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File: 001_104_u18chan.png - (2.13mb, 1414x2000, 001.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The Star Furrynomous 2019/03/20 02:41:25 No.1566275   
By Ratcha
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The Star Furrynomous 2019/03/20 02:41:27 No.1566276
File: 002_95_u18chan.png - (2.69mb, 1414x2000, 002.png)
The Star Furrynomous 2019/03/20 02:41:29 No.1566277
File: 003_91_u18chan.png - (2.63mb, 1414x2000, 003.png)
The Star Furrynomous 2019/03/20 02:41:32 No.1566278
File: 004_85_u18chan.png - (2.48mb, 1414x2000, 004.png)
Furrynomous 2019/03/20 10:33:45 No.1566350
Original characters are becoming less and less original the more they try, or is it just me?
Furrynomous 2019/03/20 14:23:54 No.1566432
What the fuck are those colors
Furrynomous 2019/03/20 23:50:51 No.1566612
What neon hell is this.
Furrynomous 2019/03/22 01:13:17 No.1567044
It's like someone put 3 different kinds of toothpaste bottles together and slammed them with a sledgehammer. After all the paste shot out they were like "Yep, that's the color of my OCs."
Furrynomous 2019/03/22 02:09:02 No.1567054
>"Don't copy or steal my OCs!"

I don't think /anyone/ would steal those cancerous, radioactive nightmares.
Furrynomous 2019/03/22 22:51:00 No.1567297
Its like they were based on those slow-mo paint boiling videos.
Furrynomous 2019/03/22 23:32:28 No.1567308
holy fahk its like watching two lava lamps scissor!
Furrynomous 2019/03/23 12:29:23 No.1567490
why do i feel like this comic was a recreation of a meeting in second life? i mean all you see there are also such "odd colord" (REALLY CAREFULLY SAID) fursonas...
Furrynomous 2019/03/31 06:01:42 No.1570138
I like it. The artwork is very good. If you don't like the colors you might also just shut up and move to another post instead of being the toxic cancer you are.
Furrynomous 2019/03/31 11:35:37 No.1570214

Nah man, it's too much.

When I look at OC's like this it reminds me of those fat people who walk around in public wearing fake ears and tails with neon colored hair. You can't help but cringe.

Also, over the top OC's like these are usually owned by people who try to overcompensate for their lack of unique features and personality traits with crazy rainbow colors and/or extras. (i.e: horns, wings, dragon eyes, etc.)

TLDR; It's not creative, it's just an eyesore.

Edited at 2019/03/31 11:39:11
Furrynomous 2019/04/03 06:14:21 No.1571408

The artwork is fine, the characters make my eyes bleed. That's mostly the problem
anonymouse 2019/04/03 18:44:06 No.1571596
true. the coloring is unexpected, non-conformist and most certainly non-traditional.

it's also bright, playful, striking, deliberate and most of all, fun.

so it may not be your cup of tea.

that's why there's more than one type of tea in the world.
Furrynomous 2019/04/04 13:57:15 No.1571926
well in that case i better stay to the classic "Earl Grey" and "red tea" then "Maybe Baby" and "Heidis Delight"...
Furrynomous 2019/04/04 22:38:17 No.1572089
A lot of people confuse "non-conformist and most certainly non-traditional" with good. You can do new and exciting without doing ugly.
anonymouse 2019/04/05 07:08:37 No.1572218

Guys I think we found the ocs owner
anonymouse 2019/04/05 07:08:45 No.1572219

Guys I think we found the ocs owner
Furrynomous 2019/04/05 09:29:50 No.1572244

Yes, there are more cups of tea in the world, but all that different tea still has a acceptable taste, this coloring doesn't, it makes no sense and the "non-conformism" wich is often a bullshit excuse similar to bad music being punk-rock or bad art being modern art doesn't serve any purpose either.

It's another dumbass furry who started out making "original" Sonic characters in MC paint and hasn't taken a fucking minute of color theory in their entire life.

Since you probably are the OC creator, here:
That's how you combine colors without making people their eyes burn out of their sockets.
Furrynomous 2019/04/05 11:08:59 No.1572271
The problem color is mostly the pink to be honest. Blue and Orange are highly complimentary.
Furrynomous 2019/04/05 11:57:55 No.1572283
File: tron-80s_u18chan.jpg - (77.91kb, 728x410, tron-80s.jpg)
This is just 80's futurist color schemes being applied.

And there's literally no correct way to do it - demanding to keep to complementary colors or color theory is like the 60's debate about whether modern art IS art at all and whether only classical stuff can be called art. You have no authority to decide.

