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File: eSpoused-plane_u18chan.png - (5.73mb, 2800x2243, eSpoused-plane.png) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Zaush: eSpoused Furrynomous 2020/09/07 03:37:57 No.1813560   
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New comic.
Here's the first part in a new fun little series that was voted on by my top two tiers earlier in the month!

The idea centers around a husband who frequently travels on business, suggesting his wife try out a popular dating service called eSpoused. It specializes in casual dating for married couples, which he thinks will be a fun way for her to pass the time. She's may be a little unsure at first, but soon she'll get into the swing of things.
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Zaush: eSpoused Furrynomous 2020/09/07 03:45:11 No.1813561
File: eSpoused-bedroom_u18chan.png - (4.48mb, 2800x2246, eSpoused-bedroom.png)
page 2
She's fresh out of the shower, very seriously considering her husband's suggestion to try out this special dating service. That shyness all but disappears when she sees some of the men to choose from... (btw this isn't bottomless district, she's just dressed in something comfortable around the house)
Zaush: eSpoused Furrynomous 2020/09/07 03:45:16 No.1813562
File: eSpoused-choice_u18chan.png - (5.66mb, 3200x2094, eSpoused-choice.png)
Zaush: eSpoused Furrynomous 2020/09/07 04:13:55 No.1813566
File: eSpoused-texting-1_u18chan.png - (3.25mb, 2500x2184, eSpoused-texting-1.png)
Looks like she may have misinterpreted his question... But all is well, and it serves to break the ice early on. She can't wait to meet up with this sexy tall boi!
Zaush: eSpoused Furrynomous 2020/09/07 04:13:58 No.1813567
File: eSpoused-selfie_u18chan.png - (3.43mb, 2356x2548, eSpoused-selfie.png)
Zaush: eSpoused Furrynomous 2020/09/07 04:14:04 No.1813568
File: eSpoused-texting-2_u18chan.png - (5.53mb, 3000x2491, eSpoused-texting-2.png)
Furrynomous 2020/09/07 10:19:11 No.1813660
At least with this cuck story plot it's actually shown that the main character's spouse is allowing it from the getgo instead of being a shrimpy wimp. That's a first for Zaush.
I like that Connor guy, his blush is really cute.

Edited at 2020/09/07 10:19:33
Furrynomous 2020/09/07 10:43:31 No.1813670
i already am hot for the black doggo as a gay guy. hes beautiful and so handsome.. huff..
Furrynomous 2020/09/07 17:30:18 No.1813852

Don't worry, I'm sure we're getting to the point where "But honey it's only supposed to be when I'm away"

"Sorry cucky, it's all the time now also I'm preggers"
Furrynomous 2020/09/07 22:27:27 No.1813935
eSpoused must be Zaush's version of Ashley Madison.

Btw, this is a legitimate ad they showed on TV:
Furrynomous 2020/09/08 00:31:08 No.1813960
Wait is this really a Zaush comic? I refuse to believe it. These are two adults actually communicating about an open marriage with actual limits. And they're clearly happily married?

Where's the blackmail? Where the outright cheating? Where's the backstabbing? Where's the attempts at justifying all of it?

There's no way he's portraying open relationships and cuckoldry with a bit more tact?
Furrynomous 2020/09/08 05:34:22 No.1814057

Those dudes *are* hot. Gay comic about them plz
Furrynomous 2020/09/08 07:56:45 No.1814099

Not even a hint of labia. Just a Wan expanse of nothing.
Furrynomous 2020/09/08 09:15:48 No.1814131
Wow Zaush doing a cuck comic with actual communication and consent? And already better than Amadose's comic. Who knew he had it in him.
Furrynomous 2020/09/08 09:25:27 No.1814134
when was the last time Zaush ever made a fully developed female? This girl looks 12. At first I thought she was the guys daughter until I read the dialog.
Furrynomous 2020/09/08 13:41:18 No.1814282
With the flat chest thing...didnt zausch at one point lore-wise mention the females have natural smaller chest that only fill out when pregnant and breastfeeding then shrink back like a real world canine?...or maybe it was a different comic ive read but still
Furrynomous 2020/09/08 19:03:28 No.1814413
She looks good in the selfie shot, but tweenage in the other pictures. The selfie shot makes her wider, and bigger compared to the bed. And of course it leaves the oversized head out of the frame.
Zaush: eSpoused Furrynomous 2020/09/09 15:26:22 No.1814731
File: eSpoused-call_u18chan.png - (4.29mb, 2800x2183, eSpoused-call.png)

Furrynomous 2020/09/09 18:15:17 No.1814783
does zaush do any other female body type wtf
Furrynomous 2020/09/09 18:33:15 No.1814791
No Zaush is fucked, stuck in his rut of uninspired shit artwork and crap 3d backgrounds that he seems to obsess over, his early work back in the day was so exciting with the talent he showed but he just kept going further and further into samey boring garbage and for some reason he seems to be afraid to draw tits and pussy. Where as other big name furry smut artists who have been in the same game for ages like Meesh seem to just be getting better and better Zaush is on a downward spiral of shit.
Furrynomous 2020/09/09 19:57:39 No.1814812

I don't think he's on a downward spiral as much as what you said before: stuck in his ways. He hit his stride in his niche, and he doesn't seem to show any interest in changing up or exploring something new.

And, fine. Artists are free to have a preferred style. But it does mean that each instalment is a little less exciting than the last.

Where his mediocrity really stands out is that all of his characters are templates. For all the ways people drag artists like Naylor and Kadath, at least they (to varying degrees of success... or failure, whatevs) try to create characters and world for them to live in. Zaush just presets <template petite female> x <template alpha male> in <default setting>.

And, again, fine. It's porn. But it's also just average, and it will only ever be average.
Furrynomous 2020/09/10 00:18:20 No.1814873
Why would she give a fuck if he showed her his dick... if they all walk around with no pants on?
Furrynomous 2020/09/10 03:08:49 No.1814916
The sad thing about Zaush is that his art really is good on a fundamental level. Dude has a good grasp of anatomy, shading, and color. And the way he draws animal faces/heads is a good mix between "toony" (mainly the eyes) and "realistic" (everything else).

It's just that what he chooses to do with his abilities sucks ass.

Between his, shall we say, "questionable" taste in female bodies as of late, his similarly recent focus on cuckolding, and his cardboard-cutout characters, he took the (relative to the fandom) fame and fortune afforded to him by his art as a sign that he could stagnate without losing much in the way of fans or income. The sad thing is: He'd be absolutely right to think that.
Furrynomous 2020/09/10 10:19:16 No.1815019
Sheaths are not dicks. And I imagine walking around in a bottomless community where it's the norm makes it easier to not pop a boner every other minute.
Zaush: eSpoused Furrynomous 2020/09/11 09:22:59 No.1815320
File: eSpoused-outfit-sporty_u18chan.jpg - (2.53mb, 2400x2744, eSpoused-outfit-sporty.jpg)
Here's the three outfits for the poll, which I'll let run for the next 3 days or so (give me a few minutes to set up the two polls). I wonder which one Connor (you, the patrons) will favor? Will it be light and sporty, short and classy, or sheer and sassy?

Zaush: eSpoused Furrynomous 2020/09/11 09:23:02 No.1815321
File: eSpoused-outfit-dress-short_u18chan.jpg - (2.51mb, 2400x2744, eSpoused-outfit-dress-short.jpg)
Zaush: eSpoused Furrynomous 2020/09/11 09:23:04 No.1815322
File: eSpoused-outfit-dress-sheer_u18chan.jpg - (2.54mb, 2400x2744, eSpoused-outfit-dress-sheer.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/09/11 12:03:25 No.1815377
I'm leaning towards sheer with the stockings.
It has stockings and looks good with them (Plus it means she can keep them on during sex), that's an automatic win.

Edited at 2020/09/11 23:50:04
Furrynomous 2020/09/11 13:15:11 No.1815434
File: AdamWan_Klandagi2_u18chan.jpg - (92.39kb, 933x840, Adam Wan_Klandagi 2.jpg)
Vulvas, Mr. Wan. Your women used to have them, back before you lost your nerve.
Furrynomous 2020/09/12 04:00:20 No.1815776
I mean, I wouldn't really consider this chick, more just an open marriage. Cuck generally has an element of humiliation, this is just the husband very casually being like ‘hey, you got needs and I get it, go have some fun while I'm gone.'
Furrynomous 2020/09/12 18:26:40 No.1815989

Cuck really does not have to have any sort of humiliation or degradation, that is more personal preference of those involved. It just seems that way cause any artist that does cuck work is unoriginal, surprisingly besides Zaush here, and just has to have it in there.

Edited at 2020/09/12 18:26:52
Furrynomous 2020/09/12 19:18:36 No.1816005
I love that they're all lying about their height.
Furrynomous 2020/09/13 06:48:21 No.1816221
Just a brief note, this comic does not take place in the Bottomless District.
Furrynomous 2020/09/13 06:52:44 No.1816223
His figure drawing is actually getting progressively worse compared to that older example of the polar bear, look at those lazy limbs on this new stuff, it reeks of phoning it in, the fucking 3d pot plant in the background has the most detail in the picture instead of the fucking dog, it's like he just gives zero shits anymore as long as he gets his patreon bucks and can carry on drawing what he actually enjoys which is obviously the cub stuff.

Seriously, go look at the shit in the zaush thread on the cub board and tell me it doesn't look like he's putting way more effort into drawing pups then any of this garbage.

Edited at 2020/09/13 06:53:32
Furrynomous 2020/09/13 13:51:12 No.1816341
>the fucking 3d pot plant in the background has the most detail in the picture instead of the fucking dog
He does everything on a 3D render. His drawings themselves are 2D, the BGs are 3D. Of fucking course the 3D stuff looks more detailed.
Furrynomous 2020/09/13 17:52:16 No.1816413
that's not the point idiot, the irrelevant background details shouldn't have the most contrast of the entire image and be taking the focus away from the actual subject of the picture but Adam decided to ignore the most basic principles of art because spergs will pay him regardless of how shitty his pictures are now, either that or he knows he spent exactly 2 minutes sketching the flat jailbait bitch and is trying to draw your attention away from it with his garbage 3d background renders that he STILL hasn't worked out how to blend with his foreground drawings.
Furrynomous 2020/09/13 18:15:48 No.1816459
He's drawing over actual images. He's shown how he'll use an actual picture for his back drops. That's why there is more detail, it's an actual photo compared to what he's actually drawing.
Furrynomous 2020/09/13 23:03:52 No.1816525
File: zaushedit_u18chan.jpg - (705.13kb, 2400x2744, zaushedit.jpg)
I'm not crazy for thinking this 5 min edit looks a billion times better, am I?
Furrynomous 2020/09/13 23:48:44 No.1816543
Furrynomous 2020/09/14 00:42:19 No.1816562
Better, yes, but not "a billion times better". Her body in general looks too small for a pair of (natural) tits that size. She would need a tiny amount of thicc-ening up to look right.

You know how in one of the Naylor comic threads, there's talk of that comic page he did of a guy talking about asses and "it's not about size, it's about craftsmanship"? I'm of a similar, but not entirely identical, mind when it comes to breasts: It's not about size per se, so much as it is whether the "picture" fits the "frame". A woman with a body like that of porn star Elsa Jean isn't going to look "right" with tits much larger than Elsa's (and she's practically flat), just like a woman with a body like that of Gianna Michaels isn't going to look "right" with tits larger than Gianna's. (Smaller can work, but it depends on how much smaller.) It's why so many breast "enhancements" look like shit: They go too far away from what might look "right" and go straight for what a woman thinks men will find attractive. (Don't blame me for guys who think bolt-ons are attractive. I'd rather see small natural titties with a nice shape instead of large fake ones that look...well, bolted on to the chest.)

Adding a little more heft to her tits works to offset the cub-looking nature of her overall design. And I do appreciate the effort; damn good idea there. That said: Make her tits a little smaller to account for her body size, and you'll have a much better edit on your hands.
Furrynomous 2020/09/14 02:55:53 No.1816584
Is this a parallel universe where zaush never got into petite that much?
Furrynomous 2020/09/14 03:21:37 No.1816597

Now that's a woman. Nicely done.
Furrynomous I AM AN UNIMAGINATIVE TWAT 2020/09/14 06:53:46 No.1816629

Honestly I'm kind of in the middle between the original and the edit. To give you an idea as to where I'm coming from, the original is nice of course but I feel like there is little to grab and if I was pounding her I'd be a little afraid of breaking her in a way I guess. With the edit though there is too much. It would be harder to pick her up and slam her into the wall and pound her. When there is too much meat in the thighs and butt if feels like it's detached from the rest of her. If feels weird in my opinion. And then on top of that only certain positions are you able to hilt her because the "meat" stops you from going any deeper.

This is just my opinion of course but when it comes to having sex, even if they are lovely, I do not like the hour glass and I do not like the board. The best body for sex is in between in my opinion.

If I had to choose between zaush original and the edit though I'd go for zaush original. Because man the things you can do with a lightweight frame.

Edited at 2020/09/14 06:57:47
Furrynomous 2020/09/14 07:07:34 No.1816630
very nice
I whish too he would do more art like this ... I like his petite style too but maybe not all the time with every female character.

would be funny if he would do once small males and normal females too just for contrast ... it would give a nice power play aspect to it

could you at least do the same upscales to the other 2 pictures as well?
maybe a little bit smaller breasts as he proposed
I would really apricate it thx

Edited at 2020/09/14 07:25:23
Furrynomous 2020/09/15 05:20:40 No.1817116

*taking notes* Edit all the pics, give her nice big breasts, more tummy to match the thicker thighs, got it.
Furrynomous I AM AN UNIMAGINATIVE TWAT 2020/09/15 10:58:02 No.1817203


Sure, that's exactly what they meant.

Well while you're at it can you just make her obese.

Btw, what is with the name in yellow each time I post? Is it because I have no account?

