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File: 0ccaa908f83520ac5b4f7e888ea4661720f39-f_0_u18chan.jpg - (531.81kb, 689x1000, 0ccaa908f83520ac5b4f7e888ea4661720f39-f.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Foxy Rena Volume 14 Furrynomous 2019/07/30 17:01:56 No.1623437   
The preview images for volume 14 are out. The doujin itself is set to release the second week of August.
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Foxy Rena Volume 14 Furrynomous 2019/07/30 17:01:58 No.1623438
File: 035f05df4ebd33b0d52796cd4dd5f90920f3a-f_0_u18chan.jpg - (352.54kb, 708x1000, 035f05df4ebd33b0d52796cd4dd5f90920f3a-f.jpg)
Foxy Rena Volume 14 Furrynomous 2019/07/30 17:02:00 No.1623439
File: 67c409047125fcd0a43f9c74375806bb20f3b-f_0_u18chan.jpg - (313.45kb, 708x1000, 67c409047125fcd0a43f9c74375806bb20f3b-f.jpg)
Foxy Rena Volume 14 Furrynomous 2019/07/30 17:02:02 No.1623440
File: 466db45724f8467588dbb2b8e1548a2720f3c-f_0_u18chan.jpg - (424.3kb, 708x1000, 466db45724f8467588dbb2b8e1548a2720f3c-f.jpg)
Furrynomous 2019/07/30 18:45:24 No.1623466
Is that Fenrir's brother?
Furrynomous 2019/07/30 19:46:08 No.1623489

Nah, I think it's Fenrir himself (he looks like Fenrir's version in the Uma-Sen Crossover universe)
Furrynomous 2019/07/31 00:06:59 No.1623580

He looks older and more grizzled and the way it intros with the "to be continued" looks like it's one of those people she was fighting before?

idk, the scar is on the same eye as fenrir's
Furrynomous 2019/07/31 01:33:11 No.1623611
Well she is was fighting Siegfried, we don't know what he looks like underneath his yet. But what we are thinking is Fenrir, if we look closely at his forehead he is wearing that diamond shape head dress that is on Siegfried's helmet, and seems to also be part of the cover page.
Furrynomous 2019/07/31 02:07:31 No.1623628

Man, if he's Siegfried he's buff also, where's Roy?
Quagmire 7 2019/07/31 18:32:22 No.1623974
I think its Fenrir folks. Not sure where you're all getting that its Siegfried under the armor. But Fenrirs shoulderpads on the cover dont mat Siegfrieds. Otherwise why would Fenrir be on the cover?
Quagmire 7 2019/07/31 18:49:52 No.1623975
Maybe if someone can translate those 2 pages itll clear things up?
Furrynomous 2019/08/01 01:01:26 No.1624102
As it was stated we don't what Siegfried look like under the he could look like one of the male characters that were on that one cover I think it was vol 3 or 4 that have yet to make an appearance in the story just mentioned. It show a panther, dragon and I think another one character as well I think.

Now it could very well be fenrir, it's possible that he might have gotten possessed by Siegfried by using that diamond shape sapphire head dress that was on Siegfried helmet that is now Fenrir head.

Or Siegfried is basically using that sapphire diamond as way to create an illusion on bats to him look the person she loves or cares about.

As some said just translating this pages would give us the info we need. Doesn't even have to be an accurate translation, just give us what is being said that's all.
Furrynomous 2019/08/01 02:18:22 No.1624122
You know I keep hearing about that sapphire diamond that's on the cover. That I didn't notice that the last here has Fenrir wearing it on it head. Man do things just get lost in that hair of his.
Furrynomous 2019/08/01 08:31:48 No.1624245
Think it's some kind of illusion or possession trick given how the diamond features on the cover. After all, the rough translation of the issue name on Alicebooks is Episode 14: Aimed trouble (?) - Siegfried Infiltration!

I suppose the other telling sign in that sample of pg17 is that the thought bubble isn't really in character with Fenrir; Kasane is just saying I want to make you feel better, I'll use the skills taught by Mom etc.
Furrynomous 2019/08/06 21:48:30 No.1627381
I really hate how Fenrir is being paired up with Bloody Bat. He belongs with Rena.
Quagmire 7 2019/08/07 17:31:19 No.1628145
No, Thor and Rena are a couple. They make great couple. Fenrir and Bat Chan make a good hot couple too.
Quagmire 7 2019/08/09 20:32:00 No.1629375
It's almost time
Furrynomous 2019/08/09 20:33:40 No.1629379

I agree Thor belongs to Rena, but Fenrir is Otama's
Quagmire 7 2019/08/09 20:43:00 No.1629381
Why not both for Fenrir?
Furrynomous 2019/08/09 22:00:49 No.1629399
Thor and Rena best pair.

