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File: 9Cloud.us_0000-018674662574Ea4BdbB5C1C04Be27C5791_u18chan.png - (1.79mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0000-01 86746625 74Ea 4Bdb B5C1 C04Be27C5791.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:38:39 No.1765429   
By Aoino Broome
Edited at 2020/07/05 01:58:15
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The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:38:43 No.1765430
File: 9Cloud.us_0001-023E2179C1132B41AcB8643613Faa365F9_u18chan.png - (2.4mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0001-02 3E2179C1 132B 41Ac B864 3613Faa365F9.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 01:58:58
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:38:51 No.1765431
File: 9Cloud.us_0002-034A8194304C3045E08B8FA47152B31146_u18chan.png - (2.84mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0002-03 4A819430 4C30 45E0 8B8F A47152B31146.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 01:58:41
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:38:53 No.1765432
File: 9Cloud.us_0003-04F84Fad95Bb4149AfAa0C87B09E48D205_u18chan.png - (2.84mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0003-04 F84Fad95 Bb41 49Af Aa0C 87B09E48D205.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 01:59:21
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:38:56 No.1765433
File: 9Cloud.us_0004-0520Bef2Ee8B3C4E679Ecc0Cf22Fb818Cc_u18chan.png - (2.49mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0004-05 20Bef2Ee 8B3C 4E67 9Ecc 0Cf22Fb818Cc.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 01:59:37
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:38:59 No.1765434
File: 9Cloud.us_0005-0604B9Dd352Fd140168D29698A5Cb3B0A7_u18chan.png - (2.27mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0005-06 04B9Dd35 2Fd1 4016 8D29 698A5Cb3B0A7.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:00:05
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:39:01 No.1765435
File: 9Cloud.us_0006-074Fcf90F1C33348F68A6678549F6E2425_u18chan.png - (2.41mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0006-07 4Fcf90F1 C333 48F6 8A66 78549F6E2425.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:00:23
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:39:04 No.1765436
File: 9Cloud.us_0007-088D7Cd0Ef6Cc344E0Ba7F630C88969666_u18chan.png - (1.97mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0007-08 8D7Cd0Ef 6Cc3 44E0 Ba7F 630C88969666.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:00:42
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:39:06 No.1765437
File: 9Cloud.us_0008-0914788E85F0D34C9F8Efb5Deaddf1Ae9F_u18chan.png - (2.94mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0008-09 14788E85 F0D3 4C9F 8Efb 5Deaddf1Ae9F.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:01:20
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:41:57 No.1765439
File: 9Cloud.us_0009-10C9236A579D694B44Ad01A2552A92838C_u18chan.png - (2.15mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0009-10 C9236A57 9D69 4B44 Ad01 A2552A92838C.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:03:20
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:41:59 No.1765440
File: 9Cloud.us_0010-1127D38E5F134643738Da9657Dd41A409D_u18chan.png - (2.04mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0010-11 27D38E5F 1346 4373 8Da9 657Dd41A409D.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:03:44
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:42:04 No.1765441
File: 9Cloud.us_0011-12E4Db9281E72D49D898106F4C2Afc5546_u18chan.png - (2.28mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0011-12 E4Db9281 E72D 49D8 9810 6F4C2Afc5546.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:04:03
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:42:06 No.1765442
File: 9Cloud.us_0012-13A44036E24E8348958Fb3Ebae5Aa3D821_u18chan.png - (2.21mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0012-13 A44036E2 4E83 4895 8Fb3 Ebae5Aa3D821.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:04:22
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:42:09 No.1765443
File: 9Cloud.us_0013-14Ba31Ddb95Ae94F6EB78EF25F9Fe8899C_u18chan.png - (1.78mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0013-14 Ba31Ddb9 5Ae9 4F6E B78E F25F9Fe8899C.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:05:01
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:42:12 No.1765444
File: 9Cloud.us_0014-153Ca9E23135F1447998E8369Ea5857Cbe_u18chan.png - (2.76mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0014-15 3Ca9E231 35F1 4479 98E8 369Ea5857Cbe.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:05:50
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:42:15 No.1765445
File: 9Cloud.us_0015-164D19A9664F1F4Ed38349D169E5F7E999_u18chan.png - (2.32mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0015-16 4D19A966 4F1F 4Ed3 8349 D169E5F7E999.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:06:11
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:42:17 No.1765446
