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File: 01_01DMEH4P2FG6JTEAXRN6XYTBFA.1024x0_u18chan.jpg - (165.05kb, 1024x1448, 01_01DMEH4P2FG6JTEAXRN6XYTBFA.1024x0.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Home Sweet Worlds Furrynomous 2019/09/16 00:59:54 No.1645483   
By NotBad621
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Home Sweet Worlds Furrynomous 2019/09/16 00:59:56 No.1645484
File: 02_01DMEH4W3AG40J70PX7CJ66E90.1024x0_u18chan.jpg - (191.34kb, 1024x1448, 02_01DMEH4W3AG40J70PX7CJ66E90.1024x0.jpg)
Home Sweet Worlds Furrynomous 2019/09/16 00:59:58 No.1645485
File: 03_01DMEH4XFN8W4MVS8WVSP3DMVM.1024x0_u18chan.jpg - (214.58kb, 1024x2139, 03_01DMEH4XFN8W4MVS8WVSP3DMVM.1024x0.jpg)
Furrynomous 2019/09/16 17:35:58 No.1645801
That's quite the yawning cosmic ingress there, blotting out the stars.

A bumhole that can be described as "Lovecraftian" in size.

Edited at 2019/09/16 17:37:05
Furrynomous 2019/09/19 05:46:49 No.1646812
If she came out of the water you could call her cunthulu
Furrynomous 2019/09/19 13:38:09 No.1646927
Fuck! I was drinking pop when i read cunthulu. Snorted and nearly died from laughter/spewing pop.
Furrynomous 2019/09/19 19:38:20 No.1647026

Ia! Ia! Ur'Anus Ftagn!
Furrynomous 2019/09/21 01:11:40 No.1647460
The Clunge That Man Was Not Meant to Plunge.
Furrynomous 2019/09/21 12:41:37 No.1647737
You know some madlad in this universe would load his sperm into a combustible rocket and aim it right up in there, right?
Furrynomous 2019/09/25 12:17:18 No.1649405
Well. That went in an unexpected drection.
Furrynomous 2019/09/25 18:11:54 No.1649559
Was it really unexpected, though?
Furrynomous 2019/09/26 02:10:50 No.1649653
File: John_F._Kennedy_speaks_at_Rice_University_u18chan.jpg - (1.41mb, 2034x2954, John_F._Kennedy_speaks_at_Rice_University.jpg)

"We choose to inseminate the Great Sky Vagina in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard."

Edited at 2019/09/26 02:14:49
Furrynomous 2019/09/26 02:27:38 No.1649656
I almost want to see this story now. America's hopes resting on a daring, fraught space mission to beat the Reds in the race for cosmic poon.
Furrynomous 2019/09/26 03:26:33 No.1649661

Disappointed you didn't go with "Because we are hard" instead of "Because they are hard".
Furrynomous 2019/09/26 11:38:19 No.1649780
File: 4772795__e188297988ce060ed77289f0d306731a_u18chan.jpg - (106.52kb, 1058x705, 4772795__e188297988ce060ed77289f0d306731a.jpg)
Furrynomous 2019/09/26 22:25:09 No.1649966
File: Home_Sweet_Worlds_003_u18chan.jpg - (281.58kb, 1280x2096, Home_Sweet_Worlds_003.jpg)

Furrynomous 2019/09/26 22:25:11 No.1649967
File: Home_Sweet_Worlds_004_u18chan.jpg - (355.27kb, 1280x2536, Home_Sweet_Worlds_004.jpg)
Furrynomous 2019/09/26 22:25:14 No.1649968
File: Home_Sweet_Worlds_005_u18chan.jpg - (312.24kb, 1280x2959, Home_Sweet_Worlds_005.jpg)
Furrynomous 2019/09/27 00:55:03 No.1650016
only this shit of comic can be happen in the furry fandom.

srsly, wtf IS this???
Furrynomous 2019/09/27 01:25:20 No.1650023
yeaaa think this needs to be moved
1231 2019/09/27 05:21:58 No.1650068
yeah, the furry fandom slowly turned into a huge mess of weird BS in the past 10 years. Hyper dicks? Yep. Hyper tits? Check. Portal panties? We need that. Incest and emotional abuse, sure - most of our users are mentally ill. The fandom is now flooded with "fans" who seemingly are either bipolar, depressed, have autism or ADS or are fucked in some other way. But dare you speak up - the ban button is the easiest way out. People, get your shit fixed already. And YES you have a problem.
Furrynomous 2019/09/27 06:33:29 No.1650077
File: GlisteningTiredBaleenwhale-size_restricted_u18chan.gif - (1.94mb, 435x250, GlisteningTiredBaleenwhale-size_restricted.gif)

Furrynomous 2019/09/27 12:29:47 No.1650160
this is so legit, sadly, that i kinda feel bad now being in the fandom...
Furrynomous 2019/09/27 14:57:07 No.1650233
I've been in the fandom since 94', and honestly.. it's always been like this.
Just over the years it's become more prominent and exaggerated.
Furrynomous 2019/09/27 14:57:55 No.1650234
I mean seriously, look at Doug Winger, and Wookiee's older work.. among many many others.
Furrynomous 2019/09/27 17:06:35 No.1650275

It's because it's gotten bigger. Stand in a room with two weirdos, meh. Now you're surrounded by 20 of them creating an echo chamber of their weird BS. I got involved in the early 2000s and I made a few friends and had fun. Now everyone is insufferable and I've stopped trying to meet new people. Even when I go to a con I only interact with people I know are going to be there and avoid anyone I don't meet through a friend.
Furrynomous 2019/09/27 22:38:49 No.1650356
Furries are the largest internet subculture in the world.. so.. think about that, and what type of melting pot it creates.
Furrynomous 2019/09/27 23:17:10 No.1650363

Same. Been around since the early-90s (95?). This is all familiar, just more prolific.

Edited at 2019/09/27 23:28:25
Furrynomous 2019/09/27 23:32:52 No.1650381
Geezer flexing aside, should this be moved? Nothing is terribly explicit but she's straight up eating people.
Furrynomous 2019/09/28 22:35:07 No.1650742
The Burned Furs did nothing wrong
Furrynomous 2019/09/29 07:10:52 No.1650869
Holy cow I remember those guys. They were all against porn and fetishes in the furry fandom. We all thought they were crackpots but now they're kinda making sense in a way.
Furrynomous 2019/09/29 19:28:33 No.1651054
i mean, outside of the fandom, if people would just call us "animal humpers" i would even laugh about it but if you look deeper into it, the fandom really got kinda of hand with a lot fetishes. i mean you cant say anymore its "just" about banging anthros, this comic HERE is a prime sample.

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