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File: tumblr_pbas51ak3B1rb0wnjo1_1280_u18chan.jpg - (331.21kb, 1280x1669, tumblr_pbas51ak3B1rb0wnjo1_1280.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Weighting Game Furrynomous 2018/07/03 23:39:45 No.1461279   
Oh look new ritts thing.
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Furrynomous 2018/07/04 02:00:25 No.1461304
ABORT! A B O R T! A - B - O - R - T - !
Furrynomous 2018/07/04 04:04:03 No.1461320
I find the leg brace to be far more upsetting than her obesity.
Why can't ritts do something besides people with weird bodies or proportions?
Furrynomous 2018/07/04 04:29:27 No.1461323
if you don't like it just fuck off?
Like seriously, why do people like this even come into threads when it's obvious you won't like it?
Furrynomous 2018/07/04 04:31:41 No.1461324
File: 1326583910.ritts_frankrefsheet_u18chan.png - (827.46kb, 2100x1412, 1326583910.ritts_frankrefsheet.png)
He didn't do this level of body-warping bullshit back when I originally followed him on FA. His art style devolved over the years as he fell into exaggerating everything to an absurd degree. I mean, I'm sure his style has admirers and all, but I couldn't stand it any more.

He posted this pic on FA six years ago. She still has a thicc look, but he didn't go overboard with it. Now compare that to the pic in the OP.
Furrynomous 2018/07/04 14:10:01 No.1461531
Ritts is actually what more artist need to do, most artist will draw the same body over and over and the characters have little to no variety.

I feel this is an exageration Ritts doesn't do "absurd" you're acting like he's a hyper artist which at the most he might bend things a little past what most actual people can get to realistically but not the size of a barn, Fank in the OP has obviously gained weight that's the point of this upcoming comic I believe and also the leg brace, I assume she's obviously going to lose it after the comic and the current is just going to be how her boss still likes her despite the new extra pudge.

Hell even if she is to keep it she's a cop so it's fitting of her to be a bit fat.
Furrynomous 2018/07/05 01:19:22 No.1461767
I honestly have no problem with how Ritts depicts a variety of body types. But fuck, he needs to stop breaking the metatarsal bones of his characters every time they do a toe curl.
Furrynomous 2018/07/05 04:55:36 No.1461810
Ritts absolutely does do absurd proportions. Plenty of artists do a variety of bodies. They just don't pass into the niche territory ritts now enjoys.
He had a comic about a 700lb morbidly obese cat lady. That preggo comic with the weird shaped bunny guy and the pregnant belly being like half the woman's body, the lesbo comic with the mouse lady with MASSIVE tits and the weird lesbodog thing...

Turn on fap mode if people not liking what you like makes you this upset.

Edited at 2018/07/05 05:04:50
Furrynomous 2018/07/05 06:48:41 No.1461827
" 700lb morbidly obese cat lady" - that was a wolf
"weird shaped bunny guy" - kangaroos are marsupials but fair
"weird lesbodog thing" - lesbodog, also go by the common name of 'polar bear'
You get a banana sticker for effort
Furrynomous 2018/07/05 20:01:41 No.1462021
File: tumblr_p5hrctYSqx1rb0wnjo1_1280_u18chan.jpg - (210.87kb, 1115x1500, tumblr_p5hrctYSqx1rb0wnjo1_1280.jpg)
>doesnt disprove the absurdity in ritt's characters
ritts does a lot of absurd body types, like permanently pregnant with full grown children lady. He basically took diversity and exaggerated it and now all he can do is the exaggerated body types
Furrynomous 2018/07/05 20:53:58 No.1462044
Everything in porn is an exaggeration. Dicks, tits, vagina/ass depths, I've seen spines that really should not be... Well, spines.
The question is: would any of the stuff on here be more exciting if it was all just average proportions?
Furrynomous 2018/07/05 21:10:46 No.1462049
Wait what happened to "Practice Makes Perfect"?

