change the fundamentals of physics.
Fat people only exist where plenty of food is available.
Ketaxis # MOD # 2017/01/18 15:25:16 No.1207654
You guys are getting off track. For general topics, which are loosely or not connected to the art in an art thread, please go to /d/.
Thank you!
Furrynomous 2017/01/18 15:37:32 No.1207655
... and all it took were 4 pages.
Jay is getting every day more able to start shitstorms with less and less work, the more he grows.
someguy 2017/01/18 17:12:22 No.1207698
Don't you find it weird, that the same people who start shitstorms in comics on this site, are all the same and its almost allways on, Jaynaylors work.

Lets just leave it at this:

If you don't like his work, don't ruin it for those that do with your opinion. For that makes you an asshole, and assholes get gaped by dicks.
Furrynomous 2017/01/18 17:33:29 No.1207710
>>1207698 people will say whatever they want, no one is going to self censor for you, princess.go back to fa or his patreon if you want a hugbox.

practice what you preach bub. don't like what people have to say don't read it. you can hide those comments, dont'cha know?

Edited at 2017/01/18 17:34:01
Furrynomous 2017/01/18 20:36:20 No.1207746
Does it offend you when someone criticizes something you like? Is that why we should stop?
How about Naylor stop making stupid stuff because it offends me?

Or how about we just live in this middle ground where he's allowed to make dumb shit and I'm allowed to call his shit dumb? I like that idea.

If you don't like criticism then feel free to not engage in it. If you want nothing but feel good words telling you that you are a perfect being and that everything you like is amazing then go make a tumblr page.

If your enjoyment of something is so fragile that some negative criticism can ruin it for you then get over it because it clearly wasn't that important to you.
Furrynomous 2017/01/18 21:28:59 No.1207750

There was a fat character on two pages and now you two are raging about how much you hate fat people. Does anyone else remember that this is a porno comic? At no point in this comic did Jay Naylor mention that the character was "fat positive" or that he things people should be happy with their fat. He created a strawman character for the sake of situational comedy and you guys are applying your own thoughts and feelings about something he never brought up on the character and then raging about it.
Furrynomous 2017/01/18 21:32:25 No.1207752

No, it's just annoying to read. When you want to have a legitimate coversation with someone about something you like, and someone butts in and starts trashing it just to make themselves look like ultimate internet-tough guys, that's aggrivating. It's the same thing with people who blindly hate furries and storm their shit just to ruin it and laught about it. You enjoy your thing, and I'll enjoy mine. At some point, when you sit on a board and argue over and over again until you're talking about how much you hate fat people in a comic where a throwaway character just happens to be fat and is not even the main focus, you're not expressing a critique of the author's work, you're being an asshole.
Furrynomous 2017/01/18 21:41:46 No.1207756
Then how about you tell people to stay on topic instead of making retarded statements saying that nobody is allowed to share anything but praise.
hu? NoBrainer 2017/01/19 00:33:33 No.1207789
File: b0bm3Q_u18chan.gif - (355.98kb, 320x180, b0bm3Q.gif)
not raging, i actualy like Jays comics.
But he did not really create a straw man. as there are plenty of people like that. like trigglypuff

they are not real, why does it matter how he treats a drawn character?

Edited at 2017/01/19 00:40:09
Furrynomous 2017/01/19 09:22:09 No.1207934

So much your post.


Not sure if you're misrepresenting events on purpose or not.

What actually happened is some SJW got offended by a depiction of a dumpy SJW. Followup posts were shots at the comic's main character, and Naylor.

We didn't see a fat character and then decide to hate on the fat character. We saw some whiny poster start crying about strawmen/sterotypes/whatever, and started addressing that as a point of fact, that it's not a strawman.

Most people don't give a damn about "Body positivity" until they have a body that they shouldn't be very positive about.
Furrynomous 2017/01/19 17:41:26 No.1208058
Oh boy, i always love 100% bait threads for autistic idiots.
Furrynomous 2017/01/19 19:41:08 No.1208092
File: image_397_u18chan.jpeg - (121.62kb, 564x879, image.jpeg)
Have another page so you can complain some more
Furrynomous 2017/01/19 20:04:11 No.1208095
>girl gets too much male attention and turns gay
I hate this meme
Furrynomous 2017/01/19 21:37:47 No.1208109
I believe the word you're looking for is "trope"
Derp!6lL0HQNZLE 2017/01/19 22:50:31 No.1208161

No, the word he's looking for is "Naylor".
Furrynomous 2017/01/20 10:40:31 No.1208301

As sheldon would say, Bazinga!

Seriously what's the issue here, he hates chicks who drink coffee now? Is Naylor going full teetotalism?
Furrynomous 2017/01/20 15:55:32 No.1208359
Sext partner naylor sex partner.
Furrynomous 2017/01/20 16:12:39 No.1208364
Why people complain baout free porn of decent quality, with an artist having his own personal art style, and having inspired thousand of furry porn commic artist. A lot of people are re-using improoving his style, but Jaynaylor style is tsyle unit because it adapt to the thematic of the comic. Slightly chcance, that will make the sex look cleaner dirtier, trashier, more realist ore fanatised, more idelaistic moe rough more gentle etc.. ALl of this depending upon the thematic.. what do you want? Each page of each comic being a super master piece that render EVERYTHING DRAWN BEFORE OBSELETE? I mean Jay naylor know how to handle a page. There must be a bunch of troll just trahs talking him just for the lulz at this focking point just to see the haters felling free to say what they have to say. Let's be honnest there is really a bashing train going on, I mean I can understand critticism, but nah this not critticism it is just a fucking bash train where since everybody is btching about getting some free porn is O.K because everybody around is bitching about it. You know it is just liek when a new people show up in an old forum and start having some personality and strat getting people attention, he get trash talk by jealous troll with a stop botehring US type of argumentation, the everybody get the feeling that that new guy is here to troll everybody and then he get ban with a made up motive or s traight up yhea he get banned even if he did follows the rules, but fuck that guy type of argumentation, wich is we alla gree a really reasonnable statement depraved of emotion that could trouble the mod judgement yhea no hatred or grudge in that despit eteh dude having be doing nothing....
I think that is what it is happenning here.
At least 75% of tehshit that have been said about naylor is not proper critticism.

I mean even the complaint about character handling that are not the best thing that jay naylor does are sometimes just rdiculous.
Furrynomous 2017/01/20 16:49:45 No.1208374

It's not about that. Naylor is notoriously lazy when it comes to anatomy, as is his penchant for ham-fisting his own politics into the comics, complete with pretentious writing that no human being with an actual soul would use to communicate.
Furrynomous 2017/01/20 16:53:30 No.1208375

Yeah, why the hell doesn't this site have a "hide thread" button?!
Furrynomous 2017/01/20 18:43:13 No.1208430
TBH Naylor comics are so much better without reading any of the dialogue. Or avoiding his potshots about viewpoints he doesn't like. Like his porn. Can't stand him as a person.
Furrynomous 2017/01/21 05:53:28 No.1208594

That goes both ways. Some people want to read the trainwreck to complain. If you are "Just here for the porn" you can hide comments and just fap. The only people here that should be defending Jay is if you like his writing for some reason... if so, god help you, and you have my pity.
Furrynomous 2017/01/21 05:59:45 No.1208595
Yea, if people here want to defend him then they can join in on the discussion, otherwise just hide the no pic comments if you don't want discussion.