There is no such thing as bad art, only art you don't like.
Furrynomous 2019/04/05 12:13:18 No.1572290
File: sven_ruthner-cga_faces_547_1428x1448_marked_u18chan.jpg - (405.47kb, 1428x1448, sven_ruthner-cga_faces_547_1428x1448_marked.jpg)
The particular color palette comes from the limited range in EGA/CGA graphics, which made use of the peculiarities of NTSC televisions and composite video to display extra colors by dithering the pixels just right. When these graphics were displayed on VGA monitors which separate the color channels and don't behave the same way, the colors turned weird and that became a visual meme.
Furrynomous 2019/04/05 12:59:34 No.1572297
No. There is objectively bad are and objectively bad color combinations. This "All expression is equal" is a load of post-modernist baloney.

There is much more meta value in something like Saturn Eating his Son then there is in Andy Whorhol's pallet swap soup can collage.
Furrynomous 2019/04/05 13:25:58 No.1572304
With the exception of the Cthullu literally all of those are straight up complimentairy colors....if not for maybe one belonging to the triad.
That Red-Cyan combo that shows up like 7 times is in fact extremely popular in design nowadays...
Contrary to your abomination of blue, purple and orange >90% of these are harmonic..

Edited at 2019/04/05 13:31:34
Furrynomous 2019/04/05 14:32:35 No.1572319
File: maxresdefault_66_u18chan.jpg - (56.79kb, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)
>the oc owner stepping in to defend their abominations
Furrynomous 2019/04/05 15:02:16 No.1572332
File: b91_u18chan.png - (227.26kb, 749x1067, b91.png)
Not really, shit is still shit regardless of how much of it there is, it's just that the problem lies in the fact that this fandom has gathered too many stupid commissioners with no sense of art that have too much money to commission art of their ugly characters. Most wouldn't know how to make a good OC if it struck them in the face.

This is just one example of many of what could have been a good comic / situation but ruined by awful character design. Like "Cheat Mode = ON" by Wolfy-Nail. Seriously, just look it up if you haven't already.

Reminds me of edgy teens making sparkledogs back in the 2005-2010 era.
Furrynomous 2019/04/05 15:39:04 No.1572357
Furrynomous 2019/04/05 15:45:11 No.1572358
That wasn't the point - it was just to show where the overall color theme comes from. The colors used on the characters here aren't exactly the same, but they're obviously trying to emulate the look and color palette of the 80's futurist imagery, which uses garish and unconventional juxtaposition between colors as a departure from conventional color theory - simply to be different for the sake of being different.
Furrynomous 2019/04/05 15:48:44 No.1572359
File: ub1smht_0_u18chan.jpg - (42.53kb, 400x350, ub1smht.jpg)
Still just...
Furrynomous 2019/04/05 16:07:45 No.1572367

Huge difference between juxtaposing a pink and orange character next to a blue backround or a blue tron suit... and throwing it all together like a toothpaste swirl.

You have a point about the juxtaposing, but this comic's OC isn't what that is. I wasn't the one to say it first but it was an accurate description; this is toothpaste's fursona.
Furrynomous 2019/04/05 18:12:27 No.1572413
Please let this shit die it makes my eyes bleed
anonymouse 2019/04/05 18:31:37 No.1572420


there's probably a good joke in here somewhere about that being as accurate as all the other grand conjectures being tossed about - meaning they are dead wrong - but you know, i don't think it's quite worth the effort.

the grand take away here is that no matter how loudly you may scream, the end result can be summed up in 3 words: You don't like.

and that's fine. It's a two-way street, however. some of us do like.

There is one guy who actually does understand.


that said, personally, i don't like tea. boiling dried up leaves in water and drinking it? who are you kidding? i can appreciate that a great many folks do like tea, and well, that's great. it's a big world after all. big enough for those of us who like tea and those of us who don't.

I also like paul klee, ellsworth kelly, and joan miro, all of whom had less than traditional use for color and line. perhaps that makes me a non-conformist.

and the absolutely silliest thing about this thread? you guys got me to put rathcha in same sentence as miro, kelly and klee! that's totally your fault, not mine!
Furrynomous 2019/04/05 19:12:09 No.1572427
the colour schemes work fine together if done right but in the way they're used on these characters its honestly just a bunch of colour vomit with no substance to them, bottom line
Furrynomous 2019/04/05 22:01:38 No.1572490
That's just wrong, it is not about personal preference, no matter how smug you sound.
Furrynomous 2019/04/06 01:45:35 No.1572551
File: il_fullxfull.1445535138_gmmg_0_u18chan.jpg - (303.02kb, 1149x919, il_fullxfull.1445535138_gmmg.jpg)
Yup, another of those...
Furrynomous 2019/04/06 04:49:31 No.1572589
How pathetic that you people always have to resort to "you just don't like" on any form of legit criticism.
Would you guys defend me if i took a big shit and piss in your mouth and call it a legit experimental dish that deserves just to be seen as much as food as steak served with potatoes?
Oh wait, of course you guys would.

