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File: BareBack_Valley_Cover_u18chan.png - (1.79mb, 1065x1500, BareBack_Valley_Cover.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
BareBack Valley (Human Version) Furrynomous 2019/05/06 20:53:47 No.1586007   
Possibly a new Porn comic by Kabier

Mod Notice

Since because of Patreon ToS the comic will be remade with furries in place of the humans, and the human version will be continued in SubscribeStar, we ask that, for organization reasons, you guys post the new version in another thread.

We also renamed this one as the (Human Version) to differentiate with the other one

Edited at 2020/02/19 21:51:34
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BareBack Valley Furrynomous 2019/05/06 21:02:06 No.1586011
idk why, but I feel like the cow is going to be my favorite character...
Furrynomous 2019/05/06 22:42:45 No.1586046
Oh no.
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 00:08:22 No.1586077
Y'all gonna play nice this time and just look at the comic?
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 00:11:07 No.1586078
Mirrored my thoughts. We know what's going to happen once more pages come in.
Chatin # MOD # 2019/05/07 00:16:55 No.1586079
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 01:25:58 No.1586109
First complaint
1. I cannot think of one, just needed to complain about something cos its Kabier :)
the Fireman dog has same nose pattern as Harley... looks like it dont know if it wants to be feral or anthro..I am confused...also I caim the spot of first it begins....

Furrynomous 2019/05/07 03:35:54 No.1586135
Pig has bat ears.
Also, why do people just give them hoof digits like that? The least they could do is just give them normal fingers with hoof tips.
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 05:03:27 No.1586156
first complaint is jasonafex is writing again. dude cant write for shit, otherwise kabs' comics would better than just decent textless comics.

some people just like hooves that much for some reason. Its doable, although i think the fingerless gloves type design is way better as hands for hooved creatures.
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 05:37:36 No.1586164


I though he quit the furry fandom?
SirNonimous 2019/05/07 06:07:54 No.1586167
The first page isn't even out, and we already have people talking about hoof fetishes and the traditional "X ain't shit" compla-constructive criticisms.
(Puts popcorn on the heat)
Time for some previews before the movie starts, I guess.
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 07:24:15 No.1586181

I'm also confused by this. He's still making posts on FA isn't he? And now he's making a comic as well?

I get the feeling that once he 'quit the fandom', all it did was show him that outside of the fandom, no one really cares about him.

Classic 'taste of, and consequent fear of, reality'.
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 07:35:23 No.1586183
That dude's body reminds me of a old wrinkled ketchup packet.
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 09:47:29 No.1586212
The dude looks like pewdiepie
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 10:10:25 No.1586218
>stardewvalley/harvestmoon/breedingseason comic

What a pity, this is my fetish buffet but what awful fortune to be by these creators.That's all I will say, just bring on the porn.
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 11:15:07 No.1586231
that human...still i kinda like how kabier draws, let me just grab a sit and wait in silence.
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 14:21:43 No.1586262
Wake me up in a year when we get to page three.
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 18:55:59 No.1586328
Can't even. Not even going to. There's just so much wrong here that I don't even know where to begin, so I want. Just please stop.
Furrynomous 2019/05/07 23:43:42 No.1586410
Could one of y'all enlighten me as to why y'all have hate boners for these two creators? I haven't seen much from them but the artwork seems to be better than a lot of other stuff I've seen.
Furrynomous 2019/05/08 00:38:57 No.1586425
You're better off looking in the discussion thread because the mods are just waiting to nuke the shiit out of this one. Anyway they're not very good people, and respond to any criticism with autistic rage, banning and muting critics and otherwise creating an echo chamber of patreons that practically worship them. One example of them being sleazy is back in the day they really needed money for a house and turned to their supporters for help, only to use the money to buy a very expensive purebred dog. They then proceeded to make a comic about them fucking it.
Furrynomous 2019/05/08 00:45:41 No.1586428
I couldn't give less of a shit about kabier or her sperg fiance's personal lives or shit personalities. I care if their art is good or not, and it isn't. I come here to laugh at her awful proportions and sloppy shading and Jason's amateur hour dialogue.
Furrynomous 2019/05/08 07:44:28 No.1586520
I know this may be a little "off-topic" but... the Double Trouble thread got blocked to post anything new, and apparently Kabier is revising some pages and uploading them. I'd suggest to check if they can be posted so the comic is actually completed.

On-Topic: This makes me remember old times at breeding season lol, i just hope this doesn't start with a debt...
Furrynomous 2019/05/08 13:49:08 No.1586605
Is he gonna fuck the pig twink?
Furrynomous 2019/05/09 09:54:59 No.1586942
Hope that the human stays a top.
G-Birkin # MOD # 2019/05/09 13:41:37 No.1587047

Unlocked the "Double Trouble" thread to post the new pages

Any post that isn't the new pages or comments about it will result in a ban
Furrynomous 2019/05/09 14:53:42 No.1587070

its all a matter of how you choose to voice that criticism. you may call yourself a critic if you like but if your attitude is like this:


can you honestly blame them or anyone really for simply banning and blocking you? the internet's ability to hide yourself behind a fake name and an icon of a made up character is giving people a lot of power to be total assholes because they don't have to fear any actual consequences for their actions... and that shows given the attitude many people in this thread display.

its very telling that a lot of the people continue to focus on the bad stuff that Kabs and Jason did years ago and totally ignore that not to long ago, Kabs openly admitted to her fuck ups, unblocked a fuckton of people and wrote an open apology to the furry community as a whole.

yet, a lot of people still continue to hate on them. why? is her saying "I'm sorry" not good enough?
Furrynomous 2019/05/09 14:57:54 No.1587071
I'm looking forward to this. Any idea when page 1 is out
Furrynomous 2019/05/09 18:42:57 No.1587179
Saying "I'm sorry" then doing the opposite isn't good enough, no.
Furrynomous 2019/05/10 04:16:25 No.1587303
I feel like I'm missing a ton of info here <.<
Furrynomous 2019/05/10 05:32:06 No.1587311
I'm not sure if it's wise to "discuss" all of it here, so I'll just point you to the Encyclopedia Dramatica Article of him.
Furrynomous 2019/05/10 06:58:18 No.1587330
The comic hasn't even began and yet people have already started discussing it.
I think that speaks volumes about this comic's "creators"
Furrynomous 2019/05/10 18:07:31 No.1587495

i disagree with you there and say that it says more about the people doing the discussion than the actual creators. everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame by jumping on the Kabs/Jason hate bandwagon, I guess
Furrynomous 2019/05/10 19:03:54 No.1587503

"Fame"? Are you serious? :D
Furrynomous 2019/05/10 22:01:56 No.1587552


>everyone's posting anonymously
Furrynomous 2019/05/10 22:08:19 No.1587555
Damn. I didn't know kabier fans could be this cringe
Furrynomous 2019/05/11 01:41:33 No.1587609
Old McDonalds had a farm.
Furrynomous 2019/05/11 01:48:51 No.1587611
what comic was that? the harley dog one? or something different entirely
Furrynomous 2019/05/11 04:48:28 No.1587625

not as cringy as you :-P
Furrynomous 2019/05/11 11:56:31 No.1587742
Unfortunately, I look at the cover and all I can see in the human is Sjin.
Furrynomous 2019/05/11 13:16:22 No.1587790
page 1 when, has she announced it
Furrynomous 2019/05/11 15:25:18 No.1587958
They all must have fucked up livers to have yellow eyes like that :D
Furrynomous 2019/05/11 23:31:00 No.1588145
File: BareBack_Valley_Cover_u18chan_u18chan.png - (2.24mb, 1065x1500, BareBack_Valley_Cover_u18chan.png)
Really fuckin bored waiting for page 1. Let's have a little poll. On a scale of 1 to 10 rate each character based on badly you want to smash their pucci or boipucci. Don't have to edit the pic like I did. Just type it out
Wutwitit 2019/05/12 02:49:11 No.1588226
Twink Pig - 20/10
Sheep - 9/10
Border Collie - 10
The Guy - N/A
Horse - 4/10
Cow - a solid 7/10
Furrynomous 2019/05/12 05:05:52 No.1588250
On a scale of 1 to 10, rate each character based on how badly you want to smash its moronic face in.
Furrynomous 2019/05/12 09:30:40 No.1588333
0 to all the characters
12 to yours : )
Furrynomous 2019/05/12 11:01:54 No.1588355

Fair enough. You have more tolerance than I do for drawings without a hint of personality. But sometimes there is nothing more banal and empty than furry art.

So many possibilities in this fandom, so few people with ability.
Furrynomous 2019/05/13 00:25:51 No.1588564
41 comments and just the cover has been posted.
SirNonimous 2019/05/13 02:56:54 No.1588593
What can I do with this one, furry fandom? It won't. Stay. Still! I want to make them beautiful, but they always turn out wrong! That one, too fat! This one, too tall! This one, too symmetrical!
And now... what's this, fandom? A comic?! It is ugly! Ugly!! Uggggglllllyyyy!!! (Chucks computer out window)
Furrynomous 2019/05/13 07:31:21 No.1588649
Page 1 is going to be just a boring scenic shot of the farm establishing the area anyway. Calling it now.

Then it's another month wait for page 2 lol
Furrynomous 2019/05/13 17:10:13 No.1588746
I don't get it, its better than most other work. Its fresh material. Its pornographic. We haven't even seen page 1 yet and people are already complaining about their free porn.
Furrynomous 2019/05/13 21:42:09 No.1588832
Because it's Kabier and Jasonafex. They're infamous black sheep within the fandom. Kabier has published several bad comics in a row, 2 of them written by Jason (the second one written by him was so god awful that i saw nothing but criticism for it), and that's not even the reason why they have a bad reputation.

The reason they are so hated, is because of their behavior the past few years. At first it was just Jason, who was known to get incredibly butthurt over ANY criticism, constructive or not; and he would insult users and go on huge rants all the time. Then Kabs picked up on this same behavior too.
Recently, they've put themselves on e621's DNP list because they couldn't own up to the bad writing from Servants of the Serpents (the bad comic mentioned earlier). Since then, they've been building up a 'safe space' on the internet so they would never have to deal with criticism of any kind.
There's also accusations of bestiality, sexual abuse/rape; and Jason met Kabs when she was 14, and he was in his 20's. They announced that they were a couple very shorty after she turned 18. There's not a doubt in my mind that Jason's a pedo and groomed her. She was a sweet person before they started collaborating.

Me personally? I don't like Jason, and I don't like the person Kabs has become. Man's best friend was alright, Servants of the Serpents was HORRIBLE, and Double Trouble was mediocre.

There's a brief on the history of this pari's hatred, with my opinions.
Furrynomous 2019/05/14 01:27:37 No.1588919
im in the same boat as you with kabs. I loved their art and for the most part I can remove the artist from the art but kabs just took such a sharp and fast turn for the worst almost instantly, really hard to enjoy their content knowing what a cunt they've become. Going from never posting anything at all in terms of socializing to doing almost the exact same sort of stuff jasonafex did that made everyone hate him. They quickly became two peas in a rancid pod constantly validating each other's horrible behavior and personality. Honestly everyone hates jason the most due to the fact that he would constantly resort to his only trump card, which honestly isn't even good, of trying to flaunt his success in peoples faces if he couldn't think of anything good to reply with when people were giving really good valid criticisms. Doesn't leave a good impression coming from someone who constantly rides the coat tails of other people's success and cant write for shit when challenged to come up with his own material instead of tweening other people's work.

Also don't forget about LOVE or be loved, that one was horrendously written

Edited at 2019/05/14 01:33:45
Furrynomous 2019/05/14 15:05:08 No.1589167

Dr. Steinmann reference? Fuckin nice.
Furrynomous 2019/05/21 03:56:52 No.1592262
First page out. Anyone have it?
Furrynomous 2019/05/21 05:16:05 No.1592266
Looks ugly. Don't want it.
NeutonPhox 2019/05/21 11:12:59 No.1592354
I kinda do, no doubt gonna be at train wreck. I hate kabier and Jason for that. Like... we are disgusted by a lot of the shit they do, yet we still wanna see more.

If someone got a first page send asap

Edited at 2019/05/21 11:14:47
Furrynomous 2019/05/21 14:05:07 No.1592386
first page first page
Furrynomous 2019/05/23 05:53:37 No.1592978
File: BareBack_Valley_PG1_u18chan.png - (1.39mb, 1065x1500, BareBack_Valley_PG1.png)
Furrynomous 2019/05/23 06:28:38 No.1592994
Says y'all to one person. Clearly someone who is an expert in southern dialect wrote this story.
Furrynomous 2019/05/23 06:52:30 No.1593000
Well, I mean... we will do that down here on occasion so why don't y'all just simmer down.
Furrynomous 2019/05/23 07:07:57 No.1593003
Happens sometimes, either by a slip of the tongue or just lazy 'customer service robot mode'. Born and raised in south KY, very trufax.
Furrynomous 2019/05/23 09:59:17 No.1593031
Yum, I'll take a big ol' jar of sun-curdled milk!
Furrynomous 2019/05/23 10:28:35 No.1593038
ya'll need to shut up I just want to FUCK that cute farm girl dog.

Wait is the dog a boy? hard to tell from the cover
Furrynomous 2019/05/23 12:36:46 No.1593082
‘ Anonymous 2019/05/23 13:34:28 No.1593118
Pretty sure that’s a girl, considering what she’s wearing on the first page.
Furrynomous 2019/05/23 13:37:50 No.1593119

Pretty sure they're all girls except obv the farmer and maybe the horse.
Furrynomous 2019/05/23 13:40:05 No.1593120
Kate cannot draw humans. He looks deformed.

This comic is gonna be some work.
Furrynomous 2019/05/23 18:01:54 No.1593172
>Like it's some kind of perk to pet some cows.

I mean... it kind of is. Have you ever pet a cow before?
the tauren 2019/05/23 19:13:09 No.1593192
this guy look like chuck noris btw
NeutonPhox 2019/05/23 21:32:54 No.1593226
AND WE ARE MOTHER FUCKING OFF. Annddd nitpicks aside I don’t mind this page. So is this a world where humans and anthro animals coexist in society? Or is this a unique farm or something?

Nevermind I’m Still nitpicking, this is gonna be shit won’t it?
Furrynomous 2019/05/24 09:39:08 No.1593326
You need to calm down...
Furrynomous 2019/05/24 14:50:45 No.1593375
>Have you ever pet a cow before?
Furrynomous 2019/05/24 15:35:17 No.1593394
problem list
1. A reference to fucking Jason's character on page fucking one.... fuck off with that character almost being cameo in EVERYTHING or a PROTAGONIST
2. He has no hands on the wheel in the panel whilst reading the newspaper when he has likely read it 100 times so basically reckless driving..fuck again
3. As mentioned Ya'll to one person
4. He has no number plate so illegally driving...
5. Why park the car outside of the massive sign that was likely designed for cars to go through it yet he stops and walks and why is this Dog sitting at the milk and lemonade stand when clearly no one is around and if anyone says they could of arranged a meeting, first impressions would be dumb if they had already spoken
Furrynomous 2019/05/24 15:46:02 No.1593405
1) Calm your tits. Please, just, calm your tits.
2) It's pretty clear the vehicle has already come to a stop in front of the ranch gate whilst he is reading the want ad.
3) As already mentioned by several people who actually live in the South, to say y'all to one person is not exactly uncommon, if incorrect grammar. The more egregious misuse of Southern verbiage is actually when she says "yonder" when she's referencing the place where the two are currently located, when "yonder" is supposed to used when referencing a location away from where one is standing.
4) The plate is literally being obscured by a cloud of dust and why is that what you're focused on?
5) Who cares.

Edited at 2019/05/24 15:47:52
Furrynomous 2019/05/24 15:53:35 No.1593408
Well you don't know what you're missing cuz that shit's awesome!
NeutonPhox 2019/05/25 02:38:30 No.1593591
Vergence is Stan Lee in Kab’s comics! It’s the sad truth
Furrynomous 2019/05/25 02:39:22 No.1593592
Look at angling of the window and the newspaper and where the car has parked, the car was moving or did move
NeutonPhox 2019/05/25 02:54:37 No.1593594
Vergence is Stan Lee in Kab’s comics! It’s the sad truth
Furrynomous 2019/05/25 03:02:51 No.1593596
Nope. I'm not sure how you managed to extrapolate that, but all we have to go on is in the panel on the left you can literally only see him in the front seat of the truck (with no hands on the wheel and an arm propped up on the door for him to rest his head on his hand which would imply he's sitting still). Literally nothing else visible in that panel. Then it goes to the panel on the right where you can see the ranch gate through the windshield. The only panel on the whole page that implies the truck is in motion is the first panel at the top where you can see the dust cloud behind the truck. I'm not saying there isn't anything here to criticize, but if that's what you wanna go with, you're grasping ma dude and you're literally just looking for something to complain about.
Furrynomous 2019/05/25 11:23:19 No.1593678
I’m going to just pretend this guy has the voice of Vinny Vinesauce, and call it a day.
Furrynomous 2019/05/26 00:02:45 No.1593894
I'm here to laugh at bad art and cringe at bad comments.
Furrynomous 2019/05/28 09:15:14 No.1594801
Alright, bet on what page the quality is gonna drop since it's inevitable.
Furrynomous 2019/06/03 17:23:34 No.1597843
Is this going to be one of those comics that takes 5 years to complete, like getting one page every 4 months?
Furrynomous 2019/06/04 06:44:07 No.1598118
Kabier's release schedule is as stable as quantum particles. So, yes.
Furrynomous 2019/06/04 14:26:07 No.1598208
update when
Furrynomous 2019/06/04 14:32:54 No.1598211
This is kabier comic. Dont expect first sex scene until Halloween lol
Furrynomous 2019/06/04 15:28:24 No.1598230
oh no. not more bullshit by kabier and jasonafex. was the awful "kobold bisexual orgy comic in the jungle" not enough?
Furrynomous 2019/06/05 09:47:11 No.1598517

Pig's ugly as fuck, sheep's okay, dog's okay but pure Disney character, horse seems pretty ugly, cow's same as the dog, guy looks like some weird Disneyfication of a Questionable Content esque hipster webcomic character.
Furrynomous 2019/06/08 00:46:34 No.1599541

Lemonade's piss innit
Furrynomous 2019/06/09 15:43:01 No.1600175

Had that gut feeling that those are jars of jizz and piss... I don't know how Kab swings, but who knows.
Furrynomous 2019/06/10 14:30:14 No.1600629
You just invented furry comic sins
Furrynomous 2019/06/13 09:53:03 No.1601725

This dog is hot. Already want to see more of her. Even more than bat-pig boi.

Also like Kabs' style in general. It just looks so sweet. And yes, Jason IS madaged to make is somewhat worse with shitty writing.

Dont really like humans of any kind though. Whatever the artist is.
Furrynomous 2019/06/13 09:57:04 No.1601727
It is a new pickup Tesla model RDNCK. With autopilot and no need in hands on wheel whatsoever.
Furrynomous 2019/06/13 13:40:35 No.1601785

Dog girl - 10 / 10
Pig boy - im into girls / 10
Sheep girl - 8 / 10
Horse whatever - 4 / 10
Cow - 7 / 10
Human - Jesus pls no get the fuck off of my furries / 10
Furrynomous 2019/06/13 16:42:11 No.1601904
File: z_sold1_u18chan.jpg - (81.24kb, 1024x510, z_sold1.jpg)
This unhealthily reminds me of old MacDonald and his farm.
Furrynomous 2019/06/13 16:47:40 No.1601907
File: Kabier_Harley_u18chan.png - (274.32kb, 440x664, Kabier_Harley.png)
also, why is a female version of harley from "best man`s friend with benefits" in this comic?
Furrynomous 2019/06/13 16:55:48 No.1601916
File: old-macdonald-s-dementia-fucks-animal-36117750_u18chan.png - (180.55kb, 500x615, old-macdonald-s-dementia-fucks-animal-36117750.png)
I`ve just found this. It suits the thread so perfectly that I just had to post it.
Furrynomous 2019/06/13 17:02:26 No.1601932
thats why i love u18chan. i had to laugh so hard that i spilled my coke all over my laptop. anyway, the picture is great!
Furrynomous 2019/06/13 17:45:21 No.1601948
didn't these losers dramatically quit the fandom
Furrynomous 2019/06/13 17:57:58 No.1601953
i thought so too. seems that they have returned. happy us.
Furrynomous 2019/06/13 19:18:27 No.1601973
didn't these losers dramatically quit the fandom

They're back! Because --

"As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly."

