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File: Hetty8_u18chan.png - (1.11mb, 929x561, Hetty8.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hetty 8 Leaker 2017/08/01 19:58:58 No.1300618   
Hetty 8!21VmBDoa!JHDSp-cpNDf9JC58-A-iJiHRbYLQwZrc-4N4VtxFBiw

Pages 1 - 45
+ Hetty 7 61 - 64
+ Various extra pages (don't ask "where is page xxx? Why does it start with page xxx?", I have no idea what the hell is going on in his head but this is how he published them)
+ 3 pigs side story pages 1-2
+ Pest Control pages 13-14 (again no idea what the hell is going on with the page numbers)
+ Some colored versions of some Hetty 4 pages

+ Bad Maid comic part 1 & 2 (some pages are probably missing tho) (non-furry WG comic by one of the artists who decided to use faf's "protection" service):!eh8SmRba!q1sve8zSeZpsniM94EkUpX6vOI55HJLNdXOjTV-qx0c
Edited at 2017/08/03 18:34:05
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Furrynomous 2017/08/01 23:30:40 No.1300750
Faf decided that people only care about the fetish so the missing pages are plot and only roughly drawn if enough people want them then he'll finish them. That or money idk kinda dumb honestly but eh...
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2017/08/01 23:40:55 No.1300757
What's with this new image effect?
Furrynomous 2017/08/02 04:28:37 No.1300883
Thanks dude. Someone mind just posting them here directly? may as well
Furrynomous 2017/08/02 08:07:21 No.1300923
Why don't you do it
Furrynomous 2017/08/02 14:36:58 No.1300991
Faf, since you'll read that soon:

Pages 34 and 43 her head is stretched like a gourd. Try to not fuck up that again?

Her wrists look awful most of the time. Which is weird because you rarely fuck the fox's ones and never the donkey's ones. Gotta work on that.

Drawing style is improving though.
Furrynomous 2017/08/02 16:05:47 No.1301021
What's the key to get in?
Furrynomous 2017/08/02 18:59:58 No.1301076
It's amazing how FaF can give us what we actually want in extras and yet still publish them in the most ridiculous way possible so you have no idea what order is chronological
Furrynomous 2017/08/02 19:23:23 No.1301081

Don't forget that, as far as I know, extras is only for people who is in his "A Club". So some people (probably most of them) see only boring filler bullshit.
Furrynomous 2017/08/02 19:35:28 No.1301086
Downlpaded it, can't even unzip it. Says permissions not granted. (Updt. Nevermind, got it)

Edited at 2017/08/02 19:50:45
Furrynomous 2017/08/03 00:51:41 No.1301208
post em up bois
Furrynomous 2017/08/03 03:15:07 No.1301273
Why are we posting this quality? I thought we had this Drm thing handled?
Furrynomous 2017/08/03 18:06:02 No.1301543
Man what happened? One minute there was Leaker posting the proper version without weird effects and faf getting blown the fuck out, and now it's all gone.
Furrynomous 2017/08/03 18:22:44 No.1301546
All my arguments got deleted XD damn.
Furrynomous 2017/08/03 18:26:50 No.1301548
The mods nuked the thread. Not exactly a surgical strike.

Good chances someone will repost the link or post the clean version on e-hentai. If not I'll have to do it myself, and that would be a pain as I'm a lazy fucker.

Edited at 2017/08/03 18:27:14
Furrynomous 2017/08/03 18:30:19 No.1301549

I don't know, but I hope the psychotic little speck got permabanned. I have my doubts it's really him, but I wouldn't put it past him to send some troll with poor grammar over here with a script to stir shit up.

Since I went through so much effort to reply to him (which I just deleted since all the other comments were deleted and I don't want to be banned because of him), here's a screencap of what I wrote. Pretty redundant since his posts are now gone, but yeah.


Edited at 2017/08/03 18:37:39
Leaker 2017/08/03 18:34:44 No.1301552
OP updated with the links to the unaltered versions.
Furrynomous 2017/08/03 18:50:25 No.1301555
Thanks man! keep up the great work!
Furrynomous 2017/08/03 19:34:52 No.1301568
Hey he'll be back eventually, he always is.
Furrynomous 2017/08/03 23:00:00 No.1301635
I truly don't believe FAF is even behind making any of the art. a person of his low Intellect and rather obnoxious behavior, i wouldn't be surprised if he was just focused on the security of all things. he acts more like a guard than a publicist of art. He has a team that he barely respects. like... fucking hell dude, you have someone who works for you. Or there's that theory that noone works for him. then who the fuck is doing the actual art, there's no way that moronic baboon can be behind making any ounce of art.
Furrynomous 2017/08/03 23:06:50 No.1301636
This just in... the cuck FAF is actually STILL active on his practically dead FA account.
check the date of his reply to the right in the shouts bar. He even deleted the journal receiving an extraneous amount of hate. what a fearful little twat... maybe we are getting to him!

Edited at 2017/08/03 23:10:52
Furrynomous 2017/08/04 05:42:36 No.1301805
I love you guys, God speed~!

he's trying to hide his anger behind stupid emoji smiley faces.
Furrynomous 2017/08/04 05:48:57 No.1301806
I don't think anyone could stand working with him for more than a couple weeks before being turned away by his A-type personality.

On the other hand, moderately talented artists with enormously inflated egos aren't exactly a rare sight. And his art is mediocre at best, look at his other projects and it's copypasta sameface galore. It's formulaic minimal effort fetish fodder of just high enough quality to keep the money flowing from the few desperate sad sacks he hasn't yet burned. He's admitted as much in this very thread.
Furrynomous 2017/08/04 06:04:41 No.1301808
File: ENDLESS_KEK_0_u18chan.gif - (2.15mb, 619x350, ENDLESS_KEK.gif)
Ah I see. Well then, let me re-iterate:


Leaker owning faf's arse.
Furrynomous 2017/08/04 09:03:57 No.1301837
>moronic baboon

Seriously, who the hell would use that kind of expression except for FAF himself?
Fuck off, joker >_>

Edited at 2017/08/04 09:04:55
Furrynomous 2017/08/04 09:10:16 No.1301840

EY thats insulting! (I'm the guy you just assumed was faf >_>). I said baboon because he goes apeshit over everything. And he's a smartass all the time. Idk, now i'm worried. I'll just revise that bit...
Updt... I can't change my post. Wss going to say a mediocre piece of shit instead. Please excuse my use of HIS terminology. But seriously, i got doxxed too so don't assume I am him. I'm an artist too and i find ths deeply insulting. Lol.

Edited at 2017/08/04 09:19:28
Furrynomous 2017/08/04 09:13:29 No.1301842

As i mentioned before with a pile of shit with sprinkles on it. Pretty much a piece of shit. Just with fun little textures. Also noticed this but, it never phased me that the room they are in. Is 3D modeled and textured to look drawn. So literally a character standng in 3D space. I'm a game art design major and plan on getting my bachelors in such.

Edited at 2017/08/04 09:14:20
Furrynomous 2017/08/04 09:43:20 No.1301846
If he modeled each room he uses often and can rotate the camera to have an adequate background for his scenes, that's a clever time saver. I don't know if he went THAT far though.
Furrynomous 2017/08/04 10:48:00 No.1301873
Most of the background stuf is indeed 3d modeled and characters are drawn on top of it. He was talking about that when he first used it in Hetty 4 or 5.

Also anybody care to share names/links to the other projects he is working on? I know Hetty and Catastrophe, is there more? (Including non-furry ones) He brags about that stuff so much that I am genuinely interested to see what the hell those projects are.
Furrynomous 2017/08/04 14:34:43 No.1301932
For non furry art, theres a second link that the leaker shared. Its on the bottom of his first on this thread.
Furrynomous 2017/08/04 15:21:38 No.1301955

Ah... I knew about this comic but never thought it was FAF. But after visiting deviantart page I can clearly see it's him.
Furrynomous 2017/08/09 02:14:04 No.1304076
is there an online album of this that we don't have to dl
Furrynomous 2017/08/09 17:31:55 No.1304322
I believe someone's uploaded this on, if you really want to check it out.
Furrynomous 2017/08/10 11:36:21 No.1304545

Top comment in russian.
Not even trying to hide it now.
Furrynomous 2017/08/10 14:08:00 No.1304642

He's one of those people who think other people are stupid (and I should note that most of the people on his DA are indeed pretty stupid so I see where this is coming from) and can't connect a few pieces of information together. Like... You can clearly see it's him because of how he talks to people, his usage of stupid abstract comparisons and how his messages are structured. But he's still gonna deny that and say it's not him. It's like he tries to convince himself that all of this is not happening to him.

Edited at 2017/08/10 14:14:02
Furrynomous 2017/08/14 20:30:25 No.1306765
What i am thinking is we should attack this at the source. FAFcomics has superiors, we could just try and get the fucker fired. get a better script writer too. honest i want that asshat off of DA. Myfetishsituation Fafcomics2, etc... and if they don't comply in firing the asshole behind all this. A.K.A. Vlad. then we will continue wreaking havoc. :3
Furrynomous 2017/08/15 10:08:03 No.1307053
That's just a way to divert attention from his other identities. This one was already so obvious there is no harm throwing it under the bus.
Also anyone reading that "bad maids" comic can notice he changed drawing style at least three times, and that's under one name alone. Don't expect his technique to be consistent over multiple accounts.
Furrynomous 2017/08/16 11:28:45 No.1307524
File: 555049-wan_shi_tong_large_u18chan.jpg - (13.32kb, 300x344, 555049-wan_shi_tong_large.jpg)
Do you seriously think faf is working for someone?

Edited at 2017/08/16 11:54:50
Furrynomous 2017/08/16 19:16:02 No.1307807

Honestly I do. I don't believe FAF can do anything on his own. He's much to arrogant and stupid to cover all of his bases and do everything himself.
Furrynomous 2017/08/16 23:46:28 No.1307900
He's probably FAF doing more damage control. For what purpose if not to entertain himself, I can only wonder. Chances anyone would figure his most profitable artistic ventures are close to none. And I actually like most of his work, so it's not like I'm going to rat him out. I'm just poking a bit the weasel.

He has some artistic flaws though, one being he can't consistently draw a good tush to save his life.
I'll have to give you some names to learn from one of these days.

