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File: 001_55_u18chan.png - (471.58kb, 1400x799, 001.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Playing With Mating Spells Furrynomous 2017/08/27 16:23:48 No.1312849   
By Petresko
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Playing With Mating Spells Furrynomous 2017/08/27 16:23:50 No.1312850
File: 002_52_u18chan.png - (419.92kb, 1400x757, 002.png)
Playing With Mating Spells Furrynomous 2017/08/27 16:23:51 No.1312851
File: 003_51_u18chan.png - (814.38kb, 1400x757, 003.png)
Playing With Mating Spells Furrynomous 2017/08/27 16:23:53 No.1312852
File: 004_48_u18chan.png - (1.99mb, 3682x757, 004.png)
Playing With Mating Spells Furrynomous 2017/08/27 16:24:46 No.1312854
File: 005_47_u18chan.png - (423.48kb, 1400x757, 005.png)

Playing With Mating Spells Furrynomous 2017/08/27 16:24:48 No.1312855
File: 006_40_u18chan.png - (578.06kb, 1400x757, 006.png)
Playing With Mating Spells Furrynomous 2017/08/27 16:24:49 No.1312856
File: 007_32_u18chan.png - (255.78kb, 850x460, 007.png)
Playing With Mating Spells Furrynomous 2017/08/27 16:24:51 No.1312857
File: 008_32_u18chan.png - (436.76kb, 1399x729, 008.png)
Playing With Mating Spells Furrynomous 2017/08/27 16:25:54 No.1312859
File: 009_29_u18chan.png - (525.83kb, 1400x757, 009.png)

Playing With Mating Spells Furrynomous 2017/08/27 16:25:56 No.1312860
File: 010_26_u18chan.png - (1.27mb, 3781x757, 010.png)
Playing With Mating Spells Furrynomous 2017/08/27 16:25:58 No.1312861
File: 011_28_u18chan.png - (682.82kb, 1568x757, 011.png)
Playing With Mating Spells Furrynomous 2017/08/27 16:25:59 No.1312862
File: 012_19_u18chan.png - (363.75kb, 800x386, 012.png)
Playing With Mating Spells Furrynomous 2017/08/27 16:26:56 No.1312863
File: 013_16_u18chan.png - (862.84kb, 1400x1364, 013.png)

Playing With Mating Spells Furrynomous 2017/08/27 16:26:57 No.1312864
File: 014_16_u18chan.png - (1.1mb, 1400x1141, 014.png)
Playing With Mating Spells Furrynomous 2017/08/27 16:26:59 No.1312865
File: 015_14_u18chan.png - (898.85kb, 1400x1052, 015.png)
Playing With Mating Spells Furrynomous 2017/08/27 16:27:01 No.1312866
File: 016_11_u18chan.png - (622.23kb, 1400x757, 016.png)
Playing With Mating Spells Furrynomous 2017/08/27 16:27:40 No.1312867
File: 017_9_u18chan.png - (1.44mb, 1400x1923, 017.png)

Playing With Mating Spells Furrynomous 2017/08/27 16:27:42 No.1312868
File: 018_9_u18chan.png - (1.06mb, 1400x1273, 018.png)
Playing With Mating Spells Furrynomous 2017/08/27 16:27:43 No.1312869
File: 019_12_u18chan.png - (925.63kb, 1400x1299, 019.png)
Furrynomous 2017/08/29 08:27:52 No.1313522
I been following this guy for years. His artwork has some really good quality lately.
Furrynomous 2017/08/29 10:39:50 No.1313572
>anal only

man that's hot.
Furrynomous 2017/08/31 05:09:35 No.1314500
Now that is just the best kind of magic book. Basically Plug-n-Play. You just put your finger on the right spot and ZAP!, magic!
Furrynomous 2017/08/31 13:44:09 No.1314719
Does this comic feel gay to anyone else? Am I wrong to think thus feels gay? ...this feels gay. definitely gay.
Furrynomous 2017/08/31 15:42:20 No.1314758
File: 15e978870deb48f1a0c64fe6e665e8fa73cabd8d292267d3037a449772ba4646_u18chan.jpg - (220.73kb, 1297x1772, 15e978870deb48f1a0c64fe6e665e8fa73cabd8d292267d3037a449772ba4646.jpg)
I have some bad news for you.
Furrynomous 2017/08/31 18:06:49 No.1314808

Meh. Freud has his own issues.
Furrynomous 2017/08/31 22:50:43 No.1314941
Like cocaine and trying to make everything about sex.
SirNonimous 2017/09/01 03:00:19 No.1315031
Couldn't find "Boku no Pico"(thank fucking god); did find "Don't Watch An Anime Called Boku- typography" instead. Even the internet gives you every chance to turn back.
Furrynomous 2017/09/05 14:21:27 No.1317326

I, too, think this comic could greatly benefit from some more dick.
Furrynomous 2017/10/03 09:05:14 No.1328790
>mating spells
>all anal

how annoying
Furrynomous 2017/10/03 09:33:58 No.1328797

Freud is an illustrative example of mistaking the local for the universal. Freud believed that the source of everyone's psychological problems was repressed sexuality, but that's partly because in the time and place that he lived, huge amounts of people WERE sexually repressed, and it's what he kept seeing during his work trying to treat people. His problem was that he assumed what he was seeing was common to all humanity rather than his culture.

Lots of people still make the same sort of mistake today, unfortunately.
Furrynomous 2017/10/03 22:27:03 No.1329125

he also wanted to fuck his mom
Furrynomous 2018/02/27 14:17:14 No.1398384
came to say this, I was expcting impregnation because of the title

Furrynomous 2018/02/28 08:04:46 No.1398792
> Freud believed that the source of everyone's psychological problems was repressed sexuality

Freud's original point about the libido is that is was the instinctual energy behind subconscious processes, based on the idea that the individual's instinctual drive is fundamentally to procreate. All the things we take pleasure in have something to do with survival of the organism as part of a species. In various stages of development, this drive manifests in different ways and as the person matures it emerges as their sexual drive. Repressing these instincts by social expectations then leads to the formation of ego that tries to settle the differences to conform the individual to both sets of rules, and if the instinctual side is repressed by force it leads to psychological problems and fixations and substitute patterns that attempt to scratch this itch.

It was his contemporaries that chose to interpret it as being purely sexual. Freud actually defined the libido as those instinctual energies that have to do with love - not just sex - and that's a far wider scope.
Quagmire 7 2018/02/28 18:49:12 No.1399096
Who’s the artist?
Furrynomous 2019/06/17 13:56:15 No.1603740
Freud is regarded as a hack by a majority in the psychological community
Furrynomous 2019/06/17 15:22:59 No.1603756
the majority of the psychological community is viewed as hacks by the world at large, so that seems fair
Furrynomous 2019/06/18 01:50:34 No.1603880

It's... complicated.
Furrynomous 2019/06/18 13:19:22 No.1604026

Petresko is the artist.

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