Proverbs 26:11.
Furrynomous 2019/06/14 04:25:54 No.1602159
Yeah, that is true. Good quote too. Man, I really don`t like Kabier`s comics. Its not so much the art style as the shitty writing. "Servants of the Serpent" was bad enough.
NeutonPhox 2019/06/15 01:30:21 No.1602626
This comic.... CANCELLED
Furrynomous 2019/06/15 02:34:22 No.1602642
why does the guy looks like he's got jaundice? Sheep's eyes are whiter than his..
Furrynomous 2019/06/15 05:59:01 No.1602687
i hope so, dude.

maybe he`s stoned.
Furrynomous 2019/06/15 06:16:40 No.1602691
Furrynomous 2019/06/15 07:18:01 No.1602705
>human character
Fuckin dropped
Furrynomous 2019/06/15 08:19:05 No.1602721
Furrynomous 2019/06/15 12:01:34 No.1602781
All of these people butt-hurt that the protag is a human is just hilarious to me. I for one quite enjoy male humans with female anthros, and bottom male anthros.

Edited at 2019/06/15 12:02:33
Furrynomous 2019/06/17 04:40:48 No.1603578
Jewson stahp you dumbass pedo!

You ruining everything!
Furrynomous 2019/06/17 13:09:49 No.1603725
gotta put all those furry fuck toys in their place.
Furrynomous 2019/06/26 12:37:13 No.1606560
Is it really?
Furrynomous 2019/06/26 19:14:43 No.1606652
likely not, but might as well be since its been over a month since the first page and no news of the next one.
Furrynomous 2019/06/28 06:29:05 No.1607183
File: BareBackValleyPG2_u18chan.png - (16.71mb, 4000x5636, BareBack Valley PG2.png)
Got banned from twitter cus of this bitch
so here's your new pages
enjoy the autism
Furrynomous 2019/06/28 06:30:57 No.1607184
File: BareBackValleyPG3_u18chan.png - (2.19mb, 1065x1500, BareBack Valley PG3.png)

Furrynomous 2019/06/28 06:53:17 No.1607193
Just fuck the dog already Vinny
Furrynomous 2019/06/28 06:57:44 No.1607196
Damn it the collie better fucked asap. I wanna see her getting dicked.
Furrynomous 2019/06/28 10:40:53 No.1607255
Don't these mean the opposite?
Furrynomous 2019/06/28 11:34:31 No.1607261
No. Twink is derived from Twinky, which fat people love, so it stuck.

Edited at 2019/06/28 11:34:49
Furrynomous 2019/06/28 12:58:27 No.1607272
Spoken like a true wise messiah.
The collie is the only character I'm even interested in.
Furrynomous 2019/06/28 15:44:11 No.1607306
Furrynomous 2019/06/28 18:08:33 No.1607336
File: qa_u18chan.png - (10.21kb, 984x172, qa.png)
Furrynomous 2019/06/28 23:28:24 No.1607436
Can't wait to see Cassie getting fucked.
Furrynomous 2019/06/29 02:16:10 No.1607481

Hahaha dumb fucks
Furrynomous 2019/06/29 03:41:26 No.1607506

Wow. This gonna be... weird.
Dog girl is awesome for sure but....

You know...

Jewson writing...

Some stupid gayass shitty plot may occur.
Furrynomous 2019/06/29 03:43:36 No.1607507

Kabs herself cant decide how may fingers dog should have or what?
Furrynomous 2019/06/29 19:38:32 No.1607753
Geez guys you are so whiny i dont give a shit as long as i see a creampie
Furrynomous 2019/06/29 23:19:32 No.1607815
Anyone else creeped out the dude looks just like Jasonafex?
Furrynomous 2019/06/30 07:29:08 No.1607975
File: autismo_u18chan.png - (402.7kb, 466x473, autismo.PNG)
This fucking face tho
Furrynomous 2019/06/30 08:02:16 No.1607984
Is it my imagination or did Cassie's tits shrink between pages 2 and 3?
Furrynomous 2019/06/30 10:12:35 No.1608000
wouldnt surprise me, kabier has always been super into indulging jasonafex and self inserting him into everything she draws per his request
NeutonPhox 2019/07/01 02:38:28 No.1608333
Woowww 2 pages! Also the humans are the worst ;-;
Furrynomous 2019/07/01 14:44:52 No.1608496
Hugh looks fine. Can we just have the story about him?
Furrynomous 2019/07/02 00:41:14 No.1608696

Best girlfriend ever, amirite?
Furrynomous 2019/07/02 19:45:35 No.1608988
hate em or not, jason and kab are a match made in heaven. birds of a feather act like cunts together, or whatever the saying was...
Furrynomous 2019/07/02 21:49:05 No.1609007
Well... to be fur, Kabier was groomed by Jason until she came of age. That kind of conditioning from childhood would fuck anyone up.
Furrynomous 2019/07/03 05:00:48 No.1609124
groomed or not, the end result is really what matters. too late at this point to be honest.
Cactus Sauce For Your Nachos 2019/07/03 21:55:04 No.1609388
File: EDIT_u18chan.png - (933.71kb, 1065x1054, EDIT.png)
There are two ways to get yourself killed on page one:

(A) Drive off a cliff and let gravity do the work for you.

(B) Trespassing on private property and Fucking around with farm owner's Anthropomorphic Canine, who also has a gun in her right hand. She may be a dog, but so far she's the only Anthro in this comic with humanoid hands, therefore she is capable of pulling the trigger of that gun pointed at you.

I noticed that too. In some scenes she has five fingers, then she gives her four fingers, then 5 fingers again.

She also cannot decide on her breast size. In some scenes she has big tits (pg.2), then in other scenes, her chest is flatter (pg 3.).


The second page is somewhat yiff provocative and I hope Cassie fulfills a dominatrix role making the human her little sex pet in later pages. ;^)

Edited at 2019/07/03 22:42:57
Furrynomous 2019/07/04 05:06:40 No.1609526

Why would you open a lemonade stand (100% its gonna be piss) in an area that you'll threaten to shoot any potential customers?
Cactus Sauce For Your Nachos 2019/07/04 06:36:53 No.1609537

Same reason why would you give only one anthro (Cassie) humanoid hands, meanwhile the rest of the anthros (pigboi with bat-ears, sheep woman, cowgirl, maybe the horse too) in the cover don't have humanoid hands?

I guess Cassie is the only biologically privileged one to have the hands of a human. You can't hold a gun if you have hooves instead of hands. I mean if you are going to make them ANTHROPO- (human) + -MORPHIC (form) you might as well do it right by also replacing hooves and paws with hands for their arms.

So far only Cassie has proven herself to be the most likable character over all other characters because her anthropomorphization was done right, hence why I decided to give a gun in her right hand. I doubt that sheep or pig can hold a gun with their hooves.


Note that I am talking about hands here, not feet. The rules of anthropomorphization don't necessarily need to be applied to the feet; hence why there are terms like digitigrade (canines), plantigrade (bears), unguligrade (horses) in anthropomorphic anatomy.

Also, the sheepgirl has no nipples on her tits. How will she ever breastfeed her offsprings?


I know there are no snakes in the comic, nonetheless, it is still important to note: give anthro snakes god-damn legs, otherwise, they are correctly known as semianthro (semi- = half).

Edited at 2019/07/04 06:41:23
Furrynomous 2019/07/04 07:48:35 No.1609547
File: LetterStyle_u18chan.jpg - (91.84kb, 513x416, LetterStyle.jpg)
I don`t know about you guys but I really hate the letter style. It gives me a massive headache to read this.
Cactus Sauce For Your Nachos 2019/07/04 08:33:02 No.1609555

Really? That's your biggest problem? Would you prefer TIMES NEW ROMAN font instead? ;^)
Furrynomous 2019/07/04 08:53:42 No.1609571
I like comicsans. Good for anything comic-like.
Furrynomous 2019/07/04 09:17:06 No.1609597
I am suffering from epilepsy. This makes me literally throw up. No joke. "TIMES NEW ROMAN" would be better. I also would love it to be good, old black letters. Like they used to use.

Me too. I wish he would use the classic comic sans instead of whatever this is.
Cactus Sauce For Your Nachos 2019/07/04 10:17:38 No.1609617
Fair enough. I ain't gonna judge you for that. I feel sorry for your condition, though. :'(


Why do I have a feeling that Jasona's writing will make Kabs draw more scenes of that pigboi getting analed rather than scenes of Cassie getting sexually rough as a dominatrix on the human dude?

We already know Cassie exhibits dominance by squeezing the butt of the human dude. You can tell it on her facial expressions that she knows what she wants and she will get it eventually. Then again, this does not depend on us the viewers of the content. Jasona will fuck up her personality and will intentionally direct more focus on the pigboi cuz he's that much of a flaming homosexual.

Jasona is such a flaming homosexual: his writings will ruin this comic and turn into a fag story.

I wish the cowgirl had human hands with five fingers like Cassie does. I have to agree with everyone here that so far Cassie is the only character with a 10/10.

Hands in anthropomorphism play an important and vital role for aesthetic purposes. The cowgirl almost has human-like hands, but she only has 3 fingers which kinda ruins it.

The sheepgirl is completely hooved. She also has no nipples on her tits. She's so far the worst character.

I'd not be surprised if the horse has hooves for his or her arms too. As a matter of fact, the horse looks gender ambiguous in the cover. He/She looks more of a horse-donkey (mule) mix rather than a real horse.

Cassie takes first place in the chart.
Cowgirl would be next in second place.
I hope there will be milktation scenes with her giant boobs. My question is: do want to squeeze the milk out her tits for your coffee? ;)

Edited at 2019/07/04 10:21:13
Furrynomous 2019/07/04 17:22:56 No.1609712
>Fair enough. I ain't gonna judge you for that. I feel sorry for your condition, though. :'(
Thank you very much for your kind words. Epilepsy is truly nightmarish. A seizure attack can hit me at everytime.
Furrynomous 2019/07/04 22:23:18 No.1609754
Epilepsy sounds like it's a horrible condition to live with.
Furrynomous 2019/07/05 06:38:33 No.1609871
It is bad, I would not wish it on anybody. There is medication, but it does not completly ban seizures, it just reduces them. I once had a seizure because of the coloring in a manga in a comic shop. I only recall a weird sensation when reading it and then how i woke up in the hospital. I apparently had a terrible attack and the shocked comic shop owner called the ambulance.

Edited at 2019/07/05 06:39:54
Furrynomous 2019/07/05 08:26:43 No.1609892
sorry to hear. my cousin has some light form of epilepsy, but it is still horrible when she has a seizure and falls to the ground. massive suffering.
Furrynomous 2019/07/06 06:24:16 No.1610237
How the fuck did this thread end up on epilepsy?!
Furrynomous 2019/07/06 10:36:41 No.1610286
Your best bet would be just to, you know, not read this comic? I doubt the author cares very much about a random complaint by someone not supporting their work anyway. Also snowflake, you sound pretty entitled, like the whole world needs to cater to your extremely specific needs that no one could possibly know about ahead of time. Life doesn't work that way, better rip that band-aid off early or it's really going to hurt later on.
Furrynomous 2019/07/09 05:07:47 No.1611491
to be fair, it is clearly a service establishment, big ol' sign. Not trespassing. (Especially since the meeting point was there and they were clearly open. (Time to meet was probably in the advert)

On the breasts, i think the bigger size was because she was leaning into the stand, squishin em up, they're only plump n juicy when shes leaning on em. (Clearly a "sales" tactic ;P)

I agree with the other criticisms, but in the end, meh. it's porn.
Furrynomous 2019/07/09 20:56:19 No.1611852
I don't think he looks like him. I saw some pretty cringy shit on his youtube channel where he was playing VR. Jasonafex has a pretty flat face and his chin is alot less pointy than the human protagonist in the story.
Furrynomous 2019/07/10 07:09:42 No.1612026
Is there any pages out soon?
cast Kfraven 2019/07/10 18:09:41 No.1612200
I'm hoping there's opposite sex of each species represented so far in this comic. And failing that dog girl gets boned by the local wolf pack in some kind of payoff "protecting" the farm like paying protection money to the mob.
Wutwitit 2019/07/14 08:53:16 No.1614595
Twink Pig - 20/10
Sheep - 9/10
Border Collie - 10
The Guy - N/A
Horse - 4/10
Cow - a solid 7/10

There's no pig.
Furrynomous 2019/07/26 14:52:48 No.1621674
File: BareBackValleyPG4_u18chan.png - (833.77kb, 620x873, BareBack Valley PG4.png)
Get ready boys.
Jason's bad writing making a comeback.
Furrynomous 2019/07/26 17:01:57 No.1621725
>No nipples

Furrynomous 2019/07/26 17:20:34 No.1621729
Well don't drop it yet, they could be under her fluff
the tauren 2019/07/26 19:21:12 No.1621751
hum farm bitch

they dont sell milk and lemon juice only nice. illegal activity i like :p.
Furrynomous 2019/07/26 19:48:39 No.1621760
No nips, no vag... just why
Furrynomous 2019/07/26 19:49:07 No.1621761
File: Capture_50_u18chan.png - (192.33kb, 606x279, Capture.PNG)
this guy needs to not draw humans
Furrynomous 2019/07/26 20:43:45 No.1621784
Now I can't stop hearing Vinyots voice
Furrynomous 2019/07/26 21:00:22 No.1621788
Well, the boss has a pair of clippers in his hand, perhaps she's gonna get shorn, after which those parts might be visible. I don't see why not, considering the pig boy has a nipple visible on the cover page.
Furrynomous 2019/07/27 05:13:15 No.1621933

Wow. This is...

Trash, yeah. From lack of pussy to some dirty BDSM slavery stuff.
What is this place?

Already don't like. Well... maybe at least guy will fuck a dog.
Furrynomous 2019/07/27 14:40:57 No.1622084
"Let's take this ewe for a SPEEEEHN"
Furrynomous 2019/07/28 05:18:08 No.1622318
File: Embedded Video
Reminds me of him.
Furrynomous 2019/07/28 09:23:33 No.1622385

It was a great cartoon. Like... really great.
Matthias Augustine Burke 2019/07/28 15:31:47 No.1622459
I remember seeing a preview. “Sir, I think you stuck your sword through your torso.” “What?!”
Furrynomous 2019/07/28 21:46:47 No.1622559
Wait she already has a "favorite customer" but she just started a week ago and just turned 18...What?
Furrynomous 2019/07/28 23:57:02 No.1622594
Sadly, me neither... I imagine him seeing the sheep, and him making Vinny's awkward laugh.
Furrynomous 2019/07/29 23:40:17 No.1623044
Banjo Kazooie music to advertise this series...
Furrynomous 2019/07/30 01:17:38 No.1623067
File: 1564462141.kabier_bareback_valley_banner_u18chan.png - (153.42kb, 1280x320, 1564462141.kabier_bareback_valley_banner.png)

Furrynomous 2019/07/30 04:02:44 No.1623105
ok... I think I'm with the haters now. This characters turn shit
Furrynomous 2019/07/30 05:31:26 No.1623122


As someone that has worked around shearing sheds before, this is probably the least sexy fucking thing I've read this month. I gagged in my mouth a little bit.

Kabier confirmed for never having visited a stable in her fucking life.
Furrynomous 2019/07/30 05:37:42 No.1623124
File: _51_u18chan.jpg - (28.44kb, 604x454, мерзость.jpg)
Seems that dog it the only one who looks at least a bit like an option.
Furrynomous 2019/07/30 05:53:35 No.1623131
File: DerpDerp_u18chan.png - (1.13mb, 947x1011, DerpDerp.png)
What is going with these human faces? They either look like their mentally retarded or are insane chainsaw killers. Kabier can draw anthro animals who look normal, so why are the human faces so bloated and creepy?
Furrynomous 2019/07/30 05:59:23 No.1623134
i think that it is the toony way kabier draws. this style works well for characters but does not work for humans at all. it leads to an "uncanny valley" level of human expressions (remember, most animals do not have facial expressions at all).
Furrynomous 2019/07/30 06:44:39 No.1623157
Hang on, didn't Kabier say she was giving up on furry stuff after her last comic? Guess drawing humans isn't as profitable.
Furrynomous 2019/07/31 02:09:48 No.1623630

Yeah, turns out the jobless Alt-Righters who frequent Gab don't have a lot of money to give to some random person because they say shit they agree with.
Furrynomous 2019/07/31 07:52:46 No.1623713

It... it... stares into my soul. It is horrible! Look at these eyes. Look at them! These are not the eyes of a man but of a monster.
Furrynomous 2019/07/31 08:08:16 No.1623721
File: man-holding-garlic-1_u18chan.jpg - (13.58kb, 580x387, man-holding-garlic-1.jpg)
here! fast! take the garlic! it scares the vampires away!
Furrynomous 2019/07/31 08:12:18 No.1623723

*takes garlic

Thanks! You are the best!
Furrynomous 2019/07/31 13:45:58 No.1623858
Twink pig is a 20/10? What drug are you taking? I have to agree with the majority here. Cassie is the only hawt anthro. I want to see that slut yiffed hardcore. Cassie is the 20/10! Don't you dare to prove me wrong or I will peel your fur off like in that banner, you will become a peeled naked potato.:^)
Furrynomous 2019/07/31 16:13:02 No.1623926
File: qG-kW5WxILY_u18chan.jpg - (93.57kb, 604x519, qG-kW5WxILY.jpg)
Why at the cover cow has 3 fingers and here cow has 4 fingers?

Unclear amount of fingers on the dog at the first time seemed... whatever, but now it is a whole new level of fuck up.
Furrynomous 2019/08/01 10:14:10 No.1624264
Human or Anthro, all hands have 5 fingers. 3-4 hooved-fingers are a turn off. This is why Cassie is only liked character so far. The artist sucks so that explains the finger problem.
Furrynomous 2019/08/04 00:33:17 No.1625551
"Favorite customer"
"Just turned 18"

This comic already has signs of prior Chris Hansen all over it....
Loleksy 2019/08/04 01:40:15 No.1625583
It seems that she's been getting punded before reaching maturity, but for this comics' purposes she just finished 18 so the viewer is comfortable. Given the sheep's body type the info is highly unnecessary, because unless she'd be acting like a child nobody would be uncomfortable.

Also, she's the freshest arrival amongst the farm's animals yet she already has a fav customer? Maybe he's following her around from farm to farm, but does it make sense?

Seriously, just fuck Jason's writing, it's on GoT season 8 level.
Furrynomous 2019/08/06 13:40:08 No.1626752
Not even 5 pages and this comic is shit. Call me when either the dog or cow gets fucked
Furrynomous 2019/08/16 14:12:57 No.1631985
While I enjoy Kabier's artwork now and then.. wtf is with the dog's muzzles and those splotches?
Furrynomous 2019/08/16 16:09:49 No.1632025
Page 1 is public
Furrynomous 2019/08/19 09:44:20 No.1633540
File: BbVPG5_u18chan.png - (1.55mb, 1065x1500, BbVPG5.png)

Furrynomous 2019/08/19 10:49:54 No.1633569
There's literally no difference in depth between sheared and woollen coat there.
Not sure why I'm focussing on that, but it's still weird.
Furrynomous 2019/08/19 12:40:20 No.1633610

Agreed. I would like the comic if there was just the furries, but the faces of the humans on it are so uncanny, it throws me off
Furrynomous 2019/08/19 20:32:43 No.1633766

I believe you just answered your own question.
Furrynomous 2019/08/20 01:47:44 No.1633843
File: buhhhhh_u18chan.png - (69.99kb, 546x145, buhhhhh.png)

By gawd you're right.
Furrynomous 2019/08/21 00:50:00 No.1634308
I think it has something to do with how we see faces in every day objects.

A furry face can be drawn a little sloppy and, because it's not a human face, our brain and eyes can forgive that.

