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File: forceofnature1_u18chan.jpg - (313.1kb, 1124x1737, forceofnature1.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
[Jay Naylor] Force of Nature Furrynomous 2020/06/05 16:13:26 No.1763924   
"Beth becomes exposed to, and involved in, Trixie and Ty's open relationship in a way neither one of them expect. An open relationship steers into love triangle territory with feelings and repercussions that none of the people involved could see coming. This comic will feature significant developmental changes for Beth, Trixie, (and possibly Aron), with a real introduction of Ty as a comic character."
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Furrynomous 2020/06/05 16:13:28 No.1763925
File: forceofnature2_u18chan.jpg - (798.76kb, 2178x3366, forceofnature2.jpg)

Edited at 2020/06/05 16:15:12
Furrynomous 2020/06/05 16:13:31 No.1763926
File: forceofnature3_u18chan.jpg - (663.52kb, 2178x3366, forceofnature3.jpg)

Edited at 2020/06/05 16:14:50
Furrynomous 2020/06/05 16:13:33 No.1763927
File: forceofnature4_u18chan.jpg - (662.56kb, 2178x3366, forceofnature4.jpg)

Edited at 2020/06/05 16:14:59
FurryFan 2020/06/05 16:32:28 No.1763930
Oh please let it be a threesome! Oh, please! Oh, please!... :D
Furrynomous 2020/06/05 16:45:09 No.1763933
"You got your IUD out?"

Beth is so getting pregnant
Furrynomous 2020/06/05 17:50:40 No.1763955
File: B337E06E-B4CF-4149-A8EF-8CB640F2DE2F_u18chan.png - (97.2kb, 200x334, B337E06E-B4CF-4149-A8EF-8CB640F2DE2F.png)

Accidental impregnation from Naylor

Edited at 2020/06/05 17:51:40
Furrynomous 2020/06/05 19:20:47 No.1764013
oh god, thats pretty bad writing. he smells like,what an aphrodisiac.

if you can smell your boyfriend that far away, he's got issues more than you. what next, swampy ass hole and dick cheese? come on naylor really paint the image of nasal disgust for us.
Furrynomous 2020/06/05 19:39:48 No.1764037

That alongside the "repercussions that none of the people involved could see coming" part of the description points to that. So:

- Either Beth will finally be the last character of the original cast with a baby of herself or

- Naylor will pull some bs and we'll have his version of Borba's Abortion Comic
Sxcbeast 2020/06/05 20:36:21 No.1764054
Beth's nose is bigger than I remember.
Furrynomous 2020/06/05 22:27:43 No.1764141
man, you took that way too seriously. it's a joke about dogs having strong noses.

naylor's been making some odd changes like that recently. big noses and paw pads that are way out of place on the hands he draws.

Edited at 2020/06/05 22:28:44
Furrynomous 2020/06/05 22:52:50 No.1764165
Beth and Trixie are his most fun pairing so hopefully he doesn't fuck it up too bad.

I'm biased too, I think Beth is the most attractive OC he has.
Furrynomous 2020/06/06 01:29:09 No.1764204
Speaking of which ... sad to see it's not Penelope, floofy girl would be ideal in this setting.
Furrynomous 2020/06/06 13:02:01 No.1764396
I know a threesome is fairly likely in this. But I'd love it if watching them made her find Aron and mount him like a wild animal in heat
Furrynomous 2020/06/06 17:04:04 No.1764474
Look at it this way, hopefully with this baby and the fact that this particular nudist colony is a pretty decent place to live, Beth can finally settle down & have a life she never knew she wanted before. There's no way it could possibly go as badly as it did for that rabbit he brought back after she OD'd in a bathroom.
FurryFan 2020/06/06 19:30:21 No.1764534

I thought so, too. But... I have a second feeling that there is not going to be a threesome of Beth, Trixie, and Ty. But we'll see what happens in the next future pages.

Edited at 2020/06/06 19:40:43
Furrynomous 2020/06/06 21:09:05 No.1764555
She's staring at his dick in the last panel. There will be a threesome.
Furrynomous 2020/06/06 21:25:40 No.1764558
I hope Beth reconnects with Aron in this comic, they were my favorite couple in Better Days.
FurryFan 2020/06/07 00:08:38 No.1764602

Yeah, I know. But she doesn't look happy, it looks like a "Meh" expression. I could be wrong so we'll wait for the future comic pages.

And sometimes Jay Naylor likes to mess with us. He wants us to think there's going to be a threesome like that... but again, we'll see what happens. :D

Edited at 2020/06/07 00:10:13
Furrynomous 2020/06/07 00:10:58 No.1764603
Considering everything Beth has gone through in the last couple of years, I think she's purposely gonna get pregnant just for the sake of closure. After all the men she's been with and left behind, traveling all across the country and not knowing what the hell brings her happiness, she figures having a baby with this open couple would be her final idea.
Furrynomous 2020/06/07 04:22:47 No.1764643
File: Ohmy_0_u18chan.jpg - (498.06kb, 825x1275, Oh my.jpg)
Oh my god, I just realized this was a long awaited follow up to the last page of Naylor's other comic, Straight Girls Kissing in the Shower. This man waited 8 years to finally have Beth meet Trixie's boyfriend for a threesome. Hope it's well worth the wait.
Furrynomous 2020/06/07 07:41:04 No.1764706
File: tyujrt_u18chan.png - (301.91kb, 700x720, tyujrt.png)
I wouldn't be surprised if Beth's aim was to get pregnant. It was pointed out by a fan not long ago how messed up she really is.
Furrynomous 2020/06/07 12:06:51 No.1764822

'Atta girl
Furrynomous 2020/06/07 12:10:54 No.1764824
Can't they just fuck and have a nice time? I seriously hate how so much porn (especially Naylors) feels the need to be so mean spirited. It's just really fucking depressing. I know a lot of people enjoy it but it seems hard to find something that ISN'T just really fucked up in some way whether it's that or just weird shit popping up.
Furrynomous 2020/06/07 12:57:00 No.1764855
Normally I'd agree with you on that. However Naylor has screwed with his fans many times. One of the few characters he hasn't ruined is Fisk's wife Elizabeth. And one of the ones I'm most saddened that he ruined was Persia. I thought after Better Days her life with her husband was just fine. Then Naylor did a cuckold comic with her in which she intentionally got knocked up with someone else's baby. Then left the poor guy she was having sex with feeling empty and lonely as she left with her hubby.

It's because of things like that, that discussions on these threads go as far as they do. And I've heard the "It's just porn" line too many times to really care. Aside from that fact that it is porn, it's still something released from a long time artist with a large viewer base. Aside from the sex it's no different than how people get pulled into a television show they like and then debate about.
Furrynomous 2020/06/07 14:00:03 No.1764919
Now he wouldn't go out and ruin the beloved trophy wife of his Gary Stu character would he?
Honestly, he ruined Beth and Aaron the worst. Aaron became fetish material for dickgirl, Beth became another submissive woman for his boring "alpha" characters.
Furrynomous 2020/06/07 14:16:13 No.1764925
Yeah those both sucked
FurryFan 2020/06/07 14:40:07 No.1764930

Yeah.... but just because Beth is going to meet with Trixie's boyfriend, doesn't mean they're going to have a threesome. I think Beth is going to walk away and find something else just to satisfied her life, like bumping into Aron?... I think, or I could be wrong. And I do wish Beth will finally find happiness, and she needs it so badly.

I hope there's going to be a threesome in the next pages, so we'll see what happens. But as I said before: Jay Naylor likes to mess with us sometimes. And so do other porn artists.

Edited at 2020/06/07 16:27:00
Furrynomous 2020/06/07 16:45:46 No.1764973
I draw hentai comics too. But I'm pretty up front with people on what I'm drawing most of the time. Though a few were caught pretty off guard once when I turned a villain character into a living object of questionable taste.
Furrynomous 2020/06/07 17:03:52 No.1764976
I don't know about you guys, but if Beth ends up getting knocked up by Aaron & they get back together, that would be pretty damn sweet. Aaron dis say he hadn't really settled on loving just one girl in his solo comic a few years ago, so maybe he'll reconsider with a bun in the oven.
Furrynomous 2020/06/07 17:09:40 No.1764977
It may be but the entire setup (missing IUD, new guy with alpha body in open relationship) tells me Aaron is about to develop a new fetish.
Furrynomous 2020/06/07 20:17:32 No.1765057
Yeah as much asn I'd love for Beth to go running to Aron in this comic, Naylor has a long track record of pissing off readers. So I'm not getting my hopes up. But if he does have her go back to Aron and get knocked up, then he'll have done something nice for once
Furrynomous 2020/06/08 14:48:56 No.1765484
Why would you guys want Beth to go back with Aron? She is a hot mess, jaded, and she's cynical. Aron is a good dude who's happy in his life. A baby isn't going to sort her out. She has to fix her own attitude to be redeemed.
FurryFan 2020/06/08 17:29:53 No.1765536

Because Beth and Aron seem as the right couple? :D

Edited at 2020/06/08 19:03:31
Furrynomous 2020/06/08 19:29:53 No.1765605
Not really. She is arrested development and he was freely growing as a person. I think some people just miss their big tiddy goth girlfriends and self project into Aron as a proxy for themselves.
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 09:51:49 No.1765893
Yeah but Beth was anything BUT the big tiddy goth. She's thin, kinda short, and her most attractive quality is usually her hair.

As people go Beth is a very late bloomer for growing up. She held Aron back the entire time they were together. But now that she's over 40, she might just be ready to accept the reality her own narcissism brought down upon her. And now she could finally be partied out.

Does anyone remember Beth's big sister? She got married in the 90s and gave up the goth lifestyle. And since Naylor has said literally nothing about her since then, it's safe to say that she was happily married.

Likely Beth felt like she lost her role model the day her sister changed. So she instead clung to multiple boyfriends. But realized just how much she effed when Fisk showed up at her door for the last time. So by that time Aron was the only man meat she had left. And she clung to him for dear life for a while. Especially since Lucy admitted to being sexually attracted to him. Now that Aron has a life outside of hers with plenty of tail for his choosing, she may want him all over again for similar reasons.

I'm not the type to think making a baby makes things all better. But in Beth's case it would give her a reason to finally think of someone other than herself after the last 15 years. And a reason to finally settle down somewhere. Be it as a single mom or an attached one.
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 11:25:28 No.1765932
Obviously it was meant big tiddy goth in spirit, not in body type.

Some people are irredeemable like Rachael. Others, like Beth, are irredeemable in other ways. She missed the boat on a happy family life. She has missed the boat on having kids while she's young enough to keep up with them and raise them without going crazy.

Having Aron's baby would only complicate Aron's life. It's a selfish and not a redeeming desire. Getting dick from Trixie's boyfriend? Same thing. It'll complicate her best friend's relationship. The description of the comic already points to that.

The "possibly Aron" part is probably throw away. We'll see Aron react to a pregnant Beth in some way. Or maybe a brief pregnant BethxAron scene.
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 12:52:29 No.1765954
We pretty much know from Original Life that Aron wanted to settle and have a family with Beth. But she was too in love with the free roaming lifestyle. So he left to live a more stable life, albeit in a nudist colony.

Aron after separating with her initially continued as his immature self. But then started to become quieter and more manly as more and more women showed up for both his massages and his dick.

He was told by Trixie that she feels safe around him because he doesn't seem threatening. So other women likely see him the same way.

Yet Aron in his personal comic shows that while he loves all the women he has sex with, there's an underlying longing for something more at the end. As screwed up and backwards as it may seem. Beth may actually be what he's still longing for at the end of the road.
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 12:53:57 No.1765955
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Furrynomous 2020/06/12 16:01:17 No.1767156
How long does it typically take a comic to finish? I guess with Patreon these days, artists don't make all the pages and dump it at once, but milk it good?

Edited at 2020/06/12 16:04:37
Furrynomous 2020/06/12 16:46:28 No.1767196
You must be new here, Naylor updates first weekend-ish ever month and it 3-4 month for a full comic.
Furrynomous 2020/06/13 14:33:35 No.1767553

Yeah, but if you think about that for a second, his armpits would still have to be the overwhelming scent out of anything else for him to smell like armpits...imagine choosing for him to smell like something less...gross.

How about, "he smells like sea water and old spice" idfk something more than BO.
Furrynomous 2020/06/13 15:29:01 No.1767567
Armpit.... Now I wanna go watch the movie Holes....
Furrynomous 2020/06/13 17:11:01 No.1767601

Just "I can never forget his scent" would have gotten the point across fine. Pheromones are a thing, just don't be TMI about it.
Furrynomous 2020/06/13 17:14:41 No.1767603
My brother in law used to have a job moving mattresses. Then he'd come home and pass out with the worst BO I've ever smelled. It wasn't just BO, it was BBO! So if one is out on a boat with no bath aside from seawater for six months, then they must smell ungodly. Like The Beast from Seinfeld.
Furrynomous 2020/06/13 20:26:02 No.1767656
I was going to link an image from Better Days where he jokes about deodorant advertising but apparently the old site just redirects to his patreon now.
Furrynomous 2020/06/14 11:20:18 No.1767852
Sea water washes just fine, and there are soaps for hard water that work.
Furrynomous 2020/06/14 14:54:33 No.1767917
You could just save and then post the page instead. That's what I do
Furrynomous 2020/06/14 15:35:52 No.1767941
I figured the salt in the water would dry out skin or something. Guess I assumed too much
Furrynomous 2020/06/14 19:24:47 No.1768017

There is some residue of salt that remains on the skin; over a protracted period of time it can make you feel as if you haven't gotten really clean. One of the ways that navy personnel have dealt with it when the ship's evaporators break down and the crew is put on water rationing is to shower in salt water and sponge off afterwards, which uses a minimum of fresh water.
Furrynomous 2020/06/14 20:18:29 No.1768026
I see. Learn something new every day
Furrynomous 2020/06/15 03:46:16 No.1768087
Alright can we please just get back to posting porn and not fill this thread with pointless discussions?
Furrynomous 2020/06/15 05:31:20 No.1768107

Trixie and Ty completely ignore Beth and fuck right there on the boat. Beth gets jealous that they're so carefree and she's not. Maybe he goes out slutting and it doesn't work or she tries to hook back up with Aron and he's not having it, but whatever happens she badgers Ty into fucking her on the sly.

Oops now she's pregnant. That thing everyone could have seen coming. Awk-ward! And now Trixie and Beth's relationship is over and he can stop drawing Beth except that time she's dead in a bathroom stall.

(I wonder if this somehow feeds into Beth's time as a submissive pet, if that's already happened here, or it got retconed.)
Devil Just Garbage 2020/06/15 08:54:41 No.1768131
The mods will come clean up this thread if it gets out of hand
Furrynomous 2020/06/15 11:03:52 No.1768159
yes, cry to the mods guys. nothing says pornographic adult website like crying to mommy when people have conversations.
Furrynomous 2020/06/15 11:06:22 No.1768162
Seriously not this Shite again.
Furrynomous 2020/06/15 11:06:59 No.1768163
Didn't the bathroom stall thing happen to a pregnant Rachel?
Furrynomous 2020/06/15 11:38:07 No.1768174

No she wasn't pregnant, and was a totally different situation;

Also she didn't died. Naylor retconned that and she got arrested for public indecency and spent years in prison;

That's why her husband left her.
Furrynomous 2020/06/15 13:01:24 No.1768190
No Rachel was pregnant in that pic. She was OD'd on a toilet with a money jar next to her. And while it was retconned, the picture was titled "Miscarriage", so she might not have been dead.
Devil Just Garbage 2020/06/15 13:28:30 No.1768204
This might get confusing to me with all of Naylor story and his characters between this comic or what's happening to this character etc, I'm sure y'all are talking about Beth. I might be wrong and correct me if I mess up
Furrynomous 2020/06/15 15:18:31 No.1768240
File: JayNaylorsMiscarriage_u18chan.png - (211.47kb, 473x674, JayNaylorsMiscarriage.png)
No it was Rachel in the image, not Beth. Note the rabbit teeth and short tail
Devil Just Garbage 2020/06/15 18:18:50 No.1768280
Jesus Christ's she is mess up
Furrynomous 2020/06/15 22:25:26 No.1768332
Rachel was always messed up. She'll likely end up the trashy rabbit living out of a trailer in a town in the middle of nowhere once her looks go
Furrynomous 2020/06/17 08:53:52 No.1768895
File: 1218001929.fisk_jn-futurerachel_u18chan.jpg - (82.31kb, 455x744, 1218001929.fisk_jn-futurerachel.jpg)

That was the joke, yeah.


