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File: ClarisseAndSpikeComic-Cover_u18chan.jpg - (1.98mb, 1600x2260, ClarisseAndSpikeComic-Cover.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Fureverick HD Clarisse & Spike Comic 2019/09/12 01:37:31 No.1643896   

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Fureverick HD Clarisse & Spike Comic 2019/09/12 01:37:33 No.1643897
File: ClarisseAndSpikeComic-page-01_u18chan.jpg - (1.46mb, 1600x2260, ClarisseAndSpikeComic-page-01.jpg)
Fureverick HD Clarisse & Spike Comic 2019/09/12 01:37:35 No.1643898
File: ClarisseAndSpikeComic-02_0_u18chan.jpg - (1.57mb, 1600x2260, ClarisseAndSpikeComic-02.jpg)
Fureverick HD Clarisse & Spike Comic 2019/09/12 01:37:37 No.1643899
File: ClarisseAndSpikeComic-03_u18chan.jpg - (1.42mb, 1600x2260, ClarisseAndSpikeComic-03.jpg)
Furrynomous 2019/09/12 17:18:04 No.1644062
Flips not gonna like seein this. XP
Nice job adapting to others style. It can be a unique trait in the art world.
Furrynomous 2019/09/12 18:49:25 No.1644080
It's not bad just, odd.
I don't think these characters ever met each other, and I think Spike is with that nerd girl and Clarisse is with the frog.
Shelia/Rod would have been more appropriate since they're the canon hetero pornstar couple.
Fureverick HD EricwithK 2019/09/12 19:14:21 No.1644084
This idea is from a guy, the donator who is supporting this comic. Im just drawing hes request, thats all.
Furrynomous 2019/09/12 23:21:44 No.1644161
Don't listen to these tiny-dicked idiots.
They keep trying to say you ripped off the characters from someone (I'm not even familiar with who), but they are all weak pussies and can't just say that, needing to be "clever" with their insults instead. Pathetic humans.
Furrynomous 2019/09/13 05:36:25 No.1644246
people should just stop better right there before this reopend comic thread gets deleted again just bcourse someone is butthurt.

Yes, the characters are originaly created from EWS but if youre really "that guy" who complains about it, better go and complain about the people who are drawing renamon and krystal 99% of their time.

Else enjoy the comic.

Oh and as small edit, yes. Both characters DID somewhat meet back in the earlier days. here the old video:

Edited at 2019/09/13 05:38:22
Furrynomous 2019/09/13 05:47:51 No.1644253
The mods already deleted all the comments in this thread once, and now you're all bitching again. Will you retards ever learn?
Furrynomous 2019/09/13 09:10:14 No.1644312
Neither is Carli.
Furrynomous 2019/09/13 14:28:21 No.1644410
mods never deleted anything, Traceverick deleted the thread and reposted it, stop spreading lies
Furrynomous 2019/09/13 14:56:03 No.1644420
> but if youre really "that guy" who complains about it, better go and complain about...
>Whataboutism, also known as whataboutery, is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument

The difference is that most of the people who draw Krystal and Renamon, who are posted on these boards, are vastly more competent, and they're not simply copying someone else's copy of a Disney/WB "how to draw cartoons 101" imitation. Also notice that those who draw Renamon and Krystal (etc.), who really are shit at it, aren't here pushing their own works. They're happy doing their own thing alone.

Fureverick is just a victim of too many asskissers praising his stuff in hopes of free stuff that he's started to think people in general appreciate his work and want to see it posted - so he posts it himself. Nobody else is doing it. You know the type, little brown-noses going, "Oh you're so good! Can you do X?"

Edited at 2019/09/13 15:09:21
Fureverick HD EricwithK 2019/09/13 16:50:23 No.1644440
This is a smart move of you let me tell you, if i dont repply this they gonna think i was mad all about this, and if i answer your coment im falling in your game. Well have to say that, the mods delete the comic, not me... I dont know how you can confirm that? Anyways, only mods have the power to delete whatever they dont need in this page. I will just upload what people ask me and thats all.
Furrynomous 2019/09/13 20:10:51 No.1644498
Based, can't wait for the other pages, Fureverick!
Furrynomous 2019/09/14 01:07:14 No.1644615
Draw a comic of Sabrina farting with zigzag and some bees
Furrynomous 2019/09/14 02:39:18 No.1644640
Just remember that none of these badmouthing "unloved as a child" worthless worms deserve your attention or matter at all and you'll be fine.
Furrynomous 2019/09/14 04:41:02 No.1644690

>*slurp gag* d-does it feel g-g-good master? Please use me like the whore I am
Furrynomous 2019/09/14 13:20:38 No.1644804
Aaaand the trolls are back.