But we are all experts at seeing human faces. See a fucked up face, BOOM! LOOK AT DAT UGLY FACE!
Furrynomous 2019/08/23 11:16:27 No.1635270

You are probably right. Whatever it is, these faces give me nightmares. I am dead serious. I recently had a nightmare were a killer tried to murder me and he had a very similar face like the main human character in this comic. I really doubt that this is a coincidence.
Furrynomous 2019/08/24 04:48:46 No.1635540
File: tumblr_static_jeff_the_killer_by_yumiipanconqueso-d5me30w_u18chan.jpeg - (117.64kb, 774x1031, tumblr_static_jeff_the_killer_by_yumiipanconqueso-d5me30w.jpeg)
i think what rubs many of us the wrong way is the way how the human eyes are drawn. the eyes are unusually large but have really small pupils. the mouth is big and the smile is unnaturally stretched. the human characters basically have all facial elements which are usually associated with deranged killers or sociopaths (at least in fiction).
Furrynomous 2019/08/24 11:47:43 No.1635661
bah ram ewe
Furrynomous 2019/09/01 09:28:02 No.1639547
pg. 6 is out
Furrynomous 2019/09/03 09:43:23 No.1640336
File: BareBack_Valley_PG6_u18chan.png - (1.56mb, 1064x1500, BareBack_Valley_PG6.png)

the tauren 2019/09/03 10:23:11 No.1640342
now let's get some milk after shaving the sheep
Furrynomous 2019/09/03 10:36:48 No.1640348
Am I the only one who'd find it amusing if the guard wasn't into critters and that became a running gag? The workers all trying to seduce him or some thing like that?
Furrynomous 2019/09/03 15:39:56 No.1640428
"softer than silk"

You are wearing. fucking. gloves.
Furrynomous 2019/09/03 16:18:20 No.1640440

It's a furry comic, with horrible human faces, almost no logic, and you're COMPLAINING HE COULDN'T FEEL BECAUSE OF THE GLOVES?
Furrynomous 2019/09/03 18:42:51 No.1640469
yeah getting some real creepy vibes from this comic..
Furrynomous 2019/09/04 01:46:37 No.1640633
Moonshine is a hell of a drug
sex ftuucs2f 2019/09/05 00:35:22 No.1641110
Furrynomous 2019/09/05 00:48:34 No.1641116
[Vinesauce] Vinny - Harvest Moon (Part 1 + Art)
Furrynomous 2019/09/08 03:28:54 No.1642377
Draw what you know
Furrynomous 2019/09/08 14:40:42 No.1642647
Furries in human comics/ humans in furry comics:
*mind explosion*
> this whole topic.

Edited at 2019/09/08 14:41:35
Furrynomous 2019/09/08 17:35:55 No.1642699

Humans badly drawn!
Furries badly drawn!
this whole topic
Furrynomous 2019/09/08 21:20:30 No.1642738

The reason this is odd is due to their roles as "traditional" farm animals, especially when you recall the literal dog fucking comics they've drawn before.

Edited at 2019/09/08 21:20:50
Furrynomous 2019/09/08 21:34:15 No.1642741
cant just all of you guys shut the hell up and enjoy? if you think you can do it better then fucking draw something better, if you cant then shut your noise holes if you cant draw for shit
Furrynomous 2019/09/08 22:45:57 No.1642754

I hope you never get food poisoning.
Furrynomous 2019/09/09 04:35:10 No.1642828
i woundn´t say badly, more like "its a cup of tea you should like or not"...
Furrynomous 2019/09/09 08:41:54 No.1642863
>The little stumpy ones, bleat all day, can't vote or speak?

Say what you will about this comic, but that line was funny.
Furrynomous 2019/09/09 15:02:42 No.1642943
that's like saying you can't complain about a horrible pianist at a concert just because you can't do any better
Furrynomous 2019/10/01 21:53:06 No.1652186
Please tell me they've given up already
Furrynomous 2019/10/07 01:12:31 No.1654201
I'm scared of this -_-
Furrynomous 2019/10/11 02:29:55 No.1655974
Reading the blue word bubbles in Vinny’s voice and the red in his deeper redneck voice makes this whole comic worth it, even if it goes nowhere...
Furrynomous 2019/10/11 02:32:23 No.1655975
I guess they’re actually grey... whatever.
Furrynomous 2019/10/28 01:42:08 No.1663443
New page out
Furrynomous 2019/10/28 06:59:07 No.1663501
File: BareBackValleyPG7_u18chan.png - (1.57mb, 1065x1500, BareBack Valley PG7.png)

Furrynomous 2019/10/28 09:08:43 No.1663534
File: Hagayyyy_u18chan.jpg - (40.49kb, 642x589, Hagayyyy.jpg)
(This is a joke, don't get triggered guys.)
Furrynomous 2019/10/28 10:40:09 No.1663564
fucking finally, the good stuff
Furrynomous 2019/10/28 13:04:50 No.1663676
another page and another month or two to wait for the next one LOL
Furrynomous 2019/10/28 16:05:17 No.1663711
The next time you apply to a job, do like this dumbass did: Ask the EMPLOYER if HE is looking for work.

Because, you know... An employer looking for WORKERS or having work to OFFER is pretty dumb.

I guess this goes to show that Jasonafex hasn't actually worked a single day in his life.
Furrynomous 2019/10/30 00:10:53 No.1664171
File: Embedded Video
Oh *looks at new page*
Well there's only one thing I can do
*runs away and finds a gun*
*Dead characters*

Edited at 2019/10/30 00:11:27
Furrynomous 2019/10/30 14:32:48 No.1664464
Is it bad I was looking forward to the pig? ;-;. Not my top one but idk. That particular one fascianited me
Furrynomous 2019/11/01 21:45:08 No.1665616
Fuck this shit I am out
Furrynomous 2019/11/04 19:20:25 No.1666758
File: pig_0_u18chan.png - (261.01kb, 472x675, pig.png)
He's gonna fuck a pig
Furrynomous 2019/11/04 20:23:17 No.1666769
File: Embedded Video
Furrynomous 2019/11/05 06:09:15 No.1666902
inb4 power drill penis
Furrynomous 2019/11/05 09:17:54 No.1666974
Wasn't the last page 7 already?
Furrynomous 2019/11/05 19:35:00 No.1667181
Who hasnt, am I right?

Edited at 2019/11/05 19:35:25
Furrynomous 2019/11/07 21:24:35 No.1667974
pg 8 and 9 are out
Furrynomous 2019/11/08 08:48:26 No.1668119
File: BareBackValleyPG8_u18chan.png - (655.46kb, 620x873, BareBack Valley PG8.png)

Furrynomous 2019/11/08 08:48:47 No.1668120
File: BareBackValleyPG9_u18chan.png - (808.11kb, 620x874, BareBack Valley PG9.png)

Furrynomous 2019/11/08 08:50:59 No.1668121
Kate, never draw humans again. For the love of all things holy, just don't.
Autist Austin has gone full on retard.
Furrynomous 2019/11/08 09:53:06 No.1668138
sexy fuckin pig
Furrynomous 2019/11/08 12:38:02 No.1668167
Is it me or that pig looks like a bat.
Furrynomous 2019/11/08 12:59:51 No.1668171
They say practise makes perfect. Of course some can't help but make meme faces.

Odd, very idd, faces aside I am still all in favor of more of this.
Furrynomous 2019/11/08 17:10:27 No.1668296
>Go around and get teased/blue-balled to hell and back by the pig/bovine/sheep/whatever
>Pent up beyond physical comprehension
>Finally sign waiver
>Go back to front gate
>Take every iota of it out on Cassie like his life depended on it
>Get fired because his body is forever useless because he actually did take his entire life force out on her

It was a good day
Furrynomous 2019/11/08 18:14:16 No.1668314
Fuck. Please for the love of god. I want to see that pig get fucked, and the collie too. Please kabs don't let is wait for months just to finally see the action.

The others I honestly don't care much for.
Furrynomous 2019/11/08 18:59:30 No.1668320
Yeah, I really hope the collie will eventually get porked so hard she'll need a wheelchair for a few days. Really looking forward to seeing her pussy get destroyed.
Furrynomous 2019/11/08 22:31:16 No.1668369
Pretty sure pig is a boy.
Furrynomous 2019/11/09 00:05:15 No.1668399
It's 2019. Duncan can be a female name lmao
Furrynomous 2019/11/09 03:13:30 No.1668444
The pig's clearly a dude.
Furrynomous 2019/11/09 07:42:35 No.1668496
Look at the cover page. Clearly a dude.
Furrynomous 2019/11/09 10:38:36 No.1668552
This degenerate Tim Buckley doppelganger teased several female anthros and ONE twink, and the first half-assed scene is with this gay shit. Kabler should contemplate killing himself
Furrynomous 2019/11/09 12:33:48 No.1668593
Kabier is a woman.
Furrynomous 2019/11/09 13:40:08 No.1668665
Sounds like someone is a little bit homophobic. I mean Kabier is known to make comics with gay and straight stuff. Why are you so angry about 1 gay pig in between of 5 or more animal girls?

Edited at 2019/11/09 13:41:09
Furrynomous 2019/11/09 14:57:27 No.1668724

It's turbo autism, man. It does things to people.
Furrynomous 2019/11/09 17:11:46 No.1668748
File: KabiHorse_u18chan.png - (755.41kb, 952x861, KabiHorse.png)
He's probably not gonna fuck a horse
Furrynomous 2019/11/09 19:16:59 No.1668792
I would like to skip the gay shit and see the dog and the guy
Furrynomous 2019/11/09 23:01:32 No.1668882
Dog is probably gonna end up using strapon on new guy.
Furrynomous 2019/11/10 01:00:40 No.1668941

Now I want this comic to be 99% gay with 1% token straight scene. Like, half of one page.
Furrynomous 2019/11/10 02:15:59 No.1668952
Why must you do this to me
Furrynomous 2019/11/10 05:48:59 No.1668983
What are the odds the dog turns out to be pre-op trans?
Furrynomous 2019/11/10 06:24:58 No.1668991
Considering this is kabier, I'd say 100%
Furrynomous 2019/11/10 07:33:55 No.1669014
Yes. Cuz Kabier is infamous for trans characters. Shut the fuck up
Loleksy 2019/11/10 10:36:32 No.1669083
Kabier is famous for being retarded. We can expect anything.
Furrynomous 2019/11/10 15:30:22 No.1669182

are you seriously complaining about that lol?
Furrynomous 2019/11/10 18:15:29 No.1669245
That Guy looks like a Mix of Jacksepticeye, Jasonafex and Leon Kennedy from Resident Evil 4
Furrynomous 2019/11/11 13:31:17 No.1669755
pg. 10 is out
Furrynomous 2019/11/12 12:53:55 No.1670577

All those before or after the car accident?
Furrynomous 2019/11/12 23:23:10 No.1670715
pages 10 and 11 are out, Kabier is actually doing work on this comic
Furrynomous 2019/11/13 07:34:40 No.1670829
File: BareBackValleyPG10_u18chan.png - (752.49kb, 620x874, BareBack Valley PG10.png)

Furrynomous 2019/11/13 07:34:52 No.1670830
File: BareBackValleyPG11_u18chan.png - (616.16kb, 620x874, BareBack Valley PG11.png)

Furrynomous 2019/11/13 07:35:12 No.1670831
There you go.
Furrynomous 2019/11/13 07:59:24 No.1670839
TBH, by now I only have hots for the dog girl. The other chars are... Meh...
Furrynomous 2019/11/13 09:21:16 No.1670860
same here
Furrynomous 2019/11/13 11:44:19 No.1670885
Idk yet that pig is really doing it for me
Furrynomous 2019/11/13 12:31:53 No.1670895
The sheep would have even been pretty hot. But as soon as it started to get "good" (for kabier values of good) it's time to introduce other characters?
Furrynomous 2019/11/14 19:00:06 No.1671422
The sheep would have even been pretty hot. But as soon as it started to get "good" (for kabier values of good) it's time to introduce other characters?

$20, the next stop is an empty stall for the guys to screw.
Furrynomous 2019/11/14 23:28:37 No.1671483
pg 12 is out
Furrynomous 2019/11/14 23:42:34 No.1671487
No shit retard, not like you can tell 2 of the main characters are male just based on the title page of the comic.
Furrynomous 2019/11/14 23:45:35 No.1671488
Cow, dog and sheep are best characters. Could do without the dumb bi shit.
Furrynomous 2019/11/15 00:29:33 No.1671507
Anyone able to get this last page, really interested in what this animal will be like
Furrynomous 2019/11/16 00:58:52 No.1671916
Furrynomous 2019/11/16 19:17:50 No.1672137
File: BareBackValleyPG12_u18chan.png - (703.55kb, 620x874, BareBack Valley PG12.png)
Here you go you yankees.
Furrynomous 2019/11/16 20:07:01 No.1672146

The right sucker thing doesn't even have a hose.

This farm is a sham.
Furrynomous 2019/11/16 21:10:38 No.1672160
I'm beginning to think that this art may not be what you would call high quality!!
Loleksy 2019/11/17 03:19:56 No.1672242
Kabier's art... not having high quality? *gasp* No way!
Furrynomous 2019/11/17 03:21:51 No.1672243
Y'all sure are complaining a lot over something you're getting to view for free.
Furrynomous 2019/11/17 06:02:59 No.1672274

I am gonna take a giant shit on your front porch, you are allowed to look at it all you want (its free!) but you can't complain.
Furrynomous 2019/11/17 08:41:59 No.1672327

Except nobody is throwing this art on your front porch. You're going out looking for it and complaining because the art you didn't pay for isn't as good as you want.
Furrynomous 2019/11/17 09:03:22 No.1672329

This experience is like walking through your neighborhood and finding a pile of dead groundhogs. You weren't looking for it, but there it is, and it gives you every good reason to complain about the reek.
Furrynomous 2019/11/18 02:13:58 No.1672723
Yep, but I didn't complain. Instead I spanked one out to the pile of dead groundhogs the same as I did this comic.
Furrynomous 2019/11/19 05:34:09 No.1673363
This comic is more retarded than all the others he ever made
Curious NatsumiOni 2019/11/20 23:28:59 No.1674153
Just curious, why is everyone so negative on kabier? I dont really follow social medias, i see porn, i click it xD
Furrynomous 2019/11/21 08:39:28 No.1674248

Cause furrys fucking suck
Furrynomous 2019/11/21 09:59:02 No.1674257
Anyone else creeped out the dude looks just like Jasonafex?>>1674153

Jason said some dumbshit and doubled down on it, and Kabier put more fuel on the fire.
Furrynomous 2019/11/21 11:25:26 No.1674275
if you want the tl;dr her boyfriend/husband is basically a massive self absorbed cunt and she was originally a quiet artist who never really conversed with fans but then came out full force with the same level of self absorbed douchbaggery. Both her and jason are pretty shitty people basically.
Furrynomous 2019/11/21 22:01:04 No.1674659
Does anybody have any links to some of the dumb shit they said? Just for actual proof instead of word of mouth.
Furrynomous 2019/11/22 05:01:35 No.1674813
Furrynomous 2019/11/22 08:58:28 No.1674848
Sorry I asked. Fuck those 2.
Furrynomous 2019/11/22 09:22:03 No.1674851

Imagine whiteknighting for those two...
Furrynomous 2019/11/22 16:13:48 No.1674954
holy shit, kayla-na is pretty notorious but at least she keeps to herself for the most part. imagine being so fucking outwardly shitty that someone actually took the time and effort to organize and archive all the shit people bring up. This is a good page that covers most everything.
Furrynomous 2019/11/22 18:57:10 No.1675099
wow that was really interesting to read, yo fuck them.

I'm impressed someone took the effort to collect all that fuckery

I read some about darknurse in the past that was kind of simmilar but I think not on that level

I read the article about e621 there too best statement was it actually allows you to find what you are looking for XD so true

Edited at 2019/11/22 18:58:42
Furrynomous 2019/11/23 04:27:04 No.1675240

Things that missed: Kabier was 15 when they first started talking, and still-15 when they were making animations together.

Kabier made some porn of herself for him, when she was 16.

They reported sexual assault was rape which, no shit, doesn't excuse the sexual assault but it sure as shit was a false-rape-report.
Furrynomous 2019/11/24 07:46:53 No.1675801
Why is this comic even on here? There is gay shit everywhere. YUCK!
Furrynomous 2019/11/25 07:49:46 No.1676296
I just come here for the comments
Curious NatsumiOni 2019/11/25 21:24:47 No.1676604
Man, read up on the whole mess that are kabier and jason. No wonder peeps grab torches and pitch forks when they are mentioned o-o
Furrynomous 2019/11/27 07:21:16 No.1677033
I don`t get who this comic is aimed at.
Furrynomous 2019/11/28 01:36:58 No.1677440
This comic is literally aimed at one person and only one person.

The protagonist even bears that person's likeness.
Furrynomous 2019/11/28 06:00:47 No.1677480
I can't tell what's hotter, the comic or the irrational crying fit it causes people in this thread.
Furrynomous 2019/11/28 06:31:24 No.1677485

Watch out, bruh! You`re so edgy, you are going to cut yourself!
Furrynomous 2019/11/28 10:29:06 No.1677566
>i have nothing to add about what people are saying so I will make myself seem like the bigger man because im not taking part in it

Furrynomous 2019/11/28 22:13:30 No.1677752
I laughed. That said though, I do see Vinny every time I look at the protag.

Edited at 2019/11/28 22:13:48
Furrynomous 2019/11/29 05:05:27 No.1677843
Why do some of the animals wear clothing and act like humans while others are completely nude and kept like slaves? Am I missing something?
Furrynomous 2019/12/01 04:16:13 No.1678687
I also dont follow. There is just a poor writen comic.

With unclear amount of fingers characters have, with weird logic, with stupid gialogue and narrative.
Furrynomous 2019/12/03 17:47:10 No.1679742
New page is out
Furrynomous 2019/12/03 21:24:05 No.1679783
Post the new page so I can laugh at the comments
Furrynomous 2019/12/04 03:54:26 No.1679884
File: BareBackValleyPG13_u18chan.png - (630.24kb, 620x873, BareBack Valley PG13.png)
Last page I'm leaking. Sorry dudes, this comic is degrading faster than milk on a hot day.
Furrynomous 2019/12/04 15:38:45 No.1680118
Thanks for posting. Im grabbin my popcorn
Furrynomous 2019/12/04 17:13:54 No.1680204
Can we just cut straight to the sex at this point now?
Furrynomous 2019/12/05 23:47:32 No.1680764

Booo you suck
Furrynomous 2019/12/06 00:07:23 No.1680770
So I dont know any of the drama around Kabier and Jason can someone inform me?
Bauxite 2019/12/06 00:44:01 No.1680778

Refer to the link in the post.


It's worth the read.
Furrynomous 2019/12/06 01:10:26 No.1680779
Definitely check out the link the other anon pointed out if you want the details, the tl;dr is that they're just objectively bad people. Scamming money, dropping projects people supported, hell not even finishing one as amorous was rushed to be considered finished. There's some other skeevy things in there as well like Jasonafex denying someone a raffle win because the picture was sfw and "too static" even though he said he would animate ANY picture and then just redrew the raffle.
Furrynomous 2019/12/06 13:43:04 No.1680923

And the guy who won the raffle but got rejected got a lot of free art gifts from a lot of people, EVEN KAYLA-NA GAVE HIM A FREE ART
Furrynomous 2019/12/07 05:56:10 No.1681335

Jesus christ, I needed TWO bowls of popcorm for that kind of dramas.
Furrynomous 2019/12/07 06:42:36 No.1681340
The autor of the article is a big ashole himself.
Furrynomous 2019/12/07 08:43:15 No.1681421
I mean it sounds like they have no clue what they are doing, I just come here for the porn, If I judged everyone I fap to I'd have no one to fap to.
Furrynomous 2019/12/07 09:39:49 No.1681435
am I the only one a little creeped out the way none of the barn animals talk? Almost like the only anthro that's sentient is the dog.

Edited at 2019/12/07 09:40:09
Furrynomous 2019/12/08 11:38:39 No.1681820

Maybe it's a Mr.Pickles situation. Also, I am more creeped out by the weird art... Kabier is slipping bad on her anthros even, like, she is progressively getting worse at drawing anthro's... maybe its because she tried to hard to actually draw humans that it negatively impacted her ability to draw anthro?
Furrynomous 2019/12/09 14:49:23 No.1682434
File: BareBackValleyPG14_u18chan.png - (724.27kb, 620x874, BareBack Valley PG14.png)
Here you go shitheads
Furrynomous 2019/12/09 14:49:57 No.1682435
I meant to say 'fellow' shitheads, but ehh, that works too.
Furrynomous 2019/12/09 17:15:21 No.1682492
>can't tell the difference between cow milk and horse semen without a label
Furrynomous 2019/12/09 17:18:40 No.1682493
What the hell IS this comic
Furrynomous 2019/12/09 21:37:24 No.1682725
Everything about this comic and it's characters' expressions comes off as creepy like everyone is ready to murder somebody.
Furrynomous 2019/12/10 00:01:28 No.1682773
The guy in the red flannel is exactly the image that come to mind when I hear the word rape
Furrynomous 2019/12/10 00:07:08 No.1682774

"Psychotic Valley." Has a ring to it.
Furrynomous 2019/12/10 11:17:23 No.1682906

Kabs draws both substances way even IQ90+ person may not tell the difference
Furrynomous 2019/12/11 03:26:12 No.1683162
So another comic that rushes the storyline for just straight up yiff? Great.
Furrynomous 2019/12/11 05:51:51 No.1683205
Honestly better then having a comic drag out with page after page of exposition that's around 40/50ish pages before the porn finally gets shown.
Furrynomous 2019/12/11 18:39:27 No.1683455
You mean like that one anthro/feral comic where the dog fucks that bird after 200 pages of talking.
Furrynomous 2019/12/15 14:11:59 No.1685163
File: Linkmahboi_u18chan.jpg - (7.14kb, 180x137, Linkmahboi.jpg)
Just a theory: what if this farm is just a brothel in disguise? The red guy is a pimp who runs the place and the dog girl is his assistant who keeps other animals at bay. Like in George Orwell's "Animal Farm", all animals had evolved to resemble humans, but some animals got more privileges like that dog girl, to cooperate with humans and get their pay, and other animals are kept brainwashed and calm, and are used for what usual farm animals a used but also as sex-slaves. And if the farm owners can still milk the cow, get wool from the sheep and uh, cum from the horse, then the pig can only be used for meat. So when he'll get old or won't be suitable for sex, then the poor little pig will be slaughtered and have BBQ made out of him. Or the horse, like in "Animal Farm", gets too exhausted from an endless work and gets slaughtered too. Also, maybe they turn humans itno anthros and sell them, and the human character is their next victim.

