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File: QS_01_WebRes_V2_u18chan.png - (1.72mb, 1026x1350, QS_01_WebRes_V2.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Scappo - Quick Study UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/01/11 15:17:23 No.1203491   

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Furrynomous 2017/01/11 17:17:57 No.1203532
This looks a bit different from Scappo's older stuff. I can't place what exactly he seems to be doing here that he wasn't before though. A different shading style?
Furrynomous 2017/01/12 06:38:42 No.1203741
So apparently the first line in French translates to "You should have a chicken for that, miss big boobs". To which the goat or whatever lady replies,”You don't have one?".

Google translate has failed me. Can anyone provide a better translation? That doesn't make any sense to me.
Furrynomous 2017/01/12 06:47:20 No.1203744
She exactly said : "Pff, Should have a home/appartement for that, miss big boobs." The term "Piaule", in french have many term but it's only used to describe a house or a appartement.
Anyway hope it help you. o/
Furrynomous 2017/01/12 07:19:16 No.1203749
well this one kicks out Should have a piaule for it, miss big tits
i think the issue piaule since piaule is pad
Furrynomous 2017/01/12 12:44:41 No.1203832
(French here) I confirm, piaule is a word for a home or a flat/apartment.

Edited at 2017/01/12 12:45:53
Furrynomous 2017/01/12 12:58:49 No.1203836

"Poule" or "poulet" is "chicken" in French.
Furrynomous 2017/01/13 00:03:13 No.1203988
Yeah... Scappo doesn't speak french though, this is auto translated and fairly clunky at that :x

Or Quebecer, which is like running french through a garburator.
Furrynomous 2017/01/13 05:15:55 No.1204222
My grandparents were Quebecer.

Can confirm this is true.
Furrynomous 2017/01/13 13:31:19 No.1204386

Thanks guys! This is why I love this place; come for the porn, stay for the French lesson
Furrynomous 2017/01/13 13:59:10 No.1204397
Does it differ if it's a Quebec or mainland accent?
Furrynomous 2017/01/13 14:17:40 No.1204406
Yes, there's a pretty big difference between Quebecker french and european french. Canadian french uses a lot of slang and older terms (I heard it called King Louis french once), and they don't use a lot of loan words from english (le weekend vs du dimanche).
Furrynomous 2017/01/13 14:19:21 No.1204407
i just corrected a spelling error in a comic days ago...

Edited at 2017/01/13 14:19:35
Furrynomous 2017/01/14 03:43:55 No.1204803
The bad habit of saying what you think in french not expecting the other to udnerstand HAhahahhahahaha ! Don't worry me too I do that. But I also did very well udnerstand you.
Furrynomous 2017/01/14 08:03:27 No.1204985

french people have a tendecy of sarcasm in general
Furrynomous 2017/01/14 17:26:58 No.1205317
is it just me or has his art stagnated these part couple years?
Furrynomous 2017/01/14 17:50:21 No.1205320
Stagnated? This looks quite a bit different than Skin Deep to me.
Page 2 UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/01/14 19:50:27 No.1205410
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Furrynomous 2017/01/14 20:27:43 No.1205421
>tipping it down

Who says this? Is that an actual thing?
Sabel!!2SHgbkG83s 2017/01/14 20:50:05 No.1205425
The Brits?
Furrynomous 2017/01/14 20:50:13 No.1205426

Tipping it down. Pissing it out there. Pouring it down.. to name a few we use
Furrynomous 2017/01/14 21:27:27 No.1205435
Who is "we"
Furrynomous 2017/01/14 21:46:56 No.1205440
The British. I'm from there, and we use terms like this alot. Some vary depending on the region
furfan 2017/01/14 23:43:22 No.1205498
i personally just say "raining"
Furrynomous 2017/01/14 23:57:55 No.1205505
How did one come to "tipping it down" to express rain. Who is tipping what? Is God tipping rain clouds down?

Or, if you want to specify severity just say "it's pouring"
Furrynomous 2017/01/15 01:17:33 No.1205520
I believe the term originated in the times when plumbing wasn't a common occourance and most people still used buckets, pots and the like for water transfer and disposal.

Some just tipped/poured it out windows into the street, hence the term pouring down or tipping it down.

