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File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_00_u18chan.jpg - (1.48mb, 2129x3054, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_00.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2017/10/11 14:18:07 No.1332539   
If you like my work and you would like to see more from me, subscribe to my Patreon . Pledge to tiers and get some exclusive artwork! Every bit helps, thank you! :3
New Volume, new story, new cast!
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If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2017/10/11 14:18:08 No.1332540
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_01_0_u18chan.jpg - (1.16mb, 2499x2910, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_01.jpg)

Edited at 2020/01/28 12:08:29
If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2017/10/11 14:18:10 No.1332541
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_02_0_u18chan.jpg - (995.3kb, 2484x2979, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_02.jpg)

Edited at 2020/01/28 12:08:57
the tauren 2017/10/11 14:45:15 No.1332556
be underdog :p
Furrynomous 2017/10/11 15:54:42 No.1332583
Goddamn, talk about watching an artist improve in real time. I don't know anything about visual arts, but Iget a strong impression that your art quality has improved since you began IHHAT. My respects, Viro
Furrynomous 2017/10/11 16:45:42 No.1332616
Yes! Been waiting for this for a long time.
Viro Veteruscy 2017/10/11 17:46:25 No.1332663
Thanks, working on IHHAT Vol. 1 helped in many ways.
Furrynomous 2017/10/11 21:43:30 No.1332737

It seems to still suffer from some of the same issues as before with perspective (snouts, the inside of his mouth on the last panel of pg 3, etc) but you seemed to have done a good job cleaning up your lines and the shading is WAY better imo.
Especially considering you went from B&W to color. Though an issue I'm seeing with that is some of the shading still looks a bit flat. You do a good job on the edges of objects and obvious distinct layers but there is very little shading in between so his face in the third panel of pg 3 looks kind of flat besides his snout, ears, and hair tuft on the top. There is very little visual depth in his cheeks, forehead, and such.

Anyway, still a big improvement and I expect we'll see more.
Furrynomous 2017/10/12 03:43:57 No.1332796
oh boy i can already guess the plot
If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2017/10/18 08:35:44 No.1335280
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_03_0_u18chan.jpg - (709.81kb, 2464x2981, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_03.jpg)

Edited at 2020/01/28 12:09:45
Furrynomous 2017/10/19 00:19:35 No.1335558
good to see that viro's art and storytelling haven't gotten any better
If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2017/10/25 10:06:51 No.1338752
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_04_0_u18chan.jpg - (810.96kb, 2497x2788, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_04.jpg)

Edited at 2020/01/28 12:10:14
Furrynomous 2017/10/25 15:43:39 No.1338984
You've looked better, Beatriz.
Viro Veteruscy 2017/10/25 16:36:37 No.1339036
Overall, she's inspired by Beatriz from "Beatriz Overseer", Kitty from "Courage the Cowardly Dog", Aaroniero Arruruerie from "BLEACH", and Relinquished from "Yu-Gi-Oh!".

Edited at 2017/10/25 16:37:56
If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2017/11/01 09:50:15 No.1342470
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_05_0_u18chan.jpg - (645.64kb, 2530x2948, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_05.jpg)

Edited at 2020/01/28 12:10:44
Furrynomous 2017/11/02 06:33:22 No.1342838

To be completly honest, i alway thought the cast of Beatriz Overseer got their red eyes because they smoke weed all the time lol (i know it's sound ridiculous)
If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2017/11/15 11:47:29 No.1348407
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_06_0_u18chan.jpg - (2.83mb, 2550x3251, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_06.jpg)

Edited at 2020/01/28 12:15:46
If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2017/11/15 11:47:30 No.1348408
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_07_0_u18chan.jpg - (1.1mb, 2639x2997, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_07.jpg)

Edited at 2020/01/28 12:11:39
the tauren 2017/11/16 16:58:33 No.1348879
wait what?????!!!!

