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File: mmgv01_u18chan.jpg - (1.94mb, 2178x3366, mmgv01.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Jay Naylor - Mai and Minh's Grand Vacation Buster D. 2018/01/05 13:28:09 No.1371364   
Jay Naylor's first new comic of 2018, featuring his twin Siamese cat characters Mai and Minh during some time off from being Priscilla's maids.

"As light and funny as it is, it will have some character development for the kitties in the end, so don't miss out."

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Jay Naylor - Mai and Minh's Grand Vacation Buster D. 2018/01/05 13:28:11 No.1371365
File: mmgv02_u18chan.jpg - (2.08mb, 2178x3366, mmgv02.jpg)
Jay Naylor - Mai and Minh's Grand Vacation Buster D. 2018/01/05 13:28:13 No.1371366
File: mmgv03_u18chan.jpg - (2.27mb, 2178x3366, mmgv03.jpg)
Jay Naylor - Mai and Minh's Grand Vacation Buster D. 2018/01/05 13:28:14 No.1371367
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Furrynomous 2018/01/05 15:28:59 No.1371419
Please jay~ give minh some love *.* need some of that kitty boy getting topped along with his sister

Edited at 2018/01/05 15:29:37
Furrynomous 2018/01/05 16:22:57 No.1371455
Is the dog lady still pregnant from the last comic here?
Furrynomous 2018/01/05 16:51:54 No.1371460
>Is the dog lady still pregnant from the last comic here?

No she just enjoys stuffing her sweaters with pillows...
Furrynomous 2018/01/05 18:18:09 No.1371503
File: bb0_u18chan.png - (863.19kb, 1012x628, bb0.png)
A new Jay Naylor Comic? Ooooooh boy...heeeeeerrrrrrreeeeeee we go!
Furrynomous 2018/01/05 19:49:13 No.1371550
i cant fap to this...
Furrynomous 2018/01/05 19:50:34 No.1371551

Uh...nobody's had sex is there to fap to?
Furrynomous 2018/01/05 22:37:22 No.1371587
Have we seen Trent before?
Furrynomous 2018/01/06 00:04:12 No.1371619
He's the male rabbit from this comic
Just looked him up
Furrynomous 2018/01/06 00:04:47 No.1371620
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Furrynomous 2018/01/06 00:36:15 No.1371633
The character Trent who was mentioned is actually a male rabbit character that dates back to very early comic Naylor wrote called "No Remorse" In the comic he is the brother of a newly married man named Alex who served as a cuck while Trent would have sex with his wife on several occasions and even going as far as having sex with Alex as well. A lot of drama and fairly terrible things happened and Trent ended up a married man taking having to watch over the kids he had with Alex's wife who was brought back to life because reasons.
Furrynomous 2018/01/06 00:48:16 No.1371636
Before the Naylor Mob comes around with their torches and pitchforks, let me say why I think this might be a good comic. Despite the fact that the twins haven't exactly had the best record of good comics from Cruel & Unusual, Housecats, Samantha and the Best Laid Mistress it looks as though they're gonna have plenty of freedom to have a hot time together without any cuckholdery or having the brother hold back from blowing his massive loads. Not sure if this is taking place before or after the Mistress got pregnant in her comic, but either way I'm looking forward to these cats getting it on............over the course of 3 months of waiting for pages.
Furrynomous 2018/01/06 05:44:04 No.1371677

Actually, most people thought his one with Charles and Lynne was alright, considering the ending was a genuinely clever twist.

Let's see if this one is a return to just more butts and soapboxes.
Furrynomous 2018/01/06 06:52:21 No.1371685
Don't get me wrong, Naylor can't write for shit, but I've loved every comic starring the twins so far
Furrynomous 2018/01/06 07:50:15 No.1371695
Hope he keeps it as hot and vanilla as possile, but already guessing it will contain some sort of cucking/pissing/bondage/pretentious monologues.