Unwanted water from above ruining your day, rain or bucket tossed, just meshed into a common term I guess over time like any slang or turn of phrase
Furrynomous 2017/01/15 04:20:14 No.1205557
Brit here, tipping it down/pissing it down incredibly common words used in daily life over here.
Furrynomous 2017/01/15 23:20:39 No.1206482
This comic is turning out to be as educational as it is interesting. In a good way!
Furrynomous 2017/01/16 15:05:01 No.1206748

>Bare legs

I'm already hard.
Furrynomous 2017/01/16 19:09:31 No.1207016

Am Quebecois, and friend with several people from france:

The french in the comic is actually very solid. It's just urban/slangy, which is why google translate struggles with it.

"Pfff. I'd need a [slang term for house/living place] for that, Miss Big Tits."
"You don't have one?"
Furrynomous 2017/01/17 09:12:53 No.1207211
She's got nowhere to go.
Furrynomous 2017/01/19 21:40:49 No.1208112

I'm told that Quebec French is heavily slang-ified, leading many Parisians to claim it grates on their ears.
Furrynomous 2017/01/20 07:15:08 No.1208243

there actually a lot of french accent, just go to marseille and then back to paris and you will see the difference

Edited at 2017/01/20 07:15:20
Furrynomous 2017/01/20 17:52:54 No.1208410
That's not an accent. An accent is just how you pronounce words, a dialect is a subset of the language that has slightly different vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. IE its own slang and colloquialisms.

American English is a dialect. Canadian French is a dialect, etc.

Edited at 2017/01/20 17:53:46
Furrynomous 2017/01/21 09:31:24 No.1208706
Conviniently enough she didn't understood teh word miss gros nichon wich is a good thing. And very very convienient?
Furrynomous 2017/01/21 09:35:05 No.1208707
It is correct but internet made them a bit more classic metropolitan french... let's just say. But A regular french would certainly use thos kind of slangs, they are not that alien to us, quite the reverse actualy.
Furrynomous 2017/01/21 09:36:57 No.1208709
ha never trust google translate, a piaule is very rude and péjorative slang to say room.
Furrynomous 2017/01/21 09:38:18 No.1208710
Bed room to be more precise.
Furrynomous 2017/01/21 09:41:11 No.1208712
Hahha few dacades ago you could put a Québécois iand a french togather none of them would udnerstand each other, but with teh arrival of internet...
Furrynomous 2017/01/21 09:42:08 No.1208718
True, but so do british peoples.
Furrynomous 2017/01/21 09:45:07 No.1208743
Piaule = bedroom of you want to be precise.
Furrynomous 2017/01/21 15:03:45 No.1208895
"Piaule" is the french MILITARY word to say bedroom.
Furrynomous 2017/01/22 17:44:30 No.1209357
That goat teacher needs fucked bad.
ModusPonens 2017/01/23 01:54:45 No.1209562

If you get turned on just by bare legs, you're going to pop a vein by the time they get butt naked.
Furrynomous 2017/01/23 04:07:09 No.1209610
That big vein that runs across the top of your dick. Busted.
Furrynomous 2017/01/23 06:51:42 No.1209667
Like a lot of words in the military language it passed in the everyday speech. That's what you get when you have mandatory military service for 200 years. It is especially used by teens and not at all displaced in those circumstances.
Furrynomous 2017/01/23 07:48:47 No.1209686
I can't be the only amazed at the fact that with just one page this thread immediately turned into an in-depth discussion about the french language.
Furrynomous 2017/01/23 17:18:23 No.1209898
Pas de notre faute si on est aussi populaire haha. Bon c'est que l'on y met du notre.
Furrynomous 2017/01/23 18:41:02 No.1209925
i wonder how the comic will goes btw

we get excited for few french words but right now, there only 2 page

Edited at 2017/01/23 18:42:10
Furrynomous 2017/01/24 06:20:37 No.1210141
You're not the only one. I didn't realize what I would start by asking about the translation. This is by far my favorite thread ever, all because of the FrenchFactsâ„¢
Furrynomous 2017/01/24 14:36:12 No.1210271
And then spanish are like Jillipollos de Frances. Why they have to be proud of their uclture when teh showing of ours is considered racist clichey.
Page 3 UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/01/25 14:05:11 No.1210654
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Furrynomous 2017/01/25 14:33:12 No.1210657
I don't know what everyone is complaining about, this is a good comic so far and I am hoping that Scappo doesn't let it die early.
Furrynomous 2017/01/25 20:24:16 No.1210784
Is anybody complaining? Nobody here is.
Furrynomous 2017/01/25 21:24:27 No.1210811