> The difference is that most of the people who draw Krystal and Renamon, who are posted on these boards, are vastly more competent, and they're not simply copying someone else's copy of a Disney/WB "how to draw cartoons 101" imitation.

Krystal. drawn. by nintendo. What? Renamon yes, sure, got that, she was drawn in an anime but Krystal was always a 3D model and wasnt shown anywhere or not much in "art" so about that...

> Fureverick is just a victim of too many asskissers praising his stuff in hopes of free stuff that he's started to think people in general appreciate his work and want to see it posted - so he posts it himself.

Dude, did you saw what people upload here on U18? I mean, yes, Fureverick might be not the best but holy fuck man, there exists far, FAR more worse and complaining it the way you do seems like you have no hobbies. Gesues, let him post if he likes it, i dont give a crap who posts it, its not to bad man.

And if people enjoy it, whats the problem? Is it your problem? If you dont like it, just leave man and spend your energie in drawing better or play sports. gesus.
Furrynomous 2019/09/14 13:58:37 No.1644821
>Fureverick might be not the best but holy fuck man, there exists far, FAR more worse

That's not an excuse to lower your standards. And he's not going to get any better if you keep kissing his ass.
Furrynomous 2019/09/14 17:42:52 No.1644898
Why don't you stop bitching? You don't like it? Then fuck off!

Edited at 2019/09/14 20:41:02
Furrynomous 2019/09/15 17:53:12 No.1645286
Now this is a civil observation.

Have they forgotten they're already married (one to a chinchilla a 1/3 their size, the other to a frog) or does this happen BEFORE them?
Furrynomous 2019/09/16 12:01:57 No.1645708
File: prettyfly_u18chan.jpg - (69.19kb, 1280x720, prettyfly.jpg)
>Krystal. drawn. by nintendo. What? Renamon yes, sure, got that, she was drawn in an anime but Krystal was always a 3D model and wasnt shown anywhere or not much in "art" so about that...

Way to miss the point. EWS is a tryhard wannabe animator who couldn't hack it, and Fureverick is a hack who copied the copied style off of EWS - making him a double hack.

It's like being the fly guy to the fly guy - if you get the reference.
Furrynomous 2019/09/16 19:12:14 No.1645849
File: no_1_u18chan.gif - (4.87mb, 500x374, no.gif)
reference, got it but

> EWS is a tryhard wannabe animator who couldn't hack it, and Fureverick is a hack who copied the copied style off of EWS

If so, who did EWS "tried" to copy?
Furrynomous 2019/09/16 20:58:25 No.1645893
The implication - and not an entirely wrong one, at that - is that EWS "ripped off" the art style associated with Warner Bros. cartoons in the 1990s. The difference between EWS ripping that style off and Furverick ripping EWS's style off is that *EWS IS GOOD*.

Schwartz has been posting art on the Internet for...what, two decades now? (Holy shit.) He's probably been drawing for longer than that. He has the nooks and crannies of his style down pat, even if it is a "ripoff" of the WB style. He understands anatomy and shading and proportions - especially the "toonish" proportions that give his art its overall aesthetic.

In contrast, Furverick's art has none of that. He has a basic grasp of anatomy, shading, and proportions - and only because he's trying so hard to rip off the art of someone with a better grasp of those things. But he won't get far with his art by simply trying to ape the aesthetics of EWS's work. Doing so won't help him learn anatomy and shading, and it won't teach him how to exaggerate proportions for the aesthetic effect EWS achieves.

I sincerely hope that if Furverick loves doing what he does, he eventually improves as an artist. An artist shouldn't necessarily be discouraged at what amounts to the early stages of learning their craft - and Furverick shows at least a modicum of promise. But he won't have as much of an incentive to learn and get better if all anyone does is kiss his ass.

