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File: 001_284_u18chan.jpg - (432.03kb, 1250x2100, 001.jpg) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pretend I'm Her Furrynomous 2020/09/26 18:12:30 No.1822767   
By Siroc
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Furrynomous 2020/09/26 18:17:54 No.1822771
The perfect plan make him realize who he really should be with, with absolutely no ulterior motives or secret romantic intentions.
Furrynomous 2020/09/26 18:20:38 No.1822774
The purest of all intentions.
Furrynomous 2020/09/26 20:11:39 No.1822836
That's a total new type of Wingman for me but technically she helps him getting laid so seems legit
Furrynomous 2020/09/26 22:07:06 No.1822923
good so far
Furrynomous 2020/09/26 23:42:52 No.1822953
Siroc is my hero.
Furrynomous 2020/09/27 00:35:43 No.1822971

You need better heros
Furrynomous 2020/09/27 02:12:35 No.1822994
Good setup, good dialogue. Looks promising.
Furrynomous 2020/09/27 02:30:44 No.1823001
If I had a wingman I could fuck I would just make them my FWB instead and forget about dating
Furrynomous 2020/09/27 06:12:36 No.1823076
FWB relations rarely last long in the first place, not always worth it.
Furrynomous 2020/09/27 07:50:23 No.1823099
Siroc has this one chance being wholesome, will he take it?
Furrynomous 2020/09/27 15:08:44 No.1823246
lol, of course not, but it'll still be fun to watch what he comes up with
Furrynomous 2020/09/27 23:42:57 No.1823370
Ciroc taking post nut clarity to another level
Fur-evermore 2020/10/29 00:27:01 No.1839320
I hope by the enf of this comic, Haida goes for ethier Fenneko or Inui. Anyone other than Retsuko
Furrynomous 2020/10/29 08:21:13 No.1839478
File: HainekoSep2020P2WIP_u18chan.png - (1.32mb, 1250x2100, HainekoSep2020P2WIP.png)
WIP of page 2
Furrynomous 2020/10/29 14:26:45 No.1839716
This is the comic we need
Furrynomous 2020/11/15 06:16:26 No.1848162
Another dead Siroc comic. Great =_=
Furrynomous 2020/11/15 10:42:37 No.1848249
Dead? It literally just started.
Furrynomous 2020/11/15 11:03:46 No.1848262
Probably dead because is dead.

Ain't gonna get any more content from Patreon stuff on here anymore.
Furrynomous 2020/11/15 12:02:14 No.1848307

Well given the serve lack of adultery or cheating/NTR, not surprised this didn't last long given how nice this would have been from the usual. Oh well.
Furrynomous 2020/11/15 16:29:24 No.1848478
Siroc mentioned he would continue this comic in earnest once the Nick/Mrs. Otterson's is finished.
Furrynomous 2020/11/15 16:58:32 No.1848487

Maybe folks will load it here directly.
Furrynomous 2020/11/15 20:23:06 No.1848561
So we'll need to wait for the public release like everyone else. ...What a nightmare?
Furrynomous 2020/11/15 21:20:55 No.1848583
It'll just go back to how it was before yp; people who are subscribed will post content.
Furrynomous 2020/11/15 23:47:07 No.1848674
What will happen is a sub will offer to email content to someone to de-watermark, someone will post a protonmail address, then nothing, then weeks later after a bunch of people ask for updates, someone else will offer to de-watermark and eventually will follow through.
Furrynomous 2020/11/17 04:18:29 No.1849349
File: computer-hacker-FBTTGH_u18chan.jpg - (105.91kb, 1300x956, computer-hacker-FBTTGH.jpg)

To be fair people get busy with real life and tend to forget that they even promised to do a thing on some random online image board. Also, due to the anonymous nature of the platform, you never know if the person you've been waiting all this time to follow up on something simply got banned for unrelated reasons.
Furrynomous 2020/11/19 00:00:12 No.1850213
File: PIH-2_u18chan.png - (1.7mb, 1250x2100, PIH - 2.png)

Furrynomous 2020/11/19 08:27:58 No.1850357

Finally an update. I was worried this comic was dead
Furrynomous 2020/12/02 19:04:02 No.1858148
The wip of page 3 is out!!! Xd
Furrynomous 2020/12/24 13:01:25 No.1869663
Furrynomous 2020/12/25 15:23:18 No.1870153
😓 i wanna know.
ae7hyr 2020/12/26 20:25:35 No.1870718
File: HainekoSep2020P3wip_u18chan.png - (1.52mb, 1250x2100, HainekoSep2020P3wip.png)
I got tired of waiting, so I got patreon myself
Furrynomous 2020/12/28 16:51:55 No.1871496
A legend
CrAzY bitCh xd 2020/12/30 09:53:58 No.1872340
File: fb7b09b4c587108db08055cb6a2f255b_u18chan.jpg - (45.8kb, 720x694, fb7b09b4c587108db08055cb6a2f255b.jpg)
Fucking siroc did that sketch about 4 months ago and he still hasn't done the fucking page!!! What the fuck is he doing!? UnU
Furrynomous 2020/12/30 11:47:30 No.1872387
Furrynomous 2020/12/31 01:23:50 No.1872808
Hey hey hey, ya te cargo el payaso
Furrynomous 2020/12/31 06:04:30 No.1872869
Lol los comentarios en español son mucho mejor que las peleas que pasan aqui, buena muchachos.
CrAzY bitCh xd 2020/12/31 06:34:27 No.1872878
Alv asi que si hay varios que hablan español aqui, es un placer estar con ustedes mis estimados caballeros xd
Furrynomous 2020/12/31 07:05:22 No.1872888
What's going on here, the Spanish inquisition?!?
Furrynomous 2020/12/31 07:08:38 No.1872889
File: Embedded Video
CrAzY bitCh xd 2020/12/31 10:08:16 No.1873092
We are is inevitable xd | Que viva el Spanish putooooo!!!!
Furrynomous 2020/12/31 10:49:46 No.1873108
File: maxresdefault_86_u18chan.jpg - (56.85kb, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)
I'm sorry, I don't speak mexican!
Big Smoke 2020/12/31 14:27:03 No.1873219
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Furrynomous 2020/12/31 17:45:53 No.1873298

estimados caballeros?
los amo bola de degenerados c:

but ok back to bussiness boys the rest of the users look at us funky, they did not expect quite the spanish inquisition
Furrynomous 2020/12/31 21:16:43 No.1873442
I wish you all happy new year from Argentina then, señores
CrAzY bitCh xd 2020/12/31 22:46:40 No.1873481
File: a92cad6b501e304d1815faf886efc0e7_u18chan.jpg - (31.92kb, 480x296, a92cad6b501e304d1815faf886efc0e7.jpg)
Gracias buen hombre, yo tambien espero que tengan un feliz año todos ustedes 😎👌
Furrynomous 2021/01/01 03:38:31 No.1873576
File: AFLAC_u18chan.png - (63.18kb, 457x403, AFLAC.png)

