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File: 001_117_u18chan.png - (3.34mb, 2248x1825, 001.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Lively Concoction Furrynomous 2019/12/30 11:57:11 No.1691655   
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By S1m
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Lively Concoction Furrynomous 2019/12/30 11:57:13 No.1691656
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Lively Concoction Furrynomous 2019/12/30 11:57:16 No.1691657
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Lively Concoction Furrynomous 2019/12/30 11:57:18 No.1691658
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Furrynomous 2019/12/30 19:59:03 No.1691847
In before SOMEONE comes to complain about how she's not an adccurate representation of Judy Hopps lol. But this is darn good...
Furrynomous 2019/12/30 20:06:48 No.1691849
ShES n0T aN AcCUrAte RePrEsENtatIonN oF jUdy!
Furrynomous 2019/12/31 05:28:56 No.1691996
Nobody is going to complain about that here because
1,-It's an Alternative Universe setting, that has nothing to do with being a police officer or any of their original character development, giving the author free game to present his own vision.
2,-Neither Nick nor Judy is portrayed in a malicious/degrading way

you try to discredit the complaints on those cucking/cheating comics of doxy or zaush or whoever, but all you did was show that you don't understand the basic criticism those shitty works get.

This comic by s1m rocks, and looking forward to the final page.
Furrynomous 2019/12/31 06:41:30 No.1692015


In this alternate universe, Judy remains an intelligent, active character with a specific desire for Nick, and he feels the same for her. They share a playful, mutually satisfactory sex life. I don't see anything wrong there!
Furrynomous 2019/12/31 07:50:26 No.1692025

People like to completely miss the point about criticism so they can get worked up over the wrong thing. Like you said, this isn't the characters that have already been built up, but you can still see them as coming from that base point. The comics that the others are missing the point about are wild diversions from the existing characters that they don't make sense. In those, if you took the names out and went by the story, you wouldn't guess who they were meant to be.

But why look at character development and staying close to a characters traits when you can shit yourself because someone is criticising [artist] and justify your argument by ignoring the actual arguments.
Furrynomous 2019/12/31 08:04:49 No.1692027

> "it looks like a pig, it sounds like a pig and smells like a pig, it cant be a pig, right?"

Pretty much that convo here...
Furrynomous 2019/12/31 08:05:34 No.1692029

This is why a comic like SUNDERANCE can diverge in so many ways from the Nick and Judy of the film, but still remain true to their fundamental relationship of respect and trust.
Furrynomous 2019/12/31 09:33:20 No.1692053
"it looks like a pig, it sounds like a pig and smells like a pig, it cant be a pig, right?"

Pretty much that convo here...

Actually, the point being made here is that if it does NOT look, smell, or sound like a pig, then telling us it's a pig doesn't carry much conviction.

That's the trouble with Zaush and Borba's comics about Nick and Judy: their characters don't behave like Nick and Judy.
Furrynomous 2019/12/31 11:04:20 No.1692075
It's hard to tell if you're legitimately missing the point over and over, or just playing dumb.
Furrynomous 2019/12/31 12:32:53 No.1692160

Lol, yes I complained about Judy in that other comic. In this one... not so much.

My complaint in the other one is simply everyone seems to want to make Judy seem like some kind of slut. In this comic, she's just doing sex roleplay with Nick for fun, something I totally can see the two of them enjoying. It's not something they covered in the movies either, so it's possible and doesn't feel like it's breaking anything personality-wise.

So nah, this feels more accurate to how the character was made: intelligent, playful and inventive, rather than just some fuck crazed rabbit.
Furrynomous 2019/12/31 17:39:31 No.1692269
> That's the trouble with Zaush and Borba's comics about Nick and Judy: their characters don't behave like Nick and Judy.

tell me one porn comic here in which the characters are like their original characters they are normaly or based on.
oh wait right, none coz im sure disney and others didnt have porn in mind as they created this characters...
Furrynomous 2019/12/31 18:09:18 No.1692275

Sexuality tends to reflect personality. There can be times when aspects of a personality are denied or deliberately repressed, and these can turn up in surprising ways, but for most of us, I suspect that we are usually the same people in bed that we are in our daily lives. With all of this in mind, we don't need a Disney film to show the characters having sex for us to imagine how they would most likely behave in the sack. It's not impossible that Nick might love to watch other men fuck Judy, or that Judy might want to fuck anything with a pulse, but that's a leap away from what we know about the characters, and for that reason, less convincing than having them behave like themselves as they do in the film.

