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File: 001_101_u18chan.jpg - (798.22kb, 700x1049, 001.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A&H Club #2 Furrynomous 2017/06/19 14:12:52 No.1278929   
By Rick Griffin
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A&H Club #2 Furrynomous 2017/06/19 14:12:53 No.1278930
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Furrynomous 2017/06/19 20:27:24 No.1279160
Yep, that's religion for you: Fuck'em up while their young and malleable, then turn them into smug self-righteous jackasses when they're older so that they can fuck up the next generation.
Furrynomous 2017/06/19 22:16:27 No.1279213
So, like, does this dude ever draw porn?
Furrynomous 2017/06/19 22:55:46 No.1279226

Not really. He's done a couple of mature-ish images, but for the most part he's a fairly clean/tame artist.

personally, glad he sticks to that. To many artists these days resort to porn; nice to see one focused on more clean and character art
Furrynomous 2017/06/19 23:42:43 No.1279246
Even if it's more PG rated still nice to see the characters are stacked ( . ) ( . )
Furrynomous 2017/06/20 00:13:41 No.1279256

Funnily enough most religious programs for young children aren't that fucked. They tend to focus more on morality and then reinforce it with scripture. Least ways that was my experience when I was younger.
Furrynomous 2017/06/20 00:31:08 No.1279263
I almost wish they weren't - just makes me want to see porn of them more. Still, like the other guy said it is respectable to stay with what he's doin'.

At least he doesn't draw 95% nude poses all the time but chickens out from showing nipples / pussy like some artists do. It's like, if you want to draw porn, just draw porn.
Furrynomous 2017/06/20 01:42:16 No.1279276
I will forever hear the droning voice of Goliath saying 'Dontcha Davieeeeee?" thanks to my Grandparents.

Some is legitimately good, like early Vegetales.
Furrynomous 2017/06/20 14:20:11 No.1279485

Although, a lot of times children's programming of all types like to avoid the more candid lessons on life.
Furrynomous 2017/06/26 20:08:53 No.1282128
Quoting rick from his tumblr account on April 27, 2017:

A little bit more on changing my stance on adult art:

One of the most difficult things about coming into oneself as an artist is learning to trust your *own* judgment. It is absolutely critical in all things to not be at war with yourself.

I came to this realization at least around 2013 when I gave up the pretense of being not-bisexual, even though I’d been wrestling with forms of it for years. I mean, my decision in 2013 didn’t change me overnight. I didn’t BECOME bisexual at that point, I was already.

And the main problem is there’s a large number of people who treat it like the obvious step, and will berate you not only before, but after, taking the step, not because they disagree with it, but because they agree and feel the need to act all smug and do a victory lap as though they played a part in forcing me to become more like them.

Well, they didn’t. And those people are, to a degree, one of the MAIN reasons it took so long to take the step, despite the fact I’d been ready to do so for years.

The other reason was that it has always been important to me to have a good reason for doing what I do, and it wasn’t until that recently I broke away from my old line of thinking and started becoming congruous with a new line of thinking. And it’s not even in the vein of “the naked body is shameful”; I’ve NEVER thought that, honestly, and vehemently disagreed with anyone who thought otherwise. (I had been guilt-tripped over it in the past, but never was given A Good Reason to believe nakedness, by itself, should be a Bad Thing, rather than just something society has foisted upon itself, similar to how it chooses which words are too naughty. So I just stopped expressing my opinion on the subject.)

The question I wrestled with was “is this TOO MUCH for my audience?“ Because I don’t hate the fans of mine who ARE turned off by nudity and think that it should not be a part of my brand when I worked so hard to make something family-friendly. And indeed, early on when I was making Housepets I went overboard, worrying that my brand might be tainted if I was in the vicinity of adult art, as though I would personally be blamed for what other people do with what I’ve made.

But that never happened. And over time I started realizing that it could be kept separate. I COULD do both and it not be considered a “failing” on my part.

That’s where the pigeonhole came in.

I’ve always wanted to do BOTH. I want to make stuff that can be shared by everyone regardless of who they are, but also I believe that there’s VALUE to the more mature side of art. Namely that what we label “mature” is often that which is emotionally raw and honest, and we are barred from it because emotional honesty is considered shameful. I don’t just want to leave the exploration of that idea to everyone else when it is, and has been, important to *me*.

And some people are already scoffing and saying “ugh! You don’t need to JUSTIFY liking dicks and/or boobs, you just do it cause you’re a pervert like me!” But, I kinda do? (Besides, what is “I am a pervert” but a statement of justification?) Even if some people don’t necessarily mean it like that, my desire to do more mature art doesn’t mean I’ve philosophically decided to become a nihilistic hedonist as such a statement suggests.

It’s hard to completely sum up my artist experience, what precisely drives me to tell stories, even stories as small as a single picture, and convey ideas and meaning I feel is important. That’s ART; it’s a pursuit. And it’s something I need to explore in many forms, even if it’s trivial.

(One of my stances on art, for instance, is much like my stance on technology: if you want to use it for important things, then allowing it for trivial things brings the cost of investment down. I’m not saving it up for “the most important piece of art that requires nudity”, I am investing in its potential existence.)

So, yeah. I haven’t abandoned anything previous to this change. I still think it’s very important to do stuff that’s “family friendly” (for a given definition of such) because I understand the importance of it, even if I don’t always agree with what’s necessary to keep from inadvertent harm.

What’s important, in any case, is that I need to learn to trust my own judgment in these matters, make my own mistakes, and stop hanging onto the words of doomsayers (whichever side they may be on). I’m not advocating for war, debauchery and broken homes–just SOME art that’s a little more viscerally honest.

Edited at 2017/06/26 20:10:01
SirNonimous 2017/06/26 21:55:54 No.1282175
I was just like you once: mountains of heartfelt texts chocked full of reasonable arguments and genuine respect for the humanity of anyone who would read it.
But I have 2 pieces of advice for you:
1) people are here for porn, so post a gif invalving a dick with your text, and...
2) presume that we're assholes, and keep it simple; or face unbelievable ridicule/absolute silence.

Not undermining you, but having been in your shoes, make your point on Facebook or twitter; not on anything with a "chan" in its name.
- With love,
SirNonimous 2017/06/26 22:18:49 No.1282183
Before you write me off as another snob, I do love your work; I've been hooked to housepets since before you made king the character he is now. But I've also been on this website since before "better late than never" was here, so I've seen this go down a couple of times.
What I really mean to say by all of this is that people like you stuff, whether it's adult or not, but the audience doesn't matter; you should enjoy making your art and you don't have to justify what you do with it to a bunch of porn adicts. In retrospect, I should have opened with this, but sarcasm and crude humor are my crutches.
Claudia Bun!!KnzfwC2Y0g 2017/06/26 23:12:23 No.1282198

Holy fucking shit... did anyone else make it to the summit of this angsty mountain? I can't see base camp anymore...
Leo Howler 2017/06/27 10:49:44 No.1282383
I read through that, as much as the formatting for the punctuation is kinda crap on my end for it. I don't really see the angst, or at least it's pretty well contained/restrained enough for me to look past. I guess if enough people give you shit for something for so long you have to vent somehow.

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