This is looking like the start of a great lesbian comic. Let the rug munching commence!
Furrynomous 2017/01/26 07:12:58 No.1210972
Is the punk girl supposed to be a doberman?
Furrynomous 2017/01/26 08:08:23 No.1210987
are those floppy things ears?
Furrynomous 2017/01/26 08:25:19 No.1210988
Looks like she got flesh tunnel on her ears.
Furrynomous 2017/01/26 19:15:20 No.1211149
she looks more like a bat to me than a dobberman

Edited at 2017/01/26 19:16:55
Furrynomous 2017/01/26 19:38:30 No.1211153
If she's a bat then where are her wings?
hrungir 2017/01/26 20:09:35 No.1211161
miniature pinscher
Furrynomous 2017/01/28 01:20:46 No.1211726
Maybe she is some kind of hybrid
Page 4 UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/01/28 09:54:25 No.1211904
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Furrynomous 2017/01/28 11:12:35 No.1211916
Ok all you French speakers in the comments, what's Carmen saying this time?
Hemlyn 2017/01/28 11:22:45 No.1211919
My best guess:
Second panel: Shit. I am an only child.
Third panel: I spice things up a bit.
Done using google translate plus a bit of French I remembered from my school days (i'm sorta okay reading basic stuff, not so good writing and even worse speaking/listening)
Furrynomous 2017/01/28 11:43:35 No.1211926
My best guess is
"Ah shit...I'm fucked."
"And if I spiced things up a bit?"
Furrynomous 2017/01/28 12:16:32 No.1211940
File: 250px-Frenchmans_Beret_u18chan.png - (80.37kb, 250x332, 250px-Frenchman's_Beret.png)
Very good my friend, you passed it with brio !
Furrynomous 2017/01/28 14:55:48 No.1211987

Tought, the dialogue seem a bit off, it's clear the author ins't used to write french dialogue
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/01/28 19:52:35 No.1212180
If you were a Supporter on Patreon, you'd know he has friends who know French that are helping with the dialogue. He's not exactly an artist who depends on Google Translate.

Edited at 2017/01/28 19:52:53
Furrynomous 2017/01/28 20:56:36 No.1212220
Yeah I don't use Google-Translate. The translations can be half-assed.
Furrynomous 2017/02/03 00:10:09 No.1215588
And the second is : "What if I put some spice in here?" Almost literaly, I tried to be as litteral as possible....

Well I guess that teh previous translation was more litteral.... looking at it, more litteral translated you die I guess....
Furrynomous 2017/02/03 02:04:52 No.1215629

Quebecers, they are hardly french. They barely know how to speak any language at all.
Furrynomous 2017/02/03 05:25:30 No.1215674
Native french here.
- Et merde je suis baisé = Shit, I'm screwed.
- Et si je pimentais un peu les choses = Hey, maybe I can try something more spicy and funny.

I hope it'll help you. I keep a look to the next pages if you need french translation.
Thank you! Benevolently Anonymous 2017/02/03 10:48:34 No.1215754
You sir/madam are very kind!
Furrynomous 2017/02/19 22:22:52 No.1224220
the written language is identical

dumb hick
Furrynomous 2017/02/22 18:08:12 No.1225710

More like " hey! What if i spice things up a bit?" For the second bubble.
Furrynomous 2017/02/22 22:16:22 No.1225840
File: Doberman_u18chan.jpg - (210.21kb, 522x800, Doberman.jpg)

Doberman Pinscher with undocked ears and tail.

Considered the standard to have their ears and tail cut down because people like it better.
Newest Page UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/02/23 09:36:15 No.1226048
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Furrynomous 2017/02/23 11:33:45 No.1226062

>swapping candy

Furrynomous 2017/02/23 11:36:22 No.1226064

i like the size difference, smaller creature seducing bigger one. hot.
Furrynomous 2017/02/23 15:58:21 No.1226137
It's actually out of practicality because Dobermans were bred to be guard dogs. The docked tail and pricked ears are made by design so the intruder can't grab them while the doberman's busy turning them into a living chewtoy.
Furrynomous 2017/02/23 17:35:39 No.1226171
One mans disgust, is another mans fetish!
Wait, what? Gaboris 2017/02/24 05:37:28 No.1226376

First of all this is freaking hot, can't wait to see how this goes on, but did we really skip the whole "I live with my prof and we ended up having sex" part? Or is this that part and they're just really casual about Carmen mounting her like that? :D

Also "velocity of money" is what now? Is that some kind of an expression in english I haven't heard about yet or is that how she refers to Carmen paying for her sessions? O_o
Furrynomous 2017/02/24 10:57:23 No.1226462
Furrynomous 2017/02/24 13:17:39 No.1226491

"my french is in shambles" and she winked.

that probably meant she's into ladies.
Furrynomous 2017/02/25 07:40:36 No.1226855

Called her "babe".