Edited at 2020/09/15 10:59:58
Furrynomous 2020/09/15 17:56:38 No.1817361
I'm this guy
^^ thx if you have some time to do, it would be really cool ... I like Zaushs style but using now and then some other body types for his females would be refreshing.
Furrynomous 2020/09/15 18:41:18 No.1817384
File: eSpoused-bedroom_edit_u18chan.jpg - (1012.18kb, 2800x2246, eSpoused-bedroom_edit.jpg)
Okay, enjoy.
Furrynomous 2020/09/15 18:41:21 No.1817385
File: eSpoused-choice_edit_u18chan.jpg - (1006.45kb, 3200x2094, eSpoused-choice_edit.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/09/15 18:41:25 No.1817386
File: eSpoused-texting-1_edit_u18chan.jpg - (727.11kb, 2500x2184, eSpoused-texting-1_edit.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/09/15 18:41:30 No.1817387
File: eSpoused-selfie_edit_u18chan.jpg - (824.49kb, 2356x2548, eSpoused-selfie_edit.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/09/15 18:43:47 No.1817389
File: eSpoused-texting-2_edit_u18chan.jpg - (3.54mb, 2999x2488, eSpoused-texting-2_edit.jpg)

Furrynomous 2020/09/15 18:44:00 No.1817390
File: eSpoused-call_edit_u18chan.jpg - (1010.01kb, 2800x2183, eSpoused-call_edit.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/09/15 18:44:09 No.1817391
File: eSpoused-outfit-sporty_edit_u18chan.jpg - (1.03mb, 2400x2744, eSpoused-outfit-sporty_edit.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/09/15 18:44:24 No.1817392
File: eSpoused-outfit-dress-sheer_edit_u18chan.jpg - (2.94mb, 2400x2744, eSpoused-outfit-dress-sheer_edit.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/09/15 18:45:02 No.1817395
File: eSpoused-outfit-dress-short_edit_u18chan.jpg - (1.02mb, 2400x2744, eSpoused-outfit-dress-short_edit.jpg)
I'll keep editing these as they're released.
Furrynomous 2020/09/15 18:47:30 No.1817398
FUCKING BRAVO. It looks far, far, far better than Zaush's original work. Proportions look excellent, breasts are the exact right size for her body now, and I don't get skeezy-ass vibes from looking at the art. Kudos to you, dear editor - you've outdone Zaush simply by editing him.
Furrynomous 2020/09/16 04:11:46 No.1817580

now the originals look rather marcid in comparison
Furrynomous 2020/09/16 05:07:52 No.1817597
Those look yummy, just keep the proportions... Don't overdo with the hips and it'll look great.
Furrynomous 2020/09/16 06:59:40 No.1817612

vastly superior to the original
Husky 2020/09/16 11:41:44 No.1817673
Love the edits..
When you compare with the originals, that first original outfit pose looks like a small boy in every aspect, cept with a vagina. The edit looks like an adult now, or at least consensual age :D

Would be nice to see more accurate males of his too, instead of these towering behemoths you see hitting the ceiling when they enter buildings. Just personal preference I guess but fwiw I prefer more realistic representations of fictional characters, I don't know where this chiseled abs fetish comes from in pretty much ALL art.
Furrynomous 2020/09/16 12:06:39 No.1817680

Such small changes with a drastically big difference. You're doing god's work, Zaush needs to take notes to improve his weird ass obsession with how he draws women.
^^that guy 2020/09/16 16:38:35 No.1817773
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File: bucket_u18chan.png - (181.29kb, 420x236, bucket.png)

Good job man.
I bet that took some time.
So Mr. Editor do you have a nickname?

Edited at 2020/09/16 17:07:18
Furrynomous 2020/09/16 17:41:00 No.1817814

For some reason if you see his older works (like 'The Patriarch's Daughter' or even 'The Neighbor's Wife') he used to draw proper adult bodies;

Dunno what took him to make this borderline-underaged bodies for all his female characters, but I'm glad Anon 'fixed' this.
Furrynomous 2020/09/16 18:11:59 No.1817841
I'm an artist but I don't know if sharing my name in connection with these edits is smart, I don't want Zaush beating on my door :p
Furrynomous 2020/09/16 18:25:23 No.1817845

From behind your closed door, tell Zaush you're a fully-grown woman. He'll run away like a scared little kid.
Furrynomous 2020/09/17 02:33:50 No.1818031
Since you're doing those edits, how about adding some vagina too? :)
Furrynomous 2020/09/17 16:12:24 No.1818382
Furrynomous 2020/09/17 23:54:53 No.1818628
SHE THICC! Also fucking, fantastic work. I know they aren't consistent all the time between them but they are 100% better than Zaush's original stuff.
Furrynomous 2020/09/18 19:43:32 No.1818953
she's not even thicc, she's just not sticc. but such an improvement.
Furrynomous 2020/09/26 17:53:40 No.1822759

I think the biggest compliment I can give is that when I checked back on this thread today and looked at the most recent images, I thought to myself 'damn I don't remember this comic being hot'. I kinda got excited by the prospect that Wan might be listening to people and reverting back to his old (good) style of female anatomy. Then I expanded the thread to see if others thought the same and, well, I got super bitter.

I'll just echo the chorus by saying thank you for all this hard effort. I would add though that if you really do make your own art, I would encourage you whole-heartedly to leave this dumpster fire alone and focus on your own stuff. Spend enough time working at it and it could be your gorgeous women we're all praising in no time :)

Edited at 2020/09/26 17:54:50
Furrynomous 2020/09/27 12:28:55 No.1823179
I hate to break it to you guys, but I don't prefer your edits. The original small breasts just looked better on her body than the even slightly enlargened ones. And this is coming from someone who prefers larger breasts.
Furrynomous 2020/09/28 02:54:38 No.1823422

Okay, slugger.
Furrynomous 2020/09/28 16:29:11 No.1823611
Yeah, these edits are awful.
Furrynomous 2020/09/28 17:16:05 No.1823625
So unfortunate that these edits have to be made. Theyre so much better, from 0 to 10.
Furrynomous 2020/09/30 01:06:18 No.1824253
Gonna agree with the masses here and say the edits are a huge improvement and I hope you keep em up
Furrynomous 2020/10/02 01:05:18 No.1825364
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File: 009_198_u18chan.jpg - (1.75mb, 3280x4928, 009.jpg)
Thinking about the edits --

Even extremely petite adult women have proportions of head to body, of legs to torso, of pelvis to waist, that make them different from these Wan creatures, and no matter how much Wan tries to hide the fact, women also have labia. So this is not a question of petite versus thicc.
Furrynomous 2020/10/03 20:30:08 No.1826206
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File: 971a369bcb27e0bb196005620ad1b0ff_u18chan.gif - (1.49mb, 800x811, 971a369bcb27e0bb196005620ad1b0ff.gif)
In humans, yes.
Take a second and imagine a real-world Chihuahua sitting next to a Great Dane. A Corgi and a Saint Bernard.
If you could snap your fingers and anthropomorphize them, what would they look like standing on two legs in contrast to each other?
Not every drawing has to be the exact proportions of a human, but with animal ears.
Zaush: eSpoused Furrynomous 2020/10/04 14:56:54 No.1826491
File: eSpoused-hubby-update_u18chan.png - (6.63mb, 3298x2752, eSpoused-hubby-update.png)

Zaush: eSpoused Furrynomous 2020/10/04 14:56:58 No.1826492
File: eSpoused-tub-call_u18chan.png - (8.52mb, 3652x3070, eSpoused-tub-call.png)
Furrynomous 2020/10/04 21:40:44 No.1826613
Well, that last panel was odd.

Dude is still sexy af though.
Furrynomous 2020/10/04 22:11:36 No.1826624

He just can't help himself at this point lmao.
Furrynomous 2020/10/04 23:34:49 No.1826645
Y'all have fun losing your shit while I admire the swinger dude's design. He's still gorgeous. What breed is he supposed to be again? I feel like he's some kind of shepard or something.
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 00:21:30 No.1826653
He's a Doberman.
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 08:53:32 No.1826879

Uh no, he's not. Looks like either a German Shepherd or a Belgian Malinois
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 14:14:22 No.1827043
No he ain't. Dobermans have very specific markings dude.

I'm leaning towards Belgian Malinois.

Edited at 2020/10/05 14:15:04
Furrynomous 2020/10/05 17:28:36 No.1827238
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File: buckle-up-little-timmy-youre-about-to-see-some-shit_u18chan.jpg - (110.67kb, 400x400, buckle-up-little-timmy-youre-about-to-see-some-shit.jpg)
woop woop that's the sound of da police!
Little Timmy here needs the authority in the ballpark asap
Furrynomous 2020/10/07 14:53:46 No.1828229
File: eSpoused-hubby-edit_0_u18chan.jpg - (1.66mb, 3298x2752, eSpoused-hubby-edit.jpg)
Oh my god, this thread is wild.
Anyway, here's the edit.
Furrynomous 2020/10/07 15:41:13 No.1828240
So he calls his babysitter and needs to specify he's calling about the kids? Then he tells her to plan on staying the night regardless of how late or early he arrives? Is he planning to have sex with the babysitter if he strikes out, and his evening ends early?
Furrynomous 2020/10/07 20:21:27 No.1828346
Can we really call this cheating tho? I feel like it falls more into the "swingers" thing than cheating, seeing as permission is given with the whole "casual dating for married couples" thing going on.
Chatin # MOD # 2020/10/08 01:30:13 No.1828431
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File: peek_u18chan.png - (23.3kb, 227x91, peek.png)
Furrynomous 2020/10/08 03:51:39 No.1828469

Blah. Original is better here
Furrynomous 2020/10/08 08:24:50 No.1828551

It's his wife. And he's asking her to not make plans because he might not be home tonight.

Also, is it just me or does it come off he and his wife are not on good terms right now?

Edited at 2020/10/08 08:30:51
Furrynomous 2020/10/08 09:39:10 No.1828584
Nope here clearly says:
>Wife's visiting folks, so I'd need to get sitter for kids.

So you're wrong... Or the comic has bad script with incoherences...
Furrynomous 2020/10/08 10:47:41 No.1828590

My bad, missed that bit of info. Chalk it up to the thread chaos prior to the cleansing.

But you are absolutely right. The point still stands though, he's asking the sitter to stay the night in case he doesn't come back.
Furrynomous 2020/10/08 18:48:09 No.1828712
Thx Mr. Mod for letting that in XD
I appreciate it

I like it
Thx man for the edit as well
keep it up

Edited at 2020/10/08 18:52:14
Zaush: eSpoused Furrynomous 2020/10/14 11:14:50 No.1831376
File: eSpoused-connor-arrives_u18chan.jpg - (3.9mb, 3500x3500, eSpoused-connor-arrives.jpg)

Zaush: eSpoused Furrynomous 2020/10/14 11:14:53 No.1831377
File: eSpoused-having-a-look_u18chan.jpg - (3.64mb, 3500x3432, eSpoused-having-a-look.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/10/14 13:08:47 No.1831420
Other than the obvious thing to say here...dude's head looks a bit too big for his body. (Nice dick and balls, tho'.)

I await the edits.
Furrynomous 2020/10/14 13:58:25 No.1831440
Really nice dick.

But yeah like he ^ said, I await the edits of the lovely anon editor
Furrynomous 2020/10/14 14:00:56 No.1831441
Darn it! Human cock instead of canine dick. Oh well.
Furrynomous 2020/10/14 16:26:28 No.1831519
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Furrynomous 2020/10/14 16:35:46 No.1831524
zaush draws nice knots idk
Furrynomous 2020/10/14 16:52:49 No.1831538

Either is fine, but he doesn't do canine cock often enough.
Furrynomous 2020/10/14 19:24:14 No.1831662

I'm already on the case. I don't know if the dude's head is slightly too big or his neck slightly too long for his frame, but I'll see what happens when I tweak that as well.
Furrynomous 2020/10/14 20:55:18 No.1831715
Goddamn, Connor is sexy.
Furrynomous 2020/10/15 01:28:57 No.1831790
File: eSpoused-connor-arrives_edit_u18chan.jpg - (1.97mb, 3500x3500, eSpoused-connor-arrives_edit.jpg)
Shrunk his head a little and it feels more in proportion.
Furrynomous 2020/10/15 01:29:00 No.1831791
File: eSpoused-having-a-look_edit_u18chan.jpg - (1.77mb, 3500x3432, eSpoused-having-a-look_edit.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/10/15 05:05:50 No.1831892

I have to admit. His head does look better
Furrynomous 2020/10/15 05:07:07 No.1831893

Is disgusted by the idea of canine dick in a furry comic?

Furrynomous 2020/10/15 10:00:25 No.1831956

Human dick will always be superior!!
Furrynomous 2020/10/15 11:14:33 No.1831985
yeah, its the human dick that makes it disgusting,
not the brazen infidelity that seems welcomed by the dickless husband.
i know no-one who enjoys the cuckold fetish, and the few i hear about are repulsive individuals. cuck is a forced fetish.
Furrynomous 2020/10/15 12:17:34 No.1832011
It's not infidelity when the husband knows about it.
Furrynomous 2020/10/15 16:02:48 No.1832160
I actually like the larger head. It made him feel more like a daddy.
Furrynomous 2020/10/15 17:07:47 No.1832176
File: eSpoused-connor-arrives_edit_originalhead_u18chan.jpg - (1.98mb, 3500x3500, eSpoused-connor-arrives_edit_originalhead.jpg)

Hey man, whatever floats your boat. Here are my edits but with the dude's original head size.
Furrynomous 2020/10/15 17:07:54 No.1832177
File: eSpoused-having-a-look_edit_originalhead_u18chan.jpg - (1.8mb, 3500x3432, eSpoused-having-a-look_edit_originalhead.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/10/16 00:58:06 No.1832302
Anyone wanna do a brother a huge favor and edit a canine dick popping out of a fat sheath on that guy?
Furrynomous 2020/10/16 08:53:06 No.1832487
It's not just the head tho, the neck and shoulders are off with the rest of his lower body, if its just floof then the shirt collar should be different, but even then it just doesn't make sense..
Furrynomous 2020/10/16 08:59:38 No.1832490
Proportions are debatable, but let's start with the dick and give it a good knot.
Furrynomous 2020/10/16 10:53:10 No.1832548
Not gonna lie, Zaush draws really detailed and good looking canine dicks, don't know why he always goes with the basic salami look
Furrynomous 2020/10/16 19:17:15 No.1832898
IIRC he said he just prefers humanoid dicks more.
Furrynomous 2020/10/17 03:30:09 No.1833047
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Furrynomous 2020/10/17 03:30:12 No.1833048
File: eSpoused-snapchat-tease_u18chan.jpg - (2.03mb, 1764x3373, eSpoused-snapchat-tease.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/10/17 03:30:15 No.1833049
File: eSpoused-ready-to-leave_u18chan.jpg - (4.29mb, 3500x3500, eSpoused-ready-to-leave.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/10/17 07:30:00 No.1833088
The photo pic and the last one is pretty hot, love how she braces her feet on the wall like that, and the way he carries her effortlessly. That's the kind of size difference that's super DUPER hot imo.