That was one idea he threw down prior to the "dead on the toilet" sketch, shown here. I think it was an attempt to 'de-sexy' Rachel, but people kept liking her (if maybe only because she was the one character he had at the time that had a character arc of any substance, a whole doubt-and-redemption thing he didn't want to do before spinning around and turning her into a leather-bound brain-washed submissive sex slave ten years later after bringing in Sissy as a replacement without any of that 'guilt' stuff).
Furrynomous 2020/06/17 11:18:48 No.1768931

This now reminds you of that one fucked up Hentai Comic.
Poop 2020/06/17 12:08:25 No.1768935
Oh I definitely know what you are talking about I recommend that you don't read that comic
Furrynomous 2020/06/17 13:51:32 No.1768955
You don't mean the one with the terrible canine mom who treats her kids like shit, do you?
Poop 2020/06/17 15:44:26 No.1768983
Not that but it has something real similar where the girl dies in the bathroom but has an alternate ending where joe star saves her life and she lives a happy life “. I forgot the name of the comic but it is highly disturbing even if you want read it from the beginning
Furrynomous 2020/06/17 22:43:53 No.1769112
I'm actually kinda interested in reading it now. But unless anyone knows the title, I'll probably never see it
Poop 2020/06/17 23:55:48 No.1769148
I'll see if I can find the title
Prepare yourself Poop 2020/06/17 23:57:45 No.1769149
Found it it's called metamorphosis, I hope you have the guts to read the entire thing from beginning to the end. Bring a paper bag in case you throw up go read it on nhentai
Furrynomous 2020/06/18 08:30:55 No.1769239
>turns out there is more then one
Well, I'm not going to dig deeper but it's not one of the super fucked up ones I'v already read so that's something.
Prepare yourself Poop 2020/06/18 09:58:58 No.1769260
Told ya that hentai comic is a nightmare
Furrynomous 2020/06/18 13:04:24 No.1769310
I got curious and now I regret it immensely

It's not the most fucked up hentai I've seen, but that scene with the baby is something I wish to unsee.
Prepare yourself Poop 2020/06/18 13:13:00 No.1769312
Correct, I've search YouTube videos of that comic and others were depressed by it. I only read a comic or explode on nhentai that catches my eye.

And btw I hate that new format whenever you are on phone on nhentai it doesn't work out for me
Furrynomous 2020/06/18 16:37:28 No.1769354
I just skimmed the metamorphosis comic. It's fucked up. But I've seen worse. Where's the version with the alternate ending?
Prepare yourself Poop 2020/06/18 18:04:58 No.1769382
Found it type in I'm gonna fix that girl nhentai by shindol that's the alternate ending of that story but it's not canon
Furrynomous 2020/06/18 19:52:30 No.1769478
At least in the good english ending she survived and went on to be a decent mom. But the people who beat the shit out of her and stole her money deserved to have gotten the shit kicked out of them. Anyone who enjoys doing that to people are the real fucked up ones.
Prepare yourself Poop 2020/06/18 21:02:09 No.1769491
Well there you go now it's over
Furrynomous 2020/06/18 21:36:26 No.1769510
Sooo... What now?
Prepare yourself Poop 2020/06/18 22:27:40 No.1769526
Wait till someone In this thread post the next page of Naylor silly comic here
Furrynomous 2020/06/19 03:04:26 No.1769590
Gentlemen, I'll see you in 2 weeks when the new pages come.
FurryFan 2020/07/01 15:54:25 No.1776480

Is it already been two weeks? Lol

We'll still wait. And are some of you having a second thought that this MFF threesome may not going to happen? Or do you still think it will happen?

Just asking.

Edited at 2020/07/01 15:55:37
Furrynomous 2020/07/01 17:04:55 No.1776505
New pages should be out within the week. We'll see where Naylor plans on taking this. I'll bet my first nut it's gonna be Trixie and her BF fucking on the boat.
FurryFan 2020/07/01 17:08:36 No.1776508

I thought so, too. Jay Naylor would never satisfied his audiences that much. :D
Furrynomous 2020/07/03 00:18:53 No.1777331
I'm kind of not interested in seeing Beth get pregnant. It seems suuuper forced, too. "Oh, I got my IUD out, first dick I see, ooooooh!"
Plus, this seems like something to properly fuck up Trixie and Ty's relationship. There seems like no good path here, either it does and it's bad, or it doesn't and you just go "what the fuck?"

I enjoyed his sex comics more when they seemed to be outside of the established canon. Not pieces to further the story or the characters.
Or maybe I'm just jaded by his self-insert character, and I dunno. I read Better Days for a very long time.

I do wish he'd draw more watersports. but that's just personal taste.
Furrynomous 2020/07/03 12:19:38 No.1777525
The only way I'd be interested in seeing Beth get pregnant is if it was with Aron. Anyone else would be pretty much a disappointment.

Though I do wonder. If Fisk had donated to a sperm bank, would she rob the place?
Furrynomous 2020/07/03 14:51:25 No.1777657

Now that I really think about it, how often has Naylor drawn a sex scene with at least two females and one male? I know the last comic had a fantasy scene with two clones, but outside of that I'm kinda stumped. I don't follow Naylor art too closely, but I feel like it's one of the big rarities.
Furrynomous 2020/07/03 15:26:28 No.1777662
That is true. But he has drawn comics with other women spying on or watching a couple having sex. Maybe that's what's going on. I dunno.
Furrynomous 2020/07/03 20:02:18 No.1777746

Can we get back to just posting pages? Please?
Furrynomous 2020/07/03 22:34:01 No.1777850

You're expecting way too much of a naylor thread
Furrynomous 2020/07/03 23:25:39 No.1777933
Yeah. Debating these sorts of things pretty much keeps them alive. Besides, no one was arguing. Just theorizing what might happen next
Furrynomous 2020/07/04 14:02:32 No.1778292
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Let's not beat around the fucking bush here. Naylor is gonna have Beth get knocked up like he's done in every other comic he's made in the last few couple of years. The horse wife got pregnant, the mistress got pregnant, the dog girl got pregnant twice, the tribal girl got pregnant and so many others. What I wanna know is why everyone is so pissed about this being the final decision for this bitch?
Furrynomous 2020/07/04 15:38:46 No.1778359
I'm certainly not upset over her potentially getting pregnant. I'm just curious who she's gonna get pregnant by. Her old flame or a guy over a decade younger than her.
Furrynomous 2020/07/05 00:36:29 No.1778501
They're upset because they always wanted the stereotypical "Short skirt long jacket" girl, and to see her brought low and give into base desire would damage the ideal of "Beth" as a person. It's like throwing a rock at a vase for those people.
Furrynomous 2020/07/05 19:55:37 No.1778906
New pages are out, anyone got em yet?
Furrynomous 2020/07/05 22:51:38 No.1778949
We need a hero who can provide the updates pages.
Furrynomous 2020/07/05 23:03:59 No.1778953
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Furrynomous 2020/07/05 23:04:02 No.1778954
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Furrynomous 2020/07/05 23:04:09 No.1778955
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Furrynomous 2020/07/05 23:04:12 No.1778956
File: forceofnature08_u18chan.jpg - (834.42kb, 2178x3366, forceofnature08.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/07/05 23:04:16 No.1778957
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Furrynomous 2020/07/05 23:04:18 No.1778958
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Furrynomous 2020/07/05 23:22:24 No.1778960
Of course Naylor would end the last page of the update on a cliffhanger....:(
Furrynomous 2020/07/06 01:13:34 No.1778998
File: 20200222_003615_u18chan.jpg - (566.99kb, 788x1200, 20200222_003615.jpg)
Fucking called it with that 3-way! Good shit, but I'm really hoping that cliffhanger isn't gonna leading on to a cheating scene. Otherwise things about to get ugly in here.
Furrynomous 2020/07/06 02:23:00 No.1779008
Knowing Naylor I'm not hopeful of any good story plot here
Furrynomous 2020/07/06 07:56:31 No.1779058
Trixie said earlier that the relationship is "pretty open"
Furrynomous 2020/07/06 12:00:08 No.1779208
Have any of you ever tried NOT getting emotionally attached to porn?
FurryFan 2020/07/06 14:04:33 No.1779252
Weeks ago... I thought there wasn't going to be a threesome and boy was I wrong! LOL!

Pretty good pages though. :)
Furrynomous 2020/07/06 14:14:24 No.1779254
It's a long standing argument, but open relationships immediately fall apart when someone gets knocked up. Like having a mutual understanding that sleeping with other people is okay, but soon as you add a baby to the mix, that's pretty much a deal breaker.
Furrynomous 2020/07/06 15:02:07 No.1779281
What does Ty do again (or are we supposed to find out later)? It better be pretty important to spend months every year away from that sweet Spaniel ass of hers.

Edited at 2020/07/06 17:53:17
FurryFan 2020/07/06 16:34:42 No.1779309

Ohhhh I'm afraid you're right. I'm also afraid that the friendly relationship between Beth and Trixie will be over.... :'( But hey, life is drama.
Furrynomous 2020/07/06 17:38:14 No.1779337
Well look on the bright side, this comic can't get any worse than his other ongoing comic Booke Goes To College.
Furrynomous 2020/07/06 18:17:23 No.1779356
I'm still trying to figure out how Aron is going to play a part in this. Since we're all suspecting that this will boil down to pregnancy or a conflict of interests, I figure that A) Beth reunites with Aron, tells him about the child, then has sex with him before asking him to marry her or B) Trixie gets pissed with Beth sleeping with Ty and decides to sleep with Aron (who has wanted to fuck Trixie anyway).
Furrynomous 2020/07/06 18:40:57 No.1779367
I'm good with either of those happening
Furrynomous 2020/07/06 19:46:50 No.1779401
Trixie gets pissed on*
Furrynomous 2020/07/06 19:48:48 No.1779402
Probably not the first time
Furrynomous 2020/07/07 02:05:11 No.1779523
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You know, I'd feel bad if this comic ends up ruining their relationships here, but looking back at all the comics with Trixie and seeing how she likes to get down, I wouldn't be surprised if she was okay with Ty getting Beth knocked up. Hell, she's taken so many raw dicks, I'm surprised she hasn't gotten pregnant yet after all these years.
Maggie 2020/07/07 04:56:33 No.1779546
Is there like a roadmap to the beginning and all the way here to our current comic
Furrynomous 2020/07/07 10:47:11 No.1779718
I don't even think it's the porn. I've been following Naylor's universe since sometime fairly early in Better Days. When you're following a regular comic you're supposed to get emotionally invested in the characters, no? So it's not a surprise that when he goes messing with canon, especially canon from wayyyy back, that it ruffles some feathers.
Like, "Brooke Goes to College" I couldn't care less about anyone in that story, she could be dead of a heroine overdose.
This feels kinda shitty.
Furrynomous 2020/07/07 17:18:25 No.1779936
I've followed Naylor's work for over a decade. And I used to be consistently impressed. But these days not so much save for the comic Enemy. I wish there was moar of that
Furrynomous 2020/07/07 17:32:02 No.1779944
Say what you will about Jay Naylor and his preachy comics, at least he knows how to draw dicks. Fourskin and all. No "fuck my shit up" skar line.

(Say what you want and all, but you're banned)
Furrynomous 2020/07/08 10:42:35 No.1780313
Is it me or has Jay's line work gotten really thin and scratchy lately? Even completed and in colour, it doesn't look finished.
Furrynomous 2020/07/09 01:55:40 No.1780690
Perhaps he's trying a new style that makes coloring quicker and easier so he can make pages faster?
Furrynomous 2020/07/09 03:24:59 No.1780702

How is this a bannable offense? ... - Genuinely curious, because new to posting <_<
Ketaxis # MOD # 2020/07/09 05:07:58 No.1780727
Because this topic usually goes out of control in any art thread. Especially /gc/. However, anyone is free to discuss that in the Discussion board.
FurryFan 2020/08/02 16:14:26 No.1794452
Any new pages now? And I'm still concern on what will happen in the next pages. Like the ending friendship between Beth and Trixie. :(
Furrynomous 2020/08/02 16:47:36 No.1794478
New pages should be up soon. Calling it now, the BF is totally gonna bust a nut in Beth.
Furrynomous 2020/08/03 03:15:38 No.1794677
Probably. It really wouldn't surprise me if that happened. Gawd if I had the money I'd pay Jay to do some thing where Fisk's daughter invents a time machine and unscrews-up Beth
Furrynomous 2020/08/03 11:06:58 No.1794803
probably wont see that till october though :(
Furrynomous 2020/08/03 11:38:22 No.1794810
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>When you realize he only releases 6 pages a month
Furrynomous 2020/08/04 19:46:48 No.1795511
No new pages yet?
Furrynomous 2020/08/04 19:54:13 No.1795516
Wait until the 5th of this month, dumbasses. He does that all the time.
Furrynomous 2020/08/04 21:26:34 No.1795548
Watch your tone son.
Unsalted-Baked-Potato 2020/08/04 21:48:45 No.1795568
this is a christian site sir
Furrynomous 2020/08/04 23:53:56 No.1795618
I'm gonna say it

H e c c
Furrynomous 2020/08/04 23:59:04 No.1795621
File: ece_u18chan.jpg - (75.84kb, 1000x568, ece.jpg)
You've done it now.
Furrynomous 2020/08/05 01:42:28 No.1795654
All jokes aside though, I'm hoping those pages we're getting tomorrow are hot and not gonna leave me blue balling till next month.
Furrynomous 2020/08/05 04:20:11 No.1795683
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Furrynomous 2020/08/05 15:41:03 No.1796049
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Furrynomous 2020/08/05 15:41:06 No.1796050
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Furrynomous 2020/08/05 15:41:10 No.1796051
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Furrynomous 2020/08/05 15:41:12 No.1796052
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Furrynomous 2020/08/05 15:41:15 No.1796053
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Furrynomous 2020/08/05 15:41:17 No.1796054
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Furrynomous 2020/08/05 17:06:24 No.1796142
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Friendship ended and pregnant Beth
Furrynomous 2020/08/05 17:09:57 No.1796149
more likely trixie and beth will raise the kid together, as they basically live together.
Furrynomous 2020/08/05 19:25:00 No.1796272
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I knew y'all would be mad as hell about these turn of events. We KNEW for a fact Beth was gonna get knocked up since page 1 and the title "Force of Nature" straight up refers to something uncontrollable. We can fault Ty for knowingly blowing a load inside Beth's pussy, but the man has an open relationship. He could've knocked up plenty of girls without Trixie knowing. Y'all can stay mad for a month, but I'll be enjoying what we got here all the way to September.
Furrynomous 2020/08/05 19:47:40 No.1796285
Oddly enough? I think he managed to not impregnate her. Too much detail on her cervix to NOT have any of that spunk going in.
Furrynomous 2020/08/05 20:30:32 No.1796299
what kind of prude brings this shitty rethoric to a porn comic about dog and cat people
Unsalted-Baked-Potato 2020/08/05 21:44:50 No.1796316
Furrynomous 2020/08/06 03:08:29 No.1796418
Technically we saw the sperm. But we didn't see it go to the egg like in Enemy. Jay could still potentially fuck with us by making us all think she's gonna get pregnant. At this point I'm still hanging on to 50/50 for some kind of plot twist like that.
Furrynomous 2020/08/06 10:28:11 No.1796570
So Beth removes her IUD and then immediately lets Trixie's "open relationship" nut in her?
It's funny. Seems like she had more sense than that previously.

I don't know why it bothers me. Maybe it's because a former friend had a guy who claimed to be sterile knock her up and then leave. Not related to the comic, just brains making connections where none exist.
Furrynomous 2020/08/06 16:11:15 No.1796790
I do wonder. If Beth is willing to get pregnant around the age of 43, how is she gonna act as a mother?
Furrynomous 2020/08/06 16:40:57 No.1796804
I wonder why Naylor is allowing her to get pregnant at all. Why now and why with this guy? What's his role gonna be in Beth's life going forward besides being the father.
Furrynomous 2020/08/06 17:19:32 No.1796827

It's because Beth's story needs closure after all these years. Started out as an emo chick that wasn't interested in anyone, hit on Naylor's self insert character (Fisk), started sleeping with other guys after he left for the army and found herself a boyfriend, stayed with him until they broke up on this same nudist colony, got into another relationship with a serious business man and is bow just doing her own thing. Honestly, I think this was just a matter of time.
Furrynomous 2020/08/06 17:42:49 No.1796832
Technically Fisk was already in the army when he and Beth met. And they bonded over running. Which possibly explains her constant need to do it.

But yeah, his not being home much definitely led her to seek satisfaction from other men. And she let go of the one guy who actually wanted a family with her. As far as we know, she is the only one from her college friend group that didn't get married in her 20s. Even Rachel found somebody. Though she admittedly fucked that up pretty bad
Furrynomous 2020/08/06 22:01:44 No.1796989
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Furrynomous 2020/08/07 01:15:21 No.1797113
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I'm getting old watching this go back and forth
LootCat 2020/08/07 03:00:39 No.1797162
Prediction: Beth and Trixie do it again, Ty watches, they enter into a open poly relationship. Beth goes with Ty on his boat, essentially living with him. Trixie stays on nudist island. Trixie has sex with someone else's boyfriend/ husband. Ty and Beth come back a few months or a year later, Beth is pregnant/ has a kid. Trixie is happy for them and they all kiss. The end.

Either way, it's hot.
Furrynomous 2020/08/07 03:13:09 No.1797163
Why would Beth leave with Ty when she's got her own boat? I think it's more likely that either she leaves on her own pregnant, or decides to keep living at the nudist colony like Aron did a decade or so earlier.

Edited at 2020/08/07 03:22:59
Furrynomous 2020/08/07 04:48:16 No.1797182
Either one of these endings will be a horrible way for Beth's story to play out especially if she says at South Haven pregnant.

