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File: 01_rottie_lab_mall_u18chan.jpg - (202.8kb, 1280x1173, 01_rottie_lab_mall.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Reunion by Zaush Furrynomous 2020/01/10 23:05:05 No.1698097   
More cucking
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Reunion by Zaush Furrynomous 2020/01/10 23:05:08 No.1698098
File: 02_rottie_lab_car_u18chan.jpg - (106.63kb, 1280x998, 02_rottie_lab_car.jpg)
Reunion by Zaush Furrynomous 2020/01/10 23:05:11 No.1698099
File: 03_rottie_lab_lobby_u18chan.jpg - (75.92kb, 1280x886, 03_rottie_lab_lobby.jpg)
Reunion by Zaush Furrynomous 2020/01/10 23:05:13 No.1698100
File: 04_rottie_lab_elevator_u18chan.jpg - (140.86kb, 1280x1425, 04_rottie_lab_elevator.jpg)
Reunion by Zaush Furrynomous 2020/01/10 23:05:15 No.1698101
File: 05_rottie_lab_hotel_room_u18chan.jpg - (122.03kb, 1280x858, 05_rottie_lab_hotel_room.jpg)
Reunion by Zaush Furrynomous 2020/01/10 23:05:18 No.1698102
File: 06_rottie_lab_shower_u18chan.jpg - (195.26kb, 1280x1473, 06_rottie_lab_shower.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/01/10 23:55:55 No.1698126
hello itty bitty titty comitee, i like
Tune Name Hidden 2020/01/11 00:27:53 No.1698133
Is it weird how the Aqua TV SHOW SHOW theme is playing in the background?
Furrynomous 2020/01/11 04:01:55 No.1698171
Thats one large car
Furrynomous 2020/01/11 04:14:08 No.1698174
That car apparently doesn't have a steering wheel
Furrynomous 2020/01/11 04:26:36 No.1698177
I WAS going to say that it's probably a van...
then I notice the shifter to the side
Furrynomous 2020/01/11 04:43:15 No.1698180
Unless the seat is pulled all the way back, isn't it a tad inconvenient to have sex in the driver's seat with the steering wheel in the way?
Furrynomous 2020/01/11 06:57:28 No.1698210
The most interesting thing about this comic is the size of the car in the background
Furrynomous 2020/01/11 09:17:35 No.1698239
Furrynomous 2020/01/11 09:40:40 No.1698243
Did anyone notice she took off wedding ring but still wore it on necklace?
Furrynomous 2020/01/11 11:46:04 No.1698289
oh boy, cucking...because you know it isn't fucking weird and makes you look like some kind of freak that sits in a dark shadow quietly masturbating.
Husky92!a/kQ9NPn9U 2020/01/11 15:32:26 No.1698546

We can't kinkshame here, we're reading furry porn
Furrynomous 2020/01/11 16:00:05 No.1698550
File: Reunion_No_Cuck_01_u18chan.png - (960.1kb, 1280x1173, Reunion_No_Cuck_01.png)
I did a non-cuck edit if anyone wants
Furrynomous 2020/01/11 16:00:07 No.1698551
File: Reunion_No_Cuck_02_u18chan.png - (718.57kb, 1280x998, Reunion_No_Cuck_02.png)
Furrynomous 2020/01/11 16:00:10 No.1698552
File: Reunion_No_Cuck_06_u18chan.png - (1.27mb, 1280x1473, Reunion_No_Cuck_06.png)
Furrynomous 2020/01/11 17:11:22 No.1698579
Has he fallen into a rut? All he does is draw the same thing every time.
Furrynomous 2020/01/11 17:14:03 No.1698582
Hell yeah. Wouldn't see this kind of pipe laying from a frail tiny dick white boy. Look at that thick dark doggy cock rail that bitch damn
Furrynomous 2020/01/11 17:31:03 No.1698587