He working on 2 things now?
Furrynomous 2018/07/05 21:18:19 No.1462051
probably speaks for itself that the most popular furries in the fandom as a whole are all artists that draw generally normal proportions on their characters. Bigger than average dicks, nice busty tits, obviously bigger than the norm but it remains in that area where bigger is better/more appealing because its fantasy but doesnt go beyond where it starts to become more niche the further you go, which is probably why ritts is starting to become hit or miss with older fans.
Furrynomous 2018/07/06 02:22:08 No.1462156
File: rittsbodycomparisons_u18chan.jpg - (337.16kb, 1600x291, rittsbodycomparisons.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/07/06 03:56:48 No.1462196
File: 1530834139.ritts_carigavebirth_u18chan.jpg - (558.78kb, 874x900, 1530834139.ritts_carigavebirth.jpg)
fucking owned I was just about to post that, also >>1462021 >permanently

This is basically another example of "I came into a thread for something I don't like and now i'm mad"
Furrynomous 2018/07/06 05:10:56 No.1462212
Thank you for posting people with absurd bodies for comparison.

>Fucking owned
Ill 360 noscope you m8

>This is basically another example of "I came into a thread for something I don't like and now i'm mad"
Nah dude. I saw a thing and commented on it. I'm sorry that sharing my opinion is that big a deal to you.

Edited at 2018/07/06 05:11:55
Furrynomous 2018/07/09 19:17:12 No.1464426
File: datassjiggle_u18chan.gif - (833.26kb, 200x180, !! dat ass jiggle.gif)
After reading all the comments on Ritts and their style on here, I have this to say. Hopefully people will read it and think about it, instead of dismissing it.

Ritts' style has evolved from two things. People enjoying said style, and people being willing to pay for said style and asking for more. There are people here who are saying they dislike it, and that's fine. There are also people here who say they don't mind it or like it, and that is ALSO fine. There's no real need to fight about it. Just as everyone drawing the same would make for a boring fandom, so too would everyone liking everything with no negative opinions on the art.

2. Personally I like artists who both take risks drawing less common stuff and who try to stay at least somewhere in the realm of 'average'. Average is the sum of all things taken to a middle ground, which in art means you can still draw a range of shapes without getting stuck on one.

At the same time, being willing to draw disabled, obese, skinny, or what have you body types feeds into a variety of art to look at, which can only be a good thing right? Even if a certain person doesn't do it to your liking, someone else might get it done better. But if all people do is flail around and complain, no one will even try for fear they're gonna take a hit to their popularity and fanbase.

3. Lastly, people shouldn't even get mad when they see something they dislike here; just move along. This isn't my thing, but I took the time to look at the comments out of curiousity, then made my comment. I hope it helps a few people relax.
Furrynomous 2018/07/10 02:05:52 No.1464523
File: R7R7pT6_u18chan.jpg - (108.58kb, 750x1000, R7R7pT6.jpg)
all of this, but I also want to point out that bitching is an integral part of discussion on image boards and indeed the internet as a whole, and discussion always happens in image threads despite the mods' best efforts, which means bitching always happens in image threads (bitching about people bitching is still bitching) QED. I'm not gonna say any of you should do it differently, discussion with bitching is just how I like it. PS this comic looks fucking hot
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2018/07/10 12:15:09 No.1464682
I like how only one of the comic pages has come out yet this is still here with pictures that don't have much to add on to the comic.

Edited at 2018/07/10 12:15:29
Furrynomous 2018/07/10 13:23:30 No.1464701

No.1461324 here. I'm not actually mad about anything. At worst, I am disappointed in seeing Ritts swing so hard into the extremes in re: the way he drew different body shapes. Like I said before, I loved his art style before it went all hyper-funhouse-mirror batshit crazy.

Yes, I recognize that this is just an opinion that means jack shit in the grand scheme of things. So is 90% of the Internet. We're gonna bitch and moan about everything from capitalism to chins, and dammit, that's the way we like it here at u18!

