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File: DOXY_JUD3_01_u18chan.png - (1.59mb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_01.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Sweet Sting 2: Honey Pot 2019/02/23 05:38:41 No.1555332   
The sequel to Sweet Sting has begun! Since its a new titled comic I figure it should have its own thread apart from the original.

Hope we can get the same support in updating it as we did last time.
Edited at 2019/02/23 05:47:41
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Furrynomous 2019/02/23 08:08:58 No.1555356
Fingers crossed for a [Bad End]
Furrynomous 2019/02/23 08:52:51 No.1555363

The last one was nothing BUT Bad End.
Furrynomous 2019/02/23 09:35:41 No.1555372
alright! second chance to see Judy turned into an onahole! Something to hope for in 2019!
2019/02/23 10:33:41 No.1555384
Question is... Is she looking for it for police work or for her withdrawal? Will this be a whole new story now that bootleg skooma vanished or is Judy getting it in the booty for something else?
2019/02/23 11:37:27 No.1555392
I love how Doxy keeps it as close to on-model as possible for Judy while applying a little wiggle room for the sake of hotness without ruining the image.

Bear-hand's "What does the fox say" Also does a great job in that respect.
Furrynomous 2019/02/23 13:28:54 No.1555421

Searching for evidence? Or just a junkie desperate for a fix?
Furrynomous 2019/02/23 13:31:39 No.1555423

Yeah, I do like how he draws her. I just wish the content was a little more vanilla.

Like Judy getting hopped up on sex drugs and acting like a nympho is fine. But I'm not a huge fan of gang bangs, bondage, and whatever that bit with her and Otterton was.
Furrynomous 2019/02/23 14:37:54 No.1555436
I just want Nick to knot her and for the snow leopard news anchor to get some action
that's all
Furrynomous 2019/02/23 18:07:35 No.1555478
File: HamletKittyDeath_u18chan.jpg - (39.86kb, 500x375, HamletKittyDeath.jpg)
I did not like the previous comic much, as it started out kinda bad, got consecutively worse, and then went so far into the fetish hole I couldn't even see the story anymore for all the giant, leather encased freakos cramming dicks into Judy and Mrs. Otterton.

The concept was so far off point from the characters that it basically ruined itself trying to make them perverse, instead of integrating some believable level of perversity into the story. I could much more easily have believed Judy just enjoying the sex because 'bunnies' and then getting tricked into taking the drug without the lingering addiction thing than what ended up going on.

And now this is happening. I'm sincerely expecting it to do the same thing... start with a barebones plot, then descend into unfettered depravity without any sense of continuity or purpose... and that makes me sad because with a little storywork, the previous comic could have been a cliffhanger instead of something a lot of people were flatly disappointed and disgusted with.

I guess time will tell if it's worth following, or just another 'deep web' style pile of overly fetish-y shite.
Furrynomous 2019/02/24 03:47:20 No.1555625
It's basic pandering. Everyone has fetishes. Add fetishes people like to your comic, people like it or will read it if they're on the fence about it. Add ones they don't like, they hate it. The more you add, the more likely you'll annoy your readers.

That's exactly what happened here. It just hit so many weird and extreme fetishes, it aimed to piss off nearly everyone.
Furrynomous 2019/02/24 06:36:40 No.1555655
It is true, the ride never ends...

The fucking mad lad
Furrynomous 2019/02/25 23:38:08 No.1556351
Does her getting lewds or her sex vid posted online or getting knocked up in a gangbang by Nick and the entire drug industry count? Cause my sadistic ass would love to see either of those happen.
Furrynomous 2019/02/26 01:41:13 No.1556392
We all knot whats going to happen, but a fair chance is a fair chance.
Furrynomous 2019/02/27 18:32:37 No.1557173
new page is on patreon now, but we have to wait a week if primeleap upload another page
Furrynomous 2019/02/27 20:41:11 No.1557252
Judy needs her fix
Furrynomous 2019/03/01 20:57:29 No.1558056
File: DOXY_JUD3_02_u18chan_u18chan.png - (1.87mb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_02_u18chan.png)

Furrynomous 2019/03/02 07:24:46 No.1558261
I'm kinda hoping they go with the obvious pun and make it an actual Mole lol
Furrynomous 2019/03/02 09:40:36 No.1558312
File: images_54_u18chan.jpg - (5.85kb, 302x167, images.jpg)

I mean, a mole can be very dangerous
2019/03/03 10:02:55 No.1558986
What IF...

This story leads to a gangbang at the precinct. :3c
Furrynomous 2019/03/04 01:39:25 No.1559347
We cannot possibly predict what is going to happen, but if I had to make an educated guess, based on the previous comics, shit is fucked. Bad.
Furrynomous 2019/03/05 00:02:49 No.1559727
File: b197c46b8ed9b27c597ccae0d5d91e0c_u18chan.jpg - (685.59kb, 1316x2000, b197c46b8ed9b27c597ccae0d5d91e0c.jpg)

Furrynomous 2019/03/05 04:05:17 No.1559791
wait let me get this straight.

Mrs.Otterton is missing, and Judy last saw her a in a place were she was used as a cock-extansion, with a bunch of cages that had other mammals in it, and she just thinks that a mother of 2 and a wife would hide even from her own family to safely have her drugs...

There is a difference in porn-plot dumbness and making a character retarded. Like seriously, Judy may be naive but is certainly not bottle blond bimbo dumb. If you have no interest in writing a good story, just draw her getting fucked. It's not like any zootopia fan is interested in having Judy fucked by a bunch of faceless males, when Nick could do the job just fine, but getting a bunch of faceless males AND writing a bad plot around it feels like wasting everybody's time.
2019/03/05 11:45:41 No.1559935
I feel like shes gonna get busted somehow and get dicked in the station. It would be a change of pace rather than another round of criminal insextigations.
Furrynomous 2019/03/05 13:28:56 No.1560000
man these outfits are going to give me a heart attack

I wish we would see more of that one at the beginning of the first part tho
Furrynomous 2019/03/05 16:39:55 No.1560064
File: DOXY_JUD3_03_text_u18chan.jpg - (204.44kb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_03_text.jpg)
Fuck yes. Nick getting some action.
Furrynomous 2019/03/05 16:39:57 No.1560065
File: DOXY_JUD3_04_text_u18chan.jpg - (206.55kb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_04_text.jpg)
Furrynomous 2019/03/05 18:35:30 No.1560086

"That would include a full-cavity search"

You used to be more subtle with your hints to get sex, Nicholas
Furrynomous 2019/03/06 16:32:56 No.1560488
Dorfs gonna pull the rug out from under us and have Wilde just joking and Judy be secretly disappointed.

2-1 says it sets up later to Judy servicing Wilde without him knowing like a Gloryhole or something.
2019/03/07 07:01:51 No.1560710
File: SSBogoANH1_u18chan.png - (109.55kb, 295x270, SSBogoANH1.png)

No, he made Judy open up her butthole for him, surely he too has prepared to give himself to the Anally No Hado.
Furrynomous 2019/03/08 01:11:20 No.1561187
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Page 5
Furrynomous 2019/03/08 17:10:34 No.1561487
Inspecting her teeth, now that's what I call a cavity search
Please Stay by CobaltSynapse Furrynomous 2019/03/08 19:43:01 No.1561530
What the fuck is Awnta actually thinking with this shit? Did he totally give up? His characters used to be cute and relatable. I'm all for kinky shit but this goes far deep into the fringe of the dark internet with its fetishes. This is the type of hentai you'd be reading where you have a feeling at the end the characters going to be impaled on a spike, snuff is the only thing Doxy seems to be missing with the long list of distasteful story line. Why couldnt they just make a proper zootopia comic that didnt involve some underground German sex dungeon theme?
Please Stay by CobaltSynapse Furrynomous 2019/03/08 19:47:02 No.1561534
What the fuck is Awnta actually thinking with this shit? Did he totally give up? His characters used to be cute and relatable. I'm all for kinky shit but this goes far deep into the fringe of the dark internet with its fetishes. This is the type of hentai you'd be reading where you have a feeling at the end the characters going to be impaled on a spike, snuff is the only thing Doxy seems to be missing with the long list of distasteful story line. Why couldnt they just make a proper zootopia comic that didnt involve some underground German sex dungeon theme?



Please just make this a normal fucking Judy getting fucked by Nick comic. No nightmare gimp shit being fucked by dicks the size of her entire body.
Furrynomous 2019/03/09 00:05:00 No.1561609
Stay mad you weak bitch.
Furrynomous 2019/03/09 07:26:36 No.1561702
Someone already summed it up pretty well.

"Predictions for this one:

>Judy will be used as a living buttplug
>Nick is the mole, and want to corrupt Judy to a 100%
>The ending will be as dark as it can get without just being outright guro"
Furrynomous 2019/03/09 14:14:56 No.1561813
We get it you blubbering buffoon, you want a a zootopia themed sex comic that followed zootopia canon (lol grow the fuck up) and didn’t destroy the characters you love. My suggestion from now on is to hide the thread since this comic doesn’t obviously live up to your expectations
Furrynomous 2019/03/09 15:47:08 No.1561861
Jesus Christ y'all are over-exaggerating how dark this comic is. I'd be surprised if anyone died or anything, so far the plot just seems to be Judy turning into an aphrodesiac addicted cocksleeve. I mean it's kinda dark when you take it out of context but in furry porn logic it's "eh at least she's having fun eh?" Y'all are reading way too hard into this.
Furrynomous 2019/03/09 19:32:16 No.1561928
> I get that it's actually pretty dark if you think about it for two seconds but I don't know why people think it's dark.
Furrynomous 2019/03/11 04:48:43 No.1562536
Doxy already commented he plans to make this go into the pretty dark areas of NTR/Cuckoldry. He's posted about the script for this one online for a while now
2019/03/11 07:56:08 No.1562577
Furrynomous 2019/03/11 13:51:31 No.1562662
File: 1552196965528_u18chan.jpg - (331.2kb, 753x707, 1552196965528.jpg)
Furrynomous 2019/03/11 15:14:43 No.1562689
and into the garbage it goes where it belongs
there's some kind of social commentary to be made considering this shit seems to be forced more and more these days than ever before
Furrynomous 2019/03/11 15:42:19 No.1562696
Furrynomous 2019/03/11 19:52:40 No.1562774
2019/03/12 06:03:26 No.1562908

A few other tweets around that period as well.
Furrynomous 2019/03/12 14:35:02 No.1563033
>transformation and ntr
ultra full retard level confirmed
strap in for one hell of a shitshow
Furrynomous 2019/03/12 18:38:27 No.1563098
Is Nick going to fuck her already?
Furrynomous 2019/03/12 18:42:24 No.1563100
if doxy confirmed NTR shit then likely not, he'll probably whip his dick out to face fuck judy before they both get caught by bogo or someone looking for something in the room and just tosses nick aside because judy is a size queen now.
Furrynomous 2019/03/12 22:37:38 No.1563169
Who's actually paying for this shit? Is the underground niche of border-lines snuff porn really that prevalent in porn and why the hell is Doxy pandering to it?

I guess primal drug-induced gang bangs by dudes with huge dicks isn't raunchy enough? We have to add gimps and sex dungeon themes and NTR.

I guess I'm now in the "old school" generation where hardcore orgies are vanilla.

Im not a fan of the direction its going. Zootopia barely has any half decent comics, this could have been one if it wasn't ruined with dark web style fetishes and german sex dungeon scenes where you're half expecting some psychopath to come out with a fucking chain saw and cut off Judy's legs and arms and tie her up and turn her into an actual sex sleeve.

But hey, I guess I'm just one of "blubbering buffoon who want a zootopia themed sex comic that followed zootopia canon"

my bad, sorry for having a line clearly crossed by the fetishes of smegma, gimp masks and filling her ass and pussy with dicks the size of her entire body. Guess I just prefer tasteful vanilla porn where they run a train on her in a respectful a timely manner and cream pie her one at a time and stuff her holes, not drag her into Hitler's sex dungeon to get destroyed by a gimp and swallow dick cheese. My bad. I guess I'm some pussy who demands Judy/Nick romance. >_> <_<
Furrynomous 2019/03/12 23:06:39 No.1563176
I love Zootopia and I'd prefer a low key "canon themed" comic or whatever but it was obvious from page one that this comic was going to be dumb and ridiculous. Not really sure why you guys just don't read it instead of coming back to complain week after week
Furrynomous 2019/03/13 04:45:14 No.1563275
I will lose it when it will turn out that the thread predicted the comics outcome with 100% accuracy.

I just wonder if "Transformation" is just a code word for Judy being turned into a Nugget, maybe with a little bit of Auto-Cannibalism mixed in, just to keep up appearances.

And lets not forget, in the end, she will have a permanent gape from all the dicks that are as large as her whole body, just so Doxy can cater do the diaper crowd too.

Any other predictions?

>Inb4 Reee dont reed it den poopy head
Furrynomous 2019/03/13 04:57:45 No.1563280
You are not alone. This NTR TS stuff doesn't do anything for me either. Using well-written, complex, feeling, caring and loving characters for this kind of stuff feels like a waster opportunity.

Well for me it's 2 reasons
1, Artists tend to like to mislead people, like one artists constantly told his story going to be WildeHopps, only to cuck all his readers with Judy hooking up with someone else. The reverse of that could happen sometimes too, no?
2, Because nobody else makes Zootopia comic at the moment. ( RobCivecat does does, but he is slow, 1 page a month) so the only place we can complain about the lack of WildeHopps in the community is the ongoing Zootopia comic.

You can't help it, I see Zootopia, I think of Judy AND Nick, not just Judy and a bunch of faceless dudes or Nick&Finnick. And I want to see these two. If this wouldn't be a Zootopia comic, I wouldn't care, but since it is, I complain that it's not the stuff (most of the) Zootopia fans want to see.
Furrynomous 2019/03/13 10:41:15 No.1563388
This shit hot as fuck, I can't wait to see Judy get a bad end.

Page 6 is up
Furrynomous 2019/03/13 11:00:14 No.1563394
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Furrynomous 2019/03/13 11:22:33 No.1563400
Furrynomous 2019/03/13 11:53:30 No.1563413

Haha oh yeah totally hot, can't wait to see Judy chewing on some dick cheese and see Nick pull out a gimp mask. So long as he cums in her BEFORE she dies from aspyxiation. Else it's not as sexy. (sarcasm by the way...)

Drugs, sure, heightens sexual experience, double anal....okay It's fiction, whatever, dick, that's gross, gimp

Shoving all these niche fetishes into one comic, is ruining them. these could have been just extras to satisfy the dark fetish enthusiasts. Not drag everyone else along with it, in hopes of normal scene that's not that bad because like the other guy said, there's no other zootopia comic. Zaush's comic wasnt that good either it was literally the least amount of effort you could put into it and still get paid for. There was more of an erotic scene direction and relatable dialogue in his incest fucking comics than the zootopia gangbang. Meanwhile the rest of the comics are absolute gutter trash drawn by people who shouldn't be drawing comics yet, or by artists who barely upload anything.

No, the comic actually didn't get ridiculous until further in. and now I'm just tagging along with the frail hope that there might be a fragment of normal scenes that I could perhaps cut and paste together with the few previous comic scenes to make one full length comic that doesn't produce vomit when I look at it. So far...if its nick and her I have reasonable expectations that it should be fairly vanilla. Unless Nick hasn't showered in a week and Doxy decides to have Judy go to town on some dick cheese.

People are frustrated because it could have been an awesome comic, and now it's just going to be the comic that got famous for being overly fetish focused and kinky, like 2 girls 1 cup, except zootopia. Which, Im sure we'll see eventually at this rate by the way, scat and urine for sure.

Oh and transformation, is likely going to be someone filled with cum to the point of stomach deformation. Not sure what kind of transformation they can keep in the zootopia time line.

Edited at 2019/03/13 11:53:59
Furrynomous 2019/03/13 13:53:38 No.1563463
shouldn't be drawing comics yet
I love how polite you are.
Instead of just saying "hey dude, you suck!" you go for a hopeful "maybe one day, just keep working on it".
Other than that yeah, you are right.
I just wanted to point out your kindness.
Furrynomous 2019/03/13 14:50:15 No.1563480

I wouldn't lie and say it wasn't shit half the time. It's just I would discourage people from uploading online and keep their stuff private and get better until their quality meets a certain level that an average audience would look at and appreciate, the only reception they'll receive is blind praise (on their pages) by fans who have no standard for quality or it doesn't matter and they jerk off to it anyway. I can't imagine how long I'd have to be mastering the art of anatomy and sketching privately to finally have something that I could safely say, "this isn't that bad, I like it." and actually upload it for others to see. Then I see people who seem to be uploading right out of kindergarten and I'm amazed how they can't take criticism and have their fan base attack like wild dogs when you try to pass criticism even if it's constructive. Even the best artists have their faults and they're mostly unwilling to hear it because they're making a living and their fans will take whatever they give them. That's why you see over paid artists like Zaush producing sloppy artwork, which, he gets paid 10s of thousands of dollars a month to create and all people say is "more".

Everyone wants to be the kid with their art on the fridge. but not enough are willing to put the work in to get to the point where the internet sees your art as something worth displaying and stay in their little echo chamber of praise from an even smaller niche audience.

Donno why Doxy sells out so cheaply personally, appealing to a wide audience seems the smartest, but instead, it seems focused on extremely niche fetishes. Considering it's the same artist who drew such lovable characters clearly based on real life passion, this heterosexual avenue seems to be purely financially motivated, which is why the content suffers. Similar to how it has suffered with zaush.

Corporal friends are spiritual enemies, I think is the saying.