Or maybe this farm is just a cover for a porn factory, and all animals are porn actors who get paid. They just want to impress the new guy.
Furrynomous 2019/12/15 19:47:35 No.1685276
File: download2_0_u18chan.jpeg - (11.71kb, 299x168, download (2).jpeg)
>theory building on Kuntbier comics
Unironically the content I'm looking for
Furrynomous 2019/12/16 02:25:14 No.1685408
File: Thankung_u18chan.png - (11.49kb, 112x112, Thankung.png)
Furrynomous 2019/12/16 02:36:37 No.1685411
Unironically a better plot than whatever the hell kabier's gonna shit out
Furrynomous 2019/12/19 08:30:25 No.1686732

Anon 1685411 is right: this sounds way cooler than the actual comic we got. Geez!

What is it Kabier and Jasonafex and the shitty writing? It is ironic that "Men`s best friend" is the least shitty of their comics, which isn`t saying much.
Furrynomous 2019/12/19 08:31:48 No.1686736
Just have the Collie and the Human fuck like wild rabbits. Is it rocket science or fucking what? Seriously, who wants to see all the other bullshit in these comics?
Furrynomous 2019/12/19 18:04:29 No.1687046
That's all I'm hoping I'll eventually get to see from this dumpster fire of a comic.
Loleksy 2019/12/20 10:56:17 No.1687292
Given that the main character was mostly interested in the pig's gay ass (seriously, he didn't even try to have a go with any of the females) I'm a bit worried about that...
Furrynomous 2019/12/20 14:56:31 No.1687375

Cassie needs to get absolutely wrecked, but at the same time, imagining the oddly drawn lead character doing the wrecking makes it feel like it wouldn't be as hot as it needs to be. Maybe an Australian Shepherd/Lab male from a farm over gets to Cassie before human guy does. If not, oh well, she is still hot enough to carry the scene on her own.
Furrynomous 2019/12/20 16:14:04 No.1687412

How about Cassie and anthro Harley from "Friends with benefits"?
Furrynomous 2019/12/21 05:34:29 No.1687631
Waiting patiently until the day we get to see the collie finally smash. She alone is worth it. Don't get me wrong, I'd still wreck every other female in the comic, but collie girls is the best waifu by far.
Furrynomous 2019/12/21 15:23:34 No.1687711

Don't think I can recall that one. Tried to find it on U18chan, but the two that came up with those titles don't have a Harley in it (as far as I can tell).
Furrynomous 2019/12/22 15:14:10 No.1688232
Burn it with fire!!!
Furrynomous 2019/12/22 17:31:50 No.1688287
or at least ship it to the basement
it doesn't belong here
Furrynomous 2019/12/26 23:55:14 No.1690052
new pg
Furrynomous 2019/12/27 04:25:27 No.1690102
Could be worse. He could try to animate* it.

*Spend 10 minutes tweening puppet pins
Furrynomous 2019/12/27 16:18:44 No.1690426
Any updates? This is one of the few I enjoy lately.
Furrynomous 2019/12/29 06:00:41 No.1691149
File: BareBackValleyPG15_u18chan.png - (727.1kb, 620x873, BareBack Valley PG15.png)
Here ya go, last one from me. About 15 pages to go apparently.
Loleksy 2019/12/29 07:50:58 No.1691168
I sense a twist coming, it's too good for Austin to be true. He even got rid of his jaundice seeing how his eye whites are now, well, white :D
Furrynomous 2019/12/29 13:18:40 No.1691261
ITS GETTING BETTER!!!!!!!!!! YES! The human looks great, and cartoony.
Furrynomous 2019/12/29 15:47:50 No.1691379
That human looks creepy as hell.
Furrynomous 2019/12/29 17:20:50 No.1691410
Well, we definitely know he is bisexual now.
Furrynomous 2019/12/29 17:22:52 No.1691411
This person draws as if he / she / it had never seen a human being, but had only read descriptions of people in old encyclopedias.
Furrynomous 2019/12/29 18:01:55 No.1691417
I mean, when a person had been drawing in a specific art style that primarily focused on anthropomorphic characters and try their hand at drawing humans, obviously the humans aren't going to look right when compared to the anthro characters just because they're not used to drawing humans in their style.

Should have just come down to a matter of Kabier either practicing her humans first before doing this comic or changing the main character to an anthro, but I kind of get why they decided to go this route?

I don't know but I wanted to hop in here because I feel like people are just grasping at straws when criticizing an artist in these threads.
Furrynomous 2019/12/30 08:36:01 No.1691613
Kate only did this comic because Jason wanted to 'broaden' their art away from furries when Kate had that tard fit against them. Except he can't draw and Kate can only draw dogs. We'll never see another human again after this comic. It was just a show to say 'hey, I can draw more than dogs, look please'
Remember when they 'left' the furry fandom for two months? They can't and never will, because of the above reasons and they are both pathetic and won't commit. That's why this comic is gonna only be around 30 pages according to her. She's sick of drawing this abortion of a comic already. The quicker it ends, the better for her and her 'fans'. Then she can draw whatever daddy Jason tells her draw.
Sorry boys, get ready for another dog rape comic in the future.
Loleksy 2019/12/30 11:07:51 No.1691644
Introducing so many characters at the cover and not being able to drop any of them because obvious backlash was a really dumb decision, eh? Well, it's always nice to see the bad things that happen to Jasonafex and his groomed bride.
Furrynomous 2019/12/30 20:20:47 No.1691855
So are the animals feral or not? Actually, why do I care? Im just here for the comments.
Furrynomous 2019/12/31 14:23:21 No.1692208
File: BareBackValleyPG16_u18chan.png - (683.27kb, 620x874, BareBack Valley PG16.png)
dumb flaming homosexual has a big thunk to himself
Furrynomous 2019/12/31 17:29:05 No.1692264
Furrynomous 2019/12/31 19:55:51 No.1692294
this motherfucker already slacking at his job, but yeah do it.
Furrynomous 2020/01/01 03:53:10 No.1692419
Almost how they slacked at making this comic lmao
Furrynomous 2020/01/05 11:13:24 No.1694750
Any update?
Furrynomous 2020/01/06 17:52:16 No.1695574
Also how people slack on uploading the high resolution pages
Furrynomous 2020/01/11 12:31:26 No.1698297
Any update?
Furrynomous 2020/01/12 07:34:43 No.1698865
Can they just hurry up and get this dumpster fire of a comic over with?
Furrynomous 2020/01/16 08:11:22 No.1700898
bet he gets punished by having to take it in the ass from the bulls and/or horses
Furrynomous 2020/01/19 02:40:52 No.1702479
Binyot y u play farming gaem y u no play shut?
Wut wut? In the butt? Just(A)Theory 2020/01/23 00:18:50 No.1704325
Binyot y u play farming gaem y u no play shut?

Di...... did i just have a stroke or did you fk up words that badly xD
Furrynomous 2020/01/23 10:49:10 No.1704522
Jasonafex and Kabier only left temporarily because they were tired of getting hounded by the woke mob on Twitter over petty drama. It literally got so bad that they couldn't even go to cons without self-righteous jerks like Pepper Coyote stalking them and trying to "debate" them ( Now they're finally back (and about time too), and you know what? Good for them. I know their art isn't getting any awards any time soon, but it is nice seeing furries who don't cave to online harassment and cancel culture (*cough*Majira*cough*Strawberry*cough*).
Furrynomous 2020/01/23 10:53:54 No.1704523

Vinesauce memes. The guy does resemble Vinny I'll admit.
Furrynomous 2020/01/23 13:23:21 No.1704582
You're implying the hatred towards them wasn't 110% warranted or well-deserved, which it totally was. In full.
Furrynomous 2020/01/23 13:28:27 No.1704585

Hatred should be reserved for murderers, Chris Hansens, and people that actually take things from you and keep you down.

Neither of them qualify for hatred, you are just not a very nice person.
Furrynomous 2020/01/23 14:15:02 No.1704612
Got a hard laugh outta that.. after the shit they pull? yeah no.. they get whats deserved
Furrynomous 2020/01/23 16:01:17 No.1704653
Shit they pulled?

Sorry, I'd rather be around people with bad attitudes and bad political views over all the artists in the world who run off with commissioner's money and who take months to complete overdue art. The only reason to hate is personal butthurt, not actual malicious action. What, where the cuckshack podcast topics too spicy for you?
Furrynomous 2020/01/23 16:14:18 No.1704660
I like the quasi whataboutism going on with the defense of them. Yep, you are right, murderers are bad people, very smart of you.....
Anyways, that doesn't cover the spectrum of shitty stuff Kabs and Jasonafex do over and over. They are shitty people, and when their stuff is posted people will rightly reminisce about their old and newest shitty antics.

Edited at 2020/01/23 16:14:37
Furrynomous 2020/01/23 16:39:45 No.1704664

Actually, it's called having perspective. All they did was offend people. That's hardly something to be hateful about. Even if they fuck dogs, I don't give a shit. I'll give a shit when people react that way to -ALL- dogfuckers instead of just the libertarian/republican ones.
Furrynomous 2020/01/23 18:54:01 No.1704696

... what the fuck are you talking about? It doesn't matter if you're a republican, batshit crazy libertarian, democraft, nutbag communist, or tea party terrorist... if you fuck dugs you are pretty much universally fucking hated. That Kero the Wolf guy etc got nailed for this shit too.

It's beyond Jasonafex raping a dog. It's also the way they scam people, produce inferior works, and generally are morons. I mean this is a bit off-topic but at the same time get your facts straight. Hell, quite a few people are pretty pissed because Jasonafex makes the rest of us look worse in comparison seeing as the crap he tried defending in... ffs... "the cuck shack." IE, fucking dead animals bodies.
Furrynomous 2020/01/23 19:16:35 No.1704703
Seems like a better topic to discuss over in the discussion side of the website because I'm now honestly curious.

What evidence is there that Jasona fucked dead animals? Never heard this claim before. As far as I knew, rumor was he wanted to get a dog to have it fuck his girlfriend.

But really. We have a feral section here. As long as the animal is big enough not to be harmed by sex I just find it disgusting, not evil. Actually, I also find it funny, if the animal kills the gross person doing it like that guy that died from horse cock.
Furrynomous 2020/01/23 20:43:31 No.1704712

No evidence that he has done the deed, but he did defend it on now-deleted Cuck Shack content. That whole incident where furries were found fucking roadkill and dead animals in general. I didn't mean ti imply that he had done the act, my bad. But definitely defended the act of doing so.
Furrynomous 2020/01/23 21:27:33 No.1704716
It was probably shock jock material. Sort of like Howard Stern saying stupid crazy shit for attention. Especially since he liked to smoke and drink before those things.
Furrynomous 2020/01/24 15:05:59 No.1704938
This "libertarian" excuse so many preach is just an excuse to say and do what YOU want, even if you ruin things for other people. I will take conservatives or liberals who admit and stand by their principles over "freedom fighters" who actually only fight for THEIR rights, usually to lie, slander and shit on people they don't like (and then have their fans turn up in forums to defend them from "free speech" that's often far more justified and proven). We get this pair and Rags making furries look like spoiled children who promote "free speech", yet their noble quest winds up being something like "actively use the word retard on people with (any) disability"

Edited at 2020/01/24 15:17:20
Furrynomous 2020/01/24 18:47:32 No.1705008
this thread is banter..i mean this thread is better then jasonafex and kabiers work..seriously, this is all should get a shack show like him and just chat bout this shit like would put him ou of actually more interested in reply after reply rather then page after page of the comic, this is legendary and i hope jasons sees this thread because it would be amazingly funny
Furrynomous 2020/01/24 18:58:19 No.1705011
Nothing like the ol' reliable "Can't win a shitty argument where someone defends shitty people's shitty actions so makes a dismissive edgy comment" technique. Classic

Edited at 2020/01/24 18:58:40
Furrynomous 2020/01/24 21:12:03 No.1705058
idk all about the drama surrounding the artist, and honestly i don't really care, but i like how this comic is being drawn, that's what matters to me, if the artists are horrible people, you guys should look all the shit artist around pop media do when they are not being glamorous to the public eye, even artists that are idolatred had their skeletons in the closet, and at the end of the day if their products sell, what people think of them is just dust in the wind, cuz they have the money and they don't really give a fk what they think of them XD
Furrynomous 2020/01/24 21:20:12 No.1705061
Can we get back to just posting the comic pages? And move the discussions elsewhere so the thread doesn't get fucking cluttered with nonstop bickering.
Furrynomous 2020/01/24 22:16:21 No.1705071

Amazing you think it's a technique as if I'm putting some kinda mental effort into this silly shit. Nobody cares as much as you haters do. I'm sorry you think we lay awake thinking about how to win internet arguments.
Furrynomous 2020/01/27 17:05:10 No.1706280
New page is out
Furrynomous 2020/01/27 20:10:52 No.1706337
File: BareBackValleyPG17_u18chan.png - (1.88mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG17.png)
Here's page 17 you wankers.
Furrynomous 2020/01/28 02:25:41 No.1706427
Furrynomous 2020/01/28 05:29:23 No.1706457
Sweet, thanks, this is the only comic updating right now I'm enjoying.
Furrynomous 2020/01/28 18:32:18 No.1706621
I bet he'll be the one to feel fucked if it turns out that the animals can talk and rat him out for going behind the boss's back.
Furrynomous 2020/01/29 10:25:14 No.1706797
What are you talking about? Of course they can talk.
Furrynomous 2020/01/31 13:50:54 No.1707461
File: BareBackValleyPG18_u18chan.png - (1.56mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG18.png)
Newester page (same poster for 17). Had a neat disclaimer at the bottom:

**DISCLAIMER** "All artwork depicted on this Patreon features sentient, consenting fantasy characters. Anthropomorphized fantasy characters have humanized characteristics and personalities, can speak, walk upright, and have stylized, humanoid body figures. All fantasy characters, or otherwise, are all 18+."
Furrynomous 2020/01/31 18:37:11 No.1707550
Lol at that disclaimer - part of me would love to report this shit for the rape themes going on, but patreon is too much of a cuck to do anything about it's own rules.
Human is getting worse looking jfc, look at the title page to now. Garbage.
Furrynomous 2020/01/31 20:05:21 No.1707572
I am more concerned about the STD's than the "rape" that's going on in the barn. I mean, it's public use so in my eyes no rape. ppl are so sensitive nowadays.
boring story... Furrynomous 2020/01/31 23:39:34 No.1707661
this comic seems to be the same way as the old milffur site. all anthro characters was slaves and abused. it was a little boring to read as all their comics was the same. the site is still online but seems have no updates for 2 years or so...
Furrynomous 2020/02/01 05:03:01 No.1707714

DUde that would be a bitch move. Even though we all dislike Kabier and Jasonafex, that's a total bitch move.
Furrynomous 2020/02/01 08:14:24 No.1707788
He looks like a deformed alien with bug eyes?
Really? Closet Furry 2020/02/01 15:44:55 No.1707969
I do not mind artists like Kabier or Jasonafex, as long as they create art that i can watch and enjoy. And when it does not suit my tastes, it is very easy to skip a thread and enjoy the next one.
But hey, you do you, and keep trolling.

"I am more concerned about the STD's..."
Really? I am more worried about you. Since this is a fantasy comic and in your vision of fantasy the participants can have STD's? Please see a professional.
Furrynomous 2020/02/01 20:01:14 No.1708084
your world you live in must be made out of magic, where the corona virus heals you and turns you into a superhero.
Nothing wrong with having a healthy instinct so you don't put your weener inside infected smelly stuff that makes your dick itchie.
A doctor might help you... if it's not too late already for you... Sorry mate. Was nice having you around
Furrynomous 2020/02/01 20:05:10 No.1708086
File: tenor_62_u18chan.gif - (31.31kb, 220x153, tenor.gif)

Really, again? Closet Furry 2020/02/02 02:53:03 No.1708177
I really hope you are the same person as
Otherwise, there are 2 of you and I don't think the real world can handle 2 people that cannot differentiate real life from the fantasy world.
Just to be on the safe side with you (two?):
The corona virus is real world stuff, an anthromorphic cartoon character being tied up in a barn is fantasy.
I know the difference, therefore I can enjoy cartoons without worrying about STDs or even the corona virus.

If you cannot tell the difference, then, somewhere along the line, I will probably see your face(s) on the 8 o'clock news when you are being dragged from a barn, with your pants down at your ankles, screaming "I am safe, I did use a condom!".

Edited at 2020/02/02 02:55:31
Furrynomous 2020/02/02 15:36:51 No.1708363
comics where multiple people fuck someone have been done a million times. Why is this comic suddenly so icky for that same concept? Also, I got the vibe these animals are employees, not slaves
Furrynomous 2020/02/02 15:45:11 No.1708367
Considering JFX has unironically expressed interest in ethnostates and eugenics in support of keeping sex slaves, I wouldn't put money on it.
Furrynomous 2020/02/02 17:55:40 No.1708416
You just love to hear yourself talk it seems. I think everyone here can differentiate real life from the fantasy world. I also think most of us can differentiate real comments from troll comments. I think in this case you fell for it.
Furrynomous 2020/02/03 00:34:46 No.1708646
I've no idea why people are fine with multiple characters having sex, but get weirded out by a caretaker character fucking a tied up character he's meant to be looking after because "nobody will know if one more person does it".
Furrynomous 2020/02/03 05:54:17 No.1708821
File: images1_5_u18chan.jpeg - (18.17kb, 400x338, images (1).jpeg)
Wut wut? In the butt? Just(A)Theory 2020/02/14 11:02:41 No.1713581
Wonder what happened. This comic was getting pages pretty damn quick but it suddenly slowed down to a crawl. A shame
Furrynomous 2020/02/14 15:15:32 No.1713653
I'm gonna bet Kabier's clearly lost interest in it since updates have been such a drag nowadays compared to when it started where it was more regularly updated.
Furrynomous 2020/02/14 21:20:19 No.1713752
dude, i wanna fuck a sheep so bad
Furrynomous 2020/02/14 21:50:48 No.1713755
Become welsh
Furrynomous 2020/02/14 23:45:05 No.1713775
I wanna fuck an anthro sheep that gets my sense of humor and would roleplay with me and maybe we'd get married after a few years if things were going well.
Furrynomous 2020/02/15 00:15:37 No.1713786
It's been deleted from her patreon. Can't find it anywhere.
Furrynomous 2020/02/15 07:54:44 No.1713854
As if that hasn't always been their strategy. Slowing down so they can squeeze more money out of people.
But the message above does sound promising.
Furrynomous 2020/02/15 12:53:20 No.1713950
They always wait until the end of the month to update, to squeeze money out of people (the famous Kate 'charge people four times in one day' trick)

Anyway, does a lovely leaker have the newest garbage? Or is that in a separate thread?
Furrynomous 2020/02/16 02:21:41 No.1714170
Oh wow. They ACTUALLY deleted their whole comic off their Patreon. What, I guess it's been canceled? Nothing lost in the end tbh, Kabier should stick to making fully rendered art pieces because those at least are good and can't be ruined by Jigglebone's shitty writing.

