well I honestly don't BLAME the artist, because I'd prob do the same in their position. Think about it, it's a job. Most of us aren't exactly model employees, we slack, we take longer than usual breaks, blah blah.
But that's the way the business model goes for this kind of thing, people are no longer paying for quality they're paying for porn at assembly line disney quality.
Im just happy that someone makes a half decent zootopia comic, cause so far they all suck, zaush's comic sucked shit, this one at least has somewhat of a sexy story you can at least fap to. Zaush just did frames of every imaginable zootopia character fucking....cause you know, reasons, he half assed the art in every scene. where this one has filler, at least it's not the worst. which, sadly, is the standard now for patreon funded art, if it's not the worst, its acceptable.
There's no money cap right, so they want as much as possible. Why would they cap their donations at 1000$ a page, when they can hide amounts of money, and make 5,000$ a page for very little work. Where a normal artist would spend the same time and charge 300$ per page and spend twice as much time because the commissioner would be there page by page making sure they're not being a lazy fuck and guiding them along, it's like having your boss watch your every move, sure it's annoying but the job gets done properly.
Patreon, is like the boss that's never there and occasionally walks around nodding while the employees pretend to work for the 10 mins they're watching. Who spends money on this? Who knows. I wish they'd stop. Give the artists some integrity back.