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File: 1_315_u18chan.jpg - (322.52kb, 675x800, 1.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Incest Threesome by Strider Orion Furrynomous 2018/09/26 17:24:02 No.1498707   
I don't think this has been posted here so I felt like putting it up. An old comic by SO of two sisters getting it on with their little brother.
Edited at 2018/09/26 17:56:33
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Incest Threesome by Strider Orion Furrynomous 2018/09/26 17:24:04 No.1498708
File: 2_303_u18chan.jpg - (343.02kb, 800x714, 2.jpg)
Incest Threesome by Strider Orion Furrynomous 2018/09/26 17:24:06 No.1498709
File: 3_297_u18chan.jpg - (336.98kb, 736x840, 3.jpg)
Incest Threesome by Strider Orion Furrynomous 2018/09/26 17:24:08 No.1498710
File: 4_289_u18chan.jpg - (324.93kb, 864x648, 4.jpg)
Incest Threesome by Strider Orion Furrynomous 2018/09/26 17:24:09 No.1498711
File: 5_272_u18chan.jpg - (278.21kb, 800x617, 5.jpg)
Incest Threesome by Strider Orion Furrynomous 2018/09/26 17:24:11 No.1498712
File: 6_241_u18chan.jpg - (332.98kb, 800x720, 6.jpg)
Furrynomous 2018/09/26 18:02:06 No.1498729
Haven't seen this one in ages! Thanks for posting it! I wish he had continued it.
Furrynomous 2018/09/27 04:21:51 No.1498857
You are the first person I've seen posting this comic up.

I couldn't find a single source of this anywhere for years, thank you for sharing friendo.
Furrynomous 2018/09/27 14:46:53 No.1498983

Oh no problemo! I guess I'm just sorry that I didn't post it sooner! I might pool all my SO stuff that I have saved and post in the furry thread at some point.
Furrynomous 2018/09/27 16:58:17 No.1499014
I actually have everything strider-orion ever posted on my external HD, could make a .rar if you want.

Edit - may as well go ahead and do it. Here you go:!jFwGjCgK!M3xo0MdtJKhNNiE_jq9eHMuDutbRBbAS7qu9ZAnf980

Edited at 2018/09/27 17:16:34
Furrynomous 2018/09/28 15:34:31 No.1499334
You are a wonderful person!
Xardin 2018/10/17 00:31:14 No.1506730
File: Lynxincest01bystriderorionColoredbyXardin_u18chan.png - (352.99kb, 675x800, Lynx incest 01 by strider orion (Colored by Xardin).png)
I kinda got bored and colored the first pic of the set, anyone interested in me doing the rest?
Furrynomous 2018/10/17 00:46:31 No.1506732

Well this is a damn good coloring job so I say hell yeah!
Xardin 2018/10/17 01:33:52 No.1506747
File: Lynxincest02bystriderorionColoredbyXardin_u18chan.png - (307.58kb, 800x714, Lynx incest 02 by strider orion (Colored by Xardin).png)
Alright here's number 2, thankfully the brother doesn't have "ambiguous furry guy hair" as bad in this one
I'll post these as I get them finished
Furrynomous 2018/10/17 12:42:48 No.1506871

These are looking great so thanks again!
Xardin 2018/10/18 12:35:28 No.1507200
File: Lynxincest03bystriderorionColoredbyXardin_u18chan.png - (342.47kb, 736x840, Lynx incest 03 by strider orion (Colored by Xardin).png)
god they are just smothering that poor boy aren't they?
Xardin 2018/10/18 17:43:01 No.1507273
File: Lynxincest04bystriderorionColoredbyXardin_u18chan.png - (319.17kb, 864x648, Lynx incest 04 by strider orion (Colored by Xardin).png)
This one was fun, I've never tried coloring fluids before but i think it came out pretty good
Xardin 2018/10/20 03:01:30 No.1507713
File: Lynxincest05bystriderorionColoredbyXardin_u18chan.png - (269.07kb, 800x617, Lynx incest 05 by strider orion (Colored by Xardin).png)
and here are the last 2, this was a lot of fun and got me to try some things i hadn't before

I decided to make a tumblr for posting images I color,
feel free to suggest things to color if you want
Xardin 2018/10/20 03:01:32 No.1507714
File: Lynxincest06bystriderorionColoredbyXardin_u18chan.png - (380.54kb, 800x720, Lynx incest 06 by strider orion (Colored by Xardin).png)
Furrynomous 2018/10/20 03:34:15 No.1507717
Kind of dumb how every page needs them to reiterate that they're related. "Oh do X brother", or "Hey sis, bro is Xing". It's pretty much a masterclass in making dialogue super awkward.
Furrynomous 2018/10/20 05:36:26 No.1507735

I can understand why some are annoyed by it, but to me the constant open acknowledgment of incest is pretty damn hot to me.