She could have just did that exact same thing with fucking Aaron; having his kids instead of some random she just met at a sex party who she let nut in her without any protection.

But there is still time in this story for Naylor to pull a got ya on us. This could end up as a "dream" Beth had or some other B.S. explanation so we can't for sure say she is preggers just yet.
Furrynomous 2020/08/07 05:09:04 No.1797188
Honestly I'd be in favor of it being a dream.
Furrynomous 2020/08/07 09:27:03 No.1797264
She'll probably just go to a drug store and get a plan b pill.
Furrynomous 2020/08/07 12:30:40 No.1797320
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Y'all out here really thinking Beth isn't gonna get pregnant by the end of this comic. Naylor has been on a pregnancy streak with all his ladies and comics for the last decade now. She's gonna be pregnant, everyone is gonna be mad, but Naylor still gets paid. Smh.
Furrynomous 2020/08/08 02:01:24 No.1797604
Who wanna guess it ends up just being a Dream?
Furrynomous 2020/08/08 02:59:26 No.1797617
I actually hope it's a dream
LootCat 2020/08/08 13:24:37 No.1797808
Don't forget that Trixie has told Ty all about Beth, apparently, and with how open Beth is about her sexuality maybe Ty aimed it's what she was into. Don't forget the "Boots" comic where Beth was literally used by random guys. Plus with how Beth was talking at the beginning of this comic, I think she's getting old and willing to settle down.

She was young with Aaron, and now she's "old"er, she's probably going to accept being pregnant and take it as a sign to try out motherhood and the unpredictable nature of life was pushing her into that direction. That or get a pregnancy fetish like every other Jay Naylor female. Maybe it is just a dream, making her want to have a child.

All I know is... who cares? They're fictional characters. Next time we see Beth she could be in diapers and only 3 years old, because this is a cartoon character. She could be turned into a duck. Anything can happen... because she's not real.
Furrynomous 2020/08/11 15:43:06 No.1799626
This is probably the best comic he's ever done. Barely any dialogue or plot bullshit. Just really nice sex
Furrynomous 2020/08/11 18:45:07 No.1799668
Just wait.
Furrynomous 2020/08/12 00:42:01 No.1799877
My favorite comic he made is Enemy
Furrynomous 2020/08/12 01:51:12 No.1799918
Inb4 dream sequence and Beth is just pissing the bed
Furrynomous 2020/08/12 04:41:04 No.1799946
Interestingly enough, Naylor had something to say about those pages
"Force of Nature continues on, and I find myself hoping I was able to depict things properly. I'm trying to convey Beth being surprised that she got something she wanted, without an overbearing narrative, but I'm probably going to have to end up adding something like that down the road in future pages anyway. Heavy handed narratives is something I've tried to get away from with recent work, and therefor trying to leave more up to showing and not telling. Let me know if it works."
I suppose it makes sense that he never intended for a "rape" vibe in that sex scene, unfortunately Tumblrinas always see differently and won't agree to explanation.
Furrynomous 2020/08/13 11:32:04 No.1801084
Bad execution overrides good intent. (Really, all he needed to do was one frame with Beth giving Ty consent to better her days. Just show it as a close up of their faces next to each other's, and two words of dialogue: Ty saying Beth's name, Beth saying yes, both implied to be in whispers so Trixie doesn't wake up. Would've been sexy as hell to me...)

...ANYWHO. Taking that Context That Shall Obviously Not Be Discussed Again out of the equation and looking at it with Naylor's intended interpretation of events (is Death of the Author still a thing these days, or did we kill Death?), yes it's sexy as fuck and yes it's some of his better work in that regard.
Furrynomous 2020/08/13 16:03:22 No.1801190
Have they never heard of a plan b pill?
Furrynomous 2020/08/13 16:14:34 No.1801202
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Every basketball team in this thread: The sex was forced and Ty is a rapist.

Naylor: Beth wanted Ty to fuck her

Y'all looking like some real clowns right about now.
Furrynomous 2020/08/13 16:56:50 No.1801220
My opinion on the matter goes like this, and it's the last time I'll say something about it because I'm sure the mods have an itchy (and possibly tasty) trigger finger.

Ty barely knew Beth, from what I can tell, so there's no way he could've known for sure that she wanted him to fuck her. People in committed relationships can have "assumed" consent, wherein don't need to explicitly ask for consent each time they fuck. But for people who aren't in such relationships, consent should be clear, enthusiastic, and ongoing throughout a sexual encounter.

Is Ty a rapist? If we take Naylor at his word, no. Beth and Ty both wanted it; no harm, no foul. But it's still a little bit creepy -- to me, at least, and my opinion isn't an objective interpretation of anything -- that Ty would fuck Beth out of the blue without asking for permission to lance her cannon.
Furrynomous 2020/08/13 20:53:14 No.1801343
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Furrynomous 2020/08/13 21:30:26 No.1801351
Oh look, an inverted Nightshade situation.
Furrynomous 2020/08/13 21:54:34 No.1801356
In the very same page that Beth sees Ty for the first time, she spends it hard-staring at his cock. Then they're banging in a threesome. On page 8, she's masturbating to watching him fuck her friend. Pretty sure Beth's lust for Ty was no hard to pick up on. Lastly, Beth's just bi-curious. Possibly hedging on pansexual. She still prefers dick. Ty knows this. Page 5 "I told you about her."
Furrynomous 2020/08/14 01:36:59 No.1801424

Gonna play Devil's Advocate here, as I don't think 'rape' happened, but I will say there's decidedly creepy undertone. Like why wait for Trixie to be asleep, then wake Beth up for it? Why not just have a threesome? It isn't helped that we have zero exchange between Beth and Ty before the sex scene...

Definitely not a rape IMO, but there's a definite creep factor at work... the hand over the mouth, while not to stop Beth screaming, does feel like a "don't wake Trixie"...
Furrynomous 2020/08/14 02:37:43 No.1801438

I wouldn't mix Kadath and Naylor.
Sxcbeast 2020/08/14 04:59:31 No.1801479
I think Jay didn't do a good job on emphasizing Ty's big dick. From Beth's reaction in when she first sees him in the second page, to her reaction when he sticks it in, makes me think he has a huge cock and not just a regular big one.

But the sex doesn't really show it that well imo. I didn't like the black background on the creampie. But I think that's to emphasize Beth's fixation on being filled with his cum.

Edited at 2020/08/14 05:00:44
Furrynomous 2020/08/14 05:12:49 No.1801486

So began the flame war to end all flame wars. When the dust settled, there were no comments sections left.
What the hecl 2020/08/14 06:41:08 No.1801513
I swear that she will end up in a relationship with him as well and completely forget that she is supposed to be lesbian. From now on she will carve his dick anytime and only want him no female.
If that happens I will flip my table -.-
Furrynomous 2020/08/14 08:57:51 No.1801539
Nobody fucking denied Beth gave consent, that was loud and fucking clear. It's as if you guys all lose the ability to properly read once you see a word (consent) that does not align to your tribal internet war mindset.
Furrynomous 2020/08/14 13:10:14 No.1801637
??? Beth was never a lesbian.
She dated guys (And toys lol) exclusively first but was later bi-curious along with Trixie after Trixie said she was about to do something stupid and should probably be stopped (A.k.a kiss her, which Beth doesn't stop). There's a reason the inbetween comic for that bit had "Straight Girls" in the title... granted that title was sarcastic. You must've not read Better Days of the comic that took place inbetween where they fooled around. Idk where you got the idea that Beth was lesbian as Naylor's been drawing her having sex with guys all the time ever since he created her and the only girl she fucks is Trixie.

Edited at 2020/08/14 13:28:22
Furrynomous 2020/08/14 13:15:27 No.1801641
Beth dated only guys until the Straight Girls Kissing in the Shower Comic. Both she and Trixie became bi around that time, but I don't think either of them dated other women
Furrynomous 2020/08/14 13:51:56 No.1801652

She was purely straight until Trixie, and never had romantic feelings for Trixie. What/where did you get your strange head canon from?
Furrynomous 2020/08/14 16:54:57 No.1801762
Honestly, the biggest issue I find here is that Ty just assumed that Beth was down to fuck him. Regardless that Beth then went on to consent, the problem is his apparent assumption of her consent before getting it outright from her. Just because she was cool with Trixie doesn't suddenly give him the go-ahead to move on her. I frankly think that's a poor image to give us if we're meant to assume that Ty is "safe". It's not rape in the strictest sense, but it's still certainly something that should have been hashed out by the two ahead of time. Kinda sends a bit of a weird message.
Furrynomous 2020/08/14 17:11:39 No.1801768

Prior discussions. Hard staring. Arranged weekend. Gangbang. She WAS down to fuck him, artist even said so.

It's like none of you have ever driven half a day for a pre-arranged fuckfest/fuck-buddy weekend. I do -NOT- want Naylor wasting a page on Beth+Trixie="He's going to rail my holes, right?" It'd be like the impregnation fetishists demand that he include the comic pages where Beth's IUD is removed. Pointless waste of time in a porn comic. "Your IUD is out?" replaced the need for that page. The dick hard stare and the "Yes" from Beth replaced awkward-duck consent talk. Can we PLEASE move on?
Furrynomous 2020/08/14 21:03:58 No.1801894
Lol why the hell did I turn fap mode off?

What a bunch of autists.

Edited at 2020/08/14 21:04:11
Furrynomous 2020/08/15 21:39:18 No.1802409
guys everyone relax, this will end up as a dream of Beth getting knocked u, then wake up angry or something to finally add in that sweet sweet trend of these comics, then she stares outside and monologue about finally settling down, we've seen this before with Samantha, but then Beth will be in the process of finding someone actually worth staying with. Maybe it will even have Aron or Trixie appearing in it to make her talk and stuff that she remembers them and watches them grow as characters, you know how it goes
Furrynomous 2020/08/19 01:24:54 No.1803899
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Furrynomous 2020/08/19 01:30:30 No.1803905
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Furrynomous 2020/08/19 09:23:25 No.1804015
When did his hair get so long? I feel like I missed something.
Furrynomous 2020/08/19 11:57:23 No.1804051
Maybe being surrounded by women is turning him in to a woman
Furrynomous 2020/08/19 12:07:35 No.1804053
relax, it's all a dream, how would you know? nobody is dialoguing during sex and having some deep drama thoughts after, Beth's gonna wake up thinking was it a dream, see all her old friends settling down, she gets jealous, has sex with so many strangers like a samantha style impregnation out of spite to get herself knocked up officially, probably have a decision to abort the child then decides in the end to not abort it then end, that's how 'deep' these stories goes, like a drama sexfest
Furrynomous 2020/08/19 20:30:57 No.1804250
I wonder what Beth would think if she were to see Aron now?
Furrynomous 2020/08/19 23:46:02 No.1804309
His hair has always been long. He usually wears it in a ponytail though.
Furrynomous 2020/08/19 23:59:01 No.1804311
Ah !
Furrynomous 2020/09/02 11:19:05 No.1811318
new pages?
Furrynomous 2020/09/02 13:29:40 No.1811378

New pages come out in three days and release regularly on the 5th of every month.
Furrynomous 2020/09/02 14:18:34 No.1811432
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Placing my bet for the new pages on Sep 5:
-Breakfast with everyone
-More sex between Beth and Ty
-Shot of the sperm entering the egg
-Dramatic shot of Trixie realizing what happened

(You where banned for not macroing your picture, don’t forget to macro your post )
Furrynomous 2020/09/04 21:35:48 No.1812717
Patiently waiting on those new pages...
Furrynomous 2020/09/05 09:14:17 No.1812860
Will Beth get pregnant? Will Trixie and her still be friends? Stay tuned
Furrynomous 2020/09/05 10:00:02 No.1812864
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Furrynomous 2020/09/05 10:00:10 No.1812865
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Furrynomous 2020/09/05 10:00:12 No.1812866
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Furrynomous 2020/09/05 10:00:15 No.1812867
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Furrynomous 2020/09/05 10:00:21 No.1812868
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Furrynomous 2020/09/05 10:00:23 No.1812869
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Furrynomous 2020/09/05 12:32:24 No.1812920
Furrynomous 2020/09/05 12:53:56 No.1812931

Man if I had a nickel every time Naylor uses some alpha-chad puma as a self-insert..
Furrynomous 2020/09/05 13:12:38 No.1812944
i though fisk was his self insert?
Furrynomous 2020/09/05 14:52:28 No.1812972

I called it again! Knew Ty was gonna tap that pussy a second time. Sucks about the possible falling out relationship, but that might just be post nut clarity.
Furrynomous 2020/09/05 16:10:24 No.1813000
So Trixie is starting to like being cucked?
Furrynomous 2020/09/05 16:50:59 No.1813009
Cuckquean would be a first from Naylor but I doubt it.
She seems to be deflecting being a jealous type, despite the whole "He's actually quite a jerk" thing she gave to Beth clearly comes off as her trying to push Beth away from Ty. Like that's a classic tactic/trope.

I'm interested in seeing the fallout, if there is one. As weird as it'll sound I hope there is one.

Edited at 2020/09/05 16:52:39
Furrynomous 2020/09/05 17:42:35 No.1813031

Going to bet that this turn-on will lead to her bumping immediately into Aron while she's out. Naylor mentioned at the start of this that he'd be involved in the plot but I don't think he elaborated - this will probably be a jealousy-fuck-turned-knocked-up as a callback to the Aron comic where he daydreams about banging her.
Furrynomous 2020/09/05 17:59:42 No.1813040
I won't say that Beth's self destructive taste in men isn't hot as fuck. But Trixie needs better friends.
Furrynomous 2020/09/05 19:07:07 No.1813057
Huh. I just figured Trixie might start liking being cucked because she seemed to get wet while talking to herself about Ty and Beth fucking while jealous and in denial.
Furrynomous 2020/09/05 19:49:52 No.1813067
Is this gonna end up being one of those comics where they try to use two wrongs to make a right?
Not the first time we seen this puma Nothing new 2020/09/05 21:14:01 No.1813087
This is kind of the origin story of her meeting this puma. WE HAVE SEEN THIS PUMA BEFORE and how he basicly treats beth as pet.
Furrynomous 2020/09/05 22:07:27 No.1813099

If you mean the dude from 'Her Type' and 'Beth Leashed', no it's not. That dude is called Andrew, not Ty. Same species, different dudes.
Furrynomous 2020/09/06 12:57:26 No.1813287
Bitch Ty looks nothing like the dude from "Her Type", the hair should make that obvious.

Edited at 2020/09/06 12:57:44
Furrynomous 2020/09/10 04:48:20 No.1814935
imminent rimjob coming
Furrynomous 2020/09/10 11:32:02 No.1815030
This might end with Trixie getting jealous, invites Aron to get revenge sex against Beth and Ty, gets knocked up by Aron, then Beth learns about it, months after, they're both pregnant not knowing if they'll still be friends, but makes up and become friends again with their children being friends

Or its just gonna end with Beth pregnant and Trixie being cucked

or Beth is pregnant with Ty, but fucks Aron and makes Aron think it's his child
Furrynomous 2020/09/11 14:04:49 No.1815460

All that is too much logical for Naylor. What'll probably happen is

> Beth gets pregnant
> Trixie gets jealous about her with Ty
> Reconciliation threesome
> Cut to some months later
> Beth be like "I'm a independent single mother" and decides to settle down in nude city
> Some BS about Ty saying "Thank God she decided to take care of the baby alone, I'm a free man and I can't have kids holding me down, but I'm not of a butthole enough to ask for a abortion"
Furrynomous 2020/09/11 18:00:15 No.1815579
File: HornyGoth_u18chan.png - (896.74kb, 1280x829, Horny Goth.png)

Furrynomous 2020/09/11 19:57:15 No.1815625
so puma guy is basically and "alpha chad"
Furrynomous 2020/09/11 21:07:01 No.1815646
More like an Alpha Richard
Furrynomous 2020/09/11 23:33:00 No.1815710
If this story ends with Beth x Ty and Trixie x Aron, I can't tell if that's considered the good ending or bad ending.
Furrynomous 2020/09/12 00:32:39 No.1815720
its jay naylor, how many personalities do you think he actually writes?
Furrynomous 2020/09/12 00:42:58 No.1815725
its jay naylor, how many personalities do you think he actually writes?

1: Chad
2: Femboy Bisexual
3: Cuck
4: Basic slutty girl 1
5: Basic slutty girl 2
Furrynomous 2020/09/12 04:46:51 No.1815796

HAAHAHAHAAA! Now that was funny!
Furrynomous 2020/09/12 06:26:23 No.1815818

Pretty spot on.. let's see if we can go further..

1: Philosophically Politically enlightened Chad/Stoic Chad
2: Femboy Bisexual/Cuck turned Femboy bisexual (sometimes becomes a chad femboy when he embraces his natural role ala Mikey)
3: Bitchy Cuck/Unfortunate Cuck
4: Bubbly Basic slutty girl 1
5: Stoic/Craven Basic slutty girl 2
6. Le Strawman
7. Bitter Rival (usually female)

Sometimes you get plot-device side character that's only purpose is to make the 'main character' have a problem to overcome. This was more in Better Days with a little bit in Original Life.

