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File: 01_426_u18chan.jpg - (94.46kb, 774x1032, 01.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hot Workout by Teranen Furrynomous 2019/04/12 16:28:47 No.1575457
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Hot Workout by Teranen Furrynomous 2019/04/12 16:28:49 No.1575458
File: 02_417_u18chan.jpg - (142.12kb, 774x1032, 02.jpg)
Hot Workout by Teranen Furrynomous 2019/04/12 16:28:51 No.1575459
File: 03_430_u18chan.jpg - (186.44kb, 1280x1706, 03.jpg)
Hot Workout by Teranen Furrynomous 2019/04/12 16:28:53 No.1575460
File: 04_434_u18chan.jpg - (239.98kb, 1280x1706, 04.jpg)
Hot Workout by Teranen Furrynomous 2019/04/12 16:28:54 No.1575461
File: 05_433_u18chan.jpg - (173.75kb, 1280x1706, 05.jpg)
Furrynomous 2019/04/12 20:09:45 No.1575503
Erotic workouts. The next evolution for gyms.
Furrynomous 2019/04/13 06:10:24 No.1575666
Furrynomous 2019/04/14 21:28:49 No.1576585
well actually sex burns a lot of calories
Furrynomous 2019/04/19 15:22:23 No.1578889

ok chunky

Edited at 2019/04/19 15:22:42
Furrynomous 2019/04/19 15:35:39 No.1578890
File: Screenshot_20190419-163423_u18chan.png - (747.89kb, 2048x1570, Screenshot_20190419-163423.png)

Go for a jog, fatty
Furrynomous 2019/04/20 03:17:20 No.1579111
This isn't how any of this works D:

She thought that working out was going to make her lose weight. It just builds muscle.
Furrynomous 2019/04/22 20:03:03 No.1580286

I mean, that's just incorrect.
Furrynomous 2019/04/24 06:24:54 No.1581006
you have to burn 2500 calories just to lose a single pound
Furrynomous 2019/04/25 08:01:33 No.1581419
3500, actually. That's a deficit of 500 a day to lose a pound a week.
Furrynomous 2019/04/25 21:56:25 No.1581615

That's not how you lose weight at all. Calorie is a unit of energy. If you burned 2,500-3,000 calories a day you would be beyond fit or dead. If you also exercised this much you would lose more fat and gain muscle.

We all have a daily maintenance to keep the same weight. Standard is 2,000 calories. If you were to exercise or to do anything extra, such as join a "sex gym" and burned 300 calories per session, then you would have to eat 2,300 to keep the same weight. Going out and doing anything can help with weight lost. So the girl will lose weight, just not effectively.
Furrynomous 2019/04/25 23:43:28 No.1581651

That's what they said. A pound of fat contains 3500 calories. You are burning calories all the time just to keep your body heated, blood moving, brain firing etc. Most people, that takes 1800 to 2500 a day. BEYOND that is exercise and additional activity.

You need to take in fewer calories than you burn from all sources, and have that negative balance reach 3500 before you lose a pound of fat. If you run a negative balance of 500 calories a day, that comes out to a pound a week.

And I'm going to stop now because this is a porn site, not r/loseit

Edited at 2019/05/05 12:57:24
Furrynomous 2019/05/05 09:04:42 No.1585256
File: B81D4FF9-7B5D-403D-AE08-FDA123DC7BAA_u18chan.jpeg - (220.21kb, 960x1280, B81D4FF9-7B5D-403D-AE08-FDA123DC7BAA.jpeg)

Furrynomous 2019/05/05 09:05:10 No.1585257
File: 27CF1ECF-B809-4908-AB38-5CC212BFB60F_u18chan.jpeg - (175.12kb, 960x1280, 27CF1ECF-B809-4908-AB38-5CC212BFB60F.jpeg)

Furrynomous 2019/05/05 09:38:30 No.1585263
>If you run a negative balance of 500 calories a day, that comes out to a pound a day.

That's very difficult to achieve, because running such a calorie deficit makes you tired as heck and the body drops to lower energy consumption to compensate. That's why crash diets typically don't work, and are really unhealthy for you since the body stops healing properly, you run a lower body temperature etc.
Furrynomous 2019/05/05 12:59:31 No.1585333
'Difficult to achieve' he says to the person who has averaged a 720 negative balance for a year now.
Furrynomous 2019/05/05 13:42:58 No.1585360

bless your epeen
Furrynomous 2019/05/05 16:39:45 No.1585502
>720 negative balance for a year now.

So you should've lost 525 pounds of fat over a year. If that were true, you would have been in the top 10 of fattest people in the world last year.

People who think they're on a severely calorie restricted diet usually count their calories wrong, and over-estimate their base metabolism, out of sheer wishful thinking and information from dodgy sources (inaccurate/false calorie listings)
Furrynomous 2019/05/06 00:11:21 No.1585648
The art style is adorable and sexy, but the lackluster dialogue is kinda killing it for me, just in the slightest.