P.S: not a bad chapter though.
Furrynomous 2017/08/20 02:09:12 No.1309358
It's not a bad chapter at all. still growing to be a shit story. and i swear i hate how Hetty is treating Jimmy. but whatever... i still look at Hetty leaks. so no complaints besides any previous. I side with the most of you all about how shitty this comic has become. It would be good if Hetty was a little more appreciative... but not it seems like a race for no reason, to get big, fat, and i don't even know what else.
Furrynomous 2017/08/23 22:57:37 No.1311274
I wonder if or when there will be a hetty 9... shit, more fun for us.
Furrynomous 2017/08/24 02:03:40 No.1311325
Well he's got his new website up for the Hetty comic and will be "resuming shortly" so we can only expect more uninteresting vagina shots, shitting, cuckoldry, and faf rage
Furrynomous 2017/08/24 02:34:18 No.1311331
fuckin' hell yeah. People need to stop telling the leaker to hurry, it's FAF that needs to hurry his schronny ass up. bet he's as skinny and sex depraved as Jimmy right now. haha.
Furrynomous 2017/08/26 14:13:59 No.1312461

He made it sound like it's going to be a big thing but all he did is moved his shitty website on the new domain. Like... you want to run a business which main purpose is to protect IP but your website looks and works worse than a website made by a 5 year old.
Furrynomous 2017/08/26 17:37:36 No.1312511
Its so funny though because i did internet concepts as a course for one of my classes and it was easy, basically copy and paste code. I made one for a game called Warframe and gave every image a link to a larger one. every tab had its own subtab. Gave it everything a site needed. Though we used an easy program called Sublime_Text2. if you were to even misspell something, it would have a small dropdown menu of words that are closely related to that phrase either by its color coded function or capitalization, etc. The site ended up featuring the first 5 sets of characters you can choose from, or the ones in the trailer for the game, each with stats accurate to the Warframe-Wikia. At any rate, 11 week course taught me more than what this site yields. It sure goes to show huh. Also, I swear why doesn't he allow people to make their own passwords? its nuts. Finally, is anyone getting this weird anomaly on Fafcomic2's DeviantArt? I go to look him up, shows all the pages for even the "Pest Control" comic or whatever, and when i go to click on the page, it shows none of the most recent pages he so called "released after teh thief monkey posted... blah blah". In fact, the front page shows none of his work, the gallery does but still doesn't have the same results as the original search.

Edited at 2017/08/26 17:40:30
Furrynomous 2017/08/28 05:04:18 No.1313121
Furrynomous 2017/08/28 16:04:54 No.1313310
File: Whenyouresomuchofacuckyourestillgivingasuck_u18chan.png - (512.55kb, 1600x1600, When youre so much of a cuck youre still giving a suck.PNG)
Oh good, there's a thread for FAF crazy here too. I couldn't post this where I wanted originally because it's a hugbox where it'd probably be considered "harassment" for posting screencaps of someones public idiotic sycophantic comments on deviantart.

Yeah, the people still watching this guy are either paid shills or just immensely fucking ignorant or stupid.
Imagine being this much of an asskisser for someone you know nothing about.
MirceaKitsune 2017/08/28 16:48:34 No.1313320
I'm still watching the madness unfold. Jesus man; If someone told me that a person like FAF existed without me seeing it for myself, I would not believe them. I tell myself this simply has to be an act, that someday FAF will step up and in a gentlemen voice say "this was all a publicity stunt / social experiment and it was never the real me"... sadly it is most likely real.

The most fascinating aspect is how he lives entirely within his own head; Everyone who isn't with him is against him, if you as little as criticize his behavior you are supporting the thieves and are therefore the enemy. His only weapon is mindlessly insulting everyone to the best of his ability, in order to make himself feel better and like he's the victor of his battle. He continues to delude himself into thinking that he's fighting an epic war against an army of sub-humans who are only there to steal his art, to a level that would likely get the attention of some psychiatrists at this point. It's obvious his mind cannot reason reality any other way.

At this stage the guy is legitimately becoming my favorite psychology study; What can possibly lead to a man going this crazy... what is he thinking... does he at least act like a normal person toward others in his everyday life? Honestly I think something bad must have happened in this guy's childhood... obviously that's no excuse but just saying. Whatever the case, something we don't know has to be going on here... I refuse to believe it's all just him being so egotistical and unnaturally obsessed with art theft that he's completely gone bunkers all of a sudden.
Furrynomous 2017/08/29 08:57:44 No.1313527
Judging by the amount FAF must use time to respond comments send to him it's pretty clear that he is not doing that art himself. He also uses "we" as refering to himself so that indicates it aswell.

I was actually coming here since I saw that Bad maid comic in e-hentain and it sure did bring FAF back to my mind. That comic shared so much similarities with Hetty like shitty story that was incoherent and did not seem to go anywhere.
Furrynomous 2017/08/29 13:41:17 No.1313622
Nonsense, of course FAF is doing the art himself:

I'm pretty sure no one would ever hire him as a PR guy.
Him finding and hiring someone to do the art in his place following his directions would be incredibly complex and not financially profitable.
He's been around for long enough as so we know he can actually draw, and that his style evolved over time.
At that point if someone was working for him, why not leave to just work on his own comic? It's not like doing without FAF's writing would be an insurmountable task.
Therefore FAF is the artist.

Edited at 2017/08/29 14:08:51
Furrynomous 2017/08/31 03:14:57 No.1314442
Furrynomous 2017/08/31 03:15:30 No.1314443
You have a good point there, but you do know FAF has a translator for Hetty and Bad Maid. so... its hard to believe he doesn't have a third person doing something else, like color. Because all of his comics used to be in black and white. AND i have proof he has a colorist. Someone on Deviantart pointed out the big wolf girls shirt changed color from one page to another. and FAF said something along the lines of "I will notify Goon of his... blah blah whatnot faf condescending keke rant rant" you get it. i can get a link.
Furrynomous 2017/09/01 09:32:50 No.1315137
If (and that's a big if) his translators aren't just other of his identities, doesn't mean he pays them. Checked three of them and their record are rather slim. Two are thin enough to be fakes, and the last one could be an alt with minimal effort.

That's no proof at all, just a declaration on his part. He has an history of being inconsistent in his drawings details, and I see no reason it wouldn't extent to coloring. Besides his inconsistency is often just one of his tricks to trigger people.
Furrynomous 2017/09/03 01:54:32 No.1315963
I have contacted someone who seemed to defend him with great depth. it was either color, translator, or someone else. and i even ended up talking to a second person other than the first guy i pissed off. can't remember the tags, They're on FA as well. I'm going to look this up. one asshat blocked be because i was voicing my concern, said he could no longer see my side as legitimate because I-GUESS explaining to him several topics of the "worst case scenario" annoyed him. The other, i talk to about the guy that blocked me, and he/she seemed to take it well. i apologized and etc. but both of these individuals standing by FAF had supremely better English and literary skills. not a single word misused or seemingly reconstructed in an attempt to say the same thing. I will find the two accounts and see if i can post them here.
Furrynomous 2017/09/03 02:07:02 No.1315964
File: Thisfuckingbetch_u18chan.jpg - (163.07kb, 838x820, Thisfuckingbetch.JPG)
So this is the note received i think... before i apologized to one other, or after i talked shit to one. This is when they Doxxed me. and i saw no change in any record that said they removed me as a thief on their webpage. so obvious Lying. And i really don't give a shit about what happens. the little piece of shit known as FAF can go suck it. I have voiced my concerns to him with the respect (little to give at this point...) and told him what's up. responded with an asshat-like response as usual. so i'm going balls to the wall here. giving you guys as much to go on as i can. I am trying to find the other Note.
Also... i disregard the "threats". i did not threaten to kill, i said OTHER people might do the same exact thing. as a "worst case scenario". so... how this individual came to know about FAF's wife, must be either close, or something else. He says he's not involved, but i beg to differ.

Edited at 2017/09/03 02:12:04
Furrynomous 2017/09/03 02:20:04 No.1315969
File: ProofOfTeam_u18chan.jpg - (258.58kb, 839x910, ProofOfTeam.JPG)
Here is the second contact. Yes... Catastrophe comics itself. The lack of typo's is interesting. But what gets me is this person as well says he doesn't work for FAF. do you guys think this is a lie too? THe art style of Catastrophe comics and FAFcomics: Hetty are of the same or damn well near the same art style. coloring, etc... so something weird is going on. THis isn't just me right? Or have I missed something big XD

And the very last part... I was simply expressing AGAAAIN... The worst case scenario. shit, FAF goes to great lengths to protect his work, so why wouldn't someone go to great lengths to lynch the motherfucker. Also i didn't say i wanted to have FAF burned, again... Twisting my fucking words. I said that I wouldn't be surprised if he was burned on the cross for what he did. a lighthearted comment on my part, i meant no threat at all whatsoever. yet again... dumbasses remain dumbasses. I went out of my way to half heartedly talk shit, to vent my frustration. AND to voice my concerns for whom might get hurt on either end. I have even talked to one of the people he Doxxed and he is incredibly worried about the image posted, I will not say any further in order to not reopen wounds. But this is it, my take on the situation.

Edited at 2017/09/03 02:30:28
Furrynomous 2017/09/03 02:20:05 No.1315970
File: ProofOfTeam02_u18chan.jpg - (225.75kb, 829x719, ProofOfTeam02.JPG)
MirceaKitsune 2017/09/03 06:37:37 No.1316031
I believe people who go as far as threatening FAF back are taking it a step too far, as I understand was the case with Zabithwolf from those screenshots. It's true that violence breeds more violence, and FAF is definitely an expert at producing that... I think most of us know better than him however. Also people who work with him don't automatically have a fault and don't deserve being dragged into this battle.

As for CATastrophecomics, all I can say is that's definitely not FAF managing the account; I was able to post a few comments on their submissions, even jokingly poking fun at or criticizing FAF... I was replied to pleasantly and in proper english, and never blocked afterward.

To be fair I'm a little surprised that FAF manages to work with some seemingly nice people. I'd expect either those people abandoning him over his behavior, either him abandoning them by the psychology "friend no agree with FAF, friend must be art thief lover". I assume that in this case one of the two would happen if business and money didn't tie the team together.
Furrynomous 2017/09/03 11:21:23 No.1316099
As i said i didn't directly threaten FAF i was merely stating the worst case scenario and they took that as a threat that i might be up to something. What... I'm just going to throe my career away for some autistic Russian? Fuck no. "Threats" no, "stating the obvious" yes. People wanna kill the fucker, i know it. Not personally... throw a few sarcastic comments here and there and theres just a flame war brewing. Hah, pun.
Furrynomous 2017/09/03 15:51:10 No.1316163
Dude, FAF lies every time. He is one of us anons. I bet he even bitched with himself with two different IPs once... Would that surprise you?
One thing is sure: He does not want to mix his clients. Thus the lack of typos: he wants people to believe they are different people. You really think the guy does not know English? I bet he's laughing every time he checks on this thread and fakes an angered reply.
Just do as I suggested an year ago, and stop bothering. The art is not even worth looking at... Playing his game is just another way to do a favour to an asshole.
Or don't. Whatever. I'm not your mom.
Furrynomous 2017/09/03 16:25:16 No.1316182
File: Neat_u18chan.png - (104.96kb, 236x231, Neat.PNG)
>Doxxing is bad
>but it hurts my shekels a week
>Now I'm going to condescendingly talk down to you as if you did something wrong here by giving us a warning that acting like a sub-human asshole might piss off someone more violent with nothing to lose and save what you've said out of context while (((SOMEONE))) on our team continues to blatantly continue illegal activity in response to "illegal" things without repercussions
>It's okay if our business partner makes the doxxing violent threats and encourages murder and ruining their lives, but YOU DOING IT IS BAD AND CROSSING THE LINE GOYIM, I'LL SAVE THIS AS EVIDENCE AND SAY YOU THREATENED TO HOLOCAUST ME, MY COWORKERS, AND MY WHOLE FAMILY IF YOU BRING IT UP AGAIN.
You have an odd sense of "nice."
Reads like standard passive aggressive merchant-tier rhetoric hypocrisy to me.