The art is nice though.
Furrynomous 2018/01/06 11:42:18 No.1371775
What every white dog needs is a couple of asian cat slaves. I mean..pets.
Furrynomous 2018/01/06 12:14:20 No.1371779

"Keeps it as vanilla as possible" he says in response to a fucking furry comic featuring animal-humans having sex. Tell me your secrets of irony. They must taste real good. The same personal incompetence you possess for not being able to expand your sexual preferences past "vanilla" furry porn shouldnt be a deciding factor for a comic that others would enjoy far more than you and your vanilla sex pleb shit.

There's plenty of shitty vanilla crap you can fap too. Im sure you expert there to be an intense storyline to this too? While the incestuous fraternal twin cat-humans are about to have sex, im sure they might squeeze in some nice vanilla sex just for you...penis goes in pussy vanilla, nothing more nothing less. Like 1970s porn vanilla. Or playboy magazine vanilla.
Furrynomous 2018/01/06 13:23:18 No.1371853
File: 496_u18chan.jpg - (25.16kb, 454x418, 496.jpg)
jesus fuck.....
Furrynomous 2018/01/06 14:23:24 No.1371911

Well, it IS Naylor, after all.
Furrynomous 2018/01/06 18:21:03 No.1372060
its already rolled into pretension territory on the first page, with the shitty "eyes closed drinking a coffee almost head nod" naylor seems to need to do in every comic while he tries to wax philisophical
Furrynomous 2018/01/06 18:37:14 No.1372093
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sometimes I think naylor continues to write storylines this way to trigger all the spergs in here
Furrynomous 2018/01/06 19:16:11 No.1372167
I'm 100% certain he does it as a giant middle finger to all the entitled freeloaders who hate-fap to his artwork.
Furrynomous 2018/01/06 19:40:59 No.1372204
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this shit is what keeps me from hiding non-image posts
Furrynomous 2018/01/06 20:04:54 No.1372236
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before we get too deep into this, I just wanna point out to all the newcomers (and stubborn veterans) that rage-sperg isn't a flaw of Naylor threads, it's a feature. enjoy the show.
Furrynomous 2018/01/07 14:02:04 No.1372606
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Furrynomous 2018/01/07 16:27:16 No.1372672
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Sometimes I wonder if it's just the same 2-3 people sperging out
can a mod please actually go back to the historical ragesperg flipouts and see if it's the same guy or not
that would be really fucking funny and embarassing it it was
Furrynomous 2018/01/07 17:21:42 No.1372683
As f-in hilarious as that'd be, It would go against the whole point of this board being "anonymous" now wouldn't it?

Edited at 2018/01/07 17:22:02
Furrynomous 2018/01/07 18:57:29 No.1372717
No lol
mods/admins can totally see the IP addresses of every single one of us, as it is on all chans.
Anonthemouse 2018/01/07 21:13:11 No.1372799
An that's why you use a VPN. It makes bans useless as well
Furrynomous 2018/01/09 19:54:51 No.1373862
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G-Birkin # MOD # 2018/01/09 21:06:54 No.1373884

If you think you're being smart doing that, I must tell you that would give both your VPN IP and your real one a permanent ban without the right to appeal
Furrynomous 2018/01/09 22:24:10 No.1373901
File: giphy_66_u18chan.gif - (576.67kb, 480x270, giphy.gif)
Look, we're not getting any new pages for at least another 3 weeks so can we please not our dicks in a twist over some guy who told another guy that he should go fap to vanilla furry comics elsewhere (sorry, not sorry). On a topic actually relevant to the comic, what do you guys think happened between Priscilla and Trent that led to her telling all her servants not to talk to him? Think it ties back to the ending of Second Chance?
Furrynomous 2018/01/10 10:22:15 No.1374061
Naylor is truly unique 110 lvl Shitstormbringer.
Furrynomous 2018/01/10 10:31:05 No.1374064

Instead use your phone. If they ban you you can simply reset your phone for a new IP.