Edited at 2019/03/13 14:52:13
Furrynomous 2019/03/13 18:53:55 No.1563577
This is Doxy we are talking about, he sells with fetishes and rule 34, this is how he does it. Stop supporting him if you don't like his stuff.
Furrynomous 2019/03/13 21:12:55 No.1563655

Literally the first thing she does is get triple-penetrated by three criminals in an alley

That's not ridiculous?
2019/03/13 22:47:39 No.1563690
File: shitmemefotshitjoke_u18chan.png - (472.16kb, 2152x1676, shitmemefotshitjoke.png)
> this thread
Furrynomous 2019/03/14 13:30:28 No.1564036
Furrynomous 2019/03/19 23:01:23 No.1566206
new page is out
Furrynomous 2019/03/20 13:52:32 No.1566423
File: workout_0_u18chan.png - (422.25kb, 747x657, workout.png)

Furrynomous 2019/03/20 22:03:05 No.1566582
File: giphy_111_u18chan.gif - (1005.99kb, 360x148, giphy.gif)
Furrynomous 2019/03/21 15:28:04 No.1566817
well.... at least its a nice page
Furrynomous 2019/03/21 17:40:25 No.1566863
That's not the page lol, that's just a WIP posted for a pinup. Page is still unposted.
Furrynomous 2019/03/22 00:15:53 No.1567028
My bad then. it's hard to tell the difference since Doxy is drawing panels with huge closeups
Furrynomous 2019/03/22 13:54:38 No.1567147
File: DOXY_JUD3_07_text_u18chan.png - (1.58mb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_07_text.png)

Furrynomous 2019/03/22 14:45:07 No.1567158
Furrynomous 2019/03/22 15:03:59 No.1567164
he he defies my expectations and actually has a sex scene here I'll be pretty damn surprised. likely this will end with someone walking in or nick getting injured or made fun of in some way if that tweet is anything to go by. maybe he'll be turned into a girl (male) and used as a cock sleeve along with judy. who knows but this may very well be the only decent bit we get here.
Furrynomous 2019/03/22 17:18:01 No.1567205
What the actual fuck.
Furrynomous 2019/03/22 18:53:18 No.1567219
ITT: Lots of crying that a comic doesn't only feature sex in the missionary position.
Furrynomous 2019/03/22 19:25:36 No.1567227
if someone's not getting transformed into a living buttplug or being forced to watched their girlfriend be gangraped into a mindless slut or getting infected with STDs or pulled apart Hellraiser style it's just not real porn. It's gotta be dark shit because if you don't have extreme agony you can't have extreme eroticism and the patrician thing that I hope most of you can learn is that they're the same thing.
Furrynomous 2019/03/23 11:12:15 No.1567469
The patrician thing that I hope most of you can learn is

...The fallacy of the false dilemma, also known as the fallacy of false alternatives.

Between bland, missionary-style sex and brutal exploitation stretches a range of mutually-pleasant and non-violent sexual activities that we can all enjoy without being prompted to puke up our anal beads.

Edited at 2019/03/23 11:14:20
2019/03/24 09:30:38 No.1567759
File: Ieatcerealwithwater_u18chan.jpg - (28.72kb, 588x317, I eat cereal with water.jpg)
Worst thing is that they dont wash evidence they preserve it.

So unclean buttplug removed from likely a hooker (doa), kept for its DNA most likely (what kinda dna?)... Has been inserted into Judy's mouth.

Yea ok. Thank donta
Furrynomous 2019/03/24 10:22:56 No.1567770
Ugh, right? The implications of everything about these comics are disgusting.

But I guess that's part of the fetish that appeals to that certain group.
Furrynomous 2019/03/24 10:30:55 No.1567772

And now it starts getting weird.
Furrynomous 2019/03/25 05:08:57 No.1568082
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Furrynomous 2019/03/25 05:09:00 No.1568083
File: DOXY_JUDE_002_bX_u18chan.png - (1.32mb, 1102x1500, DOXY_JUDE_002_bX.png)
Furrynomous 2019/03/25 05:09:02 No.1568084
File: DOXY_JUDE_002_cX_u18chan.png - (1.33mb, 1102x1500, DOXY_JUDE_002_cX.png)
Furrynomous 2019/03/25 15:39:00 No.1568240
2019/03/26 04:30:27 No.1568485

if he stuck to the initial prostitution sting scenario without the drug corruption plot I think this would have been more enjoyable. Dox is trying too hard with the story and niche fetishes
Furrynomous 2019/03/26 07:00:13 No.1568509
New page out
Furrynomous 2019/03/26 07:08:20 No.1568511
Personally I'm praying for the "judy is used as a living buttoplug" ending. Yes I know it's not confirmed by the artist or anything. But I really want to see Judy sealed-up in a latex suit & used like a cheap toy in very sense of the word.
That said: I will take seeing Ms Otterton's fate as a consolation.
Furrynomous 2019/03/26 13:56:39 No.1568564
Anyone got the new page yet
Furrynomous 2019/03/26 13:59:55 No.1568565
How exactly does work? Does it find the new page automatically or does someone have to post it there?
Furrynomous 2019/03/26 18:33:18 No.1568655
Pretty sure someone has to post it there. It used to be a scraper that would automatically update, but Patreon changed their posts to have a charge up-front feature that prevents scraping.
Furrynomous 2019/03/26 18:58:32 No.1568667
Well son of a bitch, i hope someone posts it soon.
Furrynomous 2019/03/27 12:15:46 No.1568916
File: DOXY_JUD3_08_text_u18chan.png - (1.38mb, 933x1400, DOXY_JUD3_08_text.png)

Furrynomous 2019/03/27 12:28:01 No.1568920
... This is giving me a new link :l
Furrynomous 2019/03/27 12:28:33 No.1568921
... This is giving me a new KINK* :l
Furrynomous 2019/03/27 13:26:48 No.1568935
You can edit commands by pressing on the pencil icon next to the post number
Edit: Like this

Edited at 2019/03/27 13:27:55
Furrynomous 2019/03/27 14:46:13 No.1568941
hm.... didnt know you can stretch the inside of a mouth... like teeth
Furrynomous 2019/03/27 23:49:46 No.1569093
Speaking of teeth why does it look like she's loaded with fangs? Do rabbits have sharp teeth besides the buck teeth?
Furrynomous 2019/03/27 23:58:07 No.1569096
File: HAre-skull_9886-1024x683_u18chan.jpg - (113.79kb, 1024x683, HAre-skull_9886-1024x683.jpg)
Furrynomous 2019/03/28 00:13:15 No.1569108
So yea, sharp buck teeth then nothing but molars.
Furrynomous 2019/03/28 00:58:37 No.1569116

Ever get bit by one? Little shits hurt.. chew through power cords too.
Furrynomous 2019/03/28 03:09:20 No.1569134
Maybe she's going savage, hence the shark teeth
Furrynomous 2019/03/28 05:48:39 No.1569154
I'm not saying it doesn't hurt. I was pointing out that Judy has a multitude of sharp teeth in that page despite being an animal with very few sharp teeth.
2019/03/29 00:31:18 No.1569412
File: tumblr_pdh71yMKNm1tjd2pl_540_u18chan.jpg - (95.01kb, 540x540, tumblr_pdh71yMKNm1tjd2pl_540.jpg)

Can't fap teeth too pointy

Fuck that, keep the chompers and fangs. Looks hotter than what would be considered realistic.
Furrynomous 2019/03/30 01:44:45 No.1569710

Yeah I get why people are complaining but also: this owns
Furrynomous 2019/03/30 04:41:40 No.1569740
Nah, her teeth not being accurate isn't why i can't fap. The reason i can't fap is because this comic is so batshit insane that official cavity search protocol that includes deepthroating anal beads is probably the least ridiculous thing to happen.
Furrynomous 2019/03/31 08:41:54 No.1570175
File: DOXY_JUDE_002_cX_u18chanmerged_u18chan.png - (1.71mb, 1102x2100, DOXY_JUDE_002_cX_u18chan merged.png)
I didn't like the way he drew Judys ears tied back so I made an edit with good old normal bunny ears.
2019/03/31 13:01:18 No.1570228

wish he did more shenanigans like this for a comic than trying to emulate all of the infamous Hentai Haven tags at once.
Furrynomous 2019/04/01 05:31:59 No.1570626
Page 9 up
Furrynomous 2019/04/01 09:12:56 No.1570665
New page is out. anyone got it yet?
Furrynomous 2019/04/01 16:22:03 No.1570769
Now just hoping there'll be an edit someday where Judy's spine isn't broken in half...
2019/04/01 19:41:27 No.1570817

aw shit now I can't unsee it. It looks like he drew the torso up seperate and added another torso/legs under. Shes almost got that centaur bod going.
Hemlyn 2019/04/02 04:12:33 No.1570954
And now somebody's gonna have to edit a centaur bod onto Judy.
Furrynomous 2019/04/02 13:02:57 No.1571081
Admittedly I do like the little touches of detail they add, like her uvula actually being pulled outward by the pulling beads
Furrynomous 2019/04/02 18:56:59 No.1571178
New page is up on Yiff.Party, but once you see it youll understand why im not gonna post it. Im just waiting for the one AFTER this, cause apparently thats when it starts getting good
Furrynomous 2019/04/02 19:08:36 No.1571180

The file doesn't show as being posted to me. I can see the preview of the page, but not the actual page itself? Do I not have the site setup right, or can you share here please?
Furrynomous 2019/04/02 19:18:36 No.1571184
File: DOXY_JUD3_09text_u18chan.png - (1.56mb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_09text.png)
Alright, here's the new page. I'm just... not gonna comment on it. If next page is when Nick and Judy get frisky (Doxy said it would be), we would need a transitional page to get there.

I like the concept of this one, cum diet and all, but not how it was presented.
Furrynomous 2019/04/02 19:26:02 No.1571186
Did she swallow the anal beads and throw up cum? Lol
Furrynomous 2019/04/02 19:26:50 No.1571187
File: barf_u18chan.png - (287.54kb, 604x317, barf.png)
cause nothing is sexier than barf
Furrynomous 2019/04/02 19:28:36 No.1571188
Nick is holding the beads in the last frame.

Yeah, okay i feel compelled to critique this page. I really dont like how this concept is... presented. Her stomach being completely full of cum is a concept i really enjoy, but i wish it didnt look like she was literally throwing it all up. It looks way more uncomfortable than sexy. Even if its unrealistic, i kinda wish the cum just kinda rose up her throat and began dripping down her chin.
Furrynomous 2019/04/02 19:29:06 No.1571189
Do people really find this arousing?
Furrynomous 2019/04/02 20:04:38 No.1571198
Hello yes I'm aroused.
Furrynomous 2019/04/02 20:04:49 No.1571199
I'm sure a few do.
Furrynomous 2019/04/03 06:26:24 No.1571413
I think there is sexyness in overflowing cum fantasy...

But If I were Nick, seeing a girl I'm into puking up a pool of cum that's NOT MINE... Yeah, this is a huge turn off for me.

I hoped this comic would give at least a little illusion. That I could ignore the other two comics and just enjoy this one, but guess I was wrong. Looks like there are still no artists that are willing to make a good Nick x Judy smut comic

Edited at 2019/04/03 14:22:19
Furrynomous 2019/04/03 11:03:18 No.1571474
i like gagging and throatswabbing in my porn, but actual barf is gross. [-]
Furrynomous 2019/04/03 16:49:47 No.1571565
this is the best one for me personally
and maybe

Doxy is a disgusting artist.

Edited at 2019/04/03 16:50:29
Furrynomous 2019/04/03 17:15:22 No.1571583
It irritates me that people had to actually pay for that last page
Furrynomous 2019/04/03 22:20:03 No.1571671
It's weird when Japanese artists are the ones making the tame stuff.
Furrynomous 2019/04/03 23:00:40 No.1571681
Look i love cum and all, but cum vomit is a huge turn off. I gagged
Furrynomous 2019/04/04 00:52:49 No.1571707
Wait, this takes place like a week after the first comic. Why did she have semen in her gut for a whole week?
Furrynomous 2019/04/04 03:54:02 No.1571749
Because she is not Judy. It's a shapeshifting blob that has devoured the essence of Judy as she was scouting for clues, and that goo was actually part of her body, that got stripped away by the devious fox.
You can see it in his grin, as he squats like a true slav, that the goo-bitch has little left to live. Soon he'll unsheat Rebellion, his demonic sword, and slash her into smithereens, avenging his beloved partner.
Then he'll leave this plane forever, as he searches for another timeline where Judy is alive.
Little he knows that Garruk the Wildspeaker is also following him, attracted by the trail of death he leaves behind...
Furrynomous 2019/04/04 14:07:44 No.1571929
File: 17f_0_u18chan.png - (357.66kb, 680x679, 17f.png)
Furrynomous 2019/04/04 17:49:51 No.1572015
I agree. After being in stomach acid for only a few seconds, sperm cells die. Meaning that if she just barfed up cum from earlier that day, it is really just a glob of dead sperm cells.

Or a form of necrotic slime.
Furrynomous 2019/04/05 01:58:16 No.1572145
>Necrotic Slime

That sounds like it should be a spell from D&D.
Furrynomous 2019/04/05 03:16:37 No.1572166
Y'know what makes that entire scene more disgusting? Those anal beads probably were not cleaned before being thrown into the evidence bag. No wonder she barfed.

Also what's NTR?
Furrynomous 2019/04/05 03:42:16 No.1572168
NTR is netorare
It's a term used mostly for hentai and is similar to but usually more intense than cuckoldry.
It's not just a guy who likes to see his wife fuck other dudes, it's usually about a guy corrupting a man's wife or significant other to humiliate and degrade him in a non-consensual manner and they like to show the emotional breakdown of the cuck.
Tasteful edit Furrynomous 2019/04/05 04:02:04 No.1572172
File: 66ddda13-6f39-4e0e-a7df-4cc3020ad510_u18chan.png - (981.69kb, 800x1280, 66ddda13-6f39-4e0e-a7df-4cc3020ad510.png)
Found a fan edit that could fix it
Furrynomous 2019/04/05 06:23:47 No.1572210
Good effort, but with how Judy is responding to Nick's actions, it's still heavily implied that she vomited still.

Probably? I can tell you as a fact that PD's don't ever wash any objects that they collected as evidence as to not destroy any traces of fingerprints, DNA, or other possible clues. So very likely, those anal beads have been used in some way.....
Furrynomous 2019/04/05 22:31:14 No.1572500
Page 10 and alt available.
Furrynomous 2019/04/05 23:16:10 No.1572506

Thanks for the warning! Will avoid.
Furrynomous 2019/04/06 04:31:00 No.1572586
Now only she needs to collect the 'evidence' run some simple DNA test and comics is done.
Furrynomous 2019/04/06 13:20:17 No.1572719
File: DOXY_JUD3_10text_u18chan.png - (1.27mb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_10text.png)
Page 10 and the alt
Furrynomous 2019/04/06 13:20:19 No.1572720
File: DOXY_JUD3_10btext_u18chan.png - (1.46mb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_10btext.png)
Furrynomous 2019/04/06 13:45:08 No.1572725
File: absolutely-disgusting-26789298_u18chan_u18chan.png - (131.43kb, 500x534, absolutely-disgusting-26789298_u18chan.png)
Furrynomous 2019/04/06 17:48:49 No.1572818
You know, at first I came here to jerk to the comic, but now, I get off way more to all the comments.

Please, keep posting your disdain for the comic, the butt hurt drives me wild.
Mr. Poopie 2019/04/06 18:40:55 No.1572858
Now shit on the floor and use it as dildo.... like a real cop
Furrynomous 2019/04/06 19:03:14 No.1572874
At this point that's all I come to this site for anymore. The comics are mediocre, but the comments are comedy gold.
Furrynomous 2019/04/06 19:24:54 No.1572877
No no no it's not how you collect evidence Judy
Furrynomous 2019/04/06 20:12:23 No.1572885
File: arealcop_u18chan.png - (54.73kb, 152x144, arealcop.PNG)
Yes.... Like a real cop >:3

Edited at 2019/04/06 20:13:26
Furrynomous 2019/04/06 21:36:54 No.1572902
this is so gross, BUT...

But WHAT!?! What could you possibly feel more than disgust at this?
But you're more afraid about bacteria?
But you cannot overpower him?
But it's no more gross than the 2010 FIFA worl cup?
Furrynomous 2019/04/06 21:52:14 No.1572905
This is quickly turning into the best issue yet.
Furrynomous 2019/04/06 21:54:51 No.1572906

I want Vanilla porn to be cool again nowdays, i really want to
Glarg 2019/04/06 22:34:06 No.1572917
File: thewinterbunny_Zootopiashower_u18chan.png - (8.56mb, 3838x2683, thewinterbunny_Zootopia shower.png)

I just want to see them together, and happy. Nudity is fine, sex is fine.

Doxycrap is not fine.
Furrynomous 2019/04/06 23:31:20 No.1572930
It'd be cool if more porn comics had multiple versions/edits where you could pick out various fetishes.
Furrynomous 2019/04/06 23:57:03 No.1572941
I'm convinced that they're just trying to make this as gross as possible to see how many people stick around.
Furrynomous 2019/04/07 01:35:06 No.1572967
vanilla is boooooring
Furrynomous 2019/04/07 01:44:54 No.1572968
The best parts of this comic were the really cum-messy parts, but this is too far
Glarg 2019/04/07 01:56:49 No.1572974
vanilla is boooooring

Not if I like the characters.
Fire3 2019/04/07 02:47:20 No.1572989
In my opinion, if you don't like something, you can simply go away without staying here and complaining that you don't like it. Like an italian actor says, "If you keep looking it's because you like it".

