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File: ASBB-00_u18chan.png - (1.21mb, 1280x1800, ASBB-00.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A Story Before Bed Furrynomous 2018/08/16 17:04:26 No.1481314   
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A Story Before Bed Furrynomous 2018/08/16 17:04:28 No.1481315
File: ASBB-01_u18chan.png - (1.01mb, 1280x1800, ASBB-01.png)
Furrynomous 2018/08/16 20:42:20 No.1481382
again random characters?
its not like he has a full PORN crew or something he could use but again, characters noone knows? Im slowly disappointed in EWS...
Furrynomous 2018/08/16 22:13:47 No.1481401
I dunno, this Holly chick is pretty cute. I just wish the story was going to be about her fucking a guy. Instead, it looks like she's gonna write a tentacle porn story with Beardy McUggo over there.
Furrynomous 2018/08/16 22:48:20 No.1481409

Actually the girl in the background is a japanese girl. She appeared before in a gNaw pic, talking online to this porcupine one, that looks like it lives in Patriarch (the crazy town in FAD Universe where everyone lives like they're on a porn movie).
Furrynomous 2018/08/19 11:41:45 No.1482708
Holly is a sleepy porcupine in her boring office job and teams up with her whacky scummy basement troll friend doug to roleplay furry tentacle porn and things get meta in EWS raunchy new comic A Story Before Bed guest starring Fuki-Chan!


Edited at 2018/09/15 19:29:20
Furrynomous 2018/08/23 19:02:53 No.1484702
File: AudioPhile001_u18chan.png - (1.14mb, 1500x975, AudioPhile001.png)

Here's the image I talked about
Furrynomous 2018/09/01 05:31:45 No.1488632
There's new page on Patreon for a few days. Anyone has it?
Furrynomous 2018/09/10 08:45:21 No.1492786
File: ASBB-02_u18chan.png - (1.06mb, 1280x1800, ASBB-02.png)

Freaky Lynx 2018/09/18 01:39:41 No.1495498
Funny how the son kinda looks older than the parents.
Furrynomous 2018/09/18 11:02:03 No.1495591

basement dweller, figures.
Furrynomous 2018/09/19 00:47:47 No.1495776
God, E. Schwartz selfinserting himself once again.
Furrynomous 2018/09/19 12:00:16 No.1495846
I would find it oddly endearing amusing if this is a call back story to how he and his partner originally met online back when (If he has one of course)
Furrynomous 2018/09/22 20:31:52 No.1497115
File: ASBB-03_u18chan.png - (1.24mb, 1280x1800, ASBB-03.png)
New page
Furrynomous 2018/10/03 16:54:33 No.1501213
File: ASBB-04_u18chan.png - (1.18mb, 1280x1800, ASBB-04.png)

Furrynomous 2018/10/22 10:55:55 No.1508606
No update?
Furrynomous 2018/10/22 17:56:30 No.1508723
The guy only releases updates once a month and the last one was posted Wednesday here.

Be patient.
Furrynomous 2018/10/22 19:47:09 No.1508747

The last ones he was posting weekly updates
Furrynomous 2018/10/23 05:23:27 No.1508864
There is a new one page on EWS Patreon but no one posted it here yet.
Furrynomous 2018/10/25 09:04:12 No.1509705
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Furrynomous 2018/11/04 23:50:09 No.1513758
Can someone upload the new page for this comic?! It's been a week now.
Furrynomous 2018/11/05 08:22:30 No.1513868
No one owes you anything spaz
Furrynomous 2018/11/06 13:36:45 No.1514427
File: ASBB-06_u18chan.png - (1.39mb, 1280x1800, ASBB-06.png)
Here's the new page now.
Furrynomous 2018/11/06 14:18:28 No.1514443
Ok I don’t know if it’s just me but I love the porcupine, a perfect representation of those who use logical/simple reasoning when looking at a porn comic. XD
Furrynomous 2018/11/27 07:57:17 No.1521773
New page out, y’all
Furrynomous 2018/11/27 10:28:28 No.1521787
File: ASBB-07_u18chan.png - (1.34mb, 1280x1800, ASBB-07.png)
Got it.
Furrynomous 2018/11/27 12:46:15 No.1521813
Sweet, thanks, mighty quick of you.
Furrynomous 2018/11/30 07:26:08 No.1522939
And there's another one on Patreon. Fast. :)
Furrynomous 2018/12/04 01:22:21 No.1524533
File: ASBB-08_u18chan.png - (1.35mb, 1280x1800, ASBB-08.png)

Furrynomous 2018/12/04 10:52:59 No.1524640
Getting pretty steamy in here and I love it.
Furrynomous 2018/12/04 11:20:01 No.1524646
>two other girls

Furrynomous 2018/12/04 16:11:47 No.1524772
either mistype (by EWS) or TWIST!!

Although it kinda looks like he's not proofreading and/or coloring the speech bubbles inconsistently.
Furrynomous 2018/12/04 23:01:54 No.1524850
It's supposed to be a joke I think. The guy is going, "I know how you must feel," but then he goes and describes how he feels. So he's mixing the two situations. He says "other girls" because the porcupine is a girl, but he says "two girls" and "erection" because that's the situation he's in. And then the porcupine says "uh?" because he's not making sense, but Fuki says "that's a yes vote" because she caught on to what happened.

There. Dissected that joke like a frog.
Furrynomous 2018/12/05 13:32:31 No.1525021
File: Capture_33_u18chan.png - (27.53kb, 378x209, Capture.PNG)
This might help more with understanding what the joke was.
Furrynomous 2018/12/05 22:15:08 No.1525199
Did...she forget her webcam is on? They can't see everything but they're not going to be too stupid to realize what she's doing...
Furrynomous 2018/12/06 14:22:34 No.1525455

Ahaha, the irony of a comic about two people proofreading one person writing having hilariously confusing mistakes like this is just a testament to the writing of Eric. Bravo sir lol.

Also, how are these two not noticing that she is moving around getting up, flushed, etc? Also, how are these proofreaders letting;

"The chill breeze caused my fur and nipples to stand up."

That's not a particularly sexily written statement and kinda clunky grammar wise too, there's a lot of grammar-related clunks in this girls writing, EWS has a whole second guy who is proofreading this stuff for him? Jesus, that must be the easiest job in the world... just "oh uhhh yeah this seems okay I guess!" instead of actually fixing the meh-structure and delivery. Normally give EWS' stuff a pass because, well the guy can't write but... this is a comic, literally about proofreading, having errors in it that are related to proofreading.... as someone paid to do proofreading, this is just bizarre! It's like when they show your job in some cheap sitcom and they completely get what you do wrong but it's a vague facsimile that just spins a few terms someone looked up on the Wikipedia page but... neither of these people is actually giving input. Like she said "ew" to panties, but panties are considered a mellifluous word whereas, for example, "nipples," "popped up," or the over-repetition of "and another" (em damn not necessary)... these are more guttural or less than ideal in terms of erotica. Added with the "two other girls" and erection comment completely not making sense, I dunno why Eric is paying this "TWIST" guy for proofreading... that is if the guy is getting paid or not?
Furrynomous 2018/12/19 16:56:20 No.1529473
The comic updated yesterday. Can anyone upload it here?
Furrynomous 2018/12/20 04:30:17 No.1529612
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Furrynomous 2018/12/20 06:26:29 No.1529642
i kinda feel like EW is trying to make a point with this comic, kinda like those who complain about things in porn comics or critique the lack of logic used, when in truth their jerking off to whatever their criticizing.
Furrynomous 2018/12/20 10:33:18 No.1529680

But if a comic is poorly drawn and written, it has nothing sexy to offer. Our own imaginations do a better job.
Furrynomous 2018/12/20 16:40:07 No.1529760
I honestly do have trouble being interested, sexually or otherwise, in anything that comes off as just being stupid, and I've heard other people make the same complaint.