Edited at 2020/10/17 16:33:58
Furrynomous 2020/10/17 10:31:17 No.1833179
Oh my god...
Furrynomous 2020/10/17 10:47:36 No.1833182
good shit!! will be even hotter with edits from our beautiful anon editor!
Hottie 2020/10/17 19:13:33 No.1833388
Love those edits! If only the shoulder were bit wider and a smaller head then she would look perfect
Furrynomous 2020/10/17 20:55:11 No.1833422

Editor here. I agree, I think both chars look better with sliiightly smaller heads and shoulders. Unfortunately it's more work to shrink elements and redraw connections/repaint backgrounds than it is to enlarge elements. I'll focus on getting her body right, then think about heads and shoulders if I have time.
Furrynomous 2020/10/18 18:15:16 No.1833832
What if Zaush secretly hates that his highest paying clients prefer the "it's totally a grown woman, look at her bio gosh" but being like the rest of us, does what pays. And Zaush is actually the Anon making the edits to make her look more mature, as a way of redeeming his art to something he really enjoys. But totally pretending elsewhere that other people are editing his art. If you go back to early work, he knows proportions and making proper age boby parts, it wasn't until he got super notice "famous if you will" and his commission prices went sky high that his art really started to get... Younger.
Furrynomous 2020/10/28 10:32:56 No.1839053
If he hates drawing younger-looking characters in states of undress and sexual activity, he sure as shit does a poor job of showing it. And by "showing it", I mean "refusing to do it on the grounds that he really doesn't want to draw that shit".
Furrynomous 2020/10/28 21:20:20 No.1839280

lol he obviously loves the "totally grown women look at her wiki age!" characters, but even if that wasn't true... Zaush is so talented with anatomy (actual grown women anatomy and grown men) that he could EASILY be making bank. Fuck if Zaush was smart, or a lot of these artists... they'd move into VN's and other games or ongoing erotic graphic novel;s and such.
Furrynomous 2020/10/28 22:55:19 No.1839300
I mean he did try to do that, he was trying to find a company to fund his animated feature then he got accused for a bunch of shit with an underaged girl at a con.
Furrynomous 2020/11/01 16:12:58 No.1841421
Editor here, sorry for the delays on tweaking these latest pics. Currently doing PC repairs & waiting on parts. Gimme a week.
Furrynomous 2020/11/01 16:52:50 No.1841438
The guy who draws nothing but porn of children/teenagers with grown men getting caught fucking around with underaged girls. What a shocking turn of events.
Furrynomous 2020/11/07 17:56:00 No.1844508
File: eSpoused-stairs-tease_edit_u18chan.jpg - (1.34mb, 3500x3565, eSpoused-stairs-tease_edit.jpg)
Hey all, sorry for the delay. Computer is finally working now, so the edits are coming together.
Furrynomous 2020/11/07 17:56:03 No.1844509
File: eSpoused-snapchat-tease-edit_u18chan.jpg - (644.33kb, 1764x3373, eSpoused-snapchat-tease-edit.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/11/07 17:56:06 No.1844510
File: eSpoused-ready-to-leave_edit_u18chan.jpg - (1.36mb, 3500x3500, eSpoused-ready-to-leave_edit.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/11/07 21:06:19 No.1844579
thx for the edits verry nice
Furrynomous 2020/11/08 00:13:36 No.1844645
The edits look nice. The only thing missing is a proper K9 equipment on the male.
Furrynomous 2020/11/08 00:32:28 No.1844651
Lack of canine equipment on both of them.

Seriously, put a knot on him and a cookie on her, yummm
Furrynomous 2020/11/09 18:11:51 No.1845370
File: eSpoused-having-a-look_edit_knot_u18chan.jpg - (1.77mb, 3500x3432, eSpoused-having-a-look_edit_knot.jpg)
Editor here. I'm not an expert at repainting but I had a go at adding a knot to an earlier pic. I just don't know if it works though, it feels like I'd need to repaint the entire cock.
Furrynomous 2020/11/09 19:01:55 No.1845385

Hm it's not bad but its also not really an impvement. Plus it doesn't make sense for him to have it until after he busts a nut.
Furrynomous 2020/11/09 23:13:45 No.1845467
>Knot with human penis head
It's worse, to be honest.
Furrynomous 2020/11/09 23:33:45 No.1845473
>Seriously, put a knot on him and a cookie on her, yummm
Ya'll wanted a knot on him and got it and yet you're still complaining.
Furrynomous 2020/11/10 00:42:21 No.1845493

Editor: Yeah, I agree. I'll leave someone more skilled than me to paint over it completely with a proper dog dong.
Furrynomous 2020/11/10 00:52:47 No.1845495

That wasn't me. Zero complaints here but could be improved, appreciate the effort either way.
Furrynomous 2020/11/10 04:32:02 No.1845550
I think it looks interesting. Not what i was expecting. It's a start. Its getting close. If a tip would be pointier than it would look decent.

Edited at 2020/11/10 04:33:02
Furrynomous 2020/11/10 16:29:14 No.1845775

I think what I'd need to get the repaints done at a solid level of quality are examples of canine cocks in Zaush's style that are at roughly the same angle. It'd be reasonably simple to edit them in and then paint over to make the exact styles match. I'll start hunting for pics but if you have any refs on hand that suit what I need, it'd be appreciated.
Furrynomous 2020/11/25 09:45:39 No.1853849
Anything new here? It's been a while
Furrynomous 2020/11/25 09:54:39 No.1853852
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Furrynomous 2020/11/25 09:54:42 No.1853853
File: eSpoused-Noodle-Scene-02-wip_u18chan.jpg - (401.92kb, 1200x1115, eSpoused-Noodle-Scene-02-wip.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/11/25 09:54:47 No.1853854
File: eSpoused-Noodle-Scene-03-wip_u18chan.jpg - (527.79kb, 1200x1134, eSpoused-Noodle-Scene-03-wip.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/11/25 13:17:57 No.1853973
ffs, couldn't keep cheating out of a story involving consensual non-monogamy... Fucking hell Zaush!

Edited at 2020/11/25 13:19:41
Furrynomous 2020/11/25 13:55:50 No.1854002
Welp... there's that soured up I guess...
Furrynomous 2020/11/25 14:20:01 No.1854010
So let me repeat that just to be sure I underestand it, this Guy basically:
>Had a daughter with his wife and get into a swing app
>Did not use a condom and had a bastard (probably destroying the other couple's marriage in the process)
>Implied cheating his wife and did not learned lesson. Does he even grab a condom? He wants destroy this couple's marriage too?

Edited at 2020/11/25 14:21:22
Furrynomous 2020/11/25 14:28:07 No.1854015
This guy is a moral trash. By far one of the hateful character in a furry comic I've ever seen.

And imagine now Reis and Marcus one of the best furry couple ever would want adopt a kid, law would obstruct that Max posible just cause they're two guys. Meanswhile this moral trash of Connor can have kids for granted just cause he's straight... Well, like The Joker said "we live in a society"
Furrynomous 2020/11/25 17:55:43 No.1854143
>this moral trash of Connor can have kids for granted just cause hes straight
That is generally how biology works, yes
ThatFreeSpeechLovingCunt 2020/11/25 18:06:20 No.1854149
Nature is trash, innit? Can't we just have asexual couples deciding when to haveoffspring and skip this whole debauchery-thing?
No? Okay... That sucks! >_>
Furrynomous 2020/11/25 18:54:47 No.1854169
So it's ok for you that straight people can have kids even when they're shity persons or hedonists?
Do theey have more right to be parents than gay/lesbian couple adopt?

Mortimer and Larry (The Angel of the forest) are by far better parents and better example for their kids than this moral trash of Connor and prety sure than Marcus and Reis also would be better parents than him if they would want adopt a kid.
Furrynomous 2020/11/25 20:03:08 No.1854194
More red flags than across a football season.
Furrynomous 2020/11/25 20:08:19 No.1854198
Im not gay by any means ( at least I dont think so) but the marcus and reis story was so well written with struggle, true love and a bunch of other shit I cant think of that it reminds me of a few gay friends I have that ARE great parents to their kids and are out-freakin-standing individuals in the community and my hunting and wheeling group. Ive booted people from our circle when they had issue with our gay buddies cuz they were gay.

Edited at 2020/11/25 20:09:56
Furrynomous 2020/11/25 20:18:07 No.1854200

Legit. Some of the best parents I know are gay couples.
Furrynomous 2020/11/26 00:58:04 No.1854314

Hi all!

I've been kinda taking a break, which included having a friend over for a few days, and then part of that I was intensely ill with something, probably food poisoning. Sketches are being roughed out for the eSpoused set, and there's a hefty 10 images for this portion. I'll be posting some updates for those soon after Thanksgiving.

Thanks for hanging in there, I'll have some new stuff for your inboxes soon!
Furrynomous 2020/11/26 04:39:37 No.1854427
So its ok for you that straight people can have kids even when they're shity persons or hedonists?
Thats reality.

That's like saying
>so it's okay for someone to get an A on the test when they study even though theyre a shitty person
The second half of the hypothetical doesnt enter into the equation. A heterosexual man and woman are the 'necessary ingredients' to having a kid. Thats just reality
Furrynomous 2020/11/26 06:19:19 No.1854453

god, furries truly are autistic, stop getting upset at fucking smut comics dipshits, you think they're supposed to be representative of real situations? Do you cry at fucking porn movies if the 'plot' involves implied cheating too?
Furrynomous 2020/11/26 07:37:06 No.1854472
Rukis is awesome. She's much better than Zaush. Her art eats Zaush's art with potatoes.

Edited at 2020/11/26 07:39:10
Furrynomous 2020/11/26 07:44:12 No.1854475
But in movies the cheater usually gets the punish he/she deserves (karma mostly), meanwhile in Zaush comics (and mostly furry comics) always gets away with it (Karma Houdini) and it's a very toxic message to give the community and society and that's why I complained.
Furrynomous 2020/11/26 08:52:02 No.1854502
Firstly no they don't, that's the whole point of NTR fantasy porn.
And why are you yelling about here instead of somewhere where Zaush can see you're feedback?
Furrynomous 2020/11/27 10:49:32 No.1855008
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Edited at 2020/11/27 10:50:47
Furrynomous 2020/11/27 14:00:34 No.1855093
LOL people complaining about cheaters this and that... who cares?
1)It is just a drawing, get over yourself
2)Monogamous relationships are an abnormality in the animal kingdom. The only reason most of you think it is the norm, is social teaching that goes aganst our basic core nature.

We are designed to do 3 things at our core level. Survive, fuck, and eat. Everything else is just social (Nurture vs Nature)
Furrynomous 2020/11/27 19:24:48 No.1855234
1. We might be animals, but we have evolved (one more than others tough) and we have think and moral precisely to get society go further.
Monogamy is the way relationship worked in civilised societies and must perdure.

And second:
>It is just a drawing, get over yourself
The problem is the toxic message that gives to the audiences. "Cheating is good", something very common on Zaush, Naylor comics and it's not good cause audiences watch it and thinks is good, and it's morally deplorable
Furrynomous 2020/11/27 20:34:11 No.1855252
>The problem is the toxic message that gives to the audiences.

Anyone who looks to porn of any kind for moral guidance of any kind needs more help than you can provide by saying "cheating is wrong, mm'kay".
Furrynomous 2020/11/27 22:51:05 No.1855296

It's not so much of a moral reason that bothers me, I could care less

It's just his comics always have the same theme, cheating or incest (or both)

Honestly the only interesting comic he's been working on so far is the gay comic with the fox and otter, and he seems to be putting much more effort into it on all fronts, IMO

I'm just saying I personally find the cheating motif rather fucking boring and predictable at this point

This was turning out to be a breath of fresh air, for once, so seeing it just go right back to the cheating thing just made me roll my eyes

I don't think finding the lack of variety rather boring to be unreasonable, either

I will agree, though, the moral fags are pretty absurd, NGL
Furrynomous 2020/11/28 01:08:17 No.1855330
If you're that fed up with the comic, hide the thread. It's obviously causing you some sort of emotional/mental distress, and continual exposure to it - especially in a "hatreading" context - won't do you any good.
Furrynomous 2020/11/28 08:50:03 No.1855450
Guys if you need a morally good story or at least a better one you could rewrite and edit the text of this one at the end like some people did with the other comic of Zauch.
I mean we could at least write it so maybe the guy is divorced at this point or everyone is in an open relationship there are a lot of options, if you just need to make the story morally sane to you ... still on the cheating aspect IRL people doing that stuff all the time and guys having children with 3 different woman its just reality stuff like this happen.

Fact woman can get pregnant, and it doesn't matter how moral the situation was to that.
In hindsight a lot of people can say oh no I shouldn't have done this or that, or he should have used a condom etc ... People are sometimes mindless, careless and morally weak because we are not machines, people do irrational and counterproductive things all the time.
Sure that doesn't make it right and I don't support bad behaviors but it is just what it is.

I appreciate the effort and intend of you to make the word a better place by not displaying such bad morals and behaviors in these comics but in the end I don't think that matters a lot on the big scale.

Totally agree with you.

In the end if you are sane enough to notice it in the comic that something is wrong there your sense of moral should be on the right place.

I don't think that Zauch's intended that but I think his comics are just an example of how we shouldn't to do things.
Like an antihero or villain, his comics show a strange view of society that sadly IRL exists too.
But as long as I and you know it is not right to do things like that we get at least reminded by this comic as a negative example. And I am fine with that.

We do not have to hit everyone all the time with a signpost "this is bad" every time we see an example of bad behavior like a self entitled justice warrior ... most people that do bad things know very well what they are doing. I don't say it is wrong to point some things out and make other people aware of some situations but things like cheating are bad sure ...still some people find it sexy like other types of kinks.
And that is why there are so many fantasy stories and comics with all of these types of kinks so just some certain people can enjoy them ...
Fantasy is just not reality as much as the things that you say are not always the things you think,
there are similarities but it is just not the same.

Trying to change other peoples conception of their fantasies because it doesn't fit your type of fantasy or reality is just silly.
If you want Zauch to make a comic that fits your taste you can pay him to do so.
Or take what exists and change it to your taste.
Furrynomous 2020/11/28 11:03:56 No.1855585
I'm just gonna assume this world works on "everyone fucks like literal animals" and not knowing one of your parents is completely normal because you were probably conceived during an orgy or something.
Furrynomous 2020/11/28 14:09:54 No.1855692

Dude you're confusing me with the moral fags, you're acting like I have some sort of psychotic obsession, calm down

I'm just making fun of it for taking that predictable turn and a bit let down he went with the same usual trope he always does with his stories

By your logic, if the comments bother you THAT MUCH, hide the comments :P

I'm going to keep making jokes about his writing, but I'm not going to make moral arguments, so stop conflating, saying he never deviates from the same type of stories and female body types is valid criticism

Honestly, you're the one that seems unhinged and lashing out at anyone that would even have mild criticism about the comic
Furrynomous 2020/11/28 15:18:38 No.1855710
Perhaps, and I'm just spitballing here, it just makes the comic less enjoyable
LootCat 2020/11/30 15:26:00 No.1856928
Hey, I got an idea!

Who Fucking cares!? they're cartoon animals fucking! if you don't like the scenario, stop fucking reading! christ, it's like pulling teeth with people on this site "ooooh the imaginary dog guy is cheating, that affects me for real for some reason!"

get over it! god damn. All the long winded "morality" BS is pointless. Get over yourselves, it's a comic. FANTASY!
Furrynomous 2020/11/30 18:17:06 No.1857041
You should prob hide the comments before you piss your pants there, buddy.
Furrynomous 2020/11/30 18:19:53 No.1857042
stop fueling the fire. posts like this should be just as bannable as the ones people like you want removed
Furrynomous 2020/11/30 20:26:09 No.1857094
LootCat 2020/11/30 22:28:07 No.1857133
I'm not gonna tell anyone they have to like the comic, but just that it's not real. I don't care if someone is 'offended' by cheating in a fictional setting. (hell, that's the premise for so many straight to gay stories, or the 'house wife and pizza guy' cliche). I just want people to get over and just enjoy the art, or literally, stop looking at what they don't like to look at.

Secondly, I don't want anyone banned or removed. that's ridiculous. I never said that lol I want people to realize it's stupid to be upset about fictional situations, and before the stupid "but you're complaining about blah blah blah"; no, I'm not complaining about the fictional comic, I'm annoyed at how often I see things update and it's just cucks whining about "cheating" and "adultery" in their dog fucking porn.
Furrynomous 2020/12/01 14:59:13 No.1857520

Edited at 2020/12/01 15:00:53
Furrynomous 2020/12/08 13:42:18 No.1861350
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Furrynomous 2020/12/08 13:42:22 No.1861351
File: eSpoused-noodles-02_u18chan.jpg - (2.96mb, 3500x2499, eSpoused-noodles-02.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/12/08 13:42:25 No.1861352
File: eSpoused-noodles-03_u18chan.jpg - (4.01mb, 3500x3253, eSpoused-noodles-03.jpg)
Furrynomous 2020/12/08 14:08:53 No.1861372
I'm still upset Zaush made the cute one into such a scumbag.