By the way, in my opinion Doxy is only exploring new fetishes (that probably she likes) because the normal comic with basic fetishes and story like: story, sex, story sex, soft fetish, sex and story was getting her a little bit annoyed
Furrynomous 2019/04/07 03:13:25 No.1572999
Your Italian actor is dumb. Looking at something doesn't mean you like it. People rubber neck car accidents, doesn't mean they want to see people crash.

A morbid curiosity isn't a desire to see bad things happen, it's a desire to understand or make sense of bad things.

This comic is like a car crash to many of us.
Furrynomous 2019/04/07 04:06:24 No.1573008


I don't check these comics out because I like the artist or the genre, I check them out for the characters. I like the CHARACTERS. I just wanna see them together and happy, and no western furry artists is willing to make that happen because it's quote-unquote "boooring".

If this comic would be OCs I wouldn't give a fuck, for me these cucking/humiliation stuff is boring. Without Judy's and Nick's names and images slapped on it, I wouldn't check it out and I wouldn't complain, the same way that abortion comic wouldn't have interested anyone if it wouldn't have bastardized widely-beloved characters.

Only porn artists that treated these characters with any intention to get their personalities right was Eric Schwartz and and he didn't do porn with them, and Fred Perry with a comic that was over way too quickly.
Glarg 2019/04/07 04:06:33 No.1573009
"If you keep looking it's because you like it"

I stopped looking at the strip months ago, because I never liked it. I'm here to read the comments, which are often the most interesting posts on the site.
Furrynomous 2019/04/07 06:58:23 No.1573045
You know when you are minding your own business, and then you notice a huge spider hanging on the wall?
You end up looking at it, whether you like it or not.
Moreover, if you happen to have a phobia, you will definitely be looking at it.
So yes, this is even grosser than just a car accident.
This comic is like a tarantula chilling on your desk.
Furrynomous 2019/04/07 10:31:41 No.1573099

Edited at 2019/04/07 10:34:28
Furrynomous 2019/04/07 10:34:04 No.1573100

Yeah sure nick you stupid out of character dumbass, force your girlfriend to lick up vomit. You go you. :I
Furrynomous 2019/04/07 15:43:11 No.1573203

What a weirdly elaborate justification for not taking responsibility for your own actions

Edited at 2019/04/07 15:43:33
Furrynomous 2019/04/07 17:22:28 No.1573234

What is with artists drawing tongues like that lately? Tongues don't have that thick divited ridge between the center and edge. Is it to look more like a vagina or something?
Furrynomous 2019/04/07 20:48:46 No.1573302
What? How on earth did you get to it being a way to shift responsibility?

It's an explanation that dispels the ridiculous notion that looking at something means you like it.

Edited at 2019/04/07 20:52:49
Furrynomous 2019/04/08 02:52:29 No.1573402
Don't worry, I'm sure he hasn't noticed that sometimes comics pop out in the main board and you can't always bleach your eyes once you see them.
Nor that this comic in particular does not have any sort of warning in the first posts and just strucks you with its weird fetishes out of the blue.
...Like a car accident.
Furrynomous 2019/04/08 14:01:47 No.1573600
How do people take this so seriously? Watch and fap ffs
Furrynomous 2019/04/08 14:30:34 No.1573605

Word, this is smut, stop overthinking.
Furrynomous 2019/04/08 14:43:00 No.1573610
Watch and fap ffs

Fap to what, exactly? To badly drawn crap?

Even a human dick has minimal standards.
Furrynomous 2019/04/08 14:57:47 No.1573614
Yea guys, go back to fapping to a character eating literal puke off the floor.
Can't wait for Nick to shit directly in her mouth in the next few pages.
Furrynomous 2019/04/08 15:44:30 No.1573626
New page time again! :D
Furrynomous 2019/04/08 18:03:25 No.1573670
>Can't wait for Nick to shit directly in her mouth in the next few pages.
would be epic lol
Furrynomous 2019/04/08 18:07:18 No.1573672
Would anybody be so kind as to post the next page please? =)
Furrynomous 2019/04/08 20:35:40 No.1573733
At first I thought this was kinda gross, but now I'm getting the weirdest boner to this.

Also glad to see I'm not the only one who laughs at the perma-virgin porn elitists on here, lol.
Furrynomous 2019/04/09 02:13:08 No.1573824
>yer a perma-virgin for thinking eating partially digested cum puke off the floor is weird

Furrynomous 2019/04/09 09:40:17 No.1573920

Pretty sure they're the same weepy Wildehopps shippers who are harassing Rich Moore on Twitter for leaving Disney rn

Furrynomous 2019/04/09 10:04:57 No.1573923
Doxy's storylines are just becoming more and more bizarre. I know people don't READ porn for the story...but come people REALLY get off to this? I guess I shouldn't be asking that because there are people out there who get off to shitting on one another and even eating it....but like ...detailed shorts of anal beads in the MOUTH instead of the ass is supposed to be hot? I'd be hot if she were taking a dildo in her mouth, because it's shaped like a dick, but anal beads? I just don't get it. And yes it's soooo hot seeing her lick up the cum which she apparently somehow magically had in her stomach (cause we didn't see her sucking "dick on the job" prior to this) off of the floor. Wow, I am so hard right now. Sign me up for more. It was more hot seeing Mrs Otteron used as a living condom.
Furrynomous 2019/04/09 12:55:20 No.1573969
You are trying to reason with the very same people who find the idea of being eaten alive, being morbidly obese, covered in shit, or turned into a toilet, hot.

If you point out that the comic is going overboard, you will be called a perma virgin, or an incel, or a feminist.

We are too deep down in the rabbit hole, reason does not apply here.
Furrynomous 2019/04/09 14:30:24 No.1574013
File: DOXY_JUD3_11atext_u18chan.png - (1.5mb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_11atext.png)
Yall slow
Page 11 and its alt
Furrynomous 2019/04/09 14:30:26 No.1574014
File: DOXY_JUD3_11btext_u18chan.png - (1.54mb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_11btext.png)
Furrynomous 2019/04/09 14:33:50 No.1574016
Furry class 101:
-Never assume logic in comics
-Never assume logic in comments
-Never assume such things as "standards" exist
-Never assume cohesion in this wretch of a community
-Never assume something is just too weird to arouse someone.
Furrynomous 2019/04/09 15:17:37 No.1574030
Furrynomous 2019/04/09 17:22:17 No.1574071
microsoft isn't even sure anymore what expressions to use, so he makes few versions of pages lol
Furrynomous 2019/04/09 20:04:08 No.1574101
Doxy probably made the alt pages cause permavirgins kept having bitchfits about the cum thing
Furrynomous 2019/04/09 20:09:32 No.1574104
File: download-2019-04-09T210912.160_u18chan.jpg - (130.42kb, 2048x1036, download - 2019-04-09T210912.160.jpg)
Furrynomous 2019/04/10 08:08:22 No.1574382
That only applys for porn comics.
Furrynomous 2019/04/10 12:18:45 No.1574453
oh, my sweet summer child...
Furrynomous 2019/04/13 13:27:59 No.1575871
I guess onta figures people might pirate his stuff less if he makes it gross enough
Furrynomous 2019/04/13 15:11:38 No.1575916

I wonder. I just ain't giving him (her?) money
because I don't have any to spare.

Edited at 2019/04/13 15:12:31
Furrynomous 2019/04/16 15:32:30 No.1577478
New pinups.
Furrynomous 2019/04/17 12:12:29 No.1577910
Jeez takes forever to update sometimes.
Furrynomous 2019/04/19 08:05:34 No.1578668
Does nobody have the new pinups?!
Furrynomous 2019/04/19 13:52:23 No.1578767
Furrynomous 2019/04/20 14:54:35 No.1579248
File: DOXY_JV_003_u18chan.png - (2.14mb, 1172x1500, DOXY_JV_003.png)
Pinup and Alt
Furrynomous 2019/04/20 14:54:37 No.1579249
File: DOXY_JV_003b_u18chan.png - (2.32mb, 1172x1500, DOXY_JV_003b.png)
Furrynomous 2019/04/20 16:00:20 No.1579265
Well... this would explain why she threw up cum
Furrynomous 2019/04/24 06:05:35 No.1581002
ready for that gratuitous anal fisting
Furrynomous 2019/04/24 07:50:54 No.1581029
Page 12 out
Furrynomous 2019/04/24 08:22:10 No.1581038
Jesus this rendition of Judy is about the hottest fucking thing I have ever seen.
Furrynomous 2019/04/24 16:15:23 No.1581188

I completely agree
Furrynomous 2019/04/24 18:53:58 No.1581227

"The Vision of Judy thou dost see
Is my Vision's Greatest Enemy."

- William Blake, "The Everlasting Burrow."

Edited at 2019/04/24 18:54:41
Furrynomous 2019/04/24 19:30:26 No.1581241
those guns tho
Furrynomous 2019/04/26 12:26:24 No.1581784
File: DOXY_JUD3_12_text_u18chan.png - (8.45mb, 2728x4092, DOXY_JUD3_12_text.png)

Furrynomous 2019/04/26 12:29:36 No.1581785
File: promo_u18chan.png - (5.67mb, 3000x1920, promo.png)

Furrynomous 2019/04/26 13:40:28 No.1581806
oh man, that butt looks like an ugly cyclops
come on Doxy, you can make Judy look hot as fuck, why do you have to make her holes look so fucking nasty?
Furrynomous 2019/04/26 14:22:26 No.1581816
Lol. Yeah it's not as pleasing, butt shape-wise (more muscle than a fat/plush butt). Although, to be fair, knowing Doxy we should expect some form of hole gaping. I'd rather they incorporate a reason for the gape (ie. buttplug) rather than it being like that the instant Nick pulled down her underwear. But, for all we know Judy had just been using a toy/being fucked, so she'd still be a bit loose.

As long as Doxy doesn't jump to the muscle gimp, nose stretching, mega fuck fest right away, I'll be satisfied. Haha.
Furrynomous 2019/04/26 16:16:23 No.1581852
>that fucking crater
can't decide what's worse, that, doughnut anuses, or poop brown sarlac pits
Furrynomous 2019/04/26 22:42:12 No.1581965

Its for the gape fetish fags. This whole comic has been an unending fetish cavalcade.

I like how Doxy draws her but I honestly prefer the tame vanilla pics like her in the gym spandex.
Furrynomous 2019/04/26 23:04:42 No.1581970

As long it doesn't have scat or gore, I'm happy.
Furrynomous 2019/04/27 03:35:05 No.1582024
File: Rembrandt_crater_u18chan.jpg - (395.06kb, 860x867, Rembrandt_crater.jpg)
Mr. Poopie 2019/04/27 19:40:59 No.1582259
guess Nick is gonna fist her really hard since her ass is destroyed by all the horse dicks
Furrynomous 2019/04/27 19:42:33 No.1582260
She clearly can't hold any scat in.
Yeck Furrynomous 2019/04/27 23:00:44 No.1582337
Hopefully it won't come to that, it hasn't yet so far but who know how this will go...
Furrynomous 2019/04/28 01:04:43 No.1582381
That is one gross looking ass.
2019/04/28 10:07:42 No.1582477
Why did he put her butthole on top of her ass cheeks and not between them? What is this hands free goatse ass orb?
2019/04/28 16:33:24 No.1582586
File: DOXY_JUD3_12b_text_u18chan.png - (8.39mb, 2728x4092, DOXY_JUD3_12b_text.png)

Mr. Poopie 2019/04/28 17:52:26 No.1582595
Pff. got perm banned because of posting Scatman..."Scat spam"
So sensitive
Furrynomous 2019/04/28 21:05:44 No.1582631
File: DOXY_JUD3_12_text_u18chan_u18chan.png - (1.82mb, 1591x1297, DOXY_JUD3_12_text_u18chan.png)
Chatin # MOD # 2019/04/28 23:47:18 No.1582674
Mr. Poopie 2019/04/29 04:17:10 No.1582726
File: a270b7ab4046d470a13fd00637c01f36_u18chan.jpg - (1.5mb, 2147x1596, a270b7ab4046d470a13fd00637c01f36.jpg)

Furrynomous 2019/04/29 08:26:39 No.1582759
File: 1287432895880_u18chan_u18chan.jpg - (22.33kb, 444x322, 1287432895880_u18chan.jpg)

Fucking Rolf.
Furrynomous 2019/04/29 15:45:02 No.1582904
that just doesn't look right -_-
Furrynomous 2019/04/29 18:31:21 No.1582954
File: DOXY_JUD3_12_text_u218chan_u18chan.png - (2.15mb, 1722x1276, DOXY_JUD3_12_text_u218chan.png)

Furrynomous 2019/04/29 20:00:01 No.1582978

We have a winner.
Furrynomous 2019/04/30 00:32:50 No.1583051
File: Meninblack2C18LockerAliens_u18chan.png - (2.18mb, 1730x1140, Men in black 2 C18 Locker Aliens.png)
New competitor.
Furrynomous 2019/04/30 05:14:03 No.1583098
Page 13?
Furrynomous 2019/04/30 10:34:32 No.1583161
Why is her anus infected?
Furrynomous 2019/04/30 12:22:16 No.1583177
WHy does she have that bridge between her ass and pussy? The cheeks/lips are supposed to continue
Furrynomous 2019/04/30 13:57:00 No.1583211
The holes are a tiny bit too far apart, but as for the 'bridge', when you spread a woman's cheeks that way, you do tend to get a little 'bridging' between the ass and vagina because the skin stretches. That's pretty normal.
Furrynomous 2019/04/30 17:55:57 No.1583282
Can someone make an edit of the page so her asshole is not such a deep red?
Furrynomous 2019/04/30 18:45:31 No.1583302
File: NoRed_u18chan.png - (8.31mb, 2728x4092, NoRed.png)

No red, got it chief
Furrynomous 2019/04/30 18:50:29 No.1583304
File: ActualRequest_u18chan.png - (8.27mb, 2728x4092, ActualRequest.png)

Also... because I am not a complete dick
Chatin # MOD # 2019/04/30 23:34:20 No.1583337
I'm still curious how much stretching was required to get it that large.

Either some serious knot fucking is going on, or the artist just drew it that way?

Furrynomous 2019/05/01 00:19:16 No.1583348
I don't think an anus is supposed to look like that. Its like its above the cheeks.
Furrynomous 2019/05/01 01:09:02 No.1583372
I woulda made it brown.
Sparity 2019/05/01 02:16:51 No.1583390
File: ActualRequest_u18chan_u18chan.png - (11.45mb, 2728x4092, ActualRequest_u18chan.png)
I tried my best to adjust the tail hole.
It should be closer to pussy like next-door neigbour's wife.
2019/05/01 06:02:48 No.1583421
File: SSBogoANH2activated_u18chan.png - (85.34kb, 421x491, SSBogoANH2activated.png)

Furrynomous 2019/05/01 19:35:31 No.1583670
New page has been out for days. Someone post it please.
Furrynomous 2019/05/03 17:18:42 No.1584540
Anyone got the new page
Furrynomous 2019/05/04 15:30:38 No.1584871
Why isnt the new page up on yet
Furrynomous 2019/05/05 02:57:35 No.1585067

Because no one has uploaded it who subs to the patreon
Furrynomous 2019/05/06 19:10:51 No.1585960
I wonder what the delay is
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 01:01:45 No.1586094
Maybe it's so horrific that nobody can bring themselves to inflict it on others.
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 01:04:18 No.1586097

the person scraping his patreon stopped
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 01:06:36 No.1586098
What? why?
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 01:18:50 No.1586107
You guys don't want to see the rest of this comic, it gets super gross. I guess doxy is into *that* now
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 01:19:34 No.1586108
I will take the risk. post em'
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 01:51:38 No.1586114
What's the fetish? Cmon, don't blue ball us, you never know what weird shit furries are into. Even if it turns us off we're all curious, don't keep us in anticipation hombre, spill the beans.
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 04:39:44 No.1586151
Theres no such thing as "too gross"
2019/05/07 06:45:58 No.1586174
inb4 prolapse or something common on an artists "will not draw" list
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 15:54:55 No.1586282
Someone please get the pages. i dont care if theyre good or bad now, my morbid curiosity is out of control.
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 16:19:17 No.1586292
File: DOXY_JUD3_14text_u18chan.png - (1.54mb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_14text.png)
here you go, filthy peasants
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 16:26:14 No.1586293
I am honestly not disappointed.
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 17:59:25 No.1586317
My bet was on scat or surprize fisting, but lets not be too hasty, there is still room for both!
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 18:34:48 No.1586323
Seems tame enough by furry standards. Hell it's not boner killing yet for me. I mean I wouldn't have had the coughing up cum but there's an edit and my penis has soldiered through worse :U
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 23:09:52 No.1586397
Do you have page 13 as well or did Doxy misnumber and jump from 12 to 14?
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 23:39:39 No.1586408
almost 100% certain this IS page 13 as seen on the blurry preview on Doxy's patreon
Furrynomous 2019/05/09 00:31:24 No.1586809
whos gonna peep first? and poop.
Furrynomous 2019/05/09 04:08:23 No.1586873
that pussy and ass is turning me gay... and im a dude
Furrynomous 2019/05/11 17:54:24 No.1588031
Can someone post the new page please?
Furrynomous 2019/05/13 11:50:39 No.1588687
Someone has never met Nick Bates...
Furrynomous 2019/05/13 13:04:17 No.1588696
It is page 13. The page number was an error when Doxy named and posted it. It's the same on Patreon.
Furrynomous 2019/05/13 15:59:28 No.1588725
Page 14 is on patreon. anyone got it yet?
Furrynomous 2019/05/13 16:36:25 No.1588733
File: DOXY_JUD3_13text_u18chan.png - (1.34mb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_13text.png)
Page is on

Edited at 2019/05/13 16:39:40
Furrynomous 2019/05/13 18:29:14 No.1588767
Sorry but, this is fucking disgusting.
Furrynomous 2019/05/13 19:26:15 No.1588795
File: Dmhdxe8U0AEQmt8_u18chan.jpg - (15.17kb, 480x478, Dmhdxe8U0AEQmt8.jpg)
>"Push that pink pucker out"
Furrynomous 2019/05/13 20:58:39 No.1588818
Pretty unf, I like meaty squish.
Furrynomous 2019/05/13 21:08:19 No.1588823
What, does he want her to prolapse?
Furrynomous 2019/05/14 01:13:33 No.1588914
I hope she farts in his face
Furrynomous 2019/05/14 04:42:47 No.1588971
File: 1543103408819_u18chan.png - (1.31mb, 718x944, 1543103408819.png)
Furrynomous 2019/05/14 14:37:38 No.1589147
so don't read it
Furrynomous 2019/05/14 15:38:35 No.1589192
OK I was wrong. The pages just got released in the wrong order.
Furrynomous 2019/05/14 15:51:11 No.1589194
is that dog tripping on rainbow colored shitparticles
Furrynomous 2019/05/19 16:09:29 No.1591643
Furrynomous 2019/05/20 02:40:38 No.1591845
Can someone explain what's going on here?
Furrynomous 2019/05/20 09:19:33 No.1591924
Furrynomous 2019/05/20 14:51:02 No.1592058
Okay so he's going to have her push out her cervix or prolapse her anus? Wtf?
Furrynomous 2019/05/20 19:22:30 No.1592146
A hero emerges from the mist......"what is going on here?"
Furrynomous 2019/05/20 19:45:57 No.1592152
File: aVlpM1rr_700w_0_u18chan.jpg - (82.93kb, 700x767, aVlpM1rr_700w_0.jpg)
Furrynomous 2019/05/20 21:28:46 No.1592192
One of the most powerful memes I've ever seen. You've used it wisely; however, use it sparingly.
Furrynomous 2019/05/21 06:12:15 No.1592270
File: NopeButton_u18chan.gif - (284.84kb, 248x200, NopeButton.gif)
Furrynomous 2019/05/24 06:58:24 No.1593313
And speaking of XXXpots and anals, I edited several of his artwork from anal to vaginal.