Presumably there was a time skip here
Furrynomous 2017/02/25 08:21:18 No.1226860
Page 3, Panel 1: "A few weeks later."

So yes, there was definitely a time skip.
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/02/25 11:09:50 No.1226889
File: QS_06_WebRes_u18chan.png - (2.18mb, 1026x1350, QS_06_WebRes.png)

Furrynomous 2017/02/25 11:35:13 No.1226898
I don't get it
Furrynomous 2017/02/25 14:22:09 No.1226940
They're lesbians
Furrynomous 2017/02/25 15:17:30 No.1226961
File: 1488050142.scappo_ask6_newprofessor_web1_u18chan.png - (2.05mb, 1057x1500, 1488050142.scappo_ask6_newprofessor_web[1].png)
Ask_some_shit- shit
Gaboris 2017/02/25 17:44:29 No.1227003
Ahhh. Okay, so it's something like that. Thanks. :)

Actually I didn't notice the "A few weeks later" sign, but after the "Babe" part I was pretty sure that there was a skip.
But skipping the "how we ended up banging" story was the thing I found weird... By now it's obvious since this way we can get to the sweet parts right away so I was just a bit dumb there. :D

Same here, but I think Carmen's talking about arousing Bex and not making her cum while she tells her the answers to the test?
(If so then that is called CHEATING and shame on you Carmen! ... Although the whole teacher-student sex thing is already illegal, but they're both hot so I guess nobody'll care. :P)
anno nimus 2017/02/25 20:24:19 No.1227065
File: orly_u18chan.jpg - (21.14kb, 413x384, orly.jpg)
Furrynomous 2017/02/26 06:56:52 No.1227244
File: bUNXwFD_u18chan.jpg - (23.27kb, 450x338, bUNXwFD.jpg)

Edited at 2017/02/26 06:58:08
Furrynomous 2017/02/26 07:59:57 No.1227259
lmao 10/10
Furrynomous 2017/02/26 10:26:42 No.1227308

what a bunch of sparkledogs.


somehow i liked her teacher look more.
Furrynomous 2017/02/28 07:41:52 No.1228661

Man, this fandom is such shit sometimes.

Have a character with a normal hair color and hair style with no markings? Get called a generic piece of shit.

Have a character with markings or an unusual color? Sparkle dog fag who's never been laid before.
Furrynomous 2017/02/28 07:54:51 No.1228670
It's almost as if there isn't some furry hivemind.
Personally the only one i have any issue with is the girl on the left but she's not that bad.
Page 7 UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/02/28 20:24:02 No.1229013
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Furrynomous 2017/02/28 21:03:28 No.1229031
Man... I am not into lesbians, but this comic is hot as fuck....
Furrynomous 2017/02/28 22:02:55 No.1229050
If you're a guy, you'll never be in a lesbian either.
Furrynomous 2017/02/28 22:57:55 No.1229078
I seriously hope someone commissions Scappo to have someone fuck those tits.
Furrynomous 2017/02/28 23:29:14 No.1229086
Holy fuck, those things are massive. I'm not even really into huge tits and I'm in love.
Furrynomous 2017/03/01 00:42:11 No.1229100
That doesn't really seem like it would suit that purpose to be honest. Any practicality to that only comes into account if the attacker is unarmed, because otherwise they could just shoot or stab the dog regardless of ear length, and at best it would make their ears slightly harder to grab(and would force you to grip closer to the skull and further restrict their movement as opposed to panic-grabbing their upper ear where they could twist and bite you still), and even then the sensitive inner parts of their ears are angled up towards any would-be attacker, so if they really wanted to hit a vulnerable spot while the dog is biting them it's right there.

Tail doesn't make much more sense, because getting that close to the back end of a dog undetected would be pretty hard, and then if you're that close why would you grab its tail instead of attacking its head or the back of its neck to actually disable it? Even unarmed you could have a rock or something; holding a pissed, aggressive dog by the tail just doesn't seem practical.

