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File: 001_169_u18chan.jpg - (553.21kb, 1200x1200, 001.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hard Case Furrynomous 2017/12/13 09:25:48 No.1360666   
By FluffyTuft
Expand All Images
Hard Case Furrynomous 2017/12/13 09:25:49 No.1360667
File: 002_151_u18chan.jpg - (906.49kb, 2100x1512, 002.jpg)
Hard Case Furrynomous 2017/12/13 09:25:51 No.1360668
File: 003_171_u18chan.jpg - (944.65kb, 2100x1617, 003.jpg)
Hard Case Furrynomous 2017/12/13 09:25:53 No.1360669
File: 004_160_u18chan.jpg - (956.08kb, 2100x1575, 004.jpg)
Furrynomous 2017/12/13 16:23:25 No.1360795
File: Clever_Fox_u18chan.jpg - (48.69kb, 625x468, Clever_Fox.jpg)

Furrynomous 2017/12/14 22:51:15 No.1361402
Am I reading this right? That Nick is in the female's locker room/shower? I realize that this is porn and all, but the fact that Nick can waltz naked into the female showers/locker room to talk to Judy kind kind of destroys the suspension of disbelief... :-P
Furrynomous 2017/12/14 23:44:45 No.1361420

Well, they did say that there were no other females working during that shift, so there aren't any other girls around to complain. Unless he gets caught entering or leaving the girls' locker room/shower by someone else, he won't get in trouble.

Edited at 2017/12/14 23:45:10
Furrynomous 2017/12/15 06:43:58 No.1361551
Plus after working a tough case or rough shift, he might have been just going through the motions and not paid attention. I've done that and about walked out of my house wearing one of my wife's shirts. Didn't notice it was way too tight till halfway to the shop
Furrynomous 2017/12/15 16:21:18 No.1361668
That is not how I read that, I read it as the precinct has unisex stalls with privacy dividers. However small mammals being police is relatively new, so said dividers are not low enough to provide privacy to the short.
Furrynomous 2017/12/15 21:49:15 No.1361767

How fortunate for Judy that the privacy dividers end slightly above dick level...
Furrynomous 2017/12/15 22:20:18 No.1361770
And how fortunate for us that the privacy screens still allow for a nice view of Judy's crotch! :-)
Hard Case Furrynomous 2017/12/18 18:42:11 No.1363228
File: 005_158_u18chan.jpg - (741.59kb, 2100x1575, 005.jpg)

Furrynomous 2017/12/27 09:20:06 No.1366767
File: EbaygGAd3Ld69wJR1tVm-EQeeXaDPDgBR4fQydg45fQvxB4QS7yQNnddR0J7dVrE_u18chan.jpg - (151.27kb, 2000x1500, EbaygGAd3Ld69wJR1tVm-EQeeXaDPDgBR4fQydg45fQvxB4QS7yQNnddR0J7dVrE.jpg)

FluffyTuft 2017/12/27 11:50:59 No.1366808
Dang, only seven patrons and at least one of them leaks. Let me tag that for you.
FluffyTuft 2017/12/29 04:14:02 No.1367593
File: HC5_u18chan.jpg - (920.61kb, 2100x1575, HC5.jpg)

Furrynomous 2017/12/29 11:28:34 No.1367706
I vote cringiest dialogue of the year. Seriously, this is why artists need to hire writers for comics. The artis is trying too hard to write in phrases from zootopia rather than getting in character and saying what they would actually say. This dialog sounds incredibly forced. They should turn to Bernie's comic for help writing.
Furrynomous 2017/12/29 11:44:36 No.1367709

Chances are they're making the comic and speech up as they go, rather than writing a script and planning it.

Then again, stuff like this isn't meant to be thought about too hard. It has a purpose and the speech is just a way to get to the desired result.
FluffyTuft 2017/12/29 21:33:56 No.1367972
This is literally the first comic I've ever made. No idea what I'm doing.
I honestly have no idea why it's getting the attention it's getting.
Furrynomous 2017/12/29 22:24:32 No.1368018

Comics create a sequential endorphin high. Singular pictures lack the same punching power.
Furrynomous 2017/12/29 22:26:08 No.1368019
If you actually complete the comic then congrats. I have seen few if any decent/good quality art for zootopia that isn't left half finished. So keep at it
Furrynomous 2017/12/30 03:52:27 No.1368095

If you're not already, write a script for the whole thing and mentally talk through each characters lines to see if they sound natural.