File: 9Cloud.us_0016-174E1Adcb1E9E54Ccf84C823839300696F_u18chan.png - (2.33mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0016-17 4E1Adcb1 E9E5 4Ccf 84C8 23839300696F.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:06:33
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:42:20 No.1765447
File: 9Cloud.us_0017-18Daa75B87963446818158F0208E0690E1_u18chan.png - (2.6mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0017-18 Daa75B87 9634 4681 8158 F0208E0690E1.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:06:58
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:46:13 No.1765448
File: 9Cloud.us_0018-19Dcd89956742B49BfB63716C8B2Bc686C_u18chan.png - (2.65mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0018-19 Dcd89956 742B 49Bf B637 16C8B2Bc686C.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:08:09
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:46:16 No.1765449
File: 9Cloud.us_0019-20249Bc39DEe804De59622571E01D9Ecb5_u18chan.png - (3.12mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0019-20 249Bc39D Ee80 4De5 9622 571E01D9Ecb5.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:08:37
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:46:18 No.1765450
File: 9Cloud.us_0020-2115C026C8085D4EabBd3C4Aacdc1A18E7_u18chan.png - (2.56mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0020-21 15C026C8 085D 4Eab Bd3C 4Aacdc1A18E7.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:08:54
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:46:21 No.1765451
File: 9Cloud.us_0021-2232E16E0E777F4D48A256B48Ffeecbe7D_u18chan.png - (3.18mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0021-22 32E16E0E 777F 4D48 A256 B48Ffeecbe7D.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:09:13
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:46:23 No.1765452
File: 9Cloud.us_0022-2349502Ea110Cc48D69E6725F1Ea3Ae9Dd_u18chan.png - (2.92mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0022-23 49502Ea1 10Cc 48D6 9E67 25F1Ea3Ae9Dd.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:09:40
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:46:26 No.1765453
File: 9Cloud.us_0023-2422974Eb107Fb4A9882A472Cbe25620D1_u18chan.png - (2.96mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0023-24 22974Eb1 07Fb 4A98 82A4 72Cbe25620D1.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:10:17
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:46:28 No.1765454
File: 9Cloud.us_0024-2555D5Bcc6D5F648Dd866EF484C3Da0Fc8_u18chan.png - (2.91mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0024-25 55D5Bcc6 D5F6 48Dd 866E F484C3Da0Fc8.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:10:46
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:46:31 No.1765455
File: 9Cloud.us_0025-26663F82F94A8646468931854De2E1F290_u18chan.png - (2.48mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0025-26 663F82F9 4A86 4646 8931 854De2E1F290.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:11:49
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:46:33 No.1765456
File: 9Cloud.us_0026-27D69970Cf8F4E4Aaf9Fbd594955Cd9A28_u18chan.png - (2.51mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0026-27 D69970Cf 8F4E 4Aaf 9Fbd 594955Cd9A28.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:12:19
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:46:36 No.1765457
File: 9Cloud.us_0027-28B2Ecee76B53B4D809D48Acf918577Eb2_u18chan.png - (3.01mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0027-28 B2Ecee76 B53B 4D80 9D48 Acf918577Eb2.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:12:48
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:46:38 No.1765458
File: 9Cloud.us_0028-297Fcc6Dc7C1F24E2FA8AdFd9F0A4503Bd_u18chan.png - (4.03mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0028-29 7Fcc6Dc7 C1F2 4E2F A8Ad Fd9F0A4503Bd.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:13:08
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:46:41 No.1765459
File: 9Cloud.us_0029-3002Af91855Bcc4Ecd925B686Bc99C3D9F_u18chan.png - (2.51mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0029-30 02Af9185 5Bcc 4Ecd 925B 686Bc99C3D9F.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:13:54
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:46:43 No.1765460
File: 9Cloud.us_0030-3103D3B38DF3604D45Aba3B08B62764721_u18chan.png - (3.31mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0030-31 03D3B38D F360 4D45 Aba3 B08B62764721.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:14:15
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:46:48 No.1765461
File: 9Cloud.us_0031-32077B451E6983478FBb1E15E508B5Abe3_u18chan.png - (3.78mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0031-32 077B451E 6983 478F Bb1E 15E508B5Abe3.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:14:37
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:46:51 No.1765462
File: 9Cloud.us_0032-336Cab9934F8B84222A457E9D967F457F4_u18chan.png - (1.89mb, 2048x2732, 9Cloud.us_0032-33 6Cab9934 F8B8 4222 A457 E9D967F457F4.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:15:19
The Estates in Estrus Furrynomous 2020/06/08 13:50:26 No.1765466
File: 1590209541.aoinobroome_20200521_u18chan.png - (701.21kb, 1024x1280, 1590209541.aoinobroome_20200521.png)