Now, obviously this sort of thing depends - if the whole thing is set up to be funny and/or goofy in the first place as part of its appeal, or the creator otherwise set the disbelief suspension high somehow, it's fine. But it depends on what kind of porn you're going for, what your art and writing style is suited to, et cetera. So, for Eric here, while his characters are kinda cartoony they mostly obey the laws of biology, and busting out this sort of all-the-way-through thing would be jarring. In-comic, with the scenario of what the character is writing, she seems to be portrayed as going for "dark and thrilling" as her style, rather than anything silly, so again the impalement thing doesn't work well with what she's going for.

So if that's the message he's shooting for he's wrong, is what I'm saying.
Furrynomous 2018/12/20 18:26:32 No.1529786
She isn't intending the tentacle scene to be silly which is pretty much the point with having people not be into stuff like that because they are taking it in a why she didn't intend which, sadly, she decided to alter the scene due to the response.

Pretty much this is what happens when you want to do something you like and some people either take it somewhere it wasn't supposed to go or simply don't understand whether it be SFW or otherwise. It's better to just do what you want and let the audience figure themselves out unless appealing to them is what you're after.
Furrynomous 2018/12/20 20:16:44 No.1529799

Oh come on you could defend Fallout 76 with that broken ass logic. If you are making something for consumption by others you are a fair target for criticism on that work, and that criticism could very well be warranted and have merit. If Eric is trying to do what user above said then it's just him trying to go on like his shit doesn't stink because some people whack off over it.
Furrynomous 2018/12/20 23:00:10 No.1529858
>If you are making something for consumption by others you are a fair target for criticism on that work, and that criticism could very well be warranted and have merit.

Helpful advice ZZ could've used before her revenge tour, trolls or not
Furrynomous 2018/12/21 00:19:18 No.1529869
You can be criticized but it's on the audience to decide if they can accept the suspension of disbelief if you're doing things that don't quite make sense in reality.

Comparing it to Fallout is not the same since the company was literally selling a broken product (which nowadays is more common than it should be).

Anyway never said you can't be criticized for making something that people don't find believable or good but there is a point when you just can't appeal to everyone and either people are able to accept it or don't and move on.
Furrynomous 2018/12/21 13:29:39 No.1529994
"So, how did you like my comic?"
"Well, uh, why is it that in the scene where the main character was mourning the death of his best friend, you had everything in bright chaotic red and yellow tones?"
"Oh, I always thought those colors were really sad! My granny died wearing clothes that color."
"... That's, um, not a common experience."
"Pshh, that sort of thing is all subjective! Someone's always going to take things the wrong way, that's not MY fault."
"... So, think it'll sell well?"
Furrynomous 2018/12/21 14:29:57 No.1530010
Actually yes you can make a scene like that and make it work. Can make it look like a sunset scene with a cathedral as someone is passing away or something similar.

It's easy to describe a scene with little information and paint it as a negative but that can be said for anything without context. As for it would sell, that depends entirely on either if it is just a single page picture, a book, a video, subject matter, etc... There are many factors to take into account than simply saying yes/no. Sure it may not be the most popular pick due to uncommon choices but if you're that unwilling to give things like that a chance then why bother in the first place?

At this point you're just trying to make a direct "No, No one would want this." when some people do. If your trying to make it a "get all the money" type of thing then yeah just pick the most basic common thing you can do and go for it. Only issue you'd have is having it stand out enough for people to want to spend money on it. That also applies to uncommon content but at least then you'd be able to expect some people to not be too into what you're making.

Anyway this can go on forever cause everyone has their own likes and dislikes. Some people like the standard dominant male over female who describes how shy she is and "oh, no! I'll get pregnant!" scenario while some simply like feet or latex or a mountain of other fetishes and themes. Some take it to the extreme that often gets less attention cause people don't venture out of their comfort zone too often. Overall, I guess if you don't like something then just dislike it and move on to something your level of interest.
Furrynomous 2018/12/21 15:20:49 No.1530017
"Well, uh, why is it that in the scene where the main character was mourning the death of his best friend, you had everything in bright chaotic red and yellow tones?"
"Oh, I always thought those colors were really sad! My granny died wearing clothes that color."

And this mourning scene could work, if the artist had *shown* that friend dying while clothed in red and yellow. In a story, what matters is the way the details have been prepared and presented.

For an example of this in film, think of the wallpaper in Nick Wilde's childhood home....

Edited at 2018/12/21 23:08:40
Furrynomous 2018/12/29 19:06:19 No.1532566
The comic updated today! Quick, update it here!
Furrynomous 2018/12/29 21:30:36 No.1532604
For fuck's sake, do I really have to make my point clearer? OBVIOUSLY in any case there's going to be a "oh well if you do it the right way and you're good enough you could make it work" clause, the point I'm trying to make is that while art IS SUBJECTIVE, that's not being contested, an artist or author does need to keep in mind the way that their audience is likely to interpret things. The act of telling a story or drawing a picture or whatever form it takes is an act of COMMUNICATION, you have something in your mind that you want the person who views your work to experience in as close a manner to the way you want it to be experienced as is possible, and all the artifice of skill and medium and so on are what you use to try and achieve that.

Obviously no matter what you do in porn someone's going to find it hot, you could draw a comic about people wading through an ocean of ankle-deep piss in their bare feet and someone in the world would have three fucking orgasms to it. But there are conventions and genres and associations and all sorts of shit like that and while those are all guidelines and NOT absolute rules, certainly, they still exist and going beyond them is a risk for a reason. MOST artists will not make a dark tragic sad story using bright neon glow colours. Some artists could! It could work! But most of them will not because, in all likelihood, they WOULDN'T be able to make it work, and an artist shoving their head up their own ass and making some impenetrable garbage that only some tiny cult following "gets" because they just can't comprehend that other people speak a different artistic "language" than them is most definitely a thing and arguably much more common than artists who try bold unconventional things successfully.

I accept wile e. coyote being crushed by an anvil and walking it off because the whole genre and style and way those cartoons are presented sets up a world in which that is something acceptable. I would not accept fucking Basil the Great Mouse Detective being crushed by an anvil and walking it off, because in the context of the genre and style and way his film is presented, that would be fucking stupid. Just because it's porn doesn't mean that sort of ridiculous dissonance is suddenly on the table again. Porn can be good or bad the way any other creative work can be, including by means of the author being stupidly self-indulgent.

And I'm pretty sure this comic agrees with me. The other two are right and it was bad writing.