Good luck!
Ice 2017/12/30 07:44:44 No.1368147
Some size realism wouldn't hurt either. Big dick isn't just going to slide on into a bunny without a little pain and a lot of lube.
Furrynomous 2018/01/01 21:23:39 No.1369492
You honestly expect "realism" in a porn comic? :-)
Furrynomous 2018/01/04 20:55:36 No.1371072
File: thumbsup_0_u18chan.gif - (547.46kb, 500x200, thumbs up.gif)
>same size

maybe because your first comic is fucking hot, keep going plz. Your dialog may be fucking shit but your taste and images are not
FluffyTuft 2018/01/05 11:00:34 No.1371302
I think I figured out why the dialogue is bad.

I'm trying to cram a bunch of exposition into the dialogue because I didn't really have a proper intro. I just treated the original image I made as a comic page and continued from there.
Furrynomous 2018/01/09 12:43:42 No.1373609
New page is absolute ass. This artist cant draw from any other perspective other than side.
Kajex Surnahm 2018/01/09 23:22:49 No.1373913

Treat it as a learning experience and keep going. You can always improve, and you're doing well enough with the art that it's still enjoyable. :3
FluffyTuft 2018/01/10 04:33:10 No.1373975
File: 1466757919360_u18chan.jpg - (69.93kb, 625x637, 1466757919360.jpg)

Yeah well, I've been drawing for literally two months. The whole thing is going to be ass.

I'm assuming you're talking about the ROUGH SKETCH? That's not really a new page. The size/perspective on the feet have been corrected since I started working on the line art. I don't see the point in making everything perfect in the sketch as it would take up too much time and I'd just have to go over it again for the lines.
FluffyTuft 2018/01/11 11:27:55 No.1374610
File: HC6_u18chan.jpg - (813.09kb, 2100x1575, HC6.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/01/11 14:00:05 No.1374654
Nice bun-buns.
Furrynomous 2018/01/11 14:40:58 No.1374670
I think it looks fine.
Furrynomous 2018/01/11 22:42:15 No.1374938
File: keepitcoming_u18chan.gif - (1.36mb, 400x170, keep it coming.gif)
Keep it up!
Furrynomous 2018/01/12 09:22:57 No.1375064

That top left panel would make a hilarious reaction image.
Furrynomous 2018/01/12 15:34:47 No.1375180
File: 1503536177503_u18chan.png - (347.3kb, 360x460, 1503536177503.png)

nigga how the fuck have you been drawing for only 60 days ? I call bullshit or sneaky tricks.

anyway please continue the comic it's looking amazing!
FluffyTuft 2018/01/12 18:11:14 No.1375227
File: shruggin_u18chan.gif - (32.3kb, 680x680, shruggin.gif)

I'm familiar with photoshop which is what I'm using, but I only started doing "art" a couple months ago.

Done a bit of graphic design and photography/photoediting/reconstruction. Probably helps. I start with really shitty sketches and just photoshop it until it looks acceptable. If you look closely at my oldest pics you can probably see how I've improved.

I'd go with sneaky tricks.
FluffyTuft 2018/01/23 14:31:38 No.1380188
File: HC7_u18chan.jpg - (797.75kb, 2100x1575, HC7.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/01/23 18:25:09 No.1380295
nice, I love it! Keep it up dude.
Anonthemouse 2018/01/23 22:40:59 No.1380426

I really hope the artist doesnt forget about the knot
Furrynomous 2018/02/02 22:49:10 No.1385617
File: 1516923207341_u18chan.jpg - (10.46kb, 318x325, 1516923207341.jpg)
shit, can't find his furaffinity anymore. Did the CIA suicided him?
Furrynomous 2018/02/03 06:33:01 No.1385775
The glows in the dark got him
Furrynomous 2018/02/03 18:45:55 No.1386207
next time he should run them over when he has the opportunity.
FluffyTuft 2018/02/04 02:27:44 No.1386465