Just to show how far I like his art but don't like anal at the same time.
Furrynomous 2019/05/24 08:08:09 No.1593318
So I guess when a DP is involved its fine or better because it a bonus?
Furrynomous 2019/05/24 14:01:17 No.1593372
I think theres a new pinup out, can someone post it?
Furrynomous 2019/05/25 00:03:08 No.1593547
File: 006_68_u18chan.png - (1.69mb, 1285x1750, 006.png)
Yes, I'm having fun.
Furrynomous 2019/05/25 08:41:57 No.1593629
Is it bad that i was hoping she was "dolled up" like Otterton?
Furrynomous 2019/05/25 13:03:12 No.1593694
holy shit 15-17 came out all at once, can someone post them?!
Furrynomous 2019/05/25 13:14:20 No.1593696
File: dafuqugonflipitfor_0_u18chan.jpg - (191.92kb, 1285x1750, dafuqugonflipitfor.jpg)

Edited at 2019/05/25 13:15:08
Furrynomous 2019/05/25 18:56:46 No.1593767
File: DOXY_JUD3_15text__u18chan.png - (1.51mb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_15text_.png)

Furrynomous 2019/05/25 18:56:50 No.1593768
File: DOXY_JUD3_16text__u18chan.png - (1.28mb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_16text_.png)
Furrynomous 2019/05/25 18:56:52 No.1593769
File: DOXY_JUD3_17text__u18chan.png - (1.42mb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_17text_.png)
Furrynomous 2019/05/25 20:27:08 No.1593806
Lovely squishy pinkness.
Furrynomous 2019/05/25 21:48:27 No.1593826
Oof nice gaping
Furrynomous 2019/05/25 22:12:33 No.1593831
Its amazing how clean that hole is
Furrynomous 2019/05/27 15:55:56 No.1594504
File: DOXY_JUD3_18text__u18chan.png - (1.19mb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_18text_.png)

Edited at 2019/05/27 16:50:07
Furrynomous 2019/05/27 16:20:33 No.1594535
welcome to furry land
Furrynomous 2019/05/27 16:21:51 No.1594536
It.. looks like her eyes are stickers sliding off her face.. which already looks like wax sagging in the sun x.x
Furrynomous 2019/05/27 19:47:34 No.1594672
I can tell no lie, this comic and this artist's work in general kinda creeps me out.
Furrynomous 2019/05/27 23:47:32 No.1594729

I like how he draws Judy most of the time. I just wish the content was a little more vanilla.
Furrynomous 2019/05/28 13:11:33 No.1594846
I gotta admit, I wan't digging the gaping and sniffling, but this blackmail and stripping is pretty damn hot.
Furrynomous 2019/05/28 14:35:50 No.1594869

Yeah... the gaping is shit, I don't think anyone is enjoying it other than the artist to be frank. But the way he draws judy and everything else is pretty nice. Sniffing was odd but... hopefully it veers away from terrible back to bearable.
Furrynomous 2019/05/28 18:40:30 No.1594968

I like everything about this. I even pay for it.
Furrynomous 2019/05/28 21:03:03 No.1595009
File: 1556421599024_u18chan.jpg - (37.6kb, 339x338, 1556421599024.jpg)
> Not having an anal fetish in 2019

Edited at 2019/05/29 02:53:58
Furrynomous 2019/05/28 21:36:26 No.1595019
the whole reason i like this comic is cause its NOT vanilla tbh
Furrynomous 2019/05/28 21:41:06 No.1595021

Do not speak on my behalf.
Furrynomous 2019/05/29 18:05:12 No.1595418
File: Icantfaptothisshit_u18chan.jpg - (89.67kb, 1472x1080, I can't fap to this shit.jpg)
Sooo... Doxy isn't even trying anymore?
First the characters don't behave like the characters, then they don't even look like the characters and now not even a decent anatomy?
Where the fuck are the buttocks? What is that ridiculous gap?
Furrynomous 2019/05/29 20:42:21 No.1595499
Furrynomous 2019/05/30 21:21:51 No.1596277
New pinup, can someone post it?
Furrynomous 2019/05/30 23:49:16 No.1596345

You guys aren't gonna like it.
Furrynomous 2019/05/31 00:04:34 No.1596351
I DONT CARE, POST IT PLEASE. dont deprive us of a possible dumpster fire
Furrynomous 2019/05/31 00:25:32 No.1596360

Nick puts his whole head up there. Wears her like a hat, you sure you want it?
Furrynomous 2019/05/31 00:42:15 No.1596369
Bring it on, post it!
Are you prepared Shaggy 2019/05/31 00:47:18 No.1596371
Once you see it there is no going back of what’s about to come
Furrynomous 2019/05/31 01:07:43 No.1596379
that Trojan burns
Furrynomous 2019/05/31 01:10:42 No.1596381
Furrynomous 2019/05/31 01:14:10 No.1596382
Hey this guy is just a big phony
Furrynomous 2019/05/31 10:45:43 No.1596496
Can someone just post it already
2019/05/31 12:32:07 No.1596513
I'm more mad she can't keep the uniform on it would have been hotter that way tbh. Maybe rip the pants open or keep the knee/foot protection and upper body gear.
Furrynomous 2019/05/31 17:28:32 No.1596610
Does nobody actually have the pic?
Furrynomous 2019/05/31 19:42:31 No.1596647

Yeeeees!! I thought the same, now every scene will be much less hotter =/ .
Furrynomous 2019/06/01 14:42:05 No.1596931
Why has nobody posted the pinups
Furrynomous 2019/06/01 17:51:50 No.1597056
Because they think you're smelly.
Furrynomous 2019/06/02 01:31:06 No.1597206

Because this comic is hot garbage.
Furrynomous 2019/06/02 04:35:59 No.1597239
Then why are you here, retard? You can leave any time.
Furrynomous 2019/06/02 05:16:47 No.1597245
Leave me alone.
Furrynomous 2019/06/02 09:49:14 No.1597281
File: IMG_20190601_212153_u18chan.jpg - (213.27kb, 1870x2048, IMG_20190601_212153.jpg)
new pinup
Furrynomous 2019/06/02 11:08:25 No.1597296
That doesnt look like the preview for the "ssssssssuction" pinup, and the style looks different too. you sure thats even by doxy?
Furrynomous 2019/06/02 13:18:35 No.1597336
Actually no, Sssonic2 did that pinup of judy on his patreon, doxy did do it.
Furrynomous 2019/06/03 09:39:13 No.1597706
File: Judpull_u18chan.png - (1.41mb, 1102x1500, Judpull.png)

Furrynomous 2019/06/03 12:48:55 No.1597748
Lemme be the first to say

how the f u c c
Furrynomous 2019/06/03 15:58:28 No.1597812
File: xHON5vZ-Imgur_u18chan.gif - (2.18mb, 500x324, xHON5vZ - Imgur.gif)
Noot noot
Furrynomous 2019/06/03 16:07:32 No.1597814
At first I thought her left leg was a pool of blood...
Furrynomous 2019/06/03 17:21:03 No.1597836
protip: if you're going to do anal, don't make the dicks this dark and vainy since it always looks like a shit
Furrynomous 2019/06/03 19:24:30 No.1597898

I think you need to see a doctor. Your poo isn't supposed to be dark purple and veiny.
Furrynomous 2019/06/04 18:43:41 No.1598289
You forgot that that's what doxy is into
Furrynomous 2019/06/05 20:13:05 No.1598688
>Small girls taking big dicks in the ass

This is my fetish.
Furrynomous 2019/06/06 11:26:35 No.1598979
Theres another pinup out, anyone have it?
Furrynomous 2019/06/08 00:47:42 No.1599542

is it because you have a pencil for a dick and have to compensate?
Furrynomous 2019/06/08 02:47:52 No.1599573
Furrynomous 2019/06/08 15:02:32 No.1599763
Can someone post the new pinup?
Furrynomous 2019/06/10 09:47:12 No.1600557
File: collected_u18chan.png - (4.14mb, 3000x1998, collected.png)

Furrynomous 2019/06/10 16:12:36 No.1600652
how did she get the shirt over her head
Furrynomous 2019/06/11 14:07:36 No.1600889

She lifted the shirt up and over her head and now the bottom front edge of her shirt is on the back of her neck.
Furrynomous 2019/06/13 05:56:34 No.1601664
Not with the size of that head she isn't
Only thought i had at new image Furrynomous 2019/06/17 12:19:26 No.1603707
One Jizz Burger with extra Special sause, and a side of Penis Colada coming up
Furrynomous 2019/06/22 22:06:29 No.1605229
NEW PAGE OUT, someone post it before the fucking site goes down again
Furrynomous 2019/06/23 20:37:00 No.1605562
File: Doxy_JUD2_19text_u18chan.png - (1.69mb, 1000x1500, Doxy_JUD2_19text.png)

Furrynomous 2019/06/24 08:49:02 No.1605688

well.... Nicks packing some underwhelming junk.

No knot either. After what Judes been through you'd think this would be a hot dog down a hallway scenario
Furrynomous 2019/06/24 10:53:42 No.1605723
Knowing that this chapter is gonna have NTR and transformation, my guess is Judy's in heat and makes Nick pull out. Then later in the day some rando knocks her up and it destroys Nick.
Furrynomous 2019/06/24 13:16:50 No.1605780
Well this new page is actually kind of hot, I do hope we aren’t cheated out of a good regular sex scene before it gets into full NTR town
Furrynomous 2019/06/24 13:44:47 No.1605786
Could be worse. This could be the NTR, robbing her from a life of drugs and cocks the size of her midsection.
Furrynomous 2019/06/24 17:41:05 No.1605856
I mean I'd just rather we have both and no NTR. Like Judy postulates that why yes taking a dick smaller than a fire hydrant can be quite pleasurable still while later on still going HMM although this wild cocktail of drugs melting my brain ALSO makes these elephant dicks stretching me like a party balloon feel quite good as well. Look's like ol'Jude got herself into an indecision pickle once again.

Also Nicks Dick is still about as thick as her goddamned arm so I'm calling bullshit if 3 pages from now she's like "theres no way a dick this small will satisfy me"
Furrynomous 2019/06/25 04:54:21 No.1606078
I don't think doxy ever did impregnation stuff before.
Furrynomous 2019/06/25 12:21:55 No.1606205
Yet another page is out, someone post it
Furrynomous 2019/06/25 12:37:03 No.1606211

Weird that this chapter is going to have NTR, until now Nick didn't seen to give any fucks to her doing other guys...
Furrynomous 2019/06/25 13:09:56 No.1606226
How much of the shit in this comic have they done before?
Furrynomous 2019/06/27 00:29:38 No.1606714
Anyone got the new page
Furrynomous 2019/06/27 15:06:18 No.1606962
I am cautiously interested.

Actual vaginal sex. No two-litre-coke-bottle cocks, no disgusting kinks inserted out of fucking nowhere (yet).

I'm interested in how many pages it takes Doxy to completely fuck up the only interesting part of the comic.

I'm gonna go with two.

Next page will be okay, page after that will ruin it.
Furrynomous 2019/06/27 15:07:58 No.1606963
File: Rabbit_0_u18chan.png - (614.89kb, 1000x665, Rabbit.png)

You know... based on the past of this comic, I expect something closer to this:
Furrynomous 2019/06/27 15:42:01 No.1606976
File: WhoAreWeKidding_u18chan.png - (548.1kb, 1000x665, WhoAreWeKidding.png)

Nah. who are we kidding, it should have been closer to this:
Furrynomous 2019/06/27 15:58:52 No.1606980
Furrynomous 2019/06/27 17:16:28 No.1606988
can someone post the ACTUAL new page
Furrynomous 2019/06/27 18:49:58 No.1607007

It's literally here, you dingus

Furrynomous 2019/06/28 00:02:08 No.1607102
Page 20 is out now, isnt that one Page 19?
Furrynomous 2019/06/28 00:03:07 No.1607103
Scratch that, 20-22 are on patreon now! Anyone got them yet?
Furrynomous 2019/06/28 16:39:20 No.1607319
Hopes she finally gets knocked up.
Furrynomous 2019/06/28 19:12:03 No.1607368
File: DOXY_JUD3_20text_u18chan.png - (2mb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_20text.png)
Here's the latest pages
Furrynomous 2019/06/28 19:12:05 No.1607369
File: DOXY_JUD3_21text_u18chan.png - (1.92mb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_21text.png)
Furrynomous 2019/06/28 19:12:07 No.1607370
File: DOXY_JUD3_22text_u18chan.png - (2.02mb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_22text.png)
Furrynomous 2019/06/28 23:04:40 No.1607423
STELLAR writing right there oh man.

Feels like Doxy begrudgingly gave in to drawing Judy and Nick fucking but is actively reminding the reader how much he hates it.

Edited at 2019/06/28 23:13:57
Furrynomous 2019/06/29 01:18:34 No.1607466
This new shit is boring as fuck. Hopefully something more extreme happens soon, to stay in the spirit of the comic so far.
Furrynomous 2019/06/29 01:37:46 No.1607469
Not everyone wants your freaky fetish trash.
Furrynomous 2019/06/29 03:20:27 No.1607495

For sure, but now the comic makes literally 0 sense. Had it started this way, it would have made sense, as it would be closer to fitting the characters. But it didn't. So now, it has no real direction at all. It is just a pile or mismanaged trash that makes no sense for either audience. Do one or the other, don't do both.
Furrynomous 2019/06/29 04:31:44 No.1607513
The quality does a nosedive now.... sad
Furrynomous 2019/06/29 04:36:00 No.1607515
I was under the impression that she was hopped up on whatever that drug is when she was taking those mountain dicks and now she's sober and we0re discovering the other side of her personality. At least it makes sense to me like that.
Furrynomous 2019/06/29 05:12:17 No.1607524
maybe she just found out she doesnt actually *like* being fucked by things the size of her body.
Furrynomous 2019/06/29 17:38:43 No.1607709
well let's see when "love" lasts. At least we are overdvised with the NTR to not expect things other than doxy
Furrynomous 2019/06/29 18:12:29 No.1607724
Plot twist, the drug did nothing all along. It doesn't work on anything but predators, which otters are and bunnies aren't. She's just a huge slut.
Furrynomous 2019/06/29 22:01:35 No.1607792
predictable twist prediction: they start a relationship, but judy ends up getting off more on cheating on nick than feeling like she belonged to him. nick is forced to watch which he's somewhat neutral to, but then gets his neck snapped in the background and stuffed into a dufflebag.
Furrynomous 2019/06/29 23:08:50 No.1607811

Furrynomous 2019/06/30 00:41:37 No.1607838
Furrynomous 2019/06/30 03:39:50 No.1607912

The way this is going, flip their roles and you might get what you want.
Furrynomous 2019/06/30 11:47:31 No.1608032
Pg 23 is out on Doxy's patreon -- would anybody please be willing to share it? Thanks :)
Furrynomous 2019/06/30 12:10:10 No.1608040
File: orvYj8o_u18chan.gif - (782.36kb, 480x270, orvYj8o.gif)
Furrynomous 2019/06/30 12:59:39 No.1608053

I think the NTR Doxy has in mind is that he's gonna give up on Judy because of how messed up she got, work her over how he likes, then either one decides they would have liked to be together and gets cucked by the other's decisions. Feels like Nick is grudge-humping Judy so maybe Judy will be the one who gets into a downward spiral or something after over Nick and fills the void with drugs and oversized pingas.