And despite the girl's look, I doubt she'll have any real problem either, they're gonna fuck anyways so what's the point..
Furrynomous 2020/12/08 15:52:46 No.1861398
why is his friend trying to cockblock him?
Furrynomous 2020/12/08 15:59:31 No.1861406
Because furry artists have no idea how normal people interact with each other. They think cucking, cheating and getting anything that moves pregnant is just normal life.
Furrynomous 2020/12/08 17:04:52 No.1861542
La biblia esta llena de sexo,guerras infidelidades,incesto,por todos los comentarios,seria muy tonto pensar que ir ala iglesia nos daria mas moralidad
Furrynomous 2020/12/08 17:18:27 No.1861547
Aaaand there it is! We couldn't have some adults just being nice kinky people, no, it always has to be a scoundrel of some sort.
Furrynomous 2020/12/08 18:53:28 No.1861603

¿Donde esta la biblioteca?
Furrynomous 2020/12/08 22:16:12 No.1861654

Ah yes, in stark contrast to all the SUPER REAL scenarios in regular porn.

What are you doing step-slave?
Some Hispan Fur 2020/12/09 00:01:50 No.1861690
Dude, why do you comment in spanish answering into a english thread, and wasnt just one time

No respondas en español en un hilo donde se esta hablando inglés, ni siquiera fue solo una vez
Furrynomous 2020/12/09 00:58:29 No.1861714
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File: mylord_u18chan.png - (90.79kb, 1493x486, mylord.png)

Lol this. You don't have to go too far to see evidence of this.
Furrynomous 2020/12/09 01:00:39 No.1861716

Step-brother, I got stuck in your fursuit.
Furrynomous 2020/12/09 04:12:13 No.1861767
all right! time to make a non-cuck version of this bc there's no reason zaush keeps going back to this cuck fetish of his
Furrynomous 2020/12/09 05:12:08 No.1861776
File: 001_146_u18chan.png - (6.26mb, 2800x2243, 001.png)
non-cuck 001/???
Furrynomous 2020/12/09 05:12:37 No.1861777
File: 002_132_u18chan.png - (4.78mb, 2800x2246, 002.png)
non-cuck 002/???
Furrynomous 2020/12/09 05:50:43 No.1861783
(didn't edit anything on this page since we've already established in the first 2 pics the app isn't for cuckolding)
Furrynomous 2020/12/09 05:56:10 No.1861787
File: non-cuck004_u18chan.jpg - (2.02mb, 2500x2184, non-cuck 004.jpg)
non-cuck 004/??? (didn't edit anything on page 3 since we've already established in the first 2 pics the app isn't for cuckolding)
Furrynomous 2020/12/09 05:58:06 No.1861788
File: non-cuck006_u18chan.png - (5.41mb, 3000x2491, non-cuck 006.png)
non-cuck 006/??? (no edits needed on page 005, just scroll up and find that)
Furrynomous 2020/12/09 05:58:40 No.1861789
File: non-cuck007_u18chan.png - (4.27mb, 2800x2183, non-cuck 007.png)
non-cuck 007/???
Furrynomous 2020/12/09 06:57:40 No.1861812
File: non-cuck008_u18chan.png - (6.68mb, 3298x2752, non-cuck 008.png)
non-cuck 008/???
Furrynomous 2020/12/09 06:58:22 No.1861813
File: non-cuck009_u18chan.png - (8.74mb, 3652x3070, non-cuck 009.png)
non-cuck 009/???
Furrynomous 2020/12/09 06:58:52 No.1861814
File: non-cuck010_u18chan.jpg - (4.41mb, 3500x3500, non-cuck 010.jpg)
non-cuck 010/???
Furrynomous 2020/12/09 06:59:38 No.1861815
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non-cuck 011/???
Furrynomous 2020/12/09 07:01:30 No.1861816
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non-cuck 012/???
Furrynomous 2020/12/09 07:02:03 No.1861817
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non-cuck 013/???
Furrynomous 2020/12/09 07:02:32 No.1861818
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non-cuck 014/???
Furrynomous 2020/12/09 07:03:05 No.1861819
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non-cuck 015/???
Furrynomous 2020/12/09 07:04:19 No.1861820
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non-cuck 016/???
(and that's it for now. tried making connor far removed from the asshole he is in the original story also. whenever the new pages arrive, I'll also get to those.)
Furrynomous 2020/12/09 10:20:18 No.1861903
Holy fuck this shit is pathetic. lmao
Furrynomous 2020/12/09 11:37:57 No.1861926

Bruh, wtf.
Furrynomous 2020/12/09 15:01:25 No.1862017
if we could have the edits in a separate thread that would be cool things are getting so clutered...
Furrynomous 2020/12/09 18:19:35 No.1862162

That's so much more palatable than Zaush's original stuff. Thanks for these edits! It remains to be seen how the whole comic will evolve, though!
Furrynomous 2020/12/10 00:56:08 No.1862316
Much better without the loser cuck shit. What a smoothbrain fetish.
Furrynomous 2020/12/10 01:20:20 No.1862318
You can see a guy getting cucked in the background.
Furrynomous 2020/12/14 10:47:37 No.1864474
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Furrynomous 2020/12/14 12:17:53 No.1864526
This is some inception level cucking
Furrynomous 2020/12/14 12:27:15 No.1864545
I'm staying skeptical...
Furrynomous 2020/12/14 12:55:20 No.1864550
Lol, I would totally love a comic where this gal keeps cucking one lad after the other in a non stop train of dates xD
Furrynomous 2020/12/14 15:18:14 No.1864677
Well well well
The cucker becomes the cucked
Furrynomous 2020/12/14 16:36:17 No.1864710
Yooo, i am so down for the cucker to become cucked.
Furrynomous 2020/12/14 19:16:11 No.1864795
I'd be down with that too. Let the jackass of the story get cucked this time please?

Edited at 2020/12/14 20:13:13
Furrynomous 2020/12/14 19:46:13 No.1864802

Oh what's this? Dude turns out to be a scum bag, now he's about to get cucked?

Alright, now the comic is interesting again, lets go
Furrynomous 2020/12/14 20:47:13 No.1864823
on one hand, connor getting cucked is just what he deserves

on the other hand, for a non-cuck version of this idk if there's any need to edit this
Furrynomous 2020/12/14 21:19:37 No.1864839
Knowing Zaush this gonna be a 3-way
Furrynomous 2020/12/14 22:33:48 No.1864863

I will accept this outcome.
Furrynomous 2020/12/15 00:19:56 No.1864924
Btw I just realized something... That pitbull in the first noodles date pic. I think that's the Bouncer that was one of the profile choices earlier? He looks the same as it. Same markings... Same exact tank top as well too.
Furrynomous 2020/12/15 15:23:51 No.1865182
I swear we need an alternate version of these threads just for the images. Fap Mode doesn't mean shit if there's 20 fucking versions of every godforsaken image you shits.
Furrynomous 2020/12/16 01:56:49 No.1865431
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Furrynomous 2020/12/16 03:08:27 No.1865445

Yup. Threeway inbound.
Furrynomous 2020/12/16 04:41:42 No.1865462
Ah yes. The cucker is about to become the cucked.
Furrynomous 2020/12/16 09:23:14 No.1865590
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Furrynomous 2020/12/16 10:39:50 No.1865614
Now can someone give her a lazy eye and post every god damn page again? That'd be great, thanks.
Furrynomous 2020/12/16 11:53:03 No.1865655
This might be the dumbest shit I've ever read. Zaush HAS to be doing it on purpose, cause every part of this is so hilariously bad and cliche.
Furrynomous 2020/12/16 16:40:10 No.1865759
So it seems the cucker/bull has BECOME the cuckold this time around. When he was originally gonna cuck her husband.
Cuckception. Please steal her away from that asshole. This is actually kinda funny.
Furrynomous 2020/12/16 19:38:58 No.1865823
Hey, have you see the new Guy? He also has a ring, sooo married guy so still cheating. Sure, Connor would recieve the punish he deserves but still same story
Furrynomous 2020/12/18 05:30:41 No.1866435

It's especially easy to make fun of when it's Zaush but I think this type of thing kinda just happens in porn in general.

When you're writing a porn comic for the purpose of porn (as opposed to a story that happens to have uncensored sex in it) then all story beats have to somehow lead to sex within a dozen pages or so. That's the definition of an excuse plot after all. This naturally results in giving people outlandish personalities or simply writing yourself into a corner where the only way out is going for the "that would never happen, what the fuck" type of scene like this.

The very fact that it's porn demands that they have a threesome, and the supernatural forces of the universe they live in will converge in order to ensure this. All conflicts in porn must be resolved by all involved parties banging and making up. Or simply getting banged full stop if it's a rape story.
Furrynomous 2020/12/22 18:20:55 No.1868932
Zaush's need for cucking in everything has became so advanced he can only get off if the cuck's bull is getting cucked by another bull.
Soon the cuck will be hiding behind like 7 layers of bull if Zaush hopes to nut.
Furrynomous 2020/12/22 18:27:22 No.1868933
I bet zaush did this plot twist on purpose to mess with the guy making the edits. Good luck explaining this double cucking with that pathetic alternative plot xD
Furrynomous 2020/12/22 20:30:24 No.1868967
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Furrynomous 2020/12/22 20:38:42 No.1868973
this is terrible lol
Furrynomous 2020/12/22 20:40:00 No.1868975
I love how she reacts to her "hot date" being a housewrecking piece of shit. She really should bail which she still can. But hey, it's a Zaush comic. She'll still end up with 5 dicks in her.
Anony 2020/12/23 04:34:09 No.1869079
So Signs up for site ,
Cucks hubby ..
While on date random guy approaches ..
Cucks Hot date...
Get back to apartment and of course there is going to be the big stallion roomate that pushes small roomate away.

Knock on door... The pizza guy that stallion called is a huge bull elephant that of course the lady needs to tip.

Then a nearby volcano has a minor eruption unleashing a long locked away feral dragon that of course needs a mate and finds her and steals her away.

Oh and of course since hubby was on a plane he crashes and dies so she never knows what happened and wifey just thinks he can find another gal on the website to fill her place. YEAH!

Edited at 2020/12/23 04:37:29
Furrynomous 2020/12/23 05:38:32 No.1869092
Sadly that's probably better than the "story" we've got coming in this.
Furrynomous 2020/12/23 09:07:40 No.1869161
this is becoming parody at this point

i'd need to wait for a few more pages until i continue with the non-cuck version, but yeesh cuck upon cuck with this one
Furrynomous 2020/12/23 09:20:15 No.1869163
Its not cuckery, its ethical sluttery.

He lied about her, meaning he's hiding something, meaning he's probably cheating (swinging without consent?). Denying him more snatch and making him watch is her way of punishing him.

Zaush probably is trying to legitimize his past work as... this.
Furrynomous 2020/12/23 14:14:06 No.1869252

You forgot the alien abduction. She has to let herself get plowed for science.
Furrynomous 2020/12/24 14:32:34 No.1869685
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Furrynomous 2020/12/24 14:47:22 No.1869694

jfc I actually lol'd. It really is cuck-ception.
Furrynomous 2020/12/24 15:54:11 No.1869725
Why am I more interested in seeing the cucker get cucked rather than the ensuing porn? What a weird fetish this has awoken.

Also, that guy behind the counter cute af.
Furrynomous 2020/12/24 17:30:50 No.1869754
We have to go deeper. In two panels a horse is going to be cucking both of them, followed by a bull cucking all three.
Furrynomous 2020/12/24 17:58:03 No.1869764
Followed by an m. Night shamalyn style twist....the husband walks out from the closet and cucks them all! XD
Furrynomous 2020/12/24 18:05:44 No.1869767

tHeRe WaS nO hUsBaNd
Furrynomous 2020/12/24 21:40:00 No.1869828
The father was actually a ghost the whole time.
Furrynomous 2020/12/24 22:30:19 No.1869843

Furrynomous 2020/12/24 22:35:21 No.1869848
Your dad
Zaush: eSpoused Furrynomous 2020/12/25 03:55:05 No.1869944
Has no one noticed how the guy is worried about showing up underdressed to a fucking street food stand?
Furrynomous 2020/12/25 03:55:21 No.1869945
I laughed the most at the fucking dude behind the counter. He certainly has his attention on that phone, must be juicy stuff there.

Legit loving the cuckception, it's genuinely amusing.

Edited at 2020/12/25 03:55:46
Furrynomous 2020/12/26 10:09:43 No.1870436
"Prefect fit"
Furrynomous 2020/12/26 13:11:27 No.1870528
There is no indication that they had decided on a street vendor for dinner at the time he said that. They decided on appropriate dress first, and once he decided he liked her in the running shorts, well the patrons did really, they didn't really have a choice but to go for casual dining.
Zaush: eSpoused Furrynomous 2020/12/26 20:01:35 No.1870714
In the context of the story, literally the first time they texted, the guy wanted to get dinner at a "nice place" and was worried about being underdressed. That has nothing to do with patrons and is just sloppy writing. You're a fool.
Furrynomous 2020/12/26 21:54:14 No.1870759
I hadn't read that page recently, but from the sounds of it, neither have you. He said maybe, so that was a possibility, not a concrete plan. Plus he said nice place which doesn't describe a food stand at all, and immediately after that, he asks what she's wearing, and when she misunderstands the intent of the question, he makes it clear that he doesn't want to show up underdressed relative to her choice of outfit not relative to the dress code of any particular dining option he had in mind, so there's still no issue with 'not wanting to appear underdressed' for a food stand.
Furrynomous 2020/12/30 08:14:39 No.1872277
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Furrynomous 2020/12/30 08:14:42 No.1872278
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Furrynomous 2020/12/30 08:20:47 No.1872281
"You thought you were reading a comic about swingers. BUT IT WAS I, CUCKOLD!"
Furrynomous 2020/12/30 08:34:40 No.1872284
Holy fucking shit this is hot
Furrynomous 2020/12/30 08:36:08 No.1872285
Is that a fetish or something? I ddon´t even understand how that works or how it can be a pleasure to someone.
Furrynomous 2020/12/30 08:49:34 No.1872291
Nice to see that dude in the background is getting some
Furrynomous 2020/12/30 08:59:26 No.1872296
Only if you enjoy jacking it to prepubescent looking females
Furrynomous 2020/12/30 09:25:18 No.1872306

Most of the world would be quick to lump you in with actual chicken fuckers, so maybe chill with the high horse for a bit?...
Furrynomous 2020/12/30 11:52:51 No.1872388
There's a lot going on in this comic, I'm talking about the scenario mostly. However I see where you're coming from even though "prebubescent" is a stretch. For what it's worth I'd think it was even hotter if it were all males.
Furrynomous 2020/12/30 13:38:10 No.1872446

Given the dude storming off, the comic's cuckception goes deeper.
Furrynomous 2020/12/30 13:43:56 No.1872470
How the comic started:

>To be honest, I'm a little surprised you don't already have an account.