Still there.
Furrynomous 2018/02/04 12:05:44 No.1386755
glad to know they didn't get you. Also, I though I lost your page but I still got it

cute otter.
FluffyTuft 2018/02/10 17:24:52 No.1389862
File: HC8_u18chan.jpg - (724.81kb, 2100x1575, HC8.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/02/11 00:23:11 No.1390030
Sweet! Keep it up!
Furrynomous 2018/03/07 17:31:46 No.1403301
File: Zootopia_film_01_u18chan_u18chan.png - (150.65kb, 1920x804, Zootopia_film_01_u18chan.png)
hey fluff, you think we forgot about this? You can finish it, come on!
Furrynomous 2018/03/07 19:25:08 No.1403334
You got it in you, we know you do!
Furrynomous 2018/04/21 20:39:04 No.1424437
can you please continue? Shit's hot.
Furrynomous 2018/04/22 01:05:34 No.1424536
this shit is too gay for me
Furrynomous 2018/04/22 15:44:11 No.1424773
FluffyTuft 2018/04/24 17:48:45 No.1425836
File: HC9_0_u18chan.jpg - (1.1mb, 2100x1575, HC9.jpg)
Yeah bro, heterosexual blowjobs are so gay. Let's go suck each other off and teach these fags a lesson.

Edited at 2018/04/25 17:12:56
Furrynomous 2018/04/25 16:10:07 No.1426388
File: 1460582365002_u18chan.jpg - (251.32kb, 642x800, 1460582365002.jpg)
YES!! Keep it going man

much love.
Furrynomous 2018/04/25 21:47:31 No.1426501

That outfit looks cute, where do you order them? :3
Furrynomous 2018/04/25 22:26:46 No.1426521
Suddendly I want to play Wolfenstein II
Furrynomous 2018/04/26 04:38:16 No.1426627
Woofenstein :D *ba dum tiss*

Edited at 2018/04/26 04:41:14
Furrynomous 2018/04/26 11:08:28 No.1426758

Edited at 2018/04/26 11:09:14
Furrynomous 2018/05/24 10:56:07 No.1440676
File: wojak_u18chan.jpg - (53.45kb, 1600x900, wojak.jpg)
Finished my finals today in math, now I'm free from hell. Is FluffyTuft still working on my favorite comic? Keep it up my dude
FluffyTuft 2018/05/24 13:22:28 No.1440717
File: crayjude_u18chan.png - (142.8kb, 604x821, crayjude.png)
Ye bud. Been practicing expressions, consistency and elephants. Also working out the actual locker room layout.
Furrynomous 2018/05/25 12:44:28 No.1441190
awesome dude
Hard Case Furrynomous 2018/06/12 07:55:32 No.1450617
File: 010_132_u18chan.jpg - (709.2kb, 2100x1575, 010.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/06/12 20:09:31 No.1451040
absolutely cute
Furrynomous 2018/06/15 20:51:01 No.1452851
I feel like this zoot comic has potential
Furrynomous 2018/06/16 04:09:59 No.1452982
File: HC11_u18chan.jpg - (825.9kb, 2100x1575, HC11.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/06/16 16:59:10 No.1453259
File: HC12_u18chan.jpg - (889.25kb, 2100x1575, HC12.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/06/16 17:41:33 No.1453296
foreshortening issues on that page (arm holding the wall is kinda short) but otherwise cute comic
Furrynomous 2018/06/16 19:48:14 No.1453346

Her forearm is angled away from the "camera". Shouldn't it appear shorter?
Furrynomous 2018/06/16 23:13:41 No.1453408

also AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA update you're on fire man!!!
Furrynomous 2018/06/27 03:14:36 No.1458137
File: HC13_50_u18chan.jpg - (196.7kb, 1050x788, HC13_50.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/06/27 11:44:19 No.1458380
the angles on this comic are fucking god tier, at least in terms of taste.
Furrynomous 2018/06/30 22:47:19 No.1459925
I think this is the only comic I'm actually following right now. Did I get bored? Did furry comics become shittier over time? Who knows...
Furrynomous 2018/07/02 01:58:55 No.1460555
File: HC13_alt_50_u18chan.jpg - (184.1kb, 1050x788, HC13_alt_50.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/07/28 11:53:16 No.1472591
File: HC14_50_u18chan.jpg - (318.46kb, 1260x945, HC14_50.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/07/29 12:54:27 No.1473132
this comic is too sweet
Furrynomous 2018/08/04 21:07:08 No.1475767
here we goooo!!!!!
Okay- what happens next? Kavalino 2018/08/30 20:36:18 No.1487892
Ya haven't posted another art image since July. You still alive? Love your work :-)
FluffyTuft 2018/08/31 11:25:52 No.1488146
I'm alive, just super busy in the real world. Fulfilling my patreon obligations and such as well. I'm still a novice, so I'm not super fast even when I get time to produce new porn.
Furrynomous 2018/08/31 13:28:49 No.1488243
As nice as it is to see an artist grow and improve through a series, given the last page, it would be hilarious if it was just cancelled. Ultimate blue-balling.
FluffyTuft 2018/08/31 17:47:28 No.1488426
File: jhead_u18chan.jpg - (106.5kb, 1108x1455, jhead.jpg)
I'll finish it, trust me. Next comic I do will probably be handled differently. At least until I get more time for this stuff or get better/faster.
Furrynomous 2018/08/31 19:37:31 No.1488463
Hey man, you got this.
Furrynomous 2018/09/01 09:22:52 No.1488705
You do it in your own time, we will be here
Okay- what happens next? Kavalino 2018/09/03 16:47:51 No.1489895
Ya haven't posted another art image since July. You still alive? Love your work :-)>>1488146

Aaah... I see. I suppose then that I'll just have to be patient... and wait :-) Thanx :-)
Furrynomous 2018/10/04 13:46:54 No.1501546
It's time.

it had so much potential
Furrynomous 2018/10/04 20:59:06 No.1501690
He's still around, you can see activity on his FA account.
Furrynomous 2018/10/04 23:31:24 No.1501713
Don't say that. It isn't dead. Good things take time, and damn if it ain't worth the wait.
Furrynomous 2018/10/09 13:29:12 No.1503653
File: fuckwhereyofromfuckwhereyogoing_u18chan.jpg - (163.14kb, 1050x788, fuckwhereyofromfuckwhereyogoing.jpg)
and its all about where you're at
Furrynomous 2018/10/09 13:29:44 No.1503655
File: alsotakethis_u18chan.jpg - (500.73kb, 1416x1500, also take this.jpg)
and its all about where you're at
FluffyTuft 2018/10/09 13:47:34 No.1503657
File: 1307871261969_u18chan.gif - (85.99kb, 476x306, 1307871261969.gif)
I have your dollar. Get rekt.
Furrynomous 2018/10/09 17:57:23 No.1503727
File: 1530481320239_u18chan.gif - (489.98kb, 210x110, 1530481320239.gif)
yea I know? wtf, why are you being mean to your supporters?

Furrynomous 2018/10/10 03:38:27 No.1503908
Okay calm down, Jason
FluffyTuft 2018/10/10 11:40:43 No.1504040
File: 1262764874405_u18chan.jpg - (12.93kb, 252x229, 1262764874405.jpg)
I'm not being mean to my supporters. I'm picking on someone who spent a dollar to leak my content before I released it publicly. They deleted their pledge as soon as they uploaded it here, so I blocked them and giggled. Why on earth would I be mean to my supporters?
Furrynomous 2018/10/10 16:48:31 No.1504138
Oooh snap it's Hetty all over again. When's the A-club coming?
Furrynomous 2018/10/10 17:42:28 No.1504149
File: 1525546834906_u18chan.jpg - (55.86kb, 789x694, 1525546834906.jpg)
I never pay-walled my stuff on patreon so I wouldn't know, but it seems like it really pisses off artists when you "leak" their images, even if they (the artists) come from image-board like this one where this is done on a daily basis.