Maybe. Who knows.
Furrynomous 2019/06/30 14:51:02 No.1608083
Yeah, this is so fucking offputting
"Hey guys, okay, Imma draw Judy and Nick fuck, but FUCK not 'making-love' or anthing, there will be constant reminders that there is zero-possiblity of them ever having anything"

like dude, ok, if you don't want my money... I just edit out this horrid text for myself.
Furrynomous 2019/06/30 21:51:33 No.1608254
I'm betting on Judy getting hooked on Nick, cleaning herself up slightly, then finding out Nick is fucking someone else because they where never a serious item and he flat out told her she was too much of a whore now for him to be serious with. Then trigger relapse and then bad end for her.
Furrynomous 2019/07/01 02:40:24 No.1608336
Am I the only one who actually likes how he's writing this?

I mean this essentially a porno AU where Judy's become a drugged up cockslut essentially. He's pretty much saying "hey I don't think we could do the whole suburban monogamous shtick but I honestly like this whole fucking you like a cheap whore thing."

Not everything's gotta be wholesome imo
Furrynomous 2019/07/01 10:53:17 No.1608421
People that are actually looking for story and substance and a happy love ending between Nick and Judy when this comic is about her being a druggie cockslut lmao

Furries are fuckin absurd
Furrynomous 2019/07/01 11:59:20 No.1608436
File: DOXY_JUD3_23text_u18chan.png - (736.47kb, 620x930, DOXY_JUD3_23text.png)
People getting SO in their feelings about this comic is probably half the entertainment value.
Furrynomous 2019/07/01 14:15:01 No.1608478
I don't care if there is "zero-possiblity of them ever having anything", I read porn comics to see the characters fuck, not to watch them build a life-long relationship
Furrynomous 2019/07/01 14:18:49 No.1608484
Seriously worries about cum inside? it's not like Judy had been stuffed with semen from ten different animals at the same time
Furrynomous 2019/07/01 14:34:32 No.1608490
There's nothing wrong with the writing or story, it's the fact that he's using the Zootopia movie characters to suit his extreme fetishes despite how wildly out of character they are solely to bank off their popularity.

It's pure cringe.
Furrynomous 2019/07/01 15:14:45 No.1608513
You can literally choose from thousand of generic furry porn comics for jerking off dude, a FAN-comic is suppose to be made for the fans of the characters.
Furrynomous 2019/07/01 16:40:02 No.1608535
The only thing "cringe" is shippers getting buttmad abt porn comics 3 years after the movie came out
Furrynomous 2019/07/01 16:54:39 No.1608541
You can't be this blind anon, he clearly wrote the story first and just inserted two recognizable icons for the easiest paycheck.

I don't even fault him for doing it but don't pretend this comic is meant to do any form of justice to these characters.
Furrynomous 2019/07/01 17:10:54 No.1608550
She had plenty of dudes cum in her pussy with her not get pregnant all and now he's scared he might? This is so fucking stupid.
Furrynomous 2019/07/01 17:11:12 No.1608551
She had plenty of dudes cum in her pussy with her not get pregnant all and now he's scared he might? This is so fucking stupid.
Furrynomous 2019/07/01 19:09:35 No.1608585
Clearly it's just a cheap excuse to do some anal. And another shot at degrading Judy.
Furrynomous 2019/07/01 19:24:14 No.1608587
I think you're missing a big part of why he's doing this: corruption is it's own fetish, and a fairly big one (surprisingly) at that, that very often preys on established characters like Judy. Go browse around some hentai doujinshi catalogs and you'll see TONS that are built around that idea.

I think it's *more* of a leap to think Zootopia was just plastered onto it than that it was a good target for slut/corruption/degradation themes *because* the source material is so innocent (Also because I don't think the writing has shown a whole lot of signs of planning at all, really).

So why does it stray so far from the character then?

In the minds of fans of this material, it doesn't, and that's the point.

Characters betraying how you see them at first --innocent, naive, cute, etc.-- and actually being 'cock-hungry sluts' is the whole thing. It plays into the notion/hope/fear (a number of fetishes seem to be born of fear) that that cute, innocent, naive girl you like is secretly not that way, just like it's sister fetish, NTR, and its obsession with deceit and betrayal.

It often means taking the characters far, far away from how we've seen them in their other, original appearances. That's the point. BUT, in the conceit of the narrative, it *isn't* supposed to be "out of character"; the implication is that we've only ever seen the 'front' that character puts up (which is sort of true; we never see anyone get down and dirty in Zootopia, and people can put on/take off some crazy masks once the bedroom is involved). The idea that they aren't that innocent is part of what gets these fans rocks off, for a lot of reasons, some of which are rather unsightly (see the incel 'community' and its views on women).

Apparently enough people get a kick out of that for it to be wildly profitable. And then there's all those people just like to take something innocent and degrade it mercilessly, character accuracy be damned, who will also lap it up.

Stupidly longwinded point being, it seems at *least* as likely to me that it was written 100% with Zootopia in mind. A Judy-er Judy would have been really nice, but I think this is just Onta trying to squish Judy into that fetish, and it hasn't convinced that many.

At least, eh, ~most~ of the panels are pretty hot, dialogue notwithstanding.
Furrynomous 2019/07/01 19:57:49 No.1608598
So...he just happened to write a story about a rookie cop falling prey to psychoactive drugs, a furry movie about a rookie cop & psychoactive drugs came out, and then he waited three years to cram them together into a comic? Seems simpler & more likely to me that he just felt like making a Zootopia sex farce, but I guess anything's possible.

Anyway, if you're really hurting for romantic in-character Wildehopps stories, you should check out weatheredlaw and Falke's Zootopia fics on AO3. Lovely stuff.
Furrynomous 2019/07/01 21:03:20 No.1608622
It's not really about wanting a romantic story per se, just a story where they act more in character. A darker themed zootopia sex comic would be great but like >>1608587 said this writing isn't convincing many that this was originally written to be even remotely in line with how the characters actually behave.

I mean the basic concept here boils down to 'authority figure corrupted with sex crazed lust' which is actually a fairly common fetish. Given the sort of content Doxy normally draws I would wager he already had a comic like this in mind that he just slapped the zootopia ip on top of with little thought.
Furrynomous 2019/07/01 23:05:52 No.1608666
Thank you for explaining this to all of the dumbasses in this thread
Furrynomous 2019/07/02 00:51:50 No.1608699
Can't make a good story around corruption if the protag isn't sweet, innocent, or naive to begin with. Judy is perfect for a story like this because of how she is canonically; sweet, innocent, naive. Makes the contrast stronger.

Now if this isn't your fetish or preference than that's a separate thing. This isn't the place to look for a story that has their best interests in mind
Furrynomous 2019/07/02 02:20:49 No.1608727
>she is canonically; sweet, innocent, naive. Makes the contrast stronger
Literally page one of this whole series she's out on the street as a pretend prostitute, gets double stuffed by two guys by page three, and is pretty much an entirely different person by page four.

There's next to no contrast to work with in the story, especially if you hadn't seen the movie.
Furrynomous 2019/07/02 05:01:55 No.1608789
Not to mention how nick isn't being corrupted and he's literally calling Judy dirt.
If anything he should be the one that gets upset about her corruption because that gives us a reference point of how far she's fallen.
Instead we get cringe dialog that seems more a jab at the audience than anything that followed a scene where nick made her eat cumpuke because nick is as degrading as the fucked sex drug criminals?
Furrynomous 2019/07/02 10:33:12 No.1608846

Very good points.

Although, here I think Nick is also acting as the "I can't believe she'd be with someone who treats her like that" kind of character that a lot of those kinds of comics have.

Also, another trope is a character like Nick stepping up to the plate as another 'bad boy' for her, and it looks like he's got her, but then ultimately he too is 'defeated' by the power of monster cock. I don't *think* that's where this is going, given how she's responding to the sex, but it might be.

All this could just be because it's a bit of a clumsy version of this kind of comic, and Doxy likes the characters getting super kinky but isn't actually into the 'characters get destroyed emotionally' side of it, so we get this sort of 'everyone's kinky, get over it' story.

Ultimately, I think it's just a loose string of things to get Judy fucked in whatever way Doxy wants next, with some loose through-lines here and there.
Furrynomous 2019/07/02 12:08:07 No.1608866
Could someone post a higher res of Page 23?
Furrynomous 2019/07/02 23:36:24 No.1609028

I mean, if you saw Zootopia I don't think you need an explanation of who Judy is or what she's like. Skip straight to the lewds and such makes more sense.

As for Nick's corruption, maybe its via Judy's corruption. Not as direct, but more like him giving up on Judy and becoming pessimistic and bitter since he watched the girl he actually considered being with go off on her Undercover job and get boinked six ways to sunday and hooked on nighthowlix.

So this degrading play Nick is doing is because that's all he has left of Judy. They already tore the wings off the proverbial butterfly and now your left with something broken.
Furrynomous 2019/07/03 17:07:01 No.1609314
These are rather weak arguments and mostly just assumptions. According to the comics these events have taken place over a few days, over which we have seen zero indication of Nick being bent out of shape over Judy's nighty ventures, and hell most of the time he just taunts her for it. There is no 'corruption' to speak of happening here for him as he's the same smug asshole right from the get go.

Like I've said before, this was never written to be accurate to how these characters would behave. They're being used solely for their image likeness for profit and I'm fine with that as long as the artwork holds up but I don't for a second pretend it's meant be a legit fancomic.
Furrynomous 2019/07/03 20:25:01 No.1609371
Furrynomous 2019/07/04 09:38:47 No.1609606
This comic is so shit thanks doxy
Cactus Sauce For Your Nachos 2019/07/04 10:20:50 No.1609618
No Shit, Sherlock.

The movie itself was horrible, yet you expect fan-fictions to be any better? HAHA! XD
Furrynomous 2019/07/05 00:33:07 No.1609801
Finally, someone who gets it.
Furrynomous 2019/07/05 05:52:40 No.1609860
File: DOXY_JUD3_24btext_u18chan.jpg - (163.09kb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_24btext.jpg)

Furrynomous 2019/07/05 06:01:19 No.1609861
File: DOXY_JUD3_24btext_u18chan.png - (2.34mb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_24btext.png)
Better version also, didn't he switch to anal or is this out of order?
Chipotle Mayo for Sweet Potatoes 2019/07/05 07:02:07 No.1609875
Zootopia is illogical, most the characters anatomically weren't even Anthropo- + -morphic, and had political narratives implemented in it.
Furrynomous 2019/07/05 07:25:21 No.1609877
Maybe some of his patreon asked for more vaginal.
Or Nick missed without him noticing, knocks Judy up and the transformation will be about Nick needing to accept the role of a father.

>Next comic is sneak sex while the baby is sleeping in the crib next to them
Furrynomous 2019/07/05 07:34:10 No.1609878
Actually, this would be 23 and the previous page would be 24 Doxy forgot to post it.
Furrynomous 2019/07/05 07:54:32 No.1609881
File: Nooooooooo_u18chan.gif - (57.72kb, 220x220, Nooooooooo.gif)
>My "fuck her till she is waifu material" fetish won't come true

Edited at 2019/07/05 07:55:50
Furrynomous 2019/07/05 14:27:54 No.1609993
why does her shirt keep changing colors
Furrynomous 2019/07/05 21:31:52 No.1610092
There's two kinda people in this thread:

The first half is the people here who just wants judy to be fine;

And then you have other half who wants to see her heavily pregnant, bruised and overdosed corpse tossed carelessly into a dumpster with no limbs after having been turned into a living fleshlight while her brain was being fried by the drugs (miss otterton is in there too, BIG SURPRISE) so the bad guys win and then nick shows up and spits and pisses on the corpse while saying how much of a dirty worthless whore she was before going to cuck her grieving mom.
Furrynomous 2019/07/05 22:05:16 No.1610106

> And then you have other half who wants to see her heavily pregnant, bruised and overdosed corpse tossed carelessly into a dumpster with no limbs after having been turned into a living fleshlight while her brain was being fried by the drugs (miss otterton is in there too, BIG SURPRISE) so the bad guys win and then nick shows up and spits and pisses on the corpse while saying how much of a dirty worthless whore she was before going to cuck her grieving mom.

That is hot AF.
Furrynomous 2019/07/05 22:17:36 No.1610111
Look man, just hurry up and degenerate enough that it wraps back around and you think vanilla is hot again. We'll all be better off.
Furrynomous 2019/07/05 23:58:52 No.1610151

Never going to happen. I don't even get aroused from vaginal sex anymore.
Furrynomous 2019/07/06 11:45:07 No.1610315
Not my proudest fap, but a good one nonetheless.
Furrynomous 2019/07/06 21:26:23 No.1610478
Degeneracy doesn't work like that anon, after ten+ years on the internet I still find vanilla pinups as hot as any sex scene. Degenerates are born degenerate and nothing will help them.
Furrynomous 2019/07/07 01:14:41 No.1610638
>no u
ok anon, you keep telling yourself that.
Furrynomous 2019/07/07 09:32:27 No.1610796
You shure have no right to judge over anyone. Brainless fool. People like you just look for a new witch hunt. Better stay away, you aren't needed.
Chocolate IceCream is not Vanilla 2019/07/07 11:01:10 No.1610826
File: D7D-QnaUIAANQ4_1_u18chan.jpg - (132.27kb, 822x1152, D7D-QnaUIAANQ4_ (1).jpg)
>Stop calling me a degenerate, Anon! Keep it to yourself!

Fact #1: Vanillas do not come on this site for yiff.

Fact #2: Yiffers may be degenerate but are on the tolerable scale due to 'anthropo-' + '-morphic' bodies.

Fact #3: While being one yourself and calling your fellow yiffer a degenerate will not make you a vanilla.

Fact #4: Zoophilia, cub porn, feral porn is on the extreme end on the scale of Degeneracy and therefore are intolerable. Even this site acknowledges this fact, otherwise why else they are put in 'The Basement' category?

Fact #5: Vanillas wouldn't even call it 'The Basement', they call it 'Oven categorical'. They would literally throw you in the fire.

Fact #6: Jody Hopps has the body of a titless midget. By fapping to yiff images of her only shows that you are willing to fuck a titless midget in real life. ;^)

I am friends with vanillas, trolls, and white nationalists. I know how they think, I know how you yiffers think, and I also know how the basement shitposters think. As a matter of fact, even yiffers are disgusted by the Basement degenerates. This is why even furries kink-shame each other within the fandom.



If you are one of those degenerates who visit The Basement threads, then you deserve being witch hunted. ;^)

Fact #7: A person who browses and masturbate to feral porn has the mind of a zoophile.

Fact #8: A person who browses and masturbates to cub porn has the mind of a Chris Hansen.

Fact #9: A person who browses and masturbates to roadkills has the mind of a necrophile.

Fact #10: All three of them always use the "it's just a drawing" excuse. They honestly think it makes them better than "the actuals".

Fact #11: Even milder degenerates such as hentai weebs and yiffers enjoy kink shaming degenerates at the extreme end. They are also more willingly to team up vanillas who troll furries. Some even go far enough to join Kiwifarms. Take a look at animal control, it's full of furries talking shit about other furries. I personally never joined it, but my friend shitposts there and shares his posts with me in DMs. I'm more of a spectator. ;^)
Furrynomous 2019/07/07 11:33:58 No.1610830
I think it is absolutely adorable that you furfags think you can judge each other. Shut up and fap.
Furrynomous 2019/07/07 12:34:25 No.1610847
>no but really u tho
Furrynomous 2019/07/07 12:35:42 No.1610848
Might need some cleanup in here soon
Furrynomous 2019/07/07 17:08:44 No.1610922
>you furfags

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
Furrynomous 2019/07/07 20:24:06 No.1610998
it will be the furry version of emergence
2019/07/07 20:35:40 No.1611000
New upload lads!
YOU FURFAGS >:( 2019/07/07 22:13:26 No.1611014
You got it all wrong, fam.

Correction: You furfags make me sick. Leave the poor bunny alone. >:(
Furrynomous 2019/07/08 02:39:42 No.1611069
Except Shindol can actually write a compelling story, even with fucked up subject matter. (See: Fragile and Tough)

This shit is just dumb.
Furrynomous 2019/07/08 15:01:10 No.1611244
anyone got the new page
Carrotcake Goku 2019/07/08 23:12:40 No.1611391
File: anotherchart_u18chan.png - (306.83kb, 1030x355, another chart.png)
My fellow furries, this here is a useful chart to determine what is considered yiff material.
Furrynomous 2019/07/12 06:39:46 No.1612804
wheres the new page
Furrynomous 2019/07/12 11:14:20 No.1612876
Would anybody be kind enough to share page 25? :)
Furrynomous 2019/07/14 04:48:59 No.1614560
Head, shoulder, knees and toes.
Furrynomous 2019/07/14 15:55:45 No.1614821
File: JudyHoppyButtPlugDigitalGarden_u18chan.jpg - (1.82mb, 2480x3220, Judy Hoppy ButtPlug Digital Garden.jpg)
got tired of waiting to see Judy made into a buttplug
Furrynomous 2019/07/15 03:41:59 No.1615449

1. lol
2. Sweet jebus that is a big animal that has her
3. So... she just dies? Should have inserted a tube that gives her a way to breath.
2019/07/16 08:30:13 No.1616783
Unfortunately the post update function is down on yp, so only way to get updates is from an actual member
Furrynomous 2019/07/17 15:22:54 No.1617243
File: DOXY_JUD3_24_text_u18chan.jpg - (197.28kb, 620x930, DOXY_JUD3_24_text.jpg)
Furrynomous 2019/07/17 15:22:57 No.1617244
File: DOXY_JUD3_25text_u18chan.png - (961.22kb, 620x930, DOXY_JUD3_25text.png)
Furrynomous 2019/07/17 15:22:59 No.1617245
File: DOXY_JUD3_26text_u18chan.png - (882.07kb, 620x930, DOXY_JUD3_26text.png)
Furrynomous 2019/07/17 16:49:06 No.1617278
Wow those are nice, but the res is a bit low
Furrynomous 2019/07/18 02:22:57 No.1617512
"Nick" should get that tumour checked out.
Furrynomous 2019/07/18 18:35:29 No.1617778
Marty and co died for this?
Furrynomous 2019/07/18 20:31:14 No.1617869
I'm glad. He said he'd never let them fuck outside the group. That went out the window as soon shit picked up... Let them die, and remember them for the good shit. As faggy as it is.
Furrynomous 2019/07/19 20:59:47 No.1618505
Yet another new page is out, P27. anyone got it?
Furrynomous 2019/07/20 23:53:05 No.1619022
What are you two talking about? I'm curious.
Furrynomous 2019/07/21 16:45:10 No.1619448
File: 698C178F-A46C-489F-B2DB-0D6C7CBCA2C5_u18chan.jpeg - (70.49kb, 592x900, 698C178F-A46C-489F-B2DB-0D6C7CBCA2C5.jpeg)
The Artist used to do gay popufur stuff
You’ve probably come across them at some point.
They moved to Zootopia stuff because it makes more money.
Furrynomous 2019/07/21 23:04:38 No.1619571

Somehow his body of work still got more gay over time.
Furrynomous 2019/07/22 08:16:55 No.1619688
It's not even that it's zootopia, I am in several zootopia themed adult groups of fans and artists and nobody likes this NTR Judy take in the fandom that Onta/Doxy did.