Parental figures constantly nag or fall into 50s-style tropes. Friends of characters are often flaky or forgettable aside from one-liners, side characters are often played up and hyper-exaggerated (i.e. the 'black' character is stereotypically over the top.)
Furrynomous 2020/09/12 06:27:10 No.1815819
Aron and Tommy don't apply and non-ironically they are by far his least annoying/best (male) characters.
Furrynomous 2020/09/12 12:03:44 No.1815888
Yeah, that's what I am hoping for the most right now, in one of the Q&As she did mention that she might end up staying.

What if Beth not only stays, but raises the kid(s) there with Trixie? But thr threesome idea is probably the one I think is possible.


All that is too much logical for Naylor. What'll probably happen is

> Beth gets pregnant
> Trixie gets jealous about her with Ty
> Reconciliation threesome
> Cut to some months later
> Beth be like "I'm a independent single mother" and decides to settle down in nude city
> Some BS about Ty saying "Thank God she decided to take care of the baby alone, I'm a free man and I can't have kids holding me down, but I'm not of a butthole enough to ask for a abortion"
Furrynomous 2020/09/12 15:10:33 No.1815934

Where does Elizabeth fall into those categories?
Furrynomous 2020/09/12 15:19:00 No.1815936

Naylor doesn't do impreg stuff with Beth, she has to be a free horny 40something that is basically a fem-version of Fisk with the body of an anorexic 15 year old goth.

There will be little conclusion other then them deciding to share Ty/Aron (if supposedly he comes into play to fuck Trixie). With Ty leaving as quickly as he came.
Furrynomous 2020/09/12 16:10:59 No.1815947
What if Beth and Trixie just decide to be duo moms when Ty isn't around?
Furrynomous 2020/09/12 23:39:33 No.1816136
File: aron09_0_u18chan.jpg - (171.86kb, 891x1188, aron09.jpg)
>Don't apply
>Least annoying

Dude we already covered philosophically enlightened chad
Furrynomous 2020/09/12 23:41:54 No.1816137
Yeah with the Track Record, It's really boring if Beth just turned into Samantha 2.0 with impregnation in like 4 comics and never seen with kids in future stuff
Furrynomous 2020/09/12 23:45:27 No.1816139
I mean this is obviously all of Naylor's own personal fetishes about him getting older and is now making fantasies of older looking bodies, and trying to ingrain them into his characters also getting old. It's his comics in the end

The thing I don't like is I don't want characters ending up like "Function vs Function" (Function x Function) where characters don't apply anymore, if you remove their fur color we couldn't tell who the character is anymore with how they're just fetish trope characters
banging other fetish trope characters
Furrynomous 2020/09/13 01:23:15 No.1816158

Aron: I dont care about extra pounds
Also Aron: Some men prefer extra pounds but I never understood that.
Also Also Aron: 300LB women r gross

Great writing there Naylor.
Furrynomous 2020/09/13 04:36:27 No.1816185
Not to defend Naylors writing, but he didn't contradict himself once here if that's what you're implying.
And i agree with everything being said there.
Furrynomous 2020/09/13 09:17:13 No.1816239
Pretty much anyone over 300lbs looks gross. I think there's a huge difference between anyone with a muffin top and someone that looks like Jabba the Hutt.
Furrynomous 2020/09/13 12:32:48 No.1816323
yeah he aint wrong, look at ssbbw, suprised those cows dont have a heart attack after their first orgasm XD
Furrynomous 2020/09/13 14:56:08 No.1816376
There is a massivie difference between a woman that has slightly more weight and somebody that is obese.
People who are obese are disgusting for almost everyone. Kinda like basketball team
Furrynomous 2020/09/14 00:00:03 No.1816547
I imagine this.

Ty knocks Beth up. (This one's inevitable, the Chekov's IUD was made obvious.) Beth accepts having the kid, but Ty doesn't hang around because he's a wanderer and can't be tied down and all that baloney.

Aron stops in. Beth now sees that a) becoming a mother is what she actually wants and b) Ty has demonstrated that being a rover and a slut is bad, so they get back together and live sappily ever after.

Beth and Aron are now out of the canon forever, maybe Trixie too. The End.
Furrynomous 2020/09/14 04:15:42 No.1816610
(Sad trombone plays)
Furrynomous 2020/09/14 15:47:28 No.1816816
File: 2019.08.25jn-Bethvoyeur_u18chan.jpg - (1.14mb, 2451x1587, [2019.08.25] jn-Bethvoyeur.jpg)
Found all the pieces featuring Beth and Ty together that Naylor put out before coming out with the full comic.

Hopefully these can help tide us all over before the next batch of pages comes out.
Furrynomous 2020/09/14 15:47:31 No.1816817
File: 2019.10.03jn-BethTy-sktch_u18chan.jpg - (1.02mb, 2111x1226, [2019.10.03] jn-BethTy-sktch.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/09/14 15:47:34 No.1816818
File: 2019.10.28jn-BethTy_u18chan.jpg - (1006.63kb, 1538x1911, [2019.10.28] jn-BethTy.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/09/14 15:47:36 No.1816819
File: 2019.11.17jn-BethTy2-sktch_u18chan.jpg - (531.93kb, 929x1144, [2019.11.17] jn-BethTy2-sktch.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/09/14 15:47:39 No.1816820
File: 2019.12.12jn-BethTy3-sktch_u18chan.jpg - (777.59kb, 1452x1298, [2019.12.12] jn-BethTy3-sktch.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/09/14 15:47:43 No.1816821
File: 2020.01.25jn-Bethwarmup1_u18chan.jpg - (644.15kb, 1422x2090, [2020.01.25] jn-Bethwarmup1.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/09/14 15:47:46 No.1816822
File: 2020.01.28jn-Bethwarmup2_u18chan.jpg - (610.26kb, 1746x1454, [2020.01.28] jn-Bethwarmup2.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/09/14 17:58:02 No.1816865
Wow Jay has been planning this coupling for a while
Furrynomous 2020/09/14 18:05:20 No.1816870
Ya know, I bet the reason Beth likes Ty so much is because he's like a younger version of her. She's basically a boat living nomad nymphomaniac health nut, just like he is. Aron left her because he was sick of that life. She's been looking for an excuse to validify why she's still doing it a decade after Aron left. And to her, Ty is that excuse. And he may be seeing her the same way.
Furrynomous 2020/09/14 18:41:15 No.1816880
You know what. I like your theory, because it makes a lot of sense to her character.
Furrynomous 2020/09/14 21:59:48 No.1816960
Naylor straight up screwing Trixie over for Beth & Ty (plus one). That is so fucked up, but I can't stop laughing.
Furrynomous 2020/09/14 22:43:31 No.1816977
I think whatever happens to any characters here deserve what they get

If Ty ends up being single because every girl will leave him for his nomadic lifestyle and knocking up women just for the fun of it, then he'll be down with that rather than being a father, he's the type like in those other naylor comics where the stronger hotter guy always ends up alone while the guy who's into the married life gets the girl

Just really meh if Beth is just going to be Samantha 2.0. Naylor is kinda obviously tired of Samantha stories of her getting knocked up where it's boring him already and wanted a more long term character than slut who wants to get knocked up every comic

Trixie knowing what's happening and deciding not to do anything, It'll be cringy for her to end up as cuck to the story
Furrynomous 2020/09/15 05:30:57 No.1817123
Either way I think Ty and Beth are so drawn to each other because they are so alike. In truth I hope Trixie does dump him for someone better. Be that Aron or someone else.
Furrynomous 2020/09/15 12:52:35 No.1817236
Can Naylor draw males with any expression other than detached, half-lidded boredom?
Furrynomous 2020/09/15 16:42:44 No.1817335

Yeah. He can also draw them as crazy and obsessed
Furrynomous 2020/09/15 18:26:09 No.1817378

Naylor's old art style was much more appealing then his current one.

I think it peaked at Girly and has been downhill since.


Man Beth literally has *no* curves what so ever. She looks like she could easily be a transwoman with that rectangular of a body.
I've seen femboys with more hips then this.

So no curves, no tits, no ass.. what is appealing about this again?
Furrynomous 2020/09/15 20:45:55 No.1817436
There are some women that just don't have curves. Square torso and narrow waist is not exactly a mythical thing on a chick, people just expect females to have curves and thus they get baffled seeing one that just simply doesn't have any IG.
Furrynomous 2020/09/15 23:06:49 No.1817496
Well honestly Trixie is in my top ten of Naylor comic girls I like. Elizabeth is number 1, Sissy is number 2, Bobby is number 3, The woman from Honeypot is number 4, Trixie is number 5, Lucy is number 6, Rachel is number 7, the wolf girl from Enemy is number 8, the teacher from Brooke Goes To College is number 9, and Samantha is 10.
Furrynomous 2020/09/15 23:13:48 No.1817501

This again?

Jay, you're a 40-something single guy, stop trying to 'subliminally' tell guys and gals how to behave and just draw girls with amazing looking butts and stuff.

It's getting old now. Like you Jay.
Furrynomous 2020/09/16 03:15:12 No.1817572
I feel like at this point in a furry porn artist's life, what else can you really do with your ladies after a decade long story? For Jay it feels like pregnancy is an end game/conclusion, but he brings some back anyways for a round 2 or 3. His MC/self insert knocked up his wife (who divorced her 1st husband after cheating on him), Breeding Bobby had pregnancy (also cheating with twins), Red Riding Hood had pregnancy, Mary Anne got pregnant, The Mistress got pregnant, The Horse wife got pregnant (after strange time traveling from a voodoo woman), there was a whole cucking comic with pregnancy, Samantha got pregnant, That warrior girl girl got pregnant from a human hunter, That hispanic girl got pregnant with a black dog (cucking that Paco guy that used to like Mary Anne) and finally Beth is gonna get pregnant. Might have missed a lot more, but this is basically what Naylor has been doing for years. Can't even tell if it's a happy ending considering how many times he throws in cheating.
Furrynomous 2020/09/16 13:07:20 No.1817699
>I've seen femboys with more hips than this
Like, in a drawing?
Furrynomous 2020/09/17 17:01:18 No.1818404
File: Screen_Shot_2020-09-17_at_16.55.14_u18chan.png - (1.79mb, 1536x1068, Screen_Shot_2020-09-17_at_16.55.14.png)
A WIP screenshot for a future comic page included in a general update from the artist.
Furrynomous 2020/10/02 22:09:01 No.1825734
We're getting our next couple of pages on Monday the 5th, so I wanna try and guess what we're getting.

-Beth gives Ty a blowjob (maybe with a cumshot)
-Ty and Beth start fucking on the boat
-Trixie takes a break from running because she's too hot and bothered
-Aaron runs into Trixie and she suddenly makes out with him, leading into sex in November's pages
Furrynomous 2020/10/03 09:28:07 No.1825984

Damn. Trixie getting cucked by her best friend still feels dirty, man.

Edited at 2020/10/03 09:28:30
Furrynomous 2020/10/04 03:07:56 No.1826304
ugh is it gonna end in double impregnation with Trixie and Beth's Ex, and Beth and Ty

It's like if you wanna survive in naylor world make sure to get some bitch as your first gf because eventually you'll cheat on her with your own true love
Furrynomous 2020/10/04 09:32:44 No.1826374
I think what really makes this comic feel like a slap to the face is the fact Naylor had no reason for screwing over Trixie. Sure getting her involved with Beth's decision to finally get knocked up makes the comic hotter to read and jack off to, but he literally could have set Beth up with any other alpha or beta schmuck. For the longest time, Trixie felt like one of Naylor's only golden girls that he wouldn't dare make miserable. Then when he finally decides to make another one his girls pregnant, he drags her along with this cheating bullshit and probably planned on having her get pregnant too. I'm still planning on busting a fat nut when those new pages come out, but I'm gonna do it furiously.
Furrynomous 2020/10/04 11:19:19 No.1826432
oh dont worry once beths freaking pregnant like samantha there will be bucket loads

but beth turning into generic Samantha clone with a more personal attack just removes her uniqueness other than she's older 40s and wants younger guys

maybe beth would get a bigger finale comic with her finally a mother then ty cheats on her and leaves her with the children, giving her the miserable ending that she deserves melodrama naylor loves doing
Furrynomous 2020/10/04 17:37:30 No.1826529
Im picturing Aaron showing up in the next few pages and trixie revenge fucks him to get back at beth.
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 04:11:34 No.1826736
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 05:19:48 No.1826743
What if Beth discovers she's infertile?
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 08:55:47 No.1826880
beth being infertile would be a weird thing given it's shown Ty's sperm went inside one of her eggs, but a stillbirth would be too much

if beth do end up infertile, it would cement her as alone, cold and barren, she'll try stealing men from younger girls then ultimately end up alone with no one left with her cold pussy no one wants to fuck given she'll be too old

but given the writing, beth is the force of nature, wreaking havor on everyone's lives, she'll affect, ty, trixie, and whatever aron is doing and whoever aron is dating
FURRRY 2020/10/05 09:52:35 No.1826905
File: download_17_u18chan.jpeg - (9.94kb, 256x197, download.jpeg)
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 10:07:38 No.1826909
I don't think Naylor can imagine an infertile woman, or a woman that hates being spunked in.
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 10:47:58 No.1826922
Aaron and Trixie gon fuck.
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 12:19:22 No.1826960
Wait a minute... Ty's sperm never found an egg did it? It only showed his sperm trying to find one.

It can still happen in their future sex, but it can also lead to different stories
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 12:26:38 No.1826963
Just wait for the damn pages to be uploaded in the next few hours today! Shit!
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 13:56:40 No.1827015
Hopefully soon, I have a massive nut to bust.
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 13:57:49 No.1827017
File: i01_forceofnature23_u18chan.jpg - (2.05mb, 2178x3366, i01_forceofnature23.jpg)

Furrynomous 2020/10/05 13:57:52 No.1827018
File: i01_forceofnature24_u18chan.jpg - (2.33mb, 2178x3366, i01_forceofnature24.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 13:57:55 No.1827019
File: i01_forceofnature25_u18chan.jpg - (2.61mb, 2178x3366, i01_forceofnature25.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 13:57:57 No.1827020
File: i01_forceofnature26_u18chan.jpg - (1.98mb, 2178x3366, i01_forceofnature26.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 13:58:00 No.1827021
File: i01_forceofnature27_u18chan.jpg - (2.11mb, 2178x3366, i01_forceofnature27.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 13:58:03 No.1827022
File: i01_forceofnature28_u18chan.jpg - (2.55mb, 2178x3366, i01_forceofnature28.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 14:10:50 No.1827042
Saw that coming a mile away.
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 15:11:35 No.1827159
We all saw it coming. We knew he was cumming. I most certainly was too. Enjoy your loads till next month, lads!
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 15:20:16 No.1827177
File: EPozl2DX4AEcL9a.jpeg_u18chan.jpg - (209.35kb, 2048x1158, EPozl2DX4AEcL9a.jpeg.jpg)
Bonus: Some art off Jay's art account on Twitter
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 15:20:20 No.1827178
File: EOCkiNXWsAAB8zJ.jpeg_u18chan.jpg - (684.13kb, 1234x1633, EOCkiNXWsAAB8zJ.jpeg.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 15:25:11 No.1827179

From the 6th post:
>"You got your IUD out?"

>Beth is so getting pregnant

Edited at 2020/10/05 15:25:35
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 15:34:24 No.1827184
I'm ready for pregnant Beth, only one more month until we get to see it
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 17:01:09 No.1827228
File: YOU_KNOW_FUCK_ALL_JON_SNOW_u18chan.jpg - (102.4kb, 490x368, YOU_KNOW_FUCK_ALL_JON_SNOW.jpg)
I wanna see some Aaron x Audrey again.
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 18:36:11 No.1827259
is that some shit on her tongue?
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 18:41:44 No.1827260
you trippin
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 18:42:47 No.1827261
Eating the ass of a straight man who has never had his ass eaten before and he didn't know it was going to happen

I'm not going to be able to get that image out of my head for the rest of my life
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 20:08:02 No.1827286
Definitely ready for Aron and trixie to fuck.
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 21:02:43 No.1827312
With the way Naylor is drawing Ty in this comic and with that great body of Trixie, I would have taken a no-plot 40-page comic of Ty just drilling those amazing hips of hers from start to finish. After waiting all that time to get her though, Aron is going to go absolutely insane on those said hips himself. Which is fine too.
Sxcbeast 2020/10/05 21:28:31 No.1827319
I forgot about Beth being so afraid of getting close to anyone, that she forgone any attempt to be in a relationship; just to avoid the pain of losing someone she loves.

I guess she's grown beyond that fear and maybe has fetishsized it to where a guy like Ty is her ideal NSA relationship?
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 21:43:28 No.1827325

Beth calling Ty "NAYHHH", she accidentally tried calling him with his real name Naylor, we're seeing how much amazing naylor is in his self insert alpha male stud chad with the virgin aron fucking his less hot gf
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 23:20:38 No.1827367
The "Nyaa" thing and variants is something the dude's done with Beth for a good while, don't look deep into it.