Edited at 2020/02/16 02:21:54
Furrynomous 2020/02/16 06:00:33 No.1714215
>Kabier deleted the comic
Surprise, surprise.
Furrynomous 2020/02/16 07:41:20 No.1714229
File: BareBackValleyPG2.1_u18chan.png - (2.11mb, 1445x1605, BareBackValleyPG2.1.png)
RIP Cassie. At least I got some panel crops of farmgirl collie titties out of it.
Furrynomous 2020/02/16 08:35:47 No.1714247
Do you think they deleted it cuz of the borderline zoophilia stuff, or because people kept shitting on it?
Welp. Furrynomous 2020/02/16 09:50:34 No.1714287
File: 5aa22d7456db5.image_u18chan.jpg - (21.48kb, 400x281, 5aa22d7456db5.image.jpg)
This comic in a nutshell.
Furrynomous 2020/02/16 10:44:28 No.1714314

More than likely the former given Patreon's policies but it could very easily be the latter. Kabier is such a mental mess at this point, she has no business being in this fandom. Should have stayed away after leaving with Jiggles the first time. In either case, she'll have to make a statement about it eventually, seeing as how her Patreon is themed after the comic.
Furrynomous 2020/02/16 11:33:32 No.1714347
Whoooomp whomp whomp
Get rekt Kate lol
Furrynomous 2020/02/16 12:10:17 No.1714364
File: BiggestSad_u18chan.jpg - (228.94kb, 1624x1008, Biggest Sad.jpg)
>MFW We will never get the pages with the dummy thicc trap piggy

>MFW We won't get more horse cock milking

>MFW We won't see more of best girl doggy girl

>We won't see any more sheep girl shearing
Furrynomous 2020/02/16 13:35:15 No.1714381
Dude, just take them. They're the most generic designs I've ever seen. Just take em and treat them better than kabs ever will.
Furrynomous 2020/02/16 14:06:06 No.1714391
Hey guys
What's your Problem

The Patreon Site ist Still Avaible

So, how about still wait, if some one will share ist
Furrynomous 2020/02/16 14:42:12 No.1714398
How about learn to read, moron?
Furrynomous 2020/02/16 15:23:48 No.1714409
File: Lauff_u18chan.gif - (2.32mb, 600x317, Lauff.gif)
These two people are a mess, holy shit.
Furrynomous 2020/02/16 18:43:06 No.1714510
Add Tag
File: BareBackValleyPG2.1_u18chan.png - (2.11mb, 1445x1605, BareBackValleyPG2.1.png)
RIP Cassie. At least I got some panel crops of farmgirl collie titties out of it.
Furrynomous 2020/02/16 22:06:13 No.1714607

I didn't say her patreon was deleted. I said that the pages for the comic was deleted. Please read what we're saying.

Edited at 2020/02/16 22:06:52
Furrynomous 2020/02/16 23:25:17 No.1714631
So kabs is going to have to either rewrite this comic, or just create a new one that doesn't possibly break the tos for patreon.

Or upload the pages elsewhere besides patreon.
Furrynomous 2020/02/17 02:24:02 No.1714664

Unless this sudden deletion has more to do with her fragile ego and/or another attempt to leave the fandom again, I suspect she'll just open a Subscribestar like every other taboo artist whose been shot down by Patreon's TOS. Seems to be the popular thing to do since SS hasn't clamped down like Patreon has.

Though, I have to say, I know Patreon could care less what anyone says or thinks about the work that goes through their site, but this comic is nothing like Man's Best Friend or Double Trouble. Those comics were straight-up feral content. This comic is just a bunch of anthros posing as animals. This makes me think that there's more to this than Patreon's usual morality policing.

Edited at 2020/02/17 02:27:38
Furrynomous 2020/02/17 04:55:54 No.1714690
Patreon has no problem with zoophilia, check chat servers linked to patreon and it's all that, zoophiles and defenders everywhere. They're only hiding it behind their mask trying to pretend it's not a thing.
Likely that someone important noticed and finally sounded the alarm. But don't believe patreon is going to hunt down zoophiles. They only care about their image not being tainted than actually having morals.
Furrynomous 2020/02/17 23:18:55 No.1714975
It's interesting that only a few furry artists put in the work that their paying viewers ask for. The rest don't finish their work and then go silent, thinking their paying viewers will just forget about it. I think their paying viewers, should ask for their money back. Which they will not do.
Furrynomous 2020/02/19 17:53:15 No.1715565
From FA journal
>We were recently contacted by Patreon in regards to their escalating censorship towards furry content creators, spefically targetted towards our comics. Here's a list of comics that can no longer be hosted here in their current state due to these new changes:
[What is not allowed]
Human x Furry (Bareback Valley)
Furry x Nonbipedal (Double Trouble + Man's Best Friend)
Hypnosis (Servants of the Serpent)

>Since the race of the main character does not impact the story, we will be uploading new pages to Patreon with all characters as furries, and the human versions to Subscribestar, along with all of the censored content mentioned above.

Nevermind. No RIP Cassie.
Furrynomous 2020/02/19 17:54:47 No.1715566

So basically, the entire comic is being remade to have all furry characters, and the versions with human and furries will be posted elsewhere
Furrynomous 2020/02/19 17:57:41 No.1715568
Reee fuck you patreon tos
Furrynomous 2020/02/19 18:54:38 No.1715582
> we will be uploading new pages to Patreon with all characters as furries

I see this as an absolute win.
Furrynomous 2020/02/19 19:42:50 No.1715590
I don't understand the new anti-human x furry rule. Like I literally don't. One just as fur and the other doesn't??? Patreon what the fuck??
Furrynomous 2020/02/19 21:09:29 No.1715608

What a fucking shitshow of a website patreon is
Furrynomous 2020/02/19 21:36:02 No.1715619
File: images14_u18chan.jpeg - (18.8kb, 400x400, images (14).jpeg)
>we will be uploading new pages to Patreon with all characters as furries
Well look at that, Kabier did something good for once
Furrynomous 2020/02/19 22:36:31 No.1715638
Do we have proof of their claims, or anything?
Because I cannot find anything on Patreon as of this post.
Furrynomous 2020/02/20 02:53:27 No.1715682

I mean, atleast they're not Blizzard.
Furrynomous 2020/02/20 07:51:41 No.1715720
New page when, huns?
Can't wait for this abortion to plummet in both human and furry forms.
Furrynomous 2020/02/20 08:42:46 No.1715726
It's considered Zoophilia and Bestiality, I mean it makes sense when you look into it. It sucks it's classified as such but such things are illegal in many countries and almost every state of the US.

Edited at 2020/02/20 08:43:15
Furrynomous 2020/02/20 11:37:26 No.1715768
Lmao, won’t even allow hypnosis shit. Add that to the reasons Patreon is fucking garbage.
Furrynomous 2020/02/20 12:37:20 No.1715778
File: yyekH7yOqRQ_u18chan.jpg - (105.48kb, 620x258, yyekH7yOqRQ.jpg)

Claws look like artificial triange fingernails on human hand.

Hope this will be improved in the future because this looks lazier than edit thread in /fur
Furrynomous 2020/02/20 12:40:24 No.1715780
Also dog nazi supreme race own livestock as slaves?
Furrynomous 2020/02/20 14:56:45 No.1715822

Except the pig, he's a normal worker too...

Oh no, she's doing a shitty porn version of Orwell's Animal Farm
Furrynomous 2020/02/20 15:07:59 No.1715825
This is SO MUCH more better then the human abomination. Too bad artist chose a canine, the most overused animal in the entire furry fandom
Furrynomous 2020/02/20 16:27:53 No.1715862
Canines are a blank slate pretty much in the fandom. What would you have chosen?
Furrynomous 2020/02/20 17:23:33 No.1715879
Any reptilious creature, probably a dragon
Furrynomous 2020/02/20 17:31:45 No.1715883
What about the bearded rapey guy, is he gonna be furryized too? And the customer? God, what a shit bag of a comic lol
Furrynomous 2020/02/20 17:33:29 No.1715884
That's pretty basic imo considering the furry fandom but what do I know(not dissing you, just saying). I would've gone with a monkey or a primate personally.
Dont see alot of those.
Furrynomous 2020/02/20 21:01:56 No.1715916
Would have kept it as a human but with that full body hair disorder out of spite, and to see if the mods were dumb enough to let it slide.
Furrynomous 2020/02/20 21:20:13 No.1715926
File: images21_u18chan.jpeg - (8.82kb, 350x376, images (21).jpeg)
Christ no. Monkeys fucking suck.
Furrynomous 2020/02/20 21:32:54 No.1715929
humans are anthropomorphic monkeys
Furrynomous 2020/02/20 21:36:02 No.1715930
File: square-up-boii_u18chan.jpg - (86.14kb, 600x719, square-up-boii.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/02/20 22:22:27 No.1715936
I mean, kinda right. Except it should be ape.
Species Kfraven 2020/02/20 22:24:18 No.1715937
He would make A cute ass red panda, rather than A dog. Make the owner A grizzly or polar bear.
Furrynomous 2020/02/20 22:56:54 No.1715945
why not a fuckin' ostrich?
Furrynomous 2020/02/20 23:20:48 No.1715952
File: IMG_20200213_175003_u18chan.jpg - (66.58kb, 761x761, IMG_20200213_175003.jpg)
Jesus Christ they're actually getting rid of the retarded Jason-looking human? That's what was keeping me from ever fapping to this, that guy's fucking face
Furrynomous 2020/02/21 12:00:02 No.1716111
Red panda option WOULD be cute but sadly a cute species in this comic would easily be soured by bad dialogue. x.x

Edited at 2020/02/21 12:00:26
Furrynomous 2020/02/21 13:02:59 No.1716123

Sadly they actually aren't. The Patreon version will be remade with no humans, but they gonna continue the version with Human McDerpyFace on SubscribeStar
Furrynomous 2020/02/21 13:46:22 No.1716129
File: BareBack_Valley_PG19_u18chan.png - (1.22mb, 1064x1500, BareBack_Valley_PG19.png)
the new page in the new way
Furrynomous 2020/02/21 14:02:01 No.1716132
File: Embedded Video
Whai.... whait... what???!?!?!?! What the... aahhh... O___O... he... he turned into a wolf (Or is it a dog)? How... How is this even possible? WTF?!?!?!
Zippa 2020/02/21 14:05:19 No.1716133
File: whatitthe_0_u18chan.jpg - (69.78kb, 582x437, whatitthe.jpg)
>Same reaction

Edited at 2020/02/21 14:05:48
Furrynomous 2020/02/21 14:17:59 No.1716135

The Reason was told on Patreon:

Hello everyone!

We were recently contacted by Patreon in regards to their escalating censorship towards furry content creators, spefically targetted towards our comics. Here's a list of comics that can no longer be hosted here in their current state due to these new changes:

[What is not allowed]

• Human x Furry (Bareback Valley)

• Furry x Nonbipedal (Double Trouble + Man's Best Friend)

• Hypnosis (Servants of the Serpent)

[What is allowed]

• Human x Human

• Furry x Furry

• Nonbipedal x Nonbipedal

This will mean some pinups will also need to be taken down if they mix races. Our ongoing new comic Bareback Valley is most effected, as it features a new human protaginist. Since the race of the main character does not impact the story, we will be uploading new pages to Patreon with all characters as furries, and the human versions to Subscribestar, along with all of the censored content mentioned above.

Doing two versions of each page will take a little bit more time to complete, but we want to show our gratitude towards our Patreon supporters who have stuck with our content over the years. We have no intentions to allow censorship to stifle our creative freedom, and will always have alternative options available going forward.

Go check out KabsCorner on Subscribestar to support the original!
Furrynomous 2020/02/21 14:27:50 No.1716137
>hypnosis not allowed
Blatant case of "stop liking things I don't like."
Furrynomous 2020/02/21 14:58:09 No.1716148
I seriously want to see this message from Patreon, or the info on their TOS since I cannot find it.
Furrynomous 2020/02/21 15:05:57 No.1716151
I can understand why some people might consider hypnosis a form of rape though.

However while it is possible to break down someones resistance over time and make them do something they normally wouldn't want to do, there is no way to ultimately do that without their consent.

There is no magic hypnosis instant sexytime trick.
Furrynomous 2020/02/21 15:48:03 No.1716210

Are you a Patreon Suporter?
Then, it's the Last Post

otherwise, look at YP
Furrynomous 2020/02/21 17:27:42 No.1716232
Update about the human X furry ban: it was a fake

This another artist reached Patreon itself, and looks like as long it doesn't violate their other guidelines, Human X Furry is still allowed;

Looks like some douche was spreading misinformation.
Furrynomous 2020/02/21 18:56:34 No.1716254
So instead of swollowing her pride and admitting that she can't draw humans, she lies and blames patreon for the reason why she's doing a redesign.
Anonymous 2020/02/21 19:08:33 No.1716257
Umm, actually it was sent to everyone, and the email was confirmed to be the real deal. Scroll down a bit and you can see a staff member stating the email is real.
Furrynomous 2020/02/21 22:10:49 No.1716288

this is literally segregation
Furrynomous 2020/02/22 00:40:22 No.1716307
That is fucking amazing. So. When is that website gonna say sex with elves is wrong? I mean, a humanXelf is still xenophilia. How about Halflings, dwarfs and tieflings all having an orgy with a human in it?

Oh it's just a problem if it's harry? Well fuck. I guess they're gonna ban greek men having sex with anyone.
Val 2020/02/22 00:57:05 No.1716310
Yeah, Kabier fell for a fake e-mail from a troll. Patreon just confirmed it with me and several other creators of Human x Anthro that as long as they are sentient consenting beings it's fine. Just someone pulling her leg.
Furrynomous 2020/02/22 03:33:43 No.1716336
The person behind those reports literally tried to have artists' Patreons either shut down or severely hobbled. That shit isn't funny unless you laugh at abject cruelty towards others.
Furrynomous 2020/02/22 07:51:00 No.1716421
Do you have any official proof behind this beyond hear-say?
Furrynomous 2020/02/22 09:12:49 No.1716436
Furrynomous 2020/02/22 11:36:24 No.1716463
File: source_7_u18chan.gif - (482.16kb, 256x192, source.gif)
>this clusterfuck of a comic
Furrynomous 2020/02/22 13:30:32 No.1716482
While I wouldn't be surprised if this was some elaborate lie by Kabier to get out of producing a human x anthro comic only, let's not forget about the Nintendo hoax that caused a bunch of artists to stop making Pokemon porn and other related franchise art. Not trying to give Kabier any kind of credibility, just saying that hoax like this have happened. But, we still haven't seen any solid proof, so we'll just have to wait and see if this was actually a thing.

Edited at 2020/02/22 13:31:30
Furrynomous 2020/02/22 14:45:48 No.1716493
Ironically in Kab's twit post to that thread, she uses a rape-themed Bounty Hunter picture as one example of the anti-furry thing.
I'm gonna bet Patreon took that specific one down not because of the furry x human content but the fact it's blatant rape, which is actually against their ToS, which makes that tweet laughable for me.

Edited at 2020/02/22 14:46:23
Furrynomous 2020/02/22 15:31:54 No.1716497
in b4 HuRrR jUst hiDE tHrEAd but whenever i leave this site it forgets that I left so when I come back the same annoying cringworthy threads are right back where they are.
Shit is like herpies, just when you think its gone it comes right back
Val 2020/02/22 20:25:08 No.1716562
File: ERUzAz7U0AAk0Jq_u18chan.png - (164.7kb, 1629x900, ERUzAz7U0AAk0Jq.png)

Yes, I and others have received direct cotnact. It is starting to unfold a bit more that it was an errant T&S person who was tipped off on user reports. I don't particularly care for Kabier or Jas to be frank, but they were targeted maliciously in this situation and Kabier wasn't in the wrong. I'm not going to show T&S's personal contact with myself, but here's a statement made to another person. I've gotten permission from said person to post this.

Edited at 2020/02/22 20:25:47
Furrynomous 2020/02/23 02:30:11 No.1716622

This is about the comic with a sheep tied up to be fucked, and the main character coming along and saying he might as well fuck her too because so many others already have.

That's really not consent.
Details 2020/02/23 02:44:49 No.1716624

You have to also remember she is a contracted worker as well as him. She consented toward sex work of any kind as long as it is paid. However, his contract bypasses the pay part with the offer of using the merch for free.
Furrynomous 2020/02/23 03:49:15 No.1716631
So someone decided to fuck with artists on patreon by claiming they were breaking tos and get them to cancel their projects and possibly jeopardize income?
Furrynomous 2020/02/23 07:06:05 No.1716656

"Trust and Safety Team"

Jajajajaja, what bloat.
Furrynomous 2020/02/23 08:04:26 No.1716727
Frankly, deserved. They're not great people anyway. Hell, they "quit" FA in a big ass huff
and Low and behold they're back again.
Furrynomous 2020/02/23 08:17:20 No.1716732
File: 15715291831080_u18chan.png - (391.43kb, 536x479, 15715291831080.png)

I believe that she just wanted to get double money for the same comic by making her patrons also sub to her Subscribestar
Furrynomous 2020/02/23 08:19:47 No.1716734


Now as to this comic, looking at it, this would be far more interesting if this was some sort of hidden horror murder comic, because each character's expression looks like they're winking an nodding about a pile of dead bodies buried behind the barn the new guy has yet to discover. That would actually make this interesting.
Furrynomous 2020/02/23 08:29:06 No.1716736
He was a werewolf this whole time.
Furrynomous 2020/02/23 16:23:30 No.1716902

If that means we can get the Patreon version without the McDerpy face on it on that other site for free, better
Furrynomous 2020/02/24 02:04:46 No.1717009
It wouldn't be the first time either
Furrynomous 2020/02/27 21:26:45 No.1718560
File: BareBackValleyPG20_u18chan.png - (1.5mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG20.png)
Newest page released tonight. Another page will be released allegedly before the month ends.
Furrynomous 2020/02/29 15:48:15 No.1719203
Ich mean I appreciate the thought but there's a separate thread for the anthro version
the tauren 2020/02/29 16:42:54 No.1719215
hum so where is the knot?
Furrynomous 2020/02/29 17:02:10 No.1719218

It's Kabier, and she's doing the human version for Subscribestar, did you really expected she would change anything between the two besides the face and adding a tail?

Also, is there a furry version of the first pages already?

Edited at 2020/02/29 17:02:36
Furrynomous 2020/02/29 22:36:17 No.1719316
File: BareBackValleyPG21_u18chan.png - (1.4mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG21.png)
Same poster as the previous page. If someone can post the new thread I'll start adding there.
Furrynomous 2020/02/29 22:50:33 No.1719323
God I'm so fucking glad she started doing a furry version, Kabier is absolute shit at drawing humans, especially human men. That dude was horrendous before.
Furrynomous 2020/02/29 22:52:15 No.1719324
hope he goes for the sexy pig next, that cocktease from before was not enough
Furrynomous 2020/03/01 01:14:13 No.1719374
We sure she's not doing anthro add on as a means of an edit and will post it a human variant later as means to avoid the patron issues. Cause looking at body a little bit more it looks like a its still looks human. If you at his body like from shoulders elbows even.the chest, and look the sheep's as well, he looks flat and no indication of fur, especially if you compare his head and neck, from the rest of the body he has no added fluff.
Loleksy 2020/03/01 01:52:22 No.1719402
Kabier is a lazy bitch, of course he looks human - that's because she doesn't bother with making the main body too different so that it's easier to add the furry elements to the furry version. Also, that's the reason why the dude has a human dick.
Furrynomous 2020/03/01 09:04:38 No.1719491

What a nazi canine slavery this farm is
Furrynomous 2020/03/01 11:10:04 No.1719543
Jesus, these pages are getting lazy.
Sheeps eyes change color every page, and the rigging is either loose or tight.

