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File: scenario1cover_u18chan.jpg - (290.32kb, 703x1267, scenario 1 cover.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
scenario 1 by Trunchbull M/H/S/ 2018/01/07 07:00:58 No.1372469   
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This is a rather interesting interactive story, because it does tell a sad, heart wrenching story. And yeah, I would not really call it a comic because it tells the story through multiple mediums. And it tells the story in an interesting way through animated .gifs, single panel images, and comic panels. And yes, I too feel it is similar to some comics I have read in terms of story, but I still like this one too. Also, I kinda/sorta made a cover out of one of the images because this interactive story did not have a cover. Apologies about that.

EDIT: Please don't be a moaningfag about the different resolutions. That is how are the pages came. Deal with it.

Table of Contents:

00 - scenario 1 : 1 ANIMATION
01 - scenario 1 : 2 ANIMATION
02 - scenario 1 : 3
03 - scenario 1 : 4 ANIMATION
04 - scenario 1 : 5
05 - scenario 1 : 6 ANIMATION
06 - scenario 1 : 7 ANIMATION
07 - scenario 1 : 8 ANIMATION
08 - scenario 1 : 9
09 - scenario 1 : 10
10 - scenario 1 : 11 ANIMATION
11 - scenario 1 : 12 ANIMATION
12 - scenario 1 : 13 ANIMATION
13 - scenario 1 : 14
14 - scenario 1 : 15 ANIMATION
15 - scenario 1 : 16a
16 - scenario 1 : 16b
17 - scenario 1 : 17
18 - scenario 1 : 18
19 - scenario 1 : 19a
20 - scenario 1 : 19b
21 - scenario 1 : 20 [ end ]

Edited at 2018/01/07 07:11:03
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scenario 1 by Trunchbull M/H/S/ 2018/01/07 07:01:47 No.1372470
File: 00-scenario1-1ANIMATION_u18chan.gif - (2.14mb, 640x360, 00 - scenario 1 - 1 ANIMATION.gif)

scenario 1 : 1 ANIMATION

Edited at 2018/01/07 07:24:10
scenario 1 by Trunchbull M/H/S/ 2018/01/07 07:02:52 No.1372472
File: 01-scenario1-2ANIMATION_u18chan.gif - (2.08mb, 640x360, 01 - scenario 1 - 2 ANIMATION.gif)

scenario 1 : 2 ANIMATION

Edited at 2018/01/07 07:24:33
scenario 1 by Trunchbull M/H/S/ 2018/01/07 07:03:04 No.1372473
File: 02-scenario1-3_u18chan.jpg - (364.12kb, 703x1267, 02 - scenario 1 - 3.jpg)

scenario 1 : 3

Edited at 2018/01/07 07:25:06
scenario 1 by Trunchbull M/H/S/ 2018/01/07 07:03:29 No.1372475
File: 03-scenario1-4ANIMATION_u18chan.gif - (3.36mb, 640x360, 03 - scenario 1 - 4 ANIMATION.gif)

scenario 1 : 4 ANIMATION

Edited at 2018/01/07 07:26:18
scenario 1 by Trunchbull M/H/S/ 2018/01/07 07:05:24 No.1372478
File: 04-scenario1-5_u18chan.jpg - (331.07kb, 577x1500, 04 - scenario 1 - 5.jpg)

scenario 1 : 5

Edited at 2018/01/07 07:26:41
scenario 1 by Trunchbull M/H/S/ 2018/01/07 07:06:05 No.1372479
File: 05-scenario1-6ANIMATION_u18chan.gif - (3.86mb, 640x360, 05 - scenario 1 - 6 ANIMATION.gif)

scenario 1 : 6 ANIMATION

Edited at 2018/01/07 07:27:10
scenario 1 by Trunchbull M/H/S/ 2018/01/07 07:07:34 No.1372480
File: 06-scenario1-7ANIMATION_u18chan.gif - (5.33mb, 640x360, 06 - scenario 1 - 7 ANIMATION.gif)

