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File: 001_100_u18chan.png - (1.46mb, 1191x1628, 001.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Meet & Greet Furrynomous 2019/01/27 16:53:15 No.1544691   
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Meet & Greet Furrynomous 2019/01/27 16:53:17 No.1544692
File: 002_91_u18chan.png - (1.69mb, 1191x1628, 002.png)
Meet & Greet Furrynomous 2019/01/27 16:53:20 No.1544693
File: 003_88_u18chan.png - (1.87mb, 1191x1750, 003.png)
Meet & Greet Furrynomous 2019/01/27 17:02:48 No.1544696
File: 004_82_u18chan.png - (1.57mb, 1191x1628, 004.png)

Meet & Greet Furrynomous 2019/01/27 19:59:51 No.1544759
File: 005_78_u18chan.png - (1.68mb, 1191x2278, 005.png)

Furrynomous 2019/01/27 23:31:05 No.1544819
File: 06_142_u18chan.png - (1.58mb, 1191x1750, 06.png)

Furrynomous 2019/01/27 23:55:02 No.1544827
Fucking Zeus over here spreading his seed among the earth.
Furrynomous 2019/01/28 00:13:58 No.1544834
I don't think it's getting rapey enough to call him Zeus.
Cuckmeister 2019/01/28 00:43:50 No.1544840

Also he's not a goose. Where are the goose balls damn it.
Furrynomous 2019/01/28 14:45:49 No.1545002
dialogue is mega confusing but that was pretty hot regardless
Furrynomous 2019/01/28 23:35:01 No.1545135

Yeahhhh, I really wish all the RU artists would just get together and fucking throw a small bit of cash to some guy who speaks even slightly proper English to clean this shit up.
Furrynomous 2019/01/29 09:56:53 No.1545214
File: Meet__Greet_06_Rewrite_u18chan.png - (1.75mb, 1280x1920, Meet_&_Greet_06_Rewrite.png)

Did a rewrite of the last page to remove the pregnancy connotation
Furrynomous 2019/01/29 12:10:47 No.1545244
... but why? Lol most pointless and shitty edit ever tbh, she can just take some morning-after pills or get an abortion.
Furrynomous 2019/01/29 12:29:12 No.1545257
Wh-why ?
Furrynomous 2019/01/29 13:21:27 No.1545284
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File: d5c_u18chan.jpg - (35.77kb, 625x626, d5c.jpg)
Furrynomous 2019/01/29 14:48:58 No.1545307
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File: index_20_u18chan.jpg - (11.06kb, 237x212, index.jpg)
Furrynomous 2019/01/29 16:50:31 No.1545336
Please never breed.
Furrynomous 2019/01/29 17:52:35 No.1545350
thanks, I did find the original line slightly annoying.
Furrynomous 2019/01/29 18:45:34 No.1545357
Something tells me not breeding is exactly his intention
Furrynomous 2019/01/31 05:57:12 No.1545957
Yeah, mo need to peck eachother's eyes out over this comic. It was comissioned by the guy who owns the bouncer dog OC guy, its his fursona. Apparently that is supposed to be a coyote.

There is something extra cancerous about someone comissioning a comic about their OC impregnating another character. Usually its some next level creep stuff like female being based off a girl they knew in highschool that they never talked to. The thing about impregnation in these is that its always about it being a sort of personal revenge for the comissioner or a self-compliment of the fursona fulfilling a life goal they never had.

Remember, never make a fursona.
Furrynomous 2019/01/31 09:15:00 No.1546017
... At first glance, I thought the big dude was supposed to be the star she's meeting, but I guess it's the ladydog?
Soooo... this lady wins a meet-and-greet with a singer, then... gets to watch the singer suck her bouncer's dick? And then get fucked by the bouncer?
And then the singer's autograph is an impregnation from her bouncer?
But, wait, fuck, the bouncer's text is orange, the singer's text is green, right? So why would the singer think anyone would give any shits about the bouncer's autograph?
This is why you don't read any of the text in porn.
Furrynomous 2019/02/02 23:37:29 No.1546984

Also, it's kinda funny that the fursona was designed by Forge, who pretty much just draws man-sex. So this super butch 'coyote' who gets all the ladies is a roundabout gay fantasy. Some crazy psycho-sexual stuff going on there.
Furrynomous 2019/02/05 23:50:57 No.1548140

I am pretty sure the wolf guy is a star aswell. He is inside the changing room, not outside. The girl is knocking on the door from the outside. He also lacks any bouncer equipment like shirt, nametag, or any sort of walkie talkie. Or just anything that would imply that he is a bouncer.

