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File: 01_132_0_u18chan.jpg - (3.37mb, 2480x3507, 01_132.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Roxanne a Slut Furrynomous 2017/09/30 12:13:22 No.1327243   
By ReX
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Roxanne a Slut Furrynomous 2017/09/30 12:13:24 No.1327244
File: 02_122_0_u18chan.jpg - (2.89mb, 2480x3507, 02_122.jpg)
Roxanne a Slut Furrynomous 2017/09/30 12:13:26 No.1327245
File: 03_128_0_u18chan.jpg - (2.94mb, 2480x3507, 03_128.jpg)
Roxanne a Slut Furrynomous 2017/09/30 12:13:27 No.1327246
File: 04_126_0_u18chan.jpg - (3.04mb, 2480x3507, 04_126.jpg)
Roxanne a Slut Furrynomous 2017/09/30 12:14:54 No.1327247
File: 05_125_0_u18chan.jpg - (4.62mb, 3507x4960, 05_125.jpg)

Roxanne a Slut Furrynomous 2017/09/30 12:14:55 No.1327248
File: 06_137_0_u18chan.jpg - (1.07mb, 2480x3507, 06_137.jpg)
Roxanne a Slut Furrynomous 2017/09/30 12:14:57 No.1327249
File: 07_126_0_u18chan.jpg - (1.05mb, 2480x3508, 07_126.jpg)
Furrynomous 2017/10/07 11:52:54 No.1330777
Interesting, hopefully there will be more pages soon.
Furrynomous 2017/10/10 20:09:30 No.1332286
In what way is this cub? They were already in college in the last movie, and this is clearly set /after/ that.
G-Birkin 2017/10/11 21:09:36 No.1332722
This obviously isn't cub. Don't tag as cub, or it'll be considered tagging abuse.
Furrynomous 2017/10/11 21:35:59 No.1332734
of all the things people can fan art do with a character and they always gotta resort to making them whores.
Furrynomous 2017/10/11 21:45:05 No.1332738
How else can you justify drawing them having sex?
Only whores and sluts have sex.
Roxanne a Slut Furrynomous 2017/10/26 03:21:28 No.1339350
File: 08_247_u18chan.jpg - (3.59mb, 2480x3508, 08.jpg)

Furrynomous 2017/10/27 19:42:04 No.1340321
So...did a cop donate his police uniform to the goodwill? I know it is probably just a costume but, this seems like it might switch gears on us.
Legendaryheroaegis 2017/10/28 09:42:59 No.1340596
Does the artist have a home page or someplace to get a comission from him
Furrynomous 2017/10/28 18:37:23 No.1340814
Nitpicking porn, I know, but a Goodwill would be unlikely to have something like that. Police equipment is sold by retailers who have a special permit to do so, and even if it's just a costume, she'd still have to go somewhere else to get it.
Furrynomous 2017/10/29 12:58:46 No.1341168
Not that I've seen.
ThatOneAnon 2017/12/09 19:33:38 No.1359186

Edited at 2017/12/09 19:34:09
Roxanne a Slut Furrynomous 2018/01/09 12:03:47 No.1373599
File: 09_273_u18chan.jpg - (5.01mb, 2480x3508, 09.jpg)

G-Birkin 2018/01/09 14:02:56 No.1373684

Not sure if she's filming a porn, or she just said that to a random prostitute and the prostitute is running really terrified.
Furrynomous 2018/01/09 16:09:29 No.1373712
Is this an Elfquest crossover now?
Furrynomous 2018/01/21 01:48:44 No.1379073
That and apparently the prostitute just walks around with a buttplug. Seems kind of counterproductive and a time waster considering her line of work.
Furrynomous 2018/01/22 18:25:26 No.1379846
Well that escalated quickly, was she always a rapist or is this just her happy as hell over getting a part in a movie and she is celebrating?
Roxanne a Slut Furrynomous 2018/02/08 08:07:40 No.1388688
File: 10_444_u18chan.jpg - (2.12mb, 3300x5100, 10.jpg)

G-Birkin 2018/02/08 13:38:28 No.1388784

Ok, so now that green chick from Kim Possible appears from nowhere, kidnaps Roxanne to rape her, and suddenly that slut that was running in fear simply turns around and decide to help rape Roxanne?

I need to lay down the coffee
Furrynomous 2018/05/26 01:30:37 No.1441508
Ok whoever commissioned this had to be drunk when they gave the artist their synopsis.
Furrynomous 2018/05/26 03:06:26 No.1441533
I love Shego and all, but this is weird lol
Furrynomous 2018/05/26 08:38:30 No.1441657
This comic was a bit hot at first but now it's turning into a random fuck fest.
What the fuck's next? Spongebob wacking off in the corner?
Furrynomous 2018/05/27 07:52:37 No.1442272
Who is the Artist of this comic? Looks like it says R-ex but when searching I cannot seem to find anything with that? Wondering what else they may have done. Really like the style of the art.
Furrynomous 2018/05/29 07:18:16 No.1443353
Furrynomous 2018/05/29 14:47:03 No.1443519

Edited at 2018/05/29 14:48:06
Furrynomous 2018/09/19 12:14:27 No.1495850
Hope there is more soon
Roxanne a Slut Furrynomous 2019/03/01 09:09:44 No.1557862
File: 11_528_u18chan.jpg - (6.22mb, 3300x5100, 11.jpg)

Furrynomous 2019/03/01 10:24:22 No.1557880
Why did this become a crossover clusterfuck
Furrynomous 2019/03/01 12:03:25 No.1557908
Crossover clusterfuck aside, I think I prefer this as opposed to the cringefest that is the comic where every character had the exact same body type when their not really built for it and the Oc who apparently had hypnotic powers...
Roxanne a Slut Furrynomous 2019/04/14 14:45:43 No.1576384
File: 12_502_u18chan.jpg - (2.46mb, 1650x2550, 12.jpg)

Roxanne a Slut Furrynomous 2019/06/01 07:54:34 No.1596797
File: 13_467_u18chan.jpg - (6.99mb, 3300x5100, 13.jpg)

Furrynomous 2019/06/01 09:29:15 No.1596836
After seeing the 3rd panel on the most recent page I'm inclined to disagree on what's more cringe, Wilma and Betty...the Sin City quote...this is just...CRIIIIIINGE!!!

Based on Wilma's appearance I think I know who comissioned this: Dave Lister and Cat. You win internets if you know what I'm referencing.

Edited at 2019/06/01 09:32:14
Furrynomous 2019/06/01 18:44:10 No.1597116
this is a clusterfuck of a crossover that makes no sense. It reminds me of that cringy comic featuring various characters with jessica rabbit anatomy that made no sense what so ever.
Chatin # MOD # 2019/06/02 15:18:03 No.1597362
Oh sweet jesus.
Furrynomous 2020/08/19 01:33:19 No.1803910
What happened to this?
It was updating regularly then POOF
Furrynomous 2020/08/22 21:34:16 No.1805752
Good riddance if you ask me.
Roxanne a Slut Furrynomous 2021/05/15 22:53:18 No.1948357
File: 14_756_u18chan.jpg - (6.87mb, 3300x5100, 14.jpg)

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