But YMMV ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Furrynomous 2018/10/23 02:08:39 No.1508836
Gives me flashbacks to a series of 'incest' pictures that were just photos of naked women with captions like, "Fuck you here? But daddy, this is my brother's room!"
Furrynomous 2018/10/23 19:15:51 No.1509046
am i the only one just upset that there is no climax scene? hell the only thing that makes the whole "incest" thing better in these is the bareback finish inside
Furrynomous 2018/10/24 00:29:22 No.1509144
Oh hey, I must ad some crap dialog in so people remember this is incest, because they might have forgotten somewhere over the last 12 pages of mentioning it.
Furrynomous 2018/10/26 18:25:26 No.1510277
File: 87648765443456_0_u18chan.jpg - (32.99kb, 819x619, 87648765443456.jpg)
You are the hero u18chan needs! Awesome work!
Redub Furrynomous 2020/03/03 20:05:51 No.1720480
File: lynx_comic_redub_1_text_u18chan.jpg - (332.55kb, 674x800, lynx_comic_redub_1_text.jpg)
So I was bored and on my phone and in my post nut clarity I realized how terrible the dialogue is in this. So I redubed it.
I tried to keep the same beats. Maybe it's a little text heavy.
I wanted to leave it more ambiguous if the male is related to the sisters or not. They could be roomates or still siblings.
Names are utterly random. If you don't like em oh well. Also if you're color blind well... I think pink and purple works to differentiate them.
Redub Furrynomous 2020/03/03 20:05:54 No.1720481
File: lynx_comic_redub_2_text_u18chan.jpg - (348.27kb, 800x714, lynx_comic_redub_2_text.jpg)
Redub Furrynomous 2020/03/03 20:06:48 No.1720484
File: lynx_comic_redub_3_text_u18chan.jpg - (424.28kb, 736x840, lynx_comic_redub_3_text.jpg)

Redub Furrynomous 2020/03/03 20:06:50 No.1720485
File: lynx_comic_redub_4_text_u18chan.jpg - (393.15kb, 864x648, lynx_comic_redub_4_text.jpg)
Redub Furrynomous 2020/03/03 20:07:43 No.1720486
File: lynx_comic_redub_5_text_u18chan.jpg - (316.95kb, 800x616, lynx_comic_redub_5_text.jpg)

Redub Furrynomous 2020/03/03 20:07:46 No.1720487
File: lynx_comic_redub_6_text_u18chan.jpg - (374.27kb, 800x720, lynx_comic_redub_6_text.jpg)
Redub Furrynomous 2020/03/03 20:07:48 No.1720488
File: lynx_comic_redub_6_text_cum_u18chan.jpg - (376.89kb, 800x720, lynx_comic_redub_6_text_cum.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/03/03 20:47:01 No.1720507
I honestly thought this comic was gone from the internet. I couldn't find it anywhere I looked.
Furrynomous 2020/03/03 23:44:39 No.1720553
Always thought this was more cub.

Luckily though, people saved his entire archive and it can be found on various sites.
Furrynomous 2020/03/04 01:54:25 No.1720572
way too clustered and feels more like a JOI/JOE than dialogue. Really lacks structure and there's a reason for the saying "less is more."
Furrynomous 2020/03/04 01:55:27 No.1720573
I always wondered, why'd this guy purge his stuff from the internet so hard? Any explanation?
Furrynomous 2020/03/04 02:04:17 No.1720574
He vanished without warning and I've never heard anyone say they know why.
Furrynomous 2020/03/04 04:08:22 No.1720598

He got a professional animation job. And to save face disconnected his ties with his online profile. Smart move. Not many companies would keep pornographic art employees because it just looks bad for the companies reputation.
Furrynomous 2020/03/04 06:30:56 No.1720636
Please note the calls for citations there. At best, the stated reason for his leaving the fandom is gossip until there's more concrete evidence to support it. Not that I can't believe that reason, mind you, but I'd rather have better confirmation than vague, unsupported rumors provided by anonymous WikiFur editors.
Furrynomous 2020/03/04 07:51:32 No.1720664
At least it's not "bro, sis, sis, bro, bro" stuff. It's downright fapable without that stuff.
I think it's meant to be read not perfectly left to right but like columns? Like there are invisible comic panels

Honestly it would work as a gif/webm edit with the text appearing one at a time.
Furrynomous 2020/03/04 07:59:19 No.1720670
Based on the old dialog it's on the line.
Based on the new dialog he could just be short. If you've ever been around girls over 5'9 they tend to make men look tiny. They tend to have weight issues because of it. They don't want to have bigger arms than their men. For the most part.
Furrynomous 2020/03/04 10:38:18 No.1720705
Supposedly he also left due to creepy fans/commissioners

When he first vanished, people were talking about how someone purposely doxxed Strider and spread his more questionable work to his family, and job. All because Strider refused the person's commission.

When Strider asked FA administration to step in, they did nothing saying it was a private matter, and nothing they could do.

Though once again, this was all rumor and heresay from when he vanished years ago.
Furrynomous 2020/03/04 17:04:14 No.1720831
I know how Kadath reacted to the creepy PuzPat fans, so I can believe that story.
Furrynomous 2020/03/04 17:15:48 No.1720835
No he quit because he got a job with an actual animation company and didn't want his porn to surface in possibly cost his job. He announced that on the old TGFB board just before he vanished.
Furrynomous 2020/03/04 18:39:35 No.1720849
And you trust anyone who posted/posts on that shithole?
Furrynomous 2020/03/04 20:43:33 No.1720898
Can anyone really trusty anything credible without any ounce of proof from anything or anyone?
Furrynomous 2020/03/04 23:34:47 No.1720959
the moral of the story is: if you have an abnormally large cock then incest is more likely to happen.
Furrynomous 2020/03/05 12:45:03 No.1721127
years later, and that last page still does it for me. lucky lynx boy fucking his big sister in the ass
Furrynomous 2020/03/05 18:44:59 No.1721228
but then what does that say about Alabamians?
Furrynomous 2020/03/09 23:59:48 No.1722930
Strider's entire archive

(WARNING: Straight, Gay, Intersex, Weird, and even some Cub)
Furrynomous 2020/03/10 12:04:32 No.1723029
The version I heard is that he actually got a job in something along the lines of cybersecurity or government work and so he had to DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING

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