Hell, even as a general point against the "y u complain when u fap" argument, just because you enjoy something doesn't mean it can't have flaws you recognize, or things that you'd like changed so you'd like it even more. I'm sure everyone on this site has fapped to something that, with a clearer head, they think is terrible. Or that they even thought was terrible while they were at it.
Furrynomous 2018/12/29 21:57:25 No.1532611
You sound mad bro, would you like a hug?
Furrynomous 2018/12/29 23:36:29 No.1532687
Comic just updated. Someone should get to that.
Furrynomous 2018/12/30 04:34:53 No.1532774
File: ASBB-10_u18chan.png - (1.23mb, 1280x1800, ASBB-10.png)
Bon apetite :)
But you know guys, that most of things on EWS Patreon are totally for free? I'm serious, you have to just become his patron, set monthly limit to 1$ and all his comics are unlocked. It's because they are set as "Paid for by patrons". So you can stop linger here waiting for free porn you hate so much. :P
Furrynomous 2018/12/30 19:13:44 No.1532990
This male character is grosser than that hobo he drew in the other one...
Furrynomous 2018/12/30 22:23:34 No.1533041
Might want to check the mirror
Furrynomous 2018/12/31 00:25:53 No.1533054
So, how exactly is paying $1/month the same as free? You sound an awful lot like the artist.
Furrynomous 2018/12/31 00:43:25 No.1533061
If only it was the same with Furafterdark.
Furrynomous 2018/12/31 08:03:30 No.1533126

Imagine getting mad over $1 for furry porn
Furrynomous 2018/12/31 08:56:41 No.1533140
It's simple really: I've become his patron at 1$/month (the Patreon system lets me to choose monthly limits) about month ago (yes, two previous uploads here were also made by me) and I've had access to all "Paid for by patrons" material. And not even a single dollar was charged from my CC since then. I think it's becaus EWS doesn't really understand the Patreon system.

Edited at 2018/12/31 08:58:05
Furrynomous 2018/12/31 17:11:53 No.1533319
>One Fucking Dollar a Month
How do you live a functional life anon.
Furrynomous 2019/01/01 03:05:35 No.1533549
Pretty easily, mostly by knowing the difference between 0 and 1.
Furrynomous 2019/01/01 11:46:12 No.1533721
i guess what this guy was trying to say is that EWS patreon is payed "PER COMIC" and not per month. so you can basicly "trick the system" if you say you gonna pay him 1$ and get all the comics you want for "free" but end the "abo" as soon as hes about to finish/start a new comic, so you avoid that you have to "pay" for it.

I heard about it but i cant tell if that actually "works" coz even saying it, it kinda sounds risky? not only for the artist but also for the guy who tries to trick the system there.
Furrynomous 2019/01/20 02:48:15 No.1541234
File: ASBB-11_u18chan.png - (1.43mb, 1280x1800, ASBB-11.png)
aaaaand next
Furrynomous 2019/01/21 18:00:10 No.1542007
it's impressive the rate at which his comics have gone from "ok this is starting to get kind of hot" to "hard pass" these days
Furrynomous 2019/01/21 19:41:32 No.1542069
kinda easy. mix a "pretty ok" kink with a "wtf IS that now!?" kink and you pretty much piss your fellows off in the highlight of your comic. EWS comics in a nutshell...

Edited at 2019/01/21 20:06:13
Furrynomous 2019/01/21 20:30:24 No.1542115
I have a massive desire to take a shit after seeing this.
Furrynomous 2019/01/21 22:55:25 No.1542149
File: 0e3_u18chan.png - (15.58kb, 379x214, 0e3.png)
Furrynomous 2019/01/22 10:57:16 No.1542403
The male char is cute as shit ngl would hold hands with
Furrynomous 2019/01/22 13:29:44 No.1542451
you underestimate the boners of the people here.
Furrynomous 2019/01/22 13:37:28 No.1542458
My favorite page so far!
Furrynomous 2019/01/22 14:28:08 No.1542479
Furrynomous 2019/01/22 21:40:58 No.1542656
Oh I'm sure you do. If I had only 1 dollar to my name keeping me from being flat 0 broke I'd be picky with my porn too.
Furrynomous 2019/01/31 01:14:43 No.1545910
File: ASBB-12_u18chan.png - (1.63mb, 1280x1800, ASBB-12.png)

Furrynomous 2019/01/31 04:39:50 No.1545941
Furrynomous 2019/01/31 14:23:57 No.1546116
And Scene.
Furrynomous 2019/01/31 16:26:23 No.1546142

...but to be fair, can you blame him?
Furrynomous 2019/02/01 00:50:44 No.1546251
For the love of god, please please please turn into a mutual masturbation story.
Furrynomous 2019/02/01 16:18:36 No.1546488
How can they mutually masturbate if they're in different places?
Furrynomous 2019/02/02 12:21:19 No.1546810
Like phone sex but with computer
Furrynomous 2019/02/02 22:40:02 No.1546953
Yea but they're all already masturbating. Also, isn't mutual masturbation where you masturbate each other, not just masturbate together?
Furrynomous 2019/02/03 18:19:40 No.1547418
$10 says they all start masturbating and then the guy's mom comes downstairs.
Furrynomous 2019/02/03 20:07:02 No.1547445
but it will be his dad instead.
Furrynomous 2019/02/18 18:18:39 No.1553531
File: 13_158_u18chan.png - (1.09mb, 1280x1800, 13.png)

Furrynomous 2019/02/18 19:54:21 No.1553547
on her way >w>
Furrynomous 2019/02/19 13:36:35 No.1553826
does she kinda "blames" him now for the situation? Like, "punching him right in the nuts" for saying he would fuck them coz HE saw THEM BOTH masturbating infront of him, literally??

OK, EWS, get your fuck right man...

Edited at 2019/02/19 13:37:07
Furrynomous 2019/02/19 13:38:42 No.1553827
I assume they'll talk a bit before having sex. There was old artwork of the two together so this is probably the comic that pairs them up.

Edited at 2019/02/19 14:14:29
Furrynomous 2019/02/19 15:03:46 No.1553850
oh, so that's how basement dwellers get laid
Furrynomous 2019/02/19 23:41:12 No.1554103

Time for your meds, that's not what is happening.
Furrynomous 2019/02/19 23:55:37 No.1554109
How could you possibly come to that conclusion, holy shit
Furrynomous 2019/02/20 05:45:04 No.1554189
> this whole page
> first panel

i guess yea, it was a dickshot there. How would you react after said page happen~

i can understand the backlash here
Furrynomous 2019/02/20 19:30:14 No.1554396
I don't follow what you're trying to say
Furrynomous 2019/02/20 19:38:22 No.1554398
Pretty sure that they don't blame him, and he's just being anxious.

If anything, I agree with >>1553547

She probably left to meet him for a booty call.
Furrynomous 2019/02/20 21:54:35 No.1554443
Furrynomous 2019/02/28 02:16:10 No.1557322
File: 14_154_u18chan.png - (1.22mb, 1280x1800, 14.png)

Wutwitit 2019/02/28 07:49:05 No.1557380
Man, fuck the story!
Holly is practically beckoning you.
Furrynomous 2019/02/28 12:55:27 No.1557506
Oh goodie time to see the sweaty disgusting parent's basement dweller get it on. EWS fans must be salivating at the opportunity for self-insertion!
Furrynomous 2019/02/28 14:10:02 No.1557541

I have some shocking news for you. Fat people and poor people have sex.
Furrynomous 2019/02/28 14:22:29 No.1557546
Going to sound incredibly pretentious here, but i'd rather wait for something stable, than a one-timer with some horny mink.
I.E. the type of story Eric portrays here is rather... old. Long gone the days when this type of people were common.
You have to be increeeedibly asocial to get excited over free minge. And not even a good one.
Furrynomous 2019/02/28 19:24:30 No.1557627

