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File: 02_126_u18chan.png - (1.55mb, 1280x1837, 02.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Foxy Rena Vol 12-Rewrite Quagmire 7 2018/05/10 20:36:01 No.1433434   
Here's a seperate thread for Foxy Rena Vol 12. The pages have also been rewritten by me so I hope you enjoy what I've done.
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Foxy Rena Vol 12-Rewrite Quagmire 7 2018/05/10 20:37:33 No.1433435
File: 03_133_u18chan.png - (1.77mb, 1280x1846, 03.png)

Foxy Rena Vol 12-Rewrite Quagmire 7 2018/05/10 20:37:35 No.1433436
File: 04_131_u18chan.png - (1.94mb, 1280x1834, 04.png)
Foxy Rena Vol 12-Rewrite Quagmire 7 2018/05/10 20:41:57 No.1433438
File: 05_123_u18chan.png - (1.83mb, 1280x1846, 05.png)

Foxy Rena Vol 12-Rewrite Quagmire 7 2018/05/10 20:41:59 No.1433439
File: 06_117_u18chan.png - (1.89mb, 1280x1856, 06.png)
Foxy Rena Vol 12-Rewrite Quagmire 7 2018/05/10 20:42:00 No.1433440
File: 07_116_u18chan.png - (2.12mb, 1280x1840, 07.png)
Foxy Rena Vol 12-Rewrite Quagmire 7 2018/05/10 20:42:02 No.1433441
File: 08_114_u18chan.png - (2.07mb, 1280x1829, 08.png)
Foxy Rena Vol 12-Rewrite Quagmire 7 2018/05/10 20:42:04 No.1433442
File: 09_100_u18chan.png - (2.3mb, 1280x1840, 09.png)
Furrynomous 2018/05/10 20:44:15 No.1433443
File: 10_163_u18chan.png - (2.4mb, 1280x1844, 10.png)

Furrynomous 2018/05/10 20:44:17 No.1433444
File: 11_148_u18chan.png - (2.46mb, 1280x1838, 11.png)
Furrynomous 2018/05/10 20:44:18 No.1433445
File: 12_133_u18chan.png - (2.04mb, 1280x1825, 12.png)
Furrynomous 2018/05/10 20:44:20 No.1433446
File: 13_129_u18chan.png - (3.44mb, 2090x3000, 13.png)
Foxy Rena Vol 12-Rewrite Quagmire 7 2018/05/10 20:49:50 No.1433448
File: 14_123_u18chan.png - (3.15mb, 2084x2992, 14.png)

Foxy Rena Vol 12-Rewrite Quagmire 7 2018/05/10 20:49:52 No.1433449
File: 15_114_u18chan.png - (2.28mb, 1280x1853, 15.png)
Foxy Rena Vol 12-Rewrite Quagmire 7 2018/05/10 20:49:54 No.1433450
File: 16_107_u18chan.png - (2.06mb, 1280x1833, 16.png)
Foxy Rena Vol 12-Rewrite Quagmire 7 2018/05/10 20:51:26 No.1433451
LAst one for now. Don't worry. It's very close to completion. The only pages left are 18-23 and then pages 28- 29- and 30. So 9 pages to go overall. Hope this will tide you guys over til then?
Foxy Rena Vol 12-Rewrite Quagmire 7 2018/05/10 20:53:54 No.1433453
File: 17_99_u18chan.png - (2.12mb, 1280x1849, 17.png)
Pages 24-27 are complete, but I'd rather complete 18-23 first. So then the pages are in order you know?
Foxy Rena Vol 12-Rewrite Quagmire 7 2018/05/10 20:55:43 No.1433454
I want to avoid posting the pages out of order here like in the other thread. So I hope this is fine with you guys? Also think of the pages I posted as Part I.
Furrynomous 2018/05/10 21:19:54 No.1433458
The rewrite are okay but I can barely read the Style of the writing.
Furrynomous 2018/05/10 21:25:28 No.1433461
Yeah the original font was clearer to see but on the rewriting font looks like it smushed together as it hard to read
Foxy Rena Vol 12-Rewrite Quagmire 7 2018/05/10 21:25:52 No.1433462
It's the same style that Birkin used before. I don't know how to do the fancy effects that work like the black words with white outlines on it. Kind of a beginner with that stuff. Sorry.
Furrynomous 2018/05/10 21:35:27 No.1433466
I think he means the Words Font a it looks like the words are all to clamp together
Foxy Rena Vol 12-Rewrite Quagmire 7 2018/05/10 22:44:13 No.1433496
Oh. Well the font that he gave me was CC Wild Words. Though Roman is default in it for some reason.
Quagmire 7 2018/05/10 22:57:11 No.1433506
In case someone asks, I’m not rushing this at all. I tried to make the words fit in the bubble or box, I’m sorry for this problem.
Quagmire 7 2018/05/11 01:43:06 No.1433565
Though I guess I’m at fault for writing a bit too much x3
That might be why there’s a problem. Well it’s a learning experience right?
Quagmire 7 2018/05/11 15:39:25 No.1433816
I think after I posted all the pages, I'll edit which ones I think aren't up to par with your expectations. Wording size and content I'll look into. Shorten the writing. And use this experience for a future doujin I hope to do.