Besides, hiding the thread never actually works for me because it always unhides itself on the next page refresh.
Furrynomous 2017/01/21 09:48:09 No.1208745
Jay said it tiem and time again, he don't FOCKING CARE ABOUT ANATOMONY, he think that is better to focus on idealistic shape and forms, really.. It is not lazyness or anything, it is art style chocies !
Furrynomous 2017/01/21 09:50:54 No.1208746
This normalay what I do but....
I begin to enjoy talking and bring critiscism, or very welle place joke in the coment section after teh comic was done. And tehn I discover the nightmare that always focking happenne with Jay...
Furrynomous 2017/01/21 12:36:36 No.1208839

If he doesn't care about anatomy, then he doesn't care about his art.
Furrynomous 2017/01/21 17:40:27 No.1208970
-cough- gideon -cough-
Furrynomous 2017/01/21 18:08:25 No.1208985
Why do people buy this bullshit?
He's admitting that he's lazy and people still think he's not.
Furrynomous 2017/01/22 00:51:07 No.1209096

Because there is more to character art than just anatomy, and the excuse of inaccurate, exaggerated or stylized anatomy being "lazy" is just a lazy attempt to criticize the artist for reasons that you can't personally articulate or worse, formulate on your own?
Furrynomous 2017/01/22 03:19:34 No.1209124
What a shitty copout.

Multiple people making the same criticism doesn't invalidate the criticism.
The existence of multiple qualities that make a character does not invalidate other qualities.
Furrynomous 2017/01/22 04:35:08 No.1209135
We're not talking about REALISTIC anatomy, we're talking about anatomy that is internally consistent within his own art style.
Furrynomous 2017/01/22 09:21:49 No.1209193

What does invalidate the criticism is the validity of the criticism, which there is little of.


What I see is that his style has changed since I first started following him. Sure, he has inconsistencies, but he's human and not a copy machine.

For the most part I believe your opinions are invalid, if not overblown. Because there is a point where so many people repeat the same thing, that its validity becomes questionable; especially when it's done in a great big circle jerk.
Furrynomous 2017/01/22 11:45:26 No.1209242
As an artist, he's not admitting to being lazy, he's just admitting he just can't do it and never has shown the ability to draw realistic anatomy. There's no where in his artistic history that has ever actually shown this, so why be surprised if he actually has made that a public statement.

His viewers don't care what the overall bodies he draws looks like so long as he's drawing the important part of the anatomy they care most about. The cock and the pussy.
Leo Howler 2017/01/22 14:50:30 No.1209281
No real statement on anatomy from me (it's not good), but good lord the writing. Fuck... FUCK.
Furrynomous 2017/01/22 15:07:31 No.1209285
This is what I mean when I say that I question the validity of these criticisms, this statement you made is proven to be false in this very thread.


From what I'm witnessing in this thread is nothing more than hatred for an artist reaching critical mass, and people latching on to every little criticism for validation; so much so that I don't think half the people actually have their own opinions... They're just parroting what other people have posted.

Furrynomous 2017/01/22 15:15:39 No.1209287
Yeah, no shit Sherlock. I don't care for Naylor's new work or his political views. But holy shit, this shit exceeds the Nickelback hatewagon.
Furrynomous 2017/01/22 15:22:35 No.1209289
Oh, and I would like to add something. People are leaning far too heavily on "realistic anatomy", and this isn't just in defense of Naylor but really fantasy works in general. It's more of a personal gripe I have with these types of criticisms than anything actually practical. But to harp on about realistic anatomy in fantasy applications, including furries, in my opinion; is just silly.

One of the reasons we draw or indulge in this kind of artwork, is to take in forms that are rare or otherwise impossible to see in the real world, or even just to indulge in the more idealized human or human like figures.

If the artist isn't trying to accurately recreate the human figure as it exists, then criticism of the anatomy being unrealistic isn't really all that applicable because it's not the intention.

In Naylors case I think his anatomy is realistically idealized, sometimes exaggerated.
Furrynomous 2017/01/22 16:25:21 No.1209307
>It's not not valid because multiple people agree, it's not valid because I said so.
>Oh, and multiple people agree, so it's not valid.
Furrynomous 2017/01/22 20:11:00 No.1209431

It's like the old saying "A single individual is a smart person, but a group of people are irrational." But to call it an "I say so" argument is doing yourself a disservice, because pretty much everything being said in this thread is "because I say so" type argument.

He's lazy because he doesn't do "realistic" anatomy... What's the reasoning behind that other than "Because I say so"? Could he instead prefer a stylistic approach and still put effort into his art? The arguments made in this thread are irrational zero-sum assertions.

And where people are so quick to hate on the guy for whatever reason, they tend to forget that when you're a professional artist (or they just simply don't care to know), that you also have to be efficient.

But in the end I suppose it really doesn't matter, you all are still here talking about him and viewing his art. As far as I'm concerned, if you all really hated him and his art as much as you say you do; you'd just ignore the fact that he even exists.

That's what a sane person would do... Unless there here to get stroked off by others in a massive circle jerk.

I'm not even going to bother telling ya to bugger off, because far be it from me to tell you how to spend your time.
Furrynomous 2017/01/22 21:57:45 No.1209468
This has Audrey in it so I'm reserving judgement for the moment. The worst part of this? "Aron Fucks A Tranny" is one of the more warm-hearted comics he's ever done.
Furrynomous 2017/01/22 23:54:14 No.1209523
You're literally saying that it's invalid because people agree on it and then your argument is "I have proof, look over there in that general direction!"

I personally haven't weighed in on the issue, I just don't like your dumb excuses.

Look at me, I'm saying something different, I'm automatically right.

You keep bringing up "realistic anatomy" when nobody else has. The point was made about CONSISTENCY and was mentioned in previous posts.

Edited at 2017/01/22 23:56:46
Furrynomous 2017/01/23 01:42:45 No.1209558

Are you sure "NOBODY" has mentioned realistic anatomy?

Refer to post this post >>1209242

This is why I question the validity of these criticism. You can't even be bothered to skim a few of the recent posts before putting your foot in your mouth.

And even before that you've taken rationally based counter arguments and your best response is to just brush it off without the slightest consideration.

So, why should anyone consider what you have to say on this subject to be a valid observation when you can't think beyond yourself, or even be bothered to do some basic pre-reading?

If you weren't so focused on yourself, perhaps you might consider that I'm actually addressing not just you, but other posters and comments.
ModusPonens 2017/01/23 02:28:56 No.1209573
>The only reason they keep him around is so they can be grossly homophobic without the usual backlash.