(And Furverick, if you're reading this: Study anatomy in your spare time and stop trying to ape another artist's surface aesthetic. It'll be hard, but it'll be worth it in the future.)
Fureverick HD EricwithK 2019/09/16 21:20:41 No.1645897
Got it, End of the discution. Now just give me some years and finish this cuz it just a request from a user.
Furrynomous 2019/09/16 21:23:54 No.1645901
More please! Enough talking!
Furrynomous 2019/09/16 22:42:18 No.1645921
that was at least some fair critique to read.
Furrynomous 2019/09/17 16:49:20 No.1646175
> EWS "ripped off" the art style associated with Warner Bros. cartoons in the 1990s

He actually wanted to be employed as an animator for them, but he was turned down. He did the same thing: copied the outward appearance of the style with autistic obsession, but very little beyond that. The professional cartoonists and animators all had backgrounds in illustration and art in general, so they had the know-how and artistic vision to create these cartoons, which EWS simply aped to the best of his ability. His ability to ape turned out to be great, but he is still limited to the source material, which is what makes him a hack. It's not that he couldn't widen his scope and figure out a style of his own - he just doesn't. That's not the point for him. Plus, making porn on the side as "TDK" and being an Amiga-obsessed furry didn't do him any favors.

The thing is, even if Fureverick is fundamentally talented, copying off of someone else loses about 80% of the reasons why they draw like they do because so much of the actual work and thinking behind the work is erased in the final product. You have to go beyond the source material in order to reverse-engineer it. Otherwise you're just like a Chinese copycat factory that takes an already produced item apart and makes their casting molds around it, copying all the random faults and defects as features because they don't know how the original factory made the original product to the original standards. However, if you're already an established engineer (a practiced illustrator in this case), then you can take good educated guesses as to what the original intents and reasons were, and you can replicate the same standards or even go beyond the standards.

No matter how good he is, simply copying the WB style off of EWS loses about 96% of the original, and it shows. EWS didn't understand that WB wanted a real illustrator, not a mere ditto machine. Fureverick should be wiser.

Edited at 2019/09/17 17:16:48
Furrynomous 2019/09/17 17:51:38 No.1646194
I generally agree with your whole comment - fair points all around! - but I did want to point out two particular things.

>even if Fureverick is fundamentally talented

Illustration, like any form of art, is a skill. Some people may be naturally gifted at that skill, some people may have to work to be good at it, and some people may never be good at it no matter how hard they work. (It sucks, but it's true.) That said:

>copying off of someone else loses about 80% of the reasons why they draw like they do because so much of the actual work and thinking behind the work is erased in the final product. You have to go beyond the source material in order to reverse-engineer it.

Furrynomous 2019/09/17 18:05:40 No.1646197
File: looney_tunes_warner_bros_characters_model_sheet_12_u18chan.jpg - (207.78kb, 1600x1236, looney_tunes_warner_bros_characters_model_sheet_12.jpg)
And the most important thing:

The reason why EWS was able to get so good with the WB stuff, yet not good enough, is because they actually had elaborate and extensive model sheets and examples to teach their own illustrators exactly how to draw these characters in a consistent manner - so the cartoons would turn out the same regardless of who was drawing them. These things were starting to go around the internet around the time, and could be had if you knew the right people.

In an animation studio, you have the main artists drawing the key frames, and a ton of people drawing in-between frames and the other material in exactly the same style. First you had to prove that you could draw cartoons, and then they'd teach you exactly how you should draw these particular cartoons. That's the point of being a skilled illustrator: you're good enough that you can be told exactly what to draw.

If you're trying to approach it the other way, taking the model sheets as your fundamental learning guide, you'll never make the grade because you're approaching the standard from below, not from above.
Furrynomous 2019/09/17 18:21:02 No.1646202
File: looney_tunes_warner_bros_characters_model_sheet_05_u18chan.jpg - (328.45kb, 1600x1236, looney_tunes_warner_bros_characters_model_sheet_05.jpg)
Another example. These model sheets were made with the explicit purpose of conveying the thinking and reasons behind the characters to the people who had to draw them. The problem with furries back in the late 80's early 90's was that they were starting with no skills whatsoever, yet highly obsessed (by fetish) of these styles, so they skipped the whole learning art bit and went straight for the money shot. That's why we have so many terrible examples of people copying The Lion King in a conga line, each getting progressively worse from the next.

