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File: 1505019986.echoseed_barbed1_lr_u18chan.jpg - (147.64kb, 853x1280, 1505019986.echoseed_barbed1_lr.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
[Echoseed] Barbed G-Birkin 2017/09/17 10:16:10 No.1322292
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G-Birkin 2017/09/17 10:16:11 No.1322293
File: 1505570195.echoseed_barbed2_lr_u18chan.jpg - (186.5kb, 853x1280, 1505570195.echoseed_barbed2_lr.jpg)

Edited at 2017/09/17 10:16:26
Fur Non 2017/09/17 12:43:53 No.1322335
A mod posted a comic, I want more of this.
G-Birkin 2017/09/23 10:41:11 No.1324579
File: Barbed_03_u18chan.png - (190.62kb, 853x1280, Barbed_03.png)
Furrynomous 2017/09/30 12:04:13 No.1327237
funny thing is, mice actually hate cheese. they only eat it if they can get nothing else
Furrynomous 2017/09/30 12:42:22 No.1327287
Yeah right! Next you'll say carrots are bad for rabbits.
G-Birkin 2017/09/30 16:24:20 No.1327375
File: Barbed_04_u18chan.png - (197.47kb, 853x1280, Barbed_04.png)
Adavi123 2017/09/30 17:15:17 No.1327402

Actually the reason they used cheese in mouse traps was because cheese has a strong aroma and it spreads pretty far so it attracted mice more easily than other forms of bait.


That's partially true believe it or not, see rabbits only eat the green leafy top of the carrot they can't actually eat the long orange stalk. I heard somewhere that they can actually die if you feed them the carrot stalk though I don't know for sure how true that is.
Furrynomous 2017/10/02 18:19:21 No.1328541

The carrot stalk is sugary compared to their usual diet of leaves and grasses, so eating carrot stalk all the time would be like a human subsisting on a diet of mostly cookie. Good for a treat, but not nutritious as a primary food.
Furrynomous 2017/10/02 18:59:05 No.1328551
G-Birkin 2017/10/07 11:30:51 No.1330772
File: Barbed_05_u18chan.png - (190.88kb, 853x1280, Barbed_05.png)

New page. And the author explains the small watersport part:

"Sorry for the watersport, there’s no way to fit the dick without squeezing the bladder."
Furrynomous 2017/10/07 13:39:51 No.1330827
File: 1507332285267_u18chan.jpg - (69.51kb, 754x480, 1507332285267.jpg)
Oh shit that's fuckin brutal
Furrynomous 2017/10/07 19:41:01 No.1330942

So... he's going for realism, then?
G-Birkin 2017/10/07 19:47:23 No.1330943

Yep. But don't worry, I don't think he will keep using the watersports thing, it was just something to give context and realism
Furrynomous 2017/10/08 13:45:04 No.1331189

Oh, well I was being facetious. If he's going for realism she should be spraying some blood with that urine, too.
G-Birkin 2017/10/08 17:29:10 No.1331266

Actually the blood would only happen if he put up her ass or she was a virgin. Her vagina can stretch enough to fit that without bleeding.
Furrynomous 2017/10/08 17:45:04 No.1331272
File: d92_u18chan.png - (525kb, 600x600, d92.png)
Furrynomous 2017/10/08 18:07:10 No.1331277
Dude women arent quite that elastic they can take big but they arent endless. Something that big would indeed cause bleeding. Its fine to look past that because its furry porn. When they make a woman piss because realism then might as well put it out there shes going to be bleeding like crazy in a minute.
G-Birkin 2017/10/08 19:01:24 No.1331287

Well he said he was a bit realistic, but that doesn't mean he's gone full realistic. I mean, we have a rat the same size of a cat, both are walking on two legs and talk, she loves cheese... (2 million other things in this porn who aren't realistic)
Furrynomous 2017/10/10 01:40:47 No.1332003

Women have been putting odd shaped things inside themselves for a very long time, not the least of which are other people's entire hands. She isn't endless, but an oversized cock could still fit to a certain depth. Comfortable, particularly to a newbie? Not likely. But then she doesn't look like she's enjoying the experience too much right now.
Furrynomous 2017/10/10 12:24:39 No.1332167

>you will never have a cock so massive that it makes women piss themselves on insertion

Someone pass me the fucking cyanide.
Furrynomous 2017/10/10 12:39:54 No.1332170

Maybe if you fuck a midget?
Furrynomous 2017/10/10 17:07:23 No.1332233
Please, even midgets have standards.
Furrynomous 2017/10/10 17:12:18 No.1332237
You know, "realistically", a professional thief, infiltrator or whatever she's being presented as?

