I've got to agree. I overlooked the first 2 stories, cause they make sense. An event happened and 1 guy killed his own dragon. The event could be anything at all, for any reason at all, the commandment works. The second one tho, is a bit of a problem. Because they should have been vetting and making sure no evil people ever joined, and that if somehow they did, there were steps in place to prevent it. This is an issue with the town, state, country law and not just dragon law. It'd be like going into a Job at walmart, and while telling you all the rules you have to follow or be fired, one of them is "Don't kill someone". It's like no fucking shit, it's against the country's law!
The third one tho, I 100% agree with you about. That one is total 100% bullshit, cause it causes a LOT of issues. For one, the breeding and somehow having love means their babies are weak? That LITERALLY doesn't make sense in any base of reality, unless the mother is the one doing something to her body that makes them sick, not the father. What's more, it brings up the question about WHY they are forcefully breeding dragons? Are Dragons Extinct? Then why use them in battle, and now have ALL Males, at ALL times breed, breed, breed every single year between being kept in shape, till there are millions of them! There shouldn't be Riders, there should just be Dragon Breeders till they Population is self sustaining enough to start having riders taking away dragons from the breeding pool.
Second, I also agree that it literally makes NO SENSE for the entire world to destabalised cause 2 people were busy fucking each other whenever they had the chance. We SEE that she is still working, if not as much as before, and still going out and about. But worse of all, somehow finding out about them "SAVED" the country? HOW?! Did all the thieves, murderers, and EVIL DRAGON RIDERS just stopped doing bad things and locked themselves up? What the fuck?
And the worse thing is that the ending made it seem like loving your dragon enough for sex is the WORSE THING YOU COULD EVER DO. That Killing your Dragon, or Using your Dragon to rule the land with an Iron Fist, (Something I might add the Order DOES DO as they are the guards and rulers controlling everything as seen in Story 3) are nothing compared to the vile evil deed of... having sex.
In fact, in most stories and worlds with that kinda book, it's usually propaganda to make sure people don't do something because doing so is A, actually a good thing, or B, would harm the evil dictators ruling the world.
Case in point, Full Metal Alchemists, the greatest Taboo is Human Transmutation, aka creating a human. It's banned cause the Army uses it to make an infinite army of created humans and didn't want anyone else to do it.
For all we know, a Rider having sex with their Dragons, (Sucks it always male dragons and female furries, and not gender switches to some hot sexy dragoness getting fucked, especially if anal is included. Anyways), might actually cause the birth of a far more power dragon for the forces of good and would make dragons too powerful to be enslaved and used by the furry country.