Edited at 2019/09/17 18:24:18
Furrynomous 2019/09/17 18:32:33 No.1646206
>Illustration, like any form of art

The difference between illustration and art is in the fact that the artist is expressing themselves, while the illustrator is expressing others. It doesn't take any different skills - the difference is in who sets the standards. In engineering terms, it's kinda like the difference between a programmer and a hacker.

To be a successful illustrator is actually harder and requires more talent, because people expect you to know your stuff - whereas artists as artists are only expected to do their own thing.

Edited at 2019/09/17 18:36:27
Furrynomous 2019/09/17 18:53:37 No.1646211
>the illustrator is expressing others

Not...really? I mean, I'd call any artist who draws 2D art an illustrator, and pretty much all of them never exclusively draw commissions.

Okay this is too much talk for this thread buh-bye
Furrynomous 2019/09/17 21:25:10 No.1646248
nothing personal guys, you made some good points there and some is really nice to read but...

You guys went slllloooooowly over board with it ^^;
Furrynomous 2019/09/17 21:58:38 No.1646282
Illustration, requires that there be an idea or concept that needs to be illustrated, I think. IKEA illustrated assembly instructions, illustrated how-to, illustrated story books, etc.

Illustration, I think, is also art. However, it may just be a technical subset of art that requires that the illustration itself be easy to identify and understand as well as consistently on-model.

Economics demands that illustrations be simple and cheaply reproducible. That is why illustration is considered lesser than most art, I think.
Furrynomous 2019/09/17 22:01:42 No.1646283
Also, I don't think that adopting an existing art style is inherently a bad thing. Some people just WANT to be in the same art style because they love it so much.
Furrynomous 2019/09/18 03:35:41 No.1646370
This thread is in desperate need of some mod attention.

I really hope Fureverick isn't listening to these idiot trolls. They are vampires sucking the energy from someone MUCH more talented than they are. These are the lowest scum in society.
Furrynomous 2019/09/18 22:26:28 No.1646732
agree with this. unlike the last time, there was just someone trolling around but this time is sure is somewhat nice and critique but its by now a bit over the limit. If you guys wanna help fureverick a bit more "specifically", you should use his uploaded pages, make red circles on it and point out where he could do better IF you keep the "words" right im sure it will help but still, let fureverick at least post some more pages first before we went over board with this again, mkey?
Furrynomous 2019/09/19 16:16:42 No.1646975
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Clarisse & Spike comic page 4 Fureverick 2019/10/12 21:21:42 No.1656853
File: ClarisseAndSpikeComic-04_u18chan.jpg - (1.77mb, 1600x2260, ClarisseAndSpikeComic-04.jpg)
Furrynomous 2019/11/19 19:56:02 No.1673657
It's been a while. What's next, Fureverick?
Fureverick HD EricwithK 2019/11/20 01:02:16 No.1673731
Im drawing sketches for the next page. I will move Clarisse and Spike inside to the house, this is for the color critics about clarisse and the background. But for now im drawing a commission from the creation of Dixie Mae.
Furrynomous 2019/12/04 23:37:23 No.1680290
Outside sex is the best
Furrynomous 2019/12/09 07:45:57 No.1682263
No kidding. Especially in the hot sun in the summer.
Furrynomous 2019/12/15 04:03:07 No.1684993
now draw clarisse farting in spikes face
Furrynomous 2019/12/15 04:37:42 No.1684998
Hell yeah. This is the shit I love to whack my fucking dick to. Too bad we cant have instead of wolfie a Big Black Cock wielding African Warlord splitting apart her entire body.
Furrynomous 2019/12/15 07:32:35 No.1685026
File: 1575501672112_u18chan.png - (40.23kb, 152x254, 1575501672112.png)
Where is the vore and scat?
I don't appreciate this comic not showcasing my niche sexual fetishes.
Furrynomous 2019/12/16 13:02:51 No.1685496
Lol, for serious tho fureverick draw a gaping butthole fart comic
Fureverick HD Clarisse & Spike Comic 2019/12/17 22:21:31 No.1686208
File: ClarisseAndSpikeComic-05_u18chan.jpg - (1.86mb, 1600x2260, ClarisseAndSpikeComic-05.jpg)
Finally here is the next page of the comic. Hope you like it guys.
Furrynomous 2019/12/17 22:48:12 No.1686225
Awesome job man!
Furrynomous 2020/02/18 10:36:00 No.1715173
So when will the next page be created?
Fureverick HD EricwithK 2020/02/18 13:55:38 No.1715205
Before the next request anon. Will be back to this comic as soon when finish the next request. Have been a little bussy.
Furrynomous 2020/03/28 20:38:32 No.1730527
So page 6 is ready, but Fureverick needs some help, His job has slowed down production, so he has asked for $60 donation to help cover the lost revenue due to the COViD-19 virus. $35 has already been payed and only $25 to go before the page can pe posted. You can find his paypal link on Furiffinity for page 6. If you can please help out. Thank you
Fureverick HD EricwithK 2020/03/30 21:43:23 No.1731255
File: ClarisseAndSpikeComic-06_u18chan.jpg - (1.63mb, 1600x2260, ClarisseAndSpikeComic-06.jpg)
Thanks for the help guys... Get donated the half but i can keep the next page of the comic for long time i mean, i know some users wants to see more or someone even care but well, here is. Thank you very much for the help and support guys.
Furrynomous 2020/07/01 22:39:26 No.1776743
I think there's a new page out.
Furrynomous 2020/07/02 13:37:21 No.1776974
I hoe they have a baby together
Furrynomous 2020/07/02 14:52:50 No.1777047
While I agree that these characters are taken from EWS's own universe. And were never meant to be used this way, this is only a comic commissioned by a fan who wants to see his own ideas made into something tangible. The artist is only making it because he was asked and paid to. Though ultimately it's the idea of a fan that wanted his favorite two characters to meet and fuck. Simple as that.