I have heard that excessive, vigorous wagging with those long tails can cause them injury though, and I guess having a long tail like that makes them more vulnerable to general injuries in every day life.
Furrynomous 2017/03/01 01:24:48 No.1229112
Agreed. I prefer smaller breasts but those things do look quite lovely.
Furrynomous 2017/03/02 02:55:13 No.1229529
i think this might be a FERPA violation
Furrynomous 2017/03/04 03:32:00 No.1230585
Then I notice the bra has full cups in >>1226889 and demicups in >>1229013 and my fucking OCD brain won't let it go.
Furrynomous 2017/03/04 15:03:59 No.1230724

of course it would be for unarmed people, how would they breed dogs to be bulletproof?
Furrynomous 2017/03/04 19:38:21 No.1230840
Shoot them and breed the ones that survive.
Adavi123 2017/03/04 23:28:55 No.1230892

I'm not an expert on dog breeding but I really don't think that work. And it would just be cruel and evil eww.
Furrynomous 2017/03/05 01:13:15 No.1230960
Furrynomous 2017/03/05 05:29:46 No.1231029
Well you have to shoot them with smaller caliber bullets first to build up their resistance to larger ones of course
Furrynomous 2017/03/06 03:38:41 No.1231581
Super heroes explained by eugenics?
Furrynomous 2017/03/07 02:46:35 No.1232040

...Are you NORMALLY this dense? Or is today just a bad day...
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/03/29 20:22:06 No.1241913
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Finally a new page
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/03/30 20:38:16 No.1242313
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And another
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/03/31 18:25:51 No.1242696
File: QS_10_WebRes_u18chan.png - (2.07mb, 1026x1350, QS_10_WebRes.png)
Oh and another
Jasper 2017/03/31 18:47:13 No.1242703
Not into lesbians.... not into lesbians.... not into lesbians.... not into lesbians.... not into lesbians.... not into lesbians.... not into lesbians.... not into lesbians.... not into lesbians......... I don't think I've convinced myself.
Furrynomous 2017/03/31 19:15:02 No.1242712
File: 14877586275573_u18chan.png - (122.25kb, 418x401, 14877586275573.png)
>implying that lesb pron not for straight males
Furrynomous 2017/03/31 19:30:12 No.1242721
I had sex with a "lesbian" once, not only was she one of the best kissers ever, her BJ's were exceptional.

Why don't you like lesbians again?
Furrynomous 2017/03/31 19:35:12 No.1242723
Anyone have any of Scappo's other Patreon content?
Furrynomous 2017/03/31 22:52:39 No.1242781
Nowhere was that implied.
Furrynomous 2017/04/02 13:52:17 No.1243569
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Furrynomous 2017/04/03 04:39:13 No.1244133
Nice pose
Furrynomous 2017/04/03 04:40:40 No.1244135
So she's had her nose, lip, ears and navel pierced but not her junk? Seems odd.
Furrynomous 2017/04/03 10:10:50 No.1244195
Those hurt somewhat getting done.
Genitals have ALOT more nerves in them, and will hurt alot more.

Same kinda difference between getting say your upper arm tattooed; and the sole of your foot. Same practice, BIG difference.

Likely the piercings are fashionable for her also; and she's likely not displaying her nether regions around alot in public where they'd be seen
Furrynomous 2017/04/03 19:03:42 No.1244358

This perspective is fucked up.
Furrynomous 2017/04/03 21:26:29 No.1244403

I want to completely destroy that one on the left with the blue hair.
Furrynomous 2017/04/05 07:17:03 No.1244928
That's Artica. So you'll have to get in line.
Furrynomous 2017/04/06 00:47:53 No.1245176
So in this universe fucking your students isn't gross misconduct?
Furrynomous 2017/04/06 11:14:32 No.1245299
Well, it's college. As long as they're both adults (pretty much guaranteed with college) and not doing it "on the clock" so to speak, yeah. Frowned upon but not like anybody can do anything about it legally or administratively.