Edited at 2018/07/10 13:23:57
Furrynomous 2018/07/10 14:07:12 No.1464725
well said, my dude. i still enjoy ritts' artwork, just sucks personally that i've gotta nitpick through the morbidly obese and such, but thems the breaks.
Furrynomous 2018/07/12 00:18:52 No.1465272
and thats the reason i dont post my stuff on this site
people always will complain about something and say bitch and moan, instead of give actual criticism
Furrynomous 2018/07/13 00:39:14 No.1465663
There's plenty of constructive criticism on this site. There was tons of it when that guy started posting his IHHAT comic here.

It's just that Ritts doesn't really do anything "wrong" artisticly, he just does weird stuff a lot of people don't like.
Furrynomous 2018/07/13 01:16:56 No.1465674
but thats his thing
he enjoy draw his weird stuff
i mean, its not weird for him, and im sure its not weird for a lot of people

its like sparrow. for some his absurd penetrations are weird.
for others its really arousing
Furrynomous 2018/07/13 05:01:28 No.1465706
I mean weird mostly as a way to say that it's pretty far from vanilla furry porn. That it's niche and goes against convention.
Furrynomous 2018/07/13 12:31:10 No.1465835
*someone draws Chris Hansen torture cannibal murder scat brain damage porn of radiotherapied cripple conjoined twins with harlequin syndrome and tumors all over their bodies*

"you can't criticize this, it's the artist's thing"


"you know porn isn't about being sexually attractive, so let's make it a freakshow showcasing the rare and gross body types. look, treeman syndrome people exist, therefore they belong in porn"
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2018/07/13 13:08:10 No.1465840
File: 1Ft83kDYzgESMG3LnNjB5JHTSjXXfiJWmCCopUnEX8k1_alVgxPGL5uY2mkpUI5c_u18chan.jpg - (334.29kb, 958x1250, 1Ft83kDYzgESMG3LnNjB5JHTSjXXfiJWmCCopUnEX8k1_alVgxPGL5uY2mkpUI5c.jpg)

UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2018/07/27 21:17:49 No.1472372
File: XjnhVEFaG5y8CCAwFPSaevw1cnXSyvzHcnrD3osILUl4J3n50n0cJiAMO4H9aC37_u18chan.jpg - (340.69kb, 958x1250, XjnhVEFaG5y8CCAwFPSaevw1cnXSyvzHcnrD3osILUl4J3n50n0cJiAMO4H9aC37.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/07/27 23:31:16 No.1472405

I'm not a purist for HQ pics but.. good lord the jpeg artifacts..

On a side note, it's nice see knowing she has a bit of a soft spot for the guy.
Furrynomous 2018/07/28 08:24:28 No.1472523
>muh obesity
>muh leg-brace

>character literally couldn't exercise and thus is overweight due to an injury and everyone complaining about it have shown just how silly they look

Y'know, while Ritts' bodytypes aren't 100% my thing, I appreciate the care and attention to detail. Good work, Ritts, keep up with having character building specifics have meaning as opposed to being mentioned once and then forgotten, or worse, demonstrated but not have any real influence on anything.

Edited at 2018/07/28 08:25:06
Furrynomous 2018/07/28 13:26:25 No.1472621
>character literally couldn't exercise and thus is overweight due to an injury

noone gets obese from having an injury. they get obese from literally not doing anything, while shoveling food in themselves they wont use. even basic bodily functions burn calories without moving at all. i heard using your brain uses more calories than your muscles. you have probably never seen a fat scientist

also, thats not how fat breasts look like.
Furrynomous 2018/07/28 13:54:06 No.1472631
Actually it's more complicated than that.
If you have a lot of muscle mass, maintaining that muscle mass needs a regular intake of calories, that intake of calories is directly linked to your eating habits, the more muscle you got, the more active you are daily, the more hungry you get and the more you eat to consume the daily amount of calories you need to go with your day, otherwise, your body starts eating on your own reserves of calories, namely, fat as well as muscle mass to compensate for the lack of nutrition.