2,476.16 $$$$$$ to pay this purchase the fuck !!!!!

he is poor!!! sell your manga book

Edited at 2017/11/16 17:00:59
G-Birkin 2017/11/16 17:07:31 No.1348883

Considering the content of this comic, I guess that's just a euphemism for "your soul"
Viro Veteruscy 2017/11/16 20:02:25 No.1348915
Andy: I'll never sell my manga! TwT
Furrynomous 2017/11/17 01:10:31 No.1349009
this value may be an overestimate
If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2018/03/28 08:06:06 No.1413050
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_08_0_u18chan.jpg - (949.7kb, 2505x2955, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_08.jpg)

Edited at 2020/01/28 12:12:48
Adavi123 2018/03/29 00:26:09 No.1413304

That chubby dog boy is super cute. Hey Viro I was wondering, have you done or plan to do any M/M or gay comics? Personally I would love to see a comic with a pair of chubby boys as cute as Andy having hot sweaty fat boy sex. Maybe they do it after stuffing each other silly till their both nice and plump.

The guys on GC would probably hate you for it though given how sensitive they are. Half would go "oh God my eyes! They burn!" and most of the other would be calling for blood. I would love that though cause I hate those whiny ultrafags and I love watching them squirm.

I would understand though if you'd prefer not to deal with that. You get a lot of shit from the straight board as it is, some of it by me in the past. Your early work with the first IHHAT was kind of a mess but you have gotten a lot better since then.
Viro Veteruscy 2018/03/29 01:46:20 No.1413344
I'm not against making a comic like that, just depends on what story I'd want to tell.

Currently, Black Circus is the closest to having gay content: M/F, F/F, and M/M though the M/M may be minor depending on where things go
Furrynomous 2018/03/29 07:21:51 No.1413471
I'm so glad this is back off of hiatus! I gotta second the other guy though, I'd LOVE to see you do some MM stuff, I'd definitely pay for something like that from you
Viro Veteruscy 2018/03/29 09:30:32 No.1413504
Good to know lol, I do have a M/M story for later (both main characters of that one did appear in IHHAT vol.1 in chapter 4). Neither characters are chubby but I'll keep that in mind for a future story :3
If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2018/04/04 09:52:04 No.1416679
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_09_0_u18chan.jpg - (1.44mb, 2520x2951, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_09.jpg)

Edited at 2020/01/28 12:13:18
Adavi123 2018/04/04 17:43:43 No.1416899

I just realized this girl is a mantis. And if there's one thing female mantises are well known for it's ripping off their mate's heads and eating them after sex.

Well okay I seriously doubt that Viro would actually end this comic that way. But it might be fun for like a bonus joke ending or something ha.
If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2018/04/11 12:24:02 No.1419856
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_10_0_u18chan.jpg - (761.1kb, 2567x2991, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_10.jpg)

Edited at 2020/01/28 12:13:56
Brutallis 2018/04/17 17:48:22 No.1422654
$2,4k for a sentient being, wow. Assuming that they can think a little bit for themselves, or at least to something as advanced as cooking; saying that this was the runt of what they had that day, so lets add around another $5k just to make that bell curve a bit more weighty. Once could possibly build us a very nice 'army' of workers for yourself seeing as one can purchase actual Labor at +/- $8k a pop. That means that for $2,4mil one could build a spartan 300 army that would both have sex with you and be a means of production for a factory that you could run at a massive profit, thus leading to even more capital. Now that we have built a nice workforce of about 500 slaves, and the fact that we don't treat them like complete shait, one could keep doing this for a while and then, BOOM, private army, just give them guns.
Furrynomous 2018/04/17 21:47:21 No.1422721

You also forgot that this was actually a deal with the Devil, so the Devil actually created her in a blink, and those 2,4k are just a symbolic value for his soul
Adavi123 2018/04/18 00:29:44 No.1422764

Did Andy actually sell his soul? I'm not too sure if he did or not. I mean he certainly didn't sell his soul to the devil cause we've seen the devil already and that frog lady was not her. Though I guess she could be a minion or something. Hopefully things will be made more clear later.
If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2018/04/18 12:26:08 No.1422987
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_11_0_u18chan.jpg - (1.09mb, 2443x3023, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_11.jpg)

Edited at 2020/01/28 12:14:30
Furrynomous 2018/07/13 17:50:31 No.1465897
Well, while it may not be the devil, the number 24 (He spent 2.4k on her.) is usually seen symbolically as the number that represents the church in apocalyptic literature. 24 is also correlated to the crown of the virgin, in which are 24 florets.
If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2020/01/20 08:22:49 No.1702920
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_12_0_u18chan.jpg - (959.75kb, 2515x2998, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_12.jpg)