Bat Chan was saving herself for her husband so Fenrir knew what he was getting into.
Furrynomous 2019/08/10 04:53:12 No.1629499

I don't think Fenrir even cares about Bloody Bat
Furrynomous 2019/08/10 09:32:35 No.1629553
Exactly. Fenrir saved Rena from the lizard guys. Thor was just shoehorned into the series and his chemistry with Rena was rushed and forced.
Furrynomous 2019/08/10 13:07:18 No.1629626
Rena doesn't like Fenrir though..., of course they could have done the hate to I love you path I guess
Furrynomous 2019/08/10 13:30:17 No.1629636
Doesn't mean he can't. It's not like he started off liking Otama-Sama.
Furrynomous 2019/08/10 15:56:02 No.1629706
So you're okay with Rena just magically falling for Thor with no buildup?
Furrynomous 2019/08/10 18:02:10 No.1629740
And you think that Rena has to like Fenrir back just because he saved her from the lizard dudes?

Otama-Sama hypnotized her into wanting to fuck Thor and she ended up thinking he was cute.

Fact: Thor x Rena is better, Fenrir x Bat Chan is better.
Quagmire 7 2019/08/11 12:51:10 No.1630093
Anyone got it yet?
Furrynomous 2019/08/11 16:57:04 No.1630192
Yup. Rena makes a cameo at the end. She's pregnant!
Quagmire 7 2019/08/11 19:27:25 No.1630230
Prove it xD
Furrynomous 2019/08/11 19:51:21 No.1630234
Lol, I'll believe that when either the scans drop or when I get my copy. Visibly pregnant feels way too soon without some kind of timeskip.
Quagmire 7 2019/08/11 19:52:29 No.1630235
Plus pregnancy doesn't exist in hentai.
Furrynomous 2019/08/11 21:48:44 No.1630258
It does. Especially considering the villain's whole motivation is to impregnate Rena...
Quagmire 7 2019/08/11 21:53:44 No.1630260
I think he abandoned that goal and is going for Freja.
Furrynomous 2019/08/11 22:20:27 No.1630262
File: Screenshot_20190812-120505_Chrome_u18chan.jpg - (316.43kb, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190812-120505_Chrome.jpg)
q. Why aren't women in the Foxy rena series pregnant? Their sex always ends in a creampie

A. I don't know

Edited at 2019/08/11 22:21:04
Furrynomous 2019/08/11 22:40:58 No.1630272
Still trying to get an heir though, right?
Furrynomous 2019/08/12 09:44:16 No.1630409
File: pregnancychances_u18chan.png - (32.73kb, 350x335, pregnancy chances.png)
Furrynomous 2019/08/12 15:38:52 No.1630511
I don't understand this graph
Furrynomous 2019/08/12 15:40:12 No.1630512
just post a pic of the page or panel, dont leave us hangin anon.

I managed to order the books via Alacie Books, but they wont arrive for a few weeks.

Thor x Rena is such a good pairing <3

*fanboying intensifies*
Furrynomous 2019/08/12 16:11:47 No.1630531
than why you can't post it here?
Furrynomous 2019/08/12 18:34:44 No.1630555

Furrynomous 2019/08/12 19:48:31 No.1630572
> but they wont arrive for a few weeks.
Chad Kroeger 2019/08/12 22:58:17 No.1630610
"Everytime I do, it makes me laugh."
Furrynomous 2019/08/13 00:20:09 No.1630629
Am I the only one who continues hoping against hope that eventually Jormungandr gets some action? That snake's got one of the most unique, bets looking designs in the whole comic and yet he's barely been used at all, by now even side characters out of nowhere have had sex and he hasn't.
Furrynomous 2019/08/13 02:04:57 No.1630650
Probably because he's the one out of all the baddies that actually tried to kill Rena.
Furrynomous 2019/08/13 21:10:15 No.1631037
Am I the only one who doesn’t really care about the story or any characters other then Freja?
Furrynomous 2019/08/13 22:04:19 No.1631051
Same. I used to like Otama as well until the fucked her over with some generic adult form
Furrynomous 2019/08/14 05:05:59 No.1631133
>generic adult form
>only main lady who is lithe and doesn't have huge tits
Quagmire 7 2019/08/16 16:16:08 No.1632029
Anything yet?
Furrynomous 2019/08/16 16:35:24 No.1632035