Dog doesn't even have a tail, ffs
Pure laziness and bad workmanship.
Furrynomous 2020/03/01 17:52:55 No.1719685
blue to colourless lmao good find on the sheep eyes, but holy shit...shading getting worse and worse
Furrynomous 2020/03/01 18:29:28 No.1719698
As long as that cow waifu gets a good pounding idc
Furrynomous 2020/03/10 15:39:28 No.1723068
File: BareBackValleyPG22_u18chan.png - (1.49mb, 1065x1500, BareBack Valley PG22.png)
Same poster as before. Page 22.
Furrynomous 2020/03/10 15:44:05 No.1723071
File: BareBackValleyPG23_u18chan.png - (1.52mb, 1065x1500, BareBack Valley PG23.png)
And she released Page 23 as well. Spoiler because it's not straight, but it's also not anal so it's lame.
Furrynomous 2020/03/10 15:50:46 No.1723074
File: BareBackValleyPG24_u18chan.png - (1.19mb, 1065x1500, BareBack Valley PG24.png)
And page 24. I'm the hero you all need but not the one you deserve.
Furrynomous 2020/03/10 15:54:15 No.1723076
File: 819_u18chan.jpg - (29.43kb, 620x400, 819.jpg)

what a disgusting and sad looking dick
Furrynomous 2020/03/10 16:17:21 No.1723084

Holy heck! My face actually did this the second I saw the thumbnail... didn't even have to open it haha. Then I scrolled down and bam, this summed it up.
Furrynomous 2020/03/10 18:32:55 No.1723124

He isn’t feminine enough and what a disgusting penis, these guys really need to learn how to draw dicks n traps from Hardblush
Furrynomous 2020/03/10 19:00:52 No.1723135

it's just an uncut penis you utter babies

Edited at 2020/03/10 19:01:33
Furrynomous 2020/03/10 20:52:38 No.1723167
Well aren't you a dick connoisseur
Furrynomous 2020/03/10 21:32:18 No.1723176
Uh huh. So much for there still being a human version.
Furrynomous 2020/03/10 22:19:22 No.1723199
Im impressed the pigs using his tail as a cock ring
Furrynomous 2020/03/10 23:54:52 No.1723227
I'm glad he got to fuck him at least, it's been a long time coming
Furrynomous 2020/03/11 01:14:08 No.1723256
He's truly a Cock Connoisseur.

Alliteration is fun. :^D
Furrynomous 2020/03/11 02:00:40 No.1723290
>The guy is a dog now
It kills the whole point of this farm shit.
Furrynomous 2020/03/11 05:25:46 No.1723333
File: 58F6CF2B-ED11-4A8F-9679-0B86446C8F61_u18chan.jpeg - (123.67kb, 640x896, 58F6CF2B-ED11-4A8F-9679-0B86446C8F61.jpeg)

The problem isn’t cut or uncut, the thing is it is ugly

There, cute uncut penises.


Edited at 2020/03/11 17:13:29
Furrynomous 2020/03/11 06:10:02 No.1723337
Dont be a moron. Spoiler it or otherwise people complain about the gay an how homophobic they are.
Furrynomous 2020/03/11 07:27:44 No.1723351
Finally. The piggy twink is getting fucked. <3
Furrynomous 2020/03/11 07:32:38 No.1723352
That cow waifu better be next!
Furrynomous 2020/03/11 10:26:42 No.1723415
If he was a human sucking pig's dick It could look even more weird.
Furrynomous 2020/03/11 12:21:01 No.1723432
does anyone here have the first 18 furry pages?
Furrynomous 2020/03/11 21:25:46 No.1723548
this site needs a new section "bisexual furry comics"
G-Birkin # MOD # 2020/03/12 06:26:57 No.1723629

We had this discussion for years now, and there's not enough bisexual content to justify a new section just for that, so shrug it off
Furrynomous 2020/03/12 07:05:41 No.1723641
This site "needs a new board" every few months because babies can't just look past the stuff they don't like.

Peeps go mad the moment something with Pegging, cucking or Bi-sexual or whatever content gets posted it's rdiciculous.
Furrynomous 2020/03/12 15:02:56 No.1723741

Yeah, can someone post them in either a new thread or share them on Kabs' YP page?
Furrynomous 2020/03/12 21:46:08 No.1723833
File: BBV_23_5000px_u18chan.jpg - (108.15kb, 780x1099, BBV_23_5000px.jpg)

Furrynomous 2020/03/12 21:46:10 No.1723834
File: BBV_24_5000px_u18chan.jpg - (86.13kb, 780x1099, BBV_24_5000px.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/03/12 23:09:46 No.1723855
Spoil gay art you stupid cunt.
Furrynomous 2020/03/13 00:38:26 No.1723886
Furrynomous 2020/03/13 02:21:01 No.1723898
That's just what flaming homosexuals do my man
Furrynomous 2020/03/15 12:15:55 No.1724668
Censor that gay shit, jezz
Furrynomous 2020/03/15 12:22:12 No.1724671
More gay shizz
Furrynomous 2020/03/16 19:10:25 No.1725266

oh no i think im gay now
Furrynomous 2020/03/17 02:12:12 No.1725646
I'm all for more gay shiz only because the infants being triggered on here is infinitely funny
Furrynomous 2020/03/17 05:57:10 No.1725671
You should definitely go check out the gay board then.
Those fagg0ts lose their mind if they see a boob.
Furrynomous 2020/03/17 09:12:40 No.1725696
The awkward context of this who comic changes by making the protagonist a furry too because now the animals come off as mute retards instead of a nod wink animal/human deal.
Furrynomous 2020/03/17 20:07:39 No.1725933
The gayfur boards are a microcosm of autism. Ive never seen so many gays lose their minds over whether an otter had a cock or not. Itd be funny if it werent so pathetic. But its still pretty funny.
Furrynomous 2020/03/17 23:53:17 No.1725972
No big pig balls? Tch, Laaaaame.
Furrynomous 2020/03/18 12:55:02 No.1726089
Yeah, this. I was expecting a fat pair
Furrynomous 2020/03/19 00:26:39 No.1726293
What about the power drill dick?
Furrynomous 2020/03/19 02:13:16 No.1726327

The same goes for any gay content, no matter how small, in the /c/ Furry Comics board.
Furrynomous 2020/03/29 06:28:35 No.1730665
Furrynomous 2020/03/31 19:12:04 No.1731577
File: BareBackValleyPG25_u18chan.png - (1.4mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG25.png)
New pages (25-27).
Furrynomous 2020/03/31 19:12:06 No.1731578
File: BareBackValleyPG26_u18chan.png - (1.39mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG26.png)
Furrynomous 2020/03/31 19:12:08 No.1731579
File: BareBackValleyPG27_u18chan.png - (1.15mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG27.png)
Furrynomous 2020/03/31 20:30:22 No.1731592
I love it, thx for sharing
Furrynomous 2020/04/01 02:58:53 No.1731671
Anywhere I can go for those non-spoilered pages?
Furrynomous 2020/04/01 06:34:25 No.1731716
Jesus, not even any text or noise effects.
And she put these right at the last minute to squeeze more money out of people, what a cunt.
Furrynomous 2020/04/01 09:45:34 No.1731750
Why the fuck are y'all posting the furry version? Thread pretty clearly says Bareback Valley Human Version to me.
Furrynomous 2020/04/01 19:51:41 No.1732009
File: Semttulo_0_u18chan.png - (42.39kb, 579x254, Sem título.png)

Just click on the file names here, and it'll open in another tab
Furrynomous 2020/04/02 00:28:18 No.1732111
Oh thank youuuu
Furrynomous 2020/04/02 03:12:02 No.1732144
would be nice to get a button to load the thread without spoiler-banner.
Furrynomous 2020/04/02 06:08:30 No.1732190
Tbh, silence in a Kab comic I'll take any day over whatever possible retarded text they'll put in to ruin it. (And I swear panels with no text that aren't sound effects they refuse to have exist in their comics or always go the excessive route.)
Furrynomous 2020/04/02 11:39:42 No.1732330
File: -a2O_VRo39E_u18chan.jpg - (16.01kb, 358x340, -a2O_VRo39E.jpg)
Pig boi looks less and less cute.

I also have a feeling that I watch some gay porn instead of comic.
Furrynomous 2020/04/03 11:11:30 No.1732764
that's just the post nut clarity.
Furrynomous 2020/04/04 12:10:24 No.1733281
"I also have a feeling that I watch some gay porn instead of comic."
woooaaah I know right?? NeVEr ExpeCTeD tHAt oN a PoRN SITe
Furrynomous 2020/04/05 04:09:45 No.1733595
It looks like the Original pig character is part wolf and or bat now. Maybe the artist is doing more such commissions or they never made a character model sheet and now don’t know how to draw what they previously had. Or they are pushing out pages cause it’s porn and people are more forgiving.
Furrynomous 2020/04/05 06:52:03 No.1733641
Nah, it's just Kaiber. She kinda sucks.
Furrynomous 2020/04/05 11:23:49 No.1733746
>(human version) thread title
>switches here to furry version
Furrynomous 2020/04/05 12:21:45 No.1733763

Blame Kabier. The human version is now on SubscribeStar (which no one goes to), and she didn't made a furry version of the first pages so there's no way to get a full furry version.
Furrynomous 2020/04/08 17:08:58 No.1735071
The rest of the human version pages are actually on their own website btw, or at least up to when he's done with the sheep.

Edited at 2020/04/08 17:09:32
Furrynomous 2020/04/16 15:53:18 No.1738975
>Twink pig gets dicked
>Still no sign of Cassie getting dicked
Furrynomous 2020/04/18 07:07:21 No.1739834
I can not find the human versoin this guy transformed to werewolf out of the blue
Furrynomous 2020/04/18 08:51:15 No.1739851

We were supposed to have a furry version of the first pages but... Kabier
Furrynomous 2020/04/18 19:36:41 No.1740105
Whens the cow waifu gonna get it?!?
Furrynomous 2020/04/19 00:51:28 No.1740183
She probably put even less effort into it because of the patreon tos thing. Also it doesn't help the fact that kabier has a bad reputation of rushed comics lol
Furrynomous 2020/04/19 00:53:50 No.1740184
Probably never tbh unless you go out of your way to pay a arm and a leg just for some extras.
Furrynomous 2020/04/19 00:56:40 No.1740185
Also one last thing. Why didn't she just redo the entire comic? Instead she just does the stuff up to that point. Like I dont get it lmao. Ig she's just lazy.
Furrynomous 2020/04/19 11:46:04 No.1740425
Kate has this comic, all of BBS to draw/animate, merch to design, drawn their entire website, and pinups for patreon.
Jason just lays around being a cuck. Of course she's rushing her shit. and I highly doubt she'll go back and redo the drawn pages into furry versions.
One of these days she's gonna blow. Oh to be a fly on the wall when she does.
Furrynomous 2020/04/20 17:27:19 No.1741350
new page is out
Furrynomous 2020/04/20 17:28:19 No.1741351
File: BareBackValleyPG28_u18chan.png - (1.49mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG28.png)
New page.
Furrynomous 2020/04/20 19:27:29 No.1741375
Anyone else notice that the brown patch on the pig's eye is on his left (Right??? Uh... his left not mine) instead of his right like the Patreon banner and cover art has it?
I'm amazed nobody had brought it up.
Furrynomous 2020/04/20 20:32:15 No.1741387
Not sure how to feel about the attitude and insinuations.
Furrynomous 2020/04/20 21:45:47 No.1741428
You must be new to this artist

She has artistic discrepancies all over the place
Furrynomous 2020/04/20 22:16:56 No.1741441
Fact that the pig can talk kinda makes this farm even more weird.
Furrynomous 2020/04/20 22:18:44 No.1741442
So what's going on? Is there a human version and the sudden werewolf dude version?

Kabier is making twice the money from changing the character to human in every comic page?
Furrynomous 2020/04/21 01:44:00 No.1741503

Either the whole stink between Kabier and Patreon was somehow resolved or it was just an excuse to allow her to draw two different versions on two sites. If it's the latter then I wouldn't be surprised if Jason came up with that idea.
Furrynomous 2020/04/21 02:15:45 No.1741517
Fuck the horse! do it
Furrynomous 2020/04/21 03:52:22 No.1741549
Something to do with how patreon didn't let the account post feral on human but subscribestar does allow it. There are tonnes of people that got similar emails about human on feral too
Furrynomous 2020/04/21 15:26:38 No.1741800
That pig has no neck, he's so weirdly proportioned.
Also, apple from nowhere.
Furrynomous 2020/04/21 16:09:39 No.1741812
but... this is anthro not feral?
Furrynomous 2020/04/22 11:36:52 No.1742246

Actually someone from Patreon started to consider by itself human on anthro 'bestiality'.

But another artist asked and Patreon confirmed that human on anthro is still allowed there, but Kabier decided to use that to grab extra cash with Subscribestar.

Just Kabier being Kabier...
Furrynomous 2020/04/22 22:03:02 No.1742535
Look, I can understand not wanting to sub to Kabiers Subscribestar bs, but please don't post the furry pages in the human thread.

Somehow turning this dude into a wolf made the comic worse imho.
Furrynomous 2020/04/23 00:34:58 No.1742586
I've got a tub of deviled egg potato salad in the fridge, and now I'm going to go eat it
Furrynomous 2020/04/25 14:32:18 No.1744201
>Somehow turning this dude into a wolf made the comic worse imho.
I have no opinion either way, but am delighted by the idea of people who compulsively save comics getting their OCD triggered by the main character flipping back and forth between human and furry.
Furrynomous 2020/04/27 15:20:09 No.1745096

Why has the same person been spazzing out over both versions being posted in this thread for months. I'd rather this shit be condensed to one thread than taking up space in two.
Furrynomous 2020/04/28 11:12:42 No.1745540
Anyone here that uploads her other pics? Is there another thread for stand alone pics
Furrynomous 2020/04/30 19:26:44 No.1746769
File: BareBackValleyPG29_u18chan.png - (1.24mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG29.png)
New pages before the month ends. The straight has returned.
Furrynomous 2020/04/30 19:26:47 No.1746771
File: BareBackValleyPG30_u18chan.png - (1.09mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG30.png)
Furrynomous 2020/04/30 22:27:56 No.1746833
oh GAWD YES!!!!
Furrynomous 2020/04/30 22:32:20 No.1746835
File: BareBackValleyPG31_u18chan.png - (1.03mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG31.png)
Previous poster of pages is back. Last page for the month.
Furrynomous 2020/05/01 01:15:34 No.1746880
They're enjoying doing those oral internals in this one
Furrynomous 2020/05/01 01:21:59 No.1746885

anyone else find it supremely annoying when people write "breath" instead of "breathe"?
Loleksy 2020/05/01 01:29:27 No.1746886

What the fuck is wrong with the cow's face (her right eye, looking from her pov) in the last panel?
Furrynomous 2020/05/01 10:43:13 No.1747010
Jesus Christ, that rotten looking anus
Furrynomous 2020/05/01 16:30:32 No.1747148
Sorry if this questions been asked before but I just thought of it. This comic is about a FARM where FURRIES are pretending to be ANIMALS (based on the guy trying to get the pig "the break character and talk" so HUMANS can pay to fuck them? So.... the concept would be similar to a brothel made up to look like a school which employed midgets who acted like children for pedos to pay to fuck? I'm just curious if I'm reading into this the wrong way or other people have failed to comment on this (I didn't read back through all the comments so it might have been mentioned).
Furrynomous 2020/05/01 22:44:51 No.1747351
Essentially, you just outlined the grounds on which the original draft was -allegedly- banned on Patreon.
Or Kabbs just wanted an excuse to make a Subscribe Star account.
Furrynomous 2020/05/01 23:27:12 No.1747363

It was stated before it was a error by one of Patreon's staff, and not a official position.

She could very well continue it on Patreon but yeah, it's Kabier, so obviously any chance to get more money would interest her.
Furrynomous 2020/05/02 19:09:51 No.1747794
HOOO-LEEEE FUCK!!! I don't usually give shit what furry artists get caught up in, WILDWULF/DangerDoberman, Zaush, Jay Naylor etc, just wanna enjoy my faps without drama. But wow, just wow, it's actually impressive how long they've been getting away with this shit and that they still are, still milking Patreon cash. Jason and Kabs are SUPER shitty people, no doubt, but anyone who knows the history and is donating is either worse than them, or a certifiable fucking retard. Welp, I hope y'all are happy, you have ruined the pig twink for me.
Furrynomous 2020/05/03 10:40:34 No.1748153
Furrynomous 2020/05/03 13:10:22 No.1748269
Jason/Kate's supporters are actual retards, with more money than brain cells.
Furrynomous 2020/05/03 14:43:02 No.1748302
Furrynomous 2020/05/03 20:48:45 No.1748401
Not Complaining (Maybe I am...)
But did Mr Bacon suddenly get some Muscle?
Looks like a Femboy early on, now all of a sudden he looks like he Lifts.
Chatin # MOD # 2020/05/04 15:12:51 No.1748774
Racism will not be tolerated in any capacity. I won't be poking my head in again to warn for it - they will simply be removed.
Furrynomous 2020/05/05 05:04:14 No.1749022

The artist always turns it to gay porn some how
No Way Locus 2020/05/06 06:27:31 No.1749761
Good thing they are out of here
Furrynomous 2020/05/06 08:28:18 No.1749788
holy fuck what the hell is going on with that ass
Furrynomous 2020/05/06 13:25:31 No.1749861
Local furries baffled when introduced to irl animal anatomy. More to this story at 3, back to you Jim.
Furrynomous 2020/05/06 13:39:12 No.1749867
except cow rear ends don't look like that. Cows don't have the donut assholes that horses do. I also have no idea what's going on with that black patch under her tail
Furrynomous 2020/05/06 23:04:30 No.1750101
Local furries baffled by animal anatomy that isn't, horse balls on a lizard at noon
Furrynomous 2020/05/07 04:46:08 No.1750171
But i like feral lizards :(
Furrynomous 2020/05/07 20:18:58 No.1750820
Time to make horse cocks with kangaroo balls a thing
Furrynomous 2020/05/07 23:46:27 No.1750902

I think the black patch is supposed to represent the dock, which is also incorrect for cow anatomy. Hairless docks near the anus are common in equines, but aren't in bovines.
Furrynomous 2020/05/08 04:19:20 No.1750990
cow is nice
Furrynomous 2020/05/08 15:26:25 No.1751218
that's kind of what I assumed since it looked like kabs just referenced horse characters for a cow character. I know it's not normal for people to know what a cow's asshole or the underside of their tail looks like but it's just so weird and off-putting. I'm a dairy farmer so I know all about the weird cow traits through experience
Furrynomous 2020/05/08 16:18:09 No.1751234
If you're gonna use animal anatomy, you should research it.

I'm all for creating whatever frankenstein of a fursona floats your boat, but that doesn't apply to this.
Furrynomous 2020/05/08 19:08:37 No.1751315

I guess he didn't want his browser history taken up with "cow anus photo" and its derivatives... Which, I mean, I'll cut him some slack on that.

But still, either be anatomically correct or don't bother.
Furrynomous 2020/05/08 19:51:34 No.1751332
Even then, there are some furry art that have accurate cow traits that she could've looked for, it's just niche compared to horse traits and the like.
Barn animal anatomy with furries outside sheep wool and the generic horse dick seems to be niche all around, some folks still freak out learning about pig equipment.
Furrynomous 2020/05/09 20:13:55 No.1752076
honestly it's really not all that weird. Cows are domesticated animals that we breed every day so there's lots and lots of images out there for people to look up and reference. I've had to look up tons of different animal repro parts and have textbooks with detailed animal genitalia. It ain't weird if it's for science lol
Furrynomous 2020/05/11 11:25:29 No.1752751


Furrynomous 2020/05/12 06:36:16 No.1753057

even though we all know that writing in all caps is the perfect way to get your point across without coming off like a crazy person next time consider adding a million exclamation points just to be sure that your reasonableness is understood and also maybe cow buttholes are just a bridge too far idk but the point is she got it wrong and probably could have checked that out especially if she doesn't actually mind looking at animal butts for a living
Furrynomous 2020/05/18 23:45:19 No.1756107
dude, all of this drama for how she draws, its fking fantasy, who cares how anatomically correct it is, ive seen characters with 3 tits, vaginal tails or 2 fking assholes, and nobody bats an eye but the moment kabier draws whatever everyone's loses their minds, this is clearly a grudge against the artist, its not about how she draws
Furrynomous 2020/05/19 03:09:52 No.1756191
But for real, why does a Bovine have an Equine Anus and Tail Dock?
The More I look at the Latest Comic Page Posted here, the more I feel she got lazy AF and halfassed the Cow Design and pretended to draw a Horse halfway through.
Furrynomous 2020/05/19 03:37:28 No.1756202
The sad and baffling part is that you are questioning why this artist draws the way they do. Simple answer is they don't give a fuck. There is always half ass portions or shit that makes no sense in their works. They only ran to subscribe star to milk more of their fanbase
Furrynomous 2020/05/19 11:27:45 No.1756297
Why is it sad and Baffling to point out a very bad character design and obvious amount of laziness in an artists work?
Them going to another service and how much money they make is irrelevant to this.
Furrynomous 2020/05/19 19:04:40 No.1756523
"Kabier did a thing" is the new "Kayla-Na did a thing", for sure.
Furrynomous 2020/05/19 20:37:10 No.1756545
It's just weirder now that the guy has been made a wolf that the animals he fucks doesn't talk.
Furrynomous 2020/05/25 19:51:41 No.1759108
File: BareBackValleyPG32_u18chan.png - (1.24mb, 1065x1500, BareBack Valley PG32.png)
Page 32, released earlier today. Wankers.
Furrynomous 2020/05/25 22:30:38 No.1759163
File: BareBackValleyPG33_u18chan.png - (1.17mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG33.png)
Page 33, released a few minutes ago. Wankers (2).
Furrynomous 2020/05/26 04:39:48 No.1759325
File: BareBackValleyPG19_u18chan.png - (964.45kb, 908x1280, BareBack Valley PG19.png)
Since people don't know how to go to their fucking website to post the the human-version pages (Seriously guys, Kabitch and Jigglebones have their own website right on their FA page descriptions and the normal version of the comic is in it, it's not inaccessible), I'm just gonna do it myself. So far it goes up to Page 22 but the rest will be up later.

