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File: dosentnsfw_page_1_-_please_leave_a_mess-_u18chan.png - (259.89kb, 905x1280, dosentnsfw_page_1_-_please_leave_a_mess-.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Please leave a mess Adavi123 2017/09/09 19:07:08 No.1319393   
By Dosentnsfw.
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Please leave a mess Adavi123 2017/09/09 19:07:10 No.1319394
File: dosentnsfw_page_2_-_please_leave_a_mess-_u18chan.png - (278.67kb, 905x1280, dosentnsfw_page_2_-_please_leave_a_mess-.png)
Please leave a mess Adavi123 2017/09/09 19:07:11 No.1319395
File: dosentnsfw_page_3_-_please_leave_a_mess-_u18chan.png - (265.17kb, 905x1280, dosentnsfw_page_3_-_please_leave_a_mess-.png)
Please leave a mess Adavi123 2017/09/09 19:07:13 No.1319396
File: dosentnsfw_page_4_-_please_leave_a_mess-_u18chan.png - (280.76kb, 905x1280, dosentnsfw_page_4_-_please_leave_a_mess-.png)
Please leave a mess Adavi123 2017/09/09 19:07:57 No.1319397
File: dosentnsfw_page_5_-_please_leave_a_mess-_u18chan.png - (246.86kb, 905x1280, dosentnsfw_page_5_-_please_leave_a_mess-.png)

Please leave a mess Adavi123 2017/09/09 19:07:58 No.1319398
File: dosentnsfw_page_6_-_please_leave_a_mess-_u18chan.png - (272.54kb, 905x1280, dosentnsfw_page_6_-_please_leave_a_mess-.png)
Please leave a mess Adavi123 2017/09/09 19:08:00 No.1319399
File: dosentnsfw_page_7_-_please_leave_a_mess-_u18chan.png - (260.22kb, 905x1280, dosentnsfw_page_7_-_please_leave_a_mess-.png)
Please leave a mess Adavi123 2017/09/09 19:08:02 No.1319400
File: dosentnsfw_page_8_-_please_leave_a_mess_u18chan.png - (233.38kb, 905x1280, dosentnsfw_page_8_-_please_leave_a_mess.png)
Please leave a mess Adavi123 2017/09/09 19:08:17 No.1319402
File: dosentnsfw_page_9_-_please_leave_a_mess-_copy_u18chan.png - (246.04kb, 905x1280, dosentnsfw_page_9_-_please_leave_a_mess-_copy.png)

Adavi123 2017/09/09 19:08:34 No.1319403
That's all for now.
Furrynomous 2017/09/10 00:11:20 No.1319490
The dialogue in this comic could use some work.

Edited at 2017/09/10 01:45:19
Furrynomous 2017/09/10 01:36:39 No.1319531

"Can use some work" - Could use some work.*

Makes a judgement on someone's writing while fucking up a very simple phrase.
Furrynomous 2017/09/10 01:41:43 No.1319534
I'm not a pro football player, but I can tell when someone throws a shitty interception
Furrynomous 2017/09/10 01:48:36 No.1319536
File: Image1_u18chan.png - (2.01mb, 680x680, Image1.png)

One fuckup versus most of the comic. Pic related.


I know, right? Thanks, my dude.
Furrynomous 2017/09/10 04:38:20 No.1319553
It's not the grammar errors, it's the fact that the whole thing reads surreal. People don't talk like that.
Furrynomous 2017/09/10 13:58:51 No.1319861
also doesnt help that the squirrel is pretty much a psychopath with the whole extreme desperation and stalking. the pacing of the comic is also kind of weird, everything about this just feels either cringy or bad.
Adavi123 2017/09/10 16:36:17 No.1319931

The author said he was doing something different with this comic, that this was an "Anti-Romance" comic. When someone asked what he meant he replied "I'd say anti romance is when a romantic setting is put on a more ground level and uncheesed. Your prince comes to your door and you just close it because he's weird ahah."

So the cringiness might be intentional.
Adavi123 2017/09/10 16:37:37 No.1319932
File: dosentnsfw_skjetsho_copy_u18chan.png - (152.65kb, 1280x1220, dosentnsfw_skjetsho_copy.png)
Here's a picture the author made as a tease for the impatient.
Furrynomous 2017/09/10 17:08:54 No.1319985
Doesn't change the fact the text seems unnatural, imagine you meet a creep at your door trying to explain himself while sobbing like a baby, and at the same time this guy is speaking with you with the eloquence of a drama book character.
Please leave a mess Adavi123 2017/09/17 21:15:46 No.1322516
File: 1505691140.dosentnsfw_page_10_-_please_leave_a_mess-_u18chan.png - (2.43mb, 2480x3508, 1505691140.dosentnsfw_page_10_-_please_leave_a_mess-.png)

Okay, you got my attention. Gaboris 2017/09/18 15:17:40 No.1322818
Cute art is everything for me so this caught my eye pretty fast.
The situation and dialog IS a bit cringy, but I can always enjoy that if in the end the story is okay.