Especially outside the Bible Belt of the US, and this seems to take place in Canada.
Furrynomous 2017/04/06 14:39:16 No.1245359
Actually most colleges prohibit this since its considered a conflict of interest.
Furrynomous 2017/04/07 07:24:27 No.1245582
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Nox 2017/04/07 08:37:43 No.1245604
it is a conflict of interest in this comic's case but in general it isn't as long as the student isnt attending that professors classes.
Hmmm... Really now? 2017/04/10 05:09:01 No.1246769
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If true wouldn't that make her Bi-Sexual not a lesbian? Also would it not also mean Majority of Lesbians are Bi-Secretly? I mean... look at the evidence of Strap on and penis shaped dildos. The true lesbian Eat's only pussy and fingers for pleasure or use's one of those Vibration egg things. [Speaking of pussy as well...]
Furrynomous 2017/04/10 08:41:20 No.1246808

Words like lesbian are only ever a very loose circus tent definition to begin with. A girl who could like guys but can't stand dicks or anything like them would fall under it as much as a girl who hates guys but loves dicks. Everyone who uses the word, about themselves or another person, will draw the boundary lines in different places, the same as when people talk about what a "furry" is.
Furrynomous 2017/04/16 04:00:21 No.1249172
That's an excellent example of the "No True Scotsman" fallacy, thank you for illustrating it for the class. Now sit back down and stop trying to redefine other peoples' sexuality. If she says she's a lesbian, she's a lesbian. Period.

LESBIAN: noun: lesbian; plural noun: lesbians
1. a homosexual woman. synonyms:homosexual woman, gay woman
Hope that clears things up for you.

Edited at 2017/04/16 04:05:02
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/04/22 09:11:01 No.1251717
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Furrynomous 2017/04/22 13:26:54 No.1251810
>"You need to ask me some economics questions."

Furrynomous 2017/04/24 09:08:47 No.1252683
File: 1424053723396_u18chan.jpg - (9.89kb, 285x298, 1424053723396.jpg)

>Sex and Money.

Edited at 2017/04/24 09:09:41
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/04/25 18:13:12 No.1253430
File: QS_12_WebRes_u18chan.png - (2.17mb, 1026x1350, QS_12_WebRes.png)

Furrynomous 2017/04/26 08:50:33 No.1253682
Tits suddenly shrunk on the big lass, anyone notice?
Furrynomous 2017/04/26 11:23:43 No.1253707
I more noticed how... weird her eyes suddenly look, especially in the last panel
Furrynomous 2017/04/26 14:06:54 No.1253759
Wow, do strap-ons like that actually exist?
Furrynomous 2017/04/26 14:33:25 No.1253768
Yup they're known as Feeldoe's or Feeldoe Strapons

Standard feeldoe is basically a dildo a woman can insert that has a curved bulbous section they insert and can then 'wield' like a penis of sorts.

What they're using is a duo-plug strap on version. As she's using it, it'll tug and push her two plugs around.
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/04/27 20:37:06 No.1254341
File: QS_12_WebRes1_u18chan.png - (2.17mb, 1026x1350, QS_12_WebRes (1).png)
Page 12 got changed a bit (Bexley's face was changed a little)
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/04/27 20:37:08 No.1254342
File: QS_13_WebRes_u18chan.png - (1.97mb, 988x1300, QS_13_WebRes.png)
11338325 2017/04/28 18:42:29 No.1254687
I'd love to see Bexley have sex with a black stallion. Maybe a Friesian
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/04/29 21:21:22 No.1255178
File: QS_14_WebRes_u18chan.png - (1.99mb, 1026x1350, QS_14_WebRes.png)

Furrynomous 2017/04/30 10:20:22 No.1255322
Tits grew again.
Furrynomous 2017/04/30 21:52:16 No.1255548
I am more than okay with this
Furrynomous 2017/05/01 22:20:27 No.1255993
Heh. Awesome that poll Scappo put up abit back is using the Dildo i voted on YUS!!!
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/05/13 07:34:06 No.1261223
File: QS_15_WebRes_u18chan.png - (1.97mb, 1026x1350, QS_15_WebRes.png)

Furrynomous 2017/05/15 16:36:52 No.1262450

Wow they went from zero to couple so fast that it's impressive even for lesbians.
Furrynomous 2017/05/16 11:34:50 No.1262919
*Edit: Nevermind this.

Edited at 2017/05/17 15:27:42
Furrynomous 2017/05/16 12:37:32 No.1262940
Don't forget the environmental causes that also led Rome to fall.
Furrynomous 2017/05/16 16:53:11 No.1263005

Well, the first panel of the later page has 'A few weeks later' in the bottom left, so some time has passed between those two pages at least.
wolfvader 2017/05/17 18:26:21 No.1263565
File: 16_196_u18chan.jpg - (161.21kb, 1026x1350, 16.jpg)

Furrynomous 2017/05/17 20:31:06 No.1263604

Christ, did he post it with that much JPEG artifacting, or did you downgrade it yourself?
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/05/23 16:12:46 No.1265508
File: QS_16_WebRes_u18chan.png - (2mb, 1026x1350, QS_16_WebRes.png)
Okay I don't even know what you were trying to post and here's the actual final released pages straight from Scappo's Patreon (as usual). BTW that last last panel though.