scenario 1 : 7 ANIMATION

Edited at 2018/01/07 07:27:29
scenario 1 by Trunchbull M/H/S/ 2018/01/07 07:08:49 No.1372481
File: 07-scenario1-8ANIMATION_u18chan.gif - (5.99mb, 640x360, 07 - scenario 1 - 8 ANIMATION.gif)

scenario 1 : 8 ANIMATION

Edited at 2018/01/07 07:27:45
scenario 1 by Trunchbull M/H/S/ 2018/01/07 07:09:52 No.1372482
File: 08-scenario1-9_u18chan.jpg - (654.13kb, 563x2000, 08 - scenario 1 - 9.jpg)

scenario 1 : 9

Edited at 2018/01/07 07:28:33
scenario 1 by Trunchbull M/H/S/ 2018/01/07 07:11:23 No.1372483
File: 09-scenario1-10_u18chan.jpg - (142.01kb, 1279x1438, 09 - scenario 1 - 10.jpg)

scenario 1 : 10

Edited at 2018/01/07 07:28:49
scenario 1 by Trunchbull M/H/S/ 2018/01/07 07:11:53 No.1372484
File: 10-scenario1-11ANIMATION_u18chan.gif - (5.74mb, 640x360, 10 - scenario 1 - 11 ANIMATION.gif)

scenario 1 : 11 ANIMATION

Edited at 2018/01/07 07:29:27
scenario 1 by Trunchbull M/H/S/ 2018/01/07 07:12:21 No.1372485
File: 11-scenario1-12ANIMATION_u18chan.gif - (5.34mb, 640x360, 11 - scenario 1 - 12 ANIMATION.gif)

scenario 1 : 12 ANIMATION

Edited at 2018/01/07 07:33:25
scenario 1 by Trunchbull M/H/S/ 2018/01/07 07:12:52 No.1372486
File: 12-scenario1-13ANIMATION_u18chan.gif - (3.29mb, 641x361, 12 - scenario 1 - 13 ANIMATION.gif)

scenario 1 : 13 ANIMATION

Edited at 2018/01/07 07:34:36
scenario 1 by Trunchbull M/H/S/ 2018/01/07 07:13:25 No.1372487
File: 13-scenario1-14_u18chan.jpg - (315.41kb, 640x1439, 13 - scenario 1 - 14.jpg)

scenario 1 : 14

Edited at 2018/01/07 07:35:03
scenario 1 by Trunchbull M/H/S/ 2018/01/07 07:14:05 No.1372488
File: 14-scenario1-15ANIMATION_u18chan.gif - (3.4mb, 640x360, 14 - scenario 1 - 15 ANIMATION.gif)

scenario 1 : 15 ANIMATION

Edited at 2018/01/07 07:35:22
scenario 1 by Trunchbull M/H/S/ 2018/01/07 07:14:38 No.1372489
File: 15-scenario1-16a_u18chan.jpg - (182.85kb, 478x1280, 15 - scenario 1 - 16a.jpg)

scenario 1 : 16a

Edited at 2018/01/07 07:35:50
scenario 1 by Trunchbull M/H/S/ 2018/01/07 07:20:49 No.1372490
File: 16-scenario1-16b_u18chan.jpg - (112.39kb, 717x961, 16 - scenario 1 - 16b.jpg)

scenario 1 : 16b

Edited at 2018/01/07 07:36:27
scenario 1 by Trunchbull M/H/S/ 2018/01/07 07:21:13 No.1372491
File: 17-scenario1-17_u18chan.jpg - (300.48kb, 642x1810, 17 - scenario 1 - 17.jpg)

scenario 1 : 17

Edited at 2018/01/07 07:36:48
scenario 1 by Trunchbull M/H/S/ 2018/01/07 07:22:21 No.1372492
File: 18-scenario1-18_u18chan.jpg - (420.12kb, 1280x720, 18 - scenario 1 - 18.jpg)