Unfortunately the size quality sucks but I can't do anything about that seeing as I rather not spend money on these d-bags twice.

Edited at 2020/05/26 04:46:03
Furrynomous 2020/05/26 04:39:50 No.1759326
File: BareBackValleyPG20_0_u18chan.png - (1.11mb, 908x1280, BareBack Valley PG20.png)
Furrynomous 2020/05/26 04:39:53 No.1759327
File: BareBackValleyPG21_0_u18chan.png - (1.03mb, 908x1280, BareBack Valley PG21.png)
Furrynomous 2020/05/26 04:39:56 No.1759328
File: BareBackValleyPG22_0_u18chan.png - (1.11mb, 908x1280, BareBack Valley PG22.png)

Edited at 2020/05/26 04:40:09
Furrynomous 2020/05/26 06:02:08 No.1759354
Has Kate never heard of a refractory period?
Also, tastebud details, eech.
Furrynomous 2020/05/26 06:15:15 No.1759366
And they get 1k a page, for this quality.
Furrynomous 2020/05/26 07:07:08 No.1759371
Taste buds aside, some people actually have a really quick refractory period.
Furrynomous 2020/05/26 07:23:57 No.1759402
can we get the first 18 furry pages plz?
Furrynomous 2020/05/26 10:24:42 No.1759444
You may not like it, but thats what the perfect woman looks like.
Furrynomous 2020/05/26 11:11:41 No.1759459

If Kabier ever does those, sure. I don't know why the fuck she simply didn't made a furry version of those yet.

Maybe waiting for the comic to end to have extra money?
andrew 2020/05/26 23:36:30 No.1759682
thank you for showing the human and furry pages of this manga it was geting lame look at furry on furry all the time i am more of a furry on human guy if you know what i mean.
Furrynomous 2020/05/27 10:09:23 No.1759808
Comic, not manga. This isn't anime with you reading the panels backwards.
Furrynomous 2020/05/27 15:54:57 No.1759964
File: BareBackValleyPG34_u18chan.png - (1.2mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG34.png)
Page 34, released a few minutes ago. Wankers (3).
Furrynomous 2020/05/27 16:51:34 No.1759993
File: BareBackValleyPG35_u18chan.png - (1.5mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG35.png)
Page 35, released a few minutes ago. Wankers (4).
Furrynomous 2020/05/27 17:44:32 No.1760003
File: 180efc3227b70e92b88fd3e71826fbad_u18chan.jpg - (29.8kb, 600x568, 180efc3227b70e92b88fd3e71826fbad.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/05/27 18:43:42 No.1760018

If this Dixon dude decides to fuck him in the ass for it... Kabier officially checked all things on a 'porn cliches' list to do this comic
Furrynomous 2020/05/27 21:31:39 No.1760038
Its a porn comic. No one cares
Furrynomous 2020/05/29 05:10:37 No.1760529
I was wondering about the rapey old guy.
Jesus Christ, that's a bad looking furry version - Kate were you high when you drew that?
Furrynomous 2020/05/29 07:12:08 No.1760544
File: images_19_u18chan.png - (45.05kb, 510x255, images.png)
Omg the mother freaking cow escene skipped i was waiting for that shit
Furrynomous 2020/05/29 08:30:52 No.1760558
Whats funny is the comic is only a few pages in size but the amount of shit posts and drama fag entries dwarf the actual comic by a fairly expansive margin.
Furrynomous 2020/05/29 10:29:52 No.1760605

I mean... Main dude's human version looks like Game Grumps dude on crack, what you expected?
Furrynomous 2020/05/29 16:03:24 No.1760703
So many haters. Why do I keep coming back to this site?
Loleksy 2020/05/30 04:58:02 No.1761010
I, for one, come back to read the hate. I love when people are shitting on trash like Kabier or Kadath :D
ThatFreeSpeechLovingCunt 2020/05/30 06:45:02 No.1761026
It is entertaining to watch.
Furrynomous 2020/05/30 06:58:17 No.1761033
probably just to get posts just like this one, and you people do it each and every time
Furrynomous 2020/05/30 17:21:21 No.1761306

yeah fk this that was the only one i was interested in and its ruined...sigh...time to get on the haters side U_U
Furrynomous 2020/05/30 21:29:27 No.1761368
Agreed. No one here deserves it more than them
Furrynomous 2020/05/31 02:54:26 No.1761471
Whos Kadath?
Furrynomous 2020/05/31 03:42:23 No.1761480
Kadath is the one who created comics with giraffe characters like Patrick and Puzzle. His stuff is easy to find
Furrynomous 2020/05/31 19:20:27 No.1761745
Oh ok, Ive seen those but never paid attention to them. So whats so bad about them?
Furrynomous 2020/05/31 23:04:26 No.1761848
File: BareBackValleyPG36_u18chan.png - (1.21mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG36.png)
I'm back with the last pages for the month.
Furrynomous 2020/05/31 23:05:56 No.1761850
File: BareBackValleyPG37_u18chan.png - (1.36mb, 1065x1500, BareBack Valley PG37.png)
And the last last page. Spoilered for reasons.
Furrynomous 2020/05/31 23:10:05 No.1761853
So, Kabier not only stopped the cow scene, she now gonna hint Game Grumps Dude will become Dixon's sex slave?

She already have a entire comic about this whole "the protagonist is a gay sex slave" bs, please tell me this Dixon fella is only joking and we gonna get back to the normal plot after he fucks that horse's ass...

Furrynomous 2020/06/01 07:22:23 No.1761991
File: images80_u18chan.jpeg - (26.48kb, 643x477, images (80).jpeg)
Where's the scene with the collie girl Kabier?
Furrynomous 2020/06/01 08:16:57 No.1762009
lol this comic is getting better and better every page ... I'm amazed, it is like watching a crash site
"what a mess, beautiful mess R&R"
Furrynomous 2020/06/01 09:09:02 No.1762020
What is even going on anymore?
Furrynomous 2020/06/01 10:02:34 No.1762029
Is it true kabs gets 1000 per page - then she makes like 10000 a month??

How much do other furry artists get? Like Zaush or Meesh?
Furrynomous 2020/06/01 11:59:46 No.1762081
If she actually made 10 pages per month - then maybe. Buuuuuuut.... no. Doesn't seem so.

MDF earns something around $5-10к a month not including merch.
Fek - around $20k.
(Both are lazy shitbags BTW)
Furrynomous 2020/06/01 12:03:00 No.1762084
She made 37 pages in a YEAR.
Plus maaaaybe around $1000 a month from other stuff.
Furrynomous 2020/06/01 14:06:46 No.1762133
looks like the horsedick anatomy changed
Furrynomous 2020/06/01 16:27:58 No.1762160
If that cunt gets 1000 per page, I have no faith in humanity.
Furrynomous 2020/06/02 03:44:57 No.1762458
horse dick changed
Furrynomous 2020/06/02 05:10:42 No.1762474
The cows hands are backwards..
Furrynomous 2020/06/02 09:43:16 No.1762521
you are right
Dam that ruins the whole comic now
Furrynomous 2020/06/02 12:52:54 No.1762640
Neh, just proves Kabs can't draw
Furrynomous 2020/06/03 06:45:22 No.1762922
As if it matters that she sucks at consistency and anatomy. She gets so much money from it that she doesn't even care about things like that, she'll rake in the money either way
Furrynomous 2020/06/03 07:34:22 No.1762927
I wish I could get paid for my shit. Id be a pretty rich man after a trip to Taco Bell.
Furrynomous 2020/06/03 16:34:32 No.1763066
This thread is a mess
It says Bareback Valley (Human Version) yet it features of a frustrating blend of the furry and human versions.
Furrynomous 2020/06/04 16:59:10 No.1763410

It's because this was supposed to be for the human version, with another for a furry one, but Kabier never do the furry version of the first pages, so this will stay like this until she decides to fuckin' do them.
Furrynomous 2020/06/11 01:10:19 No.1766579
From Jason's Amorous anniversary post on FA: "Due to the ongoing popularity of Amorous as a furry culture phenomenon..."

I think that I burst a blood vessel from laughing.
Furrynomous 2020/06/12 01:31:32 No.1766901
File: BareBackValleyPG38_u18chan.png - (1.23mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG38.png)
Newest pages.
Furrynomous 2020/06/12 01:31:35 No.1766902
File: BareBackValleyPG39_u18chan.png - (1.25mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG39.png)
Furrynomous 2020/06/12 03:32:47 No.1766937
Reminder she's gets over 1k a page while doing as little as possible while some saps she 'hired' get paid like $150 max.
The only good thing is that the art is decent when Kate isn't doing it.
Furrynomous 2020/06/12 07:24:11 No.1766979

Thanks to the anniversary post. Now I know that this farm is just a farm-themed brothel and now everything looks less weird here.
Furrynomous 2020/06/12 16:15:58 No.1767181
People are saying the horse dick anatomy changed but uh... no it didn't. Look at the earlier pages dipshits, the dick's the same as it always was.
Furrynomous 2020/06/25 21:25:31 No.1773191
So, I asked Jasonafex on FA if we ever gonna have a furry version of the first 18 pages, and he responded with this:

"We may do that for the physical release! Really depends if it's worth the investment, since it could delay the release of several new pages for a new comic."

Aka "Pay us if you want those, or else you fuckers will have to deal with Werewolf Game Grumps"
Furrynomous 2020/06/26 04:09:16 No.1773269
Damn she be sooo lazy
jat 2020/06/26 04:22:17 No.1773272
i dont think shes lazy i think patreon screwed her. she had a good bit of this comic done before they changed the rules on her. so it was either stop production and redo all those pages, which might cause a loss of pledge i.e. a major loss of income. or go as is with the change, yes its a bit jarring but the quality is good and shes done well to keep the pace, especially since she had to do a major redesign on two characters
Furrynomous 2020/06/26 14:03:43 No.1773491

The Patreon thing was already proven to be a error, and not a real rule. It's just Kabier and Jasonafex using it as a excuse to put the rest of the human pages on Subscribestar and get double the bucks.
Furrynomous 2020/07/01 18:11:51 No.1776662
File: BareBackValleyPG40_u18chan.png - (1.71mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG40.png)
Newest pages.
Furrynomous 2020/07/01 18:11:54 No.1776663
File: BareBackValleyPG41_u18chan.png - (1.12mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG41.png)
Furrynomous 2020/07/02 12:39:42 No.1776949
God, this comic is boring. The guys in Kate's comics cum faster than a pin dropping - gross.
Furrynomous 2020/07/02 14:32:51 No.1777026
at this point it would have more value as a farm themed image set rather than a directionless comic that takes forever. I really don't get where its going and for what purpose. Guy takes a job on a farm and now its just all fucking but then why bother with the set up? Then again its written by jasonafex and we've already seen a demonstration about how he cant write for shit.
Furrynomous 2020/07/02 20:14:11 No.1777264
Two better ways of going about this story would have been 1) Spend more time with each character or 2) Develop the plot between each fucking. This would have been better as an image set as someone else suggested. While it does have a little bit for everyone it doesn't meaningfully develop any encounter where the viewer can give a shit. I enjoyed the cow section but it happened so quickly and jumped to the next bit so quick that it makes the comic more frustrating than hot.

Edited at 2020/07/02 20:14:47
Furrynomous 2020/07/03 05:47:18 No.1777416
As long as these scumbags are getting cash from brain dead furries, then why bother being good? Kate has no pride in her work and Jason is just a pedo slavemaster.
Furrynomous 2020/07/15 00:47:20 No.1783537
. Furrynomous 2020/07/18 20:10:20 No.1785378
Any updates?
New pages K the anon 2020/07/24 00:46:10 No.1788224
There are 2 new pages but they are in Russian does anybody have the English version.
Furrynomous 2020/07/24 06:57:46 No.1788296
Basically says "blah blah blah get filling boy blah blah blah"
Furrynomous 2020/07/25 17:57:55 No.1789022
He's asking him to try his hand at being "breeding stock" because he can't be trusted to guard them. Aka he's gonna be a whore.
Furrynomous 2020/07/26 02:32:19 No.1789160
File: all_coming_together_u18chan.png - (734.89kb, 1436x594, all_coming_together.png)

Then this comic is taking a turn for the better, assuming he accepts.
Furrynomous 2020/07/26 05:14:13 No.1789211
God, we saw that coming from the start. What a twist! No wonder furries love this dribble, they don't have to think too hard.
Furrynomous 2020/07/27 06:36:18 No.1790183
Awww come on hopefully he doesn't. if he gets fucked that wouldn't be hot, he's not hot
Furrynomous 2020/07/27 16:07:04 No.1790456
So, we'll simply ignore the two pages?
Furrynomous 2020/07/27 20:25:39 No.1790520
can someone post the new pages please, preferably in English
Furrynomous 2020/07/28 08:35:24 No.1790741
File: BareBackValleyPG42_u18chan.png - (1.32mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG42.png)
I am the hero with the new pages, waited for Kabier to update with several pages before posting.
Furrynomous 2020/07/28 08:35:59 No.1790742
File: BareBackValleyPG43_u18chan.png - (1.41mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG43.png)
I am the hero with the new pages, waited for Kabier to update with several pages before posting.
Furrynomous 2020/07/28 08:36:38 No.1790743
File: BareBackValleyPG44_u18chan.png - (1.54mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG44.png)
Yesterday's pages.
Furrynomous 2020/07/28 08:38:02 No.1790744
File: BareBackValleyPG45_u18chan.png - (1.31mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG45.png)
And this is the last page released for now that I'm aware of. This comic will be ending at 60 pages according to Kabier, and we're leading up to the final sex scene.
the tauren 2020/07/28 09:21:15 No.1790758
dogs dont need clothes.
Furrynomous 2020/07/28 10:46:51 No.1790811
At least we get the dog, shame she's a retard.
Furrynomous 2020/07/28 15:44:19 No.1790935
Y'all find this hot?
Furrynomous 2020/07/28 16:11:36 No.1790947
Nice titties
Furrynomous 2020/07/28 19:38:34 No.1791022

Dear god let cassie get some next.
Furrynomous 2020/07/29 01:01:01 No.1791185
Not any more than our so called "protagonist" Good lord what is up with those expressions. I swear the dude's lost his irises.

Edited at 2020/07/29 01:02:36
Kabong 2020/07/29 11:24:44 No.1791649
Anthro dog girls do need clothes. But it's better when they take them off.

Hell Yeah! Look at the ass and tits on that dog girl!
Furrynomous 2020/07/30 22:33:00 No.1792732
Furrynomous 2020/07/31 17:38:31 No.1793173
File: BBV46-5000px_u18chan.png - (13.32mb, 4000x5636, BBV 46 - 5000px.png)
What the fuck was the point of any of that if he's not gonna be a slut on the farm? Also lmao @ obligatory cuck stuff. What does "keep your nose cleaner than your dick" even fucking mean?
Furrynomous 2020/07/31 17:38:34 No.1793174
File: BBV47-5000px_u18chan.png - (10.15mb, 4000x5636, BBV 47 - 5000px.png)
Furrynomous 2020/07/31 18:19:19 No.1793184
Is it really cucking if they are both fucking?
Furrynomous 2020/07/31 20:38:10 No.1793241

It was more of a way to make sure he wouldn't pull any stunt like that again.


I will have to be Devil's Advocate here. Cucking is when the guy basically sees his wife fucking another guys and get on by it. If he's also fucking around that's a open relationship.

Stop seeing cuckoldry where it doesn't fucking exist
A single thought 2020/07/31 23:27:18 No.1793306
Man...... is there really gonna be no cassie love.
The whole reason i kept up with this comic was iiked her xD fk me
Furrynomous 2020/08/01 09:32:01 No.1793527
God, this comic is autistic. Kate's cutting a ton of (what could be) good stuff just for shitty 'twists' everyone saw coming.
I'm betting we don't get a Cassie sex scene, and if we don't you're all fools for supporting these pissflaps.
$1000 a page, furries are the fucking worst.
Furrynomous 2020/08/01 09:35:55 No.1793529
Right on the 31st too, just to squeeze that last bit out their supporters too.

What gets me about Jason's comics is, is that they go on for so long with nothing actually happening. He's skeevy that way - 60 pages of fuck all happening but furries eat it up. There are all better comics out there with more bang for your buck but the dog fuckers love these two? Makes no sense.
Furrynomous 2020/08/02 05:09:47 No.1794241
It's said that there will be one last sex scene, but tbh, I have the biggest feeling it won't be with the pupper. And even if it is, it'll just be poorly done and probably lasting two-three pages anyways.
Furrynomous 2020/08/03 14:37:53 No.1794858
Cassie is insanely cute, love her.
Furrynomous 2020/08/03 14:52:26 No.1794863
Who bets they'll do a last sex scene, them do a suggestion that the dog lady will get some too, only to end the comic, just so they can do the same they're doing with the furry version of the first pages, and 'only do it if people show interest' (aka "we're only gonna do it if we can get a shitton of money with it");

They just opened a Subscribestar for their shitty 'Bareback Streets' game, so they must be looking for more ways to get money.
Furrynomous 2020/08/04 06:03:44 No.1795198
Why is everything 'bareback' with these two? Holy shit, their English is limited.
And BBS will go on for forever and never get done, I'm sure of it. 3000$ a month and so little to show for it. Jason wants around 23000$ and I'm sure he's made that already. He's a fucking autistic crook.
Furrynomous 2020/08/06 19:28:46 No.1796866
File: ScreenShot2020-08-06at8.28.11PM_u18chan.png - (645.89kb, 692x1138, Screen Shot 2020-08-06 at 8.28.11 PM.png)
jesus christ what in the goddamn fuck is this
Furrynomous 2020/08/08 12:04:14 No.1797784
That, my friend, is proof Kate is a lazy, untalented cunt.
Furrynomous 2020/08/08 13:04:14 No.1797800
Sure is a lot of hate in here from a bunch of people getting to see a comic for free.
Furrynomous 2020/08/08 14:24:16 No.1797847

You do realize that the pages eventually show up on FA for free, right?

So yes, we can criticize.
Furrynomous 2020/08/08 14:56:08 No.1797866
We can sure as hell criticize and laugh at a comic that costs 1000 a page.
No one is immune from ridicule.
Loleksy 2020/08/08 15:26:20 No.1797876
Also, where did that whole "something's free so we can't criticize it" mentality come from? That's bs, everything can be criticized no matter whether it's free or 1000$ per page.
Furrynomous 2020/08/11 00:35:07 No.1799355
That border collie is the only reason I'm here
Furrynomous 2020/08/11 01:19:53 No.1799370

It looks like his head is too big for his body
Furrynomous 2020/08/21 22:15:17 No.1805115
can someone post the new pages please
Furrynomous 2020/08/21 23:21:35 No.1805170

Same here, shes stupid cute
Furrynomous 2020/08/22 04:37:56 No.1805427
Same. Kinda just want action with her so I can be done with this one (no offense to people who been liking it, just not my things for the most part so far)
Furrynomous 2020/08/23 16:27:33 No.1806062
So the whole premise of this comic is just getting creepy
The anthos, even Cassie off duty act as feral livestock to bring in customers which would be weird in the anthro world

Then we turn it around and the owner is married to the cow, which would look odd/seem odd in the human comic..

Starting to feel like she's writing this as she goes.
Furrynomous 2020/08/23 16:54:26 No.1806064
Jigglebones's the one that wrote it. Kabier is stuck working with his shitty sloppy "story".
Furrynomous 2020/08/27 03:31:10 No.1807846
don't act as if she's a better writer, she wrote double trouble I'm pretty sure and even if it wasn't as bad it wasn't really the best either
Furrynomous 2020/08/27 05:12:55 No.1807867
DT was edited by Jigglebones so he tampered with it in a similar way anyways.
Furrynomous 2020/08/27 13:49:03 No.1808139
DT was a borefest if anything. Not much even happened and very predictable. Very uncomfortable and not sexy at all. Full of rape and Stockholm syndrome, and centered all on the Jiggle Lizard even when he's not in it.