How's that should to you guys?
Furrynomous 2018/05/11 16:20:15 No.1433844
That sounds okay to me.
Furrynomous 2018/05/11 20:47:49 No.1433951
Just be sure that word font is clear to read like the original kind, not the rewrite editing. (sorry but the word are hard to read when they are clamp together)
Furrynomous 2018/05/11 22:47:04 No.1433993
Indeed it is. We all start somewhere and so long as it remains fun to do.
Furrynomous 2018/05/19 09:24:45 No.1437936
Somebody contact Quagmire and ask him about progress?
Furrynomous 2018/05/19 11:57:04 No.1437979
File: awwwcute_u18chan.gif - (1.27mb, 500x262, awww cute.gif)
mfw reading this pairing and chapter.
can't fap, its too cute and cuddly.
Furrynomous 2018/05/20 01:38:04 No.1438316
As soon as I saw the first chapter with Thor and Rena I wanted to see more of them together. They're really cute.

Shame it's not Bats and Fenrir tho, I liked them more than him and grandmaloli but they're still good.
Furrynomous 2018/05/22 07:42:51 No.1439462
Is G-Birkin even involved anymore? Feels like he just dropped this entirely.
Furrynomous 2018/05/23 04:36:47 No.1439970
Quagmire please respond!!! Its been a while since you said anything!!!!
Furrynomous 2018/05/24 16:37:09 No.1440771
Sorry for the silence, I was spending time with my brother cause he came to visit. I've also been looking over the pages I've done to see what I can change. Long process I know, but it's worth it.
Furrynomous 2018/06/01 09:35:25 No.1445063
Hey Quagmire I know your busy with this translation, but after your done can you do a translation of 11.5 of foxy rena I'll send the images to you when your okay with it.
Furrynomous 2018/06/01 09:45:09 No.1445069
In case if your wondering Quagmire its only like 6 pages and info on anyone willing to decensor it later.
Furrynomous 2018/06/01 10:09:30 No.1445078

11.5 ?
Are you sure about that?
Furrynomous 2018/06/01 10:32:21 No.1445084
I am 100% confident that its 11.5, do you want me to post them here?
Furrynomous 2018/06/01 14:15:13 No.1445152

Just the cover page plz
Furrynomous 2018/06/01 14:59:02 No.1445165
File: 069_6_u18chan.jpg - (410.45kb, 1280x1849, 069.jpg)
Here it is, you be the judge
Kajex Surnahm 2018/06/01 15:11:54 No.1445169
The bestiality side-chapter? :3 With feral Japanese Anime Rarity?
Furrynomous 2018/06/02 12:38:22 No.1445627

Can you put the whole volume on Amakuchi thread? Plz

It would be nice.
Furrynomous 2018/06/02 13:18:19 No.1445641
I could, however I want it to be translated and if lucky decensored. That thread only shows specific pics or colored pages so I don't think it will fit with that thread.
Quagmire 7 2018/06/02 18:44:32 No.1445763
I'm not a translator, but once I'm done here I can do that. I just need a translated script is all. I'm close to the end btw.
Furrynomous 2018/06/02 19:59:09 No.1445784
Does anyone know a good translator that is willing to translate 6 pages? or does anyone have GBirkins info for requests
Furrynomous 2018/06/02 20:42:13 No.1445795
This guy seems pretty keen and willing to do smaller things:

I've used biribiri once before, but he's probably pricier:

The other alternative is to handwrite the kanji into Google Translate or use some kind of recognition software and machine translate it, then re-humanise it using dictionaries and common sense.
Furrynomous 2018/06/02 21:48:57 No.1445821
Should I just post all of 11.5 in a thread and see if someone will translate?
Furrynomous 2018/06/03 06:03:33 No.1445934

probably the best bet
Furrynomous 2018/06/05 21:52:45 No.1447308
Foxy Rena 11.5 has been translated and put into the (feral) section of u18chan, also how close are you to being done Quagmire
Furrynomous 2018/06/10 06:59:59 No.1449381
Quagmire are you done with the translation!?
Furrynomous 2018/06/10 23:14:14 No.1449940
Can anyone get in contact with Quagmire and ask him if hes done with the translation?
Furrynomous 2018/06/12 06:36:10 No.1450587
Tbh this project is in development hell. GBirkin started it back in mid January and its now mid June. The old thread is jumbled so who knows how much is rewrite and how much is true to original. At least here we know its all rewrite but the radio silence is deafening.
Furrynomous 2018/06/16 09:39:55 No.1453119
Quagmire 7 please respond! Are you done with the translation or are you super close to being done? Someone with his info please contact him!!
Furrynomous 2018/06/16 15:42:25 No.1453219
Also, I like you rewrite BUT the word font is hard to read so can you reverted back to GBirkin style?
Furrynomous 2018/06/19 19:55:42 No.1454701
Can someone contact Quagmire 7 and ask him about the translation? Email, anything
Quagmire 7 2018/06/26 17:38:24 No.1457890
File: 18_97_u18chan.png - (2.21mb, 1280x1834, 18.png)
Enjoy Part II
Sorry for the silence, had computer issues for a bit.
Quagmire 7 2018/06/26 17:38:25 No.1457891
File: 19_90_u18chan.png - (2.48mb, 1280x1844, 19.png)
Quagmire 7 2018/06/26 17:38:27 No.1457892
File: 20_80_u18chan.png - (2.39mb, 1280x1836, 20.png)
Quagmire 7 2018/06/26 17:38:29 No.1457893
File: 21_82_u18chan.png - (1.89mb, 1280x1843, 21.png)
Quagmire 7 2018/06/26 17:38:30 No.1457894
File: 22_73_u18chan.png - (2.15mb, 1280x1828, 22.png)
Quagmire 7 2018/06/26 17:38:32 No.1457895
File: 23_63_u18chan.png - (2.02mb, 1280x1840, 23.png)
Quagmire 7 2018/06/26 17:43:24 No.1457897
File: 24_60_u18chan.png - (3.03mb, 1282x1839, 24.png)

Quagmire 7 2018/06/26 17:43:25 No.1457898
File: 25_58_u18chan.png - (1.91mb, 1280x1839, 25.png)
Quagmire 7 2018/06/26 17:43:27 No.1457899
File: 26_52_u18chan.png - (2.51mb, 1288x1839, 26.png)
Quagmire 7 2018/06/26 17:48:29 No.1457901
File: 27_47_u18chan.png - (2.6mb, 1278x1839, 27.png)

Quagmire 7 2018/06/26 17:50:43 No.1457902
File: 28_46_u18chan.png - (2.1mb, 1280x1830, 28.png)
Final 3 pages. I hope you guys enjoy this? I enjoyed writing it ^^
I'm up for doing another one if there's an opprotunity. Anyone up for translating The Horse Teacher yet?
Quagmire 7 2018/06/26 17:50:45 No.1457903
File: 29_40_u18chan.png - (1.96mb, 1280x1843, 29.png)
Quagmire 7 2018/06/26 17:50:47 No.1457904
File: 30_41_u18chan.png - (983.5kb, 1280x1858, 30.png)
Quagmire 7 2018/06/26 17:54:03 No.1457906
Also I have seen complaints on contact info. I can be reached through instant messenger apps like Telegram or Facebook Messenger. That's the fastest way to reach me. So pick while one and I'll put down my facebook name and telegram username. But only if you guys have those. Both or one of them is fine with me.