Edited at 2020/10/05 23:24:11
Furrynomous 2020/10/06 02:44:11 No.1827401
The fuck is this? A pic for ants?
Furrynomous 2020/10/06 10:48:06 No.1827522
File: tumblr_m4qjjnlITs1r3pwvzo1_1280_u18chan.png - (336.31kb, 648x864, tumblr_m4qjjnlITs1r3pwvzo1_1280.png)
Well so much for my phone being "smart".
Furrynomous 2020/10/06 10:53:08 No.1827526
File: tumblr_m4kyhsj71z1r3pwvzo1_1280_u18chan.jpg - (158.04kb, 648x864, tumblr_m4kyhsj71z1r3pwvzo1_1280.jpg)
Yea, that's been a long time coming.
Hope it ends in a foursome with Beth not knowing who the daddy is~
Furrynomous 2020/10/06 12:42:15 No.1827560

Edited at 2020/10/06 12:43:59
Furrynomous 2020/10/06 12:43:31 No.1827561
Arron has been waiting for YEARS to bust that nut in Trixie. Sad that it took her boyfriend knocking up her best friend for that to happen.
Furrynomous 2020/10/06 18:20:47 No.1827716
I wish we'd seen more of Trixie and Ty to really care tbh. Sure there was a comic but there wasn't exactly much on them otherwise.
Even nowadays Naylor draws Ty with Beth than him with his actual girlfriend, open or not. I can't be bothered to care because at this point he's clearly more interested in getting Beth with Ty through the usual NTR way rather than simply actually including her in the relationship.
Furrynomous 2020/10/06 23:07:14 No.1827839
Is Naylor incapable of writing male characters that aren't huge assholes or alpha self inserts that he'll never ever be?
Furrynomous 2020/10/07 04:40:41 No.1827979

Trust me, you don't want to go down the rabbit hole of what Jay Naylor believes men and woman should be.

Lets just say Naylor thinks cave-man-clubbing-woman-drag-off is the pinnacle of interaction between genders, and just try to fap.
Furrynomous 2020/10/07 15:14:32 No.1828236
I was going to bring up the femboys but you are right, let's just not.
Furrynomous 2020/10/07 17:01:25 No.1828276
There are literally videos on this man's work that'll paint a clear picture for you:
Furrynomous 2020/10/07 17:02:06 No.1828277
This one too:
Furrynomous 2020/10/08 03:43:30 No.1828466
Holy shit! And I liked Better Days....until I saw that video. Now I'm just gonna be reminded of all that any time I see it
Furrynomous 2020/10/12 22:41:12 No.1830621
A point that might be overlooked is that this dude is only around for a few months of the year and instead of spending time with his GF he's spending it fucking his GF's friend. I think this is less commentary on open relationships and moreso this guy is clearly an asshole.
Furrynomous 2020/10/13 00:36:32 No.1830675
Pffffff, caring what talking heads think. fap and be happy.
Furrynomous 2020/10/13 01:02:35 No.1830680
I'll fap when Aron finally bones Trixie, or when No Nut November is over.... Whichever comes first.
Loleksy 2020/10/13 12:37:59 No.1830862
You will, mate, I guarantee it
Furrynomous 2020/10/13 13:16:57 No.1830869
Yeah he's an asshole no doubt, but jealousy has no place in a FWB relation, especially when you already had a threesome before and most especially when you live in the Naylorverse where unspoken social norms and rules of consent are non-existant.
Furrynomous 2020/10/16 22:20:09 No.1832951
File: jn-Ty_u18chan.jpg - (1.2mb, 2178x3366, jn-Ty.jpg)

> instead of spending time with his GF he's spending it fucking his GF's friend.

Well...yeah. From the beginning we knew he'd be a sucker for new pussy.
Furrynomous 2020/10/17 03:30:31 No.1833050
He's also a sucker for mature pussy, apparently
Furrynomous 2020/10/18 09:51:35 No.1833623
"Can seem callous."
Furrynomous 2020/10/18 12:22:19 No.1833700

Yep. Unintentionally being an asshole is still being an asshole.
Furrynomous 2020/10/18 13:40:00 No.1833725
Causal drug use. What drugs is he taking?
Furrynomous 2020/10/18 15:27:17 No.1833776

Crack, meth, heroin. But casually.
Furrynomous 2020/10/18 19:57:50 No.1833853
Sounds like he's breaking bad in bed
Furrynomous 2020/10/19 03:18:01 No.1834003
casual drug use implies there is ranked competitive drug use
Furrynomous 2020/10/19 05:42:04 No.1834032

Ayn Rand.
Furrynomous 2020/10/19 09:22:33 No.1834062
Guess Ty's a perfect father for Beth's future bastard when she's ultimately left alone later, Beth's an asshole anyways

People get what they deserve but only applies if you're a woman in naylorverse
Furrynomous 2020/10/19 13:43:16 No.1834161
Naylor doesn't write about bad men, generally speaking. No hobos, crack dealers, child support dodgers.

So sure, you can say he only picks on women... but in reality, he has much higher conduct standards for the male characters. Anything beneath those standards is unfuckable and thus, not to be featured in an adult comic.

Mike had to man-up before he was allowed to knock up Samantha. That mouse boy's baby is a footnote after he became a cuckboy in marital aid, so he was basically downgraded.

Nothing is worse, in the natural order of things, than being unable to pass on your genes. So at least in Naylor world, even fucked up skanks like Sissy have intrinsic value. She was even saved from an overdose death because Naylor just can't do that to a woman.

Benevolent sexism.
Furrynomous 2020/10/19 14:12:17 No.1834185
Please tell me i'm not the only one who thinks this character actually looks silly as hell? Why the blond Adolf haircut? He did it on the equally dumb looking dalmatian character aswel, it just looks so retarded.
Furrynomous 2020/10/19 17:09:57 No.1834348
We've still got 3 weeks until the next few pages, so I'll keep my thoughts brief. I'm perfectly okay with Beth getting pregnant given that's inevitable with Jay Naylor women. However, I am not okay with the fact that the guy she was set up with since 2019 was Trixie's boyfriend. He could have had Ty be just some dude she met after leaving her last man, but making it someone who could literally end up breaking up a close friendship feels really low.
Furrynomous 2020/10/20 15:22:06 No.1834752

What about the abusive rapist principal from Fisk and Lucy's school?
Furrynomous 2020/10/20 18:27:55 No.1834820
File: maritalaid01_textless_0_u18chan.jpg - (405.85kb, 891x1188, maritalaid01_textless.jpg)

Are you kidding me?

Naylor has done a creeper/stalker in a comic featuring Trixie before. He frequently dunks on Marley for being a degenrate basement dwelling porn addict gamer, any fat guys are constantly consider 'less than' or simply not enlightened unless they embrace objectivism (Thanks Muffin arc from Original Life) and/or get fit (Again Original Life, same kid), there are many black-stereotype gangsters as well. He dislikes lefty/philsophical/hippie types as well or only plays into the depraved sexual addict side of that.

He has done plenty of 'bad guys' for Fisk to kill, various terrorists, mafia/human trafficer types and of course many many sexual deviants running various sex-rings.

I think also there is something to be said about the Muslim hyena who diddled his own daughter (Nikki from Better Days), the devout Christian preacher horse from a Mary Anne comic and a think a few other weirdos.

But to say he doesn't do 'bad men' and has a 'high standard' or fucking

>Benevolent sexism.

Is just simply false. You must not be familiar with his body of work.


This too. Red's father was also abusive and raped her when she was young, a dirty cop she killed and got away with it (man that was handled so poorly).

Also why does Naylor keep remaking the same puma chad over and over and over?

Edited at 2020/10/20 18:32:46
Furrynomous 2020/10/20 18:34:07 No.1834821
File: twiceashot01_textless_u18chan.jpg - (99.96kb, 891x1188, twiceashot01_textless.jpg)

Fat Puma guy mostly just known as 'Sissy's Husband'
Furrynomous 2020/10/20 18:35:11 No.1834822
File: beth03_textless_u18chan.jpg - (124.17kb, 810x1080, beth03_textless.jpg)
Totally *not* the same guy above, just another chad that Beth has a fling with.
Furrynomous 2020/10/20 19:22:11 No.1834840
Creeper never got sex. Point remains. Naylor's suitable male sterotype is the requirement to procreate. Sissy's husband didnt father her kids.
Furrynomous 2020/10/20 21:07:34 No.1834907
Is there a confirmation Sissy's kid's aren't her husband's? Color and appearance-wise, they both kinda look like him
Furrynomous 2020/10/20 23:45:50 No.1834966

I think he mistook Sissy with Persia. Sissy actually did a (dunno the female equivalent of a vasectomy) after she had her kids, and with her husband;

That's why she's okay with cumming inside her (because in Naylor's universe STD's somehow aren't a thing);

Meanwhile Persia didn't fathered her son, and we have a entire cringey comic called 'Marital Aid' to show that (where we have another Chad Puma, the third besides Ty and Beth's 'husband'), where Naylor does a cringey thing about "He fucks the guy's wife, but he lacks her love. That's why cucking is bad, but for the guy fucking".
Furrynomous 2020/10/21 00:25:58 No.1834976
>(dunno the female equivalent of a vasectomy)
The word you're looking for is "hysterotomy" btw. Or in an easier way of saying, "getting her tubes tied".

Do you mean the guy in Martial Aid didn't father Persia's son? Because the way you wered it implies Persia is the father which is lol.
But Naylor being Naylor, I wouldn't be surprised if he either forgot about their son, retconned it out entirely, or still has the son there but he's just a footnote by this point.

Edited at 2020/10/21 00:36:41
Furrynomous 2020/10/21 01:07:05 No.1834986

A tubal ligation is the female version of a vasectomy. A surgeon cuts the Fallopian tubes that connect the ovaries to the uterus, then seals or 'ties off' the cut sections.

Hysterectomy is far, far more extreme than that; hysterectomy is the complete removal of the uterus.

Edited at 2020/10/21 01:08:01
Furrynomous 2020/10/21 03:15:46 No.1835017

Original concepts for Sissy and her husband, she had two cat kids (I forget their names but one was a tomboy? Charlie?) but also a infant baby bunny that was probably born from incest from her and her brother.

The baby gets retconned and is never shown/deleted from history.
Furrynomous 2020/10/21 03:43:35 No.1835033
Ah, right, guess it's just easy to assume that's the counterpart since they sound kinda similar. ^^'
But you kinda get my drift. I just forgot the actual term.

Edited at 2020/10/21 05:34:00
Furrynomous 2020/10/21 18:43:23 No.1835435
I see. Either way I don't think Sissy's kids were born from infidelity. They look too much like their father. And the fact that they are his kids might be the only reason he didn't leave her despite her rampant cheating with younger men.
Furrynomous 2020/10/21 20:40:44 No.1835534

Yeah, I think the only ones born from infidelity in Naylorverse are Persia's son (since Marital Aid shows he's the son of that Puma Chad dude, and not Flounce), and also Persia herself (since there's a old comic called "Breeding Bobbie" that shows she's actually the daughter of one of her mother's twin brothers neighbors.
Furrynomous 2020/10/21 22:53:35 No.1835571
Wasn't there also a comic with that bisexual guy Mike meeting up with a feline woman named Samantha that was married, fucked her, and knocked her up?

Also most of Rachel's kids were born from infidelity. So there's no shortage of it in Naylor's comics. Marley might even try to knock up Sissy since impregnation is one of his fetishes.
Furrynomous 2020/10/21 23:03:10 No.1835572
>I think the only ones born from infidelity in Naylorverse are Persia's son (since Marital Aid shows he's the son of that Puma Chad dude, and not Flounce)
There's actually no real evidence of this. We see an insemination shot but it could have been persia playing into the humiliation/cuck thing for all we know. Also Persia's son is a mouse, not a feline.

Edited at 2020/10/22 00:36:17
Furrynomous 2020/10/22 00:01:35 No.1835584
I've only seen a few jay comics, mostly his old stuff but why do people dislike him? What ideals he's he pressing ?
Furrynomous 2020/10/22 02:08:54 No.1835625
To do a tl;dr summary:
1.) His art has evolved in some ways but devolved in others. His faces have gotten worse over the years, whereas his asses are easily the best thing he draws.
2.) He tries his damnedest to plug his personal ideology into everything he writes and every character he makes, which makes most of his characters come off as assholes, sociopaths, and sociopathic assholes.
3.) The watersports fetish.
4.) Puppy Love. Enough said.
Furrynomous 2020/10/22 02:09:50 No.1835627

A few of his comics have some really cringe ideology and/or philosophy pushing in the narration or dialog. Not all of them do (for example all of those comics involving the twin cats mostly read like normal porn to me) but because it's Naylor and he makes people upset, they like to bring these things up in every single Naylor thread regardless.

Also, a lot of the characters he writes are basically just shitty people. This could very well be intentional, it could be that we're not supposed to like them to begin with. But a lot of people have chosen to interpret it as him projecting or even saying "this is how an idealized alpha male acts" or whatever might apply to the particular character.

Honestly I'm not even invested in the Naylor drama that much myself, this is just the shit I've gleamed from a couple years of glancing this site's comments.
Furrynomous 2020/10/22 02:27:42 No.1835630
I bet if Jay Naylor met Robert Crumb, Crumb would just shake his head and leave the room.
Cat 2020/10/22 03:05:51 No.1835659
I like Jay Naylor's comics. I enjoy the porn, I barely ever read the text bubbles.
I don't care what personality author is IRL.
Furrynomous 2020/10/22 06:52:19 No.1835759
THIS but I also unironically like the text sometimes. Its like a window into a world im not apart of, a level of sexuality that I would find too deviant to be apart of irl.
Furrynomous 2020/10/22 07:28:56 No.1835795

Samantha have a open relationship with that dude thoughy (so much he also fucks Mikey too at the end of the comic);

Both are part of that poodle's 'BDSM sex cult' (who's basically Kaori but somehow less cringey)
Furrynomous 2020/10/22 14:43:54 No.1835948
The fact that both people who like and hate Naylor seem to agree on: the less text/dialog his comics have the better, should speak volumes.
Furrynomous 2020/10/22 17:25:10 No.1836090
True that
Furrynomous 2020/10/22 19:34:50 No.1836129
File: believe-that_u18chan.jpg - (216.23kb, 642x722, believe-that.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/11/03 23:04:07 No.1842698
File: 20200715_191122_u18chan.jpg - (127.65kb, 720x392, 20200715_191122.jpg)
2 more days until we get some action again:
-Beth gets knocked up by Ty
-Trixie FINALLY has sex with Aaron
-We fap with POWER and argue about it later
Furrynomous 2020/11/04 01:53:22 No.1842745
File: tumblr_nhf7omPmpj1shb6qpo3_500_u18chan.png - (160.38kb, 500x281, tumblr_nhf7omPmpj1shb6qpo3_500.png)

Furrynomous 2020/11/04 02:15:13 No.1842751
Trixie getting boned in the upcoming pages is exactly what I'm waiting for.
Furrynomous 2020/11/04 11:58:27 No.1842980
File: 200-percent-motivated_u18chan.jpg - (26.57kb, 336x506, 200-percent-motivated.jpg)
Seconded about Trixie. GIVE IT TO US ALREADY, JAY.

Jimmy 2020/11/05 02:19:19 No.1843305
This comic might not even be finish by late November to the start of December
Furrynomous 2020/11/05 02:53:05 No.1843321
Meh, still gonna break my No Nut November challenge with these new pages.
Furrynomous 2020/11/05 06:15:42 No.1843354
We don't just need sperm, we need actual pic of beth pregnant with a future bastard
Furrynomous 2020/11/05 07:52:27 No.1843386
Fuck pregnancy, but it's Naylor, I'm pretty sure it would here, damn it
Furrynomous 2020/11/05 08:56:11 No.1843418
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Furrynomous 2020/11/05 08:56:25 No.1843419
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Furrynomous 2020/11/05 08:56:33 No.1843420
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Furrynomous 2020/11/05 08:56:39 No.1843421
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Furrynomous 2020/11/05 08:56:42 No.1843422
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Furrynomous 2020/11/05 08:56:45 No.1843423
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Furrynomous 2020/11/05 10:00:28 No.1843435
Ladies, don't suck a cock that just came out of your asshole. Just don't.
Furrynomous 2020/11/05 10:05:21 No.1843437
Buttfuck. Nice.
Furrynomous 2020/11/05 10:37:56 No.1843457
Dang. Was actually interested in this particular route and turns into tonguing butthole/anal. No offense to others, just not my thing. Crossing my fingers for potential 3 some now tho!
Furrynomous 2020/11/05 11:03:39 No.1843470
File: yes_4_u18chan.jpg - (30.59kb, 400x225, yes.jpg)

Furrynomous 2020/11/05 11:41:37 No.1843482
1. Never go ass-to-mouth. Never. Even if he was wearing a condom, you never go ass-to-mouth.
2. I get that Naylor probably didn't want to draw what would've amounted to (if we include the threesome) four straight vaginal sex scenes in the same comic, but Christ, we could've done without the rimming.
Furrynomous 2020/11/05 13:36:38 No.1843527
Even though ive been in similar FWB situations were the sex and kinks don't all line up, the dialog still feels terrible. I honestly have no idea what Jay is trying to make Trixie be, is this his idea of a millenial woman or something? with all the crappy oneliners and shit?
Furrynomous 2020/11/05 14:30:43 No.1843551
I'm a sucker for butt stuff, so I'm more than okay with this update. The dialogue sucks as usual, but I'm willing to ignore it.
Furrynomous 2020/11/05 14:32:50 No.1843554
well keep in mind naylor has an incredibly distorted and reactionary view of relationships in general, so for him this might very well be a commentary on the context as opposed to the individuals
Furrynomous 2020/11/05 14:43:03 No.1843559
If someone could edit out the text - and the text bubbles - to give us a better view of the sex without Naylor's bullshit interrupting it, that'd be great.
Furrynomous 2020/11/05 14:45:46 No.1843560
It's still in character of what Trixie has done before:
Has both rim and ass 2 mouth in it.
Furrynomous 2020/11/05 16:58:53 No.1843609
A2M is hot imo but to each their own
Furrynomous 2020/11/05 18:42:59 No.1843639
Anyone know why the other active Naylor comic thread has been locked?