It's just NTR in general that has a large fanbase. These two could be any generic bunny and fox and He would still get the same result.

As for me, this comic looks very promising but I just know this thing is about to go downhill into some heart-wrenching "Judy just fell for Nick, but he rejects her cuz she is a slut, so she goes back to the street and be a public toilet"

It just, after an artists makes fun a pairing and a fandom with 2 comics, it's very unlikely that the 3rd one isn't going to do the same. I just can't get myself to trust the artist to go through with the ship and drop the "slut Judy that fucks any male" element.

[edit, fixed reply number]

Edited at 2019/07/22 09:37:39
Furrynomous 2019/07/22 19:53:08 No.1619896
It's been said again and again throughout the thread, Doxy never wrote this comic with Zootopia in mind. He wrote a NTR/BDSM comic and then stuck pieces of Zootopia over it.
Furrynomous 2019/07/26 09:42:43 No.1621569
It's also already been said why that's dumb and doesn't make sense if you think about it for literally two seconds.
Furrynomous 2019/07/26 13:07:13 No.1621638
That logic literally makes no sense people can keep trying to defend what doxy say but if you had no intentions to put zootopia characters in this style of Storytelling then why would you deliberately put zootopia characters in this type of Storytelling which mean doxy intentionally meant to do that from the beginning
Furrynomous 2019/07/26 20:56:22 No.1621786
Pages 28 and 29 are out. anyone got them?
Furrynomous 2019/07/26 21:59:12 No.1621801
I personally think it's hilarious that an artist like Doxy, who was some nazi when it came to issuing out DMCA removal requests, is using copyrighted characters to make a living off of XD
Wonder what Disney would say to an artist using their characters for their business and pornographic at that. Bit hypocritical.

That's why I dont understand how people can get their panties in a knot over most of their atrocious "OC's" that look like piles of shit, and claiming copyrights lol and in the mean time, find no issue with pornographic depictions of other copyright characters. Furry hypocrisy.
Furrynomous 2019/07/27 17:36:44 No.1622163
It's pretty obvious if you thought at all, let alone for two seconds.

You could easily deliberately use any character to suit any story if you write them out of character enough.
Furrynomous 2019/07/28 15:30:06 No.1622458
lol is it?

Is the idea here that he wrote this script years ago before Zootopia came out? And it was so good he sat on it for three years waiting for the perfect moment to cash in on Zootopia hype, three years after the movie?

It's also way easier to write dialogue for a comic as you block out the pages instead of writing everything beforehand. And he's posted WIP versions, corrections, alternates, etc. Were those just a ruse to make it look like he's making it up as he goes? Why? It's not a nuanced or complicated story, literally anyone could come up with one of these pages on a napkin in 10 minutes.

Your idea means Doxy did a ton of unnecessary extra work to no benefit for himself, just to hurt your feelings about Zootopia shipping.

That's dumb.
Furrynomous 2019/07/29 06:53:19 No.1622692
Post the new pagesssss
Furrynomous 2019/07/29 09:32:43 No.1622725
You're trying way too hard not to see the obvious anon. No, the idea is he just wanted to make a bdsm/ntr comic and instead of using original characters he instead crammed in these ooc zootopia character look-alikes in order to profit off their popularity.
Furrynomous 2019/07/29 18:04:32 No.1622916
someone mind posting new stuff plz?
Furrynomous 2019/07/29 23:57:13 No.1623050
File: DOXY_JUD3_28text_u18chan.png - (2.1mb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_28text.png)

Furrynomous 2019/07/29 23:57:16 No.1623051
File: DOXY_JUD3_29text_u18chan.png - (2.2mb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_29text.png)
Furrynomous 2019/07/30 08:04:30 No.1623265
While I dislike a fair bit of this comic, gotta admit I do like these two pages
Furrynomous 2019/07/31 08:56:54 No.1623739
Would you also have page 27 ?
Furrynomous 2019/07/31 17:59:16 No.1623963
The pages are numbered wrong. Doxy posted that he had a numbering issue.
26 is >>1617244
27 is >>1617245
28 is >>1623050
29 is >>1623051
basically, it all started when 23 and 24 were uploaded out of order by Doxy.
Furrynomous 2019/07/31 18:04:18 No.1623966
I think 26 is 27.
24 got named twice on different pages.
Furrynomous 2019/08/01 14:43:29 No.1624377
It seems page 30 is out, anyone have it?
Furrynomous 2019/08/01 23:05:53 No.1624571
The stretched ass kink was alright before, but it's getting kind of stupid now. That plug is wide enough to break her pelvis.
Furrynomous 2019/08/02 12:15:42 No.1624810

Agreed, the entire comic just seems to focus on the gape/stretch fetish, rather than actually having sex. How many pages are nothing but teasing/dominance play with no sexual contact, half the comic?

Whatever happened to oral sex. and proper cumshots, facial expressions that don't revolve around Judy, seems the males have no facial expressions a part from smug.
Furrynomous 2019/08/02 13:07:24 No.1624852
File: GoodCop_RS_u18chan.png - (1.51mb, 965x1397, GoodCop_RS.png)
somewhat related picture judy getting slammed by a dogge.

Good Cop.
Furrynomous 2019/08/05 01:40:37 No.1625987
File: DOXY_JUD3_30_text2_u18chan.png - (166.61kb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_30_text2.png)

Furrynomous 2019/08/05 02:05:42 No.1625991
Why does this version of Nick feels like the kind of jerk that would leak the pictures to make Judy loose her job out of revenge for fucking other dudes... and not addressing the fact that his BEST FRIEND became a drug addict, and instead of helping her get clean he just uses that to humiliate her

oh and Judy isn't even reacting to all the shit he said about that he is no longer interested in her in any way other than a fucktoy. Like... really real Judy would be at least a little bit heartbroken, and ask back whenever he really meant that.

I think I'm gonna puke, come the fuck on Doxy, you really can't make them at least act a little like themselves?

Edited at 2019/08/05 02:09:47
Furrynomous 2019/08/05 03:22:56 No.1626005
Because it wasn't written to include Zootopia characters, just their likeness.
Furrynomous 2019/08/05 03:26:52 No.1626006
>I think I'm gonna puke
Calm down, I know it's crap but you're way overreacting.

Edited at 2019/08/05 03:27:55
Furrynomous 2019/08/05 08:12:41 No.1626060
So...the creators of the drug now have magic dildo training devices? That seems very plot convenient.
Furrynomous 2019/08/05 10:51:35 No.1626099
i swear they are trying to make this comic impossible to masturbate to
Furrynomous 2019/08/05 12:47:24 No.1626159

XD totally agree, it seems like patreon is making artists give less and less shits, they just ask the random money bags paying for art what they want, and without ANY FILTER what-so-ever, they include it in the comic regardless of how shit the idea is.

Like imagine how bad a new star wars movie would be if they allowed fans to decide what happens in every scene? I think that's how this comic is being made. Onnta seems to not give two shits, keeps asking people for fetishes to incldue in every single frame so his patreon supporters feel like their money is well spent.

I'm old fashioned. I think comics should be based on properly written stories. there are countless zootopia fanfiction, find a good one, or hire a writer and make a good story and draw it. it's nothing complicated. then you dont end up with a shit story that makes no sense.
Furrynomous 2019/08/06 01:30:23 No.1626520
>"You'll get what you're yearning for"

Is he talking about knocking her up?
Furrynomous 2019/08/06 20:03:27 No.1627355
Or finally living up to her fantasy of taking an elephant up the ass.
Furrynomous 2019/08/07 08:21:22 No.1627550
On a separate point, I think this is the first confirmation and not just speculation that the drug makes cum addictive. And makes Nick an even bigger ass for dosing her knowing it was.
Furrynomous 2019/08/08 09:28:26 No.1628470
new page out, someone post plz
Furrynomous 2019/08/10 00:19:56 No.1629439
Anyone got Page 31?
Furrynomous 2019/08/10 02:53:05 No.1629472
The whole elephant.
2019/08/10 22:52:35 No.1629829
New upload lads!

Anyone got?
Furrynomous 2019/08/13 02:57:39 No.1630681
File: DOXY_JUD3_31_text_u18chan.jpg - (440.71kb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_31_text.jpg)

Furrynomous 2019/08/13 02:59:49 No.1630682
can we go back to vaginal sex now?
Furrynomous 2019/08/13 11:46:09 No.1630897
Let's not
Furrynomous 2019/08/13 12:15:13 No.1630906
I can't even be aroused by this anymore, I am just laughing myself to death at the absurdity of the plot
Furrynomous 2019/08/13 12:39:14 No.1630914
What? Nothing absurd about a magic sperm seeking buttplug
Furrynomous 2019/08/16 11:49:51 No.1631975
Page 32 is out!
Furrynomous 2019/08/17 19:06:15 No.1632455
someone post it!
Anon 2019/08/18 17:27:03 No.1632902
Heads up, the yiffparty auto-importer is on the fritz right now, so don't count on it getting the update anytime soon...
Furrynomous 2019/08/25 10:28:18 No.1636075
File: DOXY_JUD3_32_text_u18chan.png - (16.1mb, 2728x4092, DOXY_JUD3_32_text.png)

Furrynomous 2019/08/25 12:24:25 No.1636128
how much do you think doxy gets paid to make such a simple 3 frame comic strip? that shits cringe
Furrynomous 2019/08/25 19:34:08 No.1636384
jesus this is pathetic.

Don't even mind how much disgust and loathing Nick looks at Judy, he looks like a jackal more than a fox. No wonder doxy doesn't do proper wildehopps comic, he has no idea how to draw Nick right.
Furrynomous 2019/08/25 20:22:33 No.1636422
This whole thing just needs to finish, wrap up the story tell us the if 'supposed' mystery drug is what turned Judy into a slut or if she was one naturally one, finish with what ever else is going on and after that no more
Furrynomous 2019/08/25 22:16:52 No.1636506
The buttplug is basically magic, I assume it eats it or Harry Potters it away.
Furrynomous 2019/08/26 00:33:47 No.1636612
How is she supposed to use the bathroom?
Furrynomous 2019/08/26 03:18:28 No.1636648

Bathroom? Those are fuck holes mate, nothing goes out, things just go in. The only use for bathrooms are scenes for fucking. Or maybe the magic buttplug also eradicates feces. How long until doxy does some sort of scat fetish.
Furrynomous 2019/08/26 05:53:51 No.1636691

doxy has an abuse fetish

he only knows how to draw sex involving people who are mentally fucked up
Furrynomous 2019/08/27 00:46:41 No.1637232

I'll take that over mutilation fetishes like meesh has, at least doxy draws cock properly.
Furrynomous 2019/08/27 07:01:07 No.1637364
Calling it now, upcoming panel is her going to another club and having it be forcefully pulled out by a horse or another big anthro
Furrynomous 2019/09/09 14:06:00 No.1642928
That's the least nick-looking nick I've ever seen in any piece of zootopia fan art.
2019/09/09 17:54:29 No.1642982
evil anime nick
2019/09/09 22:42:11 No.1643050
File: DOXY_JUD3_32_text_u18chan_yare_yare_daze_edition_u18chan.png - (8.28mb, 2728x4092, DOXY_JUD3_32_text_u18chan_yare_yare_daze_edition.png)
Furrynomous 2019/09/10 17:48:21 No.1643428
Ah yes one of the more deadly Stands on par with Made in Heaven, Killer Queen and King Crimson.
Furrynomous 2019/09/12 19:02:33 No.1644082
Its probably going to do something absurd like give her a dose in the middle of assignments or cuz it mixed with his swimmers she needs his seed one way or another.
2019/09/14 07:47:02 No.1644721
new page I think?
2019/09/15 14:42:59 No.1645243
nvm just a pinup
Furrynomous 2019/09/23 18:01:48 No.1648585
Comic been discontinued or something?
Furrynomous 2019/09/24 03:08:43 No.1648788
lolthis is onta you will wait another 1o years
Furrynomous 2019/09/30 03:21:10 No.1651191
He said he's taking a break to spend more time on other stuff before he does more Judy comics but I think there's a print run in the works
Furrynomous 2019/09/30 22:05:08 No.1651586
File: 006_73_u18chan.png - (3.22mb, 1286x1750, 006.png)

Furrynomous 2019/09/30 22:05:58 No.1651587
File: 007_60_u18chan.png - (4.55mb, 1286x1750, 007.png)

Furrynomous 2019/10/01 18:37:59 No.1652083
Not gonna lie both look hot. But the absurdity of some of the other pictures kinda spirals into science fiction hentai but I would give this whole thing a C+ but needs better work.
Howler 2019/10/11 22:34:55 No.1656274
File: Judelewds1_u18chan.png - (2.5mb, 1102x1500, Judelewds1.png)
Just another pinup before the next page.
Furrynomous 2019/10/14 11:16:08 No.1657538
File: Judelewds3_u18chan.png - (2.27mb, 1102x1500, Judelewds3.png)
newest pin-up
Furrynomous 2019/10/18 20:46:56 No.1659252
File: Judelewds2_u18chan.png - (2.33mb, 1102x1500, Judelewds2.png)

Furrynomous 2019/10/19 07:20:45 No.1659373

Angry anus
Furrynomous 2019/10/19 22:52:25 No.1659712
Are I'm not sure. I mean, they're barely really the characters they're supposed to be anymore.
Furrynomous 2019/10/19 23:34:56 No.1659720
what a degenerate fucking whore. I love it
Furrynomous 2019/10/20 05:36:28 No.1659796
I would love for the comic to continue

Fluid holding buttplug? Sign me up
Furrynomous 2019/10/23 02:16:32 No.1661196
Two new pages are out
Furrynomous 2019/10/25 06:47:15 No.1662403
I love that this comic is so awful and horrible that nobody even wants to pirate it here much
2019/10/25 11:01:43 No.1662448
I think most of us are waiting for YP to get it instead.
Furrynomous 2019/10/26 18:26:38 No.1662966
Anyone got the new pages?
Furrynomous 2019/10/27 23:20:24 No.1663401
The new pages are up on
Snowy 2019/10/28 11:42:26 No.1663665
File: DOXY_JUD3_33_u18chan.png - (2.12mb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_33.png)
here you go
Snowy 2019/10/28 11:43:11 No.1663666
File: DOXY_JUD3_34_u18chan.png - (2.02mb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_34.png)
anddddddd done
Furrynomous 2019/10/28 11:47:00 No.1663668
Thank you kindly
Furrynomous 2019/10/28 12:12:31 No.1663672
I almost can't wait to see Judy's descent into debauchery. This whole series has my morbid curiosity.
2019/10/31 08:58:58 No.1664739
two new pages are out today
Furrynomous 2019/11/01 07:17:00 No.1665204
File: DOXY_JUD3_35_u18chan.png - (1.85mb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_35.png)

Furrynomous 2019/11/01 07:17:35 No.1665205
File: DOXY_JUD3_36__u18chan.png - (1.86mb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_36_.png)

2019/11/01 09:25:37 No.1665229
So now Nick is putting her up to it?

Interesting. She should have a covert earpiece or something to have him keep talking to her since she might not have a free hand for her phone once the dickening commences.

Hopefully he doesn't start talking to her through her buttplug or something.
Furrynomous 2019/11/01 09:27:57 No.1665231
The plug is a subwoofer that uses her cavernous ass like a resonating chamber. When the bass drops, she's gonna see some serious shit.
Furrynomous 2019/11/01 11:52:18 No.1665325
File: gordon_is_dissapointed_in_you_u18chan.gif - (90.6kb, 220x120, gordon_is_dissapointed_in_you.gif)

gg doxy, you had a chance to redeem the characters and yourself, and you fucked it up. Literally no fan of zootopia wanted to see Nick pimping Judy.

go fucking leech of some other franchise or make your own characters already
Furrynomous 2019/11/01 13:03:24 No.1665366

Everytime you bitch and moan, I donate an extra $5 to her. Already been subbed the paetron. I am sure she loves this shit. Keep crying.
Furrynomous 2019/11/01 13:22:22 No.1665369

thats where you are wrong, i realy enjoy this
Furrynomous 2019/11/01 13:44:48 No.1665370
The literal equivalent of paypigs. Give her your whole wallet, that sounds like a great idea.