Her getting that new form is about the best thing that has happened to her, not just because it moves away from her having a toddler body, but because, as you mention, she has a different body type than every single other female in the series. It's refreshing to see a gal here without boobs that keep growing bigger and bigger every issue, to the point most of the female cast by now has boobs bigger than their torsos.
Furrynomous 2019/08/18 03:14:48 No.1632640
I love me some giant tiddies, but it is annoying when everyone's breast sizes are so inconsistent between issues.
Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 16:45:48 No.1633669
Finally got my copy <3
Furrynomous 2019/08/19 17:05:23 No.1633677
Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 17:11:59 No.1633687
I'll take pictures of the pages later. Dont want to take apart my copy.
Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 19:03:50 No.1633726
File: 7728CE3B-64B1-4834-B969-02DB69A5016D_u18chan.jpeg - (1.72mb, 3264x2448, 7728CE3B-64B1-4834-B969-02DB69A5016D.jpeg)
Remember, this is temporary til someone gets better scans.
Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 19:03:52 No.1633727
File: ABC53F2F-CDC7-4150-A56B-42F47300AFC4_u18chan.jpeg - (1.8mb, 3264x2448, ABC53F2F-CDC7-4150-A56B-42F47300AFC4.jpeg)
Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 19:05:35 No.1633728
File: 07E7A961-EDEC-483D-91FE-C00360BD3C79_u18chan.jpeg - (2.19mb, 2448x3264, 07E7A961-EDEC-483D-91FE-C00360BD3C79.jpeg)

Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 19:05:38 No.1633729
File: 47747ADF-0E5F-495F-81AC-B069E563D0D0_u18chan.jpeg - (2.27mb, 2448x3264, 47747ADF-0E5F-495F-81AC-B069E563D0D0.jpeg)
Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 19:05:40 No.1633730
File: BC838B43-E593-40D8-A340-1D370BF1BB4A_u18chan.jpeg - (2.21mb, 2448x3264, BC838B43-E593-40D8-A340-1D370BF1BB4A.jpeg)
Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 19:05:42 No.1633731
File: D39EFCC6-9786-45CA-9D7C-8FEF348A670C_u18chan.jpeg - (2.5mb, 2448x3264, D39EFCC6-9786-45CA-9D7C-8FEF348A670C.jpeg)
Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 19:07:16 No.1633732
File: 7EF76EC7-2A28-4E3E-AAAC-BA75CC8E3C16_u18chan.jpeg - (1.86mb, 2448x3264, 7EF76EC7-2A28-4E3E-AAAC-BA75CC8E3C16.jpeg)

Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 19:07:19 No.1633733
File: B5E9904D-4042-4F29-BA66-BE681CCDB733_u18chan.jpeg - (2.16mb, 2340x3120, B5E9904D-4042-4F29-BA66-BE681CCDB733.jpeg)
Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 19:07:21 No.1633734
File: 0524C426-F68A-4000-967E-58EAACDA5507_u18chan.jpeg - (1.67mb, 3264x2448, 0524C426-F68A-4000-967E-58EAACDA5507.jpeg)
Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 19:07:23 No.1633735
File: A7EC0839-7414-45C5-8D19-72F61D445375_u18chan.jpeg - (1.8mb, 3264x2448, A7EC0839-7414-45C5-8D19-72F61D445375.jpeg)
Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 19:08:27 No.1633736
File: A2360D6F-7BD7-4ED7-AB49-3A362C42BEB8_u18chan.jpeg - (2.45mb, 2448x3264, A2360D6F-7BD7-4ED7-AB49-3A362C42BEB8.jpeg)

Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 19:08:29 No.1633737
File: 408DDA82-45EC-4676-9FBC-6191C51FAC34_u18chan.jpeg - (2.55mb, 2448x3264, 408DDA82-45EC-4676-9FBC-6191C51FAC34.jpeg)
Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 19:08:31 No.1633738
File: 2ED34106-0418-49FC-89C9-F35C27CEA143_u18chan.jpeg - (1.55mb, 3264x2448, 2ED34106-0418-49FC-89C9-F35C27CEA143.jpeg)
Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 19:08:34 No.1633739
File: AE2954FF-FB8F-45A0-81A3-898D7630534E_u18chan.jpeg - (1.61mb, 3264x2448, AE2954FF-FB8F-45A0-81A3-898D7630534E.jpeg)
Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 19:10:02 No.1633740
File: C4E8702E-7BF9-43CC-9B62-4DB9FB724E21_u18chan.jpeg - (1.85mb, 2346x3130, C4E8702E-7BF9-43CC-9B62-4DB9FB724E21.jpeg)

Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 19:10:04 No.1633741
File: BE5EA4EC-7992-4464-8337-2E3CAA26DBE2_u18chan.jpeg - (1.75mb, 2285x3047, BE5EA4EC-7992-4464-8337-2E3CAA26DBE2.jpeg)
Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 19:10:06 No.1633742
File: D0574C9F-2B32-41C2-97FB-479B63D32049_u18chan.jpeg - (1.58mb, 3264x2448, D0574C9F-2B32-41C2-97FB-479B63D32049.jpeg)
Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 19:11:33 No.1633743
File: 3C5BDE80-7F15-4B63-8B5B-2817B2D9510D_u18chan.jpeg - (1.78mb, 3264x2448, 3C5BDE80-7F15-4B63-8B5B-2817B2D9510D.jpeg)

Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 19:11:35 No.1633744
File: CFEFE8CF-351E-461E-B17C-D19AC830FFE5_u18chan.jpeg - (1.66mb, 3264x2448, CFEFE8CF-351E-461E-B17C-D19AC830FFE5.jpeg)
Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 19:11:37 No.1633745
File: 4EDC1B95-6E03-4809-B3C0-0FCF60928943_u18chan.jpeg - (1.88mb, 3264x2448, 4EDC1B95-6E03-4809-B3C0-0FCF60928943.jpeg)
Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 19:11:39 No.1633746
File: 5260C4AB-E983-41A4-B236-BE9D1C4F8110_u18chan.jpeg - (1.91mb, 3264x2448, 5260C4AB-E983-41A4-B236-BE9D1C4F8110.jpeg)
Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 19:12:26 No.1633748
File: 933E1AD5-9DC6-4DB7-8723-F41B209DDEF3_u18chan.jpeg - (1.81mb, 3264x2448, 933E1AD5-9DC6-4DB7-8723-F41B209DDEF3.jpeg)

Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 19:12:28 No.1633749
File: BF7D5433-4319-4612-83C2-D5BF9E669539_u18chan.jpeg - (1.57mb, 3264x2448, BF7D5433-4319-4612-83C2-D5BF9E669539.jpeg)
Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 19:12:30 No.1633750
File: 36D7BA40-C4DF-4859-98FA-88418EDEF246_u18chan.jpeg - (1.79mb, 3264x2448, 36D7BA40-C4DF-4859-98FA-88418EDEF246.jpeg)
Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 19:12:36 No.1633751
File: 0B758C0E-1737-411C-9E9F-03F5138BE802_u18chan.jpeg - (1.52mb, 3264x2448, 0B758C0E-1737-411C-9E9F-03F5138BE802.jpeg)
Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 19:13:29 No.1633752
File: 71459F93-AF2B-4CD2-AC59-C2A9F4B10F09_u18chan.jpeg - (2.1mb, 2448x3264, 71459F93-AF2B-4CD2-AC59-C2A9F4B10F09.jpeg)

Quagmire 7 2019/08/19 19:13:31 No.1633753
File: D5104CE3-A757-4147-A49E-618017DD726C_u18chan.jpeg - (1.82mb, 2448x3264, D5104CE3-A757-4147-A49E-618017DD726C.jpeg)
Furrynomous 2019/08/20 02:37:12 No.1633853
ok, i wait for better scans
in other news, fakku released vol 6
Furrynomous 2019/08/20 03:07:15 No.1633867
No Freya Odin update? :(
Furrynomous 2019/08/20 03:44:19 No.1633900
wait its censored when you buy it Wtf
Furrynomous 2019/08/20 04:02:05 No.1633903

That's how Japan do
Furrynomous 2019/08/20 05:04:44 No.1633913
Yeah, buying anything that is published in Japan is censored. Variations in publishing allow FAKKU to republish his doujins for foreign markets; it's why they all have 'Not for sale in Japan' at the back.