I feel like writing another TL;DR that beats a dead horse:
I don't agree with stealing, but considering this shit is completely digital and they're not actually distributing physical comics or anything of physical value and the whole thing is produced at almost no cost to them, there's not much "stealing" being done here in the first place, and no, I don't buy digital games/movies/etc either, nor do I pirate them.
For the record: I learned of this shitstorm through other parties and don't give a single solitary fuck about the comics contents this group makes because it contains fetishes of both gay and NTR.

Funny how they toss out a "OH I DON'T AGREE WITH IT, BUT I'LL STILL GO ALONG WITH IT BECAUSE MONEY", but then you look at how quickly that 3rd picture turns nasty and then you realize that's just the damage control.
It's funny that pic 2 thinks it's the "stealing" and leaving that's actually hurting their money, not the doxxing patrons, encouraging those who would listen to try and harm former patrons in some way, raising prices for DIGITAL DOWNLOADS for the people who weren't "stealing" until it costs as much monthly to read a shitty porn comic as it does to buy a permanent physical game, and pissing off everyone who catches wind of this mess that they allowed to be created, falsely doxxing someone and then the damage is already done and then pretending removing the name after the fact absolves them of that.
It's almost like they secretly agree with it or something. Not that anyone who would actually work with someone as insane and toxic as FaF would be any kind of fence sitter, so no mystery there. One person acts like a violent psychopath, the other snivels "NOT MY PROBLEM GOY" while citing law.

I'd say forget about this comic existing and let it shrivel up and die, but that lets them do more criminal activity unimpeded and trick more dumbasses if left to their own devices. So if you know anyone on deviantart or furaffinity who actually bothers giving these asshats money for what they've done, just encourage them not to bother with them and provide all the evidence and educate them, shun the cucks who do anyways and don't listen like the shills people already named in this thread, and point the ones that do towards artists who make similar fetish material who aren't scum.

FYI: Person who sent those messages, be sure you saved everything you said just in case. For tossing around the label "evil" for those who don't agree with what they're doing, they seem to be exactly that: evil.
I bet those hypothetical courts would be interested in reading all about the doxxing and death threats straight from his 'coworker' without the out of context wording, wouldn't you agree?
Pretty sure it's very illegal to be party to that, do nothing about it, then play the victim when something comes of it.
Sorry cuckslave enablers, racketeering only works if your boss is already rich enough to bribe the courtrooms and police.
Furrynomous 2017/09/03 20:03:33 No.1316275
Amen to that.

They're totally FAF alts. The grammar and the tone are sensibly similar to his proper speech form, and that's an uncommon one. The chances three associated persons would share it are infinitesimal. That's the russian guy with terrible english for you.

Damn, he didn't use an aggressive style on me in ages. That was some good time.

Edited at 2017/09/03 20:04:28
Furrynomous 2017/09/03 20:23:56 No.1316280
Thanks for informing me. Guess i was played for an idiot. I still think that a one man operation doing the hetty and or other comics would be like... insanity every single sickening day of FAF's life. Though... being a hobbyist like FAF says he is, he'd have so much time on his hands.
Furrynomous 2017/09/03 22:16:44 No.1316308
File: FAF_u18chan.png - (532.51kb, 632x974, FAF.PNG)
I do not know for a fact if that IS faf alts, but their actions do correlate with his own interests.

What I do know there are some stupid motherfuckers who will defend the person who signs their paychecks and even take a bullet for them at the expense of their own lives in reality for other things business in exchange for a pissant wage, so I would not completely rule out him having a loyal cuckslave or two completely who's doing minimal work, shilling, etc. Just look at the retard doing fanart and fanfiction for his 'favorite story he's never read.'

If he does actually have other people involved in this they A: either don't give a shit and are in on it, B: it's because "they're slavs" with better english being nationalist retards at the cost of making an actual profit as more sensible people who aren't stupid enough to get involved with a crazy jackass choose not to involve themselves, or C: he's keeping them in the dark by how much he specifically is fucking up their revenue by acting like an unprofessional retard. D: I also would not rule out pic related based on how uneducated he acts online, Americans do keep illegals in pretty much the same way.
There are a myriad of potential reasons and I'd go over the post limit exploring every single possibility.

Another thing to keep in mind is that faf was already banned from Patreon for doxxing before, but lo and behold, another Patreon is up for the other comic that strangely has the same art style as Hetty, after he threw a temper tantrum on "Patreon siding with the thieves" because he's not smart enough to realize DOXXING IS VERY BAD. Wondering why that second Patreon still exists with that in mind.
The new Patreon is probably under someone elses name as a technicality to avoid getting shutdown, hence why I compared these shenanigans to running a racket where one's doing illegal things while the other is handling "legalities."

Other things to look into are MyFetishSituation before and after Faf because they are also part of said group now.
Whatever the case with this ass, blanket shunning is the way to go to any who would align themselves with someone like FaF.
Coincidentally most/all those involved with him don't seem to have much else going on outside of these comics and FaFs business, so that's something else to take into consideration as well.
Furrynomous 2017/09/06 16:39:07 No.1317991
No, that's just FAF alts.

He probably paid somebody on Fiverr to translate his stupid messages into fluent english this time.
Furrynomous 2017/09/06 16:41:53 No.1317992
MyFetishSituation before and after Patreon didn't really change except becoming greedy because FAF didn't know people liked Weight Gain as much as furshit.
Furrynomous 2017/09/06 18:44:30 No.1318048
Like he would put trust in someone else for that. He speaks english fluently.

I'm guessing he just decided to start using this identity as a new bait. He gains well north of 5K a month with his undisclosed alts alone, so he can afford it. I don't know the numbers on his commissions, so it's possible it's much more. He works a lot of hours though, can't call him a dilettante.
Furrynomous 2017/09/07 23:33:30 No.1318528
Where is this 5K and over coming from? Didn't most of that get destroyed when faf got the boot from Patreon from That first of his two accounts there.
Furrynomous 2017/09/08 08:45:35 No.1318676
You're trolling or you can't read, so I won't bother answering.
Furrynomous 2017/09/08 15:39:31 No.1318792
Shit, my bad. So he earns the 5K overall from all his seperate accounts. At any rate... Faf will just keep fucking himself in the ass.
Furrynomous 2017/09/08 20:56:40 No.1318979
5k is a low estimate on his patreons revenues, not taking commissions into account. And I doubt I know all of them.
It could be twice that if he gets commissioned a lot. It's likely he pays sizeable taxes though, Northern Europe countries take fraud quite seriously.

Edited at 2017/09/08 21:12:25
Furrynomous 2017/09/09 07:30:53 No.1319181
Well new images for "Hetty and the Three Little Pigs" just dropped for the 15+ folks, hopefully we'll see that in the next leak update.
Furrynomous 2017/09/14 03:35:59 No.1321084
Took me till just now to realise we are in for a LOT of vore in this Extras section being "Hetty & The Three Little Pigs". I also just realised Hetty 8 has a missing page. Two pages are given that Hetty 011 - 8 Naming convention. around when Hetty is going to stuff herself silly (who woulda thought...) in the kitchen.

Edited at 2017/09/14 03:39:34
Furrynomous 2017/09/14 22:23:43 No.1321397
wow badmaid is so good!!!!
what chan do people leak this badmaid stuff on?

it's not really furry at all but I'm a huge fan already, shame he's friends with faf
Furrynomous 2017/09/15 07:23:07 No.1321515
File: googleglassdoge_u18chan.jpg - (153.98kb, 690x457, googleglassdoge.jpg)
Furrynomous 2017/09/16 20:26:18 No.1322114
We sort of discussed the possibility that those two artists are one in the same... that being said, the main artist of FAF is also MyFetishSituation.
Furrynomous 2017/09/17 06:43:21 No.1322257
It's FAF again acting as a moron. Can't really say he's trying hard here.
Furrynomous 2017/09/17 20:57:50 No.1322512
Honestly. In all my time being here. I never saw the threat with Faf being here. Plus we ARE after the keks of Faf's temper tantrums. The leaker made that more than apparent. He is not doing it for us. Nor for the comic. Only to get a rise out of Faf. Which is something i'd support too. Its fucking funny. So if faf is here. *peter griffin voice*: WHO. THE HELL. CAAARES.
Furrynomous 2017/09/20 14:48:03 No.1323341
You've been here two days? At that point it's obvious FAF is the leaker and these tantrums are just an act to bring attention on him and his comic.
"Oh look, I'm that mysterious guy FAF can't identify while he found tens of others before. I leak part of his work on weird planning with terrible cropping and obnoxious filters. I swear it's not to advertise the clean version."
Every time you give FAF an excuse to post one of his tantrums, you're giving him the last laugh.

And that guy promoting another of FAF's work not involving furries on a furry site, not suspicious at all. He isn't even TRYING to sound natural.

Also Family Guy is sooooo 2000.

Edited at 2017/09/20 14:49:41
Furrynomous 2017/09/21 15:59:49 No.1323742
Furrynomous 2017/09/22 00:17:40 No.1323904
We're getting free shit, if it's some Machiavellian plot by faf to have the last laugh, then so be it. It takes more out of his life than mine to pull crap like that

Let's stop arguing and enjoy anticipating the next leak
Furrynomous 2017/09/22 07:27:50 No.1324017
"Roll eyes"
Furrynomous 2017/09/24 20:16:40 No.1325112
Oh boy, more news from our friendly neighbourhood psychopath

"Hello everybody. I apologize for having so rarely updated the news lately. They simply were not enough. In this text I will try to describe the situation in as much detail as possible.

in June we turned to the person who promised to start processing for us very quickly. This man is a co-owner of the bank and we had reason to trust him. Alas, an unforeseen happened - his bank was not in the best country and got sudden trouble, as a result, our cooperation with them never began. And we lost a month.
We began to use other options. And it was disappointing. We had to read a gigabyte of disgusting and absurd text garbage in trying to go all the way completely independently. As you know, we never give up and we are not afraid of difficulties.

if briefly, then all the problems can be described thus:

- Most processing companies (like Stripe) are not ready to work with citizens of countries such as Russia, Ukraine and.
And the registration of the company on the territory of the EU and US strata will lead to losses in the form of a very high tax. We are used to lower taxes, much less. In this case, we would have to pay taxes even in our countries - less, but in fact this is a loss of 35-40% in total.
Which is completely unacceptable. I guess you would not be happy if we had to add this to the prices, right?
But this is not the end of the bad news.
- a lot of processing companies either do not work with content 18+, or have an absurd appetite and require 12-15% of all payments. Many of our team after months of long discussions began to speak out for the idea in general to stop doing what we did and focus on other markets. Refuse from fetishes, furries and generally 18+ content. Our skills allow us to make some very nice demo and raise funding for this project with a significantly larger target audience than those sponsors who have remained in the A-club.