He's kind of a one trick pony.
That's why I don't pay attention to the writing and just enjoy the art. The cucking and the "great" personalities of the characters are pretty much the same in most of his work, so I'm no longer surprised if every single future work of his is cucking
Furrynomous 2020/01/11 18:45:26 No.1698608
He's not alone though. Cuck fetish seemed to have completely taken over the fandom.
Furrynomous 2020/01/11 19:23:59 No.1698628
He got close to actually drawing a vagina though, so he's branching out into previously unexplored territories.
Furrynomous 2020/01/11 20:06:20 No.1698642
It's not even the cuck shit, it's the characters themselves. They all have the same body types, the same faces, the same expressions.
Furrynomous 2020/01/11 21:14:40 No.1698658
You could say that for 1/3 of all furry artists for the past 20 years. Meesh and naylor in particular. This board will still keep posting zaush's trite and seething over it for the 99th fucking time and the 999th time.
Furrynomous 2020/01/12 02:11:21 No.1698811
What do you expect with all the degenerate trannies and low test beta orbiters we let into the fandom.


Edited at 2020/01/18 22:43:42
Furrynomous 2020/01/12 10:10:38 No.1698901
You're delusional if you think Naylor draws only the same body type over and over, Meesh absolutely does though.
Furrynomous 2020/01/12 11:44:26 No.1698952
I'm not one to be one of those dipshits who pretends his kink is a lifestyle, but there is something very wrong with cuck people. Pain seems to be the biggest part of it, they describe it as though they can't feel sadness any more. And I just want alien catgirls to be real and to fuck one.

I hate that word, but I have noticed a trend, it reminds me of how in the 80-90's the meme fetish was being spanked or whipped for the boomers. I still laugh at beavis and butthead motel riding crop scene.
Furrynomous 2020/01/14 21:01:38 No.1700206
My main issue is; where are they going dressed like that? They met for lunch with her in a dress and him in a tank-top and 1970s style exercise shorts.

Chili's maybe?
Furrynomous 2020/01/14 21:10:13 No.1700219
considering her dress is translucent and she has on no underwear, I doubt it is someplace as classy as chili's
Furrynomous 2020/01/16 22:50:55 No.1701207
Wow good job you're probably the 3rd person to say that after nothing happening. Do you want an award?

Enjoy the vacation.

Edited at 2020/01/18 22:45:18
Chatin # MOD # 2020/01/18 22:48:19 No.1702420
Thread nuked. Vacations given.

Do not troll and derail a thread.
Take discussions to DISCUSSION.

Characters are adult. If you have a problem with how the artist drew them then please feel free to do the following.

#1 Fuck off.
#2 Send your angry shit posts to Zaush who won't care and block you.
Furrynomous 2020/01/19 09:48:42 No.1702608
File: DuckandCover_u18chan.jpg - (13.92kb, 400x300, DuckandCover.jpg)
It's all fun and games until the mods get involved.

I'll be here when the smoke clears and people stop being stupid on the internet.
Furrynomous 2020/01/19 09:58:02 No.1702613
Fricking thank you, because this thread was getting ridiculous. >.<

Edited at 2020/01/19 09:58:27
Furrynomous 2020/01/19 12:09:45 No.1702648
mods can suck my balls. lets make it ban number 21. nothing says laying down the law of reason then denying adults the ability to speak freely.


Edited at 2020/01/19 19:19:21
Furrynomous 2020/01/19 13:25:29 No.1702689
Being an adult means accepting responsibility for your actions instead of whining about the consequences.

And paying taxes, but that’s not the issue here.
Furrynomous 2020/01/19 16:45:27 No.1702728

This is a privately owned site, not a site owned or supported by the government.

They do not owe you anything, including a platform to spout your nonsense. It's like bringing up shit nobody wants to hear at a party at somebody's house. Sure you can say it, but you should expect to get your ass bounced.
Furrynomous 2020/01/19 16:48:51 No.1702730
U-18 banning people isn't denying those people the right to bitch - it's telling them to go bitch somewhere else.

Edited at 2020/01/19 16:49:19
Chatin # MOD # 2020/01/19 19:22:09 No.1702794

The right to free speech does not mean freedom from repercussions.

Site has rules. You broke said rules. You then ignored warnings and circumvented your ban escalating it from a temp to permanent. Good day.