If she stopped maintaining a daily amount of exercize and burned calories, and couldn't move from her leg brace, no matter how much brainpower she uses she went from using 100% of her calories to 70% of her calories, assuming she eats the same amount of food she would normally out of habit, all that extra unused calories can only go one way and be eliminated and stored as fat, so that situation makes perfect sense.

Also her boobs looked like that even when less fat.
Furrynomous 2018/07/28 19:26:59 No.1472822
Oh look what I found. Good shit. Hope she never hits the gym lol
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2018/08/10 19:46:08 No.1478507
File: WG04_0_u18chan.jpg - (742.94kb, 1534x2000, WG 04.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/08/22 00:03:39 No.1483953
kick this fatass off the force
Furrynomous 2018/08/22 01:09:43 No.1483981
as someone who had a friend who had a leg injury and was in the military, you're dead wrong lol

hit the nail on the head
Furrynomous 2018/08/22 07:12:21 No.1484031
If anyone knows Ritts, does he usually improve his characters?
I want to follow to see her lose the weight.
Furrynomous 2018/08/22 08:48:11 No.1484057
Usually his characters get more exaggerated as time goes on. Sometimes this is good, like with Mallory and Chameli, and since it's clear that Frankie fucking hates how much fat she's put on, it would be in her character to lose it.

We'll see, though.
Furrynomous 2018/08/22 16:09:24 No.1484248
I want the opposite
This setup is hot as fuck
Furrynomous 2018/08/22 22:49:45 No.1484467
same, I love weight gain comics
Furrynomous 2018/08/24 00:46:32 No.1484820
That's the thing with people writing stories that involve their fetishes. They usually write around a way to justify it instead of going by what feels like natural character development.

We'll see what he does but he has enough morbidly obese characters that i wouldn't hold my breath on having one of them lose weight.
Furrynomous 2018/08/24 09:00:45 No.1484969
Yeah, but Ritts' fetish isn't obesity. He's made it clear that his interest is varying and distinct body types. Chameli and Rochelle are very muscular, Ash and Ethan are bloody scrawny...and going by how he treated that coati mom finally having her triplets (immediately pregnant again), he doesn't like to upset the status quo. Frank will likely lose the weight again, but it'll be a story plot.
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2018/08/24 16:02:55 No.1485099
File: WG05_0_u18chan.jpg - (984.91kb, 1534x2000, WG 05.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/09/17 16:43:12 No.1495379
Any updates?
Furrynomous 2018/09/17 18:08:10 No.1495396
File: wg_06_01CQ2CSMFRFPZ3E5YPJ9YZZR49.1024x0_u18chan.jpg - (167.25kb, 1024x1335, wg_06_01CQ2CSMFRFPZ3E5YPJ9YZZR49.1024x0.jpg)

UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2018/09/22 00:05:10 No.1496706
File: WG07_u18chan.jpg - (919.74kb, 1534x2000, WG 07.jpg)

UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2018/10/05 18:07:26 No.1502033
File: WG08_u18chan.jpg - (410.21kb, 958x1250, WG 08.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/10/06 09:15:35 No.1502258
I hope this is an acceptance story rather than a true wl story, the recent changes to the characters should be permanent (mostly), I mean there's three Kangaroos between Miller,Mallory and Frank she might as well be the pudgy one
Furrynomous 2018/10/06 19:00:05 No.1502432

No one should accept a person that unhealthy... especially when she will get FIRED from her job. Hopefully this is a story where she sorts her shit out.
Prokura 2018/10/06 19:56:07 No.1502440
I mean there are at least a dozen comics about weight gain characters but I actually can't recall a comic about weight loss so I'm looking forward to this one
Furrynomous 2018/10/06 20:16:19 No.1502447
There are several though it depends on what you're looking for in terms of story. Lordstormcaller makes both weight gain and weight loss comics
Furrynomous 2018/10/08 15:03:27 No.1503194
Didn't she get fatter?
Furrynomous 2018/10/08 15:08:26 No.1503195
Yeah but the vast majority of them are shit. I can't even count decent wg comics on one hand. Personally I'd like this to be an acceptance story like another Anon said. That's just what I like. Healthy or not we come here to fap, and it's not like this contains real people/animals/whatever
Furrynomous 2018/10/18 08:15:57 No.1507156
How quickly are these churned out on the patreon?
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2018/10/20 15:59:23 No.1507857
File: WG09_u18chan.jpg - (400.38kb, 958x1250, WG 09.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/10/20 16:02:28 No.1507860
Now THIS is shaping up to be something interesting!
Furrynomous 2018/10/20 17:57:48 No.1507989
Cue up "Eye Of The Tiger", because it's montage time!
Furrynomous 2018/10/21 16:39:01 No.1508309