And if we thought only of ourselves and our short-term incomes, and also moved along the path of least resistance - perhaps we would have surrendered at that stage and reported the closure of the project and the abandonment of all this fuss (for this damn huge amount of work we do not get paid , moreover - all these company registrations, payment of certificates and a more powerful server required us to invest our own revenues. And these were very tangible investments for us).
But as you probably already noticed - we are stubborn guys who always go to the end.

so we did not give up. The option to give 12-15% of our income or to put this additional expense into the price - we found it unfair and disgusting. The world is full of injustice and we want to make it a little better. Around a lot of money bags, which use the complexity of all these processes, the impudence of payment systems and banks. And they earn these 15% of their own in this immeasurably less effort than we invest in our work. We thought that in this area you need to change something. To give the thousands of other artists an alternative. The ability to stop depend on all these greedy bastards and sell your work quickly and easily.

with a minimum of pricing for maintenance of the technical part and finance. A way that will be more convenient than Patreon.

This is a rather unpleasant realization - "big uncles with big money" multiply their money even faster and more, just preventing normal children from doing their work honestly. They repeatedly rob them in many different ways, forcing them to give significant money. And without doing anything special, nothing - requiring constant work. We felt that all this is very unfair and the world definitely needs a platform that will solve all these problems. Reduces the number of bloodsuckers-intermediaries on the way between the buyer and the seller.

We turned our attention to crypto-currencies. crypto-currencies are freedom. This is an opportunity to lose less than 1% of the transaction. This is an opportunity to get rid of any crazy whims of Visa, MasterCard and analogues. Get rid of crooks, skillfully using the arrogance and insolence of payment systems. If someone pays with a stolen credit card or a parent's bank card ... in the end, he does not bear due responsibility for this. And the only victim - the artist, whose content is stolen. We also intend to solve this problem. Radically and as simply as possible.
At the same time, we understand that not all of you are ready to dive into this mire and understand all the difficulties that we had to deal with. just to understand how it works, how reliable it is and how it works.
We figured it out. Also have found simple variants. Found more complex options. And we are in the last discussion about which way to go. Or - follow both ways. We want to do everything beautifully, logically and most importantly - fairly.

We want to create a service not only for ourselves, but for all other artists who need it. Artists who are unlucky to be born "in a bad country". They just want to work honestly, getting fair money for it and not losing 50% of that money along the way.
We are working on a solution. Still. There is such a solution.
Yes. This is hard. And I do not want to make too optimistic predictions now. But I will tell you at what stage we are.

We are moving in two ways.

1 - traditional payment systems and bank cards. To get rid of all their shortcomings, cut off all the arrogant claims of their owners - we need a "game currency." The customer will buy it. Not content. This will circumvent the many delusions and whims of these systems. But not all of them will be ready to work in this scheme. We have weeded out scores of too capricious and arrogant and conduct a long correspondence with those who show signs of adequacy. In the process, we are pointed to certain nuances about which we need to read more, consult with lawyers and accountants. We are moving towards the goal, but we are not sure that the solution in this area will be optimal. It's just an attempt "to clear your conscience." We are tired of them all very much.

2 way. Crypto currency. It turned out that it is not so difficult and not so scary and dangerous. However, from the moment when we began to consider this option optimal - many countries realized. Bloodsuckers who parasitize on someone else's labor, controlling financial flows - understood the danger of another's freedom. They realized that crypto-currencies threatened to exclude all parasitic abominations from the "buyer-seller" process. They realized that their services could become unnecessary expenses. And now they are actively docking crypto-currencies at all levels that control. However, they are unlikely to win this war.
We are just sure of it. Progress can not be stopped.

And now we see such a decision:
on our site will be posted short (2-3 minutes) video, clearly showing how easy it works. You really need only 5-7 presses of the "ok" button in the first session and fill out the registration data. Then - once a month, press the button on our website "renew subscription". And the availability of money on your bank card.
It will be really easy. And this will save us from all the difficulties. And you - from any margins because of the arrogance of intermediaries. Although no ...

Although no ... robbery at the stage of "payment by bank card" still will not disappear. This will be approximately 3-4%, the minimum loss. But, I hope this will not be too critical in the future - as the crypto currency will push out the old ones - I am sure that this will change. Well, or you will have the opportunity to acquire a crypto currency for your work. The currency is simply the equivalent of labor. And there is no difference in what color "pieces of paper" measured your work. One type of paper needs more, one type of paper - less. Some papers are valued more, some are less. But the price of your work is always the same. You choose how many pieces of paper you want for the day of your work.

So, summarizing.

We still hope that we can accept bank cards. If we manage to convince the processing company to abandon the delusions of delirium and find a solution with us that will suit both sides. But I will say right away - now we see how unlikely this is. While it is a question of a shallow sum, not about millions of dollars - they find it of little interest to look for this solution. They do not want to change anything.

Crypto currency - found a simple and quick way to buy and sell them.
There is a service that allows you to make an instant purchase of crypto currency in one click. On our website you will see a button with the subscription price. Clicking this button, you will see a window in which once you need to register (the same service, it is reliable and well protected). After this, when you click this button from the payment system you specify - the paypal, bank account or bank card), the number of dollars indicated on the button + the% that is taken for the services of your payment facility by those who control it will be cleared. This amount will be instantly converted into a crypto currency. Which will be as instantly transferred to us. On our side, this will be converted into our currency just as quickly. The whole process will probably take a minute or a little longer. So both we and you will be protected from the course jumps. In fact, if the jump in the exchange rate occurs at the time when you have already sent the payment, but we have not yet received this money - it will be for us a loss of several dollars. And this is a permissible loss, a risk that we are ready to fully assume.

Thanks to this scheme, you will be able to spend on this project the previous amount. As if paid through Patreon. Just instead of the patron or other greedy special bastards - behind the scenes of this theater there will be very different guys. With much less appetite. They will take 1-2% from us. Without limiting what kind of content we can do for you. Not interfering in our relations. Crypto currency is perfect. A scheme without all flaws. I believe that the future lies behind them. After successfully testing this scheme, we will agitate all the artists to leave the unfriendly sneaky Patreon and move on to this scheme of work. In this case, the artists will not lose 10% of their earnings, but only 4-5%. 2% - services of the currency and 2% -5% which we will charge for our services. Patreon now picks himself up from 10%. And does not protect the artists in any way. On the contrary, a lot of dirty laundry was opened, which I will write about later, when we start an advertising campaign.

I'm a little tired of messing around with this and writing this text. It's time to rest a little. Soon we will start everything. And we want to add that part of our team in these months slowly learned various techniques and technologies. The Hetty project will be completed quickly enough and we have already begun to make some sketches for other projects. One of the sketches you see above. Closer to the end of Hetty, we will post a few such pictures and hold a vote - you will be able to choose the project that will be next. Or we can run 2-3 projects in parallel, if among the members of the A-club there are enough people who want to spend money on it. All projects will have separate funding.

Oh yes. Another important point. Lottery prizes for the whole last year. We will make all these prizes in a month after the launch of the payment system. Since many people left or left us at that stage - we believe it is fair that only those who stayed with us before the finals will receive prizes. After all, when calculating how many pages per month we will create - prize pictures since April of last year were no longer put into the budget. This is a free bonus.

Visit us in the area of 10-12 October - probably by this time there will be more positive news or you will see the button "renew subscrthemselves

So it appears he's now tackling the big banks themselves, because how dare they have rules and regulations that lose him profit.
Furrynomous 2017/09/25 06:24:27 No.1325261
I don't know how much of that was aimed at me. But just shut the fuck up about the absurdity of "faf being the leaker". Faf is too money grubbing to care about such a prolonged and complicated facade as faking being our prized leaker. This shows that faf is a lazy cunt who doesn't like working for free. His rants here have stopped because he himself has grown too busy to argue like a child over the net because of said leaks. It takes one hell of an idiot to think this would benefit faf in any way. Advertisement is half the battle. And you apparently don't know the slightest of the other half. Faf hasn't found our leaker. Just throwing fake names out there and his own fanbase under the bus. Noone who is on this thread wants to support the crazy fuck that Faf is. So... where are you getting this stupid idea that faf is the leaker? Because if faf were the leaker, he'd be posting this shit here in vain. Giving us FREE things. Which is something faf has stopped doing on all accounts. Just stop. And if i feel like quoting family guy or whatever. Big whoop.

Edited at 2017/09/25 06:29:52
Furrynomous 2017/09/25 09:41:54 No.1325295
Ok then, let's figure out who would even bother arguing on this so vehemently:
1. The leaker (being FAF or not)
2. FAF himself

Now tell us which one you are, or please enlight us on an option 3.

Hetty isn't FAF's cash machine, it's his hobby. He doesn't care about cash because he's drowning in it, and I did my part in that.

There will be less and less excessive reactions in this thread thanks to the little chat that went here for a while, so I suggest FAF to move to another place for his daily needs of attention whoring.
GTFO FAF, it's not your turf anymore.

Edited at 2017/09/25 09:44:52
Furrynomous 2017/09/26 17:13:16 No.1325823
All this discussion aide, leaker being faf or not, whatever. Leakerbro, any headway into Hetty 9?
Furrynomous 2017/09/26 19:36:46 No.1325861
Option 3 it is. Didn't think i'd have to defend myself to adamantly. I'm one of Faf's victims. Or well.. light victims iguess. Just my name leaked out because i stupidly had my real name on DA and picked a argued with faf over his stupud antics. Or so faf says "arguing with him and thus was a thief". I'll tone down my attitude... but please do not threaten me. I'm as much as an idiot, victim, third wheel as the rest of us. I however am not a super crazed embecile or maniacal person as faf. I write as large of paragraphs as i can so i don't have to feel inferior amongst others when arguing. This however does not make me Faf. Neither does me calling out the idea of faf being the leaker or vice versa a bad theory. I think that if faf states he is does not want to work for free, as he has said a good number of times. That he may not want to leak as to not hurt his own profits... or well, maybe he realises it won't hurt his profits because he knows none of you are going to support him anyway. Leaker may very well be faf. If so. Bravo. I just still have a hard time believing it for reasons that faf works on this comic alone (or doesn't.) Making it impossible for him (or maybe not so much impossible) for him to be doing this too. But im also beginning to think that there is an option 4. That you are faf trying to get us to distrust eachother through the many questions and doubts to the answers of these questions. Like a wild fire, we all start seeing eachother as an enemy and dropping this free comic bull. Or as i see it simply as a diamond in the ruff. Ee just haven't squeezed enough of the dark coal as is our bad assumptions about eachother. And seeing the treasure we do indeedly see when there is a free comic given to us from a more than apparently BAD comic producer through means of one of his own members leaking it (that being our leaker). Take your pick. I'm not the enemy. And this overcomplicated theory that faf is behind the leaks is so distracting from everything. Please stop and enjoy the leakers hard work. Or track my IP. I don't care, i don't live in goddamn Ukraine or Russia or wherever we theorized FAF to be.
Furrynomous 2017/09/26 20:06:36 No.1325875

This post makes you seem more like Faf than ever.
Furrynomous 2017/09/28 01:31:18 No.1326059
Paranoid much? wow... seriously guys. What's it gonna take to get a little trust around here? I'm not gonna shrink down and just let this be like "heyy this guys faf. lets fuck him over from trying to get his hands on an obviously trash comic". fuck anyone assuming I'm faf. serious. Its the Internet, get over yourselves. all I was saying is its no threat if faf is here, or if he's not. well, iguess less of a threat if he's not there for what it matters. Plus, faf writes much longer texts with... gibberish coming out the ass. its funny. But please knock it off with assuming I'm faf... I see you guys as like, a family of people conspiring against one person that we hate most. We all hate faf. I hate him more than anything for getting my real name up there on his wall of thieves. even through I'm not one. I just write big paragraphs to both show that i'm informative and not an idiot. So please just back off. Any further assumption i will kindly just ignore and you can deal with it. and also... write bigger posts people... this Is a thread... not a fucking chat room you normies.
Oh also, yeah! LeakerBro, have anything on Hetty 9 yet? for that matter... any more Jimmy cucking. ugh... why do i even ask...