Nah, rimming is hot -w-
Furrynomous 2020/11/05 18:52:47 No.1843641
Thanks trixie for helping end NNN for me <3
Furrynomous 2020/11/05 21:26:03 No.1843686

Probably locked by mods because the Naylor threads are always getting bumped by someone trolling the site.

Yesterday it started with pictures of black penises followed by posts with just the word "fag" when the penis pics were deleted.
Furrynomous 2020/11/06 06:24:49 No.1843818
Yeah idk how this sort of talk is OOC for Trixie when she is super into being talked dirty and roughed on.
Kinda makes it funny that Aron has no idea what he's doing with her on that note.
Furrynomous 2020/11/06 17:41:25 No.1844092
Well that was a super disappointing end to that build up, she literally wanted him to use her like Ty would, and he finished before getting on her level. Meh, hope they get a do over, but all we will prolly get is Beth seeing her face plastered in cum in some awkward drama.
Furrynomous 2020/11/06 17:44:27 No.1844094
Beth is not going to like this
Furrynomous 2020/11/06 20:55:42 No.1844144
This reminds me of how Beth got jealous when Lucy admitted to having wet dreams about Aron in the 90s. Now that her current bestie Trixie is fucking him, he's suddenly desirable for her again.
Furrynomous 2020/11/06 22:43:16 No.1844189
Sounds like she's a fucking hypocrite on that note, if she gets jelly for Aron after Trixie fucks him after Beth essentially "stole" her BF (open or not) from her.

Yes yes IK Jay Naylor characters being hypocrites is not surprising at all, but if Beth actually gets jealous or mad after fucking around like that with Ty and not be surprised to see Trix doing the same she's doing she'll just become even more unlikable to me. Trixie honestly should just dump her ass.
Furrynomous 2020/11/07 09:52:22 No.1844393
I can imagine the argument between them would sound really stupid in hindsight.

Furrynomous 2020/11/07 11:52:43 No.1844415
I feel that, considering Beth is sitting outside, Naylor will put a bs about "I feel Aron deserves you more than me" and they'll continue their relationship or some bs like that
Furrynomous 2020/11/07 12:19:35 No.1844417
I believe naylor is simply trying to make the point that emotions aren't rational.

I've had open relationships twice. In both cases everybody involved got sick with a case of feels. Open relationships don't feel real and don't feel like a threat when the third party is somebody you don't know because they don't seem real. When the third party is a friend of yours, because they're your friend you are already aware that they are a decent person and find them enjoyable to be around which turns it into a threat.

Trixie's conversation with Aaron even lays out that she understands that this isn't rational and that is she is caught by surprise given that she has no emotional response to her boyfriend having sex with other people that she doesn't know.
Furrynomous 2020/11/07 13:31:49 No.1844436
What's funny/sad is, that is genuinely more entertaining than anything Naylor could come up with.
Furrynomous 2020/11/08 00:08:39 No.1844640

Guys, communication is super important with kink. ASK first, don't let Naylor's bad writing influence how you fuck.
Furrynomous 2020/11/08 02:24:12 No.1844681
File: BDBeth_u18chan.png - (105.69kb, 542x524, BD Beth.png)
Yes Beth is all kinds of crazy with her feelings and sexual life. Being alone with Aron for years on a boat likely made her feel bored with him. But now after ten years she might be starting to feel jealous because he's fucking Trixie. She even admitted once that polyamory means you can't justify it when you're jealous.

That said, Aron doesn't seem to be into a lot of what Trixie is making him do to her. If a woman asked me scratch her ass or hit her during anal sex, I'd probably just walk out the door not wanting to stick my dick in that kind of crazy.

Edited at 2020/11/08 02:25:01
Furrynomous 2020/11/08 04:08:29 No.1844714
Except everyone here was operating on understandings. Trixie has already had that talk multiple times.

Feelings are not rational. That's the only point being made. It's 100% true, too.
Furrynomous 2020/11/08 10:27:33 No.1844807

Totally unrelated but whatever happened to Jessica? Did he retire the character or has he just not had a reason to draw her for the past who knows how many years? Or maybe she has popped up randomly and I just didn't notice.
Furrynomous 2020/11/08 10:56:12 No.1844811
I think when they were considering babysitters in Original Life it showed her having a crapton of kids. I'm bad at telling some of his characters apart though.
Furrynomous 2020/11/08 16:32:44 No.1844932
Last panel of the page has her tongue sticking out, which is her signature. So yeah that's her.
Furrynomous 2020/11/08 17:31:34 No.1844954
I still hope this ends with another threesome...
Furrynomous 2020/11/09 10:29:13 No.1845225
Totally unrelated but whatever happened to Jessica?

I think Jay got bored of her. She was presented as his ideal woman, so there's very little more he can do with her.
Furrynomous 2020/11/09 11:01:42 No.1845232
I thought Jay's ideal women were cheaters with nice asses?
Furrynomous 2020/11/09 11:35:23 No.1845247
She was the cheat-ee for a dude with a fat bitchy bitch (ha-HA, better wordplay than Naylor) for a girlfriend. Then she stuck around and became the dude's wife (I assume) and a breeding factory to boot.

OF COURSE she's the ideal Naylor woman.
Furrynomous 2020/11/09 12:43:25 No.1845279
Funny how the polyamorous women in Naylor comics are always shown as ignorant, bitter, lost, who only seem to get taken advantage of until they settle, but his polyamorous male characters are all stereotypical hardcore Chads who unlike women can take all the advantages without repercussions.
I wonder if Jay hangs around on MGTOW/Incel reddits.
Furrynomous 2020/11/09 16:59:02 No.1845349
Naylor strikes me as someone who might buy into a few of the base-level ideals expressed by the MGTOW movement or incels or whatever, but isn't the type to be super-misogynistic to the point of being Some Asshole going around stabbing women because he couldn't get laid.

Do I think he has issues with women? Absolutely. If he didn't, he'd be able to write a wider variety of women (and stories featuring women) that aren't variations on his cuckoldry and polyamory fetishes. But it's clear he views women in a somewhat warped way compared to men. (Given the long-standing accusations of how certain species are/were meant to represent certain ethnic groups in his works, he might hold similarly warped views on people of color.)

Damn near every male character in Naylor's world comes off as all the better for being in a relationship with a woman, be it because he got to have sex or because he got a relationship out of the sex. (Like, how many of his characters' adult relationships came together without sex playing a primary role?) A lot of his female characters come off as morally compromised messes full of bitter emotional turmoil - regardless of whether they've cheated on anyone. Anyone who hasn't noticed that trend in his work either hasn't been paying attention long enough to notice or doesn't want to admit they've noticed.
Furrynomous 2020/11/10 01:36:39 No.1845514

In the sense with that canine guy with the fat girlfriend who cheated in the Puppy Love comic, that is one of the few JN stories that I don't blame the guy or girl. His ex was awful. She was a possessive slob who used him as her meal ticket and living dildo. He might not have even been the first guy she did that too. She didn't even try to connect with him. By modern standards I guess you could say she was a Karen.
Furrynomous 2020/11/10 01:54:28 No.1845520
File: BethStare1_u18chan.png - (199.23kb, 700x397, Beth Stare 1.png)

Furrynomous 2020/11/10 07:31:26 No.1845575
I thought Jay's ideal women were cheaters with nice asses?

I mean, yes and no. It wasn't 'cheating' that made Rachel a bad bunny - it was the fact she used her sex appeal to try and control men.

I mean this fact is often ignored by everyone, and it certainly doesn't excuse Rachel, but Tommy learned about what she was like AFTER he cheated on her when he got a blowjob from Lucy, which is when that all came out.

That often gets overlooked.
Furrynomous 2020/11/10 07:49:06 No.1845580
Yeah but if you look, many MANY couples in his comics either came together from cheating, or cheated while in a relationship or married.

Fisk got with Elizabeth while she was still married to her cheating husband, the canine dude got with the cute girl who's tongue is always sticking out because his ex was terrible, Persia cucked her husband and got pregnant with a younger man's kid, and she also encouraged her hubby to fuck Mike once when he came around, Mike knocked up a married woman later, Fisk's mom took her neighbor's husband for herself, her sister Bobbie has cheated on pretty much every man she's ever had, and even seemed to Flirt with Fisk slightly by shoving her boobs in his face, Rachel was one of the worst types of cheating nymphos, and Tommy suspected her for a while before letting Lucy blow him but was in denial, Lucy of course took Tommy away from Rachel, then she proceeded to have wet dreams about Aron, and Beth went from the girl who only uses sex toys to the girl with three boyfriends, then two, then one, then none.

On top of all those there's Huckleberry Anne. She married a horse guy who was a confirmed chronic cheater who even fucked her mom when she came to yell at him. Anne's father also cheated on her mother. And then Anne cheated on her husband with the stable boy.

And then there was that comic with the sexy human woman cucking that cat boy and sending him her used underwear in the mail because he had an undying crush on her that she loved to exploit along with her boyfriend.

At least Amy got with her boyfriend at camp without cheating on anyone. And the wolf girl from Enemy took the human dude as a mate on the rebound because her tribe was gone, and because she owed him as well. So those two are pretty much the best if not most normal characters Jay has ever made.
Aaron getting dat ass RootingFan 2020/11/10 08:59:58 No.1845600
Woo oOo Aaron finally getting dat trixie ass bb quq
Furrynomous 2020/11/10 12:46:15 No.1845682
That post all but begs for me to ask the question again: Is there any committed couple in Naylor's universe whose relationship was either instigated or deepened to the point of commitment by anything other than sex?
Furrynomous 2020/11/10 18:55:25 No.1845849
The only couples that seem to have non sex based relationships are the kids, save for Fisk when he was a kid doing his own sister and the hyena girl. I'm also convinced he wasn't far from having an attraction to his own mother as well.

I personally don't mind the sex. It's porn comics after all. What I do mind is the rampant cheating and crazy mindset on how Jay thinks of the people in his own universe, the Jayniverse.
NaziCatNaziLol 2020/11/13 05:51:15 No.1846993
Bitch in the closet, with R. Kelly
Furrynomous 2020/11/14 10:02:28 No.1847640
I laughed so hard when I read that!

Edited at 2020/11/14 10:03:04
Furrynomous 2020/11/29 19:05:15 No.1856382

You mean the one he called out on LiveJournal many years ago? The terrible stripper he brought up like 5-6 years after the fact? The situation was quite the opposite from what she detailed.

He was the slob who didn't want to work, she was paying all the bills and he refused to help out. Something something about a brains stretching device left on the stove in a pot for boiling.

Apparently, he impregnated her too but she miscarried around the 3rd month.


Trixie happened and is her de-facto replacement sans the milf/married aspect. Naylor was obsessively drawing her alot back in the day. Pretty sure Beth and Trixie are his favorite characters.


Negative. Naylor's favorite pet-character has always been Beth. She is essentially a female version of him. Lynn may come close - just a younger version that fucks her brother.


Pretty much this, Naylor is known for his Objectivism. It's no surprise he is in his mid to late forties and still single. Probably always will be until he dies.

The best written character I think he did only because he kind of leaned into them being an asshole was Rachel. But he's repeated the same song and dance with nearly every character he's ever created it gets be same old hat.

If it weren't for the squirting and breeding stuff I probably wouldn't bother with his work.
Furrynomous 2020/12/03 04:17:30 No.1858384
Ok something I am wanting to clarify. I was talking about the Puppy Love comic that had the slob ex that used her so called boyfriend as a living dildo and meal ticket till he found someone better. I wasn't correlating it with anything in Jay's actual life. If he was a lazy guy who didn't pay the bills and knocked up a stripper woman that lost the baby, that's on him, not his comic characters.

Edited at 2020/12/03 04:18:22
Furrynomous 2020/12/03 16:24:09 No.1858727
Ya'll need to read about how screen devices cause inflamed brain areas causing addiction and mimic autism symptoms ( especially smart phones)
. Also causes people to isolate and lack social skills. The technology that allows us to dive into escapism is slowly killing us and our ability to function in the real world. Prove me wrong, go on a three week fast from electronic screens and the internet and see what happens to your mental state. Plan accordingly so you can still have a job, food, and shelter.
Also as for Corona look up the Zolenko protocal: you can use quercetin, vitamin c and zinc to prevent coronavirus from replicating. Look it up. Good luck when blackouts come.

As this is my
As this is my second day of massive porn binge, as a result of my inability to deal with my problems and obsess over fictional realities that become increasingly depraved and lead to humanities extinction, I am making the choice to leave this webste and choose to live in real life.


Good day humans

(Good day.)
Furrynomous 2020/12/03 21:43:28 No.1858821
Okay retard

Furrynomous 2020/12/03 22:47:28 No.1858840
Ok retard

Furrynomous 2020/12/03 23:10:43 No.1858849
okay retard

Furrynomous 2020/12/04 06:00:09 No.1858952
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Furrynomous 2020/12/04 06:06:30 No.1858953
File: atari2600thousandlaughs_u18chan.jpg - (133.04kb, 410x380, atari2600thousandlaughs.jpg)

>this entire post
>the epic badass roleplay
>the sentences that start twice

holy shit dude you're incredible
Furrynomous 2020/12/04 06:36:54 No.1858960
Actually brightened my spirits a little to see and laugh at that. Retro game console FTW
CrAzY bitCh xd 2020/12/04 17:00:37 No.1859247
Where are the pages?!?!?! >:"c
Furrynomous 2020/12/04 17:28:24 No.1859253
File: JayN64_u18chan.png - (222.27kb, 640x546, Jay N64.png)

FurryFan 2020/12/04 17:39:33 No.1859258

I guess we have to wait for the 5th day, which is tomorrow. And they always post new pages on the 5th day.
Furrynomous 2020/12/05 10:24:31 No.1859490
File: forceofnature35_u18chan.jpg - (2.39mb, 2178x3366, forceofnature35.jpg)

Furrynomous 2020/12/05 10:24:34 No.1859491
File: forceofnature36_u18chan.jpg - (2.22mb, 2178x3366, forceofnature36.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/12/05 10:24:37 No.1859492
File: forceofnature37_u18chan.jpg - (2.17mb, 2178x3366, forceofnature37.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/12/05 10:24:40 No.1859493
File: forceofnature38_u18chan.jpg - (2.47mb, 2178x3366, forceofnature38.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/12/05 10:24:43 No.1859494
File: forceofnature39_u18chan.jpg - (2.3mb, 2178x3366, forceofnature39.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/12/05 10:24:54 No.1859495
File: forceofnature40_u18chan.jpg - (2.45mb, 2178x3366, forceofnature40.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/12/05 10:56:12 No.1859503
Honestly that would be for the best for trixie.

She originally thought things were alright with them being an open relationship type deal. But it looks like boundaries weren't set up and ty basically is gonna jump any girl he wants even without her knowing, and the biggest part to open relationships like this is that both sides have to be upfront with each other. He's basically treating it like just fucking women with no strings attached while she's not so much into that, let alone doing it behind her back with someone that's a close friend.
Furrynomous 2020/12/05 11:50:14 No.1859515
Honestly sounds more like she's looking for an emotional connection as well as the ability to have fun times with multiple people... Jay setting up for a really unhealthy view poly isn't he? Well shit.
Furrynomous 2020/12/05 12:58:13 No.1859531
I cannot seem to delate so, um guess I gotta say something,ehem.
While Naylor can be controversial I do find that his skills with the pen outweigh his defects in other departments, for thy tits and ass are quite exquisite, worthy of praise so I hope no pitchforks are raised.

Edited at 2020/12/05 13:23:41
Furrynomous 2020/12/05 13:13:38 No.1859537
Polyamory is a fickle thing. On one hand there's the sexy harem aspect, on the other hand there's all of the trouble that comes with it. I wouldn't doubt it if Ty has illegitimate kids all over the place.

Now Aron is a little freaked out by Trixie after waiting ten years to bone her, Trixie is angry and soon to be single, Beth is pregnant now and is either gonna look for a place to do the single mom thing, or she's gonna use her boat to follow Ty around because she can't get enough of him despite the age gap.

Aren't Naylor's comics grand?