Edited at 2020/07/05 02:05:27
Unknown 2020/06/08 23:51:38 No.1765732
Hoping this comics continuous!!!
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 00:11:59 No.1765741
Kinda cute, was this continued? Or was this a one-shot?
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 01:08:40 No.1765750
Not yet. I believe this one's fairly recent.
Yargan 2020/06/09 02:13:34 No.1765767
File: yes_2_u18chan_u18chan.jpg - (83.47kb, 912x317, yes_2_u18chan.jpg)
me in every page
Kajex Surnahm 2020/06/09 03:48:14 No.1765789
Jesus fucking Christ almighty.

This is fucking AWESOME.

Edited at 2020/06/09 03:51:17
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 07:11:45 No.1765838
Is it wrong that I had a "Danger Will Robinson!" moment during the blowjob scene? X3

I'm not a specieist but there's gonna have to be a fair bit of trust established before I go sticking my dick in a drunk polar bear's maw, eheh.. ^^;

An excellent comic! 9/10

Edited at 2020/06/09 07:12:53
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 10:23:08 No.1765909
Reading this made me hungry
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 10:34:22 No.1765914
File: 6gRCnAr_u18chan.gif - (936.12kb, 500x281, 6gRCnAr.gif)
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 13:29:36 No.1765970
Honestly, why isn't there more hmofa stuff in general?
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 14:52:45 No.1765994
Because it's a niche thing around inside a niche thing
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 14:57:56 No.1765995

Fucking auto-correct
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 16:22:49 No.1766028
I opened this thread expecting the cute first half. I figured I'd get some charm out of this, maybe a smile, maybe a cute cuddle sex scene. And that first half delivered.

But god damn I wasn't expecting the absolute diamond dick the second half gave me
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 16:31:25 No.1766031
I would certainly have given that beautiful mama bear a nice dicking down had I been in the same situation.

My favorite line in this comic, "I can't wait to have my vagina fucked up!".
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 17:13:50 No.1766045
I'm liking how it only appears to be big anthros who want to slake their thirst. Dude's getting himself a heavyweight harerm!
Kajex Surnahm 2020/06/09 20:15:34 No.1766091

Not a huge deal, but I never understood why people use the expression "diamond dick." That would be awful- it'd be hard, but also incredibly brittle. That's not a fun penis to have. :(

Better to keep it as a steel dick. :3
Furrynomous 2020/06/09 22:20:09 No.1766117
If I'd seen this with Rebecca Cunningham my boner would have gone through my keyboard
Furrynomous 2020/06/10 20:32:41 No.1766498
I want to see that sequel with the big elephant woman.
Furrynomous 2020/07/04 19:50:02 No.1778421
It's like the world of We Bare Bears, sort of...
Furrynomous 2020/07/19 15:45:43 No.1785872
I support this artist on patreon, he's an awesome guy in his 50s whose extremely passionate about his work, unfortunately he doesn't like leaks, especially of this dounjinshi and its sequel. (When this was first leaked he quit for a few months and recently has made it clear is anything else is leaked, he's quitting.
I'm usually fine with patreon leaks, but I think this guy is a special case. If he quits, then we won't see more of this series (he has 5 parts planned, currently 2 are out) unlike most artists, this Japanese guy just wants to do what he loves and try to make a bit of money off it to justify his continuation of his work. (Comic is $8-10 and is available in English or Japanese uncensored)

I know I sound like a hypocrite, but this guy's work was good enough to make me want to support him financially, no other artist has done that. There isn't any petty drama or conspiracies, just a 50+ Japanese guy doing what he loves.