I just hope this experiment turns out right since it seems so far this artist only made gay comics with mild porn content and I'd love to actually love this thing for more than just the art... Sadly that's the case for a lot of comics that catch my eye. -_-"
Furrynomous 2017/09/18 20:46:28 No.1322900
L'il guy's just a squirrel tryin' to get a nut.
Please leave a mess Adavi123 2017/09/24 17:40:32 No.1325059
File: dosentnsfw_page_11_-_please_leave_a_mess-_copy_u18chan.png - (293.51kb, 905x1280, dosentnsfw_page_11_-_please_leave_a_mess-_copy.png)
The author decided to use a different font because he was dissatisfied with the old one.
Please leave a mess Adavi123 2017/10/07 16:07:31 No.1330902
File: dosentnsfw_page_12_-_please_leave_a_mess-_copy_u18chan.png - (309.36kb, 905x1280, dosentnsfw_page_12_-_please_leave_a_mess-_copy.png)

Furrynomous 2017/10/10 02:12:18 No.1332010
It being cringy is kind of the point, though.
It's not like she's playing it off as if it's not weird.
Gaboris 2017/10/11 04:43:17 No.1332413
Yeah I wasn't sure if it was on purpose or just rushed, but with these two new pages I'm pretty sure Doesnt knows its thing. :)
Please leave a mess Adavi123 2017/10/15 17:56:52 No.1334202
File: dosentnsfw_page_13_-_please_leave_a_mess-_copy_u18chan.png - (266.42kb, 905x1280, dosentnsfw_page_13_-_please_leave_a_mess-_copy.png)

Dosent 2017/10/16 19:39:24 No.1334581
File: TKofbYw_u18chan.png - (234.92kb, 732x591, TKofbYw.png)
The dialogue in this comic could use a lot of redo-ing.
I had a clear idea in mind when I started this comic but I think along with the dialogue I fucked up the illusion of disbelief by rushing through the middle trying to contain this comic in under 20 pages.

The concept wouldn't change much in the end, but the reaction to when he cries in the original draft was much slower and he did try to shake it off in something that was 3 extra pages where he tried to move on, but I sincerely just messed up, I got scared that it might have been too many pages.

The naiveness is what i wanted to underline, I hope I'll be able to show it later in the comic because it's something that i think i hold dear to the squirrel character.
While he does seem deranged i want to underline that his intentions are good and of simple naive love, something that would be good even if it was unilateral.
This deranged feeling is caused because i couldn't write him well enough, so i hope I'll either go back and modify some pages(and add one or two) or hopefully save this character in the next pages of the comic.

What also brought an interesting interaction what was the naiveness (and messiness) of the squirrel counterposed to the bunny character that is more rooted and for as much as she would like doesn't believe much in genuine feelings and more in what would be a slowly built relationship.
What brings them together was this tiny sense of naiveness that tickles her and convinces to give a chance to even just hang out with the squirrel.

But this comic and story is far from perfect, or just good, but I still hope I can end it on a good note, or go back and fix things without too much work to add.

Anyway!! It's good reading the comments here, I wander from time to time since it gives better insight of my work that just looking at the echo chamber that become some places.

First time posting on any chan! Hopefully I did good xvx
Furrynomous 2017/10/16 22:04:06 No.1334633
Cool to see ya here and glad you can see the issues in the comic as well.

While they don't bug me too much personally because I have a thing for shy/sensitive guys in these types of comics so I'm willing to overlook more but I do see how some people think the dialogue is awkward at times and that better pacing could clear up some issues as well.
You probably already thought of it but I'd suggest waiting until you finish the comic as it is then looking for places where you could expand the comic a bit to provide more information or just pace it out to make things more gradual or whatever.

I'm certainly not going to complain if you feel like you should go back and improve things once you're done.
Gaboris 2017/10/17 07:14:12 No.1334838
Hey man! Good to see you here as well.
That image was a great touch. XD

Luckily comments don't get toxic while the pool of commenters is small so don't worry.
We might get harsh at times, but I think you'll be fine for now. :)
Furrynomous 2017/10/17 21:29:13 No.1335086
Honestly have been checking in every few days, I like it and cant wait to see it finished. :)
Furrynomous 2017/10/17 23:15:31 No.1335156
super good.... I want this to be my life
Dosent 2017/10/19 14:33:05 No.1335704
I'll definitely try my best; unfortunately I think the best I could do is add a page this week, to see if slowing the pace down will help even just a tiny bit the feeling of the comic. I honestly think in the end it's a mixture of bad planning and just me still learning how to write characters so the end result is way more hit and miss.