Edited at 2020/01/28 12:15:14
Furrynomous 2020/01/20 14:04:51 No.1703314
oh nice this is back
Furrynomous 2020/01/20 18:11:04 No.1703394
Did a description of the Vol 2 say there will be weight gain? I'm not expecting the same extent as Vol 1 obviously but is it that the mantis will start getting fat because she's living the fat dog's lifestyle?
Viro Veteruscy 2020/01/20 18:35:04 No.1703411
No. Aside from maybe better cooked meals for Andy, this is not a weight gain comic.
If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2020/01/28 12:16:30 No.1706536
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_13_u18chan.jpg - (914.88kb, 2510x2929, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_13.jpg)

If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2020/02/04 09:52:47 No.1709328
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_14_0_u18chan.jpg - (1.05mb, 2483x2945, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_14.jpg)

Edited at 2020/06/21 02:57:49
If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2020/02/11 09:59:59 No.1712339
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_15_0_u18chan.jpg - (997.33kb, 2550x3027, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_15.jpg)

Edited at 2020/02/11 10:09:04
Furrynomous 2020/02/11 20:49:33 No.1712590
Is this gonna have the twist where heavy set nerdy guy is gonna have a wild night only for after they finish she's gonna eat him? I mean she is a mantis and this author's stories have some weird fetish or something in them.
Furrynomous 2020/02/11 22:31:12 No.1712617
I hope so.
If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2020/02/18 07:40:56 No.1715118
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_16_u18chan.jpg - (1.06mb, 2535x2956, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_16.jpg)

If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2020/02/25 09:54:00 No.1717587
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_17_u18chan.jpg - (1.01mb, 2550x2978, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_17.jpg)

If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2020/03/03 13:05:00 No.1720398
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_18_u18chan.jpg - (816kb, 2550x2912, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_18.jpg)

If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2020/03/10 07:07:40 No.1722986
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_19_u18chan.jpg - (943.04kb, 2498x2871, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_19.jpg)

If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2020/06/12 10:06:43 No.1767017
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_20_u18chan.jpg - (998.55kb, 2945x2549, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_20.jpg)

Furrynomous 2020/06/12 11:17:56 No.1767031
Great! Now I wanna draw an insect girl
Furrynomous 2020/09/07 06:16:10 No.1813582
Any updates?
If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2020/09/28 13:42:44 No.1823570
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_21_u18chan.jpg - (931.1kb, 2550x2976, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_21.jpg)

If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2020/10/05 11:52:24 No.1826950
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_22_u18chan.jpg - (836.13kb, 2499x2926, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_22.jpg)

If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2021/03/17 23:07:21 No.1915747
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_23_u18chan.jpg - (766.62kb, 2343x2910, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_23.jpg)

If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2021/06/14 09:46:57 No.1963405
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_24_u18chan.jpg - (588.14kb, 2391x2110, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_24.jpg)

If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2021/07/05 13:35:49 No.1974668
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_25_u18chan.jpg - (815.73kb, 2550x2923, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_25.jpg)

Furrynomous 2021/07/05 21:55:05 No.1974834
Bug waifu too cute
If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2021/07/14 09:22:02 No.1979024
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_26_u18chan.jpg - (922.7kb, 2637x2997, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_26.jpg)

Furrynomous 2021/07/14 09:54:03 No.1979029
File: 75f1168b9b4b19dd89b02a0a0b88e069_u18chan.gif - (517.44kb, 498x272, 75f1168b9b4b19dd89b02a0a0b88e069.gif)
WTF is this guy problem? Why is he rejected?
Furrynomous 2021/07/14 15:04:54 No.1979121
>buy a slave
>she initiates sex with you
>reject her
How fucking rude can you get?
Furrynomous 2021/07/14 16:13:30 No.1979130

Technically he didn't order her. Might wanna reread the first several pages.
Furrynomous 2021/07/14 16:53:29 No.1979142
One way or another - this is not very logical, from his side.
Man, this universe is very strange. But in any case, not as terrible as the universe of Vladislav Semetsky. (aka Plague Storm Interactive).
Furrynomous 2021/07/15 08:37:20 No.1979342
File: Embedded Video

I mean, really dude.
Furrynomous 2021/07/15 10:27:57 No.1979365
Vladislav Semetsky (Plague Storm Interactive)? Who is this?
If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2021/07/19 11:20:14 No.1981345
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_27_u18chan.jpg - (1.03mb, 2615x2974, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_27.jpg)

Furrynomous 2021/07/21 05:11:33 No.1982102
A-yup, them socially awkward good boi morals getting in the way. Andy is cute.