scenario 1 : 18

Edited at 2018/01/07 07:37:09
scenario 1 by Trunchbull M/H/S/ 2018/01/07 07:22:47 No.1372493
File: 19-scenario1-19a_u18chan.jpg - (573.5kb, 657x2000, 19 - scenario 1 - 19a.jpg)

scenario 1 : 19a

Edited at 2018/01/07 07:37:37
scenario 1 by Trunchbull M/H/S/ 2018/01/07 07:23:03 No.1372494
File: 20-scenario1-19b_u18chan.jpg - (199.55kb, 517x1116, 20 - scenario 1 - 19b.jpg)

scenario 1 : 19b

Edited at 2018/01/07 07:38:09
scenario 1 by Trunchbull M/H/S/ 2018/01/07 07:23:25 No.1372495
File: 21-scenario1-20end_u18chan.jpg - (367.37kb, 1356x856, 21 - scenario 1 - 20 [ end ].jpg)

scenario 1 : 20 [ end ]

Edited at 2018/01/07 07:38:22
scenario 1 by Trunchbull M/H/S/ 2018/01/07 07:23:42 No.1372496

That is all.
Furrynomous 2018/01/07 07:47:15 No.1372506
God dammit.
Furrynomous 2018/01/07 08:58:23 No.1372542

iirc, trunchbull got tired with the story and characters and just wanted to end it as soon as possible. That's why we got this ending.
Scenario 1 ending VIRAL 2018/01/07 12:43:33 No.1372583
File: IMG_4062_u18chan.png - (133.42kb, 250x338, IMG_4062.PNG)
So are they both dead? I see a pill bottle so I think Sasha poisoned him/herself. I don't know what gender Sasha is.
Furrynomous 2018/01/07 12:55:01 No.1372586
I've literally lost count on the number of times this story has been done before.
Furrynomous 2018/01/07 16:13:21 No.1372668
Seriously, a freakin Romeo and Juliet ending... That shit only works if you are great at making stories (aka Shakespeare)
Furrynomous 2018/01/07 18:22:25 No.1372712
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File: 1458091225468_u18chan.gif - (432.46kb, 500x394, 1458091225468.gif)
>Have a thing for reverse traps
>Especially if it involves /ff/ romance
>Content for it is really fucking rare
>Trunchbull does an animated comic about just what I want
>Ends it in double suicide

God fucking dammit.
M/H/S/ 2018/01/07 19:35:13 No.1372730
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File: 4f3_u18chan.gif - (2.73mb, 320x454, 4f3.gif)

Some of the best stories have been "inspired" by originators and some of the best stories. Just saying.

Edited at 2018/01/07 19:39:59
BBGryphon 2018/01/07 19:47:52 No.1372733
A Romeo and Juliet ending is not this.
Killing yourself along with your loved one so you won't be alone or go through a sickness isn't Romeo and Juliet.

That's when you pretend to commit suicide, so you can run away to be with your 3 day Love, then your lover sees you dead kills themselves, then you do. Which can be seen as ironic or just stupid by today's standard.

Just because the two protagonist die doesn't make it a Romeo And Juliet ending

Edited at 2018/01/07 19:49:37
Furrynomous 2018/01/11 06:08:50 No.1374424

In french pussy can be translated as chatte, and chatte is the feminime for cat in French.
otherwise IDGI
Furrynomous 2018/01/11 15:01:02 No.1374678
This is scenario 1, and the end mentions more scenarios, is this going to be a multiple ending thing?
Furrynomous 2018/01/11 16:02:57 No.1374708
No, in this instance they basically mean "Story 1"
Furrynomous 2018/01/11 16:45:57 No.1374721
Oh, I remember this comic from a few years back, and remember that they asked to the artist if she/he was going to make more, and said no, they even said that the antropomorphic concep doesn't interest they anymore, so...
Furrynomous 2018/01/12 04:22:49 No.1375019
lol what a couple of a-holes tbh.

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