I can't go into detail but:
>The second issue establishes the Elephant as the landlord and part of the human's lease says he has to help females when they're in heat. (Setup for the rest of the series)

>The sequel to this is him having sex with a cow and the polar bear watches (and is envious)

>the 2nd entry teases at the polar bear planning to win the guy's heart in the next issue.
Furrynomous 2020/07/22 09:36:34 No.1787376
Only way to see what happens is to watch everything unfold.
Furrynomous 2020/07/22 13:31:32 No.1787504
>the 2nd entry teases at the polar bear planning to win the guy's heart in the next issue

You're not entirely wrong but it's also pretty clear the third issue is most likely going to be with the elephant as the focus next. It's clear that Kiwa feels inadequate compared to Mil and maybe even more so in the next issue compared to Toyo depending on how she's portrayed. It would make for a good setup where in the fourth issue he reassures her that all three of them have their own strengths and he likes her for who she is, reinforcing what he says in this issue, and then I personally would cap it off with a long ass foursome and harem ending. Although a romance ending with Kiwa would also be good, of course willing to lend him to her friends with her permission after boasting.
Furrynomous 2020/08/08 15:01:06 No.1797869
So... This isn't going to get updated here in the future?
Yargan 2020/08/13 07:11:36 No.1800906
me in every page >>1797869
I don't think so, I mean I got the other comic but in don't feel to share it if is gonna ruin the future comics at the end, just pat the 5$ and help the guy, he does an amazing content
Furrynomous 2020/08/13 10:07:43 No.1801074
File: DA19DC51-009E-4304-A077-EA4456751FB6_u18chan.png - (482kb, 1024x1280, DA19DC51-009E-4304-A077-EA4456751FB6.png)
There a sequel and it out for sale
Furrynomous 2020/08/13 15:19:37 No.1801161
We need a hero to bump this
Furrynomous 2020/08/13 16:19:07 No.1801203
Furrynomous 2020/08/14 00:02:57 No.1801398
For people paying for their work, keeping an archive is probably a good idea. From the sounds of things they're liable to flame out even if nobody leaks, like a lot of furry artists do.
Furrynomous 2020/08/14 11:29:34 No.1801597
There is a very worrying post on his patreon but I'm not subscribed so I can't read it, and maybe its not that bad but his english is very poor and it certainly looks like he is about to nuke everything.

I may buy the comic just to keep it archived in case he deletes his stuff.
Furrynomous 2020/08/16 06:48:47 No.1802563
I get where the artist comes from. They have bills to pay, they have mouths to feed and nothing in this world's for free (ain't no rest for the wicked). BUT they have to understand, that we're not made of money. If I paid 5 bucks every time I had a wank, I would go bankrupt in a month. (I should learn moderation, huh?)
Furrynomous 2020/08/23 18:55:53 No.1806107
Eh, from his gumroad site:

"Please don't post on all rights reserved sites.

I am so afraid of this being spread around by the outlaws that it makes me mentally unstable and prevents me from continuing to create"

Dude is clearly bothered bothered by piracy and $5 is super reasonable and definitely on the low end for this kind of thing.


And if you're only getting one wank out of it, you're doing it wrong.
Furrynomous 2020/08/29 02:13:16 No.1809042
Please, if you have access to it, archive it. The author sounds like he might take it down, but this comic deserves to see the light of day.
Furrynomous 2020/08/29 02:55:29 No.1809051
Do any of the artists even come here to see if their is being posted/pirated? Like at all?

The only artist I've ever seen go full security mode on their NSFW projects is Cartoonasaur. Mostly to avoid anyone from uploading their patreon videos.
Furrynomous 2020/08/29 20:08:12 No.1809314
You obviously havent suffered through Jbernal or Omegaltd's rants and ragequits then
Furrynomous 2020/08/29 21:54:02 No.1809346
Speaking of, where can i find that new Lapis x Peri animation early? :3
Furrynomous 2020/09/20 23:56:43 No.1819871
Any updates?
Furrynomous 2021/01/20 18:18:09 No.1885001

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