Come on guys, you have to expect it.
FluffyTuft 2018/10/10 18:39:45 No.1504171
File: 1258260984249_u18chan.jpg - (10.64kb, 126x126, 1258260984249.jpg)
I'm not entirely sure what indication I gave that I didn't expect leaks or that I'm at all pissed. It seems you can't poke fun at anyone in a community primed for drama to this extreme. I'm going to severely limit my interaction on this board from this point forward. Responses will be in a professional capacity only.
Furrynomous 2018/10/10 20:05:19 No.1504202
I, personally, didn't find anything rude or mean about what you said. Maybe I have just a particularly thick skin.
Furrynomous 2018/10/11 05:05:27 No.1504367
Ah please don't do that. You'll just need to be mindful that there are plenty of people who can't discern sarcasm from text and misinterpret it as malice. Artists actually engaging with people on here in a decent manner is rare enough as it is.
Furrynomous 2018/10/11 07:43:26 No.1504426
As a fellow artist I completly understand your feelings, and I think you little snarky bite at someone who deletes a pledge is completly justified. I personally don't mind leaking by a supporter. If he supports me, it's up to him what he does with the thing I gave him as a "thank you" gift. If he decides he wants to share it with others, good for him. But pledge deleters, who only join to steal off stuff, can be discouraging as a creator.

Regardless, I hope you stay and communicate with us more, as someone above said it, it's nice to have you here
Furrynomous 2018/10/11 16:39:02 No.1504622
so, if a supporter only pledges for a month it's bad?
FluffyTuft 2018/10/11 16:56:24 No.1504625
No. What happened was like if someone bought cheapest seats to a ball game or concert so they could open the back door for their friends or anyone else to sneak in. That may not be the best example, but it's the best I could come up with. It's not that huge of a deal, but you wouldn't let them in future shows would you?
Furrynomous 2018/10/12 03:02:51 No.1504863
Well done. You just described exactly what this site is.

Anyway, the comic's great. Keep it up
Furrynomous 2018/10/12 03:18:00 No.1504870
Not quite. It's like they bought a season ticket for the cheap seats, then opened the emergency door to let their friends in, then went and demanded a refund.

It's not just the current content that is shown, but all past content as well, so if there's anything Patreon exclusive, that gets shared as well. Point is, if a creator wants to keep things paywalled, that is their right. At no point does someone else have the right to take it without paying the set fee. Sometimes stuff gets leaked, which will always happen, but signing up, donating a minimal amount just to get that content, spread it then delete the pledge is deliberately malicious. There's all kinds of arguments over why it's not theft or piracy because it's not the original article being stolen, but it's still fucking malicious and attempting to deprive a creator of some potential income.

Go and do this stuff if you want, but pretending it's in any way morally justified is bullshit.
Furrynomous 2018/10/12 18:10:11 No.1505049
File: foxxo_u18chan.jpg - (143.1kb, 1100x977, foxxo.jpg)
>then went and demanded a refund.

whoa what? I did not demand any refunds, it's just a dollar, wtf.

I hate chiming in on drama but that's just not true.

>Sometimes stuff gets leaked, which will always happen, but signing up, donating a minimal amount just to get that content, spread it then delete the pledge is deliberately malicious.

wew, ok. Sorry dude.

the "bad words" used there are just Death Grip lyrics, in case you though I was trying to be a smartass or whatever.

Here is a picture of a cute fox for your troubles.
FluffyTuft 2018/10/16 05:45:05 No.1506505
File: wewlad_u18chan.png - (212.98kb, 609x400, wewlad.png)
Fixed Nick's downy face.

Furrynomous 2018/10/29 14:43:30 No.1511203
File: sketch_1_u18chan.jpg - (563.11kb, 2000x1500, sketch.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/10/29 14:44:16 No.1511204
File: bonus_0_u18chan.jpg - (499.3kb, 1416x1500, bonus.jpg)
some nice bonus art
FluffyTuft 2018/11/09 15:51:38 No.1515672
File: HC15_fix_u18chan.jpg - (164.95kb, 1050x788, HC15_fix.jpg)
Full fixed version.
Furrynomous 2018/11/29 03:34:57 No.1522545
File: HC16_u18chan.jpg - (173.42kb, 1050x788, HC16.jpg)
Next page
Furrynomous 2018/12/30 15:22:24 No.1532919
page 17 is out on patron
Furrynomous 2019/01/09 16:14:21 No.1537020
File: HC17_u18chan.jpg - (145.49kb, 1050x788, HC17.jpg)