Edited at 2020/01/19 19:22:29
Furrynomous 2020/01/20 14:01:08 No.1703313
So...I have a question.
Do you guys have the power to MAC ban? Seems like repeat offenders just don't get it sometimes.
Furrynomous 2020/01/20 14:07:29 No.1703316
jeez, after takin a hog like that in the vagoo i bet shes as loose as a 4x shirt
Chatin # MOD # 2020/01/21 01:12:25 No.1703576

We have several ways including banning an entire ISP if needed.
Furrynomous 2020/03/15 15:25:28 No.1724775
File: keystamp1584293100-9da93ea074_u18chan.jpeg - (215.96kb, 1280x1608, keystamp=1584293100-9da93ea074.jpeg)
Missed one
Furrynomous 2020/03/15 23:39:38 No.1724903
Oh, so the husband knew.
Furrynomous 2020/03/16 05:17:05 No.1724962

Ofcourse. It wouldn't be Zaush if the husband didn't know/get cucked
Furrynomous 2020/03/17 14:56:35 No.1725839

Apparently the husband in the Zaushivers have no vaule in themselves, don't know a gold-digger when they see one or are mentally and emotionally abused.
Furrynomous 2020/03/18 03:52:43 No.1725993
can you fuckers stop treating furry porn as if it should be written like shakespear, it's a dumb porn plot, get over it and stop being so autistic as if it's got any bearing on reality
Have you considered... Furrynomous 2020/03/18 10:48:22 No.1726060
File: 8c56ea1cd296e3b3488ad6aefdd39af2_u18chan.png - (2.85mb, 929x805, 8c56ea1cd296e3b3488ad6aefdd39af2.png)

Have people who makes bold CLAIM that he is a PEDO not consider the simple fact that he draws them PETITE? Women like that in terms of body type do exist you know. Petite women when naked do look young you know because we associate what we see with age subconsciously so we assume by looking at body since it's hard to identify an age of a furry when looking at the head.
Furrynomous 2020/03/18 12:09:07 No.1726080
Not the most representative image of his art to use.
Furrynomous 2020/03/18 21:35:02 No.1726235

I appreciate and respect adding healthy doubt to the conversation, but Zaush's whole *thing* is making females with underdeveloped features and proportions far smaller than the males they take part in sex acts with. It's possible Zaush fetishizes androgyny by minimizing the femininity of his women to make them 'twinkish', but to be clear he has published art of a fully grown man fucking a literal baby with a literal diaper. It got deleted from e621 but I swear to you it does exist somewhere.
Furrynomous 2020/03/18 22:55:29 No.1726255

I have no respect for Wan and I can't stand the way he draws women, but in the interest of truth, I have refute this "diaper" thing.

The picture you have in mind was altered by a troll. The original showed Zaush with Keovi (small to begin with), and the troll added the diaper and the "It's all right" text.

Wan's a douchebag, but not so thoroughly a douchebag as that.
Furrynomous 2020/03/18 22:59:44 No.1726270
Here's the original.
Furrynomous 2020/03/19 02:28:43 No.1726333
I genuinely don't give a shit about the Zaush drama, but I have to say you're incorrect on this one. There might be a troll-altered version of a Keovi image, but there's also a sketch page of Zaush's character playing with a literally diapered fox-cub. There's even a baby bottle involved. I have the image saved, and it's currently in the Zaush thread in the Cub board.
Chatin # MOD # 2020/03/20 01:57:27 No.1726678

Getting tired of cleaning this thread.

Please take your crap to discussion and keep this relevant to the comic. This does not mean discussing the artist and what you think he is, or draws. That is what discussion is for.

In case you can't read. This also means that ignoring this post will result in a vacation from the site.

Keep it on topic, or take it to discussion.

Edited at 2020/03/23 00:49:55
Furrynomous 2020/03/25 09:33:28 No.1729097
I think there is a new one released
Furrynomous 2020/03/25 11:37:18 No.1729144
File: Reunion_08_u18chan.png - (4.27mb, 2756x2159, Reunion_08.png)

Yeah, here it is (looks like the hotel bellboy gonna join the 'fun')
Furrynomous 2020/03/25 12:55:56 No.1729160
Furrynomous 2020/03/25 13:19:40 No.1729165
What does she take that guy for? It would've taken all of 2 seconds to tie that bathrobe shut if she wanted to. She should just admit she wanted to give the busboy an eyeful when she greeted him. Also, if his service was as punctual as she says, she should offer to personally take care of his tip and then some.