Edited at 2020/12/05 13:14:14
Furrynomous 2020/12/05 14:57:25 No.1859600
File: jn-Bethpregnant_u18chan.jpg - (917.48kb, 1360x1868, jn-Bethpregnant.jpg)

Furrynomous 2020/12/05 15:12:09 No.1859615
why she looks a bit indifferent about her pregnant?
FURRR 2020/12/05 15:54:25 No.1859628
Worth it to see pregnant Beth!
Furrynomous 2020/12/05 16:37:25 No.1859652
Is this canon?
Furrynomous 2020/12/05 17:00:43 No.1859660
Did we not just read the same comic?
Furrynomous 2020/12/05 17:05:27 No.1859664
My guess is she looks indifferent about the pregnancy because she has no clue about how to be a mom. I wonder if she's gonna seek out the help of friends or something like that. Or perhaps show up at Aron's door. Though that's a bit of wishful thinking. The only way this could get crazier is if Trixie jumped Aron and got knocked up too
Furrynomous 2020/12/05 17:05:40 No.1859665
a woman getting preg by a freelance guy or just a fucker. almost like in real life.
i wonder how deep will this impact the life of a secondary main character with a long story.
Furrynomous 2020/12/05 17:15:26 No.1859670
Is it just me or is Beth's tail getting longer?
Furrynomous 2020/12/05 17:35:06 No.1859681
i dont think Beth getting preggers is gonna affect much, cuz it seems like very few if any characters want children cuz it would screw with
Furrynomous 2020/12/05 17:36:47 No.1859686
their hedonistic lifestyle. Cant get plowed by 3 different dudes and wax philosophical if your taking care of a kid. Also is it just me or do many parents hate/secretly hate their kids? i know i probably have it wrong but it feels like it
Furrynomous 2020/12/05 17:44:38 No.1859694
I think that last part is a topic best left for the discussion board or Reddit
Furrynomous 2020/12/05 18:13:15 No.1859707
At last.....Pregnant Beth

It took years for Jay to finally pull the trigger, but it was bound to happen eventually. I just know he's gonna have some interesting plans for her new role as a mom, but damn I feel bad for Trixie. Keeping this comic for the quality fap material nonetheless.
Furrynomous 2020/12/05 18:39:20 No.1859716
I can't even pretend to be bothered anymore by the dumb shit naylor does with the last shred of likability his characters had (that were already meagar to begin with.)

It's all the same piss/cuckoldry/ getting-knocked-up-by-randos story stapled on all of them at this point.
Furrynomous 2020/12/05 19:10:20 No.1859727
Someone should edit a Chad meme head onto the catdude in every panel, that would atleast give the comic some semblance of self-awareness on how absolutely ridiculous everything about it is.
Furrynomous 2020/12/05 19:54:52 No.1859743
That's a litter sized belly if I ever saw one.
Also bitch you had sex with someone so soon after taking out your one solid birth control, fucked him MULTIPLE times without bothering to bitch slap him off you or some shit, and you have the gall to be all "Fuck that dude for getting me pregnant."?

FFS the inept carelessness is staggering.

Edited at 2020/12/05 19:58:16
Furrynomous 2020/12/05 20:05:39 No.1859745
I'm happy with the comic. Just kinda wish Trixie got knocked up too.
Furrynomous 2020/12/05 22:12:13 No.1859780
How many internet bucks are you offering?
sxcbeast 2020/12/05 22:44:25 No.1859788
I'm looking forward to some milf Beth.
Furrynomous 2020/12/06 00:01:21 No.1859808
Honestly feel bad for trixie. She's supposed to be in a poly relationship sure, but it's obvious her partner doesn't see it as that but instead just him getting his rocks off without her knowledge. Even going as far as to fuck beth multiple times without her whatsoever. I hope Naylor will do a comic focusing on her next time because this one felt more like it's just beth and trixie is just the side piece.

Edited at 2020/12/06 00:03:48
Furrynomous 2020/12/06 00:44:08 No.1859817
This is Naylor we're talking about here. Considering he's been drawing Ty and Beth fucking on multiple occasions, you know the relationship was screwed months ago. Trixie was kinky as hell, but not even Aron could handle her.
Furrynomous 2020/12/06 03:30:39 No.1859882
Speaking of Aron. I hope he doesn't get the short end of the stick in all this
Furrynomous 2020/12/06 06:35:20 No.1859915
'Son't ever ask "like this?"!'

... don't check if your partner is enjoying it?

That's genuine cringe, Naylor.
Furrynomous 2020/12/06 07:17:44 No.1859938
Naylor's no stranger to cringe sadly.
Furrynomous 2020/12/06 08:15:42 No.1859954

Thanks I hate it. The rest of the comic was great.
Furrynomous 2020/12/06 08:40:11 No.1859961
It was clear from the start they weren't in an actual relationship. That was just FWB.
Of course Jay wouldn't know the difference or the importance of communication in those kind of relationships, just as much as he doesn't know women.

Like, Beth is wel in her 30's, Trixie in her later 20's, both have a history of casual hook-ups but now both of them suddenly act like 16-year old girls who can't resist the apparent charm of a guy who doesn't shower and has had his dick in multiple women within 24 hours, guys dick must smell like a fucking barn.
Furrynomous 2020/12/06 11:02:05 No.1860030
All things considered, I'm happy with how this comic turned out.
We got to see Beth get knocked up, Aron buttfuck Trixie and a bonus sex scene with Zoe that's extra funny when you remember what a man-stealer she is~

Hopefully we'll get a follow up with Aron fucking Trixie his way, with massage stuff.
Furrynomous 2020/12/06 13:16:29 No.1860096
File: BethDoor_u18chan.png - (241.36kb, 700x397, Beth Door.png)

Furrynomous 2020/12/06 14:58:56 No.1860128
File: f10e9ba7e202c587d0e5448856406915_u18chan.jpg - (155.9kb, 819x1280, f10e9ba7e202c587d0e5448856406915.jpg)

Reminder the guy that writes "real men take what they want" also made this.
Furrynomous 2020/12/06 15:18:29 No.1860137
Like I said before, Naylor's no stranger to cringe
Furrynomous 2020/12/06 18:07:08 No.1860212
I think what bothers most of us about Naylor's work is...there's no clear direction. Like everyone seems okay with Fisk and Elizabeth because their relationship has set parameters that for the most part, make sense. But with characters like Beth...she seems to jump from wanting to be in charge, to being submissive, to wanting a open relationship to a closed one. One minute she's straight, the next she's gay or bi. So we as readers don't know where we're going with her.

Edited at 2020/12/06 18:07:48
Furrynomous 2020/12/06 18:39:21 No.1860233
It's been pointed out many times that Naylor probably really doesn't know what his plans for Beth are. And he's just been making it up as he went along. Someone pointed out Beth's quirks with this a while back >>1764706
Beth's life is so mixed up that it just can't be predicted anymore. She doesn't know where she is sexually, romantically, and possibly even financially. Aron was the only stability in her life till her actions pushed him away. Now that baby growing in her may be the only stability she has left.
Furrynomous 2020/12/07 04:16:47 No.1860396
Tedious as usual.

Jay's comics always conjoin awesome graphic part with overwhelmingly uncommunicative verbal one.
Furrynomous 2020/12/07 05:50:44 No.1860413
>awesome graphic part

I have to disagree. Naylor can't draw hands or faces, gestures or postures, all of the most expressive parts of any person. As a result, his characters lack both affect and visual personality. He has no interest in places, in light or shadow, in the times of day or season. There's just nothing there for the eye, beyond a few nicely-drawn asses. Most cartoonists can do more.
Furrynomous 2020/12/07 08:32:20 No.1860532
>Naylor can't draw hands
In all fairness hands are probably the most bitchiest bodypart to draw. I still can't even with references and make them paws as a sorta fail safe. But hands are a pain in the ass to draw for anyone.
Furrynomous 2020/12/07 08:52:35 No.1860540
Agreed. Hands are a bitch to draw. Took me years to get any good at it. And I still can't draw certain positions right.
Furrynomous 2020/12/07 11:39:07 No.1860612
File: Creepy-Presents-Steve-Ditko-098_u18chan.jpg - (1.84mb, 1920x2493, Creepy-Presents-Steve-Ditko-098.jpg)
What matters is not so much the hand's anatomical accuracy, as what the hand is doing or expressing. Naylor could study examples if he wanted to, but I don't think he cares about expressiveness.
Furrynomous 2020/12/07 14:46:41 No.1860700

I think the bigger thing I think Naylor should do is work on expressions and possibly different face designs, like eyes or something. All of his characters feel the same but that's also down to Jay Naylor speaking through his characters way too much. Not that it is a bad thing to do every now and then for a gag or something but his characters don't really stand out and every time I picture art of Naylor, I just picture half closed leering character that looks up at you and I think they are gunna give a philosophy lesson on why an ass will corrupt the minds of men to gamble? His work is passable and comics take time especially for artist like Naylor, in the comic industry at least 1 comic page is done by 3 different people. A Sketcher, a Liner, and a Colorist. So a lot of artist have to find a way to make things simpler to do, some times too "simple", like Kadath.... but this is also digital work, so I don't know the process for Jay, but he has pretty much hit his plateau of his style, only thing that I think would do better in his change at the moment is expressions. Then maybe work on shades, lighting and gestures. Ignore hands, hands and feet are pretty teadious to draw and get right because of all the articulation. Imagine Naylor's characters with anatomically correct hands, it honestly would be funny.
Furrynomous 2020/12/07 15:16:57 No.1860716
As much as you guys love to criticize Naylor, he's still light-years ahead off >95% off all the other shit that gets posted here, no matter how cringe his characters are.
Furrynomous 2020/12/07 15:20:29 No.1860718
File: HAQCtUv_u18chan.gif - (497.51kb, 500x290, HAQCtUv.gif)

Furrynomous 2020/12/07 16:16:57 No.1860738

lul, teh epic big funny.
Furrynomous 2020/12/07 17:09:33 No.1860762

But that doesn't make them non-cringe.

"But it's well-drawn cringe!"
Furrynomous 2020/12/08 14:13:07 No.1861374
IUD gets taken out, doesn't have BC. Has sex, doesn't take plan B. Gets pregnant, doesn't have abortion.

Beth's character has always been anti-children. Except for when Naylor needs something hot. What are established characters?
Furrynomous 2020/12/08 15:40:06 No.1861387

It's porn, nerd. Who the fuck cares about storylines. People get what they pay for.
ZA HANDO 2020/12/08 15:52:19 No.1861397
Man, if this were to be minimally realistic they wouldn't be furs
Furrynomous 2020/12/08 17:23:14 No.1861549
I have one last good thing to say about this comic.
I'm glad that Beth and Trixie's friendship survived this ordeal.
CrAzY bitCh xd 2020/12/10 17:17:14 No.1862602
File: IMG_20201210_181429_u18chan.png - (416.92kb, 1080x1152, IMG_20201210_181429.png)
Lol, wtf?!
Furrynomous 2020/12/10 18:32:27 No.1862626
It's preg sex apparently
Furrynomous 2020/12/10 19:21:13 No.1862634
File: Embedded Video
My reaction if pregnant tribbing.
Furrynomous 2020/12/10 22:00:44 No.1862675
File: jn-FONAppendix_u18chan.jpg - (2.56mb, 2178x3366, jn-FONAppendix.jpg)

Furrynomous 2020/12/10 22:19:36 No.1862685
It took her till she was 42 before she finally asked that question? Okaaaay....
Furrynomous 2020/12/11 00:34:15 No.1862722

I think it was more about her thinking "I'm over 40, I shouldn't be able to get pregnant anymore"
Furrynomous 2020/12/11 01:01:41 No.1862734
File: dickhead_u18chan.png - (356.75kb, 451x453, dickhead.PNG)
ITT: Characters that remind you of yourself
For me it's Ty - intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

Edited at 2020/12/11 01:02:28
Furrynomous 2020/12/11 02:10:05 No.1862758

ok but I doubt Ty spends a lot of time browsing or commenting on furless porn image boards. He's not Marley.
Furrynomous 2020/12/11 02:52:46 No.1862766

Has he turned up in another story where he shows these things? He's barely said a paragraph of words since he showed up.
Furrynomous 2020/12/11 04:00:04 No.1862770
Is Beth an idiot?
Furrynomous 2020/12/11 05:03:16 No.1862784

She's not NOT an idiot...
Furrynomous 2020/12/11 09:08:40 No.1862824
Beth you haven't shown a SINGLE SIGN of Menopause, not even once in the comic, not even an offhand mention/implication (I imagine it'd take place over the course of a few days perhaps, she'd at least show something indicating it), what with you being on BC for so long and only recently took it out. How can you assume you have something without getting at least a sign preluding it?
Like, even if you use the fact of "Cats don't get menopause" it doesn't make sense for her to say she shouldn't get pregnant by that age. If that was the case she'd know she could get pregnant for as long as she's able to breathe and would be fertile all her life.

And no, he hasn't. The dude like every other Naylor male "chad" character in his comics are silent and pushy for sex with nothing in between. Not even in Trixie's Creep he speaks. Ty's actual personality is pretty nonexistent.

Edited at 2020/12/11 10:00:48
Furrynomous 2020/12/11 09:42:38 No.1862828

I think even the two dudes from "Mrs. Doris Henderson" had more personality than Ty ever did
Furrynomous 2020/12/11 13:53:02 No.1862933
Imagine what would happen if Ty met Sissy or Rachel? Or both....
Furrynomous 2020/12/11 14:49:24 No.1862954
the "intelligent, nihilistic, and wicked sense of humor" is a copy pasta meme, you dorks
Furrynomous 2020/12/11 17:01:40 No.1863002

Sorry, I haven't been on 4chan since before last Thursday.
Furrynomous 2020/12/11 23:55:50 No.1863081
Is this some 4chan thing? Because I've literally not been there to know this.
Furrynomous 2020/12/12 01:17:52 No.1863118
File: BethLook_u18chan.png - (46.79kb, 193x241, Beth Look.png)

FON Appendix 2 Furrynomous 2021/06/13 12:22:36 No.1963015
File: jn-FONAppendix2_u18chan.jpg - (4.3mb, 3300x5100, jn-FONAppendix2.jpg)

Furrynomous 2021/06/13 12:46:24 No.1963024
I know the joke is "lol Beth is a miserable drunk" but damn, the way he draws current-Beth, she just always looks hung-over and gaunt and kinda gross. I think it's the black ring around her eyes, and her fur is that egg-shell white rather than normal white.
Furrynomous 2021/06/13 15:07:05 No.1963070

There is a reason why the goth and emo girls disappeared, they're still around except they can't pull it off any more.
Furrynomous 2021/06/13 16:34:05 No.1963098
Bottom panel, 4 toes on right paw (background) and 3 toes on left paw lol. And it's not the perspective, the background paw has 3 toes on the outside of the "sandal's" strap which is not the case for the foreground paw
Furrynomous 2021/06/13 17:02:31 No.1963104
The furry version of Amy Winehouse XDD

So? That's comic last Page?
. Chatin # MOD # 2021/06/21 06:29:06 No.1967394
You know I'm just gonna ignore that last bit. I will be by later to nuke this from orbit since you kids can't play nice.
Furrynomous 2021/06/21 09:50:24 No.1967436

Ty: Sponsored by generic Ulipristal acetate you bought for your "horse" in Mexico.
Furrynomous 2021/06/22 19:38:30 No.1968087

Ulipristal Acetate is an orally bioavailable, acetate salt of ulipristal, a selective progesterone receptor modulator with anti-progesterone activity. Ulipristal binds to the progesterone receptor (PR), thereby inhibiting PR-mediated gene expression, and interfering with progesterone activity in the reproductive system. As a result, this agent may suppress the growth of uterine leiomyomatosis.
Furrynomous 2021/06/26 11:39:11 No.1970049
i dont know why people hate or how this comic made so much controversy with people suddenly becoming psychologists or political analyzers

all i found was a comic about an aging woman who ended up being knocked up by a cheater, pretty alright story compared to other stories where characters just decided to fuck because porn comic
Furrynomous 2021/06/26 14:50:39 No.1970090
Because furries by and large are Bi and Large thus they are predominantly liberal. Thus they are upset there is one conservative furry guy who tells them no even when his kinks are the same as theirs. Eating ass, cuckoldry, goth chicks, nudist colonies, bisexuality and filth play. He draws asses the way they like, but instead of focusing on that they focus on the fact he draws dicks the way they like as well. Forever pining he is secretly gay and masturbating furiously in anger.

I honestly don't care, the porn is great and occasionally a girl I like is featured. ( wish the christian camp girl appeared again. )
Furrynomous 2021/07/07 00:48:30 No.1975479
>furries by and large are Bi and Large
jesus that's poetry
Furrynomous 2021/07/07 02:52:16 No.1975582
>furries by and large are Bi and Large
Holy shit...
Furrynomous 2021/07/07 03:35:54 No.1975586
On this I would have to agree. Bi and Large is basically a good short way to say Anthro/Furry beings are generally more open about sex and they ways they choose to have it or live by it, regardless of the moral implications at times.