Furrynomous 2021/01/02 14:18:26 No.1874301
>What's going on here, the Spanish inquisition?!?
And now you realize that the internet isn't just US.
Furrynomous 2021/01/02 17:16:27 No.1874397
No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Furrynomous 2021/01/06 21:13:50 No.1876472
File: stonks_u18chan.png - (98.07kb, 275x206, stonks.png)
Page 3 is finally out!!!
Kiba the Messenger 2021/01/07 01:24:50 No.1876540
File: c20_u18chan.png - (492.56kb, 640x574, c20.png)
Furrynomous 2021/01/07 02:15:21 No.1876550
File: PretendImHer3_u18chan.png - (1.6mb, 1250x2100, PretendImHer3.png)

Furrynomous 2021/01/07 10:23:04 No.1876721
>You can bareback me, dude

Where do I find friends like this? I need to know...
Furrynomous 2021/01/07 10:36:07 No.1876727

A best friend won't necessarily let you go in bareback.

But count your blessings if they do. <3
Furrynomous 2021/01/07 11:09:17 No.1876733
Fuck this is hot, if only it didn't take 2 months for every new page :(
Furrynomous 2021/01/07 14:25:34 No.1876846
A decade back I had a chick friend that let me bareback her. Goddamn do I ever miss her, haha.
Furrynomous 2021/01/08 01:39:18 No.1877080
Get a vasectomy. Even in the US with decent insurance its pretty cheap. Some of the best $100 ive ever spent tbh.
Furrynomous 2021/01/08 02:23:55 No.1877090

now that Operation Housecall is finished, it will probably be faster.
Furrynomous 2021/01/10 12:20:04 No.1878340
Awwww yeaaahh
Operation Housecall ending coming up >>:DDD
CrAzY bitCh xd 2021/01/12 07:59:53 No.1879545
New WIP is out!!! ;) xd
ae7hyr 2021/01/12 10:33:35 No.1879603
File: HainekoSep2020P4wip_u18chan.png - (1.3mb, 1250x2100, HainekoSep2020P4wip.png)

Big Smoke 2021/01/15 07:21:59 No.1881358
New page is out...WTF!!!! 7u7
ae7hyr 2021/01/15 08:40:24 No.1881378
File: PretendImHer4_u18chan.png - (1.34mb, 1250x2100, PretendImHer4.png)

Furrynomous 2021/01/17 03:37:41 No.1882406
Loleksy 2021/01/17 12:44:50 No.1882584
There's something mesmerising when artists keep character's eyes full black, just like the original Fenneko or Retsuko. Love it!
CrAzY bitCh xd 2021/01/20 07:15:31 No.1884701
New WIP is out!!! Bv
Furrynomous 2021/01/20 19:44:46 No.1885034
File: 1c4f2fc9550e2aab02ceb6516c366a9f_u18chan.jpg - (15.36kb, 311x301, 1c4f2fc9550e2aab02ceb6516c366a9f.jpg)
I confirm, a new WIP has come out!!! UwU
Furrynomous 2021/01/20 23:59:24 No.1885128
shut the fuck up with your uwu crap
Furrynomous 2021/01/21 13:41:30 No.1885394
Mad? UwU
Furrynomous 2021/01/21 17:56:53 No.1885534
OwO no need to be so wude
ae7hyr 2021/01/24 20:22:31 No.1887174
File: PretendImHer5WIP_u18chan.png - (874.77kb, 1250x2100, PretendImHer5WIP.png)

Furrynomous 2021/01/25 22:16:54 No.1887703
File: 79347b6ac73278a126e6587f487494e6_u18chan.jpg - (131.79kb, 828x1034, 79347b6ac73278a126e6587f487494e6.jpg)
New page is ouuuuuut!!! Woooooo C:
Furrynomous 2021/01/26 08:51:14 No.1888074
actually its the same god
Furrynomous 2021/01/26 09:01:38 No.1888077

A lot of people dont know or forget that Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are all Abrahamic religions.
Same god just different religions that split apart from each other.
Furrynomous 2021/01/26 10:54:58 No.1888121
Well that and different perceptions on the prophet of/for God.
Christianity follows jesus as the son of God and his word/acts....islam follows the prohet Mohammad
Furrynomous 2021/01/26 11:18:53 No.1888136
File: PretendImHer5_u18chan.png - (1.75mb, 1250x2100, PretendImHer5.png)

Furrynomous 2021/01/26 16:00:54 No.1888243

"only focus on yourself" is the absolute worst advice to give someone who is trying to be good at sex, lmao
Furrynomous 2021/01/26 16:17:03 No.1888248
She doesn't want him to get distracted and go limp.
Furrynomous 2021/01/26 16:44:31 No.1888263
Yes but she's not trying to teach him how to have sex, she's trying to get him to be more assertive (in her own method.) I think it's easy to infer that the situation here is entirely character driven and not a universal teaching lesson.

Edited at 2021/01/26 17:06:49
Furrynomous 2021/01/26 18:17:45 No.1888305
you've finally figured out the plot, she just wants to fuck him. It's painfully obvious in the series that fenneko is interested in Haida. There is also a very good chance she's satisfied simply because it is him.
Furrynomous 2021/01/27 02:14:14 No.1888471
my bet is either Fenneko and Haida falling in love at the end of this comic and shacking up or Fenneko having strong feelings and despair over Haida choosing Retsuko. either way she is falling for him hard now
Furrynomous 2021/01/27 02:33:58 No.1888495
It's Siroc. We all know where this is going to go.
Furrynomous 2021/01/27 18:44:20 No.1888837
I wish I knew why this keeps happening. It feels like a trend that started in 2010.
Furrynomous 2021/01/27 19:25:44 No.1888851
There's no 'plot' here to figure out here anon, it's been laid out for us since the first panel.