The text never implies that either.
Re-Edited CJ 2019/02/12 14:37:38 No.1551194
File: meetngreetreedit1_u18chan.png - (1.59mb, 1191x1628, meetngreetreedit1.png)
I saw everyone getting upset with the storyline so I re-edited it.
The characters still belong to their respective owners and I don't have anything to do with the actual comic.
Re-Edited CJ 2019/02/12 14:37:40 No.1551195
File: meetngreetreedit2_u18chan.png - (1.77mb, 1191x1628, meetngreetreedit2.png)
Re-Edited CJ 2019/02/12 14:37:42 No.1551196
File: meetngreetreedit3_u18chan.png - (1.99mb, 1191x1750, meetngreetreedit3.png)
Re-Edited CJ 2019/02/12 14:37:45 No.1551197
File: meetngreetreedit4_u18chan.png - (1.67mb, 1191x1628, meetngreetreedit4.png)
Re-Edited CJ 2019/02/12 14:37:47 No.1551198
File: meetngreetreedit5_u18chan.png - (1.8mb, 1191x2278, meetngreetreedit5.png)
Re-Edited CJ 2019/02/12 14:37:49 No.1551199
File: meetngreetreedit61_u18chan.png - (1.71mb, 1191x1750, meetngreetreedit6 (1).png)
Furrynomous 2019/02/19 04:15:54 No.1553676

What is he the drummer? Oh yeah, drummers get the girls. Just ask Flea or the guy from Deft Leopard. If you're a drummer you're lucky if the groupies don't mace you on sight.
Furrynomous 2019/02/20 04:25:51 No.1554174
Thank you, this makes it even hotter somehow.

I swear, this forum has a big chunk of pussies who seemingly can't stand anything besides vanilla consensual missionary with no dirty talk or degradation and throw a pissy fit when anything outside their comfort zone shows up. This is some quality stuff right here.
Furrynomous 2019/02/20 06:59:52 No.1554227
Flea plays bass

will be single forever
Furrynomous 2019/02/20 15:24:58 No.1554338
You say that like as if it doesn't apply to 99% of people who decided to take time out of their day to comment here, on porn, on the internet.
Furrynomous 2019/02/20 20:12:01 No.1554407
Degradation and all the other stuff is fine for me, if it's consensual. Anything else is not my cup of tea since I'm not a sex offender.
Furrynomous 2019/02/20 23:33:18 No.1554460
Well obviously consensual if you're actually doing it with a partner. My original post more referred to fictional characters in comics and such. I mean everyone has the right not to like something but people can occasionally get annoying and complain about it. Hell, half the threads in here are full of people complaining and arguing for one reason or another.
Furrynomous 2019/02/25 11:30:06 No.1556097

I am pretty sure the wolf guy is a star aswell. He is inside the changing room, not outside. The girl is knocking on the door from the outside. He also lacks any bouncer equipment like shirt, nametag, or any sort of walkie talkie. Or just anything that would imply that he is a bouncer.

The text never implies that either.
Furrynomous 2019/02/25 19:26:24 No.1556280
That is some of the fucking dumbest logic I've ever heard. I can tell you've never been back stage to a real concert before and never been around those sluts. Groupies are there to fuck anyone from the band no matter if it's the drummer, singer, guitarist, bassist, etc. Groupies exist because they think that they have a chance with one of the band members, and want nothing more than to dive into their pockets and want the rock and roll fame that comes along with it. They will not single out anyone from the band as long as they know that the band has money and that they have a chance to make a name as their girlfriend/wife for themselves.

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