Furrynomous 2018/01/10 13:36:36 No.1374121

What the fuck are you idiots doing to get banned?
I literally do not curtail what I say here at ALL and I've never been banned, warned, or have had any moderator action taken against me.
G-Birkin # MOD # 2018/01/10 14:49:59 No.1374159

Good for telling us that, I gonna tell Ro to fix this too
Furrynomous 2018/01/10 23:41:49 No.1374352

>All it takes to sperg autists out is to have someone drink coffee a certain way
Furrynomous 2018/01/11 11:56:47 No.1374620
Oh yes we all know how powerful and intensely dictatorial the mods are. After my 30th bad I think I might have learned something. Oh wait, no, it just made me more vocal.
Furrynomous 2018/01/11 12:03:09 No.1374622
mods are fags
Furrynomous 2018/01/11 12:08:00 No.1374623

i hope she didnt.
Furrynomous 2018/01/11 14:47:24 No.1374672
unfortunately you can't really fix that one unless you can think of a way to link phone users to desktop static IP users.
Unless you're google, you can't really do that.
Furrynomous 2018/01/13 00:14:01 No.1375370
........ How about we make our criticisms AFTER we read his comic when it's finished? What's with people passing judgements before he even finishes his work?

Edited at 2018/01/13 00:14:21
Furrynomous 2018/01/13 02:39:04 No.1375459

Empty words. He ain't gonna fix shit.

Edited at 2018/01/13 02:43:30
Furrynomous 2018/01/13 15:56:57 No.1375614
I will pay a king's fortune to anyone who devises me a program that lets me block the useless fucking natter . I came here for furry tits and ass goddamnit
Furrynomous 2018/01/13 16:30:27 No.1375653
Click the "Hide Post without an image" button.
Can I have the money now?
Furrynomous 2018/01/18 09:20:32 No.1377985
Still got to get rid of the fuckers who add memes to their bitchrants
Furrynomous 2018/01/18 10:01:47 No.1377986

That kind of "program" actually exists right now and it's built into every human being although very few of us are aware of it: it's called "ignore / scroll the fuck over what bothers you and stop being such a raging fucking panzy about everything on the internet or whatever"
Furrynomous 2018/01/19 21:54:08 No.1378532

Just tap the macro tag ong the tags list. Usually gets most of them.
Furrynomous 2018/01/21 23:28:47 No.1379500
The catboy better get fucked and not cucked this time.
Furrynomous 2018/01/25 18:40:14 No.1381464
It's only cucked if he's in a relationship...
Furrynomous 2018/01/26 01:59:06 No.1381596
He arguably is. With his sister.
Buster D. 2018/02/05 12:37:47 No.1387248
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Buster D. 2018/02/05 12:37:49 No.1387249
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Buster D. 2018/02/05 12:37:51 No.1387250
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Buster D. 2018/02/05 12:37:52 No.1387251
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Buster D. 2018/02/05 12:37:54 No.1387252
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Buster D. 2018/02/05 12:37:56 No.1387253
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Furrynomous 2018/02/05 13:10:21 No.1387269
this is cute
Furrynomous 2018/02/05 17:58:37 No.1387454
>basically zero dialogue
Is Naylor getting the hint? This comic has been pretty great so far.
Furrynomous 2018/02/05 18:46:21 No.1387474
I actually like it. Maybe he should just stick to making comics about these two characters, huh?
Furrynomous 2018/02/05 20:27:55 No.1387525
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So, I know Trent is bisexual because he used to be in a cuckhold relationship with his brother Alex and his ex-wife, but can someone explain to me what happened to Trent's marriage? Last comic I read with him (Second Chance) he was married and taking care of his nieces and nephews. What did I miss?

Edited at 2018/02/05 20:28:39
Furrynomous 2018/02/05 20:34:57 No.1387528

The implication of the last page of Second Chances is (supposed to be) that Trent's wife will figure out he shagged someone and it'll end his marriage.
Furrynomous 2018/02/05 20:47:42 No.1387538
‘ Anonymous 2018/02/05 21:50:10 No.1387577
Maybe this was before he got married and before the skank was arrested.