Edited at 2021/01/27 19:26:04
Furrynomous 2021/01/28 10:12:40 No.1889108

Don't worry yourself, that's exactly how girls work - they're all straight to-the-point, no ulterior motives, no alternate reasons behind what they do. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise - they're as straight-forward as another one of your bros.

Edited at 2021/01/28 10:13:03
Furrynomous 2021/01/28 14:56:45 No.1889260
her ulterior motive is she wanted to get boned. Shocking.
Furrynomous 2021/01/28 14:57:12 No.1889261

Heh, Yeah.
Furrynomous 2021/01/30 15:45:32 No.1890554
Correct, her most apparent motive is "I want to help you get better at sex", the most obvious ulterior motive is "I want sex". There's also a potential of other motives too, but those are all speculative depending on who you personally ship with who.
Furrynomous 2021/01/30 21:15:32 No.1890709
File: 151513543154_u18chan.png - (75.74kb, 500x300, 151513543154.png)
>wants to help him get better at sex
>Now, it's important to remember not to kiss me, rub my tits, finger me or eat me out. Just shove it in after I blow you and do whatever you want
Furrynomous 2021/01/30 21:55:35 No.1890726

>In fact, don't touch me anywhere but on my hips, as the rest of my body is completely devoid of sensation and exists solely as an intricate casing for my vagina.
Furrynomous 2021/01/30 22:28:12 No.1890745

I think her point is that Haida hasn't had pussy in too long and it's making him not think straight. She is just doing a hommie a solid to clear his head.
Furrynomous 2021/01/31 01:08:57 No.1890799
women just offer you sex for no reason, they just tell you to pretend they're the girl you're obsessed with. Astroturfing aside, fenneko is best girl and I still don't know how he doesn't see what she's after.
Furrynomous 2021/01/31 04:06:12 No.1890881
All this talk about ulterior motives and emotions. I feel like some of you guys never had a FWB or been used as a platonic rebound. To a lot of women sex isn't as big of a deal as you think it is.
Furrynomous 2021/01/31 12:08:50 No.1891073
consent forms.
Furrynomous 2021/01/31 14:01:01 No.1891108
Speaking from personal experience, there are women who wouldn't fuck me if it was a romantic thing. The very same women would fuck me when I reframed it as friends with benefits.

If this simple trick also works for you, it probably means that you're not a good long term prospect for success... Lord knows I'm not.
Furrynomous 2021/01/31 17:39:47 No.1891168
I've never heard of an attractive, mentally healthy woman being able to have sex without any emotional attachment.

Listen here boys, if she's cute and putting out without getting clingy, she had some shit happen when she was younger.
Furrynomous 2021/01/31 18:02:30 No.1891179
I've never heard of an attractive, mentally healthy woman being able to have sex without any emotional attachment.

Listen here boys, if she's cute and putting out without getting clingy, she had some shit happen when she was younger.

How red pill are you dude? Cause known plenty and been with plenty to call BS on that statement... maybe rethink the fact that people enjoy sex and don't need an emotional attachment?
Furrynomous 2021/02/01 20:01:10 No.1891851

I vote against you, so we're tallied at 2 votes.
Furrynomous 2021/02/01 20:10:56 No.1891854

Listen here, boys: That guy is an idiot and a douchebag.
Furrynomous 2021/02/02 00:55:23 No.1891975

I'll throw in vote number 3, I've had 2 FBS and they never caught feelings.

Also talking about being "red pill" unironically is a big yikes.
Furrynomous 2021/02/02 01:25:51 No.1891982
someone needs to use quotes in this >_>

that said, can't tell if someone's just trolling or young/naive. Mentally healthy women can, and do, experience the same damn things a mentally healthy man can. Which means they run the gamut between needing an emotional attachment, to just wanting to bang, no strings attached. Thinking anything less is a lil creepy and kinda sexist.
Furrynomous 2021/02/02 01:52:27 No.1892006

I've encountered enough red pill douchebros to believe >>1891168 is both naive and serious. The number of insecure edgelords running around believing women who enjoy sex are damaged is ridiculous.

Has nothing to do with the fact that those women won't sleep with them specifically, of course, oh no.

Edited at 2021/02/02 01:53:08
Furrynomous 2021/02/02 06:08:11 No.1892125
Why is this even a debate, on a non-discussion forum? Take it to discussion please. This is a good comic, take your incel bs out of here.
Furrynomous 2021/02/02 16:21:33 No.1892407
You seriously lack some life-experience and probably need to get off self-rightious incel/MGTOW/red pill/yada yada forums.

Not getting emotionally connected during sex isn't a big deal, even if you do like someone you can "program" yourself not to get attached if you know it wouldn't work out. Why would that be different for women?

Similar to the comic, i actually was asked to be a rebound by one of my best girl-friends at the time. Really fucking weird if you already know them long-term though.
Furrynomous 2021/02/02 17:12:00 No.1892419
The irony is there’s prolly way more of those type of dudes, who feel their owed sex and just care about getting off themselves, on the left. How many times have ‘male feminists’ been discovered to be harassers, abusers, or assaulters?
Furrynomous 2021/02/02 18:11:44 No.1892438
File: 1593925869169_u18chan_u18chan.jpg - (36.47kb, 245x239, 1593925869169_u18chan.jpg)
New wip is out!!!! I guess...
Furrynomous 2021/02/07 21:17:59 No.1895287
Furrynomous 2021/02/08 22:43:01 No.1895983
File: FB_IMG_1580004575090_u18chan.jpg - (53.56kb, 899x1081, FB_IMG_1580004575090.jpg)
New page is out Bv
Furrynomous 2021/02/08 23:38:34 No.1896131
thanks good to know
Furrynomous 2021/02/09 01:15:27 No.1896157
Dude stop.
Furrynomous 2021/02/09 09:53:45 No.1896326

well? post it then.
Furrynomous 2021/02/10 12:31:13 No.1897034
File: e40da7fac696fc03f77819acb3b05cf7_u18chan.jpg - (60.27kb, 750x741, e40da7fac696fc03f77819acb3b05cf7.jpg)

I wish all your family die by corona UwU 2021/02/11 07:43:24 No.1897452
Post the fucking page bitcheeeees!!!...please .I.
Furrynomous 2021/02/11 16:45:46 No.1897657
It's $3 a month. People probably aren't going to post if theres a bunch of people demanding it. Kind of offputting. You're welcome to contribute the $3 though if you're so eager.
Furrynomous 2021/02/11 17:35:43 No.1897670
File: PretendImHer6_u18chan.png - (1.83mb, 1250x2100, PretendImHer6.png)

Furrynomous 2021/02/11 18:00:10 No.1897692
Furrynomous 2021/02/11 18:22:56 No.1897710
This is good shit. There's not nearly enough kissing in furry porn.
Furrynomous 2021/02/11 19:33:14 No.1897733
vanilla fans rejoice!