And while you see a seemingly normal story, a lot of older fans who have been a fan of Beth since she first appeared in Better Days basically found the way things went for her in the last few years to be a travesty. She went from a great complex character that started out the girl who couldn't get over her first boyfriend that passed away, to the girl that couldn't stop going for men once she got a taste of her best friend's brother, then to the girl who finally decided one man was enough for her. Then it just went downhill from there. Aron spent nine years on a boat with her, only for her to not take her relationship any farther with him than it had in college because she had serious commitment issues. Aron would have married her and had a family with her. But she dragged him along till he couldn't take it anymore. Then once he was gone she started dating almost any guy she could get and delving into multiple degrading fetishes, including being walked on all fours like a dog on a leash. At least one of the other guys she dated in that time was practically a carbon copy of Fisk. And of course she never really got over Fisk, and even ranted about how she thought marriages and happy relationships were a farce when she met him at a convention when they were both like 38. Then she turned 40 and hit a mid-life crisis, which resulted in her uncontrollably fantasizing about a man ten years younger than her because some part of him reminded her of herself. Then she let the guy fuck her right next to Trixie, which in turn finally started to make Trixie see him for what he was. And in turn Trixie took her sexual aggression out on Aron, who's basically ended up the local jiggalo who pretty much has sex with any needy woman wanting a massage, leaving him wondering if he's even happy or not. Then Trixie lets him fuck her because she's pissed at Ty for fucking Beth. And she was so crazy that Aron got freaked out by her, ran into Beth, had to deal with the extreme awkward moment that your ex just saw you have sex with their current best friend, and then snuck out the door. Then finally we have Beth visiting her older sister, who's first marriage she was fairly jealous of back in the day. And now her sister is badly aging from chain smoking, laments that she never had a child, and now envies that her sister got pregnant better late than never. Basically Beth getting pregnant and then potentially being a good mother is the closest to redemption for her character that we've gotten in like 8 years. It's not that this comic itself was controversial, it's that Naylor fucked up one of his best characters for no reason and may finally be feeling the weight of it because fans have been ranting and raving for years over how things went. There's too much backstory to Beth for her part in this story to not be controversial.

Edited at 2021/07/07 04:49:12
Furrynomous 2021/07/07 06:21:38 No.1975626
>furries by and large are Bi and Large
jesus that's poetry

And also a very old joke from 2 the Ranting Gryphon, circa 2000.

Edited at 2021/07/07 06:22:31
Furrynomous 2021/07/07 06:27:46 No.1975630
>wish the christian camp girl appeared again
Amy and Original Life's Charlie are basically the only two characters he's never ruined (not that he didn't try with Charlie)

please don't tempt fate into letting him find a way to ruin them
Furrynomous 2021/07/07 16:23:19 No.1975795

Really went all-in on writing a literal wall of text...
Furrynomous 2021/07/07 17:04:15 No.1975838
What the-
So I haven't been following Naylor's stuff for at least 7 years. And holy crap does this sound like Naylor took her through the ringer just to explore some kinks.

And that's the core of the problem. Naylor just turned her from a character with her own motivations and character arc into his own sex object to be thrown into different sex situations for his own amusement.
Furrynomous 2021/07/07 22:24:36 No.1975951
Exactly. Naylor took some of his best characters and ruined them this way. Beth wasn't the only one. He also ruined Persia by making her a cuck who intentionally got pregnant with another man's child when she already had a great marriage and a young son.

Edited at 2021/07/07 22:25:26
Furrynomous 2021/07/08 00:21:05 No.1975997
I absolutely haven't seen what you're talking about from liberal people like... at all.
Most of the people that hate naylor seem to hate him for delving into weird kinks like cuckoldry/piss stuff that tends to really bother conservatives.

Honestly, at this point, I think the question needs to be asked. There has been far too much weird pointed jay drama for far too long. I have *literally never* seen an artist's fanbase be this rabidly mad about anyone before.

Could this be another weird creepshowart situation? The narrative voice used by people who rip into jay is extremely consistent and seemingly unhinged and always anonymous. I'm not meaning to defend the man's character or deflect criticism — I'm not a fan of his personal views or anything — but like, have you ever seen another artist have a seemingly small group of people lay into them for this many years this consistently before? I certainly haven't.
Furrynomous 2021/07/08 00:41:42 No.1976027
everybody has their detractor's
Furrynomous 2021/07/08 01:32:15 No.1976037
The reason there's so much blowback on Jay Naylor is because he's earned it. He's very blatantly political inserts in his comics and social media, his character Fisk is one of the most blatant self inserts ever created. And that's just the tip of Naylor's penis shaped iceberg. His drawing style is good, but it has stagnated and slowed down in recent years. Also Jay has been infamous in his attitude towards other people when actually spoken with. And I've heard he's terrible to women.

Also, I fail to see whether or not one's conservative or libertarian views have any impact on people's opinion of Jay. Because I've seen hate for him from all sides. And when someone gets hate from all sides, there's a reason for it.

Jay is hated so many anonymously because that seems to be the only way to do it anymore. Because anyone who openly hates them online by name just get blocked or ignored. So people come here to this site to speak there minds because people like Naylor can't do shit about it. And Jay isn't the only one getting this ire. Kadath has been nipping at his heels on that path for some time now. These days I see near equivalent rage at the both of them. Naylor just has seniority. CWS has also been getting some for his lack of character innovation, and Xpray has been getting hate for the way the Last Survivor comic has been going. The fact is big name artists in the furry/anthro community have either stagnated, lost the ability to innovate or just don't use it, or throw tantrums when they get even a little critique. As an artist myself, I'm actually glad that I'll likely never be as famous or infamous as any of them.
Furrynomous 2021/07/08 01:51:49 No.1976046
you forgot the part where he's borderline racist
Furrynomous 2021/07/08 02:59:56 No.1976053
Honestly, I've never been able to see the guy as little more than incredibly pretentious. He's just dripping in self-importance, despite the fact that he, you know. draws porn.
Furrynomous 2021/07/08 03:15:47 No.1976063

Pretty much all of this.
Furrynomous 2021/07/08 05:20:30 No.1976118
he drew a short begging women to date him. XD
Furrynomous 2021/07/08 15:09:27 No.1976316
>his character Fisk is one of the most blatant self inserts ever created
let's not forget that he actually made his character an American terrorist, whether he realized it or not - I mean, there's a reason he doesn't do storylines about Fisk's "career" any more, and that's pretty much the reason
Furrynomous 2021/07/08 16:12:45 No.1976339

Dude has been an outspoken Objectivist for decades. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he showed in a Jan 6 insurrection video
Furrynomous 2021/07/08 22:46:04 No.1976451
Fisk is also one of the oldest OCs on the internet. I've seen Naylor art of him going all the way back to 1993. And back then he was a crazy combination of Jay's political views and Rambo.
Furrynomous 2021/07/09 04:41:03 No.1976522

That ended with, "Look, I make a lot of money, okay?"
Furrynomous 2021/07/15 07:44:11 No.1979317
The man clearly fetishists woman he can treat like shit because they are into being treated like shit and wonders why it's hard to get a date lol.
Furrynomous 2021/07/15 10:46:59 No.1979368

The oldest sketches involving Fisk were even more violent. He glamourized too much the whole "CIA operative spreading 'freedom' on other countries"
Furrynomous 2021/07/15 12:20:44 No.1979381

or you could shut the fuck up and let it all be.
Furrynomous 2021/07/15 21:25:46 No.1979524
It's like Jay created Stan smith, but others just assumed it was satire.
Furrynomous 2021/07/16 00:13:50 No.1979612
Jay Naylor partnered with Seth Macfarlane?! THE WORLD WOULD BE DOOMED!
Furrynomous 2021/07/18 01:34:13 No.1980389
why are all these convo about who or what they think Jay is, can people just look at the comic

just read the free porn, whats so hard about that
Furrynomous 2021/07/18 08:03:07 No.1980513
You should try talking shit on Jay Naylor.
Furrynomous 2021/07/18 10:32:06 No.1980584
I wish the moderators would see this for what it is and just temp-ban some asses. The comic is over, there's zero new stuff to discuss. The people who have a circle jerk over Naylor each time a new comic shows up are the same people that probably cause most of the moderation workload on /c/
Furrynomous 2021/07/18 13:17:47 No.1980651
By far "Kabier did a thing" outweighs "Naylor did a thing" when it comes to pointless bitching and whining on this board.
Furrynomous 2021/07/18 14:02:38 No.1980664
There is not a single person furries do not bitch about. They're still pissed off about highschool and more or less just want to tear some one down because they've never been up high.
Furrynomous 2021/07/18 19:39:15 No.1980873
I find that difficult to believe because they've been bitching about Naylor for almost 20 years now. A guy that does not generally interact with the public, keeps to his own private art website, and isn't asking for donations on a yearly basis for yet another vet / personal health bill / grandma is kicking me out / I'm out of chicken nuggets, etc. It's like watching a fire burn without oxygen, it is just mind-boggling. The dude exists in the most marginal of personal bubbles and people act like he's defecating daily on their doorstep.

I just know that I see a hammer come down and I've had it come down on me with a temp, but for some reason people can be shit flingingly toxic on a Naylor comic thread and somehow it is related. Then people get the impression that the bad behavior is acceptable. Then they do that bad behavior in other topics. Then they get the ban/suspension. All I can fathom is maybe Naylor/Kabier haters are left to their own devices because they're the sort of people that'll DDoS the site when they're banned.
Furrynomous 2021/07/18 19:50:21 No.1980875
Naylor is conservative, there is your reason.
Furrynomous 2021/07/19 00:06:38 No.1980945
It's irrelevant how Naylor operates in regards to his personal life. It's the art and stories he draws that lead to all the hate he's gotten. And for good reason. It's been explained far too many times the way he treats people, his personal views on women, how his OC Fisk is one of the most blatant self inserts ever, etc. He's gotten a lot of shit for 20 years because he drew art that attracted that kind of attention. Simple as that.

And I fail to see how Naylor being a conservative has anything to do with any of this. His political party really has nothing to do with his comics. There are people who act different and/or two-faced in all political parties. The parties themselves are irrelevant. It's the person themselves that are the issue.
Furrynomous 2021/07/19 01:36:13 No.1980970
His personal life? I have yet to hear someone come forward to say he violates consent. In his personal capacity, he roleplays with guys and even did gay stuff with the badly drawn kitties guy decades ago. He's not some fundy religious conservative. As for how he treats people, I haven't heard of him having a poor work ethic, skipping out on commissions, keeping people waiting a year for commissions. I'm not saying he is a spotless Jesus or he never did any wrong, but compared to many popular furs that don't get properly dunked on around here... I really think you and those like you have convinced yourselves you have a good reason to be a hateful bully here.

It's the art and stories he draws

Which is guilty of being mildly steeped in mild conservative politics (not religious ones) and maybe some fringe trad-wife stuff. He hasn't done anything properly "edgy" in a good ten years. He even stopped racializing certain species to represent minority backrounds. (To be fair, this means his self-insert was self-inserted into an interracial relationship... So there may be ignorance, but I don't see it as hate.)

He's grown to be a better person than he was, and he is having success without having to put on a fake front. At this point it is just bitter hanger's on. At least Adam Wan is guilty of being the same person he always was, but Naylor? Nah. Credit where it's due.

Anyway. I'm out. I'm leaving before my wish comes true and the mods start treating these Naylor topics like any other topic.

Edited at 2021/07/19 01:38:55
Furrynomous 2021/07/19 04:08:42 No.1981021
Mildly steeped? He illustrated a left minded woman as a fat ignorant obnoxious lesbian. And he did that within the past year. Not to mention his common rhetoric on what a "real man" is supposed to be. Mild my ass.

Dude's free to express his opinions in his work, but other people are just as free to toss theirs right back at him. He's an alt right nitwit with a fat head. I'm open for people to change, but'cha gotta do a sight better than the biased delusional fantasy he's living in.

Edited at 2021/07/19 04:17:29
Furrynomous 2021/07/19 04:32:26 No.1981023
Yeah nice cop out buddy. Naylor never stopped being edgy. He just changed how he did it. Nor did I bring the race card into the conversation. That was all you.

Naylor aside from all the factual stuff that has been spoken of him in this thread so far is still edgy because he intentionally ruined some of his best characters. Beth being the biggest example. And only recently has he decided to make her better by getting her pregnant. But that just makes the "Baby solves everything" dynamic. Beth should have had her shit together years ago. But Naylor drug her through the mud with countless bad relationships and fetishes to the point she was depressed and tapped out till Ty knocked her up.

And Fisk is one of the most blatant self inserts ever because Naylor made him the alpha supreme who has everything go his way either by luck or by force. Not to mention he's pretty much a black ops terrorist, was creepily mature at a young age, lost his virginity at age 10, is completely ass obsessed like Naylor himself, fucked his own sister and also seemed to have an attraction towards his own mother, aunt, cousin and even his mother-in-law at one point. And his appearing to visit his sister for a few days somehow made Beth come out of her shell and suddenly date three men at once. Then went on to have a seemingly perfect marriage with kids who are all sitcom stereotypes. One constantly athletic, one with a plainly outdated troublemaker boy personality type that is nearly a clone of his father, and the last being a child super-genius that could somehow make advanced robotics out of legos. And there's still plenty more where all that came from. If anything Fisk's sister Lucy was the one who had true character development. But Naylor pretty much dropped her to Focus on Fisk and his family after Better Days ended.
Furrynomous 2021/07/19 19:03:42 No.1981510

The characters I was referring to as christian values is amy from college. She had one comic where she banged her childhood bully when he came back kind and charming. I really liked it but sadly never see them again, they have little art.
Furrynomous 2021/07/20 07:32:39 No.1981684
> wall of autism about the fictional lives of Naylor characters
I wonder if you cry as you beat off to his comics.
Furrynomous 2021/07/22 00:54:38 No.1982504
See, that's what all deeply troubled, sexually confused, troublesome aging woman named Beth needed, to get knocked up without her consent pepelaugh

All thanks to the macho hero guy who bangs ladies behind his gf's back
Furrynomous 2021/07/22 19:53:56 No.1982845
Exactly, I failed to see a reason to have a hate boner for naylor being a conservative either. But this is the age of the livejournal loser finally being able to cash in on all of those years of being a weirdo by tearing down people.
Furrynomous 2021/07/22 21:29:42 No.1982893
On that we are completely in agreement
Furrynomous 2021/08/06 05:36:10 No.1990114
It's certainly one of the best Naylor comics. That and 'Girly'.
Furrynomous 2021/11/18 09:12:06 No.2040377
File: jn_-_Bethfat_u18chan.jpg - (1.02mb, 2000x2926, jn_-_Bethfat.jpg)

Furrynomous 2021/11/26 01:47:29 No.2044385
Best Ending for Fans seeing Beth pregnant

Best Ending for Ty because he got away from knocking up Beth and not having any downsides whatsoever and just fucks whoever he wants again after Beth, maybe knocking up more horny sluts

Edited at 2021/11/28 06:14:15
Furrynomous 2021/11/26 03:26:43 No.2044408
Of course she names the kid Jason after her first boyfriend who died from cancer in Better Days.
Furrynomous 2021/11/26 22:49:46 No.2044820
So, was this the happy ending? Beth has a purpose in life now as a single mom raising a kid, but I know for a fact Ty ain't paying no fucking child support.
Furrynomous 2021/11/27 13:45:01 No.2045103

First: that's not how genetics work. Just because the parents have certain hair color, doesn't mean the children will have the same color.

Second: we saw it was from Ty she got pregnant from, the comic shows that very well

Third: He's a beach douche, what guarantees he didn't simply bleached his hair?
Furrynomous 2021/11/27 17:29:24 No.2045178
brown and black are on the same gene
Furrynomous 2021/11/27 20:28:34 No.2045250
File: bethkidhair_u18chan.jpg - (62.04kb, 585x350, bethkidhair.jpg)
Looks like the man did his research.
Furrynomous 2021/11/28 00:16:25 No.2045335
Why are we caring about this rather then just enjoying the comic for what it is? I get some people want to nitpick about stuff but damn.
Also you are complaining about hair/fur color and genetics but can we point out in his other stuff we see a cat made kids with mouse
Cross species
“Oh noooooo it doesn’t follow proper real world genetics” (yes sarcasm lol)

His comic, his rules
the reality can work how he wants

Edited at 2021/11/28 00:17:05
Furrynomous 2021/11/28 03:17:56 No.2045460
What are you aiming this shit at me for?
Furrynomous 2021/11/28 06:16:35 No.2045492
aaand 1 post later, another group gets into anger callout posts than enjoying the art lolol

just be glad we get to see beth pregnant, now we need lucy during her pregnancy with fisk or other characters then its all good
N/A Carl Hardy 2021/11/28 13:54:20 No.2045598
I remember some long ago that there were some people who didn’t like the comics that this author post. It’s almost like Palcomix
Furrynomous 2022/06/18 14:49:44 No.2139982
File: g1ba5d46df202843b1870a50589af60b6_u18chan.jpg - (518.08kb, 1534x1996, g1ba5d46df202843b1870a50589af60b6.jpg)

Furrynomous 2022/06/18 16:44:46 No.2140003
File: jn-Bethswp2_u18chan.jpg - (2.48mb, 2303x2993, jn-Bethswp2.jpg)

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