Thanks for the pictures, it eases the hunger somewhat. Looking forward to getting my copy even more now. Will still have to wait for proper scans before I can kickstart the translation process though.
Furrynomous 2019/08/20 05:15:47 No.1633916
Kinda sad cuz Bat probably not gonna know he wasn't himself.
Furrynomous 2019/08/20 05:32:11 No.1633921
On the subject of FAKKU, if you want official decensored stuff faster, go make your voices heard on their forums. I've asked Amakuchi personally and he's pretty much said he can't make them go faster, best to rally the fans and show a demand for it but fat chance of that, I've already tried and only got a handful of people. Still, at least YQII gives me the courtesy of a response when I do ask.
Furrynomous 2019/08/21 12:46:26 No.1634466
So, from what I gather, this Siegfried is actually a soul inhabiting that jewel, and he possesses the bodies of those who wear the jewel, and he possesses Fenrir and has his way with Bat-chan? If so, it's an interesting concept, which makes him one of the more unique villains. Hopefully this isn't the last we see of him.

So, in terms of sex scenes, this leaves Jormungandr and the one Valhalla villain we haven't seen yet, as well as Rena's cutesy mascot sidekick who Amakuchi seems to have forgotten exists. Mascot getting to transform into his own big, strapping stud to have his way with any of the ladies would also be a welcome change of pace.
Ra's Disciple 2019/08/22 15:34:42 No.1634907
Gentlemen, can a fellow gentleman get directions to where I can purchase kemono doujinshis online? I'll be sure to be a frequent poster for them once I get the directions, and suggestions on what to buy for starters because i know there's some that people are looking for to be leaked here :3
Furrynomous 2019/08/22 15:50:12 No.1634912

For physical versions I recommend Alice-Books:

For digital ones there's DL-Site:

DL-Site usually takes 6 months after the release to get the digital versions tho (since that's the time most artists give before releasing the digital version)
Furrynomous 2019/08/22 18:47:24 No.1634963
God I'm ecstatic Bat-chan got to be the forefront of this chapter. She had the best faces
Furrynomous 2019/08/22 23:27:00 No.1635071
Bat-chan is so precious
Furrynomous 2019/08/22 23:47:58 No.1635082
That's why she deserves to get her man.
Furrynomous 2019/08/23 00:38:39 No.1635102
Only took 5 years for Kasane to get the limelight again. It's a shame that she didn't get the legit version of Fenrir though. Hope there's a volume 14.5 with more of her.
Furrynomous 2019/08/23 20:51:25 No.1635427
All known links if you want to support the artist and what you can expect to get: (Digital, ENG, Uncensored)
Currently up to Volume 6. Doujin projects are slow af and probably don't rake in cash, especially niche things like kemono. Only other kemono stuff on there is by Mizone. (Physical doujin shipped from Japan, JP, Censored)
Where you buy the physical doujins from Japan and get them shipped over. Shipping cost depends on where you live. Good quality printing and paper imo. (Digital, JP, Censored)
English version of DLsite where you can get the digital version. In general, the Japanese version of the site has more stuff but is a little harder to navigate. Resolution is a bit weird 1290 x 1821 in .jpg; but that can easily be fixed with Waifu caffe2x to equal the quality you get from FAKKU. (Digital, Uncensored, Straight)
Mostly a request list where you can see people's requests or make the requests at a higher tier. Keep them short and simple; it's a request with artistic freedom. Occasionally drops sample pages or uncensored guest pages he participated in years ago. Usually uploads at 1000 x 1014; again can be doubled with Waifu Caffe. (Digital, Uncensored, Gay)
Probably opened this one to get the gay fans off his back lol. New, so there's not much here yet except for two requests and an old bara sequence featuring that bear guy. (Digital, JP, Censored)
Like Patreon but for the domestic Japanese market. Speaking to some Japanese creators, it sounds like breaking their censorship laws can get you in some deep shit (real or perceived on their side) hence why we have this fragmentation of distribution channels.
Furrynomous 2019/08/25 01:30:21 No.1635871
The scans of the comic are posted on ehentai. Time to get translating gang...
Medium-Res Scans Furrynomous 2019/08/30 19:00:39 No.1638901
File: 01_482_u18chan.jpg - (238.04kb, 1280x1915, 01.jpg)
Taken from e.hentai for those who are lazy
Medium-Res Scans Furrynomous 2019/08/30 19:01:02 No.1638902
File: 02_470_u18chan.jpg - (374.05kb, 1280x1828, 02.jpg)