Man, you guys really seem to treat EWS and all of his fans as antisocial, basement dwelling, losers. Keep in mind that this comic isn't made with the purpose of reflecting on the stereotyped audience for the "self-insertion" you all keep accusing him on doing. Just enjoy the comic and let him do what he's been doing for years now. Frankly I'm starting to question why you people bother reading his material if all you do his complain and whine about it, yet lust for someone to post it here.
Furrynomous 2019/02/28 19:56:45 No.1557637

Yeah cause when I see this comic and EWS, I think "self-insertion". You sound more petty than actually critical.
Furrynomous 2019/02/28 22:44:01 No.1557695
dang, this got hot. I hope he shows up at her place and strips that lady.
Furrynomous 2019/03/01 06:27:03 No.1557810

No I think they just meet up, have a cup of tea and nothing else happens.
Furrynomous 2019/03/01 08:11:58 No.1557825
Leaves the webcam on and the kitten enjoys herself to the show, afterward asks for a threesome. Episode 2.
Nope 2019/03/02 00:21:13 No.1558113
I'll tell you a little secret, lad - he is uses these characters to reflect on audience, or at least nod at the general assumption, that it is how most of his audience spends their lives.
It can't be self-insert, since EWS himself is a fucking millionaire, according to some sources. And even if I'm entirely wrong on that statement, he gets paid for commissions and on Patreon, which is well above average pay of many people here, especially those outside of US and/or UK.
Furrynomous 2019/03/02 19:44:25 No.1558719
Wonder who lives in the little farmhouse that actually is at the end of Holbrook Ln in Florence (Burlington). Plus you're not going to get from Sharonville to Florence in 40 minutes no matter how horny you are.
Furrynomous 2019/03/05 06:09:59 No.1559813
File: Clipboard01_u18chan.jpg - (224.69kb, 1242x1094, Clipboard01.jpg)
Well, it seems you apparently could.
Furrynomous 2019/03/07 14:31:10 No.1560889

So do a lot of creators who use Patreon. What's wrong with that?
Furrynomous 2019/03/07 14:51:11 No.1560901
And yet, why is FAD still not free - he is getting payed more on Patreon; make FAD free damn it.
Furrynomous 2019/03/07 18:12:22 No.1561063

FAD is a monthly paid subscription site. It can't be free. Stop demanding free art that you desperately delude yourself in believing you deserve!

Edited at 2019/03/07 18:22:15
Furrynomous 2019/03/11 14:31:42 No.1562667

FAD is super hit & miss in the quality though. By that I mean Style Wager has no real business being on there together with EWS and MBR.

As for it being a paid site, I've had it free for years due to some weird bug (I assume). Paid for it once, cancelled and have been able to sign in just fine regardless.
Furrynomous 2019/03/13 05:46:12 No.1563297
eh, I kinda like Style, though his though his almost never pirated, so I am obviously a minority.
Furrynomous 2019/03/17 08:55:18 No.1565121
Siterip plz
Furrynomous 2019/03/20 23:00:44 No.1566602
any new pages? gotta admit, at first I found the comic to be rather boring, but that spin at the end truly poked my interest... That, and the porcupine girl is really cute.
Furrynomous 2019/03/21 04:33:28 No.1566665

Nope, nothing yet.
Furrynomous 2019/03/21 09:07:28 No.1566734
File: IrN_-qs4zd5iwoOeclvn14uzjG2k-mTJ9z9p5fzFctb8IFLifw049adsDIcKm-3m_u18chan.jpg - (147.12kb, 975x1280, IrN_-qs4zd5iwoOeclvn14uzjG2k-mTJ9z9p5fzFctb8IFLifw049adsDIcKm-3m.jpg)
Yep, she's cute. Little insecurited, but nice. And chubby one too :) Her and this basement nerd are fine pair.
Furrynomous 2019/03/21 09:07:30 No.1566735
File: 1518648677.ews_holly-doug-feb2018_u18chan.jpg - (168.72kb, 1280x887, 1518648677.ews_holly-doug-feb2018.jpg)
Wutwitit 2019/03/21 14:36:48 No.1566803
Man, I ship these two so goddamn hard.
Really eager for the next page.
Furrynomous 2019/03/21 15:37:45 No.1566820

Yeah maybe if you lose some fucking weight.
Furrynomous 2019/03/21 17:23:47 No.1566857

Nice little detail with her quills poking through the comforter
Furrynomous 2019/03/21 20:41:36 No.1566906
I dont dig this NEET fucko at all but this is cute so whatever.
Furrynomous 2019/03/21 22:34:12 No.1566960

No fat shaming.
Furrynomous 2019/03/21 22:35:14 No.1566961
New page just got released today on Eric's patreon.
Furrynomous 2019/03/22 00:39:59 No.1567032
File: 15_141_u18chan.png - (1.31mb, 1280x1800, 15.png)

Wutwitit 2019/03/22 08:08:27 No.1567088
Furrynomous 2019/03/22 08:13:20 No.1567091
Okay, I genuinely laughed at his boner on the counter.
Furrynomous 2019/03/22 08:51:59 No.1567096
"Sorry for being light on posting recently. Life has been hectic in a number of ways, but once things settle a bit, I'll work to get on a more regular schedule and back to patron rewards as soon as I get the chance"


So hopefully updates will be more frequent shortly.
Furrynomous 2019/03/22 15:04:21 No.1567165

Is he driving a Suzuki Samurai? better take those turns more cautiously or he'll rollover.
Furrynomous 2019/03/22 19:19:15 No.1567225
NEET or not, EWS should start a series on these two. We already know what's gonna happen to everyone in Sabrina-Online, so why not give Holly and Doug a storyline!?

Edited at 2019/03/22 19:19:59
Furrynomous 2019/03/22 21:21:24 No.1567271
Shit, that's a great idea. I'd read it.
Furrynomous 2019/03/23 12:26:57 No.1567489
I will not say its not a great idea but thinking about what EWS -is- already more or less tring to do, updating every month a internet comic, creating and updating a comic for his monthly patreon, creating adult content for his paywall page, i doubt that will ever happen even if i sure would say i would vote for that.
Furrynomous 2019/03/24 11:58:54 No.1567793
They do seem like an interesting pair. Which is something, considering most of the characters EWS creates irk the living hell outta me (Sabrina and RC excluded).
Come to think of it, Doug, Holly, AND Fuki kinda have the makings of a "parallel version" of Sabrina-Online.

Yeah, the guy is pretty tied up to add on another series. Fun, to think about it though.

Edited at 2019/03/24 12:00:14
Furrynomous 2019/03/24 21:26:01 No.1568013
Basement dwelling fat dude with no job, no money, no desire to get a job. Yeah really sounds like an interesting character. And Holly, what do you know about her again? Just wondering where all this ES_asshole licking is coming from, do you relate *that* much with the basement dweller?
Furrynomous 2019/03/25 00:05:03 No.1568041
About as much as you *relate* to Jimmy, the talking gorilla who rode the disco dolphin back to Xanadu.
I don't have to relate to a character in order to like them.

Edited at 2019/03/25 00:06:31
Furrynomous 2019/03/25 00:29:31 No.1568051

Flawed characters are more interesting than your gym rat trust fund characters. You know the dude has to skirt around the fact he lives with his parents, and might have to come clean in a moment of palpable cringe. You know they might have misunderstandings as a couple because they're both shut ins, etc. They're both probably strapped for cash, and that creates a lot of relatable situations too. There could be a comic about them both finally affording to move out (and in together) and the awkwardness that comes with sharing a bathroom. Or christening every flat surface in the new place with sex. Actual slice of life shit. Hell, look at Ratcha's smutty incest comic. Rick and Rina have PROBLEMS and those problems make the non-smut pages interesting.