Edited at 2018/02/05 21:50:28
Furrynomous 2018/02/05 22:09:56 No.1387586

meh, it would be hotter that way.
insertnamehere 2018/02/06 10:53:48 No.1387818
So this guy is the Trent that was involved with Alex and Rachel and all that?
For some reason I got the idea it was supposed to be Sissy's brother. I'm like 90% sure his name is Trent too... I could be wrong, but I could have sworn I saw something calling him that because I though it was kinda funny that they had the same name.
insertnamehere 2018/02/06 11:03:38 No.1387823
File: Iguess_0_u18chan.png - (125.13kb, 1200x800, Iguess.png)
Couldn't find what I was thinking of, but I found this. I guess it's proof? Naylor seems like the type if it was no, he would have just said no.

Edited at 2018/02/06 11:06:23
Furrynomous 2018/02/06 11:10:51 No.1387826
Oh god... this is my dream threesome. >>1387251
Furrynomous 2018/02/06 11:34:03 No.1387835
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Mother of all makes sense now...
Furrynomous 2018/02/06 12:23:07 No.1387846
So, think this will end up in /GC?
Furrynomous 2018/02/06 13:06:32 No.1387855
Why would it? There's pussy in it. Let's not have this pointless argument again.
Furrynomous 2018/02/06 16:05:44 No.1387915

Given the gay content, I'd say, yes.
Furrynomous 2018/02/06 16:42:43 No.1387923
As Vicki Lewis in Godzilla '98 would say, "I already told them that we needed a /bi/ board, but they never listen to genius."
Furrynomous 2018/02/06 16:56:52 No.1387933
Are you guys new here, or what? Do we really need to do this song and dance every time a bi comic is posted? It stays here, just like every other bi comic in the history of this website. No amount of whining will change that. Deal with it.
Furrynomous 2018/02/06 21:46:28 No.1388040

Wasn't that Clark Gable, in BEACH BLANKET BIMBO?
Furrynomous 2018/02/07 16:02:23 No.1388320

It ain't gay if the guy involved can pass for a girl. Ask Naylor.
Furrynomous 2018/02/07 23:44:52 No.1388519
insertnamehere 2018/02/18 05:11:26 No.1393375
Wait so Trent fucked both his btother and his sister?
The madman
Furrynomous 2018/02/18 18:42:35 No.1393698
Bigots got mad. Hahaha
Furrynomous 2018/03/02 08:06:38 No.1399860
Furrynomous 2018/03/05 14:10:00 No.1401391
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Furrynomous 2018/03/05 14:10:02 No.1401392
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Furrynomous 2018/03/05 14:10:03 No.1401393
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Furrynomous 2018/03/05 14:10:05 No.1401394
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Furrynomous 2018/03/05 14:10:07 No.1401395
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Furrynomous 2018/03/05 16:58:51 No.1401645
Either Trent is trying to bring out his inner artist by observing the twins bumping uglies or he's having some major flashbacks from his days of cuckhilding his brother/screwing his (possible) sister Sissy.
Furrynomous 2018/03/05 17:26:14 No.1401657
So where is the gay sex??? Needs to be here now.
Furrynomous 2018/03/05 18:36:16 No.1401685
File: ScreenShot2018-03-05at7.36.06PM_u18chan.png - (83.1kb, 878x330, Screen Shot 2018-03-05 at 7.36.06 PM.png)

They're apparently two different characters.
Furrynomous 2018/03/05 18:43:30 No.1401688
Why does Trent aka Naylor stand in's dick keep changing girth? When we first see it isn't longish and thick. Then when he's pulling out of the chick it is long and thin.
Furrynomous 2018/03/06 06:22:42 No.1402025
Just look at twins cats. They are fucking perfect, i am jealous. Should i ?
Furrynomous 2018/03/06 08:28:01 No.1402058
Fuck that boyhole already
G-Birkin 2018/03/06 14:29:07 No.1402506
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Looks like Naylor made a Original Lifes character relation chart, to avoid any more confusions like Trent and Sissy's brother being the same guy
Furrynomous 2018/03/06 15:31:15 No.1402750
Everyone meet someone, and i cant do shit like this, fuck
Furrynomous 2018/03/06 18:23:11 No.1402821
I suddenly feel a lot better about my life.
Because I didn't spend a second of it making that.
So thank you

Edited at 2018/03/06 18:23:28
Furrynomous 2018/03/06 19:04:46 No.1402848
"The complexity of Jay Naylor"
Furrynomous 2018/03/06 20:28:52 No.1402873
Furrynomous 2018/03/06 23:01:21 No.1402909

Holy shit, bust out the abacus. This is pretty damn complex.