Being harsh is useful at times and in the right way, there's a great difference between constructive and destructive criticism, and it mostly depends on how it's worded out. Hearing "the dialogue seems like this, this and that, and that's why I don't like it/can't enjoy it" is incredibly more useful than both "this comic sucks balls" as long as you give reasoning to your critique any critique is welcome! (I guess as long as it doesn't misses the point completely xvx)
This is super nice to hear! I hope to not disappoint. -v-

This last part is a bit disconnected from the rest, I kept writing and erasing it until I decided to leave it at that, and it's more of a small thing that is wandering through my head.
I guess in the end I'm still very young to drawing and even younger to writing, I want to focus on improving but not to the point of depression as I usually do. Every project I work on will add to my overall experience and naturally improve my skills. No piece of work is unimportant.
The fried pickles 2017/10/29 22:03:04 No.1341375
Hmmm Hmmm

Edited at 2017/10/29 22:05:43
Furrynomous 2017/10/30 09:34:11 No.1341593
allright, time to be useful, I guess?
1)drawings: your style is pretty consistent, and this is a good thing. Sometimes you fuck up the shoulders/hands, drawing them a little too big. A couple of good exemples are in page 5 and page 11. Try spotting them by yourself ;)
Talking about pages, you kinda make a few errors in the layout. I get you like manga more than western impagination, since your drawings tend to exit the borders and the page is often composed with unusual frames.
While not actually being an error, you still mess up a few minor things. First, you should avoid things like page 3, where only one table reaches the border while the rest of the page is evenly paced. Way better to just cut her (she is a girl, right?) hand out of the frame like you did in page 1 with her head.
2)DON'T CHANGE THE FONT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE COMIC. You did that from page 11.
Also you did a common error, but only once: in the first page one of the speech bubbles was bigger than needed. You should keep the proportions between the bubble and the text it's going to contain (tip: just write it down first, then figure out how you want the bubble to be). Luckily you don't tend to do this too often.

The characters are cute. Of course, they already told you that rushing the story tends to transform cute into creepy.
Don't take it too slow tho, or you might take too long for things to happen, and just make it boring. The pace of the story is kinda ok, they are slowly getting to know each other I guess. I like how she is changing her first impression of a creep to a cute lonely boy.

Of course, being it on this site, I can't wait for them to fool around XD Nice gift, the teaser ;)
If you feel like people are getting bored, one of them at the right moment can buy you a lot of guilt-free time to do things as you intend them to go. Take them as a "free out of jail" card u.u

Anyway you are pretty good, actually. I already told about your comic to a lot of people, and they like it. So don't worry too much. It may sound strange, but people actually like what you do XD

Edited at 2017/10/30 09:35:19
Please leave a mess Adavi123 2017/11/19 20:38:45 No.1350829
File: dosentnsfw_page_14_-_please_leave_a_mess-_u18chan.png - (236.1kb, 905x1280, dosentnsfw_page_14_-_please_leave_a_mess-.png)

Please leave a mess Adavi123 2017/11/19 20:39:55 No.1350830
File: dosentnsfw_page_8_-_please_leave_a_mess-_bis_u18chan.png - (258.63kb, 905x1280, dosentnsfw_page_8_-_please_leave_a_mess-_bis.png)
Doesntnsfw "an addendum in the middle of the comic, I wanted to add more insight on how Andrè was handling his emotions and his naiveness."
Anonthemouse 2017/11/25 06:37:06 No.1352718
But he DID say goodbye. They both did.
Please leave a mess Adavi123 2017/11/30 10:45:40 No.1355047
File: dosentnsfw_page_15_-_please_leave_a_mess-_copyready_to_post_at_noon_copy_u18chan.png - (248.42kb, 905x1280, dosentnsfw_page_15_-_please_leave_a_mess-_copyready_to_post_at_noon_copy.png)

Furrynomous 2017/12/17 01:26:36 No.1362237
This is freaking cute.
MHS 2017/12/17 03:09:17 No.1362279
Furrynomous 2017/12/17 06:09:57 No.1362320
File: why_2_u18chan.jpg - (9.7kb, 240x250, why.jpg)
mother fucker i just wanna fap now you making me feel the lonely feels
Furrynomous 2017/12/17 09:21:12 No.1362353

That is your fault own fault
Please leave a mess Adavi123 2017/12/17 17:59:47 No.1362491
File: dosentnsfw_page_16_u18chan.png - (279.27kb, 905x1280, dosentnsfw_page_16.png)
Dosentnsfw "I'm getting back in the rhythm!! hopefully I won't die >;3c"