Furrynomous 2019/01/09 18:17:08 No.1537082
if there is one thing that truly gets my attention, its the eyes, and this page hits that shit right outta the park

i wonder what Joel would say about legit "fuck me" eyes
Furrynomous 2019/01/09 22:04:34 No.1537146

He made an animated version of that on his patreon =^)
Furrynomous 2019/01/10 12:44:10 No.1537411
Hooooo damn. I hope someone uploads it.
Furrynomous 2019/01/27 18:33:13 No.1544719
page 18 is patreon
Furrynomous 2019/01/28 15:39:19 No.1545025
Will he release it?
Furrynomous 2019/01/30 09:35:53 No.1545558
File: 1548832907.fluffytuft_hc17_u18chan.jpg - (221.21kb, 1050x788, 1548832907.fluffytuft_hc17.jpg)

Here's the FA version
Furrynomous 2019/02/17 18:20:30 No.1553108
File: HC17ANIM_1_u18chan.gif - (2.09mb, 1000x750, HC17ANIM_1.gif)

Furrynomous 2019/02/25 20:10:52 No.1556292
page 19 is out and where page 18
Furrynomous 2019/02/27 11:16:20 No.1557015
File: 1551247471.fluffytuft_hc18sd_u18chan.jpg - (231.92kb, 1050x788, 1551247471.fluffytuft_hc18sd.jpg)
next page, page 19 is on patreon right now if anyone wants to share.
Furrynomous 2019/03/16 19:18:36 No.1564884
page 19 is on Y.P
Furrynomous 2019/03/17 01:14:46 No.1565035
File: HC19_u18chan.jpg - (384.76kb, 2100x1575, HC19.jpg)
I don't know why you didn't just upload it then.
Furrynomous 2019/03/17 15:42:03 No.1565232
I hope the next page is still him orgasming so it doesnt feel too anti-climatic. Great page still.
Furrynomous 2019/03/26 21:21:41 No.1568748
page 20 is on patron
Furrynomous 2019/03/27 09:00:34 No.1568868
yep and I think it's the final page
Furrynomous 2019/03/27 11:36:05 No.1568905
File: HC20_50_u18chan.jpg - (502.31kb, 2100x1575, HC20_50.jpg)

Kajex Surnahm 2019/03/27 19:42:01 No.1569031

I'm not sure what's hotter- the fact they got caught, the fact that there's a nice little creampie creeping out, or the fact that Judy's hole is back to its proper size, indicating how tight and stretchy she probably is.
Furrynomous 2019/03/28 18:41:41 No.1569315
I vote for all three.
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 23:02:26 No.1586394
File: d_5_u18chan.jpg - (32.13kb, 400x237, d.jpg)
where's leaker bro at?
Furrynomous 2019/05/08 09:37:25 No.1586541
File: 20190508_103603_u18chan.jpg - (555.74kb, 1398x1032, 20190508_103603.jpg)

Tufty 2019/05/08 17:15:18 No.1586675
File: HC21_u18chan.jpg - (1.02mb, 2100x1575, HC21.jpg)
Really? Cropping out my urls?
Furrynomous 2019/05/08 20:34:56 No.1586760
Wait no, dont make her a whore...
Furrynomous 2019/05/08 20:51:59 No.1586763
welp into the trash it goes
Tufty 2019/05/08 22:15:09 No.1586779
I haven't even begun to do all the freaky fucked up shit to this bunny.
It's where she belongs.
Furrynomous 2019/05/09 02:15:12 No.1586857
Pls tell me this is a very belated april's fool joke
Furrynomous 2019/07/01 01:15:19 No.1608313
File: HC22_u18chan.jpg - (2.67mb, 4200x3150, HC22.jpg)

Furrynomous 2019/07/01 02:10:33 No.1608323
File: everyone_u18chan.png - (3.57mb, 1904x946, everyone.png)
I thank the kind author for this fun, and hot comic. The fandom really was in need for it

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