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File: kevakxshira1speech_u18chan.jpg - (1.32mb, 2308x1872, kevak x shira 1 speech.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Portal Panties feat Kevak x Shira jollydeliveryman 2019/09/26 08:55:40 No.1649729   
Being inspired by an artist, Gewitter, and a series of works he has made featuring a fleshlight with a portal attached to some panties, which I took quite the liking to, I have made a sort of comic series out of some edits and crops of my own. They feature a character he drew, as well as Kevak, the character of another artist named Castbound in different poses, edited, recolored and sometimes redrawn a bit by me. These were originally intended for personal "use", but I thought it might be nice for others to see and enjoy them too!
The drawings themselves were made by the artists, I only made some crops and such, so all credit for the material goes to them.
As for me, I'm just an anon with a newly acquired fetish who wishes for others to be able to enjoy what I made, that is all ^.^
I hope the thought bubbles I put in the comic aren't too cringey.
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jollydeliveryman 2019/09/26 08:56:51 No.1649730
File: kevakxshira2speech_u18chan.jpg - (327.19kb, 573x1027, kevak x shira 2 speech.jpg)

jollydeliveryman 2019/09/26 08:57:32 No.1649731
File: kevakxshira3speech_u18chan.jpg - (363.49kb, 753x869, kevak x shira 3 speech.jpg)

jollydeliveryman 2019/09/26 08:58:09 No.1649732
File: kevakxshira4speech_u18chan.jpg - (241.81kb, 430x953, kevak x shira 4 speech.jpg)

jollydeliveryman 2019/09/26 09:00:02 No.1649734
File: kevakxshira5speech_u18chan.jpg - (474.43kb, 741x1580, kevak x shira 5 speech.jpg)
And thats the final page! I hope someone like my little project. And if you know of any other stuff like this, don't hesitate to let me know.
Furrynomous 2019/09/26 11:15:11 No.1649764
I liked it, the style could use some work but the premise it's self is hot as fuck, could definitely beat it with a bit more aesthetic added, keep up the good work man look forward to your next work.
Furrynomous 2019/09/26 19:58:11 No.1649936
and then she's arrested for public indecency
Furrynomous 2019/09/27 01:54:54 No.1650026

OP didn't actually do any of this himself. For anyone curious the primary artist they're editing works of is Castbound.

OP, you should credit the artists.
Furrynomous 2019/09/27 02:00:05 No.1650028

Edit because I forgot to include a password so I could edit or delete my last post. OP did credit, he just did a bad job and hid the credit in the middle of his lil sphcheel at the start.
Furrynomous 2019/09/27 02:24:56 No.1650031
Well, credits aside, this is a pretty exhausting edit job, and quite good, though it kinda seemed like it ended abruptly if i'm being honest, good job anyway
jollydeliveryman 2019/09/27 07:45:27 No.1650085
File: a77aadee90d92d484573fb09ebb4eea5_u18chan.png - (237.29kb, 800x540, a77aadee90d92d484573fb09ebb4eea5.png)
Sorry if putting the credits within 4 lines of text seems like "doing a bad job and hiding the credits in the middle of my little schpeel".
Hell I even said I'm just an anon with a fetish for this stuff, and originally I just intended it for personal use. Maybe read the post before assuming someone is trying to take others credit before making acusations next time, so you don't end up having to make a lame "sorry, not sorry" apology.
Thank you, but I only had so many poses of Kevak and Shira to work with. The third page was the hardest as I had to make Kevak and match colors out of this old image from Castbound.
And I didn't want it to end up like one of those half-assed doujinshi with multiple versions of the same panel, slightly edited or with different text(if you know the ones I'm talking about).

Edited at 2019/09/27 07:46:41
Furrynomous 2019/09/27 13:03:27 No.1650173
d-do you have more edits that you've done?
jollydeliveryman 2019/09/28 07:35:10 No.1650502
File: draconiddoublepen_u18chan.jpg - (411.61kb, 800x1080, draconid double pen.jpg)
You mean the panty portal thing? yeah I've made a few more, tho they don't all match that well in drawing style as it doesn't really matter to me.
They're reworks from crops of different artists, so again, none of the actual drawings belong to me.
jollydeliveryman 2019/09/28 07:37:37 No.1650503
File: lucarioxcatpiledriver_u18chan.jpg - (156.04kb, 1381x612, lucario x cat piledriver.jpg)

jollydeliveryman 2019/09/28 07:43:17 No.1650505
File: roo-catdoggystyle_u18chan.jpg - (382.17kb, 908x1080, roo - cat doggystyle.jpg)
So I'm aware the cat girl is basically a sketch, while the roo guy is a well shaded work from Meesh, and it might not match that great, but damnit i thought it would look hot and to me it does!
jollydeliveryman 2019/09/28 08:08:11 No.1650516
File: doberxhuskymissionary_0_u18chan.jpg - (611.36kb, 1318x1800, dober x husky missionary.jpg)

Furrynomous 2019/09/28 13:25:48 No.1650597
These are fuckin great, man
Furrynomous 2019/09/29 07:31:37 No.1650875
Why would you name your pet cheese?
Furrynomous 2019/09/29 07:59:46 No.1650878
File: gewitterchrissircharlescaninedoberman2017anatomicallycorrectanimalgenitaliaanthroballscumerectionfemalemalemuscularnudepantiesportalpantiestextunderwear_u18chan.png - (5.09mb, 2480x3508, gewitter chris (sircharles) canine doberman 2017 anatomically correct animal genitalia anthro balls cum erection female male muscular nude panties portal panties text underwear.png)

Furrynomous 2019/09/29 16:27:10 No.1650996
Why isn't this more popular? That sort of porn is just PERFECT for use with a penetrable sex toy.
Furrynomous 2019/09/29 22:50:29 No.1651120
Probably because it is so similar to some parts of the gore board with dismembered body parts.

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