Where we are:

>imma go do this guy even tho I was gonna do that guy first but now both maybe?
Furrynomous 2020/12/30 19:49:29 No.1872667
Zaush is even cucking his audience. They voted on who she'd get fucked by. Then he runs off with some other guy instead
Furrynomous 2020/12/30 20:23:22 No.1872678
i think we can go deeper. someone else should show up and yoink her away again, then just keep repeating the process ad infinitum without ever getting back to sex.
Furrynomous 2020/12/30 20:36:48 No.1872681

lol, that's hilarious.

I'm holding out that she'll still get railed by him in a three-way or sloppy seconds. That way Zaush can say "Technically..." the way Kadath tried to rescue his Diamond comic with late game fantasy sex.


Next-next level: There's a male model in the studio who successfully seduces the dude, thereby cucking the chick.
Furrynomous 2020/12/30 22:18:14 No.1872730

Nah it can get even more incuckception. They get to the room and her husband is there, and then he cucks the cuck bulls. OR better yet, she gets back, and the first cuck bull guys wife is there, and she bones the pornstar dude, and the the first dating cuck guy sadly watches while the original cuck chick gets a video call and her husband cuck is cucking her and divorces her.
Furrynomous 2020/12/30 22:22:53 No.1872732

That would be Vince McMahon meme worthy
Furrynomous 2020/12/30 23:08:26 No.1872750
Oh wow, finally! A pretty hot comic concept where everyone's just open with their relationships and nobody's sneaking around on their significant othe--
Furrynomous 2020/12/31 08:36:45 No.1872920
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Furrynomous 2020/12/31 08:52:03 No.1872930
Maybe there's a happy ending in all this where Conner, after experiencing the humiliation of being cucked while attempting to cuck, returns to his wife with newfound respect. They renew their vows and have wonderful, monogamous sex forever.
Furrynomous 2020/12/31 09:07:10 No.1873048
You forgot the part where his wife also goes through puberty and develops wider hips and respectable tits but otherwise nailed it
Furrynomous 2020/12/31 09:43:58 No.1873084

You hit this like a smart gun.
Furrynomous 2020/12/31 23:18:11 No.1873501
File: espoused1_u18chan.jpg - (182.15kb, 860x859, espoused 1.jpg)
So has anyone else noticed what's going on with the other couple in the background? *snickers*
Furrynomous 2020/12/31 23:18:13 No.1873502
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Furrynomous 2020/12/31 23:18:15 No.1873503
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Furrynomous 2021/01/01 14:15:38 No.1873830
>When you love cucking so much you gotta sneak some cucking into your cucking.
Furrynomous 2021/01/01 17:24:23 No.1873893
Furrynomous 2021/01/01 18:12:45 No.1873922
Yeesh there are people just fucking infront of the hotel out in the middle of the street etc... Zaush really fails to write/design a believable world. Why the fuck would anyone give a damn about cheating or porn in this world when you can just screw whoever and whenever? There's a point you jump the fuckin shark and make sex boring tbfh.
Furrynomous 2021/01/01 18:25:10 No.1873930
Guys, its called an Easter Egg. Calm down.
Furrynomous 2021/01/01 18:30:13 No.1873931
It's kind of funny: Over in one of the Kadath threads, someone complained about him being too "vanilla" with his content these days, but when Zaush draws kinky stuff (and by that I mean the cucking, not...the other thing), some of y'all go apeshit on him for drawing "too much" of that kink (or for drawing "the wrong kink").

Not judging anyone, just noting the oddity. I know everyone has different tastes, and if you like Zaush's cuckception (or Kadath's vanilla fluff), more power to you.
Furrynomous 2021/01/01 19:36:40 No.1873946
They're both the same problem though. One is doing nothing but vanilla and one is doing nothing but cuck. If all you do is one type of thing, it gets boring like this cuck cucking cucks who cuck cucks that are getting cucked by other cucks cucking. Variety is the spice of life.
Furrynomous 2021/01/01 22:06:38 No.1873991
Guess that pitbull bouncer (He looks like the same guy in the profiles like, just in a black tank top) got to get some tail in the end. Nice.
Furrynomous 2021/01/03 08:05:04 No.1874654
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Levi and Amber make their way to the studio while Connor is tasked with getting his camera from the car. What a shame he's parked in the exact opposite direction... I figure the next we see these two they'll have had around 15 minutes to themselves in the studio, and Connor will be taking some photos soon after.

Furrynomous 2021/01/03 09:15:55 No.1874671
I really hope he goes full cuck-tarded in this. It's already ruined so might as well make it as stupid and funny as possible.
Furrynomous 2021/01/03 11:47:46 No.1874734
I feel like "let the audience decide" comics never really turn out as good as just having a set storyline. Like they're trying to please as many people as they can and it gets messy and characters' personalities never really stick.

I remember a while ago there was that comic where each page was supposed to get drawn by a different artist, but it seemed like everyone kept trying to introduce new characters or take them to a different locale and it sort of just fizzled out.
Furrynomous 2021/01/03 14:55:20 No.1874835

It should be like a choose your own adventure novel/game. Yeah, sure, let the audience make the occasional decision, but you've already written the possible outcomes.

Lot of work for a solo writer though, to say nothing of a writer-artist.
Furrynomous 2021/01/03 16:17:03 No.1874870
>Lot of work for a solo writer though
Not that much work, really. The trick is to write each possible choice so that no matter what direction a given branch goes, it eventually goes to the same place (or at least a similar place) as all the others. JRPGs and other video games that give you the illusion of choice under the guise of "the choices you make will change the ending" do that shit all the time - they just don't tell you that the choices only change minor details or only lead to a small number of predetermined endings.

If the ultimate goal of this comic is cuckception, how Zaush gets there matters less than his getting there at all. And I have to think he had a general idea of what direction the comic was going to take even before he offered the first "choice" to his patrons.
Furrynomous 2021/01/03 19:21:04 No.1874992
well... he's a cunt for originally being written in as a homewrecking asshole. Now she's a cunt for running out on him with some other guy during their date. but hey, it's a porn comic. dicks out, boys!
Furrynomous 2021/01/03 19:21:39 No.1874993
Went from cuckception to full on NTR and ya know what, Connor was a scumbag anyways so this is fine.
Furrynomous 2021/01/03 19:25:06 No.1874994
>I remember a while ago there was that comic where each page was supposed to get drawn by a different artist, but it seemed like everyone kept trying to introduce new characters or take them to a different locale and it sort of just fizzled out.
Are you talking about Kabier's "Round Robin" comic I think it was named? Yeah that def was a terrible idea. Not only did the direction go absolutely everywhere because nobody could settle on a plot, the quality was back and forth as well (not tomention the constant OCs thrown in trying to one-up eachother to get a spotlight). Never allow your comic plot be to decided by your fanbase. A CYOA style thing is fine if it's through feedback only, and usually those are decided by the writer still.
Furrynomous 2021/01/03 23:40:16 No.1875086

She's not a cunt at all, just giving back what was given to her. He lied to her directly, and on top of that he is actually cheating on his wife, behind his wife's back. I think what just happened is one of the more wholesome storytelling decisions Zaush has made of late.
Furrynomous 2021/01/04 01:07:59 No.1875104
Yeah, I kinda have to agree here. Dude got the cucking he deserved.
Furrynomous 2021/01/04 05:27:46 No.1875172
More seriously, what was even the point in having his patrons vote on who she dates if she just cucks him for someone else.
Furrynomous 2021/01/04 09:49:05 No.1875248

It is so that his patrons may, themselves, be cucked. It is a construction of cuckholdry so complex, so intricate and precise that it fucks the very wife of reality, and all creation must jack off in the corner.
Furrynomous 2021/01/04 09:50:31 No.1875249
You don't get it, it's super meta. He allows Patreons to vote for it then he cucks his entire Patreon base with more of his cuckery. It's 4th wall cuckfesting. WE NEED TO GO DEEPER!
Furrynomous 2021/01/07 21:02:19 No.1877001
How is the cuckception going? We need to go deeper!
Furrynomous 2021/01/10 12:26:11 No.1878342
God Damn, the CuckCeption in this

Its like what if someone made a fanfic of Jay Naylor's comics and dialed it up
Furrynomous 2021/01/11 05:30:36 No.1878826
Well, that started off relatively promising, became very good with the slight edits in the thread, and then went totally off the rails. Thanks, Zaush.
Furrynomous 2021/01/11 06:17:41 No.1878836
She's going to get absolutely railed, by the way. Turns out Zasuh put up a second poll to determine what she'd do. Three options, just tease the new dude, do small time things to work up Conner, or get royally fucked then go to Conner who will fuck her hard.

Of course the cuckception won by a landslide, not even closes, it had more votes than the other two -combined-. I can't even blame Zaush for this one, its his fucked in the head fans.
Furrynomous 2021/01/11 09:32:59 No.1878945

Yeah, you can blame him. If you want to steer away from content, you give people options but limit the things you want to minimise or avoid. Add it in as part of a bigger action or something so it gives that demographic what they want without drowning out everything else.

Or you just give some options and tailor them towards what you want to do, knowing what the popular action is going to be, then when it wins you go "oh no. Anyway..."
Furrynomous 2021/01/11 10:32:53 No.1878973
Im not into cucking, but I voted for the 3rd option because Connor deserves it. He is ACTUALLY cheating and Levi doesn't even know hes going to be cucking Connor. So (hopefully) there wont be any "let me show off how alpha I can cuck" because he'll be oblivious.
Furrynomous 2021/01/11 11:50:23 No.1878997
Damn, remember when we all thought it was actually going to be an original story where the characters were in an OPEN marriage instead of actively cucking each other?
Furrynomous 2021/01/11 12:05:42 No.1879002

Yo dawg I heard you like cuck, so we put a cuck in your cuck so you can cuck while you cuck.
Furrynomous 2021/01/11 18:46:47 No.1879283
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File: ScreenShot2021-01-11at7.45.39PM_u18chan.png - (920.73kb, 752x1432, Screen Shot 2021-01-11 at 7.45.39 PM.png)
yup, it's definitely Zaush.
Furrynomous 2021/01/11 19:21:36 No.1879311

Where did he lie to her and where does it say anything about him cheating on his wife?
Furrynomous 2021/01/11 20:56:38 No.1879351
no she's just a petite midget
Furrynomous 2021/01/11 21:04:00 No.1879354

He said to her this is the first time he entered the site again after his wife forbid him of using it when his previous fling got pregnant;

He don't mention anywhere his wife let him use it again, and by the way he acted when his friend mentioned it (by stating she's just a client), and he needed a sitter on short notice for the date, it's safe to say his wife don't know about all this.
Furrynomous 2021/01/12 15:01:57 No.1879809
He admits to having knocked up some other guys wife by accident, this resulted in his own wife banning him from using this app. The other guy, Levi, is seemingly a family friend who knows that Connor should not be hanging out with some girl. That is why Connor lies by telling him that this woman is just his client regarding photography.

This means that he is a sleazy dick cheating on his wife and lying to his date about this situation.

She run with the excuse which resulted in Levi hitting on her and her going with him willingly, most likely to get back at Connor.
Furrynomous 2021/01/14 02:47:02 No.1880696
HEY! I have a theory!

His wife banned him from the site, so he yeeted her out of his life. He lies about being married because the app is FOR married people only (as some sort of safety net for not getting emotionally attached) so he's a single dude lying about being married to get his dick wet in wife strange.
Furrynomous 2021/01/14 08:11:04 No.1880767

The problem with your theory is that Levi wouldn't ask if it was from the app if Connor was divorced, and he could say "yeah, she's a date" instead of lying she's a client for their photo business.
Furrynomous 2021/01/18 21:58:30 No.1883559
Every Male character is 6 Foot 11, and all the Females are 4 Foot 1.
Furrynomous 2021/01/30 04:15:33 No.1890158
Hope this updates soon
Furrynomous 2021/02/05 12:59:15 No.1894168
Almost every male good sir
The cuck ones are 5"11' so the audience doesn't get confused about their function in any Zaush image.
Furrynomous 2021/02/05 15:15:22 No.1894230
No its 180cm man vs 179cm man
Furrynomous 2021/02/06 11:24:39 No.1894587
Why no, u18chan, if i were to turn on "Fap Mode" I'd be losing out on all the REAL entertainment

Edited at 2021/02/06 11:25:04
Furrynomous 2021/02/06 11:29:47 No.1894588
Furrynomous 2021/03/02 02:43:35 No.1906827

You know it, brother XD

So this shit updating any time soon, or what?
Furrynomous 2021/03/21 23:52:36 No.1918105
Zaush just loves to see his own characters get cuckholded harder than Hephaestus.
Furrynomous 2021/03/22 04:23:56 No.1918159
So how come all the Zaush comics are stubs around here?

Is it because he loses interest and stops drawing, or do the posters lose interest and stop posting?
Furrynomous 2021/03/22 10:23:04 No.1918201
He rotates between projects. Stop calling these abandoned.
Furrynomous 2021/03/22 22:57:39 No.1918507
The fact that there is still *discussion* (pointless argument/drama) on Zaush posts is a testament to human ignorance.

We could have a comet knowingly coming to utterly destroy us and we'd still have tards on here moaning about Zaush/cuckolding/who gives a fuck it's porn
Furrynomous 2021/04/02 17:57:15 No.1924354
Everyone commenting on the "abandoned" comics need to remember that Zaush is a ped0. Most of his adult comics have gone unfinished. November's Bribe, The Closer, and this one apparently. The last comics he actually finished were Daddy's Little Secret and the little teaser/prequel. Comics where adults are fucking 13 year old girls.
Furrynomous 2021/04/03 02:22:31 No.1924538

He will return to the comic Сloser presently. He graduated from Tantu and is focusing on two of his other major comics, eSpoused and Closer.
Furrynomous 2021/04/03 09:02:47 No.1924643
Just because your Daddy did it, doesn't mean Zaush is a ped0
Furrynomous 2021/04/03 13:32:18 No.1924788
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File: Fictionisreality_u18chan.jpg - (173.03kb, 1359x762, Fiction is reality.jpg)
spot the difference

Edited at 2021/04/03 13:33:39
Furrynomous 2021/04/03 16:46:09 No.1924939
Yeah, just because he constantly does porn with underage fictional characters and has a thing for underaged fictional characters is absolutely nothing to worry about. I'm sure the underage thing is entirely focused on the fictional thing and not the underage thing. The underage thing is just a complete coincidence that keeps happening.
Noot 2021/04/03 17:22:26 No.1924962
Losing your shit over pixels doesn't seem worth the time
Furrynomous 2021/04/03 18:21:23 No.1924994

Try using this as a defense when you get 3 lifetimes in prison for all the cp on your harddrive.
Furrynomous 2021/04/03 19:09:50 No.1925058
Sucks to be you, it's legal where i'm from. You know it's called art, ever heard of it? Your small brain can see the difference.
Furrynomous 2021/04/03 20:17:56 No.1925086

Just because one "man" calls it art, dosen't mean its actually art. And just because its a drawing dosen't make it less disgusting.
Furrynomous 2021/04/03 20:25:51 No.1925094
Not that you know anything about art. Which doesn't surprise me.
Furrynomous 2021/04/03 20:47:48 No.1925100

So by your logic. Actual CP, with actual children is considered art.
Furrynomous 2021/04/03 21:04:12 No.1925110
Are you really that stupid? This is a furry board and nobody here defends CP. Here you will find only drawings. How do you come from furry drawings to actual CP, how do you even function? That doesn't make sense.
Furrynomous 2021/04/03 22:23:32 No.1925139
really by that logic everyone on any furry board ever is guilty of the also illegal beast/zoo stuff, anthro or no its still animals people are jacking to. so if dawings of petite woman or even cubs = cp, then all furry = beast, and every furry out there would have legal problems.