Also, what the fuck is with the weight related arguing. This is a yiff and wank board, not complain or ramble about fitness board. Christ.
Furrynomous 2019/05/06 00:52:17 No.1585657

That's a pound a week.

3500 calories in a pound of fat, 500 cal deficit a day over 7 days is 3500 cal.

Source: Lost 80 pounds in the last year by paying attention to what I eat and workout a lot.
Furrynomous 2019/05/06 08:59:51 No.1585782
This kind of extreme shutdown only happens normally when you give a not-overweight person a lot less than the absolute bare minimum, which is around 1500kcal per day or so for a longer period (see minnesota starvation experiment for effects etc). After a while, the body has just not enough ressources left to function properly. An overweight person will use his fat and will not enter starvation mode as fast. Losing more than ~two pounds per week is still draining on the body, that's roughly a 1,000kcal difference per day though.
Assuming that he had a calorie deficit of 720kcal every day for one year and 1 pound of body fat is 3,500kcal, he should have lost about 75 pounds. (365d*720kcal/d=262,800kcal, 262,800kcal/3500kcal/lb=75lb)
Furrynomous 2019/05/06 09:02:17 No.1585783
>That's a pound a week.
The original claim was:
>If you run a negative balance of 500 calories a day, that comes out to a pound a day.

That was edited out from the post to say "pound a week".
Furrynomous 2019/05/06 22:20:51 No.1586038
It was a typo. -500 is pound a week. If you follow the math in the actual post that bears it out.
Furrynomous 2019/05/15 16:08:57 No.1589810
There sure is a lot of bro science going on in this thread
Furrynomous 2019/05/17 04:50:22 No.1590742
So being gentle, caring, and slow to start is my fetish. Also, safe sex. I'm really liking how this is going.
Furrynomous 2019/05/17 23:33:39 No.1591008
File: 1557912264.teranen_comic7smol_u18chan.png - (219.29kb, 960x1280, 1557912264.teranen_comic7smol.png)
Is this the legit ending? Are we getting bamboozled? Or lowkey cock blocked?
Furrynomous 2019/05/18 02:07:05 No.1591050

Already gave it half a star on e-hentai. If it's just a joke, I change it, but if it's the real ending, half a star it is
Furrynomous 2019/05/18 05:50:49 No.1591090
Please tell me that's just a joke page.

Oh my God I don't think it it because the artist say they aren't really a porn artist and got bored after 3 pages. What a waste. ('.' )

Edited at 2019/05/18 05:58:07
Furrynomous 2019/05/18 11:03:05 No.1591141
R. I. P. artist actually killed off her own comic, it was good while it lasted...
Furrynomous 2019/05/18 14:54:24 No.1591227
What I don't understand is why the artist bothered drawing anymore if they got bored after just 3 pages? Why didn't they do the sensible thing and either put the comic on hold, or cancel it? They basically just skipped passed several pages with this one and left it at that.

Honestly it's just a wasted comic that doesn't feel humorous even with that ending.
Furrynomous 2019/05/18 19:13:36 No.1591311
a lot of artists have an idea and want to turn it into a comic and usually end up making the first few pages out of hype before realizing they have no idea how the fuck writing or pacing works and they lose all interest because they have no idea what the fuck they're doing with it and didn't plan for anything at all. You can tell this went the same why when you look at when the pages were posted with the first three excitedly coming out pretty quickly before every page after that having a week to 3 weeks of a delay between pages with the last 2 or 3 being pretty obvious they wanted to finish it and be done with it. Case in point, their post on the last page "im not gonna make another comic any time soon. again sorry for typos and fast moving stuff," pretty sure they had no idea what they got into when they started the comic and even mentioned they were rushing it halfway through.

This artist in particular draws pretty much exclusively single pinups and it shows in this comic that they really don't know how to draw anything that isn't stiff standing neutral. They're not good with dynamic stances or portraying emotion in body language. I doubt they're gonna bother with another comic after this but at least their followers are being overly supportive.
Furrynomous 2019/05/18 21:28:31 No.1591392
File: u4rBwhG_u18chan.jpg - (74.89kb, 800x600, u4rBwhG.jpg)
This is appropriate i believe.
Furrynomous 2019/05/18 21:56:23 No.1591405
I get that they burned out their creativity trying to make it and then thought to simply end it, but they basically skipped passed everything and then said fuck it I don't care anymore. They could have just been upfront from the beginning and say the comic was no longer enjoyable for them to write, stop a couple pages ago and either put it on the back burner or cancel. It's not like this was a donation funded project so there was no pressure to continue afterwards and instead threw what looks like a joke page out to finally wrap it up.

Edited at 2019/05/18 22:07:47
Furrynomous 2019/05/18 22:07:15 No.1591413
I don't know it just rubs me the wrong way because would they react this way about other stuff, especially with their commissions? It feels like they'd rather take the shortcut out when things get rough.
Furrynomous 2019/05/18 23:09:15 No.1591435
>expending energy by lifting heavy things doesn't burn calories
Furrynomous 2019/05/19 13:20:37 No.1591615
Higher muscle mass means you burn more calories, even passively. Weight training isn't the only thing you need to do to lose weight, obviously, but it's good for you and will go a long way to help you maintain your fitness after you reach your goal.
Furrynomous 2019/05/20 04:39:16 No.1591864
In order to lose weight, you need to this:
Eat less calories than your body needs to survive per day. If your body needs 1200 calories to survive, you can intake 1100 calories a day and lose 100 calories worth of weight a day.