I can sorta sympathize. Years ago I just begged for free stuff and wanted other people to draw my ideas, and I was also heavily berated and criticized for doing edits of other people's art. Then I realized "WTF AM I DOING!" and decided that the only way I was going to get anything done was to stop being an idiot and start drawing comics myself. So I did.

I got a notebook and pencil and got to work. My early stuff sucked majorly. But I didn't quit. And I had many hecklers and trolls on my back. But I just kept at it. These days I'm not great, but I'm ok at what I do. And I developed my own style and I'm happy with it.

So if there are others here who have ideas for characters and no way to vent them, it's not that hard to pick up a pencil and learn. I'm entirely self taught. And many of my art supplies like pencils and erasers come from the dollar store. My electric pencil sharpener was cheap at a second hand store and I've used it for nearly seven years now. My scanner is cheap, like $40 new cheap. And I use a free program to line and color the things I draw.

In short, one can become an artist with enough motivation. And it's not even an expensive hobby to have so long as you already have a ok PC.
Furrynomous 2020/07/02 15:20:37 No.1777070
They're gonna have puppies!
Furrynomous 2020/07/02 17:47:28 No.1777121
"While I agree that these characters are taken from EWS's own universe. And were never meant to be used this way, this is only a comic commissioned by a fan who wants to see his own ideas made into something tangible.
> like every fucking artist which uses other original characters like krystal, renamon and other "known" characters.

Like for real, i think the only "big deal" people make with it is that those characters are owned by a furry fandom member and not from a big company. srsly, if those were owned by hasbro, nintendo or who ever, im sure noone would care, which is ODD since a lot dont call out people for using krystal or like for THEIR fanfiction...

Edited at 2020/07/02 17:47:44
Furrynomous 2020/07/02 18:14:59 No.1777129

Correction, you mean kintpies
Furrynomous 2020/07/02 23:12:42 No.1777304
While I can't deny having drawn a good number of trademarked characters like Sonic and Renamon, I've chosen to leave characters from things like EWS alone. I know it's somewhat hypocritical. But I respect his work and don't try to add my own perspective to it.

And sure other characters from all over the place are treated as open game despite not legally being Public Domain. However it takes a hundred years for characters to become public domain because Disney lobbied Congress to change the law in the 70s so their characters wouldn't lose trademark on the 50 year mark. Though we are approaching that mark again in another decade. Which is why Disney is buying everything they can get their hands on.