Medium-Res Scans Furrynomous 2019/08/30 19:01:20 No.1638903
File: 03_484_u18chan.jpg - (383.23kb, 1280x1840, 03.jpg)

Medium-Res Scans Furrynomous 2019/08/30 19:01:38 No.1638904
File: 04_487_u18chan.jpg - (402.64kb, 1280x1830, 04.jpg)

Medium-Res Scans Furrynomous 2019/08/30 19:01:49 No.1638905
File: 05_483_u18chan.jpg - (363.07kb, 1280x1831, 05.jpg)

Medium-Res Scans Furrynomous 2019/08/30 19:01:59 No.1638906
File: 06_457_u18chan.jpg - (379.96kb, 1280x1837, 06.jpg)

Quagmire 7 2019/09/08 12:22:20 No.1642562
Anything word on a translation?
Furrynomous 2019/09/12 01:33:04 No.1643894
Waiting on the script before I can get started putting the text on.

And what's with this half-assed upload above lol.
Quagmire 7 2019/09/12 11:41:41 No.1643994
Wish I could help out. I'd love to do half and half with ya?
Furrynomous 2019/09/12 12:51:28 No.1644016
Not mentioning the comic but, anyone can share his/her latest image from patreon?
Furrynomous 2019/09/13 07:04:57 No.1644272
ya does anyone have the patrion images
Quagmire 7 2019/09/21 11:21:14 No.1647707
So anyone gonna post the rest of the pages? Also hows the English translation going?
Furrynomous 2019/09/29 07:48:23 No.1650877
I haven't heard anything from the translator from over 3 weeks ago; starting to feel like I've got scammed. Which would be weird since I've done 12, 13 and all the mini comics with him with no issue.
Quagmire 7 2019/09/29 09:12:05 No.1650899
Well that's not good. I wish I could help, but I dont know anything about translating. Though I think I might know someone who can do it?
Furrynomous 2019/09/29 11:12:16 No.1650921

In my end, didn't got a word from BSN yet
Quagmire 7 2019/09/29 12:23:15 No.1650941
What's BSN?
Furrynomous 2019/09/29 16:54:46 No.1651010

Not what, who. He's a translator from e-hentai
Furrynomous 2019/09/29 19:34:58 No.1651057
Thankfully my translator finally got back to me overnight. Overextended himself this month it seems so hopefully I'll have something to work with by the end of the working week.
Quagmire 7 2019/09/29 21:28:56 No.1651103
That's great!
Furrynomous 2019/10/03 07:45:20 No.1652778
File: 04a_u18chan.png - (15.06mb, 4219x6031, 04a.png)
Just a comparison of scans before and after some adjustment and dirt cleaning. What do you think?
Furrynomous 2019/10/03 07:45:23 No.1652779
File: 04b_u18chan.png - (18.55mb, 4219x6031, 04b.png)
Quagmire 7 2019/10/03 09:07:22 No.1652808
Looks pretty good. You doing this for all the pages?
Furrynomous 2019/10/03 09:39:18 No.1652815

If yes please sent them here
Furrynomous 2019/10/03 19:07:05 No.1653003
Yeah, I'm going to do this for all pages. It takes a bit of time since I'm not some pro editor or anything but when I had some spare time, I mucked around with the raws and thought the difference was worth the effort i.e. trying to make all the blacks true black, instead of being speckled with greys and so on.
Quagmire 7 2019/10/09 13:37:37 No.1655338
So anyone got any updates to give? Or post?
Furrynomous 2019/10/22 04:59:29 No.1660702
I've published it to exhentai. Should appear on the site in a few hours or so on the ex and non x sites. I'd rather not publish the high res pages here since it's about 500mb in total and I've done enough uploading for one night.