Edited at 2017/05/23 16:16:18
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/05/23 16:12:47 No.1265509
File: QS_17_WebRes_u18chan.png - (1.96mb, 1026x1350, QS_17_WebRes.png)
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/05/23 16:12:49 No.1265510
File: QS_18_WebRes_u18chan.png - (1.98mb, 1026x1350, QS_18_WebRes.png)
Furrynomous 2017/05/23 18:19:46 No.1265586
That's it?
Furrynomous 2017/05/23 19:30:26 No.1265631
File: final198_u18chan.png - (1.86mb, 700x1906, final198.png)
Now that that's done with would y'all Quebecers mind translating this.
Its supposed to be fluent, how does it rate?
Furrynomous 2017/06/01 21:57:39 No.1270264
Even locla french can talk english since now we kinda are fluent in the langua Franca....
2017/06/11 09:27:30 No.1274616
File: 28297f15455662c4362b19517658de852_u18chan.jpg - (34.4kb, 460x349, 28297f15455662c4362b19517658de852.jpg)
Furrynomous 2017/06/15 15:01:14 No.1276753
File: SP_cartman_u18chan.jpg - (21.59kb, 400x282, SP_cartman.jpg)
Like Eric Cartman would say in french

Furrynomous 2017/07/01 10:26:00 No.1284142

I think it was supposed to be "I would need a home first, miss big boobs"

Edited at 2017/07/01 10:27:54
Furrynomous 2017/07/01 16:02:40 No.1284232

Yes it is
Adavi123 2017/11/26 18:43:47 No.1353280
File: scappo_thefringe_01_webres_u18chan.png - (2.43mb, 1227x1600, scappo_thefringe_01_webres.png)
Some asks Scappo put up recently.
Adavi123 2017/11/26 18:43:49 No.1353281
File: scappo_thefringe_02_webres_u18chan.png - (2.44mb, 1227x1600, scappo_thefringe_02_webres.png)
Adavi123 2017/11/26 18:48:50 No.1353282

So um...anyone else feel like this reveal is a bit jarring and unnecessary? I'm not saying it's bad or anything to add some character or backstory to a porn comic. But this? I don't know I just didn't like this addition that was just uncomfortable.

Edited at 2017/11/26 18:53:54
Furrynomous 2017/11/26 20:07:38 No.1353295

I agree too.
Furrynomous 2017/11/26 20:16:34 No.1353297

I came here to masturbate, not to feel bad from backstory.
Furrynomous 2017/11/26 22:27:14 No.1353325
Yes it's a jarring reveal, but these pages were not a part of the comic and a direct answer to a patron so the direct approach is understandable
Furrynomous 2017/11/27 04:49:48 No.1353393
No. Just explanation for her behavior and gayness.
Furrynomous 2017/11/27 08:42:18 No.1353448
File: eyeshaveit_u18chan.png - (762.34kb, 1896x1992, eyes have it.png)

Man fuck you Scappo. Do you change your backstory on characters to make people feel like assholes just for fun?

Page 6 shows she has two green (non damaged) eyes, the AMA shows one blue (damaged) eye.

Edited at 2017/11/27 09:17:37
BBGryphon 2017/11/27 09:48:33 No.1353472

It's called retcon. People do it to give more character depth, and or to add to a story that should have already ended.
Furrynomous 2017/11/27 10:46:36 No.1353488
File: Embedded Video

Edited at 2017/11/27 10:48:40
Furrynomous 2017/11/27 10:50:30 No.1353490
Don't feed the trolls kids.

Edited at 2017/11/27 11:51:01
Furrynomous 2017/11/27 11:48:09 No.1353515
I am embarrassed for you.
Furrynomous 2017/12/12 13:56:57 No.1360220
Really? Yeah, well that backstory might have been some nice bonding and character development in the 2 week jump cut they go through from the bus stop to eating each other out. So I agree, it feels entirely to forced. Either flesh your characters out beforehand and weave it into the narrative or don't bother at all later on.

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