I didn't realize there there was a "they".
ModusPonens 2017/01/23 02:37:36 No.1209578
>Also Flounce's dick is half the size as it was before so Naylor could shove his cucking fetish down our throats.

I don't understand this sentiment. It's fine if you don't like small dicks, or cuckolding, but to say that Naylor is shoving those fetishes down your throat (or ours) is odd. That implies some level of coercion where there is none.

You seem to display that Naylor has somehow wronged you by writing or drawing fetishes you don't like. It seems to go beyond simple dislike.
Furrynomous 2017/01/23 03:54:38 No.1209607
Dude, read what they wrote, that person who mentioned realistic anatomy did so in defense of Naylor, not in critique.

All you do is take the preliminary argument people make and stretch them to absurdity to fit your agenda.
You don't wait until evidence is presented, you just craft a strawman and say they're invalid.

I could be wrong but I think the sentiment revolves around him just changing shit. Character has mostly normal relationship and big dick. Character is now a cuck with a way smaller dick.
For me, I was personally invested in those characters because I liked their dynamic. Cute femboy with hot girlfriend that didn't involve typical emasculation. Then it 180'd and turned degrading cuckboy.

The last comic they were in was, "Oh dear, this is an old lover of yours? Well, he is pretty cute so why not have one last shot with him?" then we get "FUCK YES IMPREGNATE ME IN FRONT OF MY INADEQUATE HUSBAND YOU BIG HUNK OF STUD MEAT!!!!"
It was jarring to say the least.

I don't really think it was forced on the audience, I just think it was forced into the story and I did find that aggravating. It would have been far better served with new/different characters.

Edited at 2017/01/23 05:13:52
Furrynomous 2017/01/23 05:33:30 No.1209631
100% agree with you. I came into his comics before all this cuckolding stuff. There's no reason he couldn't have done it with completely new characters other than to satisfy his own fetishes.
I'm not going to say that the guy isn't allowed to draw what he wants or anything like that, but doesn't he realise that most of his fanbase really don't care for it to the point that it actual alienates a lot of them?
At this point most people are just tolerating it because the art is good.
ModusPonens 2017/01/23 09:24:48 No.1209704
>speaking like an inconsiderate belligerent asshole may be a freedom, but also comes with consequences that might get them a free ticket to pound town by a person who may not be as well to put up with a shit talker in real life as many people have to online.

If you get beaten of for doing a thing, you don't have freedom to do that thing.

Beating someone up is assault and battery especially for simple speech, and it's a crime in all civilized societies. There is no such thing as the "fighting words" defense in law. If you punch someone for any reason other than in self defense, especially if it's just retaliation for an insult, it's a crime. We expect adults to have a little more self control than that.

And don't hide behind the lame excuse of "your words have consequences". Escalation of violence is never justified. If it were, then I could say "your actions have consequences" as a justification for blowing your brains out with my gun after you punched me.

Words do have consequences, and the only consequences that are allowed are more words. You are allowed to respond to insults with counter insults, not with punches.

On another note, your analysis of human nature is pretty cynical. The reason why people don't behave like such assholes IRL as they do online is less because they don't want to be punched or suffer retaliation, but more to do that when online, it's so easy to forget the person behind the screen that you're speaking to, but IRL it's very hard to forget or ignore that you're speaking to another person, since every time you look at them, you are clearly reminded of that fact, and humans have an innate aversion to hurting people.

Edited at 2017/01/23 09:29:04
Furrynomous 2017/01/23 09:38:56 No.1209708
Personally I don't like how he built up Brooke to be a blossoming sexually confident woman, and then suddenly lesbian. Like really, she was perfect as top/bottom switch, and now she just ignores all the men in college. I mean you could argue she's going through some sexual conquest phase but holly hell man, this is porn we're talking about.
Furrynomous 2017/01/23 10:28:22 No.1209719

>We expect adults to have a little more self control than that.

Uh-huh. Yeah. Tell you what, the first time I catch sight of one of these mythical creatures, you'll be the first to know. Because that will be the find of the fucking century.

Anyway, in some places, abusive or threatening speech is grounds for self-defense. The world doesn't revolve around one principle, buckaroo. And, until these so-called "adults" make their existence known to the rest of the world, words DO and WILL have consequences.
ModusPonens 2017/01/23 11:41:19 No.1209738
Reading your comment has prompted some thoughts.

The sense of being wronged while reading Naylor has several sources. But not everyone that is responding with such vitriol and anger at Naylor feel wronged by him, but only feel moral indignation. I shall explain the latter group in this post.

It’s simple why the latter group of people feel moral indignation, and that’s because they find certain fetishes and kinks bad. And I mean something more specific with the term “bad” than simply a kink you are turned off by, or one you find disgusting. I may be turned off by inflation, disgusted by fat porn, but I don’t find those kinks bad and thus don’t feel a moral indignation when reading them. Conversely, I may be turned on by certain elements in violently coerced, forced pleasure/orgasm porn, where the victim is actively resisting or fighting the sensation of pleasure but is forced against their will to experience it, but I find that kink to be bad and thus do feel morally tainted when reading it. I have yet to figure out what the fuck is going on there.

There’s an element of moral evaluation that people who find a certain kink to be bad are performing, but they aren’t going so far as to say that people who have that kink have done something bad or wrong or immoral or whatever negative ethical descriptor of your choice. Most people find the idea of a thought crime absurd and believe that the only way to do bad is to act upon things in the external world, but the same people will still accept and use the concept of “bad or immoral thoughts”, so how to explain this tension?

I think the way people resolve the cognitive dissonance of having these two contrary beliefs, that one can have bad thoughts or fetishes and that it is not an immoral act to have a thought or fetish by itself, is to imagine what would happen if one made their fetish a reality, if they could act out their fetish in the real world. For example, if one had a kink for riding horse cock, they’d ride horse cock in reality; if they had a kink for cuckolding their boyfriends, they’d cuckold their boyfriends; if they had a kink for vore, they’d start swallowing people whole in reality. After imagining the consequences of acting out that particular kink, one then asks if the resulting act is immoral, and if the answer is yes, then that’s what they believe is a bad thought or kink.

The moral element of judging a kink to be bad comes from realizing that those with a bad kink have a desire, a motivation, to commit the immoral act they fetishize and that they must keep it actively suppressed by other desires: for instance, the desire to avoid social ostracization or legal punishment, or the desire to not act immorally. If you’re cynical enough, you’d think there is no such thing as the latter, that there is no such thing as a conscience or a sense of justice or morality people are motivated by, and they are all just Machiavelli's who would act out whatever desire if they believed they could get away with it. At best, those with bad kinks are tortured souls who must suppress their desire to act out their kink because of an internal morality, at worst, the only thing keeping them from committing crimes is the threat of punishment. So another way to describe bad kinks are morally dangerous or corrupting kinks, and the people who have them are viewed as more immoral because they are believed to be more prone to committing wrong deeds.