Edited at 2017/12/17 18:01:35
Furrynomous 2017/12/17 20:08:23 No.1362725
Ooooh, squirrel boy just couldn't hold himself back as soon as he heard those words.
Furrynomous 2017/12/18 17:26:20 No.1363209
Picture if she was just joking...
Furrynomous 2017/12/29 06:57:02 No.1367632
File: o5X6YhKXWpozhNky5Wl6F_myphVwSQJgjk4IhYd1zs8stpBcJcxFc5V9wr9ANs8c_u18chan.png - (2.49mb, 2480x3508, o5X6YhKXWpozhNky5Wl6F_myphVwSQJgjk4IhYd1zs8stpBcJcxFc5V9wr9ANs8c.png)
New page
Furrynomous 2018/01/24 16:44:44 No.1380765
File: page_18_-_please_leave_a_mess2_u18chan.png - (2.24mb, 2480x3508, page_18_-_please_leave_a_mess2.png)
Furrynomous 2018/01/24 17:25:57 No.1380775
So, the dialogue is pretty awkward, but I'm far more distracted by the nipple-mouths on her belly. Is that a rabbit anatomy thing I was unaware of?
Furrynomous 2018/01/24 17:58:31 No.1380796
File: blep_u18chan.png - (295.89kb, 796x797, blep.png)
Cuckmeister 2018/01/24 18:13:42 No.1380802
Furrynomous 2018/01/25 00:09:51 No.1380949
Nipples that pinch back!
Anonthemouse 2018/01/25 00:11:07 No.1380950
You made me laugh way too hard for 7am in the morning

Edited at 2018/01/25 00:11:42
Furrynomous 2018/01/25 12:19:50 No.1381237
If it's 7 a.m. in the evening, I'd have to wonder what you'd been smoking.
Furrynomous 2018/03/08 18:17:24 No.1403819
File: dosentnsfw_page_19-20_-_please_leave_a_mess-_copyready_to_post_at_noon_copy_u18chan_u18chan.gif - (2.94mb, 1527x1080, dosentnsfw_page_19-20_-_please_leave_a_mess-_copyready_to_post_at_noon_copy_u18chan.gif)

Furrynomous 2018/03/08 18:55:49 No.1403826
Got damn.
Anonthemouse 2018/03/08 20:01:17 No.1403854
It's finally happening
Furrynomous 2018/03/08 20:30:34 No.1403870
holy shit this is nice
Furrynomous 2018/03/09 08:30:55 No.1404053
Holy fuck, animated comics. YES!

Realized his name looks like 'doesnt' spelled wrong.
Furrynomous 2018/03/23 16:02:49 No.1410394
File: dosentnsfw_page_21_-_please_leave_a_mess-_copyready_to_post_at_noon_copy_u18chan_u18chan.png - (1.98mb, 2480x3508, dosentnsfw_page_21_-_please_leave_a_mess-_copyready_to_post_at_noon_copy_u18chan.png)

Furrynomous 2018/03/24 13:04:34 No.1411035
what a cuck
Furrynomous 2018/03/24 14:23:25 No.1411085

>what a cuck

You know the definition of a "cuck" is a guy that likes to see his wife cheating on him right?