Dat first panel, god daaaamn. That's the Frankie I like to see. So perfect. Hope she makes her goal.
Furrynomous 2018/10/21 21:26:21 No.1508393
She will. If Ritts loves one thing, it's the status quo. Look how long Cari wasn't pregnant for before she was pregnant again.

I love "fit" Frank too.
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2018/11/09 14:33:43 No.1515648
File: WG10_u18chan.jpg - (329.9kb, 958x1250, WG 10.jpg)

Furrynomous 2018/11/09 15:13:05 No.1515664
File: WG10_u18chan_u18chan.jpg - (2.09kb, 79x66, WG10_u18chan.jpg)
Nice shoes
Furrynomous 2018/11/09 17:03:25 No.1515692
I also like those but prefer barefoot most the time
Furrynomous 2018/11/09 20:27:56 No.1515738
Shoes? Oh! She has feet! Sorry, I was too busy staring at her muscles under that white leotard.
Furrynomous 2018/11/10 03:01:39 No.1515827

want a pair?
Furrynomous 2018/11/10 10:34:18 No.1515910
Furrynomous 2018/11/10 13:18:59 No.1515946
These shoes are fine, but good LORD do they ever hold onto a stink. Washing does nothing.
Randomness-Wat 2018/12/05 23:38:36 No.1525249
File: WG11_u18chan.jpg - (1.13mb, 1534x2000, WG 11.jpg)

Randomness-Wat 2018/12/07 21:16:33 No.1526013
File: WG12_u18chan.jpg - (242.83kb, 720x938, WG 12.jpg)

Furrynomous 2019/01/04 10:27:36 No.1534933
Page 13 and 14 are out
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2019/01/06 01:12:06 No.1535447
File: WG13_u18chan.jpg - (287.79kb, 720x938, WG 13.jpg)

UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2019/01/06 01:12:56 No.1535448
File: WG14_u18chan.jpg - (1.17mb, 1534x2000, WG 14.jpg)

Part 5 refernce Furrynomous 2019/01/06 18:52:20 No.1535768
I see a jojo vento aureo refrence in her swim suit she tried on
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2019/01/20 00:03:47 No.1541196
File: WG15_u18chan.jpg - (1.14mb, 1534x2000, WG 15.jpg)

Furrynomous 2019/01/20 09:09:02 No.1541320
Frankie dug deep, worked hard, and we're rewarded with that hella sexy rear-view
Furrynomous 2019/05/05 04:23:51 No.1585134
So is this comic dead?
Furrynomous 2019/05/05 04:35:44 No.1585139
MUCH better.
Furrynomous 2019/05/05 13:59:21 No.1585366
Comic is very much alive, just check the artist's FA page
Furrynomous 2019/07/19 21:18:01 No.1618514
File: DzKj_JHV4AIFXxl_u18chan.jpg - (195.14kb, 920x1200, DzKj_JHV4AIFXxl.jpg)