Edited at 2017/09/28 01:41:46
Furrynomous 2017/09/28 07:14:03 No.1326134
Still haven't finished part 8 yet, and like I posted with that big wall of text, he's still starting his payment crap up. Apparently the banks have pissed him off with their fees and are now "thiefs" as well. So as he struggles to develop some cryptocurrency bullshit, we gotta wait.
Furrynomous 2017/09/28 09:04:45 No.1326175
Sorry for writing such a short post buddy!

I'm just saying, if there was a discussion going on (among strangers), and every time furries were mentioned you interjected with "I DO NOT FUCK ANIMALS!", then when someone looked at you funny you started ranting about how they should trust you and you don't fuck animals and there is no proof of it and why are they coming after you and etc etc...

I'd say you probably are fucking some animals.
Furrynomous 2017/09/28 12:53:20 No.1326217

I love how the main point of this wall of text is payment processing operators are greedy because they take 5-10% per transaction and he is too greedy himself to let them have this money.
Furrynomous 2017/09/28 13:47:03 No.1326226
Neeeey man, if I'm FAF, I posted in intelligible english, so what I said about FAF sockpuppeting and faking being a complete idiot still hold true.

Also did you really have to use your bat signal? Way to ruin the fun...
Better let it die until part 9 now.
Furrynomous 2017/09/28 18:58:47 No.1326307
You know what... you're right. My bad. I won't fight it. Least then i won't look so guilty lol.
On FAF's journal MirceaKitsune 2017/10/03 14:52:11 No.1328948

It's weird to read something written by FAFcomics that I can actually emphasize with in certain ways. In any case that's probably the most coherent journal I've seen from him so far; He must be using the money he's saved by fighting the art thieves for both english classes and anger management therapy... we're cheering for you Faffy!

Okay, let's be honest now: Banks and payment processors are pretty disgusting. To take a fee of more than 3% from a transaction already feels overboard to me, anything over 10% is outright madness. My biggest issue though is with the procedures: Payment services are full of useless rules, love nosing into people's lives, and are experts at making everything more complex than it needs to be... even I've had to deal with a bit of weird shit solely for having a Patreon or using Paypal, like identity inquiries or weird forms which are supposedly tied to the government... people on the internet aren't corporations you know? Lastly payment processors are full of medieval moral codes and thought polices: Even PayPal is said to ban writers over books containing sex, stalk people on the internet to see if their websites contain porn and ban them if so, and other stuff that makes you wanna throw up and burn humanity off the face of the Earth.

He's also got crypto-currencies being awesome and the way to the future right; I just can't wait to see those kick off and piss all over the banks and government controlled currencies! With the added note that he praises them for their freedom, while being the most anti-freedom asshole this fandom has ever seen... don't like it when others shit on your own freedoms like you do on theirs, eh FAF?

I can very slightly emphasize with him feeling discriminated for being from Ukraine as well; I'm Romanian... and while I can't say I've ever been discriminated for this in particular, there was a time when things were a bit harder for us (eg: we didn't even have access to PayPal). Also there's virtually no furry community here, there's probably just a few dozen of us in the entire country. That being said, my country gives me a good vantage point to tell FAF that he's being a dick... since if he ever thought it's just those imperialist Americans being all high and mighty to him, he gets to hear that he's an asshole from someone closer to home.

That being said, my resonance is mostly with what FAF describes and not with it happening to him. Unlike myself (if this is a quality I may dare advertise) and other people, FAF actually deserves this crap; I do my best to treat people nicely unless they actively deserve otherwise, both in general and in handling financially supported works on Patreon... I don't have to deal with shit I've brought upon myself, because I don't bring shit upon myself to begin with. FAF on the other paw has a passion for treating those around him as horribly as he can, and has also shown clear signs of not being in touch with reality... he's gotten banned for doing things that are actually wrong, like stealing people's info or making actual threats.

Edited at 2017/10/03 14:52:45
Furrynomous 2017/10/04 09:07:11 No.1329258

MirceaKitsune 2017/10/04 16:15:01 No.1329506

I take it that it's become a sport to call every user in these comments FAF, even when they're using their usernames from other sites. My comment makes it even funnier since I also criticized FAF, thus you're implying the guy would be capable of criticizing his own behavior even anonymously... the day FAF does that will be a glorious one in which everything we know about reality will have changed. Let's not even discuss the fact that I use proper grammar even if english isn't my first language. So yeah, I'm sorry to have to disappoint there.
Furrynomous 2017/10/04 17:58:35 No.1329589

Sounding more like FAF with every post there!
Furrynomous 2017/10/05 01:18:41 No.1329758

nice email
Furrynomous 2017/10/06 18:14:30 No.1330406
Glad to see the trolls are here tonight too.
Furrynomous 2017/10/08 20:38:21 No.1331333
How are we doing leaker! Anything on Hetty 9? If it even exists..
Furrynomous 2017/10/09 03:29:14 No.1331422
Nothing new yet, he's still doing that stupid payment set up. Apparently new extra pages from that Hetty and the three pigs were released for the 15+ members though no sign if them anywhere
Furrynomous 2017/10/09 10:24:49 No.1331571
Have fun when someone runs away with your cryptocurrencies or when the market crash. Speculative bubble ftw.

Geez, do I really have to run another background check?
Sigh... I guess I'll have to, you have the right profile.
MirceaKitsune 2017/10/14 17:03:30 No.1333615

Only if you want: I'm actually laughing out loud at the fact that someone legitimately believed I might be FAF, and even now insists on that idea. I really don't know whether I should feel insulted for being compared to that goon, or flattered that someone believes my drawn art looks good enough to be his. Can't I be FAF in terms of art skills and not in terms of personality... pretty please? That and I sure as all hell would like to have 4.000$ a month on Patreon, I'd know riches beyond my comprehension.

But yeah: Feel free to look up MirceaKitsune if you want. I've been around the web for over a decade... nowadays I do vorish 3D animations like Krystal eating people, vore games like the FPS Vore Tournament, and other things which half the people here will love whereas the other half will commit suicide upon seeing. And no I don't care about complaints over me self advertising: Folks accused me of being FAF, folks deal with me describing my stuff in response... it's only fair :)
Furrynomous 2017/10/15 02:42:21 No.1333871
Sounds like just the thing FAF would say.
Furrynomous 2017/10/15 03:40:55 No.1333887

Ya gotta learn to not take internet bait, it's a wind up at this point.
Furrynomous 2017/10/15 17:45:25 No.1334198
You're on an anonymous imageboard. You know, that place where anyone can pretend to be anyone else without any mean to verify your identity.

Anyway too much live footage, unlikely to be him.

As 1333887 said don't take one line baits. You never know who's the angler.

Edited at 2017/10/15 17:46:40
Furrynomous 2017/10/16 02:29:40 No.1334321
Is it me, or did FAF just drop out of DA? He has me on block, and as of recent some odd anomalies have happened. This could just be an upgrade of the block system. but step by step it goes like this. *gets blocked*. okay, i just can't comment on any of his shitty images, nor give a shout, nor favorite anything. that's fine. now the gallery won't show up unless you click specifically at the gallery, it will show up as nothing posted. now, i can't access his DA page at all. It says blocked and can't access. Did FA quit DeviantArt? or is this some dumbass upgrade in the Block system.
EDIT: Yeeeeup... It's the block system. DA can officially suck my dick. ANY other place this asshat has to post his shitty webcomic?

Edited at 2017/10/16 02:33:32
Furrynomous 2017/10/18 09:56:26 No.1335295
Four words, buddy:
Create an alt account.
Furrynomous 2017/10/19 11:40:03 No.1335678
I'm amazed DA even made their block system actually decent compared to before if that's the case. Originally you could still access the person's stuff even if they blocked you.

Ofc, they take way too long and too late to do it as per usual.

Edited at 2017/10/19 11:49:16
Furrynomous 2017/10/22 17:21:12 No.1337295
This could potentially be a terrible thing to do. Like... IF someone were to be witch-hunting you and you can't even see a journal update, how are you to flag something you can't see. Could potentially lead to people hiding crimes from said person who is the victim. And ofcourse, with a successful and popular artist, who is to judge what is what. The people following this artist could very well believe them. the only person who knows better is the one who is blocked and has no idea. Worst case scenario people Leave as a result. which is petty of its own.
Furrynomous 2017/10/28 01:35:21 No.1340460
Boy this thread died. lemme Bump it back up. Faf still dealing with cryptocurrency or some bullshit?
Furrynomous 2017/10/28 02:57:26 No.1340475
Here's a good ol update on his Cryptocurrency.
Furrynomous 2017/10/28 19:36:54 No.1340827
So... who wants to take the bitcoin bullet?
Furrynomous 2017/10/28 23:41:16 No.1340911
Without new content it's as good dead.
Furrynomous 2017/10/29 10:45:32 No.1341115
File: thredfuckedup_u18chan.png - (479.57kb, 200x477, thredfuckedup.png)

MirceaKitsune 2017/10/29 19:39:32 No.1341321

Looks like he also got his DA profile banned. As much as I hate DeviantArt for randomly banning their users like lunatics, this I can likely agree to.
Furrynomous 2017/10/30 16:39:53 No.1341717
His dA profile is still up for me.
Furrynomous 2017/10/30 17:25:31 No.1341732
No, his profile is still Up. If you are getting the whole "Can't access" thing. then make an alt if you want to keep track of him so bad. I made an alt. sadly with FAF probably spying on us I couldn't tell you straight up. hmmm... But... here. Uniform November India Delta Echo November Tango India Foxtrot India Echo Delta Charlie Romeo India Tango India Charlie. and you'll find me on DA. Dunno if going to the lengths of this helps but hell. worth a try.
Furrynomous 2017/10/31 18:46:06 No.1342267
Wait wait wait... So Why is it that if FAF is also MyFetishSituation, are we not mooching off that com... oh right... This is primarily furry art. DERP!
Furrynomous 2017/11/04 19:12:45 No.1343858
you know, independent of all the drama with the author and stuff. has anyone notices basically every character in this comic is miserable.