So even though explaining the concept of a morally dangerous kink took some words, it’s the simplest explanation for why people get so mad reading Naylor. Naylor has a sizable body of work containing quite a lot of kinks people find morally dangerous: malicious, malevolent, sadistic degradation, humiliation, cuckolding, brainwashing, slave training, rape, all done with no concern paid at all for the receiving submissive partner, no consent, nothing that would characterize safe, sane, consensual, healthy BDSM relationships or play.

And that sense of moral outrage is only further stoked when Naylor not only doesn’t seem apologetic for having these morally dangerous kinks, doesn’t say “of course it would be wrong to do this in real life, but what can I do? A man doesn’t choose what he’s turned on by”, but will defend and justify the immoral acts he fetishizes, justifying them, and even go so far as to say that the acts are not only not wrong and immoral, but good and just and moral, arguing from a LOLbertarian, absurd egoism and a belief in a warped form of individualism where the only individual who matters, thus the only one who has rights, is Naylor, and everyone else can get fucked. This sense of outrage people display in the threads of Naylor comics is of a lesser magnitude than the outrage someone would display if they spoke to a fervent Nazi, that is, not a Holocaust denier, but someone who accepts the reality of it and then says “you ought to be thanking Hitler for it. He did the world a favor”. (inb4 anyone invokes Godwin’s Law. I have not compared Naylor to Hitler, I did not say that Naylor was like Hitler. What I said was that the sense of outrage when feels reading Naylor is LIKE the sense of outrage one feels talking to a fanatical Nazi.)

So people should take solace in the fact that there’s so much vitriol against Naylor, because it’s an expression of a conscience that rightly deems the sort of acts Naylor fetishizes, justifies, and glorifies abhorrent. And people say that everyone on imageboards is a nihilistic sociopath.
Furrynomous 2017/01/23 12:28:35 No.1209745
File: WallofText_u18chan.jpg - (68.09kb, 375x523, WallofText.JPG)
the Trap NoBrainer 2017/01/23 14:04:58 No.1209763
File: tumblr_static_clhnwhtivrc444kk4kk0skccs_u18chan.jpg - (59.48kb, 400x400, tumblr_static_clhnwhtivrc444kk4kk0skccs.jpg)
Or people can just stop complaining on every naylor comic.
as he is likely not reading here anyway. and wont lead to anything.

so let people Fap in peace and talk about something little more productive and less flaimy as how they are sluts or or what not.

Edited at 2017/01/23 14:06:43
Furrynomous 2017/01/23 14:09:25 No.1209766
Jay Naylor is the god of trolling. All he has to do is draw art and make a few comments here and there and suddenly everyone's asshole turns inside out with rage.
Furrynomous 2017/01/23 15:09:40 No.1209777

You're trying to get furries to stop from complaining. You're doing it wrong. They will never stop, sadly.
the Trap NoBrainer 2017/01/23 19:04:11 No.1209930
i know -.-
But why on every bloody naylor comic. should be a ban on that
Furrynomous 2017/01/23 19:18:17 No.1209935

Although it is an interesting phenomena that such an epic mass butthurtness occurs amongst the masses for every single page he draws.

*totally throws gas on the flaming pile of butthurt dramaqueens by writing this post*
Furrynomous 2017/01/24 05:20:18 No.1210127

Nah, he just has a detestable out look on life.
Furrynomous 2017/01/24 14:21:54 No.1210267
the best part, is naylor's thread is the only thread that gets this. lookin at scappo's comic, with good writing with some interesting premise, interesting characters, everyone is happy and friendly

...yeah i don't understand why people bother stating to the mindless idiots of naylor's fanbase that his shit sucks, they are so tasteless it's not worth debating, they dont care. they like it,no one is not changing it. they have no standards clearly, like the worst writing on any site with naylor art, and try to act uppity cause people complain? i won't even harp about the art.oh, do tell me again how being a lazy artist is"stylistic" . let them like their this shit, it's only hurting people who don't wanna see it by flaming. if you don't naylor shit sinks faster then a stone, and thats what i want to happen to this comic too

Edited at 2017/01/24 14:27:20
Furrynomous 2017/01/24 17:51:39 No.1210325
> with good writing with some interesting premise, interesting characters, everyone is happy and friendly

You wanna talk good writing/premise/characters, gnaw is the dude. They're not amazing by but they are probably the most well rounded in those terms, imo.
Furrynomous 2017/01/25 02:31:55 No.1210476

damn, i cant believe im forgetting gnaw. i see his stuff so rarely.gnaw is incredible at writing, i wish he made comics more often i would gladly pay.
Furrynomous 2017/01/25 11:29:54 No.1210590
read title as Jay Naylor Goes Broke.
Furrynomous 2017/01/25 17:29:34 No.1210720
Isn't gnaw off the map ever since clubstripes died?
Anon 2017/01/25 20:59:15 No.1210796
Hey, we nihilistic sociopaths aren't that bad.
Furrynomous 2017/01/25 21:12:32 No.1210806
Nothing like reading people bitching about nothing
ModusPonens 2017/01/26 02:16:14 No.1210904

Do nihilists even have a meaningful concept of "bad"?

tl;dr: People get so pissed by Naylor because their moral conscience can not stand the fact that Naylor not only is unapologetic for the morally abhorrent fetishes he depicts, but also champions them as ideal, good. Reading Naylor is like meeting someone who goes "not only would it not be wrong for there to be slaves, it would great, and not only great, it would be a dereliction of duty NOT to have slaves"
ModusPonens 2017/01/26 11:41:39 No.1211029

>Uh-huh. Yeah. Tell you what, the first time I catch sight of one of these mythical creatures, you'll be the first to know. Because that will be the find of the fucking century.

You probably aren't going to find them lurking on an imageboard for furry smut. But step into the real world, and anyone who is reasonably financially independent qualifies. I'm honestly completely confused by this claim that adults are somehow rare. So called normalfags, these are all pretty much adults.

>Anyway, in some places, abusive or threatening speech is grounds for self-defense.

A behavior to be classified as a threat requires more than making a verbal statement. The physical context is much more important. For example if someone is 3 yards away from you, and walking away, and turns his head back over his shoulder to say "I'm going to knock you teeth out" or "you're fucking filth", that's not a threat. If that person were standing right in your face, eyes glaring, his mouth twisted into a malevolent, malicious grin, fists balled and muscles tensed, and he said the same thing, that is a threat; he wouldn't even need to say anything for that to be a threat.

Threats have little to do with what's said, and all to do with the intentions and beliefs of the aggressor and the victim. Any action the aggressor takes, be it verbal or physical, that the aggressor intends to strike the fear of bodily harm into the mind of his victim, is a threat, even more so if the victim experiences that fear.

There is no case where the simple expression of a verbal promise or abuse is enough to constitute a threat as defined by law and thus justify you beating him up, especially if you're doing so out of retaliation and anger for his insults and not out of fear for your safety.