How the fuck he could be a cuck if he never had a girlfriend before her?
Furrynomous 2018/03/24 15:35:12 No.1411118
ok and you're a flaming homosexual. Do you know the definition of flaming homosexual?
Furrynomous 2018/03/24 18:13:44 No.1411596
you should've understand what i have used "cuck" as a variant of mangina - a spineless male living a servant life for a stinky blood-bleeding hole
Furrynomous 2018/03/24 18:20:43 No.1411601
That is one way of describing being in a relationship with a woman...
I agree, there should be more dicks in your life. You clearly crave them.
Furrynomous 2018/03/24 19:48:07 No.1411639
Not that it's relevant to the topic, but a cuck is actually just someone who is cheated on. Someone CAN like that and then it becomes a fetish, obviously, but in itself it's not voluntary and it's not considered by the victim to be a good thing. I don't know how that's become such a popular misconception all of a sudden. I guess just because the fetish aspect hit the mainstream out of nowhere and now it's the only association people have with the word.
Furrynomous 2018/03/25 18:10:08 No.1412075
What a soy boye
Furrynomous 2018/03/25 22:13:14 No.1412160
indeed. this might turn her off... :[
Furrynomous 2018/03/26 03:41:04 No.1412254
>might turn her off
the dude openly admitted hes been stalking her for probably years and had an emotional break down about cutting off the answering machine when he attempted to call her and thought she was 100% completely offering to date him when the answering machine only said "please leave a mess-(age after the tone)." Nothing is going to turn this rabbit off when the writing is already this fucked to begin with, im just here cause dosent's art is cute as fuck and they gonna fuck. If its like the last comic, gonna be some real good saucy animations
Furrynomous 2018/03/26 10:19:29 No.1412330
one way is being a fucking slave to a woman? you are pathetic
Furrynomous 2018/03/26 18:29:10 No.1412456
All you idiots talking like you wouldn't cry like a bunch of pussies if a woman cucked you. Clearly all Virgins and if you're not, clearly have never had a substantial or meaningful relationship.
Furrynomous 2018/03/27 08:20:20 No.1412717
I'm sure you've gotten laid before with that attitude.
Furrynomous 2018/03/27 09:37:07 No.1412728
No need to give attention to those Jay Naylor wannabe
Furrynomous 2018/03/31 17:48:43 No.1414901
Furrynomous 2018/03/31 19:45:44 No.1414959
I keep seeing the word "Cuck" thrown around and either the people who are using it don't have any clue as to what the word means, OR I must not know what the word means and have thought it's definition was something completely else. I'm not seeing how this squirrel is a "cuck". Many words can be used to describe him, but that wouldn't be one I'd use.
Furrynomous 2018/04/01 02:43:05 No.1415130
Furrynomous 2018/04/01 02:49:47 No.1415132
Ya'll suck, this comic is cute and adorable and involves literally no cucking, only a dude who's a huge dork being extremely happy.
Furrynomous 2018/04/01 04:12:12 No.1415154
It's a new thing where people define stuff as cuck even if cuckoldry is not related to the thing being described as a way for other people to know the person saying it is a complete mental reject.
Furrynomous 2018/04/29 20:54:00 No.1428674
File: 2272890_Dosent_page_22_-_please_leave_a_mess_u18chan.png - (1.72mb, 2480x3508, 2272890_Dosent_page_22_-_please_leave_a_mess.png)

Furrynomous 2018/04/30 13:03:27 No.1428921
this is how your average white guy behaves in a relationship
Furrynomous 2018/04/30 13:16:22 No.1428924
Yeah, this is what this comic needs, racially-charged commentary
Furrynomous 2018/04/30 15:59:08 No.1428971
Furrynomous 2018/05/01 07:12:04 No.1429292
His obsessive infatuation with her is just so over the top. wtf
Furrynomous 2018/05/01 16:46:07 No.1429502
File: 24068353_171403480265181_4876401219128845158_n_u18chan.jpg - (84.83kb, 950x960, 24068353_171403480265181_4876401219128845158_n.jpg)
This is starting to look like a post-modern surrealism critique on the relation of men and women in today's society
Furrynomous 2018/05/02 01:24:52 No.1429686
Or, bear with me here, it's just a comic about a painfully shy dude finding somebody that likes him.
Furrynomous 2018/05/02 02:11:34 No.1429697
theres a difference between painfully shy and obsessively stalking
Furrynomous 2018/05/02 08:34:51 No.1429786
Nah, this isn't just a "cute shy guy"

It's an absolute cuck with a dominant epic female 2018 (trademark)
Furrynomous 2018/05/02 08:48:03 No.1429789
Uh, no cucking going on here. Maybe you meant "beta"?

I'm just talking about when it comes to the sex. Not how they met. Which I would agree is pretty stalkerish.
Furrynomous 2018/05/03 19:27:16 No.1430348
I think this comic's story would actually improve if all the dialog was removed.
Furrynomous 2018/07/10 00:15:54 No.1464500
File: dosentnsfw_page_23_-_please_leave_a_mess-_copyready_to_post_at_noon_copy_u18chan_2_u18chan.png - (1.69mb, 1414x2000, dosentnsfw_page_23_-_please_leave_a_mess-_copyready_to_post_at_noon_copy_u18chan.png)

Furrynomous 2018/07/10 02:07:46 No.1464525
Sexy, but it looks like they're having the most awkward oral sex in their life
(this could be intentional to fit the vibe, who knows).
Furrynomous 2018/07/17 02:11:34 No.1467641

Let's spell the word 'fortunate,' now let's add an "un" before it and an "ly" after it. You have now spelled out "unfortunately" right.