Again, sorry for the delay. I'll make sure to do better next time ^^
Quagmire 7 2018/06/26 17:55:32 No.1457907
So next challenge I'll take one is The Horse Teacher. As well as the other ones releated to that one too. Like of Rena's mother. All I'd need is a translation, and I'll get to writing the script for it.
Quagmire 7 2018/06/26 17:57:56 No.1457908
But a decensor I won't be able to do. Wouldn't know how to do it anyway xD

Still, I'll share my contact with the one who is up for translating The Horse Teacher and the comics related to The Horse Teacher. And anyone else who is interested. Just don't spam message me please xD
Furrynomous 2018/06/26 19:08:52 No.1457921
A lot of translation of horse teacher/side things like rena's mom have been done on ehentai so you probably need to check what hasn't been done.
Furrynomous 2018/06/26 20:39:46 No.1458007
Can you put it in a file download it?
Also the rewritten FONT is hard to read, just a reminder.
Quagmire 7 2018/06/26 20:51:55 No.1458019

All of the ones not translated are in there. Also this was a learning experience, I'll take it to heart next time ^^
Furrynomous 2018/06/27 00:02:32 No.1458079
I mean,Foxy Rena 12 not horse teacher. Also, when GBirkin going to finished with this because your rewrite is okay but the font is hard to read.
Furrynomous 2018/06/27 00:03:46 No.1458080
GBirkin work is on this thread
Quagmire 7 2018/06/27 13:39:46 No.1458403
Also the holy lance line was on purpose xD
If you guys want me to re edit and post the pages I could. In this thread though, I won't make another thread just for that.

Plus my contact offer is up, but only once someone does a translation of the horse teacher thread. Though I'm open to options. Overall, I enjoyed this ^^
Furrynomous 2018/06/27 14:37:29 No.1458415
"Demon lance" would have been better for that situation
Furrynomous 2018/06/27 16:57:12 No.1458472
Post your telegram name and such Quagmire 7
Quagmire 7 2018/06/27 23:05:51 No.1458592
Maybe, but hey they're role-playing, it's gotta be a bit corny ya know? I had the option of just saying dick instead. But I think Birkins pages will be different when he finishes them. I don't know when though.

Still, at least this is in English now right? Also I didn't rush this.
Quagmire 7 2018/06/27 23:08:19 No.1458594
Oh? You have telegram then?
Furrynomous 2018/06/28 01:00:52 No.1458643
Well it seemed that someone uploaded your work but I still think that you need to redo your editing with GBirkin original english work.
I'm saying this because there's a lot of parts where the text is squeezed in so much it's almost unreadable as someone stated before.
Furrynomous 2018/06/28 01:01:36 No.1458644
Furrynomous 2018/06/28 02:51:27 No.1458676
Well, that was quick xD

List the pages that you'd want me to change the font size. I'll gladly redo then and repost the edited versions here.

How does that sound?

Also Birkin approved of the script I wrote for the rewrite. Though I could be wrong. I didn't hear any objections about doing a rewrite from him. He has his own script which will be different from mine. So let's wait til he's done with his pages ok?
Quagmire 7 2018/06/28 03:02:44 No.1458679
Okay, I viewed the page so whoever is able to comment tell them I am willing to redo the text size. The only thing I'd like is a list of pages you'd want me to redo. I'll change the text size on it.

I hope you guys aren't thinking I rushed this, cause I didn't. But still, I'm open to criticism so I'll take it to heart. I'll redo the pages you guts want edited. But I will post them in this thread, I don't want to make another one and add confusion here.

Hope this is understandable?

Plus I'm shocked it has a perfect 5 stars on there. That makes me proud that some of you liked it. And my hard work pulled through.

So overall, thanks you guys. I hope to do better the next time I do this.
Furrynomous 2018/06/28 06:40:00 No.1458713
I know the person who put up your work , so when your done I can tell him to change and repost it.
Quagmire 7 2018/06/28 11:56:26 No.1458809
Sounds good to me. Now what pages do you guys want me to fix?
Furrynomous 2018/06/28 13:59:29 No.1458844
pages 4,5,14,15,17,18,20,23,29 are the ones that really need it. However, overall you need to fix all of the small text.
Quagmire 7 2018/06/28 16:44:54 No.1458934
Understood. I'll also look o we the other pages and see if I can apply some edits to them.
Furrynomous 2018/06/28 20:36:17 No.1459043
I think it best to change all the pages to Birkin editing work like changing the Word Font so that the text isn't squeezing at each other.
Quagmire 7 2018/06/28 21:06:02 No.1459050
This is the same font Birkin is using in his pages. He sent me the download link to this font. It's a sizing issue is all. I'm not using a different font.

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