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File: Judys_New_T_Shirt001_u18chan.jpg - (255.64kb, 1080x1600, Judys_New_T_Shirt001.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Judy's New Shirt by Nuzzo Furrynomous 2020/01/15 15:38:46 No.1700506   

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Judy's New Shirt by Nuzzo Furrynomous 2020/01/15 15:38:50 No.1700507
File: Judys_New_T_Shirt002_u18chan.jpg - (383.64kb, 1280x1896, Judys_New_T_Shirt002.jpg)
Judy's New Shirt by Nuzzo Furrynomous 2020/01/15 15:38:52 No.1700508
File: Judys_New_T_Shirt003_u18chan.jpg - (362.16kb, 1280x1896, Judys_New_T_Shirt003.jpg)
Judy's New Shirt by Nuzzo Furrynomous 2020/01/15 15:38:54 No.1700509
File: Judys_New_T_Shirt004_u18chan.jpg - (362.15kb, 1280x1896, Judys_New_T_Shirt004.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/01/15 18:42:02 No.1700644
File: 6D7E7F7F-F19E-4701-8586-335D78FFBA40_u18chan.jpeg - (12.75kb, 320x180, 6D7E7F7F-F19E-4701-8586-335D78FFBA40.jpeg)
Furrynomous 2020/01/15 22:03:38 No.1700696
I wonder who he uses as reference for his drawings?
Wisdom Furrito69 2020/01/16 01:33:33 No.1700736
Very well done indeed.
Furrynomous 2020/01/16 08:46:17 No.1700903
This is one of the few, if not only zootopia comics I genuinely like. No cucking, humiliation, or other bs just strong almost romantic sex between nick and Judy with some stellar art to back it up. My only complaint: it’s short XD
Furrynomous 2020/01/16 15:08:22 No.1701056
File: j00sJMn_u18chan.jpg - (197.18kb, 1242x943, j00sJMn.jpg)

Furrynomous 2020/01/18 09:35:27 No.1702091
Shame this is faked from two or even three frames :P
Furrynomous 2020/01/23 10:57:07 No.1704524
Am I the only one who's creeped out by how uncannily humanoid Judy looks in this comic? I don't know, but personally, I've always preferred artwork where the characters actually resemble their respective species. I just don't see the appeal in making them look like human cosplayers, honestly.
Furrynomous 2020/01/23 16:46:31 No.1704668
Yes. You're the only one who feels that way.
Furrynomous 2020/01/23 17:24:21 No.1704678
gross asses and same-face artist. next.
Furrynomous 2020/01/23 18:23:21 No.1704690
Getting kind of tired of all the zootopia comics but this one is an exception. I love the fur detail
Furrynomous 2020/01/23 21:57:01 No.1704723

You must be blind, because this art is perfect. Compared to others.
Furrynomous 2020/01/23 21:58:08 No.1704724

As long as they're Wildehopps comics, I say keep them coming.
Joseph Joestar 2020/01/24 05:37:01 No.1704795
Ha Ha Nice!
Furrynomous 2020/01/24 09:18:07 No.1704827
I think they mean to say that Nuzzo has same face syndrome (which they do) and draws overly-emphasized buttholes (which they do.)
Furrynomous 2020/01/24 13:04:28 No.1704906
It's true. Nuzzo has drawn only a single body shape / model and /all/ of his drawn characters are literally just repaints of that same model with the same head & face but just adjusted tails and ears. The art is pristine but it doesn't matter how good & beautiful your anatomy is if you can only draw one body for every character.

Edited at 2020/01/24 13:05:35
Furrynomous 2020/02/06 13:51:57 No.1710227
File: BrizbyOHRLY_u18chan.jpeg - (111.27kb, 700x520, BrizbyOHRLY.jpeg)
"gross asses and same-face artist. next."

There's a fine line between critique and just being hostile sometimes.

Maybe it's just me, but if you can look at Judy's ass on that first page and call it gross, then you're never going to see one you like.

Someone suggested you meant Nuzzo draws the assholes with too much detail or too large, which is fair, but why not just say so? It's more realistic than most, to be honest; I don't think it would be the same color as her fur, or covered in fur either to hide it.

As for this 'same face syndrome', I guess I don't watch enough of this artist to judge one way or another, so maybe that's a fair assessment.


I'm not an expert on this artist, but you'd have to show me some examples of how *everything* this artist draws is "only a single body shape / model and /all/ of his drawn characters are literally just repaints of that same model with the same head & face but just adjusted tails and ears".

The concept that it also doesn't matter how well those shapes are drawn if they're all similar is kinda hard to swallow as well, if people are enjoying the art and only really noticing when it's pointed out to them by someone who tends to look for such things.
Furrynomous 2020/02/06 15:24:53 No.1710273
Do I really need to point out the already painfully obvious? Just look Nuzzo up on e621 and see for yourself.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating the artist per se, I really like the art, but the lack of variation between characters seriously substracts from the enjoyment.

Edited at 2020/02/06 15:29:13
MimRichie 39 2020/02/06 18:12:20 No.1710394
If was a cartoon character i would fuck her
Furrynomous 2020/02/06 21:22:20 No.1710458
As an artist, yes the bodies do look the same if not feel the same, do I hate nuzzo for it, nah I dont to me its just uncanny in my eyes, and its especially off putting with how the heads/face are compared to the rest of the "realistic" figure.
He draws well, but even I knew from the start that he is using someone for modeling his stuff.

Bad? No. Uncanny, yes(for me atleast).
Furrynomous 2020/07/26 16:23:33 No.1789765
first page of comic bunny bends over with wearing shirt with arrow pointing at ass.

comic: a couple pages of vaginal

this is exactly how you should not make a porno

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