If you are going to make the love interest an author, make sure you don't use big words, unless you can actually spell them properly.
Furrynomous 2018/07/17 02:18:57 No.1467645
"Embarrassed" has two r's and two s's. Again, if you are going to also include a budding editor, this would be the first thing they would notice.
Furrynomous 2018/07/26 01:36:20 No.1471620
File: 2377171_Dosent_page_24_copy_u18chan.png - (436.17kb, 920x1301, 2377171_Dosent_page_24_copy.png)

Edited at 2018/07/26 01:38:26
Furrynomous 2018/07/26 09:50:30 No.1471782

this artstyle is really.. distinctive.
i really enjoy this comic, was this made by a girl?
Furrynomous 2018/08/24 02:46:45 No.1484854
File: dosentnsfw_page_25_-_please_leave_a_mess-_copyready_to_post_at_noon_copy_u18chan_u18chan.png - (1.97mb, 2480x3508, dosentnsfw_page_25_-_please_leave_a_mess-_copyready_to_post_at_noon_copy_u18chan.png)

Furrynomous 2018/08/24 16:03:31 No.1485100
Furrynomous 2018/08/24 16:34:54 No.1485110
I'm sorry but Andre is just so shit... who could ever actually get into some guy who is bawling his eyes out and this socially awkward? Ugh.
Furrynomous 2018/08/24 16:44:22 No.1485113
Furrynomous 2018/08/24 17:50:05 No.1485128
Because you really sound like a better option ^_~
Furrynomous 2018/08/24 19:56:34 No.1485144
he's the type of guy to own a nintendo switch
Furrynomous 2018/08/24 22:42:28 No.1485195
Having a Nintendo Switch is bad because?
Furrynomous 2018/08/25 00:53:13 No.1485233
Owning a switch is a good indication youre a man-child/soiboy but trying to posture your masculinity on a furry porn board by pointing shouldnt be something to take pride in.
Furrynomous 2018/08/25 03:32:51 No.1485257
love is the best fetish
Furrynomous 2018/08/25 04:16:25 No.1485272
You know, you could say that about any video game console ever and no one will fucking care because maybe people just enjoy video games.
Furrynomous 2018/08/25 11:49:44 No.1485363
Nintendo has more cartoony childish games than any other game console
Furrynomous 2018/08/25 11:54:47 No.1485364
Had to look up soyboy; jesus fuck. Why is alt-right terminology being used on a furry board? What are conservatives doing in this community? Furry doesn't exactly mix with traditionalism.
Furrynomous 2018/08/25 12:58:21 No.1485386

Alt-right has nothing to do with conservatism, it's all about demonizing liberals, women, jews and non-whites, destroying everything 'fer teh lulz,' and 'STIGGINIT.'

They think they're special, 'just because'' and believe they deserve extra special treatment just for existing in this 'horrible and unjust world that treats them so unfairly.' (You know, exactly the same as everyone else.)

They want to see the world burn and they don't care if it ends up hurting themselves more than the people they're demonizing, so long as their imaginary enemies get hurt at least a little.

They're like spoiled, mentally-unbalanced, three-year-olds, who smash all their toys because mommy won't give them an extra sweet just for not pooping their pants.
Furrynomous 2018/08/25 14:35:25 No.1485407
It's not alt-right, so much as alt-right has become a catch all demonizing term for things progressives don't like. Alt-right in reality is supposed to be someone who wants a white ethnostate for white people. Progressive journalists want to just use it as a snarl word so they can basically call people Nazi without stooping to triggering Godwin's law.

Progressives are not liberals, like liberals actually believe in free speech for example and they're also not running around crying for gibs-me-that democratic socialism, or saying that capitalism is evil and that profit shouldn't be a thing.

Soyboy is a thing. Just like fratbro, techbro, and BernieBro are things. It describes a behavior pattern, attitude and mannerisms shared by a large number of men.
Furrynomous 2018/08/25 15:09:53 No.1485412
Now that I've read the comic... Ya'll need to shut the fuck up and enjoy something wholesome instead of being so cynical. >:|
Let there be peace! Gaboris 2018/08/25 15:39:54 No.1485421
I second that.

There's a reason why I actually started supporting this artist on Patreon.
Furrynomous 2018/08/25 15:49:50 No.1485424
Glad to know y'all like a creepy, crybaby stalker "nice guy".
Furrynomous 2018/08/25 15:56:26 No.1485425

The character likes him. He likes her. It's not about us, you dolt. It's about the story. If they're good for each other, that's what matters here.
Gaboris 2018/08/25 16:34:15 No.1485437
Eh, nobody cares(or more like shouldn't, but that's life).

The story is still sweet and just "clean".
That's refreshing between two fetish filled and drama driven comics. :P

Hear, hear!
Furrynomous 2018/08/29 00:07:03 No.1487021
File: dosentnsfw_page_26_-_please_leave_a_mess-_copyready_to_post_at_noon_copy_u18chan_u18chan.png - (2.02mb, 2480x3508, dosentnsfw_page_26_-_please_leave_a_mess-_copyready_to_post_at_noon_copy_u18chan.png)

Furrynomous 2018/08/29 16:57:51 No.1487204
welp, there you go, it's ruined.
Furrynomous 2018/08/29 17:05:36 No.1487206
With a title like leave a mess, we can still hope for a broken condom.
Furrynomous 2018/08/29 17:56:50 No.1487222