Furrynomous 2018/03/07 03:35:54 No.1402966
Fucker needs to add more unrelated characters 'cause this shit is gettin' unrealistic.

Inb4: "Furry porn radarada who expects realism?"

Me, motherfucker, when it's interpersonal relationships. Naylor puts too much into mixing his characters all into a pot together.
Furrynomous 2018/03/07 10:49:06 No.1403093

*Sings.* It's a small world after all... It's a small world after all!
Furrynomous 2018/03/07 16:45:57 No.1403279

This just with all the connectors just highlights what others have said, that Jay has no 'gay' characters... and before someone points out Genwyn and Charles, Aron and Audrey, etc you'll notice they all have sexual connections to female characters. Hell, they're aren't even any exclusive girl-on-girl characters, even Brooke has Francis, Kaori has Bruce. It's just bisexual/sluttiness.
Furrynomous 2018/03/07 19:04:08 No.1403327
Oh no! No! Anything but that!
Furrynomous 2018/03/08 06:35:29 No.1403563
ok so? why does he have to have a purely gay character?
Furrynomous 2018/03/08 11:56:12 No.1403668
File: notsurprisedkirk_u18chan.jpg - (51.04kb, 800x450, notsurprisedkirk.jpg)
"Straight artist has no gay characters."
Furrynomous 2018/03/08 17:00:35 No.1403799

No saying he should have gay characters, Naylor can do whatever the hell he wants, but people kept insisting on the tumblrite Cathy argument Jay Naylor has lots of gay characters.
Furrynomous 2018/03/09 06:48:44 No.1404045
Why do you care it is not like people being stupid on here is a new thing

Edited at 2018/03/09 13:12:45
Furrynomous 2018/03/09 14:08:33 No.1404166
>ok so? why does he have to have a purely gay character?
Not him, but he does have a point. A world/cast consisting only of either straight or bisexuals seems really weird.
Furrynomous 2018/03/09 17:25:55 No.1404226
first off he is the artist he gets to decide what he wants to draw or what commish he wants to accept, but honestly that doesn't even matter because he does have gay characters the only way you can say that he does not is by this crazy idea that what determines orientation is an absolute. simply if at any point you have slept with both sides that make you bi and you are forever stuck being bi which is completely idiotic.

Edited at 2018/03/09 17:26:47
Furrynomous 2018/03/10 22:40:45 No.1404723

Weren't those foxes that buggered Mary-Ann after mistaking her for a boy just about flaming enough to start a forest fire?

Considering they acted like a slightly-more-civilized version of /gc when they found out she had a second X chromosome, I'd say they were pretty solidly gay.

Or are people going to argue that they banged a chick, so not gay?
UnknownPoke 2018/03/11 01:11:37 No.1404750
Minus the shitstorm people bring to Jay's comics, He makes some damn good drama filled smut, its like a mini soap opera~

*Munches popcorn* Fuck me if this aint hot as fuck.
Furrynomous 2018/03/11 16:01:34 No.1404989
Implying that gay artists have straight characters. Or at least ones who aren't total cunts. Ha ha ha good one.
Furrynomous 2018/03/12 11:17:56 No.1405298
Meesh, that's all I'm sayin
Furrynomous 2018/03/12 14:01:56 No.1405339
What about him? His gay characters are just "small, weak men" who get to be dominated by "tall, superior muscular men", it's shown as a thing of domination rather than sexuality. Now that i think of it, that's exactly what Jay does aswel, except his gay characters are just girls with dicks.
Furrynomous 2018/03/12 17:23:07 No.1405447

lol, half of Meesh's gay characters are muscular jocks. You're literally making shit up.
Furrynomous 2018/03/13 13:44:21 No.1405729
Well, this IS u-chan...
Furrynomous 2018/03/14 04:58:48 No.1406125
Is Priscilla's bordel even legal? If yes, does it make her a criminal?
Furrynomous 2018/03/14 23:05:00 No.1406531
Wait so who is madeline?
Furrynomous 2018/03/15 07:06:08 No.1406708

Madeline appears to be Cathy's lover/girlfriend/fuckbuddy, who's been seen in all of one panel putting her clothes back on after presumably fucking Cathy.
2018/03/17 06:13:54 No.1407531

I swear May Kaylor makes some odd scenes.