Sexy athletic characters just meeting and fucking in a gym, or a young groupie and a rockstar? That shit has far less potential for relatable emotions. Is that rockstar or gym rat going to be strapped for money? Nope! Short of being secret superheros, what drama are we gonna get?

There, I spelled it out for you. That's why I am more interested in basement dweller than Mr. Fatstacks the benchpress bunny.
Furrynomous 2019/03/25 06:57:55 No.1568090

This motherfucker gets it. "Perfect" characters are a bore; flaws make characters interesting. Not to say that the trust fund gym rat might not have flaws of his own - a good writer could find a way to make such a character interesting - but he would still be more unrelatable to a majority of people (and furries) than Doug the Basement Dweller.

Yes, we're supposed to think Doug is a loser and cringe a bit at him. Yes, we're supposed to root for him as he goes to get laid. The two concepts are not mutually exclusive.
Furrynomous 2019/03/25 11:28:35 No.1568165
Best way to get your audience interested in your character is to make them personally relatable!
Furrynomous 2019/03/25 15:12:33 No.1568234
>>1568165 something like a ugly homeless guy who blackmails a superhero girl for knowing her real identity and gets a titjob?

yea i sure can "relate" on that one... *cough*
Furrynomous 2019/03/25 19:24:09 No.1568303
Or a single mother going through a mid-life crisis by inviting in ZZ (who at this point might well be the hot, female-furry equivalent of Quagmire from Family Guy) and scissor each-other on her own's son's bed, then taking her offer of being a pornstar.
Hell, if that doesn't relate to ya, how about a clueless "British-Lola Bunny" who's dad gets eaten by a python, while she gets fucked by everything the jungle throws at her.

.....oh, yeah, I'm sure everyone can *relate* to all of FADComix or EWS NSFW works. XP

Edited at 2019/03/25 19:43:57
Furrynomous 2019/03/25 20:01:25 No.1568339
So what the two posts I see above are saying is fuck ews for trying. How dare you do vanilla consensual sex between two schlubs! I mean this means that the complaint you're making boils down to the fact that because there's nothing morally objectionable now you're looking for something that is aesthetically objectionable like the size of Doug's ass.
Furrynomous 2019/03/26 15:34:21 No.1568576

1.) Chiropterana (or however that's spelled) and Jane Cottontail are meant to be fap bait, plain and simple. (Jane is a bit more of a fetish character, too, given the comic she was in.) They're not characters with any semblance of personality beyond what is needed for the comics they're in. Helen Dish and Doug, on the other hand, were written to have personalities that could lay the foundation for a story surrounding the sex.

2.) Whether you can directly relate (i.e., empathize) to Helen's life story is immaterial to having sympathy for her as a character. I'm sure we've all felt a little lonely and unloved - which is what Helen was likely feeling, at least according to her backstory, before Zig-Zag came to her house (and on the bed). We do not need to be lonely, middle-aged housewives to understand and sympathize with Helen's feelings or like her as a character. The same argument goes for Doug: We need not be basement-dwelling losers to sympathize with his overall situation in general (and his desire to get laid in particular) or like him as a character. On the opposite end of things, not being able to sympathize with Chiropterana and Jane - even though they are both clearly suffering in some way in their respective comics - means those characters aren't really characters, so much as they're two-dimensional archetypes. Sure, they have a semblance of a personality, but there's no real depth to them beyond their surface traits. Compare that to Helen and Doug, who both have at least more depth and personality than the fap bait girls.
Furrynomous 2019/03/26 15:59:59 No.1568589

Dude aint no girl fapping to this fatarse disgusting blob. And they have about as much personality as a wet sock, they're all cardboard characters to match extreme stereotypes... some of which people here match I guess because that's the only people who could like this unhygienic fatso who can't figure out that if he lost weight he'd have less personal issues.
Furrynomous 2019/03/26 17:06:46 No.1568624

I'm not arguing that Doug and Helen are great characters - I'm arguing that they're better characters than the fap bait.
Furrynomous 2019/03/26 17:12:05 No.1568627
Stereotypes literally exist because there are enough of them walking around for people to name the pattern.

It's like complaining a NEET character acts, walks, talks and behaves like a NEET because said NEET-ness is too on point.
Furrynomous 2019/03/26 17:45:58 No.1568638
still, what ever the fuck with this "relate to" topic is and what ever you guys want, Doug sure is somewhat understandable and relateable but as already


pointed out (who ever gave it the ignorant tag...) some of ews characters are for sure *not* relateable. This homeless "guy" was really not something we or anyone can relate to, nor is that "part of the art" or what ever you try to cutey-talk here. nearly all EWS comics are somewhat like an "oddball". look at the jungle comic where the bunny was pretty much raped from AND in all ends and ends up in kinda a really odd-fetish-vore-like moment. Is that a thing someone of us can relate to? sure not. is that art? i doubt. Still, it was "somewhat" funny to look at.

For that comics case, doug has so much character like Cuthwald. you know, THAT guy?

Ok maybe not that extreme but oh well... if someone can relate to him, sorry man.

Edited at 2019/03/26 17:53:18
Furrynomous 2019/03/26 18:19:51 No.1568652

>some of ews characters are for sure *not* relateable

And they're not supposed to be. Characters like the homeless bum in the Chiropterana comic are only meant to be facilitators for the fap bait. You're supposed to fap to the chick getting banged. (If you can fap to that particular comic, more power to you. I like EWS's work in general and even I think that comic is all kinds of squick.)

>look at the jungle comic where the bunny was pretty much raped

Ain't no "pretty much" about it; she was straight-up raped. Even if the comic had her enjoying the sex later on, she didn't consent to it at all. (The same goes for the Chiropterana comic - after all, coerced sex can't be consensual.)

Edited at 2019/03/26 18:20:15
Furrynomous 2019/03/30 03:12:29 No.1569725
File: ASBB-16_u18chan.png - (1.24mb, 1280x1800, ASBB-16.png)

Furrynomous 2019/03/30 07:05:16 No.1569764
I see a bright future for him on Zig Zag's company
Furrynomous 2019/03/30 08:44:39 No.1569801
Hnghh, that's both adorable and hot.
Furrynomous 2019/03/30 09:38:04 No.1569807

he looks like he's about to swallow her whole.
Furrynomous 2019/03/30 12:09:06 No.1569851
Dick game must be strong if he's able to hold a boner through the entire trip! Surprised he's not dead from the increased blood pressure given his weight situation!
Furrynomous 2019/03/30 16:56:49 No.1569920
Eh, knowing ZZ's depravity, and that she has tentacled alien named Slimey, odds are Fuki-chan will be in ZZ Productions before Doug, if ever.

