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File: 001_123_u18chan.png - (484.29kb, 850x1204, 001.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Foxy Taste! Furrynomous 2020/05/24 15:45:00 No.1758421   
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By AlbineFox
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Foxy Taste! Furrynomous 2020/05/24 15:45:03 No.1758422
File: 002_109_u18chan.png - (640.72kb, 850x1204, 002.png)
Foxy Taste! Furrynomous 2020/05/24 15:45:07 No.1758423
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Foxy Taste! Furrynomous 2020/05/24 15:45:10 No.1758424
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Foxy Taste! Furrynomous 2020/05/24 15:45:13 No.1758425
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Furrynomous 2020/05/24 22:57:48 No.1758601
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File: index_2_u18chan.jpeg - (9.41kb, 258x195, index.jpeg)
Dear god, this is so lame robcivecat copy.
Furrynomous 2020/05/25 15:38:47 No.1758857
Meh. At least this one version is fappable. Rob makes cute chars but his women look like planks
Furrynomous 2020/05/25 15:42:23 No.1758859

Don't know how anyone thinks this. Albine is just to cringy to be anything but laughable.
Furrynomous 2020/05/25 16:34:59 No.1758876

Fappable? You think crap is fappable, Rob can actually make the characters like real. Albinefox can't even carry Rob's jock.
Furrynomous 2020/05/25 16:36:17 No.1758877

Please sir, just stick to brail.
Furrynomous 2020/05/25 19:05:54 No.1759094
Wanna share whatever it is you're smoking?
Furrynomous 2020/05/26 01:13:26 No.1759219
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File: 0253c_u18chan.png - (446.46kb, 900x1258, 0253c.png)
Planks are fine,
zootopia females don't have breast,
if somebody give them breast... OK! HELL YEAH! AWESOME!
but this art is cringe.
Furrynomous 2020/05/27 16:19:31 No.1759979
Albine has drawn some nice Judy asses in the past but he's really devoted to attention-whoring and posting rage-bait.

This comic is even taking snide potshots at robcivecat's (much better) original comic just to stir up shit.
Furrynomous 2020/05/28 07:17:29 No.1760252
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File: 1587916535831_u18chan.png - (196.47kb, 311x279, 1587916535831.png)
>Albinofox trying to start shit again
Furrynomous 2020/05/28 07:45:56 No.1760257
Rob is such a chill and cool dude
What kind of lowlife scumbag do you have to be to have a beef with someone like him?
Furrynomous 2020/05/28 10:59:16 No.1760291
To be fair, so is Albine. Chill dude I met on a couple of server I'm in. Didn't expect to see their stuff in here though, lol.
Furrynomous 2020/05/28 12:04:15 No.1760315
Judging by the things he has written, done, and publicly lied about, this is absolutely untrue
Furrynomous 2020/05/28 12:25:08 No.1760323
>goes out of his way to troll and start drama
>chill dude
uhh wat?
Furrynomous 2020/06/03 11:13:50 No.1762982
Nah. Albine puts on a friendly persona sometimes but he's an absolute POS
Furrynomous 2020/06/03 16:22:06 No.1763064
Don't the singer have titties? I think I remeber titties on that one.
Furrynomous 2020/06/03 22:04:06 No.1763154
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File: kgvzkcgzk_u18chan.jpg - (227.11kb, 1079x964, kgvzkcgzk.jpg)
Well... there is something... But that is more like some chest tuft.
Furrynomous 2020/06/04 00:21:21 No.1763187
So why do these female tops cut down past the neck and only cover such a small area? Her male backup dancers were topless, and their nipples didn't seem to be poking out of their fur.
Furrynomous 2020/06/04 00:46:19 No.1763193
it looks more like he doesn't give a shit tbh
Furrynomous 2020/06/04 04:34:38 No.1763239
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He's also a racist
Furrynomous 2020/06/04 08:11:30 No.1763270
Remember, this movie was made by Disney. They wouldn't have put tits on them regardless of whether they "canonically" have them or not. And they are mammals, so.

Really, if you wanted to go all nerd-out evolutionary biology, you could say that since they all have thumbs and walk upright, they'd hold their infants in their arms, and because of that their tits should be on their chests. That's overthinking it, though. Easier to say they clearly feel a need to wear tops so something is there, and it's just been made invisible for the same reason all those details were missing in the nudist scenes.
Furrynomous 2020/06/04 10:08:49 No.1763290

Anyone here have anything I could rinse my eyes with, please and thank you...
Furrynomous 2020/06/05 23:24:41 No.1764179
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File: AA-Full-Cup-Bra_u18chan.png - (169.7kb, 356x346, AA-Full-Cup-Bra.png)
You are right.
Maybe the female breast in this universe just grow a little bigger when they in lactation period. And that why they feel need cover them, or it's more comfortable when don't bouncing everywhere, even if that small.
But that doesn't change the fact: this art is a lame copy, the writer a cuck, and Judy boob soo weird. Just look at tha first page. Her tits looks like she hanged upside down, or filled with helium. In this universe have different boob physics???
Anonymouse 2020/06/09 10:07:30 No.1765897

Lol, talk about trying too ahrd.
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 23:55:18 No.1766147
File: edgefox_u18chan.png - (198.23kb, 1180x1377, edgefox.png)
He tries to look like he doesn't care, but he seems to spend a lot of time and energy posting flame-bait and seething rants about fictional characters.
Kajex Surnahm 2020/06/10 00:25:25 No.1766152
That's alot of effort expenditure for someone who claims to have no fucks left to give.
Furrynomous 2020/06/10 08:00:11 No.1766261
Nothing more cringe then a obvious incel calling others simps in a attempt to get a sense of authority over his own (nonexistent) sexlife.
Oh how the internet has mentally ruined so many males.
Furrynomous 2020/06/10 08:51:22 No.1766269
Apparently the artist is a woman based on what her furaffinity says.
Furrynomous 2020/06/10 11:02:34 No.1766300
Who Albine?
Albine is a Brazilian man
Furrynomous 2020/06/10 16:53:56 No.1766437
Furrynomous 2020/06/10 19:06:45 No.1766480
That's a troll/lie from a well documented troll/liar
He's talked about being a Brazilian man plenty of times on reddit and /trash/

Also, if you think a woman wrote this incel drivel there's no helping you

"Women never fought for anything, they bitched, nagged and ducked their way into convincing men to fight for their rights. "Oh, work me. I have to stay at home all day while my husband is plowing the fields/hunting for food/working his ass off/fighting a war to protect me/etc. I'm so oppressed." Jess, I want some of that oppression! Get treated nice, being fed and protected, count mr in. But don't worry, once the wesr falls you'll see what true oppression will be like. People like you tend to forget that European culture is the only culture that elevated women and respected them. In Africa they are little more than tape slaves with cut clitoris. In India and the middle east they are sold as cattle anyway. Japan and China also didn't care much for them. Unless you're from one of those cultures then you have nothing to complain about." - Albinefox

He also enjoys whining about the "LGBT agenda" and muh leftists

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