I think it's more like a joke with "Please leave a message" but cut short
Furrynomous 2018/09/07 12:16:24 No.1491317
File: dosentnsfw_page_27_-_please_leave_a_mess-_copyready_to_post_at_noon_copy_u18chan_u18chan.png - (1.94mb, 2480x3508, dosentnsfw_page_27_-_please_leave_a_mess-_copyready_to_post_at_noon_copy_u18chan.png)

Furrynomous 2018/09/07 22:46:35 No.1491541
a fucking condom.
Furrynomous 2018/09/07 23:05:03 No.1491549
safe sex is my fetish, don't kinkshame me
Furrynomous 2018/09/08 03:46:02 No.1491728
Your safe sex fetish is kinkphobic of my pregnancy fetish.
Furrynomous 2018/09/08 05:54:05 No.1491770
Don't worry, there's still time. I've yet to feel a stronger physical pleasure in my life than when a condom broke mid-sex.
Furrynomous 2018/09/09 20:31:13 No.1492565

wtf even is this character

someone needs to replace that long ass dialogue with the navy seal copypasta
Furrynomous 2018/09/09 22:35:39 No.1492599
File: navy-seal_u18chan.png - (442.96kb, 1169x1205, navy-seal.png)

Got ya fam
Furrynomous 2018/09/10 06:52:39 No.1492743
>My thingy

Christ town it down a bit man
Furrynomous 2018/09/10 10:29:27 No.1492803

this works way better than the actual page tbh

thanks for the edit
Furrynomous 2018/11/03 16:57:06 No.1513107
File: 12ccdb2d707454aeef08a5ae1cf68057_u18chan.gif - (822.99kb, 1527x1080, 12ccdb2d707454aeef08a5ae1cf68057.gif)

Furrynomous 2018/11/03 16:57:08 No.1513108
File: 066daf79476b1e5a26487ae112e9cb54_u18chan.jpg - (115.3kb, 565x800, 066daf79476b1e5a26487ae112e9cb54.jpg)
Furrynomous 2018/11/03 16:57:10 No.1513109
File: 49060b08ca295bdb1ed1fb9af7c8b994_u18chan.jpg - (119.84kb, 565x800, 49060b08ca295bdb1ed1fb9af7c8b994.jpg)
Furrynomous 2018/12/11 02:14:33 No.1526986
File: 1544476274.dosentnsfw_page_32_cc_u18chan.jpg - (246.86kb, 905x1280, 1544476274.dosentnsfw_page_32_cc.jpg)

Edited at 2018/12/11 02:23:35
Furrynomous 2018/12/18 21:21:16 No.1529277
love this comic. thanks for making this!
Furrynomous 2018/12/21 23:58:58 No.1530120
File: 2540717_Dosent_page_33_u18chan.png - (5.03mb, 2480x3508, 2540717_Dosent_page_33.png)

and here's the last page
Furrynomous 2018/12/22 13:41:54 No.1530266
Wholesome as fuck
Furrynomous 2019/02/22 17:23:34 No.1555187
Safe sex comics are going to be the new fetish.
Furrynomous 2019/05/06 16:54:51 No.1585913
What the fuck is wholesome about "I've been stalking you for years"?
Furrynomous 2019/05/06 19:17:48 No.1585965

Because he wasn't stalking her.

She's a famous book writer, he liked her books, got the chance to visit her and help her on a new book, always had a small crush on her, they discovered common interests, and one thing led to another from there.

He's not a creepy "The Collector" type of maniac, that wanted to kidnap her and lock her on his basement until she learned to love him
Furrynomous 2019/05/06 20:46:35 No.1586004
>go to porn board to blast a quick rope
>be reminded of my deep seated fear of being a burden on others and only tolerated out of pity
now i understand why regular porn is so vapid
Furrynomous 2019/05/06 21:54:12 No.1586029

While he might not have been "stalking" her the premise is still pretty creepy. Similar interests or not, they barely knew each other in the past. There's nothing wrong with wanting to rekindle a friendship or romance, but in the way it's presented here? Not exactly what I'd call "wholesome".
Furrynomous 2019/05/06 22:45:40 No.1586047
I wouldn't even say similar interests if you asked me. The dude is obviously obsessive and she could like anything and he would say he likes it to appease her. Its supposed to be cute and the art style and vulnerability of the guy is there to aid that and in a way it is cute, but it's also presented as really creepy and fucked up as well as enabling. They clearly didn't go very far as friends if he only remembered asking her to be his girlfriend in elementary school and nothing else was as significant as that and she didn't even remember who he was at all.

you make it sound like they didn't know each other before and honestly the way you describe it, leaving out all the details, makes the story way more appealing than it actually is. Complete mess of a person tracks down the girl he asked out in elementary school believing she called him to come to her when hearing the answering machine say "please leave a mess(age after the beep)" by hanging up before the sentence was finished thinking it was directed 100% without a doubt to him personally. Girl is guilt tripped into allowing him into her life despite having no interest in him at all until she enables his behavior and starts to enjoy having an obsessive boyfriend that is an emotional wreck without her and provides no criticism to her work due to his obsessive nature to validate everything she does even if she wants to improve.
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 22:51:03 No.1586389
Is....someone really arguing that having a significant other that validates you and praises you is a bad thing?