Edited at 2019/11/01 13:45:15
Furrynomous 2019/11/01 17:12:23 No.1665480
So how is she supposed to use the bathroom?
Furrynomous 2019/11/01 19:33:01 No.1665553
Doxy is male, unless they've announced they're trans?
Furrynomous 2019/11/01 19:35:48 No.1665554
Furrynomous 2019/11/02 11:35:13 No.1665789
Furrynomous 2019/11/05 05:30:12 No.1666890
The the furry illiterate people out there, yes Doxy is 100% male, a pseudonym, the same exact artist who owns harddblush, Ont/a
the person making furry porn into a copyrighted business, ironically sending out copyright strikes everywhere meanwhile drawing copyrighted disney characters.

why anyone would pay for these businesses instead of individual artists is beyond me. each artist almost always has their own patreon or website. so why would you pay a middle man.
Furrynomous 2019/11/05 08:16:48 No.1666954
>toilet scene
>no poopoo
Furrynomous 2019/11/06 17:11:41 No.1667525
File: tenor8_u18chan.gif - (1.84mb, 498x278, tenor (8).gif)
Furrynomous 2019/11/07 05:17:29 No.1667673
I'm calling the stupid plot twist: The butt-plug is a beacon and the moment she's dragged off to the dumbass retard sex club the whole PD will show up and arrest everyohahahahahaha

no way onta has the skills for that. Judy'll just end up a drug-addled amputee sex doll who's now stuffed in a cage because she's no longer useful to them. Because onta is really fucking stupid.
Furrynomous 2019/11/07 15:27:26 No.1667863
>Judy'll just end up a drug-addled amputee sex doll who's now stuffed in a cage because she's no longer useful to them.

I'm willing to bet money this is the ending
Furrynomous 2019/11/07 22:11:42 No.1667991

I would literally pay money to make that the ending. God, I can only hope.
Furrynomous 2019/11/08 17:35:55 No.1668304
Two new pages are out. anyone have them?
Furrynomous 2019/11/09 01:44:49 No.1668415
File: DOXY_JUD3_37_text_u18chan.jpg - (168.2kb, 1280x1920, DOXY_JUD3_37_text.jpg)

Furrynomous 2019/11/09 01:45:07 No.1668416
File: DOXY_JUD3_38_text_u18chan.jpg - (156.5kb, 1280x1920, DOXY_JUD3_38_text.jpg)

Furrynomous 2019/11/09 14:21:52 No.1668718
Nick's about to listen to her getting the living shit raped out of her by randos. Hot.
Furrynomous 2019/11/09 19:36:35 No.1668794
NOW she's shy?

SOP for this vomic really
Furrynomous 2019/11/09 22:57:04 No.1668881
And here comes her next whore dose if what Nick said was true. Boop

Edited at 2019/11/09 22:57:21
Furrynomous 2019/11/11 07:39:45 No.1669615

Now she's shy again? She was literally gangbanged by strangers all night long the previous day. After seeking them out and getting into a strange car to do it. It's like the author keeps doing a reset button on her personality so the last 48 hours don't matter and she's all shy again; except that wasn't the case as even from the very BEGINNING she was blowing and fucking the suspects. There was no arc as she descends into debauchery, it started in the deep end and pretends there wasn't water there a few seconds ago.
Furrynomous 2019/11/11 17:15:24 No.1669928
She looks scared too, maybe she's not having the effect of the drug that made her a slut?
Furrynomous 2019/11/13 09:33:04 No.1670864
Based on the latest image Judy's latest dose of her slut drug is wearing off. But if I were to wager a guess Nick will pump a fresh dose right as she starts to try and back out. Might explain her whole mental scrambling.
2019/11/15 14:40:24 No.1671694
What if Judy starts crying now that the drugs wore off and he starts to feel bad because he wasn't expecting her to actually have any sense of decency left and changes his mind and has her bring it on home so they can figure out how to get her help. Then when she gets to his house they hug and talk it out. Then the beefy drug bois bust in like "Buttholes are pink, cops wear blue, omae wa mou shindeiru." having followed Judy. They tie up Nick and make him watch while they pump Judy full of so much concentrated drugs and semen her brain perma melts and Nick gets a boner having discovered his cuckaroni an cheese fetish. Then Judy was never seen again except by anyone who watches her gangbang porn on pawhub like her #1 fan Nick who jerks off and snorts howler powder having quit the force and lost his mind to worshiping porn of his favorite bunny he was so close to making his and that denial revs his engines every. Single. Time.

The End.

Edited at 2019/11/15 14:44:30
Furrynomous 2019/11/15 18:26:08 No.1671794

Jesus f*ucking Christ I'm laughing, but the worst part is that someone actually finds even the idea of this hot.

I guess it's true:
"Rule 37: No matter how fucked up it is, there is always worse than what you just saw. "
2019/11/16 03:07:55 No.1671931
File: SSBogoANH1activated_u18chan.png - (32.94kb, 295x270, SSBogoANH1activated.png)

oh yea I'm someone will find this hot af.

Edited at 2019/11/16 03:09:00
Furrynomous 2019/11/18 12:44:50 No.1672990
Honestly with how this story is headed I actually can't see it as an NTR hentai story this is more like a moral degeneration drug deal with prostitution and slavery bdsm all thrown into a blender with Zooopia hoping its a good mix. I don't know what to think anymore on this whole thing.
Furrynomous 2019/11/26 08:57:36 No.1676760
Two new pages are out. anyone have them?
Furrynomous 2019/11/26 19:38:04 No.1676927
Would any kind person please share the next two pages? =)
Furrynomous 2019/11/29 09:45:32 No.1677883
Anyone have the new pages please?
Furrynomous 2019/11/29 17:51:16 No.1677971
File: DOXY_JUD3_39_text_u18chan.jpg - (386.81kb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_39_text.jpg)
easy. btw they suck
Furrynomous 2019/11/29 17:51:36 No.1677972
File: DOXY_JUD3_40_text_u18chan.jpg - (340.23kb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_40_text.jpg)

Furrynomous 2019/11/30 14:14:17 No.1678326
FOUR new pages just came out. anyone got them?
Furrynomous 2019/12/01 14:05:55 No.1678808
File: 5DC9BBB8-BD15-4B56-96BC-2CA4150B12A0_u18chan.jpeg - (1.09mb, 2728x4092, 5DC9BBB8-BD15-4B56-96BC-2CA4150B12A0.jpeg)

Furrynomous 2019/12/01 14:06:35 No.1678809
File: C974C266-2BC8-405A-BC9A-93ABA40678B0_u18chan.jpeg - (1.04mb, 2728x4092, C974C266-2BC8-405A-BC9A-93ABA40678B0.jpeg)

Furrynomous 2019/12/01 14:06:57 No.1678810
File: 3137E4B9-3DF1-47D0-BD71-21B1419C877C_u18chan.jpeg - (264.78kb, 1000x1500, 3137E4B9-3DF1-47D0-BD71-21B1419C877C.jpeg)

Furrynomous 2019/12/01 14:07:21 No.1678811
File: C3E7DD49-D16E-433D-918A-0D0F0BB9BCB7_u18chan.jpeg - (283.64kb, 1000x1500, C3E7DD49-D16E-433D-918A-0D0F0BB9BCB7.jpeg)

Furrynomous 2019/12/01 14:52:34 No.1678822
I feel like Doxy read an urban dictionary definition of domination and decided to wing it with a comic.
Furrynomous 2019/12/01 14:58:01 No.1678823
"Look at how wet she is!"
*Is as dry as a bone*
Furrynomous 2019/12/01 17:49:57 No.1678860
Well... Now is a good time for some dialog edits and erasing... Because that is the only way I will ever consider reading this one ever again. Good day Gentlemen.
Furrynomous 2019/12/01 17:50:39 No.1678861
Fart, Poop, Plug Out, Dick In
2019/12/01 18:23:29 No.1678869
"Ey Joe look its that hot bunny again!"
"Dis here's the Buttplug Edition!"
"So wut we gon do? Face fuck her? Poon-Fuck her? Take the buttplug out and butt fuck her? Take her out for some polish water ice? Best polish water ice on the boardwalk? They got cherry, vanilla, hot dog flavor, nighthowler, chocolate, poland spring water ice-"
"Make her do community service with her mout'."
"Yeeeea dats H A H T."
"Lick that toilet seat bitch."
"Joe what the fuck man."
"I thought you meant like, blowjobs or somthin'"
"Nah she gotta clean the seat first! Its dirty! One of us might have to sit on it in a bit!"
"She ain't suckin my dick with THAT mouth. Joe you sick butthole obsessed fuck."

Edited at 2019/12/01 18:25:08
Furrynomous 2019/12/03 14:15:50 No.1679682
This comic is starting to feel like Doxy is running out of ideas and is just throwing nasty stuff in to try to get negative attention so views go back up. Like "yes, this comic which was originally drug and size-queen related will definitely benefit from having the character become a literal dumpster"
Furrynomous 2019/12/03 16:07:56 No.1679723
Gonna try and fix the dialogue wish me luck.
Furrynomous 2019/12/03 16:56:29 No.1679733
File: Empty_u18chan.jpg - (116.28kb, 633x758, Empty.jpg)

Furrynomous 2019/12/03 17:17:55 No.1679737
File: 8514f36e-c174-40fc-9e4a-f75fbf708259_u18chan.png - (820.61kb, 800x1280, 8514f36e-c174-40fc-9e4a-f75fbf708259.png)
Attempt 1
Furrynomous 2019/12/03 17:18:43 No.1679738
File: 9108f669-089d-45ce-b801-cd4355e62db7_u18chan.png - (964.75kb, 800x1280, 9108f669-089d-45ce-b801-cd4355e62db7.png)
Attempt 2
Furrynomous 2019/12/03 19:40:24 No.1679757
All that ass training is getting really weird. I mean the comic and pictures before this comic were really nice but this one... is kind of disgusting.
Furrynomous 2019/12/04 05:19:42 No.1679900
Well this comic is going places I didn't expect.. I was sorta enjoying it so far too
Furrynomous 2019/12/04 14:56:50 No.1680103
Nah. Doxy/Onta is just into scat. It was obvious since the first comic in this series.

I'll be surprised if he goes through with drawing it, though.
Furrynomous 2019/12/09 17:14:37 No.1682491
two new pages are out. anyone got them?
Hoyyo 2019/12/09 22:20:32 No.1682737
File: DOXY_JUD3_45_text_u18chan.png - (2.13mb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_45_text.png)
I expected something more interesting...
Hoyyo 2019/12/09 22:23:58 No.1682738
File: DOXY_JUD3_46_text_u18chan.png - (2.22mb, 1000x1500, DOXY_JUD3_46_text.png)

Furrynomous 2019/12/10 00:19:29 No.1682782
>BBC, NTR, Mindbreak
NOW we're getting to the good shit
Furrynomous 2019/12/10 01:00:13 No.1682795
How is it NTR?
Furrynomous 2019/12/10 12:41:37 No.1682921

Yeah. For what we saw Judy don't have any romantic relationship with Nick, or anyone else. Where the hell you saw NTR?
Furrynomous 2019/12/10 13:19:05 No.1682929
man the writing really went down with this one
Furrynomous 2019/12/10 14:55:45 No.1682947
My guess is because Netorare (NTR) basically can be taken as meaning "Cuckold". Judy now belongs to Nick and he's letting other guys fuck his property/pet/bitch or whatever you want to call her.
Furrynomous 2019/12/10 16:40:19 No.1682992
involving the actual toilet.
Goddammit D O X
Furrynomous 2019/12/11 21:32:25 No.1683505
When was is good?
Furrynomous 2019/12/12 04:46:16 No.1683600
The artist keeps drawing Judy with digitigrade legs, did they forget what Judy looks like or something?
Furrynomous 2019/12/12 18:33:59 No.1684011
Fuck me, DOXY wants to draw scatporn so much. LOL
Furrynomous 2019/12/13 15:54:28 No.1684384
It smells awful, and she has to "dig in, scrape it clean"?

I dunno about y'all but I've had to puke into scummy toilets and they don't smell that bad. Not great, but...

The bun is clearly licking shit-stains out of a toilet. Doxy's just too scared to draw it. He upset too many people with the cum-vomit already.
Furrynomous 2019/12/15 10:14:42 No.1685062
I bet you $5 that doxy has that version drawn and jerks off to it, he just didn't upload it anywhere.
Furrynomous 2019/12/22 21:50:08 No.1688377
Two new pages have dropped on Doxy’s patreon; would anyone please post them? :)
Furrynomous 2019/12/23 11:19:43 No.1688578
>refuses to draw her nipples
>even when he does they suck
>makes everything about putting stuff in her butt
I hate this comic
Furrynomous 2019/12/23 11:48:24 No.1688590
It never happened to me, but I'm intrigued. It sounds like there must be some very funny story behind it.
How did you end up so drunk, if that's what happened?
OWO 2019/12/23 12:16:36 No.1688594
File: Captura_5_u18chan.png - (8.24kb, 589x87, Captura.PNG)
OWO 2019/12/23 12:18:19 No.1688595
File: DOXY_JUD3_47_text_u18chan.png - (1.65mb, 833x1250, DOXY_JUD3_47_text.png)
Anyway, here it is. Part 47
OWO 2019/12/23 12:19:14 No.1688596
File: DOXY_JUD3_48_text_u18chan.png - (1.54mb, 833x1250, DOXY_JUD3_48_text.png)
Part 48
Furrynomous 2019/12/24 01:10:40 No.1688856
Am I supposed to believe that these fuck hungry cavemen refuse to fuck her pussy?
2019/12/24 07:26:57 No.1688933
>Have Judy lick toilet
>"scrape it clean"
>Have Judy suck their dick after
> Shove dicks in old semen and drug filled asshole.


How else will their dicks take in her butt drugs?
Furrynomous 2019/12/28 14:11:11 No.1690859
File: DOXY_JUD3_49_text_u18chan.png - (341.82kb, 833x1250, DOXY_JUD3_49_text.png)

Furrynomous 2019/12/28 14:11:29 No.1690860
File: DOXY_JUD3_50_text_u18chan.png - (307.56kb, 833x1250, DOXY_JUD3_50_text.png)

Furrynomous 2019/12/28 18:24:50 No.1690989
We're at cringe factor nine Captain! She can't take much more of this!
WoofyWolf 2019/12/29 16:43:07 No.1691401
Only thing I have a problem with is that Nick's dick seems to have gone from being a canid/anthro/pointed fox cock to a human style one.
Furrynomous 2019/12/29 19:12:17 No.1691432

Only way to actually give it texture, it seems.
2019/12/30 09:39:26 No.1691620

oh that? Its because he was angry before.
Furrynomous 2019/12/30 10:06:44 No.1691626
Maybe she is hallucinating and it's not really Nick?
OWO 2019/12/30 12:52:13 No.1691717
Doxy better at least go back and edit some of the images. Poor planning in story or plot is no excuse for shoddy work.
Furrynomous 2019/12/31 04:26:22 No.1691980
Don't even know what to expect anymore. Every single page I am just thinking it will have "The End" on the corner but somehow it keeps going.
Furrynomous 2019/12/31 10:40:57 No.1692067
File: DOXY_JUD3_51_text_u18chan.jpg - (310.01kb, 833x1250, DOXY_JUD3_51_text.jpg)

Furrynomous 2019/12/31 10:42:58 No.1692068
File: DOXY_JUD3_52_text_u18chan.jpg - (310.78kb, 833x1250, DOXY_JUD3_52_text.jpg)

Furrynomous 2019/12/31 11:06:33 No.1692077
Every time it seems the bar can't be lowered any further, Doxy takes a shit on the bar then throws it in a canyon.
Furrynomous 2019/12/31 11:09:41 No.1692079
We need James Cameron
Furrynomous 2019/12/31 13:41:02 No.1692186
I feel like I would like slut Judy more if it wasn't so obviously coming from a 'she's being manipulated' space.

The idea of Nick making Judy his sub that he trains into an eager whore could be fun if it just didn't feel so mean spirited.

This feels like it was made by someone who hates the characters.
Furrynomous 2019/12/31 16:32:31 No.1692243
God I am really hating this comic.

Seriously. What the fuck happened to Doxy/Onta?
When did they turn into such a degenerate coomer?
Besides the fact that their art has gotten shittier, so has their writing and originality.
I used to actually like his comics, and his characters.
Now he is literally retard tier, and can't make anything without it being a horribly toxic story, and ruining characters he doesn't own.
He is like borba now. Except borba can fucking draw.
Furrynomous 2019/12/31 17:36:11 No.1692268
You're all so caught up in calling it shitty art, with shitty writing and how much of a degenerate Doxy has become. Can we instead just focus on how amazingly boring this entire fucking comic is? I'd be able to blast nuts to this if the degeneracy was at least in full swing, instead it's like tepid waters, like a fanfic rendition of some good, hardcore fetishes. I've never been so unamazed by fictitiously impossible asshole stretching. Sometimes I wish Mrs. Otterton really was just funneled up Judy's asshole, at least then something might've sparked some attention in my brain.
Furrynomous 2019/12/31 18:08:03 No.1692274
wait didnt he have a canine cock?
Furrynomous 2019/12/31 20:59:05 No.1692322
I feel like the plot twist is the drugs are just hallucinogenics and she imagined the whole thing.
Furrynomous 2019/12/31 21:29:21 No.1692329
Even better, they're placebos and she's just a slut.
Furrynomous 2019/12/31 23:03:23 No.1692343
Weird Stuff man...
Furrynomous 2020/01/01 05:06:47 No.1692433
>This feels like it was made by someone who hates the characters.

exactly my feelings too... This wasn't a zootopia fan comic at all, it takes nothing of the original work or their personalities into account. The biggest turnoff was what a manipulative asshat Nick is that is completly uncaring for Judy. His entire character development was about that he never had anyone he could relate to and feel for, and that changed with Judy, he opened up for her, alone for her, he told her his childhood trauma. Nick is looking for a soulmate, not a fucktoy, but here he doesn't give a shit about Judy.

