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Time off by Xenoforge Furrynomous 2020/09/08 15:49:30 No.1814338   
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Time off by Xenoforge Furrynomous 2020/09/08 15:51:14 No.1814339
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Furrynomous 2020/09/08 17:20:06 No.1814378
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Furrynomous 2020/09/08 17:22:26 No.1814379
Never mind.
Furrynomous 2020/09/08 21:55:35 No.1814455
Considering its a threesome Nick escapes getting cucked by a technicality.
Furrynomous 2020/09/09 21:03:29 No.1814824
Why is nick always a cuck in comics :(
Furrynomous 2020/09/09 21:20:09 No.1814827
And to think she was fired for less forms of insubordination.
Furrynomous 2020/09/09 21:45:21 No.1814835

Bogo fucks him on page 5.
Furrynomous 2020/09/09 22:01:57 No.1814840
Does judy get double stuffed, oh oracle?
Furrynomous 2020/09/09 22:29:33 No.1814848

Nah, Nick gets intimidated by Bogo and goes soft on page 3.
Furrynomous 2020/09/12 07:46:20 No.1815837
I need to echo this other person who commented here.

Why is Nick always a cuck in comics? To take it a step further, why is Judy always a complete slut?

And please don't say 'because rabbits'. The term 'fuck like bunnies' comes from how quickly they can reproduce due to their having so many babies at once, not that they're constantly in heat.

I know it's maybe a pointless nitpick in a fandom that seems increasingly based in sex. Nick probably gets treated like he does because of the furry concept of what a fox is. But it's still fuckin annoying sometimes with these two.
Furrynomous 2020/09/12 10:06:18 No.1815861
>why is Judy always a complete slut?
You could ask that about 95% of all females in furry porn comics.

Just imagine if peoples jimmies were always this rustled over comics involving Krystal, Renamon, Gumball's mom, Ratchet or wichever character is hot with furries. This board would be in a constant state of autistic meltdowns.
Furrynomous 2020/09/12 11:24:44 No.1815881

got any proof?

Edited at 2020/09/12 11:25:14
Furrynomous 2020/09/12 11:32:07 No.1815884

But thats just furries and the majority of them are self-indulgent degenerates who probably have major insecurity issues. I know thats not the case all the time its far more nuanced than that but it always seems the case.

Actual fans of those franchises actual know who the character is and doesn't draw them as a living blowup doll or just skins to satisfy their own sick fetish. Hence why there is a difference between the furry fandom and a fandom of a franchise that happens to involve furries.
Furrynomous 2020/09/12 11:36:54 No.1815886

Preaching to the fucking choir. Hence why I believe furries and people who in the zootopia fandom, or really any other fandom with a franchise involving anthropomorphic animals, are completely different from eachother.
Furrynomous 2020/09/12 11:52:35 No.1815887
adults who are "big fans" of something like Zootopia, a movie where most of the charm and creativity came from the setting/concept, rather then the characters and plot, are probably furry on a deeper level than people who just beat their meat to it as a fetish.

Regardless, the zootopia fandom is rather strange and fanatic compared to anything else here. They are also very unimaginative considering the comics are either Wildehops soaps or Nick getting cucked, and Wildehops isn't even canon in the first place.
Furrynomous 2020/09/12 14:11:34 No.1815922

Ok 1: Nick getting cucked is not part of the Zootopia fandom, those are the degenerate furries who used them as skins. 2: And this is rather subjective, and a bit biased but all the Wildehopps soaps are rather the opposite of unimaginative, there are Wildehopps AUs if you want varsity. If yoi want unimaginative, just go the the furry fandom, its the same self indulgent almost narcissistic crap all based on insecurities. All of them are either hedonistic sluts ot gary/mary sues. 3 The Zootopia are not as bad as those other fandoms, the Steven Universe fandom is far worse and I don't want to go back to the furry fandom but they seem to have a problem with kid diddlers in the ranks.
Furrynomous 2020/09/12 14:12:19 No.1815923
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And 4......
Furrynomous 2020/09/12 19:27:41 No.1816009
Wel i guess this thread has already gone of the rails.

Edited at 2020/09/12 19:30:44
Furrynomous 2020/09/12 20:38:21 No.1816066
Oh great. Another Zootopia comic with Nick and Judy in it. I swear, it feels like everyone will lose their shit at anything an artist will put them through that isn't the audience's overly specific needs. It's always them being "out of character" from the movie and that they're "a couple." It's like every time a third character appears or whenever Judy acts like a dom, everyone wants to scream and hang the artist.
Furrynomous 2020/09/13 04:44:17 No.1816188
People have argued that cuck should go to the basement, but they're wrong. It's not cuck that needs to go away, it's zootopia fanatics that always derail shit, it's even worse then MLP shit back in the day at this point.
Furrynomous 2020/09/13 07:06:24 No.1816224
says the guy that's derailing shit right now.
If I don't like the comic and give a detailed explanation what I find wrong with the portrayal of characters, may it be visual design or the displayed character traits, MY CONVERSATION IS ABOUT THE COMIC.

some zelous idiot white-knighting the artist by calling the zootopia fans names and trying to nullify criticism by untrue claims like "zootopia fans derail the threads" are the ones doing more damage.

Porn comics are art, art can be criticized, people like criticizing stuff. That would be the end of it. You attacking people personally for criticizing stuff is that derails the conversation and creates walls of texts.
I don't like the comic and I will voice that, I don't reply to the praising comments, I just share my view!
You like the comic? praise it, stop replying to the negative comments, share your view ON THE COMIC not on other people's opinions!
Furrynomous 2020/09/13 18:44:29 No.1816465
When you're against cuckolding but never had a gf
Furrynomous 2020/09/15 12:41:52 No.1817227
Were it so easy...

