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File: page00_8_u18chan.jpg - (568.58kb, 1061x1500, page00.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Sonic XXX Project 4 - Part 1 anonimouse 2017/08/16 05:02:56 No.1307410   

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Sonic XXX Project 4 - Part 1 anonimouse 2017/08/16 05:02:58 No.1307411
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Sonic XXX Project 4 - Part 1 anonimouse 2017/08/16 05:02:59 No.1307412
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Sonic XXX Project 4 - Part 1 anonimouse 2017/08/16 05:03:01 No.1307413
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Sonic XXX Project 4 - Part 1 anonimouse 2017/08/16 05:03:02 No.1307414
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Anonymouse 2017/08/16 05:25:36 No.1307417
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Anonymouse 2017/08/16 05:25:38 No.1307418
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Anonymouse 2017/08/16 05:25:39 No.1307419
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Anonymouse 2017/08/16 05:25:41 No.1307420
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Anonymouse 2017/08/16 05:25:42 No.1307421
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Anonymouse 2017/08/16 05:26:29 No.1307423
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FurryFan 2017/08/16 14:13:39 No.1307628

Everyone here hates it!
Chief 2017/08/16 15:32:52 No.1307692
I'll admit, I'm semi-interested because Sally and Mina are involved in this one. Palcomix does too much Amy and not enough of those two.
Furrynomous 2017/08/16 17:42:30 No.1307777

Don't be so quick to judge. I enjoy viewing the works of Palcomix...
Furrynomous 2017/08/17 01:55:19 No.1307973
I remember there being a Sonic/PalComix comic so bad even PalComix had to stop writing it..

Something about all the Sonic characters infected with contagious lust virus or some shit?
Anonymouse 2017/08/17 02:12:30 No.1307979
Part 2 is an orgy between mina, shade and julie-su with Knuckles.
Part 3 is Sally quest and part 4 is probably about Amy, sally and mina on an orgy with sonic beacuse theres a tie.
FurryFan 2017/08/19 13:18:48 No.1309145

Actually, Part 3 is when Amy won and the other two girls lost. So it's Sonic x Amy again. Sorry! :P
Furrynomous 2017/08/19 13:35:52 No.1309151
I'm actually enjoying this one...maybe it's because he knows how to draw Sonic characters the best.
Chief 2017/08/19 16:15:33 No.1309188
That's extremely disappointing. Amy's not hot and she's way overdone.
Furrynomous 2017/08/19 16:29:16 No.1309197
Blaze, Sally and Wave are the only fuckable ones.
Furrynomous 2017/08/20 06:31:48 No.1309401
>Sonic boom
>mixed with normal design
Just when you thought Palcomix couldn't get shittier.
Furrynomous 2017/08/21 00:17:28 No.1309673
wow..... if not hating on jay naylor then hating on pal comix

Don't like it, move on, easy as that.
Furrynomous 2017/08/21 08:04:07 No.1309846
You are right.
Look haters, if you DON'T got nothing nice to say then DON'T say anything at all

Edited at 2017/08/21 08:04:34
Furrynomous 2017/08/21 15:12:34 No.1310065
Welcome to chans btw.

Edited at 2017/08/21 15:26:16
Furrynomous 2017/08/21 16:48:01 No.1310129

Boy, has that been said loads of time on Pregchan, and they still pay no heed to it for when devoted viewers do their duty - and no hint of appreciation is shown...
Furrynomous 2017/08/24 06:18:02 No.1311391
Nobody loves you bbmbbf

You're a horrible disgraceful excuse for a person and even God wishes you never would been born your existence is meaningless and hopeless and you will never ever begin to come near to accomplishing anything worthwhile before you die and you'll die cold and alone like an animal in the middle of nowhere surrounded by the unflinching terror of the night.
FurryFan 2017/08/24 13:37:53 No.1311493

You see, Anonimouse?! This is the reason why you shouldn't post any comics from Palcomix! The people in this web site hated it.