Judy is not even Judy, it's just a regular furry slut bunny that has Judy's skin slapped on it
Furrynomous 2020/01/01 23:03:48 No.1692843
All's Well that Ends Well
Furrynomous 2020/01/02 00:14:53 No.1692860
Zootopia is fucking retarded and these porn comics are making the best of a bad situation.
Furrynomous 2020/01/02 05:19:18 No.1692908
File: giphy_135_u18chan.gif - (2.8mb, 480x199, giphy.gif)
Furrynomous 2020/01/02 16:10:24 No.1693092
That's also my complaint about it. To all the people who are complaining about the complaints saying that of course they're out of character, a porn story isn't canon anyway: I remind them that the porn part is is about the journey not the destination. If you want to skip to the end you might as well just make some pinups of the best frames and call it a night. Without context for the pictures it's hard to have an emotional connection to it, and no emotional connection means it doens't inflame any passion. Same with looking at very bland porn stuff, sure I'll watch it, even admit it's attractive, but it ain't gonna rev my engine.

The point of using an established character is because you now have a familiar starting point for their journey to begin; be it self discovery, debauchery, etc. The idea behind something like this is to see their decent, their corruption, the destroying of the thing from the beginning of the story. That's the entire point of the degradation fetish, to reduce it from what it was and wallow in it.

If they had started as Judy Hopps and Ended up as Nicks cocksleeve, that would be a story worth reading. I'd love to see a good take of Judy wrestling with that.

Instead of "This one goes to 11" though we got "This one starts at 11." From the get go she's taking double dicks and size play and bondage and more. Rather than seeing her fall it's more like lamp shading "Oh yeah, I'm supposed to NOT like this right?" every few panels rather than her guilty about wanting it more than she thought she would and getting more intense the deeper she went. The first comic started that way, but then it just went off the deep end like the artist lost patience and skipped to the final chapter of the book.

A trashy slut isn't as sexy as taking something beautiful turning it INTO a trashy slut. It's the fall not the destination that makes erotic rather than just bland generic porn. If you replaced any characters in this story with a lizardman alien OC there would be nothing you would need to change to accommodate the change, because there was nothing that made it zootopia or made it Judy Hopps.

Even the detective stuff was a backdrop, they could at least have touched on solving the kidnapped mammals and her being torn between her wanting to get evidence and craving the D. Maybe Nick turned out to have been working with them all along and was helping her along down her path from the beginning; that would have been a interesting reveal. This was more of Judy taking 3 dicks in the ass with a thought bubble "Am I a slut?" and repeat for 3 comics before finally admitting she was what we saw she was since literally page one.

I'd love to see a comic about Judy's fall. Not 3 comics of her being kicked while on the ground.
Furrynomous 2020/01/02 21:25:35 No.1693231

I 100% disagree with this. There was a comic before this, that prefaced the fall. I don't want it extended any further than that. I want to see porn. If I wanted to see Zootopia, I would watch the movie, or read fan-fiction about it.

It isn't even that I am against a realistic slow descent, it is that 1-2 artists can't produce something like that in any reasonable amount of time.

We are already at a state where these comics take year to finish on paetron. That is WAY too long to be interesting, and financially viable.

I would not pay for a comic that was 50 pages of no sex, just to get the story to feel a bit more realistic. I do pay for this, and many other artists on paetron. I dropped ChinPow because of how slow they were producing work, and with too little sex. This is porn, it is furry porn. It is as unrealistic as it can get. I come here because I want to jerk it, not because I necessarily want a good story.

And we do have to choose, due to the artists time. So I choose porn.
Furrynomous 2020/01/02 21:29:39 No.1693232
Furrynomous 2020/01/02 23:40:25 No.1693293
Seriously, at least then the rest of us could have a giggle.
Furrynomous 2020/01/02 23:52:55 No.1693298
Exactly. I was hoping for more crazy "small furs used as sex toys" content. Yeah it's crazy & silly, but at least it'd be unique.
Instead we just have an artist running to the edge and then doubling back right when stuff gets interesting.
I finally just got fed up waiting & commissioned a picture of Judy being used as a buttplug.

Edited at 2020/01/02 23:53:32
Furrynomous 2020/01/05 14:58:26 No.1694856

Came here for faps, stayed for the funny wall of text.
2020/01/13 10:24:45 No.1699571
final page is up.
Furrynomous 2020/01/14 09:55:42 No.1699968
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Furrynomous 2020/01/14 10:49:39 No.1699975
Furrynomous 2020/01/15 17:41:10 No.1700625
why does judy look like a plus-size model. all doxy characters look like they were constructed using room temperature margarine to hand sculpt a figure. guess you can get lazier with anatomy when you can no longer see basic muscles and bone structure behind the seal fat.

I'd get a pocket sized judy just by filling up a sandwich bag with cottage cheese.

Edited at 2020/01/15 17:45:57
Furrynomous 2020/01/15 23:08:59 No.1700711
File: DOXY_JUD3_53_text_u18chan.png - (1.51mb, 800x1200, DOXY_JUD3_53_text.png)
>it was all a dream LOL
Snowy 2020/01/15 23:10:07 No.1700712
wow okay that was a twist i did not see comeing
Furrynomous 2020/01/16 04:38:59 No.1700782
That's because "it was a dream all along" is one of the cheapest "twists" you can pull.
Furrynomous 2020/01/16 07:07:30 No.1700885
Is this a "THE END" end, or just another end of a chapter? I know 2 ended the same way with just a "end" like it was the end of the story.
Furrynomous 2020/01/16 08:50:30 No.1700906
really hope that it's the end cuz this "it was all hallucination" bullshit was the last fucking straw.
2020/01/16 09:19:00 No.1700913
I used to read Burrow Magazine
Blue berries and heavy green up in my farmin' scene
Police pictures on my wall
every other day getting tapped by the neighbors in my hall
I let my ass rock till the mark popped
snortin night howler, dickin with the howler top
laid back while they took turns wedging cracks, with a gape to match

Remember Nick n crew? They hustled hard but never knew lil Jude would take it this far
Now I'm in the crime life 'cause my ass tight
Forgot to get paid, ass leveled like the world trade
Sank deeper, the opposite of undercover
Every other minute got a new butt lover
Nick save me please
Taking too much D
No going back
The drugs got me

Minds going blank like you thought it would
One more hit of the drug in the club
its all good


Edited at 2020/01/16 12:21:07
Furrynomous 2020/01/16 12:15:08 No.1700993
Well Doxy certainly dropped the ball on this one. 'It was all a dream...' seriously!? Like rather that come up with a real ending or have a decent story line, they used that kinda bullshit? Wish they had stopped at any point and just ASKED someone if this was a good idea.
WoofyWolf 2020/01/16 13:50:24 No.1701030
If you don't like it, don't read it. I for one want to see another chapter, find out who the big guy was, does she become a caged up, drugged out slut or does Nick actually do all that to her and she becomes his bitch?
Furrynomous 2020/01/16 17:37:51 No.1701107
For the foreseeable future, doxy said there will be no more chapters. as for the ending, it was in intensional because doxxy said if they were to continue, they could drop right into the sex thanks to this ending.
Furrynomous 2020/01/16 18:19:26 No.1701126

If you like it, why are you wasting your time here complaining about people passing criticism, go kiss their feet and become a patreon like every other fan boy crying about how awesome everything is.
Furrynomous 2020/01/16 20:46:19 No.1701171
Wow I did not see that coming. That was a fitting twist. Now I'm curious if Doxy will do another chapter.
Furrynomous 2020/01/19 08:11:19 No.1702580
If doxy never picks up a pen again in their lives, it would be too soon. Please let there never be another chapter of this monstrosity
Furrynomous 2020/01/19 17:23:37 No.1702751
I feel like the angry video game nerd playing little red hood, so pissed at what I'm seeing that I wanted to see the ending just to spite it, and it didn't disappoint to disappoint me.

Doxy sucks ass, feces and all
Furrynomous 2020/01/19 21:59:47 No.1702826
I don't see this as a zootopia comic, I see this as a very raunchy and sleazy comic that is a like a porn parody of zootopia, sort of like how there was a mario parody with Ron Jeremy.

I do like a comic that is pure raunch, but I'll never invest in them the same interest as like, a zootopia comic where it stays faithful to the characters' personalities but still has explicit sex. I'll just do a quick fap and be done with it, nothing more.

After what utter trainwrecks the last Sweet Sting comics were, I'm surprised people are still like "OH GOD THIS COMIC IS BAD DOXY SHOULD NEVER DO ANOTHER COMIC AGAIN." Like, what really surprised you?
Furrynomous 2020/01/20 15:32:25 No.1703344
Are peeps truly upset that this comic degrades your precious Judy, or do you really feel it's a legitimately bad comic? Because the latter is subjective, but the former seems to be the reason for a lot of ire.

I like it when artists put their own spin on the Zootopia universe. Doxy wanted to do a super sleazy drug and sex-fueled corruption story. Sounds good to me, and I enjoyed it.

All the whining about Judy not being pure or being monogamous with Nick is just silly, since this comic from the get go never indicated it would be about that.

This isn't attempting to be just like the movie, it's just an interpretation based off that world, just like hundreds of thousands of other hentai doujins and R34 comics.

Seriously, just relax about your bunny waifu. She's fine, drug free, and living it up with Nick in Disney's computer servers.
Furrynomous 2020/02/18 12:38:19 No.1715192
At least is not borba
Furrynomous 2020/02/18 22:04:51 No.1715328
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Furrynomous 2020/02/19 08:15:08 No.1715432
Time for part 3
Furrynomous 2020/02/19 11:31:39 No.1715474

I think for some of the people complaining, it's the complete disregard for established character personality and behavior.

You could literally have used any two characters other than Nick and Judy and this would have still been the same comic really; people probably wouldn't bat an eye.

The use of established characters with known behaviors going completely against them for the sake of porn; likely why people are in a twizzy. You know how fans of things can get.
Furrynomous 2020/02/19 12:19:01 No.1715493
It's not even fans getting annoyed.

You use an existing character for a fanstory because they come with a pre-done backstory, personality or whatever. There's no need to go too in-depth because the audience sees a character, knows the character and that's as far as you need to go with developing them. You can dig deeper if you want to, but it's a starting point.

But if you take those characters and do something totally at odds with how they have been established, you lose all point in using them, like you mentioned, at that point they might as well be generic self-inserts or something. If there's nothing left of the original character then just make your own OC and have done with it instead of wasting peoples time making some deliberately awful stuff just for the controversy.
Furrynomous 2020/02/19 16:02:27 No.1715520
The source material is boring corporate trash and people just want to see the bunny get railed in all holes, you shameless autist. This comic was great for a lot of people. You just don't happen to be one.
Furrynomous 2020/02/19 16:38:51 No.1715548

In other words, you don't understand the concept of other people having opinions, you're so full of yourself that you've decided what you want is obviously what everyone else wants, and you don't really have any other counter than to call names, because you know your argument is shit.
Furrynomous 2020/02/20 08:18:38 No.1715724
I can't wait until part 3 comes out. Sexy porn and a bunch of pissbabies crying about it. It's like christmis
Furrynomous 2020/02/20 10:23:38 No.1715752
Same. Gets me off everytime
Furrynomous 2020/02/20 19:26:03 No.1715899
Moral of the story: Dont use drugs

Furrynomous 2020/02/22 08:44:37 No.1716432
Pan back to Nick wearing a DARE t-shirt talking to an auditorium of school children.
Furrynomous 2020/02/22 10:45:05 No.1716454

this is ploxy though, so judy is hiding in the podium high on nighthowler sucking Nick off
during the anit-drug speech.
Furrynomous 2020/02/22 12:03:01 No.1716468
I was implying more that this horribly graphic story of Hopps downward spiral was part of his presentation on why you shouldn't do drugs
Furrynomous 2020/02/23 00:10:36 No.1716599
I think this next one would be something along the lines of x amount of years/ months later, seeing Judy after she has been in the world of sex and drugs , ends up running into Nick
Furrynomous 2020/04/28 18:12:44 No.1745683
anyone have and share this one with no text or PSD?
Furrynomous 2020/07/01 02:19:46 No.1776264
Here's the comics at fullrez
if it says you need a password just extract it with 7zip
Furrynomous 2020/07/01 15:39:52 No.1776475
Eye red, den I derped
Furrynomous 2020/07/01 16:26:23 No.1776492

I wish he'd do something more vanilla. I like how he draws Judy but I could go with out the anal gang bang in a public toilet.
Furrynomous 2020/07/01 20:39:31 No.1776700
I like it very dirty and raunchy, but I can very much do without the dialogue

Like I like the image of her drinking the cum out of the dog bowl, and her being a slobbering mess full of it, but not the thought of her essentially getting drugged, trapped, and held against her will being constantly raped and trafficked for what is seemingly the rest of her life until she is rescued.
Furrynomous 2020/07/03 12:09:46 No.1777520
Are you guys saying you DON'T like the gaping asshole, gaping vagina and smegma fetish? Come on. live a little.
Furrynomous 2020/07/03 19:16:37 No.1777738
I'm alright with a little raunchy stuff. Anal, BDSM, High/Intoxicated Sex, and the general decent into debauchery. But the thing that annoyed me was the toilet and the smegma are something that actually made me sick.
Furrynomous 2021/11/04 21:54:19 No.2033079
File: Untitled_20_u18chan.jpg - (88.87kb, 879x523, Untitled.jpg)
It's happening!
Furrynomous 2021/11/05 06:16:01 No.2033168
don't see where this has anywhere to continue...
it was already enstablished that she was brainwashed and drugged and became a kidnapped sex-slave in the club where she first went. Everything after that was a hallucination.

So unless Nick comes and rescues her, there is nowhere to go. Also in her hallucination she basically admitted that she wants Nick to love her. So is this comic still going to be about her getting drugged and fucked by other men, or will she do something about her feelings?

I just don't see Doxy making a sudden twist to a romance story, but it makes no sense to go further with this drug-rape stuff
Furrynomous 2021/11/07 03:17:00 No.2034133
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Furrynomous 2021/11/07 03:25:58 No.2034135

I feel ya, I prefer my sexual fantasies to forgo the more gross aspects of the real hardcore stuff.

that and nose hooks, but that might just be me. the pet play/ pig fuck fetish is just too weird and distracting.

the anal fucking and gaping is A+ though
Furrynomous 2021/11/14 14:36:25 No.2038082
File: 482784633cd26bba2f4813459f041b7b_u18chan.jpg - (1.44mb, 2641x2554, 482784633cd26bba2f4813459f041b7b.jpg)
Teaser Doxy posted on Twitter
Furrynomous 2021/11/14 14:39:28 No.2038088
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Furrynomous 2021/11/14 16:30:04 No.2038125
>previously on Doxy: Nick exploited Judy's drug addiction to blackmail her into sex at the workplace

>and now: Nick exploits Judy's drug addiction to blackmail her into sex at the workplace
Furrynomous 2021/11/15 02:40:42 No.2038306
Nothing sexier than a drooling anus.
Furrynomous 2021/11/15 03:47:54 No.2038328

So every single doxy comic ever, just switch out characters as need be.
Furrynomous 2021/11/15 15:49:54 No.2038639
Isn't this going a bit quick? Daydream? Like Nick doesn't actually know how far the rabbit hole (pun intended) she's gone. He just teases her because of the stuff she does know. But he wasn't at 'fuck your partner and extort them' levels of assholishness in their relationship; just fantasy nick in her drug induced hallucination.
Furrynomous 2021/11/15 16:07:32 No.2038664
Isn't this still a hallucination? The end of the last chapter revealed that Judy's having drug induced hallucinations of her trying to crack the case and in reality she's trapped at the club being raped and drugged since like the first chapter. She never broke free
Furrynomous 2021/12/01 15:24:58 No.2047199
anyone got thr next page or know where to find leaks to the new stuff on subscribestar?
Furrynomous 2021/12/07 16:06:43 No.2049564
There's like...12 pages already inked. Over half colored too.
Furrynomous 2021/12/13 09:09:11 No.2052280
anyone got thr next page or know where to find leaks to the new stuff on subscribestar?
Furrynomous 2021/12/18 06:05:58 No.2054706
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next page
Furrynomous 2022/01/05 07:16:27 No.2063467
anyone got any of the new pages or know where to find leaks to doxy's subscribestar?
Furrynomous 2022/01/05 15:56:59 No.2063687
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Furrynomous 2022/01/05 16:21:27 No.2063696
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Furrynomous 2022/01/05 18:12:58 No.2063717
A "drooling" asshole is not a healthy one. There is no natural "I'm turned on" lubrication of the anus.
Furrynomous 2022/01/05 18:42:32 No.2063727

Guess the artist seems to think the asshole is another vagina, or because judy's ass has been used to hell and back it's leaking...whatever it leaks, cancer?
Furrynomous 2022/01/05 18:49:49 No.2063730
Doxy has always drawn fetish art. This weird shit doesn't surprise me at all.
Furrynomous 2022/01/05 19:35:06 No.2063741
I guess it's not really any different than cervix penetration.
Furrynomous 2022/02/04 07:32:13 No.2077065
new pages, anyone got them or just gonna post more edited bunny assholes
Furrynomous 2022/02/25 02:38:42 No.2086422
anyone got new pages?
Furrynomous 2022/04/26 08:52:07 No.2114909
anyone got new pages? or are you guys still making edits to Judy's asshole
Furrynomous 2022/05/12 18:55:07 No.2123475

This gallery seems to have more pages
Furrynomous 2022/05/12 19:35:03 No.2123486
The rest are just unfinished sketch pages.
Furrynomous 2022/05/13 03:19:44 No.2123632
Here's the next chapter

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