But for real now, Zootopia should be put into basement, I haven't seen any furry porn of a specific franchise in the normal category, Zootopia seems to be the next MLP in the furry threads on here, it's much better off in the basement since 1: It's a giant franchise and would be much easier for me and others who love it to find comics/works belonging to that world like it is for MLP, and 2: It also pleases people getting butthurt about seeing cuck content on the main page. It's a win-win on all sides here tbh, don't see why it hasn't yet been done


Have a cookie!
Furrynomous 2020/09/15 19:01:19 No.1817410
If we were going to put Zootopia away it would've been a year or two ago. Kinda looks like it's on the downswing now, but if a sequel happened on Disney+ or something you might see a reason for it to go in the basement.

In the meantime we can hide threads.
Furrynomous 2020/09/16 09:25:08 No.1817650
not gonna lie, putting zoot in the basement won't stop the complaining. I'm on 5 zoot fan-groups each with around 50 members, and nobody likes/posts these cuck/cheating comics.

only thing that would stop the complaining is putting cuck into the basement, I personally wouldn't follow it there and wouldn't complain anymore
Furrynomous 2020/09/17 01:21:45 No.1818009
Well then do that and save me the trouble of having to look for furry cuck content :D
Furrynomous 2020/09/17 10:28:07 No.1818163

Just so you understand, my 'jimmies aren't rustled'. This is, as you say, way more common in the furry fandom than just for Zootopia. It's a concept I dislike in general, but I was and still am curious as to why it happens so often.

I'm pretty sure it has to do with the need to go against the characters base portrayal. Like you mentioned, characters like Renamon, Krystal, Freya from FF 9 and so on all tend to be smart, tough, independent types, or to be shown to be loyal to a single person, like Freya's attachment to Sir Fratley. This always gets in the way of people's desire to see them as mindless cumdumpsters or whorish freaks who can't resist the sight of a dick. Hell, even Nick gets this treatment from the gay side of the community.

I didn't ask that question just to start an argument (like I apparently did). I had hoped more for discussion, which I should have known better than to expect here. xD

I *do* get tired of seeing my favorite characters put through the Furry Conversion Factory though, such as the time I was exposed to someone drawing a comic of Spyro and Cynder being raped, hung, gutted and burned by people who claimed they did it 'because we're their greatest fans and wanted to do something to them in a way that would make it impossible for anyone else to follow up on'.

I LIKE Judy and Nick porn. I don't think that it only has to be just the two of them; and sexually active adult is gonna want to experiment with stuff from time to time. I just dislike how badly people tend to distort their personalities in order to get to that across.
Furrynomous 2020/09/17 13:18:57 No.1818285
>Hell, even Nick gets this treatment from the gay side of the community.

It's almost as if people are simply interested in porn about these characters.
Furrynomous 2020/09/20 04:34:34 No.1819447
It's a fucking porn comic about Disney cartoon characters you babbling manchild. If you feel bad about it that says more about how pathetic you are than about anyone who drew it or who enjoys it. Just jerk off to it or ignore the thread, Christ, you people are fucking fragile.
Furrynomous 2020/09/20 07:40:58 No.1819476
Some y'all need to take the comic's title as advice and just take some time off from here. I swear more and more this place is becoming the next 4chan
Furrynomous 2020/09/20 08:09:46 No.1819496
>jimmies aren't rustled
>proceeds to write a paragraph.

Just stop.
Furrynomous 2020/09/24 04:58:50 No.1821771
it's a "fan-comic" based on some of our favorite franchise you short-tempered neckbearded couch potato.

If this comic invites the zootopia fans with zootopia theme, we are allowed to tell our opinion on it. If you just want to jack off go to fucking porn hub
Furrynomous 2020/09/24 12:51:34 No.1821861
>Read porn comics
>complain the characters act like pornstars

Get a fucking reality check.
Furrynomous 2020/09/24 13:45:12 No.1821872

You seem to be getting really upset about people discussing the subject matter of the posts. What's the matter? Is thinking about stuff too difficult for you, or have you just discovered that you can lie when an adult site asks your age?
Furrynomous 2020/09/24 15:03:28 No.1821893
>I'm not irrationally mad, you're irrationally mad
oh buoy.
Furrynomous 2020/09/24 19:44:28 No.1821960
Can we please just get back to posting the pages?
Furrynomous 2020/09/25 09:14:52 No.1822099
I'm just calling you retarded, that's a purely neutral statement.
Fyi, multiple people here are doing that, there is no samefaggin going on here.
Furrynomous 2020/09/26 01:22:17 No.1822430
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Furrynomous 2020/09/27 16:23:55 No.1823261
Yeah, we get it, you're a manbaby who projects onto children's cartoons to live through vicariously.

Fortunately you don't get to play petty tyrant and dictate who gets to draw what, so cry more, pathetic flaming homosexual.
Furrynomous 2020/09/27 22:32:26 No.1823353
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Furrynomous 2020/11/08 19:57:05 No.1845001
Any updates?
Furrynomous 2020/12/05 10:59:02 No.1859504
Furrynomous 2021/01/07 09:51:27 No.1876710
any updates?
Furrynomous 2021/06/27 16:22:16 No.1970640
Anyone wondering for updates on this, the artist officially quit being a furry artists and is no longer active in the community since last year November.
Sad to never know where this comic could've gone, but that's life.

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