It is completely false that you can beat someone up for simply being a belligerent, inconsiderate asshole shittalker and then call it self defense because the abuse and insults they say to you are supposed threats. If we met in real life, and I, sitting comfortably in a chair, called you a fascistic bully who resorts to physical violence because he's too stupid to spar in the mental arena, and then you run up to me and start pounding my face when I pose no physical threat and any reasonable person would see that, and the cops come to arrest you for assault and battery and you try the self-defense defense, they'd laugh their asses off as they threw you into the slammer.

> words DO and WILL have consequences.

You are rationalizing a crime and hiding the brutality of your beliefs behind vague euphemisms. Yes, words have consequences in that they affect others' emotional and mental states. And yes, words have consequences in that you ought to be criticized or even insulted for behaving like a dick and spewing toxic crap and insults.

But you believe that the consequence for behaving like an asshole in your speech, i.e. insulting and degrading people verbally, ought to be to have your teeth knocked out. So why are you couching that belief in such vague, weak words? Why aren't you speaking bluntly about what you really mean? Could it be that a part of you realizes that what you call for is wrong?
Furrynomous 2017/01/26 16:48:10 No.1211104

Hey, Naylor. Who let you out of your cage?
Furrynomous 2017/01/26 19:13:47 No.1211147
oh man you know your in a NAYLOR comic when there is five panels and 3 pages of shit posts... which of course has nothing to do with the comic at this point.
Furrynomous 2017/01/26 23:59:24 No.1211220

Assault for words is anarchism. You're not build for anarchism if words make you wither. You will be the first to lose out in right-by-might society. Think about it. The social contract saves your ass.
Furrynomous 2017/01/27 05:53:17 No.1211336
File: interdasting_u18chan.jpg - (247.78kb, 636x640, interdasting.jpg)
Ive seen unspeakable horrors that would put some of Lovecraft's sickest imaginations to shame classified as "porn" on this board.

Yet it's a rather innocent bi-curious themed comic that gets the whole board triggered.

You furries facinate me.
Furrynomous 2017/01/27 16:08:49 No.1211546
Came for the Naylor, stayed for the inevitable world war.
Claudia Bun!!KnzfwC2Y0g 2017/01/28 00:25:11 No.1211692

Oh come now it's not like the black hand is really capable of no good. I hear the arch duke's appearance is going to go swimmingly, hence the lightened security.
Furrynomous 2017/01/28 23:38:16 No.1212257
Look, all I'm saying is, on the off chance the driver DOES take the wrong turn somewhere, you MAY have the Black Hand try something.
Furrynomous 2017/02/03 04:41:27 No.1215666
File: jn_Brookeincollege6_u18chan.jpg - (430.21kb, 825x1275, jn_Brookeincollege6.jpg)
Hot off the presses?
Furrynomous 2017/02/03 06:15:05 No.1215679

Gee, I wonder why Jay Naylor is unable to find a girlfriend! He seems like such a catch!
Furrynomous 2017/02/03 06:49:11 No.1215684
File: 22FFC4T_u18chan.jpg - (294.12kb, 1000x750, 22FFC4T.jpg)
Good comic, fun topic.
Furrynomous 2017/02/03 10:09:08 No.1215732
Didn't expect to see triggered people here...
Furrynomous 2017/02/03 14:07:56 No.1215851
You have a lot of sex dreams... were you abused as a child?"
Who tf even asks that sort of question to someone after seeing they have a lot of sex dreams? (Idk if those kinds of dreams are able to be recurring like that, but who knows)
I swear Naylor is trying WAY too hard to make the fat character unlikable.

Edited at 2017/02/03 14:08:54
Furrynomous 2017/02/03 15:37:51 No.1215911
File: Cedric_u18chan.png - (241.3kb, 461x469, Cedric.png)

I think he's trying to make her a tumblrina stereotype of sorts, but not the insufferable FAT PRIDE type, though.

I believe he wants the reader to have a chuckle out of her, and that's about it. If he wanted to make her a unlikable prick he'd be more specific on what she's complaining about, like "god damn these mysoginist pigs fat shaming me" and having she dress like Harley Quinn and forcing others to say tha she is sexy.
Furrynomous 2017/02/03 17:38:23 No.1215993
>If you have sexual fantasies you were sexually abused
>Is a thing fat tumblrinas believe

Since when, Jay?

It can't even bother to create strawmen based on actual stereotypes about people it hates

It's the Kellyanne Conway of satire. Except with a more feminine face.

Why are all rightwing people this unfunny? Are they all that hollow?
Furrynomous 2017/02/03 18:07:45 No.1216001
File: jn_wewlad_u18chan.jpg - (140.96kb, 819x1280, jn_wewlad.jpg)
Remember this?
Furrynomous 2017/02/03 19:19:00 No.1216031
Actually, in this case the sterotype fatcat is right... Being sexually abused does actually create a situation where people can become hypersexual.

There's also a huge correlation between women who like anal sex and who have been molested. Not a super strong correlation like 1, but it's on the order of .6
Furrynomous 2017/02/04 07:58:48 No.1216233
Lol, ive seen tumblr posts that said sex is NEVER consentual and the man is always raping. I don't see why people get so offended when Jay makes a tumblr joke, everyone knows feminist tumblrinas are socially akward retards.
Furrynomous 2017/02/04 08:26:47 No.1216240
File: SnoopDoggallofyouarerustled_u18chan.jpg - (12.08kb, 300x300, Snoop Dogg all of you are rustled.jpg)
Furrynomous 2017/02/04 09:30:51 No.1216257

Well so is Jay Naylor. It's sort of the pot calling the kettle black situation...
Furrynomous 2017/02/04 11:06:37 No.1216284
I think it's more of trigglypuff reference.
Furrynomous 2017/02/04 11:41:21 No.1216288
I find the Patreon users that limit the stuff they hide behind a paywall and use the "give me money and I give everyone more stuff" model, have less problems with getting their shit stolen. Those who give them money are far less likely to leak the few bits and pieces they do paywall.

Using timed exclusives don't seem to work as everyone just waits and hiding everything like Naylor, just invites uploads to image boards.

That and paywalling porn never works. Porn will always get leaked, so why bother trying to hide it? Better to toss out a taster to everyone, then point to the hat when they want more.
Furrynomous 2017/02/04 15:48:52 No.1216370

I bet he posts this image up on plenty of fish and J-date all the time lol.
Furrynomous 2017/02/06 11:41:33 No.1217180
Not to add on to the ongoing rant about Naylor, what kind of work would you guys put out if you had his drawing talent?

Edited at 2017/02/06 11:42:55
Furrynomous 2017/02/06 13:32:17 No.1217218
The best.
Furrynomous 2017/02/06 13:32:45 No.1217219

More bondage stuff. More humor. More B&W stuff to cut-down on worktime.
& instead of shallow philosophy about sex & dom vs sub personalities, I'd just post a link to "Shiniez"
ModusPonens 2017/02/06 18:26:52 No.1217418
>Hey, Naylor. Who let you out of your cage?