FWB degenerates get not-fucked lmao.
Ending prediction Fur_Rza 2021/02/11 20:27:48 No.1897766
I think the ending will go down like this:
After Haida & Fenneko finish, they go to work the next day. Haida tries asking Retsuko out but still doesn't have the confidence to. Fenneko makes fun of him for it but she eagerly & happily throws some his way, to rebuild the confidence.
Haida ask Retsuko out. She rejects him, and Fenneko swoops in to cushion the blow.
Furrynomous 2021/02/11 22:49:51 No.1897815
Where did her skirt go?
Furrynomous 2021/02/11 23:12:51 No.1897822
Good point. Still a sexy page. Thanks to whoever is posting these.
Furrynomous 2021/02/13 01:02:07 No.1898321
I guess you could say her disappearing skirt needs to be .... a`ddressed!

Furrynomous 2021/02/13 04:58:09 No.1898367
more or less, and by the looks in her expression in the 4th and 6th panel she is falling so hard for him now, hopefully Haida ignores the Retsuko sidequest and just stays with Fenneko now.
Furrynomous 2021/02/13 21:12:59 No.1898851
I always hoped they'd actually explore that in the series, but I guess best wingman Fenneko is close enough.
Furrynomous 2021/02/13 23:30:59 No.1898898
Fenneko >>>>>>Retsuko
Furrynomous 2021/02/24 16:43:31 No.1903990
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Furrynomous 2021/02/24 22:54:04 No.1904119
Someone's catching feelings
Furrynomous 2021/02/25 10:15:27 No.1904226
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Furrynomous 2021/02/25 14:40:42 No.1904332

Whatever happens, this better the hell not end in heartbreak for Fenneko.
Furrynomous 2021/02/25 19:21:04 No.1904442

I hate haida so much for not even noticing her, she's obviously after it in the series but he chases that hoe any way.
Furrynomous 2021/02/25 23:58:19 No.1904505
It's the sad fate stereotype of the other girl to be the rebound relationship in the end
Furrynomous 2021/02/26 08:24:44 No.1904588
at least it's a rebound, could be the even sadder reality of " I just watched the girl I like fuck three different men, get a child from each one and surprisepikachuface when none of them stay. "
Furrynomous 2021/02/26 09:09:43 No.1904595
is this really how shippers look at shows?
Furrynomous 2021/02/26 10:05:53 No.1904603
Welcome to the internet where everyone is right, you are wrong and your shipping is bad and only 'mine' is good!

Yeah having moded for a fanfiction site most of them are kinda go 'Reeeeeeeee!' whenever their ship doesn't add up or work out.
Furrynomous 2021/02/26 12:37:50 No.1904659

No just keep this thread clear of cuck and we a have a winner winner chicken dinner comic from siroc.

Or he will ruin it
Furrynomous 2021/02/26 13:26:03 No.1904686
I could go for some chicken nuggets right about now. To the microwave!
Furrynomous 2021/02/26 16:12:15 No.1904772

Get back here, Leeroy! You're gonna miss the raid plan!
Furrynomous 2021/02/26 16:38:03 No.1904825
My man, have some respect for yourself! Use a toaster oven
Furrynomous 2021/02/26 17:36:31 No.1904853
File: George-Foreman-meme_u18chan.png - (197.95kb, 400x356, George-Foreman-meme.png)
Don't got a toaster oven. Got a George Foreman grill though
Furrynomous 2021/02/27 04:45:40 No.1905066
mostly virgin neckbeards here it seems with zero experience
Furrynomous 2021/02/27 06:08:35 No.1905073

Takes one to know one
Furrynomous 2021/02/27 10:48:17 No.1905139
Furrynomous 2021/02/27 10:53:10 No.1905140

Thats an old saying "takes one to know one"

Edited at 2021/02/27 10:53:32
Furrynomous 2021/02/27 11:00:07 No.1905142

I am an alcoholic, and i can spot any other alcoholic pretty easy. that is what "takes one to know one" means
Furrynomous 2021/02/27 11:32:39 No.1905145
Imagine shrieking this out at the thought of monogamous love.

Trad is truly a rebel in todays world, all hail Trad.
Furrynomous 2021/02/27 17:48:33 No.1905341

So like...only an alcoholic can identify another alcoholic, and a former alcoholic cannot identify a current alcoholic?
Furrynomous 2021/02/27 18:12:41 No.1905353

You're thinking about this way too hard.
Furrynomous 2021/03/02 10:13:38 No.1906946
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New WIP is out woooooo <3
Furrynomous 2021/03/02 16:30:17 No.1907092
Um... You want to try again there?
Furrynomous 2021/03/02 23:17:57 No.1907194

Nono... They've got a good point.
Furrynomous 2021/03/05 09:12:20 No.1908457
Furrynomous 2021/03/06 22:56:06 No.1909647
Yep, new page is out my friends <3
Furrynomous 2021/03/07 01:04:03 No.1909686
Kinda looking forward to the conflictive drama that's brewing in this storyline, should be interesting!
Furrynomous 2021/03/07 02:20:26 No.1909735
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Furrynomous 2021/03/07 09:00:55 No.1909827
Haida's face is so cute.
Furrynomous 2021/03/07 12:46:01 No.1909891
She's going to get pregnant, she'll then leave to live outside the city. Haida and Retsuko are finally dating. Haida is on the phone with Fenneko telling her how amazing his relationship with Retsuko is. And it will cut with a frame of a pregnant Fenneko.
Furrynomous 2021/03/07 16:41:06 No.1909977
Cynicism in the sad but true sense. Drama tropes exist because they're relatable, and some variation of them happen. The realness underneath it all makes the writing believable.