Doing CARDIO helps this a lot. Cardio burns much more than strength training. You really shouldn't be trying to lose weight while gaining muscle, because you need caloric surplus to build muscle, which isn't going to burn nearly enough passively or even during a routine strength workout to justify why you're strength training instead of doing cardio.
Furrynomous 2019/05/20 09:53:31 No.1591960
expending energy by lifting heavy things doesn't burn calories

Surprisingly enough, it's more or less true. First, the amount of actual energy you need to lift stuff is minimal, and the amount of extra energy your body spends afterwards just shifts around inside the body, for things like repairing and building muscle.

Simple potential energy calculation: E= mgh. Lift up 10 kilograms by a meter and you've spent 0.1 kJ or 0.024 Cal. If you lift the weight a hundred times, you're still only doing 2.4 Calories worth of work. You can eat a Snickers and spend the next two days lifting it away.

It just feels like a lot of effort because you're doing anaerobic work, so your muscles get tired faster. Anaerobic work is less efficient, but the body recycles the lactic acid back to energy later, so you don't lose much at all.

Meanwhile, running or cycling uses about 0.2 kJ every second, or 720 kJ / 172 Cal per hour, plus the recovery.
Furrynomous 2019/05/20 13:31:18 No.1592036
Weight training makes your hormone profile better for being fit, and provides more motivation for being fit.

The truth is though, mass isn't magically lost or converted. The way that we physically lose weight is that the burned calories release carbon. That carbon waste product leaves us through our breath. You literally breath out your excess weight, which is why cardio is better for it and why you can also passively lose weight.
Furrynomous 2019/05/22 11:25:25 No.1592744
True, but you don't lose any more weight simply by breathing more, so cardio is not "better" in that respect. The body maintains a certain CO2 level in your blood and you breathe to expel the extra carbon that your body releases - which depends on the amount of energy you spend.

The CO2 in the blood affects the acidity level of your blood (carbonic acid), which is more important for the correct functioning of your organs. Under normal circumstances, there's always enough oxygen coming in through your lungs that you wouldn't need to breathe any faster - the reflex to breathe more is actually triggered by the rise of CO2 in the blood and not the lack of oxygen. This is why it's dangerous for divers to hyperventilate (pant) before a dive - it expels all the CO2 and your oxygen levels can drop to the point of passing out before you get to the CO2 level that triggers the breathing reflex that tells you to get back to the surface.
Furrynomous 2019/05/23 12:46:23 No.1593098

The fuck is wrong with y'all, you're supposed to be fapping. Not talking about weight loss and trying to sound like a smartass fitness expert online, especially on a yiff board. No one gives a shit.
Furrynomous 2019/05/24 08:15:23 No.1593319

Did you saw the comic tho? There's nothing to fap on it, we only have fitness discussion left to do
Furrynomous 2019/05/24 15:24:28 No.1593383

Honestly that's all the value left on this comic now. Not even a decent fap or anything is achieved from it.
Furrynomous 2019/05/25 23:23:13 No.1593855
File: firsttimehanging_u18chan.jpeg - (52.72kb, 800x450, first time hanging.jpeg)
You must be new here, You should see half the shit these people fight about.
Furrynomous 2019/05/29 00:38:52 No.1595087
File: unknown1_12_u18chan.png - (157.59kb, 584x920, unknown[1].png)
Y'all made her sad
Furrynomous 2019/05/29 01:29:46 No.1595096
>not fap material
Did she even look at the cover of this?
Now watch her slowly turn into the type that draws lewd shit but no outright porn or genitalia again just to spite us
Furrynomous 2019/05/29 01:38:39 No.1595103
File: hmmm_1_u18chan.png - (250.19kb, 482x1755, hmmm.png)

>not fap material

Sure, whatever helps em sleep at night.
Furrynomous 2019/05/29 01:42:12 No.1595104
What... the fuck? Really? That wasn't meant to be porn?
Furrynomous 2019/05/29 02:01:42 No.1595106
Are they actually serious? This wasn't intended to be fap material? They sped through the comic and basically lost interest within the first 3 pages, but instead of simply cancelling or putting things on hold like a reasonable artist would so it doesn't burn them out, they basically said fuck it and made the 7th page skip every damn thing and end it.

I was disappointed with their approach of how they made this end so sloppily. But now the artist is trying to act like people are wrong for calling them out on this "Not porn" porn comic?
Furrynomous 2019/05/29 02:07:46 No.1595108
Now fans of the artist are trying to pamper em by calling this board and users names/thieves stealing from artists on patreon.

Edited at 2019/05/29 02:08:03
Furrynomous 2019/05/29 03:07:44 No.1595137

how I love hugboxes

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