Drawings are drawings. doesnt put it in the same boat as real stuff in any way.

Edited at 2021/04/03 22:25:31
Furrynomous 2021/04/03 23:23:44 No.1925157

Suggesting someone who likes anthropomorphic animals ( which is effectively just an adult human with hairy tits ) to someone who likes cub porn tells me you are either incredibly stupid or you're coping really hard with being a nonce.

There are sites that justifiably ban cub porn because there are incidents with people tracing over real cp and using the art as a proxy. And the people who digest that content know this and play stupid.
Furrynomous 2021/04/03 23:29:10 No.1925159
and there are incidents of people drawing over real animal porn to make furry porn too. your point? regular furry is to beast as cub is to cp. no if ands or buts.

There is no moral highground in this. you like furry porn? your at the same moral level as cub. its just that simple. Personally cub is not my tastes but I own up to the fact that every furry is just as degenerate.

Seriously though, the way your fighting so hard against this is more of a indicator that you like the stuff and are ashamed of it than anything.
Furrynomous 2021/04/04 01:54:06 No.1925218
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File: eSpoused-chloe-poll-options_u18chan.jpg - (1.07mb, 2500x1254, eSpoused-chloe-poll-options.jpg)
It was a super close poll. Here's the up the totals with weights applied:

Akita: 46 votes

Leonberger: 42 votes

Kangal/Mastiff Mix: 8 votes

I gotta admit, I thought the Kangal would steal the show, but the charm of the Akita and the friendly heft of the Leonberger won people over. To make things fair, I will be featuring BOTH in the panels that deal with Levi's phone call home.

Furrynomous 2021/04/04 01:54:11 No.1925219
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File: eSpoused-28-chloe-poll-akita_u18chan.png - (778.52kb, 820x1287, eSpoused-28-chloe-poll-akita.png)
Furrynomous 2021/04/04 03:44:57 No.1925268

WHOA! Easy with the tongue twister there mate! At this point we might just laugh instead of fap on this one :p
Furrynomous 2021/04/04 03:54:03 No.1925271
Nahhhh, I think in this case; Zaush is just better, compared to Kadath's cucking which is pretty much disgusting given how erratic nightshade Is on their relation ship. In this comic boundaries/terms were well established: 1.)Consent was given 2.) patrons from his patreon were given the liberty to vote who cucks who (or who fucks who); and 3.)the cuckception is almost like a meme material for us because in a way its hilarious. While the former just fucking suck due to the lack of either the above and Kad's mentality of "I'm just gonna do what I fucking wanna do and there's nothing you TrueFans and patron fucks can do about it!".
Furrynomous 2021/04/04 05:11:55 No.1925287
Bruh, listen to this guy rapping about his life!
Furrynomous 2021/04/04 11:47:29 No.1925498
The mental gymnastics of some of you is pretty great

> Liking ped0 porn
>not being a ped0

Pick one

"LikInG CHilD PoRN dOEsn'T mAKe YOu a Ped0, You'RE ProJEctINg"
Furrynomous 2021/04/04 12:23:44 No.1925509
Then i pick your brain..... brain not found.

Doesn't look good for you.
Furrynomous 2021/04/04 13:19:13 No.1925532
Sorry I get lost.
What are these for?

I mean, the girl was going to be with the first guy, now get with second... and this?

Gonna be an orgy with the three guys together or it's for a sequel or what? I'm lost
Furrynomous 2021/04/04 14:05:39 No.1925546
liking furry porn (anthro or no) and not thinking your a zoo, same logic there. at least as far as everyone non furry is considered.

Im not a fan of cub, but its just art. liking art doesnt make you like the irl version of it. just like liking furry porn doesn't mean you want to fuck a pet dog.

....weellll. in 99% of cases. there are definitely those who do in ether case. but those are exceptions not the rule. I mean people in this community commission porn of themselves being eaten and digested for crying out loud. I dont think they want THAT irl. really once you apply the "if you like cub you like the real version" to any other art of the furry community the logic falls apart pretty quick.

Edited at 2021/04/04 14:12:25
Furrynomous 2021/04/06 08:19:20 No.1926517
I miss Zaush's taller girls, though. They are pretty when he draws them.
Furrynomous 2021/04/08 02:25:33 No.1927565
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File: n6es826mmfr11_kindlephoto-87471188_u18chan.jpg - (85.99kb, 952x761, n6es826mmfr11_kindlephoto-87471188.jpg)
Bruh, can you all shut up and just
Furrynomous 2021/04/09 20:43:06 No.1928693
File: eSpoused-studio-call-01-sketch_u18chan.jpg - (662.69kb, 1800x1205, eSpoused-studio-call-01-sketch.jpg)
eSpoused: Studio Call 01 (sketch WIP)

Here's the sketch for the first panel of the latest batch for eSpoused! There's 8 in this segment, which will follow a phone call between Levi and his wife, who answers the door for her dinner guest. (Some may recognize the two in the back as a sort of inspiration cameo... The model will be making a return to this series toward the end of the story as well.)

This spans two different sets. I've already finished all the angles and renders for the 8 part segment, so it's just a matter of blocking in the characters and doing the final lines and fill/tone.

Once these 8 are finished I will be going hard on Closer, and midway through that arc I will make another update to continue this studio scene.

Enjoy the preview!
Furrynomous 2021/04/15 12:10:05 No.1931582
File: eSpoused-31-studio-call-011_u18chan.jpg - (4.15mb, 4000x2677, eSpoused-31-studio-call-01 (1).jpg)

Furrynomous 2021/04/15 12:14:27 No.1931584
File: eSpoused-32-studio-call-021_u18chan.jpg - (3.67mb, 4000x3000, eSpoused-32-studio-call-02(1).jpg)
Chloe jogs Levi's memory about her visitor, and, speak of the devil... there he is! I think it's a nice outfit to show her off. Half black lab, half Weimaraner, all size queen sexy bitch.

Gonna continue this tomorrow, so I encourage my streaming tiers to come by and join me.

Furrynomous 2021/04/15 12:52:35 No.1931602

Why I feel her 'visitor' is the husband from the first panel?
Furrynomous 2021/04/15 14:08:19 No.1931632
I like the Lady and the Tramp characters here
Furrynomous 2021/04/15 15:00:14 No.1931656
When someone mentioned that that was what they are I was dead hoping they were right.
Welp, now they are right, glad that nostalgia hit right to recognize those two on the spot. Haha.
Furrynomous 2021/04/15 15:42:00 No.1931680
Nope, it's This one:
Now I underestand what was the poll for.

So these ones going to fuck on the studio, that one on the House... The first Guy she tried to date going to fuck the babysitter? And then...what? The husband going to fuck with Adam Wan's/Zaush fursona?

So stupid script (personal opinnion, no intention of cause a shitstorm and it's not a bait. It's a personal opinnion. Nothing else)

Edited at 2021/04/15 15:47:01
har 2021/04/15 23:49:33 No.1931934
Someone realized that the woman who appears in the last image appears in another comic by the same artist this is
Furrynomous 2021/04/16 03:55:00 No.1931986

Given that this is a Zaush universe, Lady will go off to fuck Boris while Tramp fucks Lulu, Trixie, Fifi, and Rosita Chiquita Juanita Chihuahua.
Furrynomous 2021/04/16 07:45:11 No.1932024
File: eSpoused-33-studio-call-03_u18chan.jpg - (4.97mb, 3720x3800, eSpoused-33-studio-call-03.jpg)
eSpoused: Akita at the Door
Gosh he's a tall boy! Thanks all who came by the stream tonight, apologies I didn't have the steam to begin another piece once this was finished.

Furrynomous 2021/04/16 09:03:40 No.1932039
considering the average size of a doorframe and his head almost touching the top hes over 6'5, making her about 5'5. jeez the guys are tall here.
Furrynomous 2021/04/16 09:59:49 No.1932058

Nah, he's 6'3" or 6'4"

Source: Am 6'3", do stand this tall in doorways.

Anyway, base of her ribcage is just about at the door handle height (the closest thing in perspectove to her), which puts her in the mid 4' to 5' range at best. The dudes aren't (particularly) tall, the women are just real short. Which isn't a bad thing per se, size differences is cool sometimes, but yes Zaush has a thing for this which steadily rides the border of questionable.

I know the universe would implode, but I'd be interested in seeing a reverse of this from Zaush. A smaller guy hooking up with an amazon of a woman in his style would probably be hot.
Furrynomous 2021/04/16 14:00:33 No.1932133
> but yes Zaush has a thing for this which steadily rides the border of questionable.
Taking a look at the cub board, one could see that it isn't questionable at all, more like plainly obvious. He tries -and fails- to keep it hidden, though
I'm not kinkshaming him or anything, I just find the discussion a bit unnecessary as there is plenty evidence

Edited at 2021/04/16 14:05:32
Furrynomous 2021/04/17 02:23:25 No.1932399
I got curious and checked out my doorframes in my house with a measuring tape and they are all around 6'7, which again he's nearly touching. but that's just arguing semantics there!

Edited at 2021/04/17 02:23:35
Furrynomous 2021/04/17 21:20:25 No.1932821
When the fuck is the actual porn going to start?
I don't care about the six fucking layers of cucking, I just want to see dog people do the sex bed.
Furrynomous 2021/04/27 10:40:16 No.1937804
File: eSpoused-34-studio-call-04_u18chan.jpg - (3.9mb, 3500x3049, eSpoused-34-studio-call-04.jpg)

Furrynomous 2021/04/27 10:40:20 No.1937806
File: eSpoused-35-bonus-flashback_u18chan.jpg - (2.95mb, 3500x2557, eSpoused-35-bonus-flashback.jpg)
Wait what? Furrynomous 2021/04/27 17:18:00 No.1937919

I don't get it why does every male character has to wear atleast a pant while female character doesn't wear anything at all? Why is wrong to Zaush brain? And btw this comic page took him so long to finish
Furrynomous 2021/04/27 17:20:16 No.1937921

Some correction : pant = pants
Atleast = At least
Full cuck circle ftw! Furrynomous 2021/04/27 19:01:42 No.1937948
He has been setting this comic up for so long...

I hope there will be a full cuck circle where everyone gets cucked by everyone and the husband at the beginning will be involved too. :D
Furrynomous 2021/04/27 21:09:12 No.1937988
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File: daddyslittlesecretseyecandy_u18chan.jpg - (165.5kb, 657x622, daddyslittlesecretseyecandy.jpg)
>Sheaths are not dicks. And I imagine walking around in a bottomless community where it's the norm makes it easier to not pop a boner every other minute.

That's actually something I really like about Zaush's "Bottomless District" concept. There's something really refreshing about imagining a society where there's no prudishness surrounding nudity and clothes are worn more for self-expression than out of shame. Plus, like you mentioned, sheaths could play a role in that as well, seeing as they'd probably just be treated like modest anatomy most of the time despite still being eye candy for those who like looking at them (like in the attached image). I just wish he would've focused more on that aspect of the premise instead of wasting it on generic cucking stories that have nothing to do with the setting.

Edited at 2021/04/27 21:16:25
Furrynomous 2021/04/28 02:21:06 No.1938091
Furrynomous 2021/04/28 02:29:01 No.1938094
But... isn't animal sheath like a human dick whilst the actual animal dick is like a human glands? The only difference being that animal sheath (at some of its length) is connected to the underbelly. Sorry if I completely messed up this aspect, I genuinely have no idea and am curious!
Furrynomous 2021/04/28 03:02:41 No.1938100
What is going on with all the subplots and switching stories to other characters away from what the story started with?

This seems so scatterbrained
Furrynomous 2021/04/28 10:04:51 No.1938195
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File: 1549905313.clydewolf_ttbra-c0tje_u18chan.jpg - (143.41kb, 1250x938, 1549905313.clydewolf_ttbra-c0tje.jpg)
>But... isn't animal sheath like a human dick whilst the actual animal dick is like a human glans? The only difference being that animal sheath (at some of its length) is connected to the underbelly. Sorry if I completely messed up this aspect, I genuinely have no idea and am curious!

They're similar, but the closest thing humans have to anything resembling a sheath is the fore skin covering the glans, which is on the very end of the penis, and it's not nearly as concealing. Sheaths are made of a more dense layer of skin (oftentimes with fur growing out of it) and cover the entire penis when it's not erect. It's actually located right below the base and goes over the whole thing like a sleeve.

I apologize if this is a little TMI, but since you said you were curious, I figured a detailed description wouldn't hurt. I've been fascinated with how animal anatomy works since I was a kid, so I've done a lot of research over the years. I'd say looking at x-rays and diagrams helps a lot if you want to get an understanding of how everything works.

Edited at 2021/04/28 10:19:25
Furrynomous 2021/04/30 13:18:16 No.1939466
File: eSpoused-36-studio-call-06_u18chan.jpg - (2.88mb, 3500x2627, eSpoused-36-studio-call-06.jpg)
eSpoused: Dinner Time
Akita wants to get started right away! I'm sure Levi won't mind staying on the line for another 10 or 15 minutes...

eSpoused: Jetlagged Quickie

This Akita hasn't fucked anything in almost a week, and that's not even mentioning the long flight, thinking about those last flirty texts Chloe sent before the plane took off... Yeah, this dog needs to fuck, and he ain't waiting for nothing. Luckily they don't keep Levi waiting on hold too awful long!

Furrynomous 2021/04/30 13:18:21 No.1939467
File: eSpoused-37-studio-call-07_u18chan.jpg - (2.44mb, 3500x2757, eSpoused-37-studio-call-07.jpg)
Furrynomous 2021/04/30 23:12:12 No.1939698

Based on the Akita's girth and how thin her torso is, the chick's insides must be nonexistent for it all to fit to the hilt...
Furrynomous 2021/05/01 00:00:45 No.1939720
Idda know. Siswet on pornhub is a perfect example of people who are able to cram enormous things in their butts, and she is actually very slim. I mean she jammed a dildo that was EASILY bigger than my arm in her ass and I am not a small guy either. If her guts and whatnot are in there still, the dog girls twat is prolly a wizard sleeve.