Oh.... I just described all their comics, nvm.
Disappointing Freaky Lynx 2020/08/29 08:33:38 No.1809104
Comic turned out to be another great idea that fumbled the story. It really should have been straightforward porn, but between converting the humans to furries and trying to add a "twist" plus making everyone talk... the whole concept just collapsed on itself. I don't get what they were going for, doubt the story was planned out in advance.
Furrynomous 2020/08/31 00:48:09 No.1809771
File: BareBackValleyPG48_u18chan.png - (2.06mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG48.png)
Same poster who's been posting the previous pages is back with 4/6 of the pages Kabier will be releasing this month (yes she really is releasing two more pages on the last day).
Furrynomous 2020/08/31 00:48:12 No.1809772
File: BareBackValleyPG49_u18chan.png - (2.36mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG49.png)
Furrynomous 2020/08/31 00:48:14 No.1809773
File: BareBackValleyPG50_u18chan.png - (1.47mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG50.png)
Furrynomous 2020/08/31 00:48:17 No.1809774
File: BareBackValleyPG51_u18chan.png - (1.3mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG51.png)
Furrynomous 2020/08/31 01:22:26 No.1809784
So I guess in converting him from human to fur, she decided, "I won't give him a tail, so we will all remember his human origins."
Furrynomous 2020/08/31 02:01:20 No.1809801

Cassie is finally getting her time to shine now *.*
Furrynomous 2020/08/31 03:48:42 No.1809853
God, looks like there was supposed to be another bubble here and Kabier didn't get the not.
It reads like Austin was replying to the Sheep gal before she ditched him...

Austin: You think so?
Is just lazy on the editors part.
Furrynomous 2020/08/31 05:15:03 No.1809871

The only thing I wanted.
Furrynomous 2020/08/31 07:25:56 No.1809895
I don't understand, why can't Kabier give these characters fucking irises? Just about everyone else but the characters that are supposed to be humans has irises, and their pupils are perma-tiny too. It makes the furry human characters look insane or high. Which is honestly weird because why give the "protagonist" normal sized green eyes in the cover if you're not even gonna keep to that?

Edited at 2020/08/31 07:28:01
Furrynomous 2020/08/31 10:38:35 No.1809987
Jesus, no tail still?
And a merged speech bubble?

I can't help but snicker when I see the cover art at the top, a perfect case of what you wanted vs. what you get.
Money grubbing cunts.
Furrynomous 2020/08/31 10:42:59 No.1809990
"Planning go soft on me"

Jesus fucking Christ, 1000 a month.
And waiting until the end of the month for the last pages. Just scummy.
Furrynomous 2020/08/31 10:43:50 No.1809991
I meant 1000 a page. Which is absolutely nutty.
Furrynomous 2020/08/31 12:50:33 No.1810073
File: ScreenShot2020-08-31at1.49.59PM_u18chan.png - (780.5kb, 812x878, Screen Shot 2020-08-31 at 1.49.59 PM.png)
art quality drop, as per usual
Furrynomous 2020/08/31 12:50:36 No.1810074
File: ScreenShot2020-08-31at1.48.42PM_u18chan.png - (846.27kb, 828x1044, Screen Shot 2020-08-31 at 1.48.42 PM.png)
Furrynomous 2020/08/31 22:30:09 No.1810514
File: BareBackValleyPG52_u18chan.png - (1.35mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG52.png)
Enjoy you fucks
Furrynomous 2020/08/31 22:30:49 No.1810515
File: BareBackValleyPG53_u18chan.png - (1.23mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG53.png)

Furrynomous 2020/08/31 23:04:10 No.1810530
Cassie has weird nips like a girl I dated in high school but the rest of her was on fucking point. Cassie is the real star of this comic.

Edited at 2020/08/31 23:04:36
Furrynomous 2020/09/01 02:17:21 No.1810606
wow this turned from shitty to full retarded in only a couple of months. shit, the average IQ here must be 50 or less
Furrynomous 2020/09/01 05:27:31 No.1810628
Just shut up and fap to the porn
Furrynomous 2020/09/01 07:26:16 No.1810713
We did it guys. We got the dog.
But at what cost?
Furrynomous 2020/09/01 09:25:13 No.1810737
Good god what the fuck is going on with her left thigh in the top left panel??? Perspective? That ain't how you do perspective.
I swear Kabs is just rushing at this point, I'm not even surprised of the art quality drop anymore. It's pretty much a STANDARD for her comics now.
Kabier, drop the comic shtick please, you clearly can't do an ongoing comic if your art style drops after a certain point being any indication you've lost all motivation to do them. Stick to the rendered illustration pieces where you're best at. Nobody should be paying for such bad quality comics, writing and all.

Edited at 2020/09/01 13:32:50
Furrynomous 2020/09/01 11:38:35 No.1810775
seriously-- it looks like a swollen balloon
Furrynomous 2020/09/01 15:49:34 No.1810963
That you think anyone cares about your opinion, random troll on the internet. Least of all the artist of this comic. Maybe if you left criticism on his paid website he might give a damn, but wow.. I guess we can thank the internet for idiots thinking their opinion matters.
Furrynomous 2020/09/01 22:20:24 No.1811063
He said, wiping sweat from his brow.
Furrynomous 2020/09/02 02:29:20 No.1811157
so glad we get to see her fuck, I been wanting that dog since the opening cover
Furrynomous 2020/09/02 04:05:15 No.1811172
Cute, a whiteknight.

Listen sweetheart, anyone can critisize her art. Especially when it's PAID FOR and it's as shit quality as this. You may not have standards, but some do.
Yes, it's a furry comic by Cuckles and Kabicunt, but they're getting PAID A LOT OF MONEY for this shit, we expect perfection, especially at 1000 a page.
Furrynomous 2020/09/02 18:50:45 No.1811517
Dafuq?! That much for a page?! You know how many things I could do with that money?
Furrynomous 2020/09/02 19:40:36 No.1811547
I'm sure they are being paid a lot of money.
But not by you. No one cares what you think.
Furrynomous 2020/09/04 00:21:00 No.1812433
After more than one damn year I can finally start fapping to this comic
Furrynomous 2020/09/05 01:06:10 No.1812755

You can get a custom furry dakimakura with less money haha dam
Furrynomous 2020/09/06 17:02:31 No.1813383

How old are you?
Just saying "Well, even if you're right noone cares" makes you look like you want to get back your self worth by mimicking your preschool bullies.

Calling a statement invalid because you don't care is admitting defeat. Why does it matter if the critic hasn't paid for the art or doesn't have the sweetest intention with it? The statement itself still stands.
And I'm not even saying that he was right. Just that you suck at defending your position.

This is some YanDev Level stuff
Furrynomous 2020/09/08 07:06:46 No.1814082
Sergeant, I think I dropped my grenade somewhere over there......

Edited at 2020/09/08 07:08:30
Furrynomous 2020/09/08 09:27:38 No.1814136
I was gonna say finally but these last few 8 to 10 pages looked rushed.
Furrynomous 2020/09/12 13:58:43 No.1815919
It's weird coming to the straight board and seeing people rate the twinks higher than the female characters.
Furrynomous 2020/09/14 02:24:42 No.1816578
damn, can't you people not just shut the fuck up?
Furrynomous 2020/09/15 18:54:23 No.1817405
Some comments are gone.
Furrynomous 2020/09/15 18:54:33 No.1817407
Praise Fap Mode
Furrynomous 2020/09/15 19:28:48 No.1817422
Tearin on a dude with epilepsy that can strike at any time without warning? Fuck you tool bag
Furrynomous 2020/09/15 19:30:54 No.1817423
Ok so some of the art isnt proportional and whatnot, WHO GIVES A FUCK. Seriously you guys'll bitch about anything, scarlett johansen could be chokin on your dick and you'd still manage to find something to bitch about. STFU and be happy there is free porn to whack it to.

Edited at 2020/09/15 19:31:11
Furrynomous 2020/09/25 07:42:00 No.1822091
Again, this ISN'T free porn, she gets 1000 per page, and yes we can bitch about it because again, everyone can be subjected to criticism, especially someone who's getting 1000 per page and the quality is less than stellar.

Where's the new page at? Month's nearly over and nothing. Her supporters are as thick as pig shit.
Furrynomous 2020/09/28 01:33:53 No.1823405
any updates?
Furrynomous 2020/09/28 17:59:36 No.1823639
File: BareBackValleyPG54_u18chan.png - (1.18mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG54.png)
Update as of 9/28/2020.
Furrynomous 2020/09/28 17:59:38 No.1823640
File: BareBackValleyPG55_u18chan.png - (1.29mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG55.png)
Furrynomous 2020/09/28 17:59:44 No.1823641
File: BareBackValleyPG56_u18chan.png - (1.09mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG56.png)
Furrynomous 2020/09/28 17:59:53 No.1823642
File: BareBackValleyPG57_u18chan.png - (1.3mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG57.png)
Furrynomous 2020/09/28 17:59:57 No.1823643
File: BBV58-2500px_u18chan.png - (1.44mb, 1064x1500, BBV 58 - 2500px.png)
Furrynomous 2020/09/28 18:00:06 No.1823644
File: BareBackValleyPG59_u18chan.png - (1.21mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG59.png)
Furrynomous 2020/09/28 21:48:45 No.1823702
Holy fuck, that black eye. That's unforgivable.
Furrynomous 2020/09/28 21:58:19 No.1823727
Look at the patreon site. It's currently over $ 1200 per page.
Furrynomous 2020/09/28 22:02:04 No.1823732
That comic alone grossed 59,000 $ .
Translation AnonyFur 2020/10/02 19:41:23 No.1825690
File: BareBack_Valley_PG60_u18chan.jpg - (319.42kb, 1280x1804, BareBack_Valley_PG60.jpg)
Can anyone translate this, its the last page and sadly in russian
Furrynomous 2020/10/02 20:38:13 No.1825702

Is either Jason or Kabier russian though?
w e l l . . . Some faggot. 2020/10/02 20:58:12 No.1825718
Wasn't J******** an Cunt (Aussie)/Canuck (Canadian)? And K***** being... A fucking waste of time being exploited to toxicity?

I mean, no one likes those two. I definitely hate both with a fucking passion.

Edited at 2020/10/02 20:59:28
AnonyFur 2020/10/02 21:18:16 No.1825726
Well I really don't know which who is russian, I don't really like them both either but I do like their artworks.
The pick I found at, so probably someone has early access to it and translated it from english to russian. This is the link to the translator. the page is in russian though.
Furrynomous 2020/10/02 22:38:43 No.1825748
File: BareBackValleyPG60_u18chan.png - (1.43mb, 1064x1500, BareBack Valley PG60.png)
Here's the last page in English.
Furrynomous 2020/10/02 22:49:22 No.1825761

Wow that's the laziest, most sudden ending I've ever seen.

This comic went downhill and how.
Furrynomous 2020/10/03 02:13:54 No.1825828
can someone post the first 18 furry pages so we have a complete set?
Furrynomous 2020/10/03 03:30:26 No.1825855
calm down at least its not a cuck ending like kadath or zaush and everybody else

it was sweet

you guys take shit so seriously and whine about everything
Furrynomous 2020/10/03 05:04:40 No.1825876

I thought we'd hit the bottom around the middle but it just kept digging and digging...
Furrynomous 2020/10/03 06:07:37 No.1825889
Honestly with what's currently happening in kadath's comic. This one actually did a better job since it didn't blueball people for 2 ½ years and had sex in it.

Edited at 2020/10/03 06:08:22
Furrynomous 2020/10/03 18:57:09 No.1826179
Honestly, I thought the ending was really sweet. Also I got to see cow waifu boobies so Imd say this comic was a success.
Furrynomous 2020/10/03 21:52:39 No.1826224
File: 03a_0_u18chan.jpg - (31.75kb, 509x385, 03a.jpg)
hm well its not a masterpiece and the price for that comic is a little over the top but well
Furrynomous 2020/10/04 00:24:19 No.1826274
Wow that ending was dreadfully bad
Furrynomous 2020/10/04 19:01:33 No.1826580
Bringing up the price of something thats uploaded here for free seems like a moot point imo
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 05:16:02 No.1826742
but its not like it was made for free
and now would you want to pay even more money to see it? XD
1000+ per page and this is what we get

the ending is not especially good but I expected worse after seeing this comic develop

Edited at 2020/10/05 05:17:37
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 05:56:32 No.1826751
what did you expect from Kabier and Jasonafex, srsly people.
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 06:07:24 No.1826752
File: what_7_u18chan.png - (50.45kb, 627x620, what.png)

Top right panel. Everyone making this was so uncaring, that they had Austin and Molly sharing a speech bubble. They didn't even use different colored text, they just threw 'Austin:' before it to show another character was talking.

Imagine paying for this.
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 17:46:21 No.1827249
File: Imaginesomequalityshit_u18chan.jpg - (37.9kb, 512x382, Imagine some quality shit.jpg)
Imagine paying for quality shit?
I can! It disturbs me too...
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 19:13:32 No.1827269
If you think this is quality, you really need to start following other artists. Broaden your horizons ya know?
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 20:05:30 No.1827285

That's isn't even carelessness, that's just copy-pasted script that didn't get a bubble
the tauren 2020/10/06 10:57:36 No.1827527
so season 2?
Furrynomous 2020/10/07 07:36:27 No.1828024
If you think this is quality

XD hahaha NO I don't think so
its just a meme and just like in the meme the quality implies sarcasm
Furrynomous 2020/10/07 17:36:45 No.1828287
Can yall post here if there is a part two or sum shit
Furrynomous 2020/10/07 21:55:09 No.1828371
So did the artists ever admit that the whole "can't have human x anthro stuff on patreon" and "there will still be a human version" was a lie yet?
Furrynomous 2020/10/09 12:09:24 No.1828945

There's a human version, but on Subscribestar. And no, in their latest public page post they kept saying 'Hurr Patreon don't allow'


They said they will do a furry version of the first pages only if there's enough sales on the physical version, so I think a Part 2 only if they get enough money to buy a Bugatti Veyron
Furrynomous 2020/10/09 16:10:18 No.1829002
There really seems to be no proof that such a version on whatever Subscribestar is exists.
Furrynomous 2020/10/09 20:01:45 No.1829077
They have their own website and that's where the human-version pages are actually.
Furrynomous 2020/10/09 22:05:58 No.1829130
And this website is.........?
Is there some link to it?
Furrynomous 2020/10/10 00:08:41 No.1829154
It's on her FA's fucking front page. Do you people serious not notice the "" url smack dab in the middle of her and Jigglebone's profile descriptions there?

I didn't say it because it's so obviously in your face and frankly I don't like speaking of it in name (because it's named after jigglebones and thus reecks of narcissism) but I guess people can't see the obvious fucking thing.

Edited at 2020/10/10 00:10:09
Furrynomous 2020/10/10 11:24:22 No.1829333
File: Cassie_u18chan.png - (460.09kb, 988x906, Cassie.png)
I'd expect a collie farmgirl would have 10/10 charm, but I do wonder where she loses a point from on that stat. Maybe she gropes too much or something.
Furrynomous 2020/10/10 11:34:00 No.1829344

>He patiently waited until she was 18

Hey, he's got Jasonafex beat on that front.
Furrynomous 2020/10/10 15:07:39 No.1829454
File: jasonisgay_u18chan.png - (224.47kb, 734x936, jasonisgay.png)
Proof that Jasonafax pulls bits of the story out of his ass.

I thought they were married ?? //? /s
Furrynomous 2020/10/10 16:04:58 No.1829493
Well pack it in folks, we got him!

Furrynomous 2020/10/10 16:42:24 No.1829505
It says that SHE waited, not the farmer.

Edited at 2020/10/10 16:43:00
Furrynomous 2020/10/10 18:08:50 No.1829536
Isn't she the owner, Hugh's wife?
Furrynomous 2020/10/11 11:07:51 No.1829837
yeah that was the point. they are inconsistent
Furrynomous 2020/10/11 14:19:53 No.1829891
File: EkEezQPXsAEbdfJ_u18chan.jpg - (157.45kb, 638x900, EkEezQPXsAEbdfJ.jpg)
Speech bubble still not fixed and apparently the pig's shirt can change color between the furry and human version.
Furrynomous 2020/10/11 19:28:31 No.1829985
I wonder if it's possible for someone to fix the speech bubble thing, because that degree of bad is nagging me so much to see.
Furrynomous 2020/10/13 07:38:23 No.1830764
Anyone posting the BareBack streets comic? It's on patreon.
Furrynomous 2020/10/16 18:51:07 No.1832890
New page of the new comic anyone
Furrynomous 2020/10/21 22:47:44 No.1835569
I'll post the Streets comic when there's more than just a cover and the first page.
Furrynomous 2020/10/22 00:32:59 No.1835595
Bareback streets has a comic? Color me interested. >.>
Furrynomous 2020/10/26 15:17:09 No.1837833
Two pages up now
Furrynomous 2020/10/28 01:37:56 No.1838915
>Two pages up now

has anyone posted them on u18chan yet?
is there a thread?
Furrynomous 2020/11/16 04:23:08 No.1848763
Can you post the cover here? Pls
Furrynomous 2020/11/19 04:28:23 No.1850293
If anyone feels like supporting and sharing lol
Furrynomous 2020/11/20 19:04:08 No.1851348
File: EFEAF600-4F76-4073-8223-67CDB4AC327F_u18chan.jpeg - (196.5kb, 776x750, EFEAF600-4F76-4073-8223-67CDB4AC327F.jpeg)
What does yall think
Furrynomous 2020/11/21 10:06:35 No.1851626

looks stupid.
Furrynomous 2020/11/24 04:59:50 No.1853182
Can you post the first two pages Or the ones that came out
Furrynomous 2020/11/24 06:14:48 No.1853195
Pretty sure it has its own fricking board. Keep comic threads to their own comics and learn to make a new thread.
Furrynomous 2020/11/26 08:50:09 No.1854501
No it doesn't yet
Furrynomous 2020/11/26 09:58:10 No.1854531
diagnosis: you guys are fucking mentally retarded
Furrynomous 2020/11/26 15:37:46 No.1854687

I think its the comic that did that to them, Doc, it makes sense if you look where it came from.
Furrynomous 2020/11/30 07:29:08 No.1856687
Yes it does, you'd know if you bothered to fucking look.
Furrynomous 2020/12/01 08:29:20 No.1857298
Aint my fault the site is built like shit
Furrynomous 2020/12/04 13:47:44 No.1859103
Does anyone have the 5000px versions of the pages? Even before went down they didnt have some of them, and I only have 45 out of 60 in best quality
Furrynomous 2020/12/10 18:39:54 No.1862631
Anyone got the pages of the human version?
Furrynomous 2020/12/11 12:48:08 No.1862873

Couple' folks pointed out furtherup that Kab apparently uploads them to SubscribeStar and nobody bothers to get that.

They did upload most of the human pages to JFX's private website, but they sorta stopped that too, by the looks of it. See link >>>
Furrynomous 2021/01/18 01:19:34 No.1882892
yo anyone know if theres gonna be second episode of this? one of the best comics
Furrynomous 2021/01/18 01:28:48 No.1882896
diagnosis: you guys are fucking mentally retarded
Furrynomous 2021/01/18 04:30:13 No.1883162
So, because I'm out of the loop here, will the first pages before the guy got furryfied remain as they are so we'll permanently have a comic where the MC magically transforms from human to a furry, or will those pages be updated as well at some point to feature the furryfied dude?
Furrynomous 2021/01/18 08:14:21 No.1883236

I asked Jason himself on FA and he said "if the comic sells well on the physical version, we MAY do a furry version of the first pages"

aka 'give us money and we may fix this bs'
Furrynomous 2021/01/18 11:11:33 No.1883299

That's shit.

I'm only asking because I don't mind either human or furry, but the only one I have access to that is complete is the one where he magically turns into a furry. Ex-hentai also has most of the completely human one, but it's missing some of the last pages and is thus incomplete.
Furrynomous 2021/03/02 04:26:19 No.1906878
Is there a separate thread for their patreon stuff? I really wanna see the new pic of rain but don't wanna sign up to subscribestar and cancel just to get one pic.
Furrynomous 2021/05/29 13:00:05 No.1954860
File: BBV_48_Fixed_u18chan.png - (1.67mb, 1064x1500, BBV_48_Fixed.png)
Sorry for the small necro'ing, but I fixed the speech bubble mess

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