Edited at 2019/03/30 16:57:52
Furrynomous 2019/03/30 23:27:16 No.1570007

Isn't Slimey very busy with the Raccon Twins already?
Furrynomous 2019/03/31 15:33:16 No.1570273
What raccoons?
Furrynomous 2019/03/31 15:47:10 No.1570275
I think he means Tracy and Stacy, the skunkette "sisters".
Furrynomous 2019/04/02 15:47:44 No.1571100

Bearhugging a porcupine, enjoy your armful of quills.
Furrynomous 2019/04/15 20:38:23 No.1576998
Any updates?
Furrynomous 2019/04/16 23:46:37 No.1577598
No. Be patient.
Furrynomous 2019/04/17 05:07:56 No.1577656
No updates, not even a single post as to explain why its been like a month and a half since anyrhing was posted
Furrynomous 2019/04/17 22:16:55 No.1578108
It's been 18 days. Stop overreacting.
Furrynomous 2019/04/18 12:35:45 No.1578285
And deprive them of their one purpouse in life. Bit cruel of you.
Furrynomous 2019/04/18 17:14:39 No.1578371
File: 17_124_u18chan.png - (1.3mb, 1280x1800, 17.png)

Furrynomous 2019/04/18 17:28:59 No.1578376
Way to to you wonderful nerds. I'm proud of you.
Furrynomous 2019/04/18 20:13:10 No.1578422

Is the "Uhnnf Hrrrrf" sounds the chick being crushed to death under all that disgusting body fat...?
Furrynomous 2019/04/18 21:55:56 No.1578439
The "UHNF! HRRRNF!" is being uttered by Doug. Holly's actually going "OH! AAHH!" from being pleasured. Pay attention to where the word balloons are positioned next time.

Edited at 2019/04/18 21:58:22
Wutwitit 2019/04/18 22:21:02 No.1578446
Best way to start the weekend.
He achieved his goal!
Furrynomous 2019/04/19 00:07:27 No.1578532
Geez, Doug. At least take your pants all the way off. Enjoy yourself, my man.
Furrynomous 2019/04/19 02:16:58 No.1578578
I hope we'll have a chance to see lovely Holly naked. She and Cyancapsule's Emelie are the most gorgeous small plumpers in the whole furry world. :-}~ Although Holly is shy and insecure and that makes her more real.
Furrynomous 2019/04/19 18:08:39 No.1578925
The last thing I wanted to see, here, was a revealing shot of his ass and balls.

Then again, this is a comic about tentacle porn. I can't expect much.
Furrynomous 2019/04/20 03:05:42 No.1579104
The main vibe I'm getting from these two, honestly? is Spike & Carli.. but for the modern generation.
Furrynomous 2019/04/20 21:59:48 No.1579399
size wise yeah, but they're both huge fuckin nerds. its more like carli and bigger carli. i'd really love to see another spike and carli comic though, would be cool if eric considered it at some point for his patreon.
Furrynomous 2019/04/21 22:25:06 No.1579914
Kinda strange/surprising that I feel invested with these characters. Normally when it comes to EWS's characters, they irk the living hell outta me, Sabrina and RC excluded.
Furrynomous 2019/04/22 00:12:39 No.1579936
Really? which other ones? The only other characters i could think of are: Amy and Thomas (i think their alright), Carli and Spike (again cool), the porn stars arent seen so often, the only other character can think of is Zigzag and tbh its Maxblackrabbits character.
Furrynomous 2019/04/22 00:57:19 No.1579967
Sorry, I guess I overreacted and didn’t think of all the other characters that where out there. Amy/Thomas, and Spike/Carli are alright.
I’m basically referring to ZZ, and all the other characters from previous FADcomix as of late; cottontail, Helen, etc.
Furrynomous 2019/04/22 01:03:28 No.1579971
Why dont you like those characters?
Furrynomous 2019/04/22 23:09:29 No.1580390
I guess its because of how they, and the setups their in, are written. I know its just porn, and I shouldnt care, but it just seems off putting at times.
Furrynomous 2019/04/29 18:37:05 No.1582956
File: 18_122_u18chan.png - (1.23mb, 1280x1800, 18.png)

the tauren 2019/04/29 19:24:43 No.1582975
answer: they doing private stuff :3
Furrynomous 2019/04/29 21:47:07 No.1583008
They must make the most quiet grunts and moans during sex.
Furrynomous 2019/04/29 21:51:41 No.1583009
Jesus christ he's crushing her to death! CALL THE POLICE, LADY!
Furrynomous 2019/04/30 06:46:16 No.1583108
All the build up to 3 panels, good work shill
Furrynomous 2019/05/06 01:23:37 No.1585661

More on the way hopefully.
Furrynomous 2019/05/06 10:39:48 No.1585822
Can't help but think that with these fantasies of tentacles, impregnation, and inflation, Fuki-chan would volunteeringly be that one overly bloated chick from "Slither."
My adventures with EWS's Patreon rvfx 2019/05/09 13:28:57 No.1587042
1. Wow, that's a hot bat girl, I wonder what'll happen *bat girl forced to have humiliation sex with disgusting filthy hobo* ewww fuck you Eric

2. Wow that's a hot bunny girl, this looks good *bunny girl is gang raped and eaten by spiders* . . . argh fuck you Eric

3. Wow that's a hot cat girl but I'm not looking at that tentacle sh- *huge fat sweaty ass pumping the hedgehog* JESUS CHRIST

In summary, fuck you Eric you blueballing cunt
Furrynomous 2019/05/09 16:40:31 No.1587125

I don't get the last one. What's wrong with the last one? What about that story with Zig Zag and Helen? Also, you don't know the meaning of blue balling if these are what you consider blue balling.
Furrynomous 2019/05/09 16:48:00 No.1587127

Helen was hot... this guy, I legit, I LEGITIMATELY thought the moans were her being crushed under his weight and trying to beg for help. I thought that... 100%. This is disgusting.
Furrynomous 2019/05/09 16:51:16 No.1587132

Sounds like you, and others, weren't reading the same comic. Also, does everyone have some sort of issue with fat people topping smaller people?
ThatFreeSpeechSupportingPussy 2019/05/09 17:48:26 No.1587150
I dunno if it's fatties in general, but looking at the weeb-community, Ugly Bastard seems to be one of their more accursed tags.
Not saying a big guy can't be beautiful, because that'd be a fat lie. (Ha!) But more often than not, they're not made to look that way.
Furrynomous 2019/05/09 19:54:55 No.1587200
tbh, this comic isnt half bad and the characters are ok. that hes a bit cubby, i think its also fitting to his character and kind. you can be glad hes not "that kind" of overweight, mate. i dont mind some fat on people, isnt it natural anyways? im sure we all are not "bodybuilders" or "hulk hogans" here or have our "dream bodys"... so dont throw with rocks if youre sitting in a house of glass, mate...

Edited at 2019/05/09 19:55:28
Furrynomous 2019/05/10 22:03:14 No.1587554
>EWS self-insert comic
Furrynomous 2019/05/10 22:23:41 No.1587562
A) How do you have a Self Insert when you're making the characters up yourself

B) He literally has a character that's his fursona that he actually does use in comics.

C) Shut the fuck up.
Furrynomous 2019/05/11 02:00:56 No.1587614

Actually, self insert refers to an author putting in a stand-in character that is, most often, an idealized version of their self in fictional worlds.
Furrynomous 2019/05/11 14:06:07 No.1587931
Oh, I know, but see, nothing in his past 20 plus years of doing comics has he ever felt the need to do anything non-direct like that, so the comment stands. He doesn't need to make subtle self-inserts, when he's always been very fine literally using his actual self insert. Sometimes a character is just a character.
Furrynomous 2019/05/12 12:18:39 No.1588367
Can't find his fursona anywhere. Care to share it?
thenone 2019/05/12 23:10:07 No.1588551
File: ZigXmas2002_u18chan.jpg - (147.04kb, 800x600, ZigXmas2002.jpg)
I feel old.... But that is his, Well I believe it is...