Edited at 2021/05/01 00:02:45
Furrynomous 2021/05/01 02:16:31 No.1939768
As if common biology/logic applied to furries, and art in general, right?
Furrynomous 2021/05/01 08:06:54 No.1939853
can he do ONE female that is normal sized. they all look like fucking cubs, always
Furrynomous 2021/05/01 10:03:28 No.1939903
I think you'll find that's why he does it.
Furrynomous 2021/05/01 20:23:16 No.1940096

It's common knowledge that all furry females' vaginas are magical portals that allow them to fit all manner of cocks without disrupting their vital organs. Also, the furry cervix serves purely a pleasure function and isn't at all painful to ram repeatedly at full force.
Furrynomous 2021/05/02 00:38:58 No.1940190
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File: otterspace_u18chan.jpg - (323.91kb, 1200x623, otterspace.jpg)

I mean, look at his otter art

Edited at 2021/05/02 00:40:48
Furrynomous 2021/05/02 03:21:55 No.1940249
Not to be confused with Hammerspace
Furrynomous 2021/05/02 04:13:58 No.1940264
BREAKING: Zaush still can't draw penetration, news at 11.
Furrynomous 2021/05/02 05:23:56 No.1940332
The otter you're fucking is a miniature dimensional void. Film at 11!
Furrynomous 2021/05/02 10:00:41 No.1940790
File: arespectablebulge_u18chan.jpg - (3.09mb, 3500x2757, arespectablebulge.jpg)
quick low-effort and sloppy edit (fuck spending time fixing colourspace or compression lmao) to add a much-needed bulge
Furrynomous 2021/05/02 15:43:23 No.1940931
Much needed, good work
Furrynomous 2021/05/02 18:19:29 No.1940992
Where's the dude doing the edits?
We need your services again
Furrynomous 2021/05/02 23:28:25 No.1941094
If you mean the Kadath edits, that started with me. But there ended up being a few more doing them as well
Furrynomous 2021/05/03 06:12:26 No.1941241
oh my, broken relationships.. what a fetish. you guys just suck and will eventually find out (after you lost your virginity) that this is not a good idea at all. go fuck yourself
Furrynomous 2021/05/03 07:55:28 No.1941274
they can't hear you, fam

they're not real
Cucking is very real Furrynomous 2021/05/03 08:24:29 No.1941283
As if there werent't many broken relationships in the world, you aren't as experienced as you think despite not being a virgin.

If you are fit or maybe even have a big dick you can find a lot of milfs online. They look for discreet partners or even gang bangs without their partner's knowledge.

There are guys who are looking for bulls for their wives too. Many want to watch or even clean up.

So it isn't hard to find something like this comic irl if you want to...

I hate that people rewrite it, makes it harder to reread, just don't read the dialogue if you don't like it...
Furrynomous 2021/05/03 09:21:51 No.1941299
nobody cares about your personal hangups, fam
Furrynomous 2021/05/07 20:42:33 No.1944098
Zaush only draws 3 body types: sissified femboys, stereotypical jocks, and suspiciously childish females.

Edited at 2021/05/07 20:43:44
Furrynomous 2021/05/08 07:42:30 No.1944270
4 types, you forgot to include actual children.
Furrynomous 2021/05/08 09:32:28 No.1944301
There's nothing suspicious about it, they're straight up children/underage teens. Dude is a ped0.
Furrynomous 2021/05/08 10:50:39 No.1944318
File: eSpoused-38-studio-call-08_u18chan.jpg - (5.27mb, 3500x3121, eSpoused-38-studio-call-08.jpg)
eSpoused: Appetizer

Akita gets in a (relatively) quick session, definitely a bit pent up from the long flight. Next panel will be the last for a little while so I can work on Closer stuff, so anyone looking forward to seeing more of that slinky office fox can be hyped. Thanks all to the people who kept me company in stream today, I'll see you tomorrow for the final panel!

Furrynomous 2021/05/09 19:11:35 No.1944944
What is it with all these idiots that believe an e-mail is needed to post?
Furrynomous 2021/05/10 03:29:47 No.1945092
Stay on topic boyo.
Furrynomous 2021/05/10 19:30:51 No.1945484
File: eSpoused-38-studio-call-09_u18chan_u18chan.png - (4.43mb, 2930x1886, eSpoused-38-studio-call-09_u18chan.png)
"Gosh, Connor, what took you so long?"

Levi made use of that extra time waiting on hold to see how deep Amber is, and with the brief dip Connor had in her, he's finding her surprisingly accommodating. It's unintentionally good timing, too, the duo making use of the studio are now ready to head elsewhere for further photo ops.

Now that this set is finished up I can concentrate on Closer work! Look forward to progress on the mixer set and page planning.
Furrynomous 2021/05/10 19:50:10 No.1945499

Holy fuck he isn't even trying to hide the fact that there are straight up fucking cubs in this comic anymore. Why the fuck is this not in /cub/ now?
Chatin # MOD # 2021/05/11 03:15:15 No.1945659
You realize he draws all women in his comics like that, yes?
Furrynomous 2021/05/11 04:57:46 No.1945675
Yes, because he likes the childlike body type because he's a paedophile. Stop trying to defend him
Furrynomous 2021/05/11 05:11:24 No.1945677
Writing is awful. comic art is bland. IMO.
Furrynomous 2021/05/11 07:04:12 No.1945723
he used to draw female characters who had two unmistakable features of adult femininity: a decent pair of tits and noticeable hips

now he draws female characters that are unmistakably coded as young girls - early teens AT BEST - due to their lack of tits and slender hips

so the real question is this: why does he draw most if not all of his female characters in a way that makes them look underage but doesn't do the same for male characters? even the twink fox in his gay comic looks like more of an adult than any of the "women" in eSpoused

this shit should be in /cub/, yo
Furrynomous 2021/05/11 08:32:02 No.1945735
>you realise he draws all females as cubs, yes?
. Furrynomous 2021/05/11 09:04:59 No.1945744
Will you complain about the free porn comic you get every single page?

He does cucking and draws the girls like this, nothing new, might as well just not read it.
Furrynomous 2021/05/11 14:51:17 No.1945973
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File: tenor3_4_u18chan.gif - (466.01kb, 220x246, tenor (3).gif)
Ain't nobody ask.
Furrynomous 2021/05/11 16:21:03 No.1946003
even uses pictures of children for references.
Furrynomous 2021/05/11 17:25:55 No.1946028
Honnestly, that's why I suspect this is some sort of "cancel crusade" straight from twitter or tumblr or some other shithole. Like, no matter how much they bitch around, shit ain't gonna change. It's just attention whoring and self-righteousnes ego trips.
Best thing to do is ignore and/or report, when the fucking thing works.
Furrynomous 2021/05/11 20:37:23 No.1946151
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File: HMMM_u18chan.jpg - (151.67kb, 304x320, HMMM.jpg)
how does one "attention whore" on an anonymous image board?
Furrynomous 2021/05/11 21:07:33 No.1946165
It's not attention whoring for the sake of personal notoriety. It is a desperate need for human interaction, be it positive or negative.

Not straight twitter, no such thing. It's just wokeism twitter. Zaush has been a reoccurring cancel culture topic. He's a scrawny asian guy who has no game, so he uses some lousy tactics to get laid. It's not r@pe, but it's the kind of thing woke twitter would deem r@pe because they think women can't make responsible choices for themselves.

I cannot enjoy a single thread about Zaush, Naylor or Jasona+Kieber without people coming in to attack the artists and art. There are people who draw much worse subject matter, and much worse fetishes, and you don't see these flamewars pop up.

I think he does. I bet if you have access to IP logs you can find posts by the same user, about underage looking females, on basically any Zaush work.

Anyway, that is as much as I'll say. I feel like even if it's about Zaush himself, discussing this is too close to off topic for me to feel comfortable.

Edited at 2021/05/11 21:09:33
Furrynomous 2021/05/11 21:10:04 No.1946166

Bro who cares tbh? They were all legal pictures he used

If you dont like the way he draws females then dont look at his art. Easy
Furrynomous 2021/05/12 04:14:07 No.1946272

This is fucking stupid. Calling it a "cancel crusade" is trying to make the part where lots of people think his content is questionable seem like an organised effort to attack an innocent person. Whenever someone rolls out the whole cancel culture bullshit, it's always trying to justify a shitty person with shitty behaviour being called out for it, without addressing why they are being called out. Instead, fire up the mental gymnastics and continue on with the denial.
Furrynomous 2021/05/12 04:50:30 No.1946288
Serious, genuine question for those that are convinced that Zaush is not drawing cub:
We have established that in his universe, women are small and shaped like children. Which is fine, I guess.
Why is it that whenever he draws guys bottoming, they're drawn with the same childlike proportions?

This is.... not an argument? If he's using reference images of children, regardless of whether or not those references are themselves children, that means that the art... is depicting children. It doesn't make it *illegal*, but it does mean that zaush's work should be on
Furrynomous 2021/05/12 05:24:11 No.1946298
>Why is it that whenever he draws guys bottoming, they're drawn with the same childlike proportions?
with the exception of his otter characters - which he's always drawn the same way as long as I've seen him drawing anthro otters - I've never seen him draw a single male engaged in sexual intercourse who has looked like they're in their early teens

put together a pic showing at least five instances of that happening and I'll concede the point

until then, it's clear that Zaush has a thing for drawing "women" whose bodies look like they haven't yet gone through puberty but doesn't have a similar thing for drawing men the same way

this isn't "cancel culture" (and anyone who uses that phrase is being a disingenous asshole), this is pointing out a fact made clear by the artist's own art
. Furrynomous 2021/05/12 07:30:38 No.1946329
I don't think it is cancel crusade.

Ppl rewriting the cuckolding makes this harder to read it should only be allowed on an edits board.

Zaush does draw cub, it has been linked before go to the cub board and you can find it.

If you want to cancel him do it on patreon or something, writing about it here is pointless.

This doesn't seem like cub, it isn't written that way, size diff is hot, I just bust a nut and I don't care. I don't pay for him.
Furrynomous 2021/05/12 15:29:27 No.1946658
I'm still reading so obviously im the idiot here, but jesus christ zaush, do we really need to be on like 6 layers of cuckolding before the sex could start in this comic? This is some fucking inception bullshit.
Furrynomous 2021/05/12 18:33:08 No.1946730
I don't know. You tell us buddy.
Furrynomous 2021/05/12 21:26:26 No.1946808
You hate being identified for what you are, don't you? Like you deny being part of some force to expunge him, but you can't help yourself. You go on to insult the author of the comic as a shitty person and further think that the people who are here to enjoy the comic have some obligation to defend, explain or justify why the comic and artist aren't universally shadowbanned.

We are a pirate comic site. We are immoral. We are not helping the artist make any money off their work, and in fact, probably costing every artist posted here some amount of niche coomer money that would be spent out of impatience if not for being posted here before they whip out their dick+credit card.

I want to enjoy the FREE art. The FREE porn. Please let us all engage with content, and not your need to flog a man for his personal failures. Discussion is the section you need to use, not here. You think you are making this section of the website better, but you are actively making it worse. The last 10 Zaush topics over the last 10 years haven't resulted in u18 shadowbanning Zaush content. Likewise, shitting up Naylor comics for 10 years straight doesn't stop his stuff from being posted immediately after it goes public. Give. Up. Please.

We're going to enjoy the free porn with or without you.
Furrynomous 2021/05/13 02:38:33 No.1946906

Question, why are you so adamant about defending a guy who takes REAL LIFE pictures of children, little girls, as young as 10 years old. Traces over them, makes them into a furry, then draws them getting fucking RAILED in porn? Look at the cocker spaniel, that shit is BLATANT. He has admitted as such, he has shown the public photos of young girls, children, in bikinis he uses for references. If you are going to "cancel" someone then aren't Peds THE person to cancel? You remind me of those people defending EDP454 on Twitter and youtube.

This shit should be on /cub/ so people who aren't into children shouldn't have to see it in their updates.
Furrynomous 2021/05/13 04:36:06 No.1946933
The plot wouldn't be funny at all were it not for the reactions of you whiny babies.
Furrynomous 2021/05/13 05:10:17 No.1946939

Furrynomous 2021/05/13 07:50:29 No.1946973
That depends on HOW he got the pictures and HOW COMPROMISING are they.
I'm not defending him but just thinking it through. Like it would be considered a crime downloading instagram pictures of a woman laying down at a beach and use it as reference for porn drawing, like draw her naked?

If he DID take pictures of naked kids IN PERSON, then that would be a HUGE problem and a BIG no-no, at the jail you go, but if he just downloaded random pictures of, idk, kids playing at playground, trace it, and then make them naked, what's the difference from what I said before with a random picture of a woman at a beach? Just thinking it as fictional characters, not real people.

Edited at 2021/05/13 07:51:54
Furrynomous 2021/05/13 11:06:55 No.1947043
you're defending an artist downloading pictures of actual children for the purpose of sexualizing children's bodies through art

think about that for a moment

think about how that would sound if you said it out loud to someone else

then rethink whether that hill is the one you want to die on
Furrynomous 2021/05/13 11:56:01 No.1947063
That doesn't respond my question.

Also stop being dislexic since I wrote I'm not defending him.

Just recall: for example, Chihiro from Spirited Away was based on a real girl, Miyazaki's friend's 10 years old daughter. He thought she would be a good model for Chihiro. Does that mean he's a p3d0 for using a real child as reference for a character?

Edited at 2021/05/13 13:44:25
Furrynomous 2021/05/13 15:03:52 No.1947133
>think about how that would sound if you said it out loud to someone else

I would not say such things loud because most people like you connect that one thing with the other, and you already have a fix response to that.
So there will be no dialog, only an emotional response.

Trying to play devil's advocate here
sure it is a highly controversial topic and of course you don't have to like it.
But only because sorting could be on thought connected to something illegal doesn't mean it actually is
and that is what we could discuss.
Only because you or I feel something is not right, it doesn't mean it is actually wrong.
Furrynomous 2021/05/13 15:47:56 No.1947145

There's no room for debate because what you're saying is utterly illogical, not because we're all having 'emotional responses'. Circulating and possessing child pornography is morally reprehensible, not even entering into the fact that in most places, it's illegal.

You think we're partial, fine. I dare any one of you to stand up in front of a court and verbally say what you're saying here. Go ahead.
Furrynomous 2021/05/13 16:24:10 No.1947157

Did Miyazaki then draw her naked, getting railed by adult men? Like Zaush does with photos of ACTUAL CHILDREN? There's a difference between using a child for a reference in an age-appropriate story that has no adult content, does not sexualize that child... and using actual whole ass pictures of children for your porn references. These pictures are almost CP and them being out of the /cub/ board is just fucking braindead.
Furrynomous 2021/05/13 18:43:27 No.1947215
It was actually used or not is the debate. And probably we will never know if he used was actual naked children or he even possessed such pictures to use as reference, or just used random pictures and adapted it to his drawings (which in this case, it doesn't classify as "child p0rn possession")

But you guys still rather the worst instead of just being imparcial, for some kind of virtue signal, dunno

Like we actually fap to anthrophomorphic creatures with the excuse "at least they're not animals" for f sake.

Edited at 2021/05/13 18:45:30
Furrynomous 2021/05/13 20:55:43 No.1947266
even if he didn't use actual child porn, the fact that he sexualized children's bodies by tracing photos of children and using that work as part of his adult-oriented art is fucked up

that's what you're defending - Zaush tracing over the bodies of little girls in photographs and putting the result through a sex filter

why are you defending that

why would you want to defend that
Furrynomous 2021/05/13 22:27:58 No.1947299
Because these are fucking drawings, dude. These're not real. You can't victimise a rubbish piece of paper and condemn a person for drawing it. You're just banalizing actual crimes and abusers doing that

And again, I'm not defending anyone. Just pissed of the lack of self awareness of your own fetishes and this pity excuse of "my kink is less creepier than yours, so you should be a shamed of yours" in this threat

Also your furry porn probably used animal penis and mating intercourses as references, and I'm not seeing you pointing out that as a problem.