Well someone gets it.
anonymouse 2019/04/06 09:23:14 No.1572641

because the criticism is not legit. it is the typical "i don't like it, it looks like blah ..." that no one here has the credibility to pull off. it's the "I don't know art, but i know what i like" argument.

that's right. it comes back to "i just don't like it".

and you don't know. you want to discuss this critically? fine. come back after you have some creds, or at the least after you've done some work. like .... hmmmmm ... read will eisner's book.

don't know the reference? if not, you can't get past the first page, where ratcha shows more graphics savvy than a lot of comics period, and in a furry porn one at that.

As for the colors, well, sorry to break it to you, they do hold up. they are a breath of fresh air, actually, and as opposed to the garish memes posted, they are very complimentary of the overall palette - with a very necessary splash of contrast preventing everything from becoming a blue-soaked monochrome.

and if i were to push it, the so-called "chaotic" nature works well into the overall story, providing enough difference to make each of the sisters unique, and yet similar enough that knowing what the other one wishes is natural.

now that's quite a bit to overlay onto a simple four-page comic, and i also have to admit the real reason - that only ratcha knows - may be that it was all just fun to do. and there's nothing wrong with that.

you don't agree? fine. that makes it simple.

it's a big world.

go read another comic.
anonymouse 2019/04/06 09:24:55 No.1572642

because the criticism is not legit. it is the typical "i don't like it, it looks like blah ..." that no one here has the credibility to pull off. it's the "I don't know art, but i know what i like" argument.

that's right. it comes back to "i just don't like it".

and you don't know. you want to discuss this critically? fine. come back after you have some creds, or at the least after you've done some work. like .... hmmmmm ... read will eisner's book.

don't know the reference? if not, you can't get past the first page, where ratcha shows more graphics savvy than a lot of comics period, and in a furry porn one at that.

As for the colors, well, sorry to break it to you, they do hold up. they are a breath of fresh air, actually, and as opposed to the garish memes posted, they are very complimentary of the overall palette - with a very necessary splash of contrast preventing everything from becoming a deep-toned monochrome.

and if i were to push it, the so-called "chaotic" nature works well into the overall story, providing enough difference to make each of the sisters unique, and yet similar enough that knowing what the other one wishes is natural.

now that's quite a bit to overlay onto a simple four-page comic, and i also have to admit the real reason - that only ratcha knows - may be that it was all just fun to do. and there's nothing wrong with that.

you don't agree? fine. that makes it simple.

it's a big world.

go read another comic.
Furrynomous 2019/04/06 10:32:06 No.1572666
just because the colours work together doesn't mean the design using those colours will always work. You can absolutely have a completely sound and good palette and fuck it up with awful design and that's what these characters are. It's just a whole mishmash of shapes and stripes of a neon mess trying too hard to stand out and having a negative reaction because of it.
Furrynomous 2019/04/06 10:32:35 No.1572667
im not reading any of that.
Learn how paragraphs work dumbass.
Furrynomous 2019/04/06 10:55:43 No.1572669
File: synthwave2_u18chan.jpg - (24.69kb, 490x490, synthwave 2.jpg)
But that's the problem, despite shit design even those 3 colors alone aren't a good match. It could work with shades of purple and orange or shades of blue and orange, not this shit that literally looks like what a toddler with a bunch of crayons would do given a linedrawing. And to think that the creator decided to put all that on ANOTHER pallete of heavy dark blue, green and dirty shades of gray, it doesn't work, it's not pleasant to look at and no amount of "nuh uh, muh subjetive feelings" justifies it.

The "it's 80's/synthwave/yada yada inspired" doesn't hold up as it's equally shitty to those standards, one shitty Tron screenshot or something doesn't deny that all that 80's art still has enough harmony despite contrasting colors
Furrynomous 2019/04/06 16:14:57 No.1572794
Guys he's still going
Furrynomous 2019/04/06 19:33:41 No.1572878
I mean... it's bright, but if we look at the artstyle it's actually pretty good it's basically just cats one with 3 color tones, I mean the color's clash like crazy but the yiff it's self is ok.
Furrynomous 2019/04/07 15:45:33 No.1573204
File: popescornes_u18chan.gif - (4.28mb, 240x182, popescornes.gif)

comic SomeGAYASSDeer 2019/04/08 01:51:02 No.1573376
funny that the two of these girls where ment as a tide pod joke

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