What did I say to make you think I was Naylor? Or are you implying that I'm dickriding him? I'm indifferent towards him.

Edited at 2017/02/06 18:27:06
Newest Page UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/02/08 18:24:34 No.1218177
File: jn-Brookeincollege7_u18chan.jpg - (357.3kb, 825x1275, jn-Brookeincollege7.jpg)

Furrynomous 2017/02/08 20:00:37 No.1218205
Again, this character is supposed to be that raccoon high school student character?
Furrynomous 2017/02/08 20:03:19 No.1218208
Funny thing about the comment by the "FAT" chick is, it's written as if she's coming form an actual position of caring about her roommate and is worried about her. Though this worry is returned by an evil pissed glare from our protagonist, which is very Naylor like. Showing concern is a sign of weakness to be met with scorn, apparently.
Furrynomous 2017/02/08 20:52:25 No.1218250
What is that thing she dropped?
Furrynomous 2017/02/08 22:24:45 No.1218305
File: autospout-water-bottle_300_u18chan.jpg - (67.09kb, 300x357, autospout-water-bottle_300.jpg)
Furrynomous 2017/02/08 22:41:55 No.1218308
It does seem like a bit of a personal question to be asking a roommate.
She's asking weirdly personal questions about shit she shouldn't even be witness to. It's not like she sat down with her and was showing genuine concern, her body language and phrasing makes it all seem so casual.
I'm no Naylor fan but I feel like you're kinda reaching a bit with that one.

Edited at 2017/02/08 22:44:20
Furrynomous 2017/02/09 12:32:16 No.1218533
No it's not concern, it's a half assed ignorant assumption made by a person who is isolated enough not to realise how socially akward that is and how offensive a question like that would be. I actually know some people like that irl, and i avoid them like the plague.

Just as many asses as him, less gaping assholes. Kinks welcome but less cucking and personal philosophies.

It's honestly really those last 2 bits what determine if i like/dislike his comics, but i am diggin this comic.
Saviour 2017/02/09 23:17:47 No.1218733
File: Philosopher-King-Plato_u18chan.jpg - (32.75kb, 567x340, Philosopher-King-Plato.jpg)

Anybody who's anybody has a bullshit ego riddled with insecurities, because social grooming. Fat broad doesn't though, because clearly hermit. Who truly has been blessed?

At any rate, for the sake of entertaining dialogue, everybody is retarded. That's how fiction works. Chances are everybody has already predicted she-hulk's contribution to the story. But porn! Yay!

Edited at 2017/02/09 23:18:56
Furrynomous 2017/02/10 10:14:10 No.1218885
-In Regards to Social-
Well yup, we are talking about someone who did realize the only way they're getting a girl with their social skills is to tell them how much they make. :P Kind of tells you their social skills.
Furrynomous 2017/02/10 14:35:58 No.1218963
I was reffering to the fat SJW character though. I have no idea about Naylor's social adventures and i don't care, but i honestly see every person who is a out-of-the-closet furry as someone who has broken down too many social boundaries.
Furrynomous 2017/02/10 18:20:12 No.1219022
Exactly! If your first reaction to someone having a nightmare is to label them as a abused child you are an asshat. Normal people ask questions like "are you alright" or "do you want to talk about it".
Claudia Bun!!KnzfwC2Y0g 2017/02/13 13:06:09 No.1220637

Really depends on what social boundaries you mean friend. I doubt naylor goes out and gets peed on every day by every 'strong independent' girl in an adult body he meets.

Edited at 2017/02/13 13:06:26
Furrynomous 2017/02/13 20:29:09 No.1220799
I usually keep my mouth shut about the laziness of an artist but.. seriously?

Why draw or even have a setting why you literally can just write it in a text box.

"Locker room noises" "Locker room steam"
Claudia Bun!!KnzfwC2Y0g 2017/02/13 23:30:09 No.1220861

Oh come on! you're criticizing a fuxing product you have to pay upwards of 20$ to view on a consistent basis! It's not like people are expecting any kind of quality or worksmanship from an ARTIST or anything.

How silly of you to point this out. Seriously. Now Naylor will have to stop getting peed on by prostitutes in order to actually fix this.
Furrynomous 2017/02/14 00:14:57 No.1220873

I usually have a giggle at campy stuff like that in comics. Don't bother me none cuz it's funny. ...If it's not overused.
Furrynomous 2017/02/14 05:35:02 No.1220954

It is not funny. It is indicative of both laziness and condescension. If he does not want to draw backgrounds, that is his problem, but he could at least use a tiny text box in the first frame for a quick explanation of the setting. It would be equally as lazy, but nowhere near as condescending.
Furrynomous 2017/02/15 00:40:47 No.1221433
I go into locker rooms and say "locker room noises" aloud.
Furrynomous 2017/02/16 16:11:52 No.1222786
Yes it is

Really hoping this ends in "I'm not into girls afterall." But of course it won't.
Furrynomous 2017/02/20 09:07:59 No.1224455

What if I told you JN does these things to mock the critics? I'm sure Fisk would get a kick out of the idea.
Furrynomous 2017/02/21 19:04:57 No.1225258
File: jn_Brookeincollege8_u18chan.jpg - (512.39kb, 2178x3366, jn_Brookeincollege8.jpg)

Furrynomous 2017/02/21 20:53:08 No.1225291
Big muscular and athletic women are obviously lesbians.
Furrynomous 2017/02/21 21:44:29 No.1225311
Yes actually
Furrynomous 2017/02/21 22:11:49 No.1225322

>this horrible dialogue

Never change, Naylor.
Claudia Bun!!KnzfwC2Y0g 2017/02/22 00:19:21 No.1225362

yea... and people pay for this shit.
Furrynomous 2017/02/22 01:08:20 No.1225374
Don't forget that this born again lesbian is so ashamed of having given men boners all these years now that she knows how it feels to be sexually aroused. Serves that damn broad right, amirite?
Furrynomous 2017/02/22 09:23:35 No.1225514

>sweat on fur.
Furrynomous 2017/02/22 10:23:54 No.1225526

Say what you will, but Naylor knows how to draw a fine ass.
Furrynomous 2017/02/22 11:41:59 No.1225545
File: sassyblackwoman_u18chan.jpg - (39.34kb, 465x382, sassy black woman.jpg)

Edited at 2017/02/22 11:43:03
Furrynomous 2017/02/22 13:09:21 No.1225580
Well, he does spend most of his time with his face inside them.
Furrynomous 2017/02/22 14:32:37 No.1225609

Does he? Dude is fucking creepy and while it wouldn't surprise me if some women are willing to sleep with him, I wouldn't peg him for a ladies man by any measure.
Furrynomous 2017/02/22 17:15:05 No.1225688