It's by design that Haida and Retsuko are perfect for each other, with the same interests and a similar amount of anxiety. The only difference between them is Haida is the realistic one concerning all things except Retsuko. Retsuko imagines there is more purpose and meaning ahead for her, and her angry song sessions exist because she is continually disappointed.
Furrynomous 2021/03/09 14:18:33 No.1910958
>It's by design that Haida and Retsuko are perfect for each other, with the same interests and a similar amount of anxiety.
1. Haida and Retsuko were not meant for each other. Retsuko was barely even in his radar until she gave him mixed signals for a joke in season 1. The writers saw a chance for cheap drama and have been exploiting Haida since then. Season 3 tried to retcon it badly and made everything worse.
2. They don't have similar interests. The only thing they had in common was rock music, which was established AFTER they started shipping them (while downplaying hard the fact that Haida is supposed to be very interested in technology), and is now insignificant as the genres and reasons for liking it were made different for, again, cheap drama.
3. Retsuko was the ONLY thing that made Haida anxious and you can even blame the entire fuck up with Inui on Retsuko being a bad influence on Haida, inside and outside the story.
4. In case you missed it, it was heavily implied that Tadanno rigged the app to make it seem like Haida and Retsuko were compatible. Gori correctly assumed it would've shown the opposite and was right for thinking it made no sense. It was for some stupid lesson about how you can make things work if you really want it which is a horrible advice for real life and really just a set-up for more cheap drama.

There isn't just "one difference" between Retsuko and Haida. Not wanting to see them together is perfectly reasonable at this point.
Furrynomous 2021/03/10 01:19:10 No.1911216
Did they even watch the show. She tells him to pick Inui who is best girl.
btw Haida is a literal fucking retard for not picking her.
Furrynomous 2021/03/10 10:01:12 No.1911381
I love the double standards that people call Haida a "retard" for not choosing someone after knowing them for 2 months, but don't call out Retsuko for literally ignoring Haida for 5 years.

If anything this story should tell you is that you can't command yourself to love someone. Love isn't logical. Fenneco mocks Haida with the "choose Inui" because that's the rational choice if he wants an "easy simple life". But real love is not "easy" not "simple" and definitely not "rational".

Yeah, Inui deserved Haida because she was brave and open enough to make a move on him.
But Haida deserved Retsuko for the sheer patience and dedication he put into trying to get to know her despite her trying to always shut him and Fenneco out of her life.
Furrynomous 2021/03/12 05:50:59 No.1912413
>But Haida deserved Retsuko for the sheer patience and dedication

Haida is a creep. Obsession and clinging is a sign of mental issues, jealousy, entitlement, and Retsuko is well off to steer clear of him. Haida deserves nothing, because there's nothing you can give him. You can't force love: you can't choose to love someone and the attempt is simply pretending that you're in love for other motives.
Furrynomous 2021/03/12 06:09:39 No.1912447
Endgame: Fenneko is a soul eating demon that slowly consumes it’s prey after intercourse. The subject will die after a few months when they’re nothing more then a hollow shell of of meat.
Fur_rza 2021/03/13 21:39:22 No.1913278
File: Embedded Video
Aids in a nutshell.
Furrynomous 2021/03/13 22:07:36 No.1913286
It's amazing you say you can't choose to be in love, but also say that it's pretend on his part.

Haida hasn't attacked anyone verbally, he hasn't interfered with dates. Fenneko does all the cyber-stalking and Haida has even told her in one exchange that he'd rather she stop showing her that information.

He's chill and understanding, and even when the problems facing his love interest are other men, he's allowed her to vent to him instead of delivering some kind of ultimatum.

If that comes off as creepy, you have a problem with reciprocity and social obligation, and are likely a sociopath.
Furrynomous 2021/03/13 22:28:46 No.1913289
I'm on board, that's a Fenneko I can get behind!
Furrynomous 2021/03/13 23:21:39 No.1913308
Constantly trying for someone (so long boundaries are maintained) isn't creepy. You become a creep when you believe that you DESERVE their love purely for how you've treated them. That is by definition, being a true incel
Furrynomous 2021/03/14 00:19:50 No.1913325
"Incel" is involuntary celibate. Haida could have banged Inui. Easily. Incel isn't shorthand for "Behavior I don't like."
Furrynomous 2021/03/14 03:37:57 No.1913379
The "behavior i don't like" is the typical behavior of the men who coined the term incel in the first place to describe themselves, and gave themselves the excuse to be women haters.

Sound like Haida? No? Then get outta here ya incel
Furrynomous 2021/03/14 03:57:51 No.1913383
It's really not. You're just looking for a home for the insult. He is fuckable. He has fanboys and fangirls. He can get fucked if he wanted in universe. As stated previously, it is no better than calling someone a virgin. Especially since less than a few days pay can get you sex, so it's likely untrue. You should probably go back to reddit where people will just nod and give you awards for regurgitating stupidity.
Furrynomous 2021/03/14 10:09:50 No.1913499
>It's amazing you say you can't choose to be in love, but also say that it's pretend on his part.

1) I didn't say that. I said, if love is bought or traded, it can only be a pretense of love and not the real thing.
2) There's no contradiction here, only a confusion of obsession or lust with love.

It's like a young child who can't stop thinking about the piece of candy they were denied, because the denial itself is an insult to their solipsistic ego. That's what narcissism is about: you have an ego the size of a galaxy and everything you want, you think you should have - for any excuse if necessary. That's ultimately where the "deserve to be loved" sentiment comes from. The person just doesn't understand that they're asking for the moon when they're demanding love, because they don't even know what love feels like, they can't make the distinction between love and lust. They define the situation first and foremost through the frustration of being denied things they want, and think that the other person feels the same sort of deprivation of something that could be met in "social reciprocity" - but this is impossible.

When such a person reads a fictional account involving social relationships between characters, they have no ability to mentally role-play the different characters and instead simply place themselves into every character - rationalizing that every character should do exactly as they would have done in that situation. Worse still, if the person is also autistic, they may feel that every character should broadly speaking know what every other character knows, and often forget the fact that they have separate emotions, because the so-called "theory of other minds" in autism is underdeveloped.

So, rather than identify the situation of the story as it happens to be - in this case that Haida is a creep and Retsuko is just living her own separate life - they conclude that this character deserves to have that character, and all characters should follow suit to comply for the story to make sense.