Would have gone to the bathroom before she left.
G-Birkin 2017/10/13 10:39:44 No.1333193
File: Barbed_06_u18chan.png - (195.61kb, 853x1280, Barbed_06.png)
G-Birkin 2017/10/16 15:38:54 No.1334527
File: mousetent_hr_u18chan.png - (1.5mb, 1800x3000, mousetent_hr.png)
While we don't get a page 7, here's a older pic of echoseed, featuring the mouse girl from this comic.
G-Birkin 2017/10/19 15:34:43 No.1335724
File: Barbed_07_u18chan.png - (211.64kb, 853x1280, Barbed_07.png)
And here's page 7.

Sadly, according to what the author responded when I asked it, maybe the next page will be the last one :(
G-Birkin 2017/10/20 18:39:19 No.1336258
File: Barbed_07_no-preg_edit_u18chan.png - (982.29kb, 853x1280, Barbed_07_no-preg_edit.png)

No-preg edit I did
Furrynomous 2017/10/20 22:10:59 No.1336338
That horrible feeling when you will never be man enough to penetrate the cervix and tear her vagina while she cums over and over.
Furrynomous 2017/10/21 12:20:10 No.1336575
File: Bill_Wilson-0_0_u18chan.jpg - (78.82kb, 716x768, Bill_Wilson-0.jpg)
>Second panel
G-Birkin 2017/10/21 12:53:03 No.1336617

"No one cared who I was until I put my dick out"
Furrynomous 2017/10/21 18:25:27 No.1336806
He's a big guy
Furrynomous 2017/10/22 00:22:40 No.1336990

This is now a baneposting thread!
Furrynomous 2017/10/22 08:33:38 No.1337092
>no panels of her struggling to take the rest of it
Damn it!
G-Birkin 2017/10/23 17:38:22 No.1337890
File: Barbed_08_u18chan.png - (210.15kb, 853x1280, Barbed_08.png)

Here's the final page, with a morbid secret. The cheese was actually made from MOUSE..... milk.

So no gorey ending then, just a life of milking and fucking. A better BDSM story than 50 Shades of Gray
the tauren 2017/10/23 19:31:35 No.1337999
oh no!!!! mafia simpson do it again

rat milk ahhhhhaaa!!!!!
G-Birkin 2017/10/23 20:15:28 No.1338018
File: semen_u18chan.png - (40.35kb, 377x275, semen.png)

That's because you don't know what they do with the male thieves in that factory
G-Birkin 2017/10/24 15:58:09 No.1338404
File: barbed_01_HD_0_u18chan.png - (2.56mb, 3000x4500, barbed_01_HD.png)
HD versions
G-Birkin 2017/10/24 15:58:11 No.1338405
File: barbed_02_HD_0_u18chan.png - (3.5mb, 3000x4500, barbed_02_HD.png)
G-Birkin 2017/10/24 15:58:13 No.1338406
File: barbed_03_HD_0_u18chan.png - (3.84mb, 3000x4500, barbed_03_HD.png)

Edited at 2017/10/24 15:59:23
G-Birkin 2017/10/24 15:58:15 No.1338407
File: barbed_04_HD_0_u18chan.png - (5.34mb, 3000x4500, barbed_04_HD.png)

Edited at 2017/10/24 15:59:42
G-Birkin 2017/10/24 15:58:17 No.1338408
File: barbed_05_HD_0_u18chan.png - (5.34mb, 3000x4500, barbed_05_HD.png)

Edited at 2017/10/24 15:59:58
G-Birkin 2017/10/24 16:05:40 No.1338416
File: barbed_06_HD_u18chan.png - (4.77mb, 3000x4500, barbed_06_HD.png)
G-Birkin 2017/10/24 16:05:42 No.1338417
File: barbed_07_HD_u18chan.png - (5.84mb, 3000x4500, barbed_07_HD.png)
G-Birkin 2017/10/24 16:05:44 No.1338418
File: barbed_08_HD_u18chan.png - (3.96mb, 3000x4500, barbed_08_HD.png)

Edited at 2017/10/24 16:06:37
Furrynomous 2017/10/24 19:03:11 No.1338506
Furrynomous 2019/09/02 15:58:37 No.1640055
Furrynomous 2019/09/03 23:03:19 No.1640582
whatever happened to echoseed, I liked his art a lot then he just up and vanished

wonder if he died
Furrynomous 2019/10/12 08:07:06 No.1656411
Allow me to pitch an alternate ending to this comic.

(The cat stands over the mouse he dominated, staring down at her. The mouse looks back up in his direction.)

Cat: (smirks) So, how did you like it?

(Mouse looks back up, smiling. Meanwhile, the factory setting fades away, revealing a bedroom. The factory setting is just a role play fantasy between husband and wife.)

Mouse: Okay, you convinced me. That was the hottest sex I've had in a while.

Cat: See, I told you you would like it. Think you'd be up for some more in the future?

Mouse: Mmmm... Sure.

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