He was in a bad place when the story started but past that we have very little that indicates he had any huge issues when with her other than a motor mouth and some odd moments like being out in the rain without an umbrella.

Honestly I think them being a mess of a person early on is a big point of the story. He WAS creepy and messed up then but finding someone who was willing to accept them and spend time with them led to both parties having something that made them happy in the end.

Hell from what I heard about with writers and crap they have to deal with with editors having someone there to remind them to have fun with their writing might be a good thing regardless of any relationship happening.

Sometimes people NEED that validation. especially when it comes to creative work like writing, imo
Furrynomous 2019/05/09 01:45:54 No.1586852
Does anyone know why they nuked half of their art?

They removed for emergency use only and a bunch of art from e6 and fa.
Furrynomous 2019/05/27 19:17:50 No.1594653

you better ask for dogecoin or people dont take you seriously
Furrynomous 2019/05/28 23:20:09 No.1595052
>it's also presented as really creepy and fucked up as well as enabling.

They even address this in an early page, shes thinking to herself "dont get that motherly feeling, you talked to your therapist about it"

Dysfunctional emotionally fucked up relationships are hot tho
Furrynomous 2019/07/02 13:23:20 No.1608893

Who the hell are you to say that what is creepy to you is some kind of death sentence to someone's love life?

Let's take people who aren't flawless... and further ostracize them. Surely that will make things better!
Furrynomous 2019/07/02 19:28:11 No.1608985

Way to necro a thread and be massively butthurt, my dude.

Calm your nerd tits.


Buuuuut since were here, this guy gets it.

Guy with severe dependent personality disorder meets up with girl he knew at least 20 years ago, and based upon a delusional belief that her answering machine was her instructions to come find her ...

... does precisely that.

And then because his dependency kicks off some complex of hers, she basically becomes his security blanket and then they fuck.

That's it. That's the plot.
Furrynomous 2019/07/03 00:09:26 No.1609042
I didn't necro anything, it's the same bumping that went on with the Naylor threads that brought it to the top. Which is strange because the admins put in a script meant to stop that whole post to bump, then delete post shtick.
Furrynomous 2019/07/03 05:04:25 No.1609125
still kind of a necro. if you didnt post then it would have just been the typical bump spam shit that still hasn't been fixed, completed comicss should just be locked anyway. You didn't explicitly bring it to the top but you are trying to revive discussion.
RT 2022/09/18 08:13:55 No.2186805
Just trolling through these assorted comics and spotted the blue rabbit (I like rabbits), so gave it a read.
Was seriously tempted to just move on, but the whole package; the comic, the dialogue, the comments and the replies just begged for comment.
First off, a pleasing art style and consistent through the arc, and the animated bits in the middle were a total (and well enjoyed) surprise.
BUT, when I looked at the first page, I saw a blue male bunny. The proportions, the implied mannerisms, the style of speech, all led me to believe the bunny was male. And when the squirrel claimed to be the bunny's boyfriend, I just naturally assumed this was going to be some gay rejection story or something.
Even deeper into the story I had to keep reminding myself that the rabbit was supposed to be female, but by then I was starting to get tied up in the commentary, which typically of any chan based site, just blast in with their own self centred annoyance at not getting to the fap material quick enough.
I read a lot of fandom and totally expect it to be full of amateurs, and I don't mind that, what I'm looking for is the creativeness over perfect gramma, as long as the idea comes across I'll excuse odd or clunky dialogue. And yet, for what this story was trying to portray, the disjointed conversations actually fit in, a timid, unsure person forcing themselves to climb over their fears to connect with someone that's grown in their head more than in real life, however the other person is somewhat of a loner that vicariously lives in their own creative world while at the same time wary of the outside real world.
What I'm saying is that while others struggled with the confusion, the odd pacing and the misunderstandings, I felt it all portrayed real life better than the usually well crafted, but typically connived stories found in the fandoms.
Whether that was by design or accident is total conjecture, but by the end, I was happy with how it played out. The discussions about the 'are you now my girlfriend' dialogue really only highlighted how the two personalities and their self doubts are probably more real than people want to believe.
I liked it, and I know comic writing is a lot harder than it looks, good job.

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