The tension and the apparent paradox of why Haida can't get Retsuko is simply about the inability of the person to consider these characters as emotionally separate people. For everyone else, it's readily apparent why it can't happen, and why it won't happen: Retsuko simply does not love Haida, and Haida's actions simply push her further away because he's an obsessed creep.

Edited at 2021/03/14 10:31:16
Furrynomous 2021/03/14 11:02:09 No.1913519
Btw. consider sentiment in how MRAs or "incels" describe the situation when they're saying that they deserve women and love that is being held back by women.

Take the fundamental premise of deserving a partner. Would any woman do, or does she need to be at least a seven to qualify? This reveals the game: you don't really care who it is, because YOU are not in love with anyone - you just want the sex and the adoration. That's how a narcissist behaves, and that is why these people fail to attract partners. At some point the facade comes down and the woman is left with a problem of what to do with yet another "Pepe Le Pew".

Alternatively, they might be stuck-in nerds who project their own inability to meet women to be the fault of the women for not coming on to them. Well, considering the first problem described above with men who think they're nature's gift to anyone with a vagina, how do you think it would go?

Edited at 2021/03/14 11:05:01
Furrynomous 2021/03/14 11:03:20 No.1913520
His goal isn't to get laid, it's to win over retsuko. If he just wanted sex, he wouldn't be focused on 1 girl. He's a hopeless romantic.

You're the one who went out of the way to defend incels for seemingly no reason, unless...
Did I strike nerve?
Furrynomous 2021/03/14 11:40:52 No.1913537
>He's a hopeless romantic

The idea of the hopeless romantic was made up in medieval literature to excuse women having hang-around suitors to fuck with. It's a person with a highly sentimental and lofty understanding and expectations of love, who is obsessively attached to a single person. Note again: obsessively.

The difference with the hopeless romantic as a literary device is with how the other party responds to the love. The love may be hopeless because the other party is unavailable by some plot point, or it may be hopeless because they reject it. The first case is a classic romance story of maidens and castles, or maybe of manipulative women, while the second case is just the character being a creep.

In the real world, a person who can't take no for an answer doesn't get the title "hopeless romantic". They get a restraining order.

Edited at 2021/03/14 11:44:09
Furrynomous 2021/03/14 13:55:24 No.1913573
Just because something isn't your life experience, doesn't mean that you are an authority to say it's fake. There are a LOT of people in their 30s who are married happily, who didn't work as a couple in their 20s. This is exactly why there are phrases like "Settle down" and "Sow wild oats."

People often need to mature before they're ready for something other than Johnny Hotbody or Fanny FatTits.

The Greek spoke of 8 kinds of love. Seems you think that the tingly new person kind of love is the only kind of love that a relationship can blossom from. You're wrong.

I understand you're in college and they really try to grind into you that there is a drugged cocktail and a bill cosby around every corner. They tell you that you must yeet anyone that expresses any more intensity than Garth Algar, but I promise that isn't often a sign of predatory intention sweetie.

And there's a real simple way for anyone, man or woman, to deal with bothersome unwanted romantic attention from a friend. Stop being friends, stop hanging out. Now if they're such a dear friend that it's out of the question? Put up with it... because nobody is getting 100% what they want out of that relationship.
Furrynomous 2021/03/14 14:00:30 No.1913576
If you agree he isn't trying and failing to get laid, then you're using incel wrong and you fucking know it. It's not defending incels, it's expecting your ass to use words like they're intended.
Furrynomous 2021/03/14 19:15:45 No.1913673
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Furrynomous 2021/03/14 19:56:41 No.1913692

"I'm close fenneko.... we only have enough time for FIVE more positions!"

Like, still hot, but come on lmao
Furrynomous 2021/03/14 20:30:46 No.1913696
Did I ever call Haida an incel? No, I didn't. I said that he wasn't a creep.

What started this convo, was me calling out guys who fully believe they deserve a woman's affection because of how "nice" they are to her, and this guy got offended.

Edited at 2021/03/14 20:31:17
Furrynomous 2021/03/14 20:40:49 No.1913700
>men who coined the term incel in the first place to describe themselves
You're an idiot.
>MRAs or "incels" describe the situation when they're saying that they deserve women
You are a HUGE idiot.

Incel is simply a clever insult for people who can't get laid. By definition, a celibate "abstains from sexual intercourse", an INVOLUNTARY celibate does so against their desires. This shouldn't need to be explained... And how do you even come to the conclusion that MRAs are the same as incels? Do you seriously believe MRA is about getting the rights to fuck women? Did you find /r9k/ memes and took those seriously? Do you have shit for brains??
Furrynomous 2021/03/14 20:47:31 No.1913708
No, you idiot, they pointed out how the term has a strict definition that you ignored. Nobody is offended by you, we are in awe of your ignorance and stupidity.
Furrynomous 2021/03/14 21:23:36 No.1913724
This thread is going exactly as expected.
Furrynomous 2021/03/15 00:12:19 No.1913783
All incels can logically get laid, if they change their behavior. All of them.

Yes, including the one reading this very post. Seethe.
Furrynomous 2021/03/15 00:23:14 No.1913788
everyone getting pissy because someone basically described guys like Hal from Megamind as incels lol
Furrynomous 2021/03/15 01:50:16 No.1913832
Because they are. Living a life where you pursue someone for years is weird and creepy.

They hate to hear it because it's calling their version of 'true love' delusional stalker behavior (it is).
Furrynomous 2021/03/15 02:12:03 No.1913837
There you go again, using words you don't understand.
Furrynomous 2021/03/15 11:14:29 No.1913983
The term incel was coined by a woman to describe herself. It literally just means someone who isn't having sex but wants to. Anything else you're putting on that term is projection.
Furrynomous 2021/03/15 16:13:33 No.1914240
> how do you even come to the conclusion that MRAs are the same as incels?

I don't. That's you coming up with your own shit and arguing against it. The point is, they share some qualities and argue for the same sort of things. That's it.
Furrynomous 2021/03/15 16:43:30 No.1914282
> Anything else you're putting on that term is projection.

Words gain new meaning according to the people who use them. "Incel" was adopted by groups of men who describe themselves as involuntarily celibate mainly because of reasons involving women not giving them any, with the implication that they should. Calling someone an incel now means you're accusing them of being too self-entitled and oblivious or deluded to gain a meaningful romantic relationship or sex.
>... members of an online subculture who define themselves as unable to find a romantic or sexual partner despite desiring one.[1][2][3] Discussions in incel forums are often characterized by resentment, misogyny, misanthropy, self-pity and self-loathing, racism, a sense of entitlement to sex ...