Previous poster was suggesting Naylor has his head up his own quite frequently.
Furrynomous 2017/02/22 19:13:33 No.1225752
Furrynomous 2017/02/22 20:15:27 No.1225795
Inb4 cock blocked by Audrey...again

Anyone want to take a guess at how many pages it going to take before there's any action?
Furrynomous 2017/02/23 00:46:49 No.1225895
It's not often I say this about a fictional character, but damn, that girl REALLY needs to get laid.
Furrynomous 2017/02/24 03:05:22 No.1226354
is new Mary butt pic related to comic?
Furrynomous 2017/02/24 07:56:55 No.1226417
Not sure what pic you're talking about?
Furrynomous 2017/02/24 14:23:50 No.1226520
Mary's Butt
Audrey, Finished Work, Mary
Feb 21 at 8:50pm
Furrynomous 2017/02/24 19:12:14 No.1226616
Well hopefully someone will be nice enough to post it, otherwise I have no idea if it's related to the comic.
Furrynomous 2017/02/27 09:08:23 No.1227840
It seems Naylor started a poll for his $12+ Patrons which comic project he should do next.
Anyone here a Patron who can tell us if it's a story worth looking forward to ?
Furrynomous 2017/02/27 09:41:12 No.1227887
If someone put a Gun at his head he still couldnt write a Story that doesnt involve self insert, preachy bullshit, with uber alpha males and nympho girls.

Edited at 2017/02/27 09:42:36
Furrynomous 2017/03/01 15:39:52 No.1229293
Mar 1 at 1:55pm
Worship Brooke
Brooke, WIP
Oh what this? UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/03/01 15:59:18 No.1229301
File: jn-Brookeworship-shades_u18chan.jpg - (1.56mb, 3113x1777, jn-Brookeworship-shades.jpg)

Furrynomous 2017/03/01 18:24:13 No.1229396
You wouldn't happen to have the "Mary's Butt" pic would you?
I just might UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/03/01 22:09:36 No.1229450
File: jn-Marysbutt_u18chan.jpg - (632.29kb, 1356x1766, jn-Marysbutt.jpg)
Furrynomous 2017/03/02 08:17:18 No.1229595

Wow. That is actually kind of adorable.
Furrynomous 2017/03/02 13:23:27 No.1229745
uploaders are so awesome!
Furrynomous 2017/03/03 07:04:33 No.1230164
...I still remember the time when Naylor wrote actual sound effects. Now it's just "noises".

Bear noises.
Pee noises.
Locker room noises.
Furrynomous 2017/03/03 14:05:16 No.1230360
File: JayNaylor-SliceOfLifeSexComicPageSeven_u18chan.png - (585.3kb, 825x1275, JayNaylor-SliceOfLifeSexComicPageSeven.png)

Allow me to take it one step further.
Furrynomous 2017/03/03 14:39:24 No.1230377

This removes about 90% of the drama.
Furrynomous 2017/03/03 15:04:13 No.1230385
Why did I read it in HK-47's voice?
Furrynomous 2017/03/03 16:46:07 No.1230417

So does Naylor's actual dialogue.
Furrynomous 2017/03/04 05:13:24 No.1230610

Only if you ignore idiocy and sexism. Unless you believe in "top lesbien" is a thing.
Furrynomous 2017/03/04 09:16:27 No.1230643

>Only if you ignore idiocy and sexism.

In other words, if you ignore about 90% of the dialogue.
Furrynomous 2017/03/04 09:24:05 No.1230645

You should have used "heartbeat noises".
Furrynomous 2017/03/04 13:00:11 No.1230693

You amazing son of a bitch, that actually would have been better.
Furrynomous 2017/03/05 14:19:04 No.1231169
hope today's patreon included update
Furrynomous 2017/03/05 21:45:16 No.1231421
So he's not even coloring his comics any more?
Furrynomous 2017/03/05 22:58:44 No.1231449
gift is colored, was updated today
Furrynomous 2017/03/06 08:24:30 No.1231614
fyi no need to unzip
Furrynomous 2017/03/06 15:35:16 No.1231775
that was actually really well made and made the dialogue much better. honest. :)

10/10 would read your version over original
Furrynomous 2017/03/06 23:53:08 No.1231998
So, does anyone have a comic list archive-y thing of Naylors stuff since he started up a Patreon?

Last comic I read was Sissy's Issues. Since then everything died on his site, including his alright Original Life webcomic that he abandoned in favour of what I realised was Patreon bucks.
Furrynomous 2017/03/07 05:36:22 No.1232116
File: 1482678524122_u18chan.png - (10.16kb, 229x200, 1482678524122.png)
>jay naylor finally makes a comic about a good subject: ass appreciation
>thread still degenerates into drama and shitposts
On second thought.. >ass appreciation >shitposts
Furrynomous 2017/03/07 13:15:02 No.1232220

you are welcome
Furrynomous 2017/03/07 18:48:27 No.1232405

Uhmm... Ass appreciation? I thought this comic's subject was about leftist lesbians being fat and angry and right winged lesbians being horny and perfect bodies? Anything inbetween is evil and to always keep a loaded gun beside your front door like Naylor has stated he does.
Furrynomous 2017/03/07 19:17:56 No.1232412
> I thought this comic's subject was about leftist lesbians being fat and angry and right winged lesbians being horny and perfect bodies

Is there even such a thing on this Earth as a right wing lesbian, do they even exist?
As far as I know, only the left caters to homosexuals.
Furrynomous 2017/03/07 19:28:48 No.1232416

Jesus fuck the tumblrina was supposed to be funny, that's all. Right-wing lesbians? Holy shit there's nothing implying that the teacher or the gym thicc girl are right-wing, or even lesbians at all for that matter. It's just Brooke's fantasy.

Damn the fat chick REALLY struck a nerve on some of you guys.
Furrynomous 2017/03/07 23:56:59 No.1232580
You do realize that most furries are leftists right?
Anything that insults one of their chosen minorities is automatically an evil right-winger or Hitler reincarnated.
Furrynomous 2017/03/08 10:02:45 No.1232708
File: rapetrainblues_u18chan.jpg - (41.41kb, 704x820, rapetrainblues.jpg)
LOL, i always cringe at how Naylor haters always take the most insignificant shit he does and turn it into "evidence" of Naylor being the living reincarnation of Furry Hitler.
Didn't expect them to go full on SJW conspiracy cringe though.
Furrynomous 2017/03/08 11:02:54 No.1232726

80% of the furries I've met are either centerists or right wing... Of course that's anecdotal evidence, but still, there's a lot of right wing furs out there.
Furrynomous 2017/03/08 11:05:49 No.1232728

Well that would be rather weird, considering the large amount of LGBT people within the fandom.
Furrynomous 2017/03/08 12:22:08 No.1232747
That's right, I completely forgot about the mandate that all gays MUST vote Democrat.
Furrynomous 2017/03/08 12:46:45 No.1232755
File: 1293575717461_u18chan.gif - (343.12kb, 90x140, 1293575717461.gif)
YIPPEE! It's the salt mine motherload!
Furrynomous 2017/03/08 12:53:28 No.1232761
bummer, latest is just finalized brook worship

online/furries more TIQAP

part of naylor is response to/trolling

"alt right" = trolls
Furrynomous 2017/03/08 15:46:20 No.1232814
OFC, you get your gay card taken away if you decide that the most important thing to you isn't gender politics
Furrynomous 2017/03/08 16:45:03 No.1232835

If your Gay and don't believe there are 50 genders instead of THE BIOLOGICAL two or that drag queens are automatically female because they chopped off their dicks, then to the liberal left your literally the devil.