The important question is if that's the same guy that was manning the front desk when they arrived back on page 3.
Furrynomous 2020/03/26 06:35:48 No.1729493
imagine a world where nudity wasn't this ridiculously over blown obscenity. It's just a body.

Edited at 2020/03/26 06:36:08
Furrynomous 2020/03/26 10:31:04 No.1729516

Pretty sure a least a few murderers have used that as an excuse. "What? It's just some bodies, you prude."
Furrynomous 2020/03/26 16:01:05 No.1729605
I have a hard time believing that a guy that looks that surprised at a naked woman answering the door has grown up in a world where casual nudity is really all that common.
Furrynomous 2020/03/26 21:02:01 No.1729726
>Imagine a world where a woman answering the door naked didn't turn immediately turn you on.

Sounds boring, tbh
Furrynomous 2020/03/27 09:08:21 No.1729863
Folks. That's her husband. Her husband is the bell boy/ front desk guy. She's shown up at the hotel he works at because they're a cuck couple.
Furrynomous 2020/03/27 22:40:23 No.1730164

Nope. Husband's a different person.
Furrynomous 2020/03/28 06:25:23 No.1730270
Lame if true. Cucking is only really hot to me in a bisexual context. If both guys are into eachother then it makes everything less spiteful and demeaning
Furrynomous 2020/03/28 10:06:29 No.1730373

I think you're mistaking them for the suburban husband and wife couple he draws. Which I wouldn't blame anyone for. He can get as lazy as yiffer with reusing face shapes and expressions.
Furrynomous 2020/03/31 22:46:15 No.1731622

To be honest he have another comic with those called 'Daddy's Little Secrets' who happens in the same hotel, and lemme say:

He got what I call "Miles-DF Sameface Furry Syndrome"
Furrynomous 2020/04/01 04:31:10 No.1731685
He only knows how to draw 4 body types.
1 - Small, almost flat chested female
2 - Large male
3 - Small male (usually loses a wife/partner to the big male)
4 - Child

Always the same story too. Big powerful male fucking the tiny ambiguously aged female and cucking the small male, who it is implied knows about it and is fine with it, but maybe not. Through the sex scenes, you'll see lots of detailed dick but somehow any of the tricky bits of female anatomy will be hidden by posing or large amounts of bodily fluids.

Cut and paste that with some basic story beats for every subsequent comic.
Furrynomous 2020/04/01 23:59:09 No.1732100

Yeah, and it makes me come every fucking time. Oomf.
Furrynomous 2020/04/02 01:58:31 No.1732124
hahahaah RT
Furrynomous 2020/04/02 06:09:20 No.1732191
Doesn't the wife in the suburban couple have POINTED ears? Not floppy?

Edited at 2020/04/02 06:10:02
Furrynomous 2020/04/16 15:56:09 No.1738977
Can Zaush draw anything other than cuck shit
Furrynomous 2020/04/17 01:05:43 No.1739250
Quite fine was his comix about wolf and female otter with her tribe. Without any alfa-alfa bullshit too. I whish he could draw more things like that.
Furrynomous 2020/04/18 05:58:29 No.1739805
Said images are in /cub thanks to some sleuths...
Furrynomous 2020/05/25 20:52:18 No.1759128
If you dont like his work, then fuck off, go find your own kinks and pleasures
Furrynomous 2020/05/28 11:20:35 No.1760300

His 4 body types are bad? Have you guys never noticed out of the MILLIONS of cocks he's drawn that not one of them has a visible for eskin?