Can see this ""avant garde"" motherfucker playing classical music as he watch's this and be like "mmmyess this is truly art. I must capture this in a painting but only after peeing on you two as you make love for that is my signature art style mmmyessss"

cause we all know Trent likes peeing on people.

Also feel there was missed opportunity with Minh getting some dick.
Furrynomous 2018/03/17 07:50:55 No.1407562
Weren't those foxes that buggered Mary-Ann after mistaking her for a boy just about flaming enough to start a forest fire?

Supposed to be gay, but just further Jay Naylor's espoused belief 'gay' is fictional. 'Gay' but what they want is girl butt, they even remarked of Mary Ann "he has the ass of a girl - perfect!".

I don't care if Naylor has gay or not characters, but I'm getting tired of reading his constant "Gay isn't real, it's either wanton sluttiness or prison-rape-gay". Boys banging other boys because they can't get a girl, etc.
Furrynomous 2018/03/18 04:07:37 No.1407923
you say you don't care yet you seem to be upset about it so im calling bs also the foxs are clearly gay, it clearly upset them that she was female and that comment was not because they secretly want to be with women,

do you have any sources to Naylor saying that or are you just assuming that?

Edited at 2018/03/18 04:12:11
Silvanus, the Assassin 2018/04/02 06:52:51 No.1415644
Any update ?
Buster D. 2018/04/02 16:42:01 No.1415942
File: mmgv-preview_u18chan.png - (1.26mb, 730x1576, mmgv-preview.png)

Wait until the fifth of this month.
Furrynomous 2018/04/02 23:16:31 No.1416101
Minh is gonna get a dicking
Furrynomous 2018/04/04 22:47:32 No.1417023
Anticipatory bamp.
Buster D. 2018/04/05 11:53:59 No.1417239
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Buster D. 2018/04/05 11:54:00 No.1417240
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Buster D. 2018/04/05 11:54:02 No.1417241
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Buster D. 2018/04/05 11:54:04 No.1417242
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Furrynomous 2018/04/05 12:05:20 No.1417246
So where is the gay sex??? What a wasted opportunity.
Kajex Surnahm 2018/04/05 12:10:59 No.1417250

If the third option is exclusive incestous relationship- 'bout fucking time, Naylor. It ain't Fisk/Lucy; but fuck it, I'll take it.
Fur Non 2018/04/05 15:38:07 No.1417320
Amen to that brother.
Furrynomous 2018/04/05 16:51:44 No.1417340
Who's the mysterious employer before David? Am I missing some Naylorverse DEEP LORE?
Furrynomous 2018/04/05 16:53:32 No.1417342
Well that was an anticlimactic way to go.

Thought Minh was going to get fucked next but apparently not. ('.' )
Furrynomous 2018/04/05 20:56:43 No.1417418
this ending fucking SUCKS!
who the fuck is writing these stories now? he hasnt had a good comic in years
Furrynomous 2018/04/06 04:23:53 No.1417541
It's Naylor, do you really think he can manage writing an exclusive relationship?
Kajex Surnahm 2018/04/06 07:27:48 No.1417588

Hence the word "if".
Furrynomous 2018/04/06 07:47:00 No.1417593
>Straight artist
>Jay Naylor