The boy feels like he can't talk to his gf and is too shy to bring up important topics. the girl is obsessed with getting bigger so she acts demanding of the boy, but then she feels guilty and becomes aggressive. the horse man is the happiest of them all, but even he is between two girls and not really committed. it is a bunch of lame people doing asshole things to each other and being sad.
Furrynomous 2017/11/05 22:18:49 No.1344391
You know, in the back of my head is where all of those things may have been trying to surface. I never really realised that any of them would be unhappy besides Jimmy who in turn is OBVIOUSLY being cucked and doesn't even know it. Or soon will be on the receiving end of being the cuck soon as she gets the D from sir Chubby chaser donkey over there. I can't relate to any of this nonsense really and this morning i kinda soon woke up to that thought: "The Hetty story is going nowhere". With that 72 plus page pack we got from our biased leaker, it seems that less and less is happening to the point where even that many pages is just not worth is anymore. I feel yah, just a bunch-ah asshole people doing asshole things.
yoyooy 2017/11/07 18:42:31 No.1345190
Furrynomous 2017/11/12 03:49:58 No.1346812
Latest update from the nutcase

"Hello everybody. some news.

1. reception bitcoin works successfully and we are glad to help our alpha-testers.
2. No, this does not mean that we finally gave up trying to create an alternative way of accepting payments. We just need some pause in this process. we spent a lot of time and effort on this, for which no one paid us. Moreover - for the registration of documents, company registration and so on, we spent a lot of our own money, which has not yet paid off. We are simply tired of the endless fuss with documents and tedious correspondence with the bumpers. We wanted to start accepting payments from Bitcoin simultaneously with bank cards. But unfortunately at the last moment we again found an obstacle, to overcome which will take even more time and effort. Therefore, we launched bitcoins without alternative payments. It's just a test. Alpha test.

3. I made an unfortunate mistake in the announcement. It was necessary to indicate "we ask to participate in payments only sponsors with a subscription date 05.2017". Instead, I wrote 06.2017, promising them that they would see a month of updates. However, we had updates only in the 06 month. And since I made this mistake myself and I'm used to being responsible for my words always - now I will create a certain number of pages for 07 months. The first of them has already been published. They are available to alpha testers bitcoin, which has already extended its subscription. And those who received a +1 month subscription as a gift (we conducted such an action last year). Also these updates will be seen by those who made a double payment and received +2 months to subscribe. In general, everyone whose subscription is 7.2017 and longer.

4. These updates will be made available to all those who will renew their subscription later - when we have an alternate bitcoin. I hope this will happen, but I do not want to make any forecasts now. A lot of stupid and greedy people in this field. A lot of idiotic laws and restrictions. Someday I'll tell you more about this if someone is interested. About these adventures you can write a whole book.

5. The content of the 07 month will be posted within a month, the first pictures are visible now. The rest - will appear with some pauses.

Anyone who could not or did not want to use bitcoin - I ask from you a little more patience. For my part, I do everything possible. But most factors in this sphere do not depend on me. Nevertheless - we will try a few more options after a short rest."

I find it extremely ironic this guy accuses them of being greedy yet he's the biggest penny pincher this side of the internet. Fucking loon.
Furrynomous 2017/11/28 21:32:46 No.1354475
Any idea how far the Hetty series has progressed since the last leak?
Furrynomous 2017/11/29 12:00:11 No.1354717
Considering how much work went into his other projects recently, I doubt he had much time to progress this.
Furrynomous 2017/12/06 08:17:13 No.1357629

Is that a Fat Molded from RE7?

Edited at 2017/12/06 08:17:44
Furrynomous 2017/12/16 00:16:23 No.1361830
Can't wait for the next raging outburst from that Cuntlord FAF. getting a little tired of waiting. but hey, patience is a virtue.
Furrynomous 2017/12/27 17:55:00 No.1367085
UPDT! In case noone saw it, Ehentai there is the complete comic to Hetty4. Looks more tame than the other ones.
Furrynomous 2017/12/28 01:18:25 No.1367206

Meh, Hetty 4 has been out for a while. Still waiting on part 8s continuation
Furrynomous 2017/12/28 20:05:00 No.1367481
No no, i saw the other Hetty 4's as well. theres one with the extras and the fish dream sequence. but there was that huge missing part between when she watches TV and finds that game show, to her somehow being in the bedroom all packed full.
This link shows those missing 18 frames. with the beginning of the Hetty4. someone needs to seriously pack it all into one. we have 3 renditions now on E-Hentai. Unless I'm mistaken, that was posted just recently. Like yesterday recent.
Furrynomous 2018/01/03 05:22:33 No.1370344
this one is still missing page 24, too
Hetty 8 so far ErosThanatos 2018/01/05 02:26:24 No.1371154
Furrynomous 2018/01/05 02:45:22 No.1371157

There are more images, just haven't been leaked yet
Furrynomous 2018/01/09 16:07:35 No.1373711
Well good, least we have an update. hope we won't have to wait around as long as last time. seeing as FAF has stopped battling with his currency problem.
Furrynomous 2018/01/11 01:42:57 No.1374382

His payment system is shit, literally forcing people to buy bitcoin just to view the artwork. He's a fucking sleazy toad.
Furrynomous 2018/01/11 07:29:59 No.1374464
Wait.. is that seriously how he's doing business now? Ffs. You know, i know i hate this comic. But something about it is captivating enough for me to want it to keep progressing. But still, I'd never pay for it.
Furrynomous 2018/01/19 16:03:00 No.1378403
for me i get off on it because i know somewhere faf is having an autistic fit because i'm reading his comic for free
Furrynomous 2018/01/20 05:22:57 No.1378653
That's why I'm here. Fo sho.
Furrynomous 2018/02/05 17:01:02 No.1387425

leaker-sama i need more faf-rage boners please
Furrynomous 2018/02/05 20:59:04 No.1387542
Furrynomous 2018/02/13 15:26:07 No.1391441
File: fatmolded_u18chan.jpg - (32.65kb, 637x358, fat molded.jpg)
Furrynomous 2018/02/17 03:47:44 No.1392886
Furrynomous 2018/02/17 08:11:15 No.1392941
Nothing new here, from what I can see?
Furrynomous 2018/02/17 20:16:51 No.1393196
Yeah, saw that as well. nothing is new besides all of one comic being colored. least i think.
Furrynomous 2018/02/25 20:00:17 No.1397509
Can i say how slow this is coming along... Sure hope we can get this within the year. Faf's being a real lazy piece of shit ain't he?
Furrynomous 2018/03/02 03:48:49 No.1399795
Any updates, Leakerbro?
Furrynomous 2018/03/11 11:35:48 No.1404904
Guess not... leakerbro must of been either caught or Faf is taking an un-announced hiatus.
Furrynomous 2018/03/11 13:02:04 No.1404931
FAF is busy earning substantial money under other aliases. I wouldn't expect anything soon.
Furrynomous 2018/03/11 18:08:41 No.1405031
Well that is a problem... How do we know it's another Alias?(unless we're talking about Catastrophe comics then disregard that question.) Maybe we need more people on this job. Siphoning like a funnel. That way he'll be so overwhelmed he might actually give the fuck up. But knowing his insanity... I doubt giving up is on his menu. I mean, with all that FAF tries to do, ruin people with his doxxing bull, would the suggestion i came up with be considered Malicious? Consider it the "Robin Hood" effect. Giving back to the community which Faf stole with his overwhelming sense of greed. It's also not a federal offense to post something you paid for.

Edited at 2018/03/11 18:10:25
Furrynomous 2018/03/11 22:36:36 No.1405135
Great plan. Get cracking. Set a good example.
Furrynomous 2018/03/12 17:15:14 No.1405443
Honestly I doubt anyone can easily. I knew him for 10 years, it has its part. And it's not like I figured out all of his accounts. He certainly has a bunch I interacted with I have no idea they're him.
What helps is I know:
_ his interests
_ his usual behavioral pattern
_ his regular diction
_ his artistic strong points and flaws
_ don't care about gender identity
_ disclaimed opinions aren't consistent (often uses them as manipulating tools)
_ sockpuppeting
_ frequent cross aliases interactions
_ gaslighting
_ he knows my most used aliases (occasionally triggers more or less noticeable reactions when we interact)

He's predominantly working on similar fetishes than what's in his hetty comic, with a few others here and there.

It's still not always obvious though. For example you could be him stirring things for fun, but with this single post I can only have extremely vague suspicions, far too vague to be formulated as a valid hypothesis. Suspicions that have to be adjusted according to future observations while avoiding confirmation biases.
As we post anonymously here I wouldn't bother of course.

Anyway I wouldn't give names as:
_ I like most of what he works on at the moment
_ he knows more or less how to piss me off when we're on open war
_ he's my guild leader (see previous point)

I don't like much how he's doing things but he could probably says the same of me, so I'm trying to be mildly tolerant with his ways. He doesn't seem to mind shaking things up a bit though, so here we go.

Edited at 2018/03/13 08:30:30
Furrynomous 2018/03/14 23:03:41 No.1406525
lease for gods sake just tell him to give people like a me a way to give him money without jumping through hoops.

I like hetty, I would legit pay for it. I'm not going to use fucking bitcoins or give him my personal details to do so
Furrynomous 2018/03/15 02:29:34 No.1406631
Amen to that !
Furrynomous 2018/03/15 10:30:02 No.1406765
Doubt he'll do that. FAF is his trolling / experimenting account at this point, would be surprised if he does more than the bare minimum with it. Getting more money would mean he'd have to dedicate more time to it. That's too bad, he did a lot of progress in this style in the last chapters.
Besides he's not talking extensively with me under his work accounts. He knows I screencapped a bunch of our conversations in case he'd get too unpleasant, so he's being more cautious on that side nowadays. And as a bonus I despise concision, so he gets to bore me to death.
For all interesting he is, I wouldn't exactly call him a "nice guy". I'd say he has more or less the moral compass of a domestic cat. The amount of work he pulls is astonishing though, and he can multitask like no one. Surely is passionate in his craft.

He could still improve in drawing butts though. Like SERIOUSLY improve. Not a single drop of latino blood in his veins, that one.

Edited at 2018/03/15 10:34:20
Furrynomous 2018/03/16 02:27:04 No.1407062
FAF doesn't pull his own weight. If he did, then he'd have the shit out right now for us to steal.
But... I do believe you to an extent when it comes to the throwing caution to the wind and whatnot. Faf is a reckless type that anyone could easily despise. I hate the fucker, but he makes good art... Even if his style literally changed mid way through the goddamn comic. It literally fluctuates on Hetty 8. first 10 frames have this weird shit going on where she looks molded from clay and smooth, to buffered and shiny, to near cell shaded. I'm just kind of done with the constant let down. This thread is almost as good as dead. but while we have more people with more patience, we will have the next series of this comic out in no time. If faf stops the comic for no reason, it will show it was nothing but a cash grab. So much for passionate! lol.
Furrynomous 2018/04/02 22:15:19 No.1416061
Does anyone have the newest pieces of the Bad Maid 2 comic?
Furrynomous 2018/04/09 11:49:07 No.1419064

I'm almost 100% sure this is FAF.
Furrynomous 2018/04/20 17:43:29 No.1423938
You know what's funny, the entire meaning of the program is to stop Piracy. Like... There is no piracy going on here. What our leaker is doing Is buying the comic for us. It's the same as buying a hard-copy soft copy and showing your friends the same comic. That is not against the law. And still cannot be proven to change sales or other applicable "money-bound" problems. Essentially with the leaks, it's out of FAF's control once the comic is bought. No-one had to sign a non-disclosure agreement or anything. And that is also against the law to enforce such unless it is considered government property or say for example: Court cases, private records and files. Sorry, I ramble lol.
But basically FAF still can't do shit because he has both bad judgement and a terminal case of R-tard syndrome.
Good find man, I can sense a bit of that FAF vibe in how he types.
Get your DNS Overriders boys, looks like FAF is out on another man hunt lol. Because we all know that with FAF making such a utility, he'll do more than just find an email. That's the shit he doesn't want to tell us.