Thus, with trademarks lasting so long, I really don't blame people for using them anyway. Yes it's a dick move, but it's so wide spread that it doesn't really matter anymore. People wanna draw characters from comics, cartoons, anime, videogames, etc, in NSFW situations. Then let them. They aren't really hurting the ones who hold the trademark. Unless they do something bad enough that it earns their ire. Like what happened with Hasbro and the Molestia comics.
Fureverick HD EricwithK 2020/07/03 01:59:12 No.1777361
Currently this comic was going to be private. We decided a better option between me and the person who asked me for this job, it was a better idea to leave the price of the comic cheaper in exchange for it being public and people can enjoy this little comic with the help of small donations. I will continue to draw this comic whether or not it is private and it is up to you if you like to support me to continue making more pages for my first comic designed by Herman. Herman has been very kind that thanks to this comic continues to exist and be public to people who appreciate the little work I do for all of you, all of you who have supported me for many years.
Furrynomous 2020/07/03 02:07:19 No.1777364
For the record Fureverick, I have no problem with this comic, the characters used in it, or your art. In fact I'm happy it's publicly shared. And honestly I think your art style is top notch.

I also have no problem with the person who asked you to make the comic. If someone has initiative to make something happen, doing it themself or finding help to get it done is just fine.

Keep on trucking and don't let negativity get you down.
Fureverick HD EricwithK 2020/07/06 03:58:33 No.1779022
File: ClarisseAndSpikeComic-07_u18chan.jpg - (1.3mb, 1600x2260, ClarisseAndSpikeComic-07.jpg)
Please, enjoy the page number 7. This page get unlocked by DarkFox84 for supporting it.
Fureverick HD EricwithK 2020/07/06 04:06:59 No.1779023
File: ClarisseAndSpikeComic-07version2_u18chan.jpg - (1.43mb, 1600x2260, ClarisseAndSpikeComic-07version2.jpg)
Version 2 for the page 7, Please enjoy.
Furrynomous 2020/12/27 21:35:02 No.1871146
Fureverick, any chance of any planning of the next page?
Fureverick HD EricwithK 2020/12/28 04:02:13 No.1871230
I know the comic been stock for a long time, but have been working on the commission queue and looks like it will never ends. People keep asking for more but take for sure i will add the comic page on the queue on my server on D3scord.
Fureverick HD EricwithK 2021/06/08 17:17:12 No.1960371
File: ClarisseAndSpikeComic-08_u18chan.jpg - (1.56mb, 1600x2260, ClarisseAndSpikeComic-08.jpg)
been a while...
Furrynomous 2021/06/08 22:16:36 No.1960478
I hope she gets pregnant, a big chad daddy wolf and his fertile cat milf wife
Furrynomous 2021/06/09 12:51:31 No.1960834
Yeah Puppies!
Fureverick HD EricwithK 2021/09/17 02:25:53 No.2010496
File: ClarisseAndSpikeComic-09preview_u18chan.jpg - (361.31kb, 851x811, ClarisseAndSpikeComic-09 preview.jpg)
hey guys hi¡¡
I know its been a while but the next page is done and its amazing. If you are interested in help and keep working on this you can support me guys¡¡ thank you very much for the help and support.
Fureverick HD EricwithK 2021/09/17 16:17:55 No.2010708
File: ClarisseAndSpikeComic-09_u18chan.jpg - (1.59mb, 1600x2260, ClarisseAndSpikeComic-09.jpg)
Just some sketches for the comic page 9
Fureverick HD EricwithK 2021/10/29 18:34:31 No.2029856
File: ClarisseAndSpikeComic-09_0_u18chan.jpg - (1.57mb, 1600x2260, ClarisseAndSpikeComic-09.jpg)
Thank you very much for the help and support.
Fureverick HD EricwithK 2022/02/16 01:04:44 No.2082068
File: ClarisseAndSpikeComic-10_u18chan.jpg - (1.55mb, 1600x2260, ClarisseAndSpikeComic-10.jpg)

Fureverick HD EricwithK 2022/09/12 16:51:00 No.2184289
File: ClarisseAndSpikeComic-11_u18chan.jpg - (1.57mb, 1600x2260, ClarisseAndSpikeComic-11.jpg)
This is unlocked by all donators to help me buy a new PC. Read the lastest journal info on FA if you want to help. Appreciate any help.
Fureverick HD EricwithK 2023/07/06 17:31:50 No.2316694
File: ClarisseAndSpikeComic-12_u18chan.png - (3.96mb, 1600x2260, ClarisseAndSpikeComic-12.png)
Page 12 finally here :v

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