Are we pretending his relationship with the guy that makes Badly Drawn Kats/Kitties was never a thing because Jay willed the Gay away?
Furrynomous 2018/04/06 08:39:58 No.1417619
The opening for a proper threesome was right fucking there, what a wasted opportunity.
Furrynomous 2018/04/06 08:47:49 No.1417622
File: LiberatorFace_u18chan.jpg - (83.97kb, 1232x820, Liberator Face.jpg)
Why is it that every Naylor character who is supposed to be "deep" just comes off as a pretentious cunt? What kind of asshole stares outside the windows and greats people through an artistic monologue like in >>1387248 and look at the way he twirls his glass with his eyes closed like a dickhead while giving his two cents on an incestuous relationship, like he actually understand deeper relationships >>1417240
This Trent guy wasn't more than a fuckboy for his cuck brother and his wife Rachel who then goes on to cheat on his wife with the same woman he gave a moral high-ground lecture to about personal relationships. This is among the last persons anyone would listen to or even consider when it comes to deeper relationships and emotional investment.
Furrynomous 2018/04/06 09:24:07 No.1417633
>Why is it that every Naylor character who is supposed to be "deep" just comes off as a pretentious cunt?

If I had to guess, I would say that Naylor takes far too much inspiration from Ayn Rand.
Furrynomous 2018/04/07 18:16:50 No.1418343

Ayn Raynd? Man one time I tried to read that "Atlas Uprising" series of him (since I heard Bioshock was based on it).

It was so shitty I barely could get to the half of the first book
Furrynomous 2018/04/08 03:12:47 No.1418553
>Ayn Raynd? Man one time I tried to read that "Atlas Uprising" series of him (since I heard Bioshock was based on it).
Ayn Rand (or rather Alisa Zinovyevna Rozenbaum) was a lady.
Furrynomous 2018/04/08 20:10:28 No.1418750
Soooo...where's the development here? Sorry, enlighten me up if I come off as an ignorant, but, did the characters learned something, changed something? Did they took the decision to move from that dog girls place? Just what happened? Does everything happens out of scene just because artist wants "to leave it open for intepretation"??
Furrynomous 2018/04/09 10:58:36 No.1419043
Soooo...where's the development here? Sorry, enlighten me up if I come off as an ignorant, but, did the characters learned something, changed something? Did they took the decision to move from that dog girls place? Just what happened? Does everything happens out of scene just because artist wants "to leave it open for intepretation"??

At the end it's socially qued that Minh suggested him and Mai develop into a more romantic relationship.
Furrynomous 2018/04/13 10:13:59 No.1420845
I think it's implied that they might have worked for the same organisation Fisk is part of before leaving. Hence they never discuss it out or ever bring it up due to security concerns.
Furrynomous 2018/04/13 18:00:11 No.1421078

You mean the CIA? That would make sense, since Priscilla notes about how Mai can open so easily her brother's "dick lock" in "Housepets", and even wonder what's their past
Furrynomous 2018/04/13 19:16:32 No.1421126
I don't know, seems kind of a stretch.

Was it ever confirmed that he was working for the CIA? I was always under the assumption that it was some sort of private organization after his military tour, like a blackwater type deal.
Furrynomous 2018/04/13 19:36:06 No.1421131
I love how Naylor inserts such deep lore in his porn comics
Furrynomous 2018/04/14 10:10:32 No.1421325
Naylor has a way of making his world seem really small by the way people either know each other or have some sort of hidden background relation. The organisation Fisk works for is apparently part of the CIA and the DHS that was formed during cold war times because their agents were getting compromised by the KGB and Chinese spies (it's implied this is what lead to the death of Fisks dad) so it works like a semi-private front company operating through government funding as well as donations from "Patriots with concern for the national well being and interests of their country...". It's not unlikely that Mia and Minh might have worked as infiltrators and honeypots for the very same organisation.
Furrynomous 2018/04/14 21:35:19 No.1421470
I've read pretty much all of Naylor's stuff and I'm on his patreon, I don't ever remember them having anything to do with the buisness Fisk is in, just with the poodle lady, whoever he mentioned here.
Furrynomous 2018/04/15 10:37:04 No.1421710
Poodle girl also runs her S&M club together with tranny Hyena lady, who apparently introduced Persia to the shady porn industry. I know it's a stretch but there does seem to be some hints at connections.

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