Edited at 2018/04/20 17:47:41
Furrynomous 2018/04/20 21:21:02 No.1424013
Dude, you clearly have no idea how copyright and intellectual property work. There's not a single law or court ruling that supports your misconceptions.

Edited at 2018/04/20 21:22:20
Furrynomous 2018/04/21 03:06:26 No.1424092
I think FAF is as stupid as anyone else but no, that's absolutely not how copywrite works.
Furrynomous 2018/04/21 07:39:40 No.1424139
Did FAF release anything new? No? Then he doesn't deserve any attention. Don't bother speculating about the stupid things he's up to until then.
Furrynomous 2018/05/04 03:39:30 No.1430481
Christ... why do so few people make decent wg comics?
Furrynomous 2018/05/04 09:06:54 No.1430580
Community is too small. Good material is too rare.
The more exposition there is to good material, the more the community grows. The more it grows, the more good artists it gets.
Furry got big in our current era when anthro cartoons became mainstream.

Also it's a fetish where it's fairly difficult to have good esthetics. You're not going to find many people thinking a fox or a panther are ugly, so even if they reject anthropomorphization on a cultural standpoint, it won't be hard for them to be desensitized over time. BDSM is a fairly prevalent example of that. Fat on the other end is a polirazing subject. The line of appreciation varies greatly between individuals, and in our culture it's rather on the low end.

Edited at 2018/05/04 09:07:31
Furrynomous 2018/05/15 14:52:36 No.1436307
So for all those curious about Hetty Part 9, FAF terminated making it unless he gets enough donation requests to renew it. Sad to see it go. Oh well.
Furrynomous 2018/05/15 14:56:13 No.1436309
that suck really was into the comic even with all the issues around it. hope ihhat turns out good with the new ending. hopefully without the stuff i was against happening
Furrynomous 2018/05/17 16:37:13 No.1437020
Why does a proper furry wg comic have to be run by a deranged retard. Ihhat is ok but I'm not as pleased quality wise though the story I like more.
Furrynomous 2018/05/17 17:07:03 No.1437028
What's funny is IHHAT (If Hell Had A Taste), was a parody of this Hetty comic. It grew popular quickly. and now theres said to be another chapter coming along. God DAMN marcy is getting big haha. The story is fun, relatable (least socially relatable), and has lovable characters who aren't one dimensional like hetty McFat or jimmy McCuck.
Pains me to say it (because i love FAF's reaction and some of the comic has turn ons for me, like button popping, stuffing oneself silly, etc.) I want to see this hetty comic continue. Despite the negativity and the massive delay... Can anyone give us an update on what's going on? has he developed new software? Is he still dealing with crypto-currencies, bitcoins, etc. Or has he just quit?
Because from the day this has been posted, minus the small updates with the unfiltered images, It's been a damn near full year. Sup Leakerbro?
Furrynomous 2018/05/17 18:02:08 No.1437047
took a look at ihhat, i see the similarities to hetty but this has a different feel to it in a good way. cant put my finger on it but thanks for the recommendation gonna read it more later
Furrynomous 2018/05/17 18:10:20 No.1437048
Dunno what he's doing as FAF but bad maid has hundred of pages already, and his other big accounts are very active too. Doesn't leave much time for this one.
Furrynomous 2018/05/18 07:52:02 No.1437217
Huh, that's interesting. I thought that it took inspiration and wondered if there would be a day in which faf starts to go apeshit that it's a carbon copy or some nonsense.
Furrynomous 2018/05/18 07:54:36 No.1437218
First pages of it were well made until something changed and now it is godawful. I'm sticking to No lunch break, IHHAT and hopefully xpray will release something new. I liked breeding pact and though I'm not into the preg fetish it was nice and I hope he does a wg comic.

Edited at 2018/05/18 07:55:20
Furrynomous 2018/06/05 03:43:02 No.1446889
Looks like Faf's slowing down. More people left the C club or whatever. Who the hell says 0.96 pages? I swear he's autistic. Noone unless penny pinching focuses on that much detail. More considered a nuance than an important detail anyway.
Hope our poor leaker didn't decide to drop out. With the rate of how many pages coming out per month. It's gonna be a while before we see anything. A LONG while. Wanna bet maybe a couple years?

Edited at 2018/06/05 03:43:56
Furrynomous 2018/06/08 08:53:22 No.1448482
>0.96 pages
I think the series is dead.
Furrynomous 2018/06/11 20:02:55 No.1450415
Can someone upload the newest pages of that darn bad maid 2 comic...... including the bus incident and the aftermath :P
Furrynomous 2018/06/28 21:01:17 No.1459049
An update on faf and his retardation would be cool.
Furrynomous 2018/06/29 05:48:35 No.1459226
Anyone have anymore of Hetty?
Furrynomous 2018/06/29 15:05:27 No.1459338
I wonder if we can nail Faf for violating GDPR... He's doxxing people and obviously collecting information. The fines and legal battle would destroy him.
Furrynomous 2018/06/30 05:19:42 No.1459578
Faf had been using swaggerdile to house the hetty project for quite some time. And I have recently found out that has shut down.
Unless I'm mistaken, this could be the reason for the huge slowdown. Seeing as he has to find another alternative that will house his Toxic behavior, which PFFF... Good luck with that.
Fucksake Furrynomous 2018/07/08 01:24:34 No.1463559
Beginning to think the hunch on the leaker being FAF is correct. doesn't seem like he has been communicating with us since the last time.
sorry to sound "dependent" but it's pretty much validated to think if FAF is having all these problems. Wouldn't it be up to the leakerbro to tell us what the heck is going on?
Furrynomous 2018/07/10 13:37:08 No.1464708
I think he said on his deviant art that less people are on his patreon so he might cancel Hetty or something.
Furrynomous 2018/07/11 08:40:11 No.1465009
If that's true then he's a fucking mong.
I write my own comic and I expect to make nothing on it, I'm doing it because I want to tell a certain story.
Why wouldn't he want that with Hetty?
Furrynomous 2018/07/11 17:36:01 No.1465142
That makes sense. It's tragic, but makes sense. The guy is a failure as an artist. Just hope he won't run down every other comic he's apart of.
Furrynomous 2018/07/11 18:17:15 No.1465154
It's been well known that if he's not making certain amount of money then he'll make less pages until interest is gone and then he'll stop. For the Pest Control comic he does for his Patreon is $150 a page and if he doesn't make enough then he waits until he gets that amount for the previous update
Furrynomous 2018/07/12 16:33:24 No.1465506
So, It's pretty much just a vicious circle. I wonder how his other team members are thinking of his deceit since he is the one changing the prices. And I wonder how much this will impact his career as a whole. I'm almost expecting to see FAF give up at this point and get an actual career he can apply for.
I can just see his resume being the laughing point of any company or business he's trying to get employed by. With the threats, the terrible business model he's stuck to. and more.
Furrynomous 2018/07/12 16:50:24 No.1465509
They're working on other stuff like CATastrophy which is like a semi M/M comic with a lot of teasing and hardly anything really to note atm but it makes money so they keep it going. Then there's the My Fetish Situation stuff that people are into so there's that. Overall nothing is gonna change atm.
Furrynomous 2018/07/20 20:32:11 No.1469362
I'm about this close to making some flame war happen. Like... The space between my squeezed fingertips close. Anyone want to help me and see if we can find some kind of loophole in Deviant art's system to see if we can get FAF banned off of DA?
Here's what i know so far:

-Hetty is (I think, or one could assume) Under-Aged, since it's not particularly said what stage in High School they are in. You could still say below the age of 18. which would make this lewd depictions of under-aged furs.

-That his image posting is part of his AD campaign ONLY. And it was said in one of his posts that he reminds people that for the comic to increase in production that they would have to subscribe. Instantly putting people at a paywall instead of giving content for free, and using Deviant Art's pay system (like prints and etc.)

-If at all applicable, we could show DA his tactics, I still have access to the site he made himself. This means we could tag him as a Doxxer or potential Doxxer still.

(In all honesty I agree that I sound like an idiot, not having any hard proof besides the links which DA is NOT responsible for monitoring nor acting upon. I'm just bored as hell.)
(also... for some fuck of a reason, my alt account got blocked on DA soooo.. was kind of a surprise. I'm beginning to think he has his shitty tracking software or whatever linked on those damn images, because there is no other reason I can tell why he'd block me.)

UPDT: found legitimate proof of hate propaganda. --(This site is pretty good.)
-This is proof of FAF using the word "redneck" as maliciousness.
-And here is proof that DA, in the terms of use of mature content, prohibiting such actions and I quote:
"It is important to note that despite the fact that DeviantArt features a mature content filtering system, our policies still prohibit obscene or explicit sexual materials, hate propaganda, and certain other subject matter."

ERGO... We could nail him.

Edited at 2018/07/20 20:55:34
Furrynomous 2018/07/21 06:32:04 No.1469527

You jump right on that.
Furrynomous 2018/07/21 10:27:49 No.1469592
He barely post anything anymore there, why bother?
Furrynomous 2018/07/21 12:58:35 No.1469635
pretty much read IHHAT as the alternative at this point. art needs work but its much better story and character-wise
Furrynomous 2018/07/21 15:56:50 No.1469680
Ditto, IHHAT has a better storyline, characters that aren't so one dimensional that my brain cells are dying. So yeah. Plus the guy makes better comics in general.
Leaker 2018/07/22 07:47:31 No.1469952

I'm still here. I have said nothing because I have almost nothing to say that haven't been said before by other people.

Comic is dead.

To be more specific: based on the information I have it was canned shortly after I leaked Hetty 8. I don't remember exact numbers but I think he made 5-10 more pages of it and that's it. Reason? Well, greedy fuck has decided that it was making not enough money to continue working on it.
Furrynomous 2018/07/22 12:00:54 No.1470011
sucks but that the reality of it. thank you for ur service and efforts
Furrynomous 2018/07/22 21:05:30 No.1470159
Do you have those last pages of it?
Furrynomous 2018/07/23 18:57:04 No.1470611
Thanks LeakerBro. You've done a great service for us. Been a pretty fun adventure.
Furrynomous 2018/07/23 20:00:36 No.1470638
whenever I see this bizarre, static-y OP floating around I feel like a spectre of death is following me
Leaker 2018/07/25 13:50:42 No.1471453

I'm afraid I don't have them.


Yep, it was fun while it lasted. Thanks to everyone who participated in this.