Edited at 2019/12/31 18:13:15
Furrynomous 2020/01/01 00:12:13 No.1692365

There are plenty, but they would be classified as erotica.

Edited at 2020/01/01 08:47:37
Furrynomous 2020/01/01 00:16:41 No.1692367

Ha, that impossible, extremely impossible. We can have Nick and Judy fuck eachother brains out for eternity, but because it's only them, it would count as erotica which is just nsfw romance.
Furrynomous 2020/01/01 07:31:38 No.1692461
i think the point of this guy up there was that disney and the original creators had not porn in mind as they created a movie mainly for that basicly every porn comic with a character of this 2 (at least) sure was not the original creators intention, which sounds legit but in that case, every rule 34 comic is the same in its basics.
Furrynomous 2020/01/01 08:41:43 No.1692472

There are exceptions where they can be somewhat out of character, but thats because they are AUs.

Edited at 2020/01/01 08:48:34
Furrynomous 2020/01/01 09:15:00 No.1692490
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I know one definition of the term, but what is yours?

Edited at 2020/01/01 09:15:36
Furrynomous 2020/01/01 09:47:35 No.1692502
This version of Judy Hopps does not match the critteria on how i personally perceive the character in erotic fashion!!11!!


Furrynomous 2020/01/01 09:52:18 No.1692504
This wouldn't be a problem if you guys would be more supportive or OCs instead of constantly encouraging Out of Character fan art.
Furrynomous 2020/01/01 10:36:26 No.1692513
This comic is cute and sexy, hope for more from s1m

lol, You try to parody what our complaints sound like by complaining on a comic we like just makes YOU look like a sore loser who can't bring up an argument to defend your shitty cuck/netorare comics. Your only argument is always "It's porn, stop overthinking it" which I just find a pathetic excuse for bad and lazy writing

It means "Alternative Universe". The characters are somewhat the same, but mostly the setting and the backstories of the characters change, but mostly they retain their core personality traints.

Nick is smug, slick, intelligent, charismatic and maybe a treats Judy as child a bit
Judy is capable, optimistic, energetic, kind and resourceful

These two are perfectly in character in this comic
Furrynomous 2020/01/01 10:47:42 No.1692522
It means "Alternative Universe".

Right, that does make sense. Thanks!
Furrynomous 2020/01/01 13:46:20 No.1692582
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> everytime i hear this freaking excuse of an alternative/parallel universe...
Furrynomous 2020/01/01 15:25:02 No.1692604
> everytime i hear this freaking excuse of an alternative/parallel universe...

Excuse? More of an opportunity.

Like anything else in the arts, it can be developed in clever ways that extend and perhaps even illuminate the characters, or by cliched steps that lead to nothing. It can be fun or dull.
Furrynomous 2020/01/01 18:23:29 No.1692686
>which I just find a pathetic excuse for bad and lazy writing
Implying this comic is so much more better written than the thing you endlessly bitched on. It's literally just a paperthin porn scenario dressed as a helloween act, almost like the pizza guy scenario. Similar to how the other comic was pretty much just a scenario to validate group sex. Face it, the only reason you people complain so much is because you have this weird shipping obsession with these 2 asexual cartoon characters, nothing more.
Furrynomous 2020/01/01 18:30:06 No.1692689
the only reason you people complain so much is because you have this weird shipping obsession with these 2 asexual cartoon characters

Let's think about this for a moment.

Character consistency applies beyond Zootopia. Imagine a comic about Loona, in which the hellhound is a gentle, considerate lover. Would you really be convinced? Or would you think, instead, that this Loona has nothing to do with Loona as "Helluva Boss" portrays her?

As for Nick and Judy being "asexual": any male and female partnership has a potential for sex. What matters is how much the characters behave like themselves while being sexual.

Edited at 2020/01/01 18:34:12
Furrynomous 2020/01/01 22:07:51 No.1692829

A comic with gentle sweet waifu Loona to juxtapose her normal usual self on the show? Sign me the fuck up. That sounds adorable and fun to see a hardass character being lovey dovey in private. Could be a super fun take on it!
Furrynomous 2020/01/01 23:49:23 No.1692855

As long as you can cure the chronic syphilis!
Lively Concoction Furrynomous 2020/01/07 08:42:26 No.1695935
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Lively Concoction Furrynomous 2020/01/07 08:42:28 No.1695936
File: 005a_u18chan.png - (1.44mb, 1422x1200, 005a.png)

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