So gays who still have a bit of sense in them, shift over to the right politically because they have no choice.
Furrynomous 2017/03/08 16:50:56 No.1232836

I thought furries were mostly normal people that happen to fap to anthropomorphic animals. Not... /mlp/-tier people.
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/03/08 16:51:39 No.1232837
File: jn-Brookeworship_0_u18chan.jpg - (1.49mb, 3113x1777, jn-Brookeworship.jpg)

Furrynomous 2017/03/08 17:57:06 No.1232853
Oh. My. God. Everyone shut the fuck up. Please. You are arguing about politics in a thread about a fucking horny college raccoon-anthro comic. For once in the miserable existence of the internet read a Jay Naylor comic without shitting verbal diarrhea out of your mouth.
Furrynomous 2017/03/08 18:04:58 No.1232856
The drama is what keeps things interesting, frankly I like it.
Furrynomous 2017/03/08 19:24:43 No.1232907
I usually think it's stupid how people so compulsively complain and nitpick whenever Naylor is posted, but goddamn, this dialogue... His writing has reached a new low that even I can't help from bitching about. How far up his own ass can this guy be?
Furrynomous 2017/03/08 20:17:16 No.1232917
hmm, new comic? sequel to college, is college done?
Furrynomous 2017/03/10 04:11:44 No.1233442

We're about to find out. The next one is "The MIND of brooke" so you know he's gonna go all deep.
Furrynomous 2017/03/10 08:21:06 No.1233495
>over weight women not being attractive
But they aren't?
Furrynomous 2017/03/10 11:53:35 No.1233533
File: 1470241410280_u18chan.jpg - (388.6kb, 1284x980, 1470241410280.jpg)
>Someone makes fun of a Tumblr hamgalaxy
>Everyone spergs out
Furrynomous 2017/03/10 22:27:26 No.1233726

As someone who jacks it to animal people I'm sure you know all about sperging out.
Furrynomous 2017/03/11 03:50:42 No.1233775
File: 739_0_u18chan.jpg - (54.09kb, 960x720, 739.jpg)
I just don't see the point in getting all worked up because some guy made a silly stereotype in comic about animal people fucking. Calm down and jack off.
Furrynomous 2017/03/12 01:15:27 No.1234134
It's funny to imply the insult is calling the assumed male poster a female. Girls use the internet for porn too. Many gay M/M furry porn artists are girls.
Furrynomous 2017/03/12 13:45:09 No.1234343
File: 873_u18chan.jpg - (18.27kb, 600x338, 873.jpg)

Literally nobody gives a shit.

Edited at 2017/03/12 13:46:13
Furrynonomous 2017/03/12 23:23:12 No.1234543
File: cry-moar_u18chan.jpg - (30.9kb, 250x219, cry-moar.jpg)
Do it fgt.

Edited at 2017/03/12 23:23:57
Furrynomous 2017/03/13 10:14:43 No.1234718
So did Naylor just abandon this comic or what?
Furrynomous 2017/03/13 12:36:11 No.1234802
It's obviously only like 2 or 3 weaponized autists that threadshit like crazy
Furrynomous 2017/03/13 12:55:53 No.1234806
perhaps a patreon patron can comment on what happened with recent vote?
Furrynomous 2017/03/13 16:39:41 No.1234929
He will do another Brooke comic
Furrynomous 2017/03/14 16:36:05 No.1235419
considering new first pic is brooke exercising, may tie right into end of college with mary in a locker room
Furrynomous 2017/03/14 17:29:20 No.1235441
She was on the soccer team in high school, why wouldn't she already be into fitness?
Furrynomous 2017/03/16 23:18:11 No.1236629
"mind" may also relate to college comic

there is new non brooke comic "the mission"
Furrynomous 2017/03/17 14:50:52 No.1236846
According to the tags on his patreon, "The Mission" is set in the Cottenwine universe.
Furrynomous 2017/03/20 15:57:46 No.1237976
and "good morning brooke"
Furrynomous 2017/03/21 17:52:41 No.1238456
File: 1489277480353_u18chan.jpg - (127.6kb, 600x600, 1489277480353.jpg)
sweet mother mary in god's gorgeous heaven I am blown away at how utterly salty some of you folks can get over a furry jerk rag

just shut up and fap you miserable fucks
Furrynomous 2017/03/30 14:26:20 No.1242222
presumably new brooke comic (and other comic) will be updated in next week, hopefully upload(s) will include good morning brooke

thanks again to uploaders!
Furrynomous 2017/04/02 03:04:56 No.1243394

This happens in every god damn jay naylor comic, just ignore it, hide all text only posts, and leave them with their autism, fighting over "why the rain wetting me".
Furrynomous 2017/04/02 10:47:02 No.1243537
The worst part about that is actually trying to read the comic and keep up with the updates, and you have to swim through tons and tons of text every time just to find a single page.
Furrynomous 2017/04/02 19:43:21 No.1243689
They literally said how to avoid that in the post you quoted.
Furrynomous 2017/04/03 21:18:57 No.1244399
File: pirateit_u18chan.jpg - (197.69kb, 619x790, pirate it.jpg)
this is the best thing naylor has drawn/written in years.
Furrynomous 2017/04/04 08:42:14 No.1244522
File: Powfoo_u18chan.gif - (259.5kb, 337x440, Powfoo.gif)

The triggering it caused alone makes it worthy.
Furrynomous 2017/04/04 16:33:51 No.1244677
indeed. four icons for threads >
- edit
- download images as zip
- hide posts without image
- watch thread
Furrynomous 2017/04/06 00:11:14 No.1245164
new comic is sequel
(as some 'predicted')
Furrynomous 2017/04/06 09:42:38 No.1245275
... Yes... So why wouldn't she already be into fitness if she was on the soccer team in high school?
Furrynomous 2017/04/07 01:33:59 No.1245532
obvious troll fail
Furrynomous 2017/04/08 13:16:49 No.1246077
So apparently "The Mind Of Brooke Reed" is a direct sequel to this comic
Furrynomous 2017/04/08 20:21:26 No.1246243
>Just saw the other, colored comic with Inside her Mind

Oh what the fuck I didn't even realize this was the raccoon.
Hugh Jackoffman 2017/04/13 11:56:50 No.1247975

I didn't even know 1) this was A raccoon, 2) this was THE raccoon from previous comics about Sissy's husband.

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