Edited at 2019/10/22 06:15:45
Furrynomous 2019/10/22 21:51:51 No.1661103
File: 00_42_u18chan.png - (5.53mb, 2067x3000, 00.png)

Furrynomous 2019/10/22 21:51:54 No.1661104
File: 01_174_u18chan.png - (6.04mb, 2691x4027, 01.png)
Furrynomous 2019/10/22 21:51:58 No.1661105
File: 02_187_u18chan.png - (8.53mb, 2957x4224, 02.png)
Furrynomous 2019/10/22 21:59:54 No.1661107
File: 03_202_u18chan.png - (10.53mb, 2917x4194, 03.png)

Furrynomous 2019/10/22 21:59:57 No.1661108
File: 04_197_u18chan.png - (8.31mb, 2951x4219, 04.png)
Furrynomous 2019/10/22 21:59:59 No.1661109
File: 05_189_u18chan.png - (8.46mb, 2944x4212, 05.png)
Furrynomous 2019/10/22 22:00:02 No.1661110
File: 06_179_u18chan.png - (11.26mb, 2928x4202, 06.png)
Furrynomous 2019/10/22 22:00:04 No.1661111
File: 07_176_u18chan.png - (8.92mb, 2945x4212, 07.png)
Furrynomous 2019/10/22 22:00:07 No.1661112
File: 08_173_u18chan.png - (8.17mb, 2938x4209, 08.png)
Furrynomous 2019/10/22 22:00:10 No.1661113
File: 09_154_u18chan.png - (7.89mb, 2934x4207, 09.png)
Furrynomous 2019/10/22 22:00:13 No.1661114
File: 10_247_u18chan.png - (7.07mb, 2874x4164, 10.png)
Furrynomous 2019/10/22 22:07:01 No.1661119
File: 11_234_u18chan.png - (5.19mb, 2948x4214, 11.png)

Furrynomous 2019/10/22 22:07:04 No.1661120
File: 12_202_u18chan.png - (10.02mb, 2952x4219, 12.png)
Furrynomous 2019/10/22 22:07:06 No.1661121
File: 13_193_u18chan.png - (9.82mb, 2946x4214, 13.png)
Furrynomous 2019/10/22 22:07:09 No.1661122
File: 14_186_u18chan.png - (9.75mb, 2952x4219, 14.png)
Furrynomous 2019/10/22 22:07:11 No.1661123
File: 15_176_u18chan.png - (10.06mb, 2953x4218, 15.png)
Furrynomous 2019/10/22 22:11:57 No.1661125
File: 16_164_u18chan.png - (10.38mb, 2895x4177, 16.png)

Furrynomous 2019/10/22 22:12:00 No.1661126
File: 17_148_u18chan.png - (10.53mb, 2897x4179, 17.png)
Furrynomous 2019/10/22 22:12:03 No.1661127
File: 18_147_u18chan.png - (11.78mb, 2937x4210, 18.png)
Furrynomous 2019/10/22 22:12:05 No.1661128
File: 19_135_u18chan.png - (12.69mb, 2958x4222, 19.png)
Furrynomous 2019/10/22 22:12:08 No.1661129
File: 20_120_u18chan.png - (10.32mb, 2971x4232, 20.png)
Furrynomous 2019/10/22 22:41:01 No.1661136
File: 21_119_u18chan.png - (11.69mb, 2965x4226, 21.png)

Furrynomous 2019/10/22 22:41:03 No.1661137
File: 22_108_u18chan.png - (13mb, 2964x4228, 22.png)
Furrynomous 2019/10/22 22:41:06 No.1661138
File: 23_97_u18chan.png - (12.75mb, 2975x4234, 23.png)
Furrynomous 2019/10/22 22:41:08 No.1661139
File: 24_92_u18chan.png - (10.51mb, 2909x4187, 24.png)
Furrynomous 2019/10/22 22:41:11 No.1661140
File: 25_86_u18chan.png - (11.53mb, 2900x4182, 25.png)
Furrynomous 2019/10/22 22:49:52 No.1661143
File: 26_79_u18chan.png - (12.82mb, 2970x4231, 26.png)

Furrynomous 2019/10/22 22:49:55 No.1661144
File: 27_69_u18chan.png - (10.4mb, 2978x4235, 27.png)
Furrynomous 2019/10/22 22:49:57 No.1661145
File: 28_67_u18chan.png - (7.39mb, 2835x4135, 28.png)
Furrynomous 2019/10/22 22:50:00 No.1661146
File: 29_61_u18chan.png - (6.16mb, 3047x4286, 29.png)
Furrynomous 2019/10/22 23:01:27 No.1661154
Alright here are the cut down versions of the ultra high res scans on e-hentai. 280mb ish down from 500mb. Honestly given how cheap storage is these days I'll always take high res stuff for things I like, but I suppose people will always bitch about something, even if it's free lol.

Hope you enjoy

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