Edited at 2021/05/13 22:30:07
Furrynomous 2021/05/13 22:53:24 No.1947327
macroShow Less
File: hithere_u18chan.jpg - (33.37kb, 220x305, hi there.jpg)
Just a that actually a proven fact that he did that or do we just assume that because someone else said that he hacked into his stuff?

Or do you look at a picture and say oh that must have been traced, my conclusion is he must have used real children for that?

Thinking about that you must be really pissed at the church too if you see all the paintings and sculptures of anatomic correct naked little Angels there, maybe you should write a letter to the Pope.
Furrynomous 2021/05/13 23:34:52 No.1947340

Ask again in /d/ and I'll reply.
Furrynomous 2021/05/14 15:10:55 No.1947666
oh? you have been sitting right besides his desk and saw that with your own eyes?
or did just read that on the internet?
if it on the internet, then it has to be true - right?

Edited at 2021/05/14 15:12:00
Furrynomous 2021/05/14 20:16:50 No.1947746
well yeah. he confirmed it.
Furrynomous 2021/05/14 20:59:48 No.1947788
He just said "confirmed" or he said "yes, I do download illegal child p0rn to use as references for my drawings here look these are the ones *posts on Twitter*"

Because just "confirming" is such a vague response

EDIT: because if you look for "children reference" on Google, you can find a lot of basic drawing and anatomy tutorials

Edited at 2021/05/14 21:06:42
Furrynomous 2021/05/14 21:54:50 No.1947814
the fuck you going on about you are trying to grasp at some weird ass straws here. confirming is pretty fucking clear, it's not a maybe, and it's not a depends.

Firstly Imma ignore your attempts at putting words in my mouth, so I can break it down for you. one of Zaush's ex leaked a chat log he had with a commissioner, in which they discussed how young looking of a girl he wanted his sona to fuck while sharing some very questionable "reference" images.

Zaush later confirmed on his twitter that the log was genuine and unedited, and deeply regretted the conversation and how "blurred" it got.
har 2021/05/14 23:19:16 No.1947851
Many complain about how he draws or where he gets his references and many I see that they assure those things but do not show evidence of that, because if he does that, then if it has to be investigated, but also understand, they are drawings, they are not real, there are other artists That seriously they put worse things and they don't even say anything to them. and if you are bothered by what he does just stop watching.
Furrynomous 2021/05/15 00:09:33 No.1947867
These drawings the girl looks too cartoonish and too petit that was used real photo references.

Like the husky looks like he can literally hold her with one hand, judging by the size of her torso and his hand, and he's smaller than the rottweiler
Furrynomous 2021/05/15 01:59:53 No.1947922
Did you just low-key demand I post pictures of scantly clad children for your viewing pleasure? If that is the case I can understand why you seem to be so enamored with this work.
The fact that Zaush uses children as reference material is something he is open about and has acknowledged multiple times, in rather dismissive manners. Its not some obtuse little rumour that is dredge up about him, good fans of his know he does this and are okay with it. Which is like... whatever.

My stance is a simple "you can't claim that something is adult when you are using children as the base model." Zaush's characters are "adults" by technicality only because physiologically they are children. Now here is a counter question for you. Why do you care so much how this guy's work is tagged?

Edited at 2021/05/15 03:58:03
Furrynomous 2021/05/17 02:36:25 No.1948915
Completely missing the point and going on full retaliation mode. Thats some flawless twatter logic there. Keep talking shit buddy, i'm sure you will convince people by throwing proofless accusations left and right like a monkey throwing shit at passerby.

Next year it'll be someone else, and the cycle will go on and on just like modern pop music.
Furrynomous 2021/05/17 02:38:48 No.1948916
Why do you care so much how this guy's work is tagged?

Imma ask you the same question bro.
Furrynomous 2021/05/21 18:48:05 No.1951417
this whole concept went right in the shitter for me once she ditched Connor - he super hawt - girl is a fool :X

If the idea is she cucking around with every guy then Connor should have bent her over the banister railing.
Furrynomous 2021/05/23 10:08:39 No.1951991
I might be reading a bit much into it. But I don't think she's just 'cucking around'. I feel the vibe is meant be more a swingers thing. Connor is seemingly acting on the site without his partner's permission, and she dumps him because of it once she finds out?

Edited at 2021/05/23 10:09:41
Furrynomous 2021/05/23 14:29:58 No.1952076
i'm surprised a site like that lets teenaged girls use it
Furrynomous 2021/05/24 17:47:22 No.1952852
Question here for people knowledgeable of his characters. Who is Lani?
Furrynomous 2021/05/25 21:28:47 No.1953351
The same thing happening to our real world situation now. The app for Sugar mummy and Sugar Daddy are been used widely by teens. I can't imagine if Zaush actually used some of these app.
Furrynomous 2022/04/10 19:55:18 No.2107607
Anyone got the new pages that were posted earlier today?
Furrynomous 2022/04/11 06:46:08 No.2108053
File: eSpoused-40-chat-01_u18chan_u18chan.png - (4.46mb, 3496x2866, eSpoused-40-chat-01_u18chan.png)
found on /fur/
Furrynomous 2022/04/11 06:47:19 No.2108055
File: eSpoused-41-chat-02_u18chan_u18chan.png - (6.04mb, 3049x3190, eSpoused-41-chat-02_u18chan.png)
found on /fur/
Furrynomous 2022/04/11 11:42:27 No.2108161
Lady and the Tramp
Furrynomous 2022/04/11 12:35:52 No.2108188
File: eSpoused-42-chat-03_u18chan_u18chan.jpg - (3.05mb, 3011x3084, eSpoused-42-chat-03_u18chan.jpg)

Furrynomous 2022/04/11 15:33:02 No.2108253
Cuckception has reached another layer
Furrynomous 2022/04/11 19:35:54 No.2108344
Is there a page missing or something? I'm not following what's going on now. :S
Furrynomous 2022/04/12 20:35:47 No.2108801
>The glasses girl and the tall Guy meet in an app for swingers or pacted affairs
>The tall Guy get a woman pregnant before, so her wife told him not use that app but Guy did It anyways
>The photographer is an user of this app or he and his wife has an open marriage. He basically told the girl with glasses his friend was cheating so the glasses girl go with him as payback.
>The wife of photographer was fucking another Guy in the House too cause... Open marriage?

And now the glasses girl go fuck the tall Guy she gave a payback before because... Well, because this should not be consider an story, is just porn.
Furrynomous 2022/04/12 21:24:54 No.2108813
Lady and the Tramp. Cute.
Furrynomous 2022/04/12 22:49:33 No.2108844
Okay. I'm kinda tracking now. Not super well-written, this one.
Furrynomous 2022/04/14 19:30:05 No.2109728
I don't get it, cuckception dude isn't his kid's baby daddy or with their mom? Also he wanted to date her it seemed and she just wanted to get laid, they clearly mismatched, dude should just bail instead of being told to wait his turn. XD
Furrynomous 2022/04/14 22:16:40 No.2109770
If I've learned anything from other men, it's that we're generally willing to do outrageously stupid shit just get our dicks a bit damp.
Furrynomous 2022/04/14 23:05:41 No.2109796
Page 39 is missing.
Furrynomous 2022/04/23 07:17:33 No.2113561
File: 58455E96-5E1F-4CB9-BDAE-08D53A8D7911_u18chan.jpeg - (3.99mb, 3958x2872, 58455E96-5E1F-4CB9-BDAE-08D53A8D7911.jpeg)

Furrynomous 2022/04/23 07:17:38 No.2113562
File: B120A52D-56FE-4C4D-A6DB-9FC320C1EE9F_u18chan.jpeg - (3.06mb, 3461x2579, B120A52D-56FE-4C4D-A6DB-9FC320C1EE9F.jpeg)
Furrynomous 2022/04/23 07:17:43 No.2113563
File: 65A4539D-3FD3-4AD6-A572-07ECA691EF0D_u18chan.jpeg - (3.28mb, 3593x2823, 65A4539D-3FD3-4AD6-A572-07ECA691EF0D.jpeg)
Furrynomous 2022/04/23 07:27:51 No.2113564
Hah, a dick in every pic, lovingly detailed, but no pussy shots.
Furrynomous 2022/04/23 13:35:50 No.2113664
Here she's naked.
Here she has her clother back on.
Here she's naked again.

Did OP messed up the order or did Zaush fucked this up?
Furrynomous 2022/04/23 15:28:14 No.2113723
That is the order they were released in so yea.

They put their shirts back on before the photo shoot to make it more Erotic by undressing again I guess?? Lol
Furrynomous 2022/04/24 05:28:16 No.2113889
welp.. i really think that Connor is still the hotter dude.
i love his ears and his nice thick cock and his kind of slender handsome body..

what a sweetie~ ouff..
..and then he just sits there hard.. all the way naked casually.. oh my goood he is such a sweetie >:O
Furrynomous 2022/04/24 13:26:45 No.2114089
Nobody gives a shit.
Furrynomous 2022/04/24 18:43:47 No.2114172
Furrynomous 2022/04/25 02:07:30 No.2114274
Hope that makes you feel better about yourself.
Furrynomous 2022/04/25 02:54:48 No.2114277
haha, dude, hope you feel okay with your depression and loneliness and the fact that you didn't find a proper partner in the past 30 years. fuck off.
Missing Pages? Furrynomous 2022/04/27 12:57:57 No.2115650
So I was just saving a copy of everything, and I noticed that the page numbers in the filenames start at eSpoused-22-noodles-04_u18chan.png.

Working backwards and not counting WIPs, there's only 20 more official pages here (and more than one WIP so those clearly weren't counted.) Also, If we take the not-counting-of-WIPs from prior to page 22 into account, then we're missing pages 28, 29, and 30. So can anyone confirm if this is Zaush's bad numbering or if we're missing 4 pages total?
Furrynomous 2022/04/27 23:36:13 No.2115968
Her ring switched hands between these two pages. XD
V3O 2022/04/27 23:52:15 No.2115972
File: eSpoused-46-photo-shoot-03_u18chan.png - (7mb, 3891x2706, eSpoused-46-photo-shoot-03.png)
Rachel Calls

"Oops, Bailey spilled the beans while sitting for Connor's kids... and Rachel knows him well enough to put the pieces together, so she decided to give Levi a jingle. Connor's been doing his best to edge himself in Amber, still apprehensive to commit to the danger of finishing inside and worried about Rachel's potential wrath. What could she be calling about?"
V3O 2022/04/27 23:53:33 No.2115973
File: eSpoused-47-rachel-call_u18chan.png - (18.05mb, 5590x3285, eSpoused-47-rachel-call.png)
Like a Freight Train

"Here's a little bonus pic, featuring a big grizzled wolf friend with daddy aspirations. Was it her idea? His? Either way, it's only fair.

(I think she's hoping for a boy this time.)"
Furrynomous 2022/04/28 03:24:15 No.2116039
How can be such hypocrisy??
The woman did not want the Talk Guy fuck other woman to not have more kids (which was accidental in first place) but she is willing to get pregnant with other male's baby and it's a secret??

Well, I said It before
This is just PORN, should not be consider an story in place
Furrynomous 2022/04/28 04:23:48 No.2116058
It's pornographic comic, story is major part of the attraction. If well written, it elevates the experience. Just because it's porn does not mean you should dismiss inadequacies.
Furrynomous 2022/04/28 08:35:39 No.2116141
Zaush wants to dive deeper into the cuckoldry. To make it multilayered.
Furrynomous 2023/12/20 06:10:03 No.2355533
File: CallingbackRachel_u18chan.jpg - (4.36mb, 3574x3055, Calling back Rachel.jpg)
eSpoused: Calling back Rachel
The cuck series returns! This is gonna run alongside Tanta for production, I've got a few more I want to finish and then do a few Tanta pages, rinse and repeat. We see Connor calling back rachel and getting the news that she's "transferring" her marriage over to Donovan (which just automatically dissolves the previous one), something a little unique to this universe. Levi gets one more load in Amber in the meantime... I dare say Connor will be a lot less concerned about accidental babies from here on out, and he may even get other ideas...
Enjoy the update!
Furrynomous 2023/12/29 04:34:41 No.2357697
File: eSpoused-Undone_u18chan.jpg - (3.05mb, 3200x2567, eSpoused - Undone.jpg)
eSpoused: Undone
Furrynomous 2023/12/29 07:17:09 No.2357828
jesus TL:DR batman, is drawing a back-story panel too much fucking work for you Adam?
Furrynomous 2023/12/29 19:24:07 No.2358176
the end? :/
Furrynomous 2023/12/31 11:58:48 No.2358988
gosh conner is so fucking hot...
Furrynomous 2024/01/08 10:44:17 No.2359651
File: eSpouse-ConferenceTexts_u18chan.jpg - (3.59mb, 3200x3131, eSpouse- Conference Texts.jpg)
eSpoused: Conference Texts
Charles got to peek at Amber's text using Connor's phone, and it's safe to say the photos Levi snaps have him hot under the collar! He just needs to finish up this meeting and scoot up to the hotel room so he can call her back and blow off some steam. As a side note, the dobie lady in the back travels abroad with a couple co-workers, and they similarly like their hotel time...

Enjoy the update!
Furrynomous 2024/01/13 02:40:49 No.2360427
File: eSpousedHotelCall_u18chan.jpg - (1.84mb, 3200x2726, eSpoused Hotel Call.jpg)
eSpoused: Hotel Call
Charles calls Amber back as soon as he gets back to the room, eager to hear all the new things she's been up to. It seems Connor has invited her to be his model in the swimsuit issue he had planned to do with the Spaniel, and her hubby is beyond happy for her, even getting some clues from Connor that she might be taking on a more permanent role with him.

Thanks everyone who was able to make it to the stream, short as it was. I guess this panel didn't have a whole lot of characters to ink and paint like usual. Next up is getting the first Little Tales spread worked on, so keep an eye out for streams of that.

Furrynomous 2024/01/15 09:13:57 No.2360855
No, at worst it's called prostitution. They knew the deal, the agreed to it. End of story. Calling it rape is more than just bullshit, you can't take away accountability for women's bad decision.
Furrynomous 2024/06/23 00:32:19 No.2385262
File: eSpoused-character-recap_0_u18chan.jpg - (840.39kb, 1731x1621, eSpoused-character-recap.jpg)

This is a character recap in preparation for a poll being run next month which will determine the father of Amber's child. I put together a little blurb and image for each character (even some inconsequential ones) to help serve as a glossary. The poll will be run at both and for my $12 and $20 tiers, and the results totaled across both services.

I have a little flowchart this time to help show the result of each choice, and look forward to seeing what wins the vote!

(The poll was posted originally on 26/06/2023, the winner was Connor)
Furrynomous 2024/06/23 00:37:39 No.2385263
File: eSpoused-preggers-poll-doodle-ss_u18chan.jpg - (508.89kb, 1500x1909, eSpoused-preggers-poll-doodle-ss.jpg)
Here's a little doodle to get everyone's mind in the right place for the eSpoused poll!

Enjoy the doodle! (EDIT: FIxed some issues with Amber, looks better now and less skewed)

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