Edited at 2019/05/12 23:12:35
thenone 2019/05/12 23:10:41 No.1588552
File: SO_sm49_u18chan.gif - (29.92kb, 640x230, SO_sm49.GIF)
Furrynomous 2019/05/13 13:36:38 No.1588698

Edited at 2019/05/13 15:13:50
Furrynomous 2019/05/15 18:04:17 No.1589846
File: 19_112_u18chan.png - (1.2mb, 1280x1800, 19.png)

Furrynomous 2019/05/15 22:00:33 No.1590097
... Ok I honestly love when 'reality ensues'. It has been a while since I laughed with a porn comic.

Edited at 2019/05/15 22:01:03
Furrynomous 2019/05/15 22:23:21 No.1590105
This is from the Patreon I take it?
Furrynomous 2019/05/15 23:58:41 No.1590128
I was wondering how long it would take Doug to feel all those quills in his arms.
Furrynomous 2019/05/15 23:59:59 No.1590131
horny brain can make you do all sorts of crazy things. hes a big boy, he'll get over it. Then he'll probably get back in it a couple more times.
Furrynomous 2019/05/16 01:45:45 No.1590153
Comment from EWS on this one: "(Try to wait longer than fifteen minutes before leaking this one. uh-kay? :) )"

So I assume he lurks here already. ;)
Furrynomous 2019/05/18 18:09:41 No.1591276
I love this character Holly so much already even though I had bad expectations of the comic.
Furrynomous 2019/05/29 19:22:37 No.1595430
File: 20_101_u18chan.png - (1.58mb, 1280x1800, 20.png)

Furrynomous 2019/05/29 19:29:26 No.1595433
Gosh.. I know there are plenty of haters out there, but I really find these two cute.
Furrynomous 2019/05/29 20:04:45 No.1595452
Um porcupines can lower their quills and make them relax so they aren't dangerous.
That's how they mate.. (The male pisses on the female, is she likes the scent/virility, she will lower her quills for mating)
Furrynomous 2019/05/29 20:21:40 No.1595471
now let's apply this to anthros where the male is of a different species and is gripping the porcupine (likely not paying attention to the quills) while they are in an intimate moment so relaxing can be a hit or miss
Furrynomous 2019/05/29 22:33:27 No.1595679
I don't remember that episode of Evangelion.
Furrynomous 2019/05/30 11:00:20 No.1595953
In the comic strip "Nip and Tuck," a porcupine just had all her quills removed, and the follicles cauterized.
Cost her $5,000.
Furrynomous 2019/05/30 11:52:52 No.1595962
I read that as a kid, and am now wondering if I should go back to find out just what kind of what-the-fuckery I missed.
Furrynomous 2019/05/30 18:20:56 No.1596140

In Jim Hardiman's "Ups And Downs" a horny cat guy screwed a female porcupine from behind, and got punctured quite nicely. :-)
Furrynomous 2019/05/31 20:34:05 No.1596665
Furrynomous 2019/05/31 20:34:42 No.1596666
Furrynomous 2019/06/01 16:20:07 No.1597040
It's not as bizarre as it sounds. Zelda only had the "stabby, stick-in-you" kind of quills removed, not *all* of them (their "coat" also includes a covering of long, thin, flexible quills that are basically just thicker hairs, but which don't have the sharp barbed tips). In-universe, it's being treated as more or less the anthro-porcupine equivalent of getting a bikini wax or having laser hair removal, except for more practical reasons than just physical aesthetics.
Furrynomous 2019/06/17 01:35:50 No.1603559
Anything new for this
Furrynomous 2019/06/17 05:39:25 No.1603588
Furrynomous 2019/06/20 17:47:59 No.1604919
It's here now.
Furrynomous 2019/06/20 19:15:05 No.1604935
New page
Furrynomous 2019/06/21 04:12:22 No.1605072
File: 21_102_u18chan.png - (1.21mb, 1280x1800, 21.png)

the tauren 2019/06/22 19:16:46 No.1605182
yep love hurt sometimes :3 ouch
Furrynomous 2019/06/23 03:04:10 No.1605292

guess it's only missionary for them from now on.
Furrynomous 2019/06/25 14:07:05 No.1606259
they were in missionary, he was just hugging the shit out of her. boi gonna need to adjust
Furrynomous 2019/06/25 22:29:55 No.1606384

Or wear gauntlets.
Perv_guy_rulez 2019/06/26 00:49:23 No.1606444
Wait why is he upset that's he's her first ?
Furrynomous 2019/06/26 01:01:27 No.1606446
Shocked rather. Remember, it's a fellow with extreme small self-esteem.
Furrynomous 2019/06/28 21:13:36 No.1607388
He's not shocked or upset about being her first. He's in pain from all those puncture wounds getting treated. Hydrogen peroxide stings.
Furrynomous 2019/06/29 05:39:06 No.1607527
File: Prickle-PullingAd_u18chan.png - (1.22mb, 1959x1507, Prickle-Pulling Ad.png)

Shame neither Holly nor Doug ever heard of this service... to say nothing of Lindesfarne...

(Then perhaps all these nasty upsets and other similar quill-related accidents could've been avoided...)
Furrynomous 2019/06/29 21:54:29 No.1607787
New page has arrived.
Furrynomous 2019/06/30 02:05:40 No.1607850
File: 22_95_u18chan.png - (1.39mb, 1280x1800, 22.png)

Furrynomous 2019/06/30 03:23:29 No.1607908
He dives in but she ends up giving him the prick. Does this qualify as pegging?
Furrynomous 2019/06/30 03:38:51 No.1607911
Fuck, that logic gave me a headache.
Furrynomous 2019/06/30 10:35:43 No.1608009
I laughed.
Furrynomous 2019/06/30 10:57:48 No.1608012
With her looks, and persinality, I assumed she was mid 20s.
Furrynomous 2019/06/30 12:46:09 No.1608046


wow, just, wow
Furrynomous 2019/06/30 13:11:38 No.1608060

>You're 20 and I'm 36, that can't work
>tfw that's the age difference between your grandparents
Furrynomous 2019/06/30 14:07:11 No.1608075
>Disney shows say 3 years is too big a gap
>nobody in my family is allowed to have a relationship
Furrynomous 2019/06/30 15:14:39 No.1608092
Actually, in this economy, not surprising.
Furrynomous 2019/06/30 18:29:10 No.1608170
Where do you live Venezuela?
Furrynomous 2019/06/30 18:34:27 No.1608178

No, in the good ol' USA.
Furrynomous 2019/06/30 18:57:18 No.1608186
What are you even talking about?
The jobs market is slowing slightly, but it's damn good at the moment.
Furrynomous 2019/06/30 21:13:15 No.1608241

Although this article is a year old, the conditions described have not really changed.
Furrynomous 2019/07/01 15:40:00 No.1608524
>Asking someone born in 1999 about Star Trek vs Star Wars
You might as well be asking her whether she prefers Frasier over Cheers.
Furrynomous 2019/07/01 23:40:34 No.1608676
There are people that prefer Frasier ?
Furrynomous 2019/07/02 17:31:05 No.1608964
But also Frasier and Cheers have had several sequels/spinoffs since then that wildly missed the point of the originals.
Furrynomous 2019/07/04 00:19:45 No.1609469
Cheers is bland and tasteless, frasier has great writing and it's hard to tell what was gonna happen.