Furrynomous 2019/07/19 21:18:03 No.1618515
File: Weight17_u18chan.jpg - (243.77kb, 1280x1669, Weight17.jpg)
Furrynomous 2019/07/19 21:18:05 No.1618516
File: WG_18_u18chan.jpg - (258.27kb, 1280x1669, WG_18.jpg)
Furrynomous 2019/07/20 02:29:34 No.1618636
I'm out.
Furrynomous 2019/07/20 07:39:24 No.1618699
File: 1553709994.ritts_img_20190327_130418_491_u18chan.jpg - (246.69kb, 982x1280, 1553709994.ritts_img_20190327_130418_491.jpg)

close the door, i like this comic so i will post rest
Furrynomous 2019/07/20 07:39:59 No.1618700
File: 1555964109.ritts_weight20.png_u18chan.jpg - (237.14kb, 982x1280, 1555964109.ritts_weight20.png.jpg)
Furrynomous 2019/07/20 07:40:30 No.1618701
File: 1557934686.ritts_weight21.png_u18chan.jpg - (242.92kb, 982x1280, 1557934686.ritts_weight21.png.jpg)
Furrynomous 2019/07/20 07:40:49 No.1618702
File: 1558991277.ritts_weight22.png_u18chan.jpg - (223.84kb, 982x1280, 1558991277.ritts_weight22.png.jpg)
Furrynomous 2019/07/20 07:41:44 No.1618704
File: 1558995918.ritts_img_20190527_155644_741_u18chan.jpg - (167.04kb, 982x1280, 1558995918.ritts_img_20190527_155644_741.jpg)
Furrynomous 2019/07/20 07:43:27 No.1618705
File: 1563201065.ritts_weight24_u18chan.png - (1.42mb, 1534x2000, 1563201065.ritts_weight24.png)
i actually appreciate his unique style, it evolved into something different, but it has its rules.

also i love a good peggin focused entirely on guy's butt >.>
Furrynomous 2019/07/20 08:18:01 No.1618708
Furrynomous 2019/07/21 11:17:58 No.1619237
>guys butt
Peggings not gay btw
Furrynomous 2019/07/21 11:30:51 No.1619249
Ritts art is hideous
Furrynomous 2019/07/21 15:54:04 No.1619410
Then why are you here?
VulpesMajoris 2019/09/10 12:59:59 No.1643340
Good to know delicate flowes are still around
UNeverKnowWhoUrTalking2 2019/11/11 02:08:44 No.1669457
If this is hideous to you I don't even know what standards you hold to call something good art.
Furrynomous 2019/11/11 12:54:37 No.1669741
>fat shaming

we need more of this.
Furrynomous 2019/11/12 11:39:40 No.1670563
File: 33d_0_u18chan.jpg - (31.66kb, 500x238, 33d.jpg)
Furrynomous 2019/11/12 19:44:32 No.1670675
double irony.
Furrynomous 2019/11/12 22:27:18 No.1670706
File: 8C322616-5649-447B-9E25-18A39A7E8C6E_u18chan.jpeg - (235.96kb, 960x1200, 8C322616-5649-447B-9E25-18A39A7E8C6E.jpeg)
Furrynomous 2019/11/12 23:17:03 No.1670712

Agreed, completely atrocious to look at
Furrynomous 2019/11/13 01:29:31 No.1670748
What's actually kind of sad is that Ritts' art used to be a lot less hideous.
Furrynomous 2020/04/24 22:27:57 No.1743749
Anything wrong
Furrynomous 2020/04/24 22:33:20 No.1743751
File: 81yCb8MOkyL._SS500__u18chan.jpg - (37.34kb, 500x500, 81yCb8MOkyL._SS500_.jpg)

Edited at 2020/04/24 22:34:04
Furrynomous 2020/04/24 23:51:48 No.1743785
On the next issue of Snouts Monthly....
Furrynomous 2020/04/25 05:56:01 No.1743956
You're a skinnyfat physically unimpressive low grade male. What space do you have to shame people's bodies in?
Furrynomous 2020/04/25 07:34:06 No.1743972
It was a joke. Don't read too much into it.
Furrynomous 2020/04/25 11:18:35 No.1744054
Yeah that's what I thought lol
Furrynomous 2020/05/29 02:32:52 No.1760490
Ritt's just announced they're going to be completely writing out Frank as a police officer and is making her a Fire Fighter. It's not explicitly stated that it's because of recent events, but I think it's pretty obvious. I hope I'm not the only one that feels it's a stupid and pointless decision. But it's their decision to make I suppose.

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