I'll take repetitive body types over ignoring basic sexual anatomy anyday.
Furrynomous 2020/05/28 22:50:08 No.1760442
Hey shut up.
Furrynomous 2020/05/28 23:12:28 No.1760448
Fuck off
Furrynomous 2020/06/11 21:28:40 No.1766838
File: Reunion09_u18chan.jpg - (176.17kb, 1280x1148, Reunion09.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/06/11 21:28:43 No.1766839
File: Reunion10_0_u18chan.jpg - (134.82kb, 1280x1166, Reunion10.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/06/11 21:29:18 No.1766841
File: reunion11_u18chan.jpg - (151.55kb, 1280x1101, reunion11.jpg)
Spoilered because people would bitch about bi-sexual three-way.
Furrynomous 2020/06/11 22:10:20 No.1766850
Based, getting fucked while fucking a girl is top-tier nutt
Furrynomous 2020/06/11 22:31:36 No.1766855

these three are a great sequence. I'd love if he did another comic...
Furrynomous 2020/06/12 01:31:35 No.1766903
Anyone up for turning the bellboy into a bellgirl.
Furrynomous 2020/06/12 19:09:27 No.1767224
instructions unclear, gay levels up to 200%:
Furrynomous 2020/06/13 14:28:18 No.1767550
FUCK YEAH, thats fucking hot as fuck. I take back what I said about Zaush's boring dildo dicks. His shit rules.

but oh shit man, bisexual stuff, now the insecure "do you even lift" bros can get all squeamish about their animal porn.

Edited at 2020/06/13 14:29:22
Furrynomous 2020/06/16 15:49:35 No.1768661
I do have to say that Zaush's best works are the ones where he goes over a variety of body types. I do wish he did them more often.
Furrynomous 2020/06/16 18:43:00 No.1768696
Imagine being offended that some men are straight and so don't want to see homosexual male things on a straight board.
Furrynomous 2020/06/16 19:36:07 No.1768710
They're already looking at some other dude's dick.
Furrynomous 2020/06/16 21:17:35 No.1768727
Well damn! How much more of this is there? Or how much more is he going to add... before you know it the maids/ room cleaning services will be up there joining them three.
Furrynomous 2020/06/17 20:49:25 No.1769085
File: 1_353_u18chan.png - (2.78mb, 2000x1833, 1.png)
why the hell do you guys have shitty resolutions up at barely 100kbs, the originals are like 5mbs each and twice the resolution.
Furrynomous 2020/06/18 17:30:56 No.1769372
Not sure if you know how straight guys work but when we're looking porn, we're generally not looking at it because it has a dude's dick in it. Also comparing a guy's dick being in shot while he's fucking a girl to a guy fucking a guy being the same level is...yeah.
Furrynomous 2020/06/22 11:51:38 No.1771225

It's still unremarkably insecure for "straight" guys to bitch and moan about bisexuality, when they're the same guys who'd probably get off to the sight of a circle of 20 dicks jerking off onto one girls face. 3 dicks touching eachother inside a girls mouth. But hey, I guess its only uncomfortable when a dick is going into a males orifice, cause sexually, there's such a drastic difference. it's literally your psychological disdain for BISEXUALITY that's concerning. You're so against "homosexuality" that you get offended when there's a threesome involving bisexual sex between two males and a woman.

It's hilarious. You're jerking off to ANIMAL-HUMANS, while whining about being uncomfortable with two dudes, having sex. That's friggin hilarious.

Grow up, its 2020. If you're okay with animals fucking, i'd withhold your disdain for quite normal instances of bisexuality.
Furrynomous 2020/10/23 17:24:18 No.1836513
>insecure fag whines about others being whiny and insecure
>also implies they are closet fags
Before asking others to be self-aware, follow your own advice.
Furrynomous 2020/10/23 20:22:17 No.1836567
File: asdasda_u18chan.png - (583.55kb, 432x923, asdasda.PNG)
That girl on the right looks significantly, significantly more mature than the one in this comic.

Adult women do not look like that ever outside of a very small amount of edge cases, but a lot of underage girls do.

Here's a front shot of the same woman. Note how her proportions don't match up to the girl in the comic at all.
Furrynomous 2020/10/24 00:40:56 No.1836644
File: 6ABB616E-49F5-472E-96AC-F946564E67A7_u18chan.png - (3.67mb, 2039x1754, 6ABB616E-49F5-472E-96AC-F946564E67A7.png)

Furrynomous 2020/10/24 17:20:23 No.1836954
This was already posted further up bitch

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