I think you need an etiquette lesson.
Furrynomous 2019/07/06 18:47:17 No.1610439
...................can I watch Seinfeld instead? XP
Furrynomous 2019/07/06 21:26:17 No.1610477

Frasier was both more intelligent and generally much funnier. It was completely, through and through, the better show of the two. Though Cheers was still good, Frasier was far better.
Furrynomous 2019/07/07 12:33:36 No.1610846
Never thought about it, but a questionnaire of what shows/movies/toys you grew-up with and/or enjoy(ed) might be a good first date thing.

Of course it also has potential to be a huge red-flag that brands you as some immature kidult.
Furrynomous 2019/07/08 02:37:18 No.1611068
I would agree. And yet, it's socially acceptable to watch the Avengers as an adult, so go figure. Worse, it's even the norm.
Furrynomous 2019/07/09 08:53:02 No.1611548

I think that's mainly because they're movies. It's socially acceptable to go watch movies.

I feel like a lot of people would draw the line at arguing over the portrayal of character X in Y movie.
Furrynomous 2019/07/10 03:08:34 No.1611996

Uhhhhh wat?

Do you think people born in the late 90s haven't watched star Trek? Because I can tell you I've met plenty of twenty year olds who have seen more than their fair share of Star Trek; and if you think someone born in the 90s/early 2000s didn't grow up with Star Wars you're high.
Furrynomous 2019/07/10 08:36:39 No.1612049
Watched it? Sure, it's possible, but it seems like it would qualify as a niche interest, like Dr. Who or something. There were no Trek series on TV that someone born in 1999 would have ever seen without having to seek them out independently after the fact (Voyager ended in '01 and Enterprise in '05).

With Star Wars we've got the same issue. 1999 is the same year Episode 1 came out. Someone born in that year would have been only 6 by the time Episode 3 came out.
Sure it's a massive franchise with endless toys, video games, etc. so they would have been exposed to it in popular culture, but they wouldn't have seen any of the movies unless, again, they sought them out independently (or had parents who pushed them to watch them).
Furrynomous 2019/07/14 01:46:38 No.1614514

Your disconnect from pop culture is showing my dude. Both properties are very much considered main stream now a days and I've met plenty of teenagers who are fans, teenagers of BOTH sexes. Neither franchise is considered niche or lame anymore.
Furrynomous 2019/07/15 13:35:53 No.1615770
star trek is for fucking chomos. now shut the fuck up before I knock your brains out with a hammer all over your patio you stupid fuck
Furrynomous 2019/07/18 00:28:36 No.1617464
A new page is out.
Furrynomous 2019/07/18 08:01:16 No.1617575
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Furrynomous 2019/07/18 08:32:00 No.1617578
I don’t think I recall Holly having the gap in her teeth before, although I don’t think she smiled enough for it to be seen. Regardless I think it’s a cute touch to her and adds to the geeky/nerdy feel she has.
Stockers 2019/07/18 10:51:29 No.1617608
File: tenor_48_u18chan.gif - (336.02kb, 498x322, tenor.gif)
the second to last panel, holy shit
Stockers 2019/07/18 10:57:51 No.1617610
She doesn't look dumpy, I love women like her so nerdy but in a sexy, cute and hot way
Furrynomous 2019/07/19 01:09:39 No.1618124
File: ASBB-18_u18chan.jpg - (32.54kb, 427x584, ASBB-18.jpg)
It's visible - barely - on page 18. I though she looks there little like an otter. ;)
Furrynomous 2019/07/30 13:48:10 No.1623346
New page came out hours ago. Post it already.
Furrynomous 2019/07/30 14:00:39 No.1623350
why does she think she looks dumpy, she actually looks adorable
Furrynomous 2019/07/30 14:03:50 No.1623351
She's got a little fat around the lower waist. I think that's why.
Furrynomous 2019/07/30 15:22:47 No.1623407
File: 24_82_u18chan.png - (1.1mb, 1280x1800, 24.png)

At least let me get home from the office first.
Furrynomous 2019/07/30 16:01:38 No.1623417
Fucking called it.
Furrynomous 2019/07/31 01:19:51 No.1623607
Furrynomous 2019/07/31 01:20:35 No.1623608
Furrynomous 2019/07/31 13:21:55 No.1623856
Are we missing a few pages? She sits on his cock and just cuts to him leaving?
Furrynomous 2019/07/31 14:32:10 No.1623878

Nope, the pages are clearly numbered in the bottom right.
Furrynomous 2019/07/31 17:25:23 No.1623952

No, the joke is that he only lasted a few seconds despite having recently emptied the chamber. He's a two pump chump.
Furrynomous 2019/08/19 13:55:35 No.1633632
New page came out hours ago. Post it already.
Furrynomous 2019/08/19 15:38:40 No.1633657
This guy's art is decent overall, I especially like the tentacle girl's facial expressions, but jesus does he need to work on his color theory
Furrynomous 2019/08/20 15:19:10 No.1634122
bump again! New page.
Furrynomous 2019/08/20 16:38:53 No.1634146
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Furrynomous 2019/08/20 19:42:18 No.1634199

>TFW your son is a 30-something who lives in your basement, but at least he's not a virgin anymore

You know what? Good for him.
Furrynomous 2019/08/20 20:18:10 No.1634206
If I still draw porn in EWS's age, shoot me.
Furrynomous 2019/08/20 21:07:37 No.1634213

Why not gain a head start...?
Furrynomous 2019/08/21 02:37:13 No.1634323
>the dad barely able to hold a single discussion with a son
oof. Too close to home
Furrynomous 2019/08/21 16:10:18 No.1634576
I like the dad. He knows what's up, and he seems cool with it (hopeful even). I mean, he's supporting a grown as man of a son, so how bad could he be?
Furrynomous 2019/08/23 13:05:33 No.1635304
exactly whats wrong with that?

Age is just a number. dont let age define you. just do what you enjoy.

people who think that after a certain age you shouldn't be allowed to do certain things (except, you know, things that could probably kill you due to age related frailty) are one of the many things wrong with this world.
Furrynomous 2019/08/24 23:43:51 No.1635847
It's funny, I'm a heterosexual male, and I've never been married.
And in December I'm going to be 60. Oh yeah!
I do have two companions, 2 cats.
I was engaged decades ago, to two women. Both engagements fell apart, but I still am/was good friends with both.
(One died 2 years ago)
I'm content, I have the things I want, and I am friends with 2 guys who are like me, in their 60's and never married.
I had a great-uncle who lived to the age of 95, and he never got married.

Would I want a girlfriend now? Maybe.

Would I want to marry? Nope.
Furrynomous 2019/08/29 22:30:42 No.1638472
New page just came out. Someone post it here.
Furrynomous 2019/08/30 04:35:59 No.1638575
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Furrynomous 2019/08/30 05:13:41 No.1638579
These two are just too damn wholesome <3
Furrynomous 2019/08/30 21:50:28 No.1638964
EWS should ditch Sabrina-Online, a make a series on these two.
Furrynomous 2019/08/30 21:53:04 No.1638966
I'd support that. Sabrina's comic is alright but it's really dragging on these days n kinda reaching. Something new would be a nice change of pace, n these two are adorable
Furrynomous 2019/08/31 23:18:18 No.1639388
I had to look up two terms in the comic, "ahegao" and "Dis mah bish."

I'm just too much an old white guy. ;-)

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