The idea of the "hopeless romantic" also involves this kind of psychology, where the person hangs on to the belief that there is a person who is meant for them (romantic narcissism). Where they have identified such a person, they get fixated on the idea of having them instead of the actual person. The major difference between a hopeless romantic and an incel is that the latter has become cynical about the situation and starts to blame the object of their desire.
Furrynomous 2021/03/15 20:17:47 No.1914360
You most clearly and definitely DID and even did it again while denying it. Do you expect people to ignore the truth simply because you don't admit it? How are you still alive being this stupid?

>"Incel" was adopted by groups of men who describe themselves
>Calling someone an incel now means you're accusing them
Which one is it? I feel like talking to a fucking wall would be more productive.

Everyone ITT could stop being an incel yet you would still be wrong about Haida being an incel. Instead of wasting time with "sick burns", how about you stop being an imbecile so there is no need for these wothless "arguments" where all you can do is deflect? Don't like being wrong? Stop being wrong. As easy as your own suggestion.

>inbefore: "You didn't explain again why Haida isn't an incel so I don't care!"
Haida's problem isn't being unable to get laid or a romantic relationship, people in the show find him attractive in every way. His problem is being unable to get that specifically from Retsuko. He is like Gaston from Beauty And The Beast, he could have everything but ignores it for the one thing he can't have. He might have good intentions but he is still acting like a creep. His obsession is unreasonable and unhealthy for both of them, as others have pointed out inside and outside of the show. There is a big difference between courting a girl who is playing hard to get and being fixated on something that just isn't there.
Furrynomous 2021/03/15 21:32:20 No.1914393
Proof you're a reddit-tier normie buying the party line. No, the incels were a bunch of guys/girls that made peace with the fact they were unfuckable and spent their time together mocking normal sex lives and normal dating. They made fun of the normal dating world to alleviate their pain. But reddit decided to do what reddit does, and that is demonize people in a narrative to justify banning communities that don't follow socjus.

They're not wrong to point out that the idea that bringing personality to a relationship, and nothing else desirable, isn't enough to be loved. Love commands a higher price than just being yourself.
Furrynomous 2021/03/15 22:41:51 No.1914424
Christ can a mod nuke this for the love of sanity already?
Furrynomous 2021/03/16 01:19:58 No.1914468
File: Capture_104_u18chan.png - (923b, 74x38, Capture.PNG)

If I can direct you to a feature of this site, it's quite handy

Edited at 2021/03/16 01:20:38
Furrynomous 2021/03/16 09:36:09 No.1914620

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Furrynomous 2021/03/16 10:07:05 No.1914625
>You most clearly and definitely DID and even did it again while denying it

It seems you are trolling.

Do you require me to draw you a venn-diagram to show how groups of people can share qualities and arguments, and yet be different?

>Which one is it?

Again, don't play stupid. You aren't that autistic.
Furrynomous 2021/03/16 14:21:10 No.1914697
put a bun in her oven!
Furrynomous 2021/03/17 02:58:38 No.1914999
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To be a smartass, you first need to be smart.
Furrynomous 2021/03/19 18:37:38 No.1916859
Says the person who confuses "was" and "is", and asks "which is it?"
Furrynomous 2021/03/20 01:41:25 No.1917053
I mean he's pretending she's Retsuko, I'm sure he's got a whole backlog of positions he imagined banging her out in by now.
Furrynomous 2021/03/20 18:04:39 No.1917400
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You made no distinction between the adoption by those groups and you using the term to accuse them. How are we supposed to guess? If you don't clarify, others will assume you're still talking about the same thing, specially when you explain with opinions.
>because "was" and "is"
"They adopted a bunny. It is now called George." Imagine if this person got upset because you assumed THEY gave it the name George when in "fact" it is only said person who calls it George.
Furrynomous 2021/03/21 18:09:26 No.1917925
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Furrynomous 2021/03/21 18:18:03 No.1917936
>You are the first.
Lies women tell to boost a guys ego.
Furrynomous 2021/03/21 18:46:48 No.1917953
I don't think I've ever heard a more blatant lie.
Furrynomous 2021/03/21 18:54:40 No.1917959
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Furrynomous 2021/03/21 20:02:40 No.1917990
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So everyone is aware that you don't literally flood your cum inside a woman's cervix, why does every porn artist insist on depicting it that way.

And yes, I AM nitpicking a furry porn comic, My point still stands.
Furrynomous 2021/03/21 20:47:33 No.1918010
Furrynomous 2021/03/21 21:04:47 No.1918017

Same reason why porn stars fuck in ways that are otherwise impractical and uncomfortable: entertainment > realism.

What's funny to me is that artists will give these semen-spewing specimens giant nuts as way of showing how much manjuice they're making, when really it's the prostate doing the work of launching sperm into the world. It'd have to be massive to get that kind of distance, and I don't know any man who ever wants to be hear, "Wow, you have a giant prostate."
Furrynomous 2021/03/21 22:41:43 No.1918066
It's because this is all fantasy. Realism isn't fun, especially given how fast many popular animals ejaculate. Horse? 3 pump chump. Cat? 20 seconds if you're lucky. You couldn't even make a two page comic out of two bunnies fucking if it was realistic.
Furrynomous 2021/03/21 22:54:53 No.1918074
Sex feels way more intense than it would look if any of us had x-ray vision. And it's really difficult to visually represent the muscle contractions and nerve signals of an intense orgasm in a still image, so the seminal volume is used as a shorthand for that.

Or maybe furry people are more similar to animals and have wilder sex.
Furrynomous 2021/03/22 00:33:04 No.1918125

Yup. Even in irl porn, a lot of cumshots are simulated exactly for that reason.
Furrynomous 2021/03/22 17:59:09 No.1918417
Pornography is a caricature of sex.