And as for you Furrynomous or whoever you are, if you have a serious personal problem with bbmbbf, THEN SHUT THE HELL UP!! Yes most people here dislike his art, but wishing for him to die? You should attend to the insane asylum!! It's where you belong! Idiot.

Edited at 2017/08/24 13:58:52
Furrynomous 2017/08/30 21:54:54 No.1314333
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Furrynomous 2017/08/30 21:55:43 No.1314334
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Furrynomous 2017/08/30 21:56:24 No.1314335
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Furrynomous 2017/08/30 21:57:09 No.1314336
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Furrynomous 2017/08/30 21:57:52 No.1314337
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Killerwolfman 2017/09/21 23:48:05 No.1323893
Who are those twins? are they OCs or Canon Characters?
Furrynomous 2017/09/22 14:40:19 No.1324215
Leeta and Lyco are from the Archie series
Anonymouse 2017/10/07 07:39:52 No.1330721
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More pages, now with Sally...
Anonymouse 2017/10/07 07:39:53 No.1330722
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Anonymouse 2017/10/07 07:39:55 No.1330723
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Anonymouse 2017/10/07 07:39:56 No.1330724
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Anonymouse 2017/10/07 07:39:58 No.1330725
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Furrynomous 2017/10/07 21:29:09 No.1330962
So, is palcomix banned or not? I'm totally up for banning palcomix. It's just way too simplistic, assuming you can get past the absurdly bad dialogue and storylines.
Normally I'd say 'to each their own' or something, but this guy actually expects people to pay for this shit and doesn't deserve the publicity.
FurryFan 2017/10/08 00:28:40 No.1331007

I don't care for Placomix, but this web site can allow people to post anything that they want! Incuidng Palcomix!

Maybe this web site can banned you for being a jerk-off! :P
Furrynomous 2017/10/08 10:33:48 No.1331148
can you people leave already thanks
FurryFan 2017/10/08 11:43:25 No.1331161

Fuck Off!!
Furrynomous 2017/10/08 12:46:38 No.1331175
The only thing I don't get about bbmbbf is that he obviously doesn't get anyone to check his scripts. His English has been annoyingly bad for... what? A decade? There's really simple errors in every caption that only take a minute to correct but makes his dialogue horrible to read.

I'm not judging the dude for having poor English... but why not get someone to check grammar, syntax and spelling? He charges money now and has a fair few fans who I'm sure would do it for him, probably even for free - the mistakes are that basic.
Dead? CyberPwn3 2017/12/11 18:53:15 No.1359973
Is this thread dead?
Furrynomous 2017/12/11 21:47:08 No.1360009
No, the comic is on indefinite hiatus until the creators are working on other stuff. Just wait.
Furrynomous 2018/04/26 02:26:13 No.1426586
Is this still going or is it cancelled
Furrynomous 2018/04/26 10:29:28 No.1426743
I'm still looking for one of there Sonic OC comics where a sex/lust virus has an outbreak... It was cancelled after 3-4 pages or something
Furrynomous 2018/04/28 01:35:34 No.1427825
Is comic was finished already. Someone must haven't upload them
Furrynomous 2018/04/30 11:18:49 No.1428897
Thank for the link but can someone upload it here because I can't download all the images from that thread
Furrynomous 2018/05/10 22:01:11 No.1433475
what comic was that? what its called?
Your day been a long Jarvis 2019/01/12 18:44:46 No.1538298
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Furrynomous 2019/01/13 14:17:56 No.1538624
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Furrynomous 2019/01/13 14:17:57 No.1538625
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Furrynomous 2019/01/13 14:17:59 No.1538626
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Furrynomous 2019/01/13 14:18:02 No.1538627
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Furrynomous 2019/01/13 14:18:04 No.1538628
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Furrynomous 2019/01/13 14:18:06 No.1538629
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Furrynomous 2019/01/13 14:18:07 No.1538630
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Furrynomous 2019/01/13 14:18:10 No.1538631
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Furrynomous 2019/01/13 14:18:11 No.1538632
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Furrynomous 2019/01/13 14:18:13 No.1538633
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