Edited at 2018/07/25 13:50:58
Furrynomous 2018/07/26 07:15:12 No.1471719
Oh well. Its ok. Thanks for the good run.
Furrynomous 2018/08/02 09:11:57 No.1474702
Indeed, he first piss everyone off with his bullshit, create infinite cockblock barriers at the entrance and THEN starts to complain he gets no money. Sounds like him alright. Not sure there is a name for that level of retardedness.
i wanna read henry 2018/08/05 18:26:56 No.1476153
File: 17297140_u18chan.jpg - (44.72kb, 488x488, 17297140.jpg)
Furrynomous 2018/08/05 20:35:03 No.1476184
Hopefully we can keep this thread for future sake. I have a feeling somewhere down the line FAF will set aside his greed and continue it. Not saying hopefully at all. But just being open.
Furrynomous 2018/08/30 05:49:31 No.1487445
Last post I'll make on this board since it pretty much died. We gonna try for Pest control next ?
Furrynomous 2018/08/30 09:05:19 No.1487549
there's no point. pages are intentionally skipped so it starts off at page 12 because faf thinks people dont want context so they wont be released unless his viewers want it which no one is voicing far as i know. also aside from some censored pieces the pages are already public.

just let his stuff die, hes already cut off every possible way for anyone to actually care about his stuff.
Furrynomous 2018/08/31 19:02:04 No.1488456
Welp... Guess that sums it up for me. I'll keep an eye out in case anything happens. Most likely not, but whatevs. Incomplete comic is an incomplete comic.
One thing sort of remains, Isn't the reason why FAF got removed from Patreon once before is because he was using Patreon as a docking system, like...
Patreon Usage: "oh hey ! number pages blah blah! Advertising!"
His 3rd party bullshit site: Gives you the product only if you give him your fucking left arm.

Isn't this an invasion of privacy and force compensation to get a product? It's not like need to give some dumb-fuck my birth certificate just to get groceries.
Also as if recent i found the fuckers facebook and whatnot. And dating webpage. It's got plenty of pics of him. Apparently FAF is 40... No wonder why he's such a disgruntled shit.
Furrynomous 2018/09/08 08:30:50 No.1491804
He is ultra-left pro-fascist radical ancap. That particular condition was (is?) known in Russia as "liberast" - a portmanteau of "liberal" and "pederast".
"Disgruntled shit" doesn't even begin to describe it.
Furrynomous 2019/01/24 16:24:46 No.1543394
Byron 2019/07/01 02:29:24 No.1608330
Furrynomous 2019/07/10 12:16:52 No.1612104
So, any luck with Pest Control?
Furrynomous 2019/07/10 12:19:11 No.1612105
aside from higher quality, each page is uploaded publicly as soon as they're done
Furrynomous 2019/07/13 00:52:00 No.1613988
File: 1111111111111_u18chan.jpg - (122.39kb, 1280x564, 1111111111111.jpg)
he has another project

but he does not allow new sponsors.
Furrynomous 2019/07/13 16:37:32 No.1614252
Is that even worth getting and posting?
Renders look fine but how is he now getting into 3D art? Bet not at his own accord. Probably hired some poor sap.
Auron-fox 2019/07/13 18:36:36 No.1614299
yes it's a new comic it looks excellent
Furrynomous 2019/07/13 20:16:21 No.1614331
it's a remake of his old Camping comic
Furrynomous 2019/07/14 00:41:22 No.1614497
I was under the impression it *is* his old Camping comic, just with glassy-eyed 3D renders now (and charging $200 a page probably).
Same kekky crew. New name. Hetty2.0 (basically) Furrynomous 2021/08/21 17:26:51 No.1997738
File: 20210821_152512_u18chan.jpg - (142.43kb, 800x450, 20210821_152512.jpg)
Found the dudes new twitter. Plenty of recycled content but they do have that new comic out on the open.
Its formed into a hetty/vorecamp Frankenstein. Not bad really but they are still assholes. Guess my handle name was blacklisted and they removed me from one of their platforms not too long ago.
They have Deviantart: Vorecomicsclub (blocked, probably found out I see their content even though i never watched.)
They have twitter now: Vorecomicsclub1
And patreon is the same handle name.
This dude has said before he's trying to revoke any problems from previous platforms. Clean sweep. So even if we could get the content it wouldn't be easy. Maybe in my eyes at least. Comic looks slightly better and less pf the "cucky" nature of said Hetty comic.
Same kekky crew. New name. Hetty2.0 (basically) Furrynomous 2021/08/21 17:26:55 No.1997739
File: Screenshot_20210821-145541_Twitter_u18chan.jpg - (476.86kb, 1079x1005, Screenshot_20210821-145541_Twitter.jpg)
Same kekky crew. New name. Hetty2.0 (basically) Furrynomous 2021/08/21 17:26:59 No.1997740
File: Screenshot_20210821-152127_Chrome_u18chan.jpg - (245.79kb, 998x597, Screenshot_20210821-152127_Chrome.jpg)
Furrynomous 2021/08/21 18:50:01 No.1997764
Lol isnt the artist the same retard who found a thread with his art and freaked out in it on here a while back?
Furrynomous 2021/08/21 20:42:03 No.1997794
Furrynomous 2021/08/24 06:35:57 No.1998853
Okay but where can we get leaks of the catboy getting railed by the horses from the other comic does he really have his shot together enough not to have leaks of it?
Furrynomous 2021/08/24 23:55:48 No.1999132
>does he really have his shot together enough not to have leaks of it?
Unfortunately yes. He has enough layers of encryption beneath the pages that trying to remove it practically white-washes the art. On top of that, the blockchain business model he has in place ensures that if you're caught and banned, trying to get back in puts you months behind the update schedule with no hope of catching up; that's if you can even get back in with all the personal info they have on you but they probably won't stop someone from trying since that just means more money for them. Faf is the scum of the fandom and I can't wait for someone to leak Catastrophe the second it's done.
Furrynomous 2021/08/25 11:15:37 No.1999298
> Faf is the scum of the fandom and I can't wait for someone to leak Catastrophe the second it's done.

For some reason I am sure that it will be so.
You just need to wait for the end of this epic ...
Furrynomous 2021/08/25 19:43:37 No.1999487
Wait till the beginning of September, I'll upload everything what is released till that moment
I'm fed up with author's narcissistic bullshit

Edited at 2021/08/25 19:47:40
Furrynomous 2021/08/27 00:37:35 No.2000017
Glad to see I revived this old thread with updates on his twitter, deviantart, etc. Haven't seen much of the catastrophe comic. The way he posts puts you at every 5 pages of most comics I see. Also... that patreon isn't posting anything about the new works, small screenshot grabs and nothing since January of 2020 if I remember correctly. They redirect you to a different platform entirely "after a week" or so of a security check, to which I have no idea how they do so. This redirection to a different platform is why he got removed from patreon last time. When will he fucking learn. He doesn't have that many patreon supporters but enough to where its a small group.
They will refund your (15 dollar top teir) sub if you are blacklisted and remove you from their flock. But I also recieved a message saying of I come back in under a different name they will not refund the 15 dollars a second time. Pretty sure thats illegal especially if you get removed manually. Thoughts?
Furrynomous 2021/08/27 04:49:54 No.2000075
I will give one quote from a moderator about all this.
MOD EDIT: Don't subscribe to FaF. Never subscribe to FaF. If you pay to have an fat autistic furfag splurge your dox on the internet, you probably deserve it.
Do you think it is worth following this advice?
Furrynomous 2021/08/27 07:07:46 No.2000106
I indeed didn't "need" to subscribe to Faf but it was a risk worth taking to see if there was actually anything good on his page. And in my defense it was experimental.
So yes I would take your advice above all else. But that doesn't mean I have to play by the rules. I may just report the patreon page for going against platform rules. Get Faf all kinds of pissed off again.
Furrynomous 2021/08/28 06:49:57 No.2000543
Nobody forces you to play by the rules, especially with the FAF. There is no other way with him.
If you can make him angry ...
I would like to see it!

Edited at 2021/08/28 07:06:19
Furrynomous 2021/08/28 09:09:17 No.2000583
Honestly I'm just interested to see where this shitshow goes. The fact that the comic got increasingly shitty and weird as Faf got increasingly shitty and paranoid is just a perfect parallel.
Furrynomous 2021/09/15 07:08:58 No.2009513
we gonna get the dump?
Furrynomous 2021/09/15 11:12:37 No.2009565

Edited at 2021/09/15 16:29:10
Furrynomous 2021/09/15 13:31:26 No.2009651

this is old incomplete shit tho...
Furrynomous 2021/09/15 16:30:06 No.2009791

Re-uploaded with full pages, 1-960

Edited at 2021/09/15 16:30:52
Furrynomous 2021/09/15 19:24:43 No.2009825
yikes, going as far as doxing someone.
Furrynomous 2021/09/16 01:14:10 No.2009929


Hoping this is just an elaborate troll because if it's FAF then that's some serious brain damage. Doxing can go seriously wrong and easily bite you in the ass. If it is FAF, then best of luck with that - and by that I mean I hope you get what you deserve for trying to act like Judge Dredd.

Glad I'm not interested in this meh artstyle/fetish and the only reason why I found this thread while scrolling was the TL;DR dox that made me go "ooh drama :D", haha.
Furrynomous 2021/09/16 03:55:39 No.2009954

Is it wrong of me, if this is Faf, that I hope he ends up becoming destitute because of his crazy and childish behavior?
Furrynomous 2021/09/16 05:16:34 No.2009958
if this is actually them? Honestly I hope they enjoy gaining a criminal record for this. While Doxing isn't a federal crime or anything, it falls under bullying, harassment, and even identity theft things which 'can' get someone arrested.

Granted I think their art is shit, and while I can understand frustration at their work that they make money off of being leaked. The fact they make art doesn't mean their shit don't stink. Act like a dumbass get treated like a dumbass. Honestly if this is them I wouldn't be surprised if more people start just taking shit free to spite them. There's a way to get around patreon's paywall after all.
Furrynomous 2021/09/16 06:11:09 No.2009966

whoops spoke too soon.. You know, the story isn't even that bad, i've been enjoying it way more than i thought i would, shame the artist is such an asshat.
Furrynomous 2021/09/16 09:35:56 No.2009996
no new hetty 8 pages?
adsfasdfasdf asdasdfasdf 2021/09/16 14:58:24 No.2010290
I sometimes wonder, as do others in this thread, if FAF pads out his comics with lots of slow plot development either for artistic reasons or business reasons. I appreciate lots of plot /character development in kink stories, but it does make me wonder, given the high prices and drm etc versus another artist like Kipteitei.
Furrynomous 2021/09/16 15:08:47 No.2010295
Can you make a torrent, please?
Furrynomous 2021/09/16 17:57:48 No.2010360
It's business. He has skipped plot related scenes before in order to get to the kink as he did in the beginning of Pest Control. If the comic is working then it'll be dragged out. That's another reason why it's only one panel at a time and occassionally does multiple panels. He's mentioned before that with the rate they go, it'll take a few years to finish so it is intentional.

Edited at 2021/09/16 17:59:39
Furrynomous 2021/09/16 19:40:21 No.2010386
No sure that terms "thief" and "steal" applied to person who has paid for every page
. Chatin # MOD # 2021/09/17 08:31:57 No.2010545
Doxing won't be tolerated here regardless of who it is.

Posting that here will only net you a permanent ban, but then you hid behind a VPN anyway because you knew better and did it anyway.

If someone posting your repsulive artwork here offends you so much then PLEASE go through the proper legal channels. Posting private information here is NOT that.

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