When it's realistic, it's called erotica.
Furrynomous 2021/03/22 18:53:45 No.1918444
Everything in drawn/simplified art (comics, cartoons, etc.) has to be exaggerated a bit. Most people don't make expressions that extreme, either. It's all to make up for the limitations of the medium a little, in terms of impact.
Furrynomous 2021/03/23 07:05:43 No.1918664
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Somehow the comments devolved into this.
Furrynomous 2021/03/29 19:19:20 No.1922296
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Furrynomous 2021/03/29 19:43:32 No.1922308
please hook up please hook up please hook up please
Furrynomous 2021/03/29 19:59:35 No.1922313
Good Ending.
Furrynomous 2021/03/29 20:58:53 No.1922331
They just fucked each others brains out and he came inside her. How much more hooking up to you want?
Furrynomous 2021/03/29 22:36:05 No.1922353

Getting her knocked up in the office supply closet. -That's- how much more.
Fur_Rza 2021/03/29 23:13:22 No.1922366
Well he can always put a ring on it, to seal the deal.
Furrynomous 2021/03/30 03:22:19 No.1922448
Fenneko is a great friend with benefits, but hopefully Haida now has the confidence to get with Retsuko.
Furrynomous 2021/04/01 00:06:29 No.1923497
Fenneko has just demonstrated that she's clued-in, smart, caring without being cloying, and genuinely connected to him, not to mention sexy AF and a dynamite lover.

Hopefully Haida now has the common sense to realize he's got an amazing thing going right here and (mentally) kick both Retsuko and Inui to the curb.
Furrynomous 2021/04/01 00:48:06 No.1923507

Why not have all three.
Furrynomous 2021/04/01 03:15:01 No.1923535

This - and it'd be a first for Siroc to acknowledge some kind of interpersonal emotionality too. I'm on board <_<
Furrynomous 2021/04/03 11:07:58 No.1924693
Because that's retarded fanfic thinking. Won't work in real life.
Furrynomous 2021/04/03 20:29:42 No.1925095
I dunno dude. I've done fwb 3 times. Caught feels after a few rounds of sex each time and so did she.

Good luck defeating 10,000+ years of peer bonding evolutionary wiring.
Furrynomous 2021/04/03 20:36:07 No.1925097
RP doesn't count.
Furrynomous 2021/04/03 20:55:55 No.1925102
Lmao. "Not my experience, must be a lie." Histrionics much?
Furrynomous 2021/04/04 05:19:03 No.1925289
Done FWB with more than 3 people, including one of my best girl-friends at some point, never had a issue controlling my feelings. Ended up only dating one of those FWB's because she wasn't comfortable with casual, only dated a few months because weren't that compatible and still good friends.

Don't stick it to "evolution", just because you are a overly emotional mess.
Furrynomous 2021/04/04 08:33:40 No.1925352
Nah, pretty sure evolution has the stated goal of reproduction in there somewhere. Nobody said we can't rise above our base programming, but given how unsuccessful people are at it, that makes you the maverick and not the norm. Just like some people don't get addicted to cigarettes.

(Like 1 in 5 manage to lose weight and keep it off over 2 years.)

Edited at 2021/04/04 08:48:54
Furrynomous 2021/04/04 09:31:25 No.1925414
>Literally won't admit they can't control their own emotions but keep digging a hole blaming evolution.

Wow, this site gets more entertaining by the day.
Furrynomous 2021/04/04 11:34:22 No.1925493
> Just like some people don't get addicted to cigarettes.

About 3/4 don't, actually. We're finding that out as the smoking bans advance and people no longer have social reasons to smoke.

It's still high as a dependency, but most people are perfectly capable of kicking the habit without special interventions.

>Nah, pretty sure evolution has the stated goal of reproduction in there somewhere.

It doesn't work quite like that. Evolution by selection doesn't prevent new dead ends, because it has to generate variability to proceed, so it must also produce individuals that fail to reproduce to find those that are better at it. If evolution was sticking only to those tried-and-true versions, then the species would degenerate by accumulation of copying errors and lose functionality over time.

If evolution were capable of producing incrementally better versions by excluding their opposites directly, rather than by letting them fail on their own, then it should be conscious and god-like.

Edited at 2021/04/04 11:47:18
Furrynomous 2021/04/04 15:52:08 No.1925616
You do realise that people on the exact opposite side of this "fucking spectrum" like to use "evolution" aswel to justify sleeping around right?

"hurr durr, people are not wired to stick to one partner for the rest if their lives"
Furrynomous 2021/04/04 16:09:44 No.1925630
some of our closest evolutionary relatives fuck just for fun, or to strengthen bonds within members of the group, or to peacefully end disputes. There are also evolutionary benefits to same-sex sex and partnerships. Reproduction is not the only evolutionary purpose of sex

Edited at 2021/04/04 16:10:15
Furrynomous 2021/04/06 03:18:54 No.1926407
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Furrynomous 2021/04/06 16:28:56 No.1926788

Evolutionary benefits? That offset STDs and anal prolapse? I doubt it.
Furrynomous 2021/04/06 19:15:22 No.1926878
yeah because STDs and prolapsing are exclusive to gay sex lmfao
Furrynomous 2021/04/06 19:56:33 No.1926897
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WIP page 12
Furrynomous 2021/04/06 22:21:28 No.1926944
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Furrynomous 2021/04/06 22:49:51 No.1926947
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I'll just leave this here and slowly withdraw xd
Furrynomous 2021/04/06 22:59:26 No.1926952

I don't see a "end" hmmmm...7u7
Furrynomous 2021/04/07 05:56:15 No.1927130
Wait, so he has a gf who is "Everything he'll ever want" but still has the hots for another girl.
Then he dumped his "perfect" gf and got turned down by the other girl.. this guy has a small brain but is lucky he has a big dick otherwise he would be the biggest and well deserved loser in this comic.
Furrynomous 2021/04/07 07:41:36 No.1927164
Technically there must be something missing in that relationship otherwise you wouldn't want another relationship
Furrynomous 2021/04/07 12:59:45 No.1927250

Ok he did say the last sex he had was a couple years but i think that wasn't the problem.

If it was a woman this would be standart behavior to leave the "perfect" man for another.
Furrynomous 2021/04/07 16:44:13 No.1927356
I think its just bad dialogue since I thiiiiink Siroc isn't a native English speaker. In the show, he turns down the other doggo to pine for Retsuko which I think is what is being refered to.

So it should be "Turned down..." not "broke up with..."
Furrynomous 2021/04/09 22:40:36 No.1928741

Siroc posted on twitter this was the last page
Furrynomous 2021/04/09 23:46:05 No.1928756

Well that's anticlimactic.
Furrynomous 2021/06/21 18:24:04 No.1967669
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