Emerald slips into the shower with him in 3... 2...
Furrynomous 2021/07/22 21:14:59 No.1982889

Oh Jesus boys and girls. Strap in for a wild ride adventure we are going to take. I mean has any relationship been picture perfect? I just want to see where this is going to lead.
If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2021/07/26 11:22:15 No.1984618
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_28_u18chan.jpg - (1.1mb, 2912x2521, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_28.jpg)

Furrynomous 2021/07/28 07:55:07 No.1985567

IN B4,

"Why are you here? Why you doing this? This is bad touching."

I mean, I can't be the only one thinking about this currently.
If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2021/08/02 11:10:25 No.1988181
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_29_u18chan.jpg - (1.85mb, 3300x5100, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_29.jpg)

If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2021/08/09 11:29:22 No.1991592
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_30_u18chan.jpg - (1.87mb, 3300x5100, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_30.jpg)

the tauren 2021/08/09 18:18:10 No.1991811
i play my fetish card chubby sexy butt activate!!!
Furrynomous 2021/08/09 18:43:05 No.1991818

I bet she's just thinking of the fine meal she'll be having after they mate. She is a mantis, after all.
Furrynomous 2021/08/09 19:11:50 No.1991823

It's actually now believed they only eat their partner's head outta stress from being observed
Furrynomous 2021/08/10 00:25:42 No.1991907
"Hey what are go gonna to with that fing....AND BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE!!"
Furrynomous 2021/08/11 18:31:40 No.1992742
fuck she is a MANTIS, i forget that
Furrynomous 2021/08/11 22:27:24 No.1992801
I agree, there's gotta be some horrible thing lurking right around the corner.

The guy stumbled onto a heinous crime and is allowed to just leave. Not only that, but he's suddenly gifted a wife. The mantis gal has to be hiding some kinda dark secret. Like she does eat people she sleeps with or something.

Would make sense then. The criminals figure the overweight loser would sleep with the bug and then get eaten. Thus solving their problem of a witness.
If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2021/08/16 12:58:53 No.1995301
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_31_u18chan.jpg - (1.89mb, 3300x5100, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_31.jpg)

Furrynomous 2021/08/18 06:14:36 No.1996149
I'm really enjoying this comic so far, it pushes all the right buttons for me. Hoping it doesn't take a dark turn like some others are anticipating. Looking forward to the next page!
Furrynomous 2021/08/19 09:45:38 No.1996669
these comics are horrendous, why can the artist only draw the same "I shidded my pants" expression
If Hell Had a Taste Vol. 2 - The Surprise Wife Viro Veteruscy 2021/08/23 15:19:01 No.1998608
File: IHHATVol02_Ch1_pg_32_u18chan.jpg - (2.07mb, 3300x5100, IHHAT Vol02_Ch1_pg_32.jpg)
(chapter end)
Furrynomous 2021/08/24 23:55:48 No.1999131
Wow he's a really nice guy. But something tells me she might not have any family. Or at least non that want her since she was called "The runt" The poor girl.
Furrynomous 2021/08/29 14:50:56 No.2001180
4 years for one chapter?

Am I wrong in thinking IHAAT 1 came out quicker?
Viro Veteruscy 2021/08/29 17:18:13 No.2001281
Yeah, sorry about that. A lot happened during those years. IHHAT Vol. 1 getting multiple endings, WARNING; Cream Filled being a thing, IHHAT: SECRETS and other spin-offs getting made, Black Circus Vol. 1 chapter 1, finishing Buckle: Slave & Monster's episode hiatus as well.

Was spreading myself thin when I shouldn't have so when I return to IHHAT Vol. 2 there won't be such a big gap in time like that. I do plan to work on 2 comics at a time once Cream Filled episode 4 is done (or perhaps sooner). But yeah, should not have taken so long but thank you everyone for your patience.
Furrynomous 2021/08/29 17:30:56 No.2001289
Some constructive criticism: most of your panels are close-ups of some kind, and it makes it feel claustrophobic. Zoom out. It'll give your drawings more room to breath, and also makes it easier to tell what's happening where.
Viro Veteruscy 2021/08/30 00:51:44 No.2001455
Alright, I'll keep that in mind for future pages. Probably won't see